What minerals are mined in the Kuban. Minerals of the Krasnodar region. Brief description of resources

Bosom Krasnodar region rich in various minerals. More than 50 species have been discovered. They mainly occur in foothill and mountainous areas; But there are a lot of them in the steppe parts. These are non-metallic minerals (oil, gas), the formation of which is associated with sedimentary deposits of ancient seas. Oil is produced in Abinsky, Apsheronsky, gas - in Kanevsky, Leningradsky and other areas.

The reserves of minerals, especially oil, natural gas, and marl, are very large and are of national importance. In the Novorossiysk region, for example, the mountains consist of cement marl. It stretches in giant layers from the village of Verkhne-Bakanskoye, along the Black Sea coast to Sochi. Marl serves as the main raw material for the production of cement, without which no construction project can be completed.

Gasoline and other products are obtained from oil.

The cheapest raw materials for the chemical industry are natural gas and oil. From gas you can obtain materials for the manufacture of machine parts, knitwear, fabrics, fur, and shoes.

Kuban has huge reserves of all types of minerals needed for construction. There are inexhaustible deposits of granite, marble, limestone, sandstone, gravel, gravel-sand mixture, quartz sand and other so-called non-metallic building materials, which are successfully used for foundations, walls, building cladding, and are also used in the construction of highways.

Limestones were discovered near the village of Varenikovskaya, the village of Verkhne-Bakanskoye and in other places in the foothills. They are suitable for the cement, metallurgical and glass industries, and for the production of lime. In the vicinity of the cities of Gulkevichi and Kropotkin there is gravel and sand. They are necessary for making concrete and building roads.

Marble and copper ores were discovered in the Krasnaya Polyana region (Sochi), copper pyrite, and graphite were discovered in the upper reaches of the Mzymta River. Deposits of coal, iron ore, silver were found in the basins of the Laba and Belaya rivers, rock salt near the village
Shchedok. In combination with the nearby reserves of high-quality limestone and natural gas, the Shedokskoye field can become a large base for organizing the production of caustic and soda ash, liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid and other products, as well as table food and feed (for livestock) salt.

There are apatite ores in the Laba River basin. This is a valuable raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizers. The serpentinite rock also lies here. Its deposits stretch for 15-20 km, sometimes reaching the surface. Serpentinite is an almost ready-made fertilizer, mainly for beet plantations.

The yield of sugar beets and other crops can also be increased by using microfertilizers, for example manganese ore. Its huge reserves have been discovered in the foothills of the Caucasus.

Near the village of Sennoy, Temryuk district, molding sand is mined, which is supplied to metallurgical plants in the south of our country; near the village of Varenikovskaya - quartz sand. The Krasnodar Glass Factory uses this raw material.

In the Tuapse region, near the highway leading to Novorossiysk, there is a rich deposit of cinnabar. This is a red mineral - mercury sulphide.

In the vicinity of Khadyzhensk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, and the villages of Akhtyrskoye and Chernomorskoye, oil explorers discovered sources of healing mineral waters. Slavyano-Troitskaya mineral water contains rich reserves of iodine. A pilot plant for the production of iodine is already operating.

The share of rocks and minerals of the Krasnodar region is a significant part of Russia's reserves. They lie in mountain ranges and on the Azov-Kuban plain. A variety of minerals are found here, which make up the wealth of the region.

Fossil fuels

The most valuable fuel resource of the region is, of course, oil. Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Abinsk and Apsheronsk are the locations where it is mined. Petroleum products processing plants also operate here. Natural gas is produced near these deposits, which is exploited for domestic purposes, in industry and in national economy. There are also reserves of coal in the region, but mining it is not profitable.

Non-metallic fossils

Among the non-metallic resources in the Krasnodar region, deposits of rock salt were discovered. It lies in layers over one hundred meters. Salt is used in food and chemical production, in everyday life and in agriculture. Molding sand is mined in sufficient quantities in the region. It is used for various purposes, mainly industrial.

Construction fossils

The subsoil of the region is rich in materials that have long been used in construction. These are shell rock and sandstone, gravel and gypsum stone, quartz sand and marble, marl and limestone stone. As for marl reserves, they are significant in the Krasnodar Territory and are mined in large quantities. It is used to make cement. Concrete is made from gravel and sand. The largest deposits of building rocks are located in Armavir, Verkhnebakansky village and Sochi.

Other types of fossils

The richest natural resource The area has healing springs. This is the Azov-Kuban basin, where there are underground fresh water reserves, thermal and mineral springs. The sources of the Azov and Black Seas are also valued. They are bitter-salty and salty mineral water.

In addition, mercury and apatites, iron, serpentite and copper ores, and gold are mined in the Krasnodar Territory. The deposits are unevenly distributed throughout the territory. Mining has been developed to varying degrees. However, the region has enormous potential. Opportunities and resources here are constantly evolving. The region's mineral resources intensively supply various industries in different regions of the country, and part of the resources is exported. Deposits and quarries of about sixty types of minerals are concentrated here.

Completed by: students 4 "B" class MBOU secondary school No. 1 Masalova Daria, Vologdina Milada, Pekhtereva Elizaveta. Head: Kachura S.V. Krymsk 2016 Project on Kuban studies Mineral resources of the Krasnodar region

Goal: To study deposits and types of minerals in the Krasnodar Territory. Tasks: 1. Collect information about the mineral resources of the region from a variety of sources. 2.Study the basic properties of minerals, their use and application in the national economy. 3.Based on physical map"Krasnodar region. Republic of Adygea" to identify mineral deposits.

Places where minerals lie in the depths of the Earth or on its surface are called deposits. Geologists are looking for deposits. Mining

Types of minerals

Fossil fuels Oil is produced at the Abinsky, Akhtyrskoye, Ilsky, Goryacheklyuchevsky, Apsheronsko-Khadyzhenskoye fields. It is processed at two oil refineries - Krasnodar and Tuapse. At the same time, not only fuel (kerosene, gasoline) is obtained from it, but also raw materials that are used in the chemical industry. Oil is always accompanied by GAS, which is called ASSOCIATED GAS and is used in the national economy.

Building materials Our region is rich in materials that are used in construction, such as gypsum and limestone stone, sandstone, shell rock. Kuban is especially rich in reserves of marl, from which cement is produced. It is mined mainly in Novorossiysk. Marl reserves are very large, entire mountains stretch from the village of Verkhnebakanskoye to the city of Sochi. In the vicinity of Gulkevichi and Armavir there are quarries of gravel and sand necessary for the production of concrete.

Non-metallic minerals There are large reserves of rock salt in the Mostovsky district. The thickness of the salt layers exceeds one hundred meters. They also extract foundry sand, which is necessary for metallurgical plants. Quartz sand is mined near the village of Varenikovskaya.

Healing springs in the foothills of the Krasnodar region, as well as on Black Sea coast mineral springs have been discovered. Mineral springs are salty or bitterly salty, sometimes tasteless. But they are medicine and very useful. Mineral springs of Yeisk, Sochi, Khadyzhensk can treat diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system. Goryacheklyuchevskaya and Anapa waters help in treating the digestive system.

Mining and processing of minerals is one of the most important components industrial development the edges.

Minerals in the Krasnodar Territory

How to protect mineral resources? 1.Use sparingly. 2. Protect from fires. 3.Follow transportation rules. 4. Replace with artificial materials whenever possible.

In conclusion During the implementation of the project, we found out that the Krasnodar region is rich in natural deposits. More than 60 types of minerals have been discovered in our region. Kuban is the oldest oil region in our country. Kuban is especially rich in reserves of marl, from which cement is produced. Large reserves of mineral waters are of enormous value for all of Russia.

Questions 1) What minerals are found on the territory of Kuban? 2) In what areas of Kuban is OIL produced? 3) What building materials exist in our region? 4) Where is quartz sand mined? 5) Where are mineral springs found?

1) 1. Fossil fuels. 2.Building materials. 3. Non-metallic minerals. 4.Healing sources. 2) Oil is produced at the Abinsky, Akhtyrskoye, Ilskoye, Goryacheklyuchevskoye and Apsheronsko-Khadyzhenskoye fields. 3) Gypsum and limestone stone, sandstone, shell rock and marl. 4) Near the village of Varenikovskaya. 5) In the foothills of the Krasnodar region, as well as on the Black Sea coast. Examination

1.L.V.Grin “Nature of the native land.” -Krasnodar: Kubanpechat LLC, 2006 2. Ignatov P.A., Starostin V.I. Geology of minerals. - M., Moscow State University, 2008, 304 p. 3. [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Sources of information

The total land area in the region is 7546.6 thousand hectares. Distribution of land fund by land (thousand hectares): agricultural land, total - 4724.5; lands under surface water - 388.5; swamps - 183.8; land under forests and trees and shrubs - 1703.1; other lands - 548.6.

Mineral resources:

More than 60 types of minerals have been discovered in the depths of the region. They mainly occur in foothill and mountainous areas. There are reserves of oil, natural gas, marl, iodide-bromine waters, marble, limestone, sandstone, gravel, quartz sand, iron and apatite ores, and rock salt. The largest Azov-Kuban basin of fresh groundwater in Europe is located on the territory of the region, which has significant reserves of thermal and mineral waters.

In the region there are more than 250 deposits of building materials (clay, sand, marl, limestone, etc.) under industrial development. The amount of reserves made it possible to maintain for a long time high level production

The construction industry of the region is provided with the main mineral resources for a long period. At the same time, no sands suitable for the production of concrete and glass have been identified. There are no clay deposits for the production of sanitary products and fine ceramics, or raw materials for the production of mineral wool, which are necessary for existing enterprises working on imported raw materials.

More than 10 oil and gas fields are being developed in the region.

The level of gas production has stabilized and is about 2 billion m3 per year. Due to the introduction of measures aimed at increasing the level of associated gas utilization, the actual utilization rate of associated gases reached 96% in Krasnodarneftegaz JSC, and 98% in Termneft JSC.

The significant depletion of numerous oil and gas fields objectively does not allow increasing production, and the high exploration level (80%) of hydrocarbon resources causes a low increase in reserves.

During the development of deposits of building materials, from the beginning of operation, the area of ​​disturbed land amounted to 3.31 thousand hectares, of which 2.14 thousand hectares were developed, incl. arable land -1.12 thousand hectares, only 1.16 thousand hectares have been reclaimed, incl. arable land - 0.45 thousand hectares.

Geological natural monuments:

Akhtanizovskaya Sopka (geomorphological, hydrogeological and tectonic types of federal rank) - in the Temryuk region. This is one of the highest active mud volcanoes in the region.

Karabetova Mountain (geomorphological, hydrogeological and tectonic types of federal rank) - in the Temryuk region. This is the largest active mud volcano in the region. Dirt leaks regularly. Liquid mud, of various gray shades, accumulates in a mud lake.

Cape Iron Horn (geomorphological, paleontological and mineralogical types of federal rank) - on the southern coast of the Taman Peninsula in the Temryuk region. It is composed of Neogene deposits. The rocks lie inclined and the ore layer extends into the sea, which is dangerous for shipping.

Lake Abrau (hydrogeological type of federal rank) - near Novorossiysk. It is fed by the Abrau River, several springs and temporary watercourses. It has no surface runoff; the influx of water is compensated by surface evaporation.

Flysch deposits (stratigraphic type of federal rank) - along almost the entire coastline from the city of Gelendzhik to the village. Dzhanhot. Here, a section of typical carbonate flysch of Cretaceous age is perfectly exposed, which is characterized by the occurrence of layers of various hieroglyphs of biogenic and mechanical origin on the lower surface.

Rock Parus (geomorphological type of federal rank) - in the Gelendzhik region. In this place, the flysch strata lie at an angle of almost 90 degrees. The process of weathering of the rock led to the formation of a remnant layer of light yellow sandstone 1 m thick, which is a lonely rock 30 m high and 25 m long.

Waterfalls on the river Teshebe (geomorphological type of federal rank) - on the border of the Gelendzhik and Tuapse regions. They are a cascade of waterfalls formed by a mountain river in a karst layer of light gray thick-slab limestone of Late Cretaceous age.

Kiselev Rock (geomorphological type of federal rank) - in the Tuapse region. A cliff about 40 m high descends steeply to the sea. It is composed of flysch strata of Upper Cretaceous age. The angle of incidence of the rocks is close to 90 degrees.

Guam Gorge (geomorphological type of federal rank) is a canyon in the Absheron region, which was cut through by the river. Kurdzhips in the strata of dolomitized limestones of the Upper Jurassic between the villages of Mezmay and Guamka. Thick layers are colored yellow, brown, red, white and black.

Big Azisht cave (geomorphological type of federal rank) - in the southern part of the Azish-Tau ridge. It is a cavity of complex configuration formed in dolomitized Oxford-Cambridge limestones by karst processes. The cavities are decorated with numerous large stalactites, stalagmites, aragonite deposits and calcite slabs.

Belorechenskoye deposit of barite (mineralogical type of federal rank) - near the village. Nickel. IN geological structure The deposits include Lower and Middle Paleozoic mica gneisses, amphibolites, serpentinites and granitoids of Late Paleozoic age. The main minerals are: barite, calcite, fluorite, dolomite, ankerite, galena and sphalerite.

Canyon river Belaya near Khadzhokh station (geomorphological type of federal rank) is a unique relief element near the village. Kamennomostsky. R. Belaya washed a narrow gap in the massif of light gray limestones of Jurassic age - the Khadzhokh Gorge. The banks of the gorge are 35-40 m high; numerous niches and “cauldrons” have been washed out in them.

Fisht mountain group. (geomorphological type of federal rank) - peaks Fisht (2868 m), Oshten (2804 m) and Pshekha-Su (2744 m) within Adygea. Most of the massif is composed of heavily karstified Upper Jurassic reef limestones. The three westernmost glaciers of the Caucasus are located on the peaks. The deepest karst mine in the region, the Soaring Bird, is located on Mount Fisht.

Granite gorge river Belaya (geomorphological type of local significance) - on the territory of Adygea. The river cuts through the Dakhovskaya granite massif, composed of pink and gray medium- and coarse-grained Mesozoic granites, and forms a gorge with rapids and waterfalls 200 m deep and 4.2 km long.

Dakhovskaya cave (geomorphological type of federal rank) - on the territory of Adygea. This is a classic corridor-type cave. Its cavity has no branches and goes in one direction. Numerous finds in the cultural layer of the Paleolithic era were made in the cave.

Agur waterfalls (geomorphological type of federal rank) - in the outskirts of Sochi. It is a gorge in Upper Cretaceous limestones and dolomites, formed by the river. Agura with a cascade of picturesque waterfalls and beautiful vegetation on the slopes. There are only three waterfalls.

Vorontsovskaya cave system (geomorphological type of federal rank) - in the Khostinsky district, in the upper reaches of the river. Kudepsta. The most extensive karst cavity of the region is located in the heavily karstified limestones of the Upper Cretaceous. This group includes Vorontsovskaya, Labyrinthovaya and Dolgaya caves and the Kabany Proval mine. In the Vorontsovskaya Cave, a rich cultural layer of the Bronze Age was uncovered and the bones of a cave bear were collected.

Aleksky karst region (geomorphological type of federal rank) - on the right bank of the river. Eastern Khosta in the Sochi region. An array of 18 large karst cavities is composed of karst limestones of Upper Jurassic age. All underground cavities are flooded and form a large hydrogeological system.

Land resources:

The total land area in the region is 7546.6 thousand hectares. Distribution of land fund by land (thousand hectares): agricultural land, total - 4724.5; lands under surface water - 388.5; swamps - 183.8; land under forests and trees and shrubs - 1703.1; other lands - 548.6.

Two-thirds of the region's topography is occupied by plains. The soil cover in the region is represented by 108 types of soil: thick and super-deep chernozems, ordinary chernozems, gray forest, brown forest, sod-carbonate, brown, meadow-chernozem, meadow and others. On the Azov-Kuban plain, the largest plain, there are the most fertile chernozems in the country, which differ from the chernozems of other regions of Russia in the large thickness of the humus layer, often exceeding 120 cm.

Noteworthy is the systematic reduction in the area of ​​perennial plantings. Behind seven year period(1991-1998) on average, perennial plantings decreased annually by 3.9 thousand hectares, and over the last year - by 4.5 thousand hectares.

Among agricultural lands, a special place is occupied by irrigated lands, which are located on a total area of ​​453.4 thousand hectares, which is 6.0% of the total land area of ​​the region. Irrigated lands are represented by engineered rice systems (235.1 thousand hectares), as well as large systems that use sprinkler systems (163.2 thousand hectares).

Drained lands in the region occupy only 24.1 thousand hectares, or 0.5% of the total area of ​​agricultural land; of which arable land accounts for 19 thousand hectares, perennial plantings - 0.7 thousand hectares.

According to the state land cadastre, the quality of agricultural land and arable land in the region is the highest in Russia. However, studies carried out incompletely under the land monitoring program show that the state of the soil cover of the region has approached the line beyond which irreversible processes of land degradation may begin.

Over the past 25-30 years, the region has seen a steady trend of reduction in the area of ​​arable land and perennial plantings due to increased groundwater, salinization, acidification and other processes of soil degradation. Soils are especially susceptible to water erosion processes. The area of ​​the eroded pasha was about 270 thousand hectares. The area of ​​land potentially dangerous for wind erosion processes in the region is 3189.1 thousand hectares, water erosion - 1246.5 thousand hectares. About 1 million hectares of land in the region are subject to deflation. Humus content in soils last years fell to 3.9%. Due to loss of fertility and soil degradation, about 210 thousand hectares of arable land are subject to conservation.

The largest amount of disturbed land occurs during the development of mineral deposits and their processing - 2809 hectares, or 80% of the total area of ​​disturbed land.

The soils are most contaminated with heavy metals, the share of the territory contaminated to the level of “moderately dangerous” was 32.7% of the total area of ​​the region, “dangerous” - 5%, “extremely dangerous” - 2.1%. Oil pollution at the above levels amounted to 0.5%, 0.4%, 1.3%, respectively. The soil is contaminated with nitrates to the level of "moderately dangerous" on an area of ​​3.5% of the area of ​​the region, "hazardous" - 0.6%. Soil leaching occurred to the “moderately dangerous” level on 9.1%, and to the “hazardous” level on 5.8% of the territory of the region. Soils are salinized to the level of “moderately dangerous” on an area of ​​5.3% of the territory of the region, to “dangerous” - by 2.1%, to “extremely dangerous” - by 1.4%.

The main pollutants are arsenic, mercury, phosphorus, lead, strontium, ytterbium, yttrium. The accumulation of pollutants occurs in the rice-growing areas of the Azov lowland, the Khadyzhensk oil-bearing province, the Belorechensk region, the upper reaches of the Psekups and Pshish rivers, in the Ubinskaya ore area (mercury), in the city of Big Sochi.

The leaching of elements from soils poses a certain environmental hazard. Intensive removal of zinc, lead, copper, and cobalt occurs in the floodplains of the Azov lowland, on the Black Sea coast and on the slopes of the Stavropol Upland. The soils along the line of oil fields in the foothills of the region are contaminated with petroleum products and phenols. Soils in areas with intensive livestock farming (Yeisky, Kushchevsky and other areas) are contaminated with nitrates. Intensive soil salinization occurs in the Azov lowland and in the Anapa region.

The pesticide load on agricultural land in general has decreased significantly.

Monitoring the content of radionuclides in the soil showed that their total beta activity is close to the background value.

Russian Civilization

Minerals of the Krasnodar region

The natural resources of the Krasnodar region are great and varied. These are fertile chernozem soils, dense forests, seas, lakes and rivers, and a favorable climate. Countless treasures lurk in the depths of Kuban. These include large reserves of oil and natural gas, deposits of rock salt, marl, gypsum; in smaller quantities there are reserves of serpentinite, apatite, coal, brown iron ore, barium, manganese, copper, gold, cinnabar, iodine, bromine and other minerals . In total, more than 50 species have been found in the region. But aren’t numerous healing mineral springs and large reserves of fresh and deep thermal waters a huge wealth?
Look at the map. Symbols of mineral resources are scattered throughout the region, but there are especially many of them in the mountainous part. Mountain wealth serves as the basis for the development of the oil, gas, cement and chemical industries.
Kuban is the oldest oil region in the country. Oil is produced mainly in the foothills. Many oil fields have been discovered in the region. They are located in the foothills in the direction Severskaya - Ilskaya - Abinsk. The main deposits are Kaluga, Novodmitrievskoye, Kholmskoye and Krymskoye.
Oil exploration is carried out using geophysical surveys and well drilling. The former are based on seismic exploration, that is, “probing” the earth’s interior using elastic waves created by artificial explosions.
Kuban also has huge reserves of another valuable mineral - marl (the main raw material for cement production). In the area of ​​the city of Novorossiysk and the village of Verkhnebakansky, he formed the Markotkhsky ridge. The development of marl is carried out using an open method.
On the basis of these raw materials, the cement industry developed in the region in the city of Novorossiysk and its environs, as well as in the village of Bakansky.
A number of mountain ranges between the Belaya and Laba rivers are composed of serpentinites. Serpentinite is composed of magnesium oxide, iron, aluminum, calcium and silica. But its deposits are not being developed
Scientific experiments have established that the addition of serpentinite to basic fertilizers increases the yield of sugar beets and also increases its sugar content.
In the middle part of the Malaya Laba River basin, geologists found apatite-carbonate and apatite-amphibole rocks. These are apatite ores. The content of active principles in them is on average 9 percent. Consequently, the Kuban apatites are almost equivalent to the famous apatites of the Kola Peninsula. Their deposits, in layers ranging from 4 to 36 meters thick, stretch for tens of kilometers.
One of the largest deposits of rock salt in Russia was discovered near the village of Shedok (Mostovsky district). Seams of sodium chloride up to 500 meters thick stretch for tens of kilometers. They lie at depths from 200 to 1000 meters or more. The industrial reserves of salt here are huge, reaching 40 - 50 billion tons.
A unique deposit of iodine-containing waters was found in our region, which is concentrated near the station. Trinity.
In the Seversky region (Sakhalinskoye, Belokamenny) there is cinnabar, from which mercury is extracted.
Our region has large reserves of gypsum. It is used in construction and serves as a raw material for the chemical industry. Its main deposits are located in the area of ​​the village of Barakaevskaya, near the villages of Moldavanskoye, Nizhnebakanskoye and Mostovskoye.
Iron ores are found on the southern coast of the Taman Peninsula and in the Krymsk region.
Copper was found in the Laura River basin, near the village of Krasnaya Polyana. But the development of iron and copper deposits is not carried out, since these deposits are not of industrial importance.
The villages of Novosvobodnaya, Gubskaya and Perepravnaya have manganese, but its industrial development is not underway. In the basins of the Urupa, Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers there are gold-bearing placers, which are also not developed.
Large reserves of various mineral waters are of enormous value not only for Kuban, but also for all of Russia. In the area of ​​the city of Yeysk there are hydrogen sulfide-chloride-sodium springs, on the basis of which the resort's sanatoriums operate. The famous Matsesta hydrogen sulfide springs are used in Sochi. In addition to these, the region has a number of valuable mineral waters. First of all, we need to mention the Goryacheklyuchevskys. They are divided into two main groups. The first includes hot hydrogen sulfide salt-alkali with a temperature of 42 to 56 ° C, with a hydrogen sulfide content of 80 to 140 milligrams per liter. They are used for external use.
The second group includes drinking salt-alkaline cold springs.
Khadyzhensky and Maikop mineral waters are very popular.
The depths of the Kuban, of course, still hold many undiscovered riches.

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