What items will be available this year? How many additional subjects can you take on the Unified State Exam? Unified State Examination in Russian

The education system in Russia is constantly being transformed. This is due to many factors, including the fact that new discoveries appear every day in many areas of science, as well as general changes in the dynamics of everyday life, requiring modern people to have different skills, abilities and ways of thinking. The main criterion for assessing knowledge in Russia, which provides compulsory secondary education, is the Unified State Exam, which will be affected by some changes in 2018. We'll talk about them today.

Required subjects for passing the Unified State Exam in 2018

As has been the case in recent years, students graduating from secondary education in 2018 will take two mandatory exams: mathematics (profile and basic) and Russian language. These two exams are required to obtain a certificate. Graduates take the rest of the Unified State Exam subjects on a voluntary basis, that is, the student can choose the exam independently. This approach helps students prefer a subject that: 1) is either closest to the graduate, that is, he considers it the easiest, or 2) he will need this subject when entering a certain university.

Unified State Exam subjects to choose from

It should be noted that the optional subjects of the Unified State Exam in 2018 include the following disciplines: physics, chemistry, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, biology, geography, foreign languages, literature.

Currently, the most frequently chosen elective subject is history. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation views this initiative favorably, because knowledge of this subject is very important for a modern person. Another part of the students tries to pass social studies, this is the second most popular subject. Among the top three optional subjects chosen by students for passing is physics. It is taken by those graduates who are focused on entering technical or engineering universities.

Unified State Exam 2018: changes and innovations

Just a year ago, the State Duma said that the Unified State Exam would undergo major changes. It was assumed that the existing testing system cannot correctly assess the knowledge of graduates, therefore some results are ultimately obtained that do not correspond to the truth. In this regard, some opponents of educational innovations opposed the Unified State Exam and advocated its abolition. It is now absolutely certain that in 2018 and beyond, the unified state exam will not be canceled. But some changes are definitely awaiting him.

Graduates who will graduate from school in the 2017-2018 academic year must understand that the final changes to the Unified State Examination will be known no earlier than at the end of 2017 - at the beginning of 2018, this is how the educational system in Russia is structured.

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to pass it successfully.

The winter holidays have come to an end, and school graduates are actively preparing for one of the most important stages of their entire school education - passing the Unified State Exam.

In our country Unified State Exam has been a mandatory centralized test for schoolchildren since 2009. It serves as the final examination for obtaining a certificate and the entrance examination for admission to higher educational institutions of the country at the same time.

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to pass it successfully.

How will the Unified State Examination 2018 change?

During its existence, the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam "" has undergone many changes and the introduction of a variety of innovations. However, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who listens to the opinions of experts, the system is still not perfect, so it needs further measures aimed at eliminating existing shortcomings. However, he notes that the presence of a single standard provides the most objective assessment of effectiveness school education and provides opportunities for applicants from the regions.

According to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, no significant changes are expected in the Unified State Examination this year. Schoolchildren will continue to take mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics. The introduction of an oral exam in the Russian language cannot be called a serious change, since this year it will be held only in some schools, as a test.

Let us note that the department considers rumors about the inclusion of a foreign language and history among the compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam to be premature. According to available data, Russian history will be added to the list of compulsory subjects only in 2020, and students will take a foreign language starting in 2022.

This year the exam technology will change completely. Unlike previous years, forms and test materials will now be presented in digital format. Schoolchildren and graduates of previous years taking the exam will be able to personally see the process of printing assignments right in the classroom. Upon completion of work, their forms will be scanned and sent for verification using secure communication channels.

Certain changes will be made to exam tasks (both compulsory and elective subjects). It is noted that test questions and questions with one correct answer will be almost completely excluded from the tests. Some subjects, such as biology and physics, will have additional sets of questions, while others will have a revised maximum score.

Terms and conditions for submitting an application and procedure for taking exams

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science notes that everyone who wants to take exams in 2018 must submit a corresponding application indicating the disciplines before February 1. Questions regarding extension of the deadline for accepting documents are not currently being considered. But, as the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov said, this possibility will be discussed as part of improving the system for the next academic year.

If everything is extremely clear with the Russian language and mathematics, then with elective subjects things are somewhat more complicated. Already now, each graduate must accurately determine which disciplines he will have to pass, based on his further specialty. The subjects considered as entrance examinations are indicated on the websites of the selected universities, but it is noted that the number of subjects that can be indicated in the application is unlimited.

Places of registration for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years who wish to apply are approved by regional educational authorities, and those graduating this year must register at their place of study.

Main stage Unified State Exam 2018 will take place from May 28 to July 2. For those participants who, for good reasons, cannot take the exams together with the main group and only by providing the relevant documents, there is the opportunity to take the tests ahead of schedule - from March 21 to April 11. Naturally, this is only possible if you successfully complete the school curriculum by the deadline.

The additional stage will take place in September, from the 4th to the 15th. During this period, as well as on the reserve days of the main stage, participants who scored low points will be allowed to retake the Russian language and mathematics. But in case of failure in elective subjects, a repeat exam can only be taken next year.

How to achieve high results?

The results of this year’s Unified State Examination can significantly affect graduates’ grades in the certificate, so you should think about how to increase the level of knowledge and achieve maximum results.

According to statistics, only half a percent of graduates show 100 percent results on Russian language exams, and another 25% receive high scores. Why such a low result? According to experts, this is due to the fact that:

  • Schoolchildren lack skills in writing argumentative essays, in which they most often make punctuation and spelling errors.
  • There are no phraseological units in the works of high school students that could bring them additional points.

Among the very common mistakes, experts also note the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, and although teachers repeat these rules to their students more than once, they still need to practice.

Things are even worse with mathematics. Despite the fact that 45% of examinees successfully pass the basic level, it is necessary to understand that it is much simpler than the profile level, the results of which are much lower than in the Russian language. Schoolchildren have big problems when solving problems in geometry, especially in the section of stereometry. Practice has shown that you can achieve high results in the exam if:

  • repeat the topic "Interest"
  • solve economic problems,
  • learn to determine the area of ​​figures on squared paper.

History and social studies are very popular among elective subjects. However, the percentage of high-scoring students in these subjects leaves much to be desired. In the case of history Unified State Exam participants There are gaps in the chronology of events, and there are often problems with reading maps. And in social studies, many people are good at the topics “Law”, “Economics” and “Man and Society”. But they have a very vague idea about “Politics”.

In general, according to Ms., the ministry is continuously working to create a unified educational space, which will soon make it possible to improve the quality of education for children and provide the necessary basis for successfully passing the Unified State Exam. Innovations will await graduates next year, but for now it is necessary to accumulate all the energy to obtain the maximum result.

Unified State Exam 2018 schedule

Early period

Main period

date Item
May 28 computer science, geography
May 30 mathematics (basic level)
June 1st mathematics (profile level)
June 4 history, chemistry
June 6 Russian language
the 9th of June foreign language (oral)
June 13 foreign language (oral)
June 14 social science
June 18 foreign language, biology
June 20 literature, physics
Reserve days
22nd of June computer science, geography
June 25 mathematics (basic and specialized levels)
June 26 Russian language
27th of June history, foreign language, biology, chemistry
June 28 literature, social studies, physics
June 29 foreign language (oral)
July 2 all things

Additional period

date Item
4 September Russian language
September 7 mathematics
Reserve day
September 15th Russian language, mathematics (basic level)

The Unified State Examination (USE) has undergone many changes since its introduction, and innovations at one time concerned the testing procedure, the testing rules, and the composition of tasks.

The testing system had to be refined several times, especially with the arrival of new people to the leadership of the Ministry of Education. It is not surprising that schoolchildren and their parents monitor new legislative initiatives on this issue every year.

What will they be like? changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 It is not yet known for sure, but from the existing statements of representatives of the Ministry of Education, several future innovations can be identified.

Will the Unified State Exam 2018 be cancelled?

Recently, the Unified State Exam has been subject to frequent criticism from both teachers and students.

The main complaints relate to too high demands on students, the frequent absurdity of tasks and the ill-conceived nature of the entire system as a whole. Because of this, rumors often appear about the cancellation of the exam, and some deputies are even preparing corresponding bills. However, the position of the Ministry of Education on this issue is unchanged - there is no talk of canceling the Unified State Exam.

Representatives of the department say that they have invested a lot of money and effort into the testing system, so it is not advisable to stop halfway and cancel out all efforts. In addition, despite all the shortcomings, the exam has established itself as the most effective system for assessing graduates’ knowledge.

At the same time, the ministry agrees that many nuances of the Unified State Exam need to be reviewed and improved. The exam will be reformed, but gradually, to make it easier for students to adapt to innovations.
Thus, you should not expect the cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2018, but there will be changes in the exam.

Changes in the list of mandatory exams

The main question that worries future graduates is what the list of compulsory subjects will be in 2018. Even earlier, Dmitry Litvinov, as the Minister of Education, stated that the list of disciplines that will be included in the Unified State Examination will expand to 6. According to the idea of ​​the then head of the Ministry of Education, in 2017 they were supposed to add another mandatory exam, and in 2018 three at once - one is required and two are optional.

When Olga Vasilyeva headed the department, plans for the Unified State Exam changed: the new leader turned out to be a supporter of smooth reforms and refused a drastic transformation of the system. According to her plan, in the 2016-2017 academic years, schoolchildren will, as before, take an exam in three disciplines, two of which are compulsory and one is optional. This approach is due to the fact that it takes quite a lot of time to develop tasks for new subjects.

Teachers and graduates should know in advance what subjects they need to prepare for. However, already in 2018, the list of mandatory exams is planned to be supplemented with another subject, although it is not yet known which one. Experts believe that, most likely, the third exam will be a history exam, because this is the discipline that is identified as necessary for instilling patriotism in the future generation.

Another candidate for inclusion in the list of mandatory exams is social studies. An analysis of last year’s Unified State Exam results showed that graduates most often prefer to take this particular subject. There is an opinion that schoolchildren make this choice because of the relative simplicity of the discipline, but if it is added to the list of mandatory exams, the tasks will become much more difficult.

It is possible that graduates will have to take physics along with mathematics and Russian. Various deputies have repeatedly spoken out in favor of focusing education on the exact sciences, in which they are supported by representatives of engineering universities. But this choice is quite controversial, because not all students can master physics at a high level, and not so many graduates plan to receive higher education in the engineering field.

What other changes should we expect in 2018?

From Olga Vasilyeva’s interview, it is clear that the changes will primarily affect the literature exam, which causes perhaps the most debate among teachers and students. Thus, the Ministry of Education plans to exclude tasks with short answers, which are aimed at testing knowledge of terminology. According to the plan, the exam should become more creative, so the main emphasis will be on writing an essay.

Schoolchildren will be offered not three, but four or even five essay topics to choose from, which should make life easier for graduates. At the same time, the length of the essay will be increased from 200 to 250 words.

The department also intends to facilitate the task of analyzing the work. Now students must compare the text presented in the task with two others that they must remember. After the changes have been made, students will only need to provide one text as an example.

The Ministry of Education will introduce essay grades instead of the current “pass” and “fail” criteria. In 2018, this task will be assessed on a five-point scale.

To summarize, we can say that some changes are expected, but they will not be as drastic as many feared. The current composition of the Ministry of Education has set a course for gradual reform of the Unified State Exam system, and the department will bring each innovation to the attention of the public. This allows us to hope that the ministry will listen to the opinions of experts in the field of education and the wishes of students, as a result of which the Unified State Exam will become a truly objective and useful exam.

Despite the ambiguous attitude towards mandatory state exams among school graduates and their parents, the cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2019 should not be expected. Judging by the trend that took place in 2017 and 2018, students will have to prepare even more efficiently for final tests and begin preparation not at the beginning of 11th grade, but much earlier.

If in the 2018-2019 academic year you have to graduate from school and choose a university, we strongly recommend that you become interested in such questions as:

Required subjects

Although today it is too early to talk about any final decisions regarding the final tests that should take place in the 2018-2019 academic year, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science are still ready to slightly lift the veil of secrecy. We managed to find out that in 2019 the Unified State Examination will definitely have new compulsory subjects.

Compulsory subjects are Russian language and Mathematics.

History could be added to the compulsory subjects (basic or specialized mathematics and Russian language) in 2019. The Ministry of Education and Science emphasizes that every citizen should know the history of their country and be able to distinguish historical facts from profanities and fakes, which in recent years have begun to appear more and more often against the backdrop of confrontation between countries in the information field.

As an elective subject, graduates will be able to choose:

  • social science;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • history;
  • computer science;
  • foreign language;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • literature.

The list of foreign languages ​​available for testing will include: English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese.

As before, tests for future applicants will begin at the beginning of winter with the writing of the December essay, which has already become a traditional start to the graduation campaign.

Thus, today, while studying in the 10th grade, future graduates must decide in which direction they would like to continue their studies and decide how many and what subjects they need to pass for this at the Unified State Exam in 2019.

Innovations and changes in the Unified State Exam 2019

If you believe Vasilyeva’s promises, there will be no fundamental changes in the 2018-2019 season. The innovations introduced in 2017 and 2018 have proven themselves to be excellent, and therefore will remain in the new exam cards.

The following important changes are expected:

  1. Mandatory oral part in the Unified State Exam in Russian (the exam will be divided into two days).
  2. A new task in the written exam in the Russian language, number 21, where you need to show your knowledge of punctuation. Also, the test part will include fewer hints than before. Comments on the topic of the essay will be highly appreciated (+ additional 5 points).
  3. Development of new CMMs in literature, focused on revealing the creative potential of the examinee.
  4. In the Unified State Exam in history, the quotation should not contain unnecessary information that is not related to the context, otherwise the answer will not be counted (this applies to task number 21). As for task No. 2, here you will have to fill out the table yourself, and not choose 2 of the 5 presented answer options.
  5. Adding so-called “integrated problems” to mathematics tickets, for solving which students will need to accumulate knowledge from different areas of algebra and geometry.
  6. As for biology, task number 6 will be in the form of a picture, and not in text format.
  7. The computer science exam will be held only using a PC (without the “paper” part).
  8. The maximum score for social studies has been increased - now it is not 64, but 65.
  9. Chinese language exam with written and oral parts.
  10. Tightening of rules aimed at ensuring the reliability of the results obtained.

Perhaps for schoolchildren who did not approach the study of individual subjects responsibly enough and realized their lack of knowledge only after entering the 11th grade, the information about how many subjects they will have to take for the Unified State Exam in 2019 will be frightening. But, the purpose of such innovations is to provide competitive universities in the country with students who have the necessary amount of knowledge.

For more information about the innovations expected in the Unified State Exam, see the interview with Olga Vasilyeva.

Unified State Exam calendar for 2019

According to the approved schedule of the Unified State Exam, graduates of the 2018-2019 academic year will write the December essay on the following dates:

  • main session - 05.12.18;
  • 1st retake - 02/06/19;
  • 2nd retake - 05/08/19.

The early period will take place from 03/20/19 to 04/10/19 according to the established schedule:

The calendar for the main session of the Unified State Exam in 2019 will be as follows:

In September, graduates will be able to retake only compulsory subjects. The retake schedule will be as follows:

Minimum and passing scores

By completing Unified State Examination tasks, the graduate gains test points, which are converted into final results on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether there will be changes in the 2019 table. But, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the system of minimum and passing scores will remain.

  • Minimum score– a necessary condition for obtaining an education document. It is not difficult to achieve the minimum score in subjects. To do this, it is enough to master theory and practice at a basic level.
  • Passing score– a necessary condition for entry into the university chosen by the graduate. You should look for information about passing scores for a specific specialty at the university of interest on the official website of the educational institution.


Some good news is the fact that in 2019 it will be possible to retake not only compulsory subjects, but also any Unified State Examination exam. But, only one!

For graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result, as well as for those who “failed” more than 1 subject or were found to have violated discipline, there will be no retakes.

If a graduate was unable to appear on the test day for a valid reason (documented), he will receive 2 more attempts.

  • on the reserve day of the session;
  • during the fall session.

Since the Unified State Examination certificate remains valid for 4 years, the autumn retake opens up for the graduate the prospect of entering a university next year, or even in 2019-2020 in faculties that have a shortage of students.


By reading our article today, you are in time to think about preparing for the final tests that await you in 11th grade.

Experienced teachers, who have years of effective preparation of graduates to pass the Unified State Exam, recommend going towards the intended goal using the following algorithm:

  1. Determine which faculty you would like to enroll in.
  2. Find out what compulsory subjects (Unified State Examination certificates) the university requires from applicants in 2019.
  3. Find out what changes are expected in 2019 in the main subjects of the Unified State Exam (the official FIPI website will help with this).
  4. Step by step repeat all the topics of the school course in subjects, practicing solving test tickets for 2018 and 2019.
  5. Attend preparation courses for the Unified State Exam or contact a tutor.

Unfortunately, practice shows that simply good knowledge of the subject is not enough to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. Practice in solving problems of a certain type is required. By gaining experience in solving Unified State Exam questions while preparing for exams, students form a strategy for completing tasks and gain confidence in their own abilities, which is an indispensable assistant in achieving success.

Subscribe to our updates or join our groups on social networks and you will not miss important changes and the latest news about what 11th grade students should expect at the Unified State Exam in 2019.

We also suggest watching a video of the All-Russian meeting of the head of Rosobrnadzor with parents, at which issues important for future graduates were raised.

Passing a unified test as a final school exam and at the same time gaining admission to the country's universities is a familiar procedure, but the cancellation of the Unified State Exam was recently announced. The rumor excited the public, and the official website has not yet confirmed the information. The information on the pages of the resource is dedicated to the trials of the current year, while schoolchildren and parents are experiencing understandable worries.


Every year, the format of the Unified State Exam causes controversy and misunderstandings. This is due to the frequent changes that accompany the event. The editions during the existence of the Unified State Exam (since 2008) have touched on all the main components of the school test:

  • procedural regulations;
  • inspection rules and evaluation criteria;
  • contents of test tasks.

It is no wonder that participants in the educational process experience a certain confusion, asking a considerable number of questions, the main one of which is: what will the Unified State Examination 2018 be like?

Unified State Exam and new educational trends

The fact that certification activities tend to change is quite justified. School programs are developing, and the content of tests is following suit. This is normal even along with a somewhat negative attitude towards the procedure. Most of the complaints are directed at inflated claims. There are complaints about inconsistencies, often leading to criticism of the system as a whole. What is the Unified State Exam and what is the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation?

The unified exam is a form of certification on a national scale, which is carried out on the basis of programs developed for the secondary education segment (SEA). The basis of the Unified State Exam is control and measuring materials (CMM). Sets of questions are developed in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are provided on special forms. Tests in compulsory subjects must be answered in writing according to the schedule approved by the relevant department.

The system itself implies constant reform, but there can be no talk of abolishing the Unified State Exam, said the head of the educational department O. Vasilyeva. In order to eliminate errors, the Ministry of Education and Science and FIPI are constantly working on the project, which may entail changes and transformations, but not cancel the approach itself. It is possible to adjust the list of compulsory disciplines or introduce a single questionnaire for all general education subjects.

OGE as a rehearsal for the Unified State Exam: how many subjects to take in 9th grade?

In the 9th grade, Russian schoolchildren take the main state exam - OGE. This is an opportunity for students to test their skills ahead of a more significant test. The final certification includes two subjects: Russian language and mathematics.

The current reform of the school certification system is being vigorously discussed by people's deputies. After analyzing their initiatives, we can derive a list of the most likely changes that may affect the OGE in 2018:

  1. Introduction of two more compulsory subjects.
  2. Increasing the number of disciplines to six closer to 2020.
  3. Revision of assessment criteria and improvement of the status of examination grades through inclusion in the certificate.

How many subjects should I take in 11th grade and will the Unified State Exam be supplemented with new disciplines?

In the 11th grade, the basis of the Unified State Exam remained the Russian language and the basic course of mathematics. They were supplemented by subjects that are studied at the university chosen by the potential applicant. In 2018, their composition is unlikely to be adjusted, but changes in the general plan are predicted.

It is planned to include an essay in Russian language testing. The innovations of the Ministry of Education are clearly aimed at reforms, without excluding the possibility of a revival of oral interviews. The number of attempts may increase. Each student will have the opportunity to take the exam again, but no more than three times.

What is the minimum number of points you need to score on the Unified State Exam?

Item Number of points (min.)
mathematics 27
Russian language 36
physics 36
chemistry 36
biology 36
geography 37
foreign language 22
story 32
social science 42
literature 32
computer science and ICT 40
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