What signs in a person are called atavisms. The meaning of the word atavism. See what "atavism" is in other dictionaries

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The meaning of the word atavism

atavism in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

atavism (atavismus; lat. atavus distant ancestor)

the appearance in descendants of signs that are absent in the immediate ancestors, but characteristic of distant ancestors; As a rule, And. is a consequence of disturbance of embryonic development.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


atavism, pl. no, m. (from Latin atavus - ancestor) (scientific). The appearance of a descendant of a a sign that existed among his distant ancestors (more often about the phenomena of deformity or degeneration). A common form of atavism in humans is the caudal appendage.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. The presence in a descendant of signs characteristic of his distant ancestors (usually about the phenomena of degeneration, deformity).

adj. atavistic, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    The presence in living organisms of signs characteristic of their distant ancestors.

    trans. Something that is a relic of the past.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ATAVISM (from Latin atavus - a distant ancestor) the appearance in organisms of signs characteristic of their distant ancestors (for example, three-fingeredness in modern horses, the development of a tail appendage in humans).


(from Latin atavus ≈ distant ancestor), the appearance in organisms of features that were absent in their immediate ancestors, but existed in very distant ancestors. An example of A. is the development of the caudal appendage in humans; the appearance of a horse with two complements, fingers on the sides of a fully developed middle finger; the development of pinnate leaves in Australian acacias instead of phyllodes. Since in the process of development of an individual the features of the organization of ancestors are repeated to some extent (see the Biogenetic Law), disturbances in normal development can lead to the fact that in an adult organism signs of ancestors will remain for life, which normally appear in the embryo and usually disappear in the course of further development. An example of such A. is the appearance in humans of a cervical fistula, which resembles the gill slit of the ancestors of mammals—fish and amphibians. This also includes polymastia in humans (the formation of more than normal pairs of breast glands), three-toed horses, and so on. The appearance of signs of distant ancestors during the regeneration of organs also belongs to A. In this case, the latter are recreated with features characteristic of more ancient forms. So, during the regeneration of the tail in lizards, the rings of its scales are sometimes formed in a more primitive form; during the regeneration of the anterior end of the body, some annelids form appendages of the head, which are absent in this form, but characteristic of its ancestors.

Lit.: V. M. Shimkevich, Biological foundations of zoology, 5th ed., vol. 1≈2, M.≈L., 1923≈25.

M. A. Vorontsova.



Atavism- the appearance in this individual of signs characteristic of distant ancestors, but absent in the nearest ones.

Examples of the use of the word atavism in the literature.

What is now considered evil is usually the untimely echo of what was once considered good, atavism oldest ideal.

The question was even raised: does a person really need such a big brain, not atavism is it like an appendix?

Such atavism Focht and Domba saw microcephaly in the symptom complex.

I suppose that atavism, the true Atavian way is to make all Atavians rich.

These examples prove that in alcoholism it is easily possible atavism-- a leap back through one generation, so that the children of drunkards remain healthy, and the disease is reflected in the grandchildren.

What influence is there to a certain extent? atavism, is proved not only by the similarity of these drawings with the Mongolian ones, but also by the passion of madmen for music.

This gate, with its pretentiousness, was a screaming atavism, a throwback to the days when Europeans thought they really meant something in the world.

I was mindful of his distaste for medical correction methods, but it never occurred to us that he might be a genuine, violent psychopath, as Lange defined it was atavism pure water.

Their thinking is, in fact, to a much lesser extent the discovery of the new than the recognition, the recollection of the old, - the return under one's own roof, to the distant ancient common patrimony of the soul, in which these concepts once grew up - in this respect, philosophizing is a kind of atavism higher order.

Haeckel ascended genealogically to man from distant ancestors, and Vogt, on the contrary, descended from man into his phylogenetic past: Vogt found such a form atavism, which allowed, in his opinion, to observe some of the most significant not only bodily, but also mental signs of the ancestral form of man.

They did not give a damn about the humiliation to which, with the support of the official authorities, he was subjected - an ascetic atavism, hero, knight of the struggle for the supremacy of the white race.

Particularly compelling proof of perfection atavism he saw in the fact that real Atavians, that is, people like him, Naudus, cannot disappear, but sooner or later they will surely surface and receive their rightful share of happiness and prosperity.

Of course, the Union of Veterans and all similar organizations will join these armed forces, but the bulk of the most loyal soldiers of the Union Burdened by the Family, knights atavism will be made up of people whom you will bring with you to the service of our common cause.

Their first victim fell one of the most prominent fighters against foreign dominance in the labor movement, a knight atavism, the biggest crime fighter Artur Pilk.

It is quite natural, therefore, that in cases where the excitation is especially strong and where even the phenomenon of atavism, as in madness, the inclination to music turns out to be the predominant expression of a person's spiritual life.

For onlookers, some strangeness in a person’s appearance is another reason to groan and gossip, for an educated and tactful person it is an opportunity to once again think about the path of human evolution.

Rudiments and atavisms are not deformities, moreover, they are not a reason for ridicule, but possible "blunders" of nature. And for scientists, these are important signs, evidence of evolution.

What are atavisms

The presence in an individual of signs that were inherent in its distant ancestors is called atavism. What could it be? For example, thick hair on the body, and on the face as well. Or a tail growing above the coccyx. This also includes multitasking. Once upon a time, back in the last century, atavisms and rudiments were a clear confirmation of Darwin's theory. Then scientists were so carried away by the search for "useless" organs in the human body that they counted almost two hundred of them. Fortunately, over time, most of the organs from this "Darwin" list were, let's say, rehabilitated. Scientists have proven that their functionality is quite high.

It turned out that:

  • some organs produced the necessary hormones;
  • others turned out to be necessary in one or another period of development of the organism;
  • still others began to act under certain external conditions;
  • and the fourth became "deputies" of organs that failed.

That is, the same coccyx is not a direct reminder of the tail, but an organ that serves to attach certain ligaments and muscles. To take other examples: the appendix is ​​not at all a useless caudal process, but organ in which the desired microorganisms multiply.

By the way, if we are talking specifically about atavisms, then this term is not truly scientific. And trying to determine the signs of atavism means somewhere to act anti-scientifically. Judge for yourself: the increased hairiness of the human body is supposedly “greetings from the past”, a reminder of who a man happened. But other external deformities, for example, an increase in fingers on the limbs, this is a clear pathology, and in no way parallel with a similar stage in the development of the human body. That is, if these deformities do not have a direct resemblance to their ancestors, then this is a pathology. And if they have - an atavism. But in fact, in both cases, the cause of such anomalies is a genetic failure.

By the way, if you are an adherent of the evolutionary theory, you must definitely meet people with fins and gills, and other features that our animal ancestors possessed.

What are rudiments

But the undeveloped organs of the body of a person or animal are considered rudiments. Here are eloquent examples:

  • Ear muscles. Some mammals really need them: it helps them direct their ears to a certain sound stimulus. A person does not need such an “option” anymore.
  • Semilunar fold in the inner corner of the eye. This is such a remnant of the third century, a nictitating membrane quite well developed in birds, reptiles. She lubricates the eye with the necessary secret, but after all, in a person, the upper and lower eyelids cope with this mission. So the fold became small, being superfluous.

Darwinists blindly denied the new role of "unnecessary" organs, but over time it was proved that not everything is so simple in the human body. It is impossible to take and say that the same appendix is ​​a reminder of the ancestors, no - today it is an organ of the human immune system.
Let's try to dispel some popular myths about rudiments and atavisms.

5 myths about atavisms and rudiments

Myth 1. Nipples in men are vestiges. And here is nothing of the kind: in our male ancestors, they also did not function in any way. The explanation for their presence is simple - in the early period of embryonic development, people are unisexual, sex differences appear later, which is facilitated by special hormones.

Myth 2. The wisdom tooth is a genetic disorder. But this is an atavism, strong molars helped our ancestors to grind plant food. We could still chew them now, but in most cases they grow incorrectly, which causes a lot of inconvenience and leads a person to a dental surgeon.

Myth 3. The attachment of the esophagus to the trachea in humans is meaningless. This is not so: the mucus in the respiratory tract can be removed through the esophagus, but we can say that such a structure is responsible for “saving space” and allows you to breathe through your mouth, which is very important with a bad cold.

Myth 4. Tonsils and adenoids are rudiments. It's not like that at all! These organs are essential for a growing organism: they help to start an important mechanism for the production of protective antibodies. Once the mechanism is in place, the tonsils begin to shrink and their function is taken over by other organs.

Myth 5. All "unnecessary" organs can be removed without deplorable consequences. This is definitely not the case. The main proof is that most organs either have several functions (and if one is “outdated”, then others are very relevant), or they turn out to be necessary in certain external situations.

Why do atavisms appear?

Dad doesn’t have a tail, and mom doesn’t, but the baby was born so unusual. Why? How could this happen? The notorious laws of genetics should be blamed here. Our entire appearance is programmed by the genes of our ancestors (the genes for the repetition of traits). For each sign of a person, two genes carry the answer: mother's and father's. They can be different or the same, strong or weak. If dad has a weak tail gene, and mom has one, having met, they have every chance to give birth to a child with a tail, because by uniting, weak genes have become stronger.

But in fairness, we note: the chance of such a meeting is extremely small, and hidden genes of this kind are very rare.

Atavisms and rudiments, examples of which will be discussed in our article, are irrefutable evidence evolutionary theory development of living organisms. What do these concepts mean and what is the significance of their discovery for modern science?

Evidence for evolution

Evolution is the development of all living things from simple to complex. This means that organisms have changed over time. Each subsequent generation had more progressive features of the structure, which led to their adaptation to new living conditions. And this means that organisms belonging to different systematic units must have similar features.

For example, the forelimbs of birds consist of the same sections. These are the shoulder, forearm and hand. But since birds are adapted for flight, this limb turns into wings for them, and for aquatic inhabitants it changes into flippers. Such organs are called homologous.

Another proof of the theory of evolution are analogies. So, both insects and bats have wings. But in the first they are derivatives epithelial tissue, and in the latter they are a skin fold between the fore and hind limbs. These organs have different origins, but have common features of structure and functioning. This phenomenon arose due to the divergence of signs, or divergence.

Atavisms and rudiments, examples of which are studied by comparative anatomy, are also direct evidence of the interconnection of all living things with each other.

What is a rudiment?

Some organs are said to be "rudimentary developed." This means that it is not enough for the full implementation of the intended functions. Indeed, rudiments are called organs that have lost their original meaning in the process of evolution. On the one hand, they are developed to a certain extent, and on the other hand, they are at the stage of extinction. Typical examples of rudiments are a change in the shape of the auricle and the degree of development of the muscles that surround it. Our ancestors needed to listen every minute to the approach of danger or long-awaited prey. Therefore, the shape of the shell was sharper, and the muscles ensured its movement. Modern man the ability to move your ears is unlikely to be useful in everyday life. Therefore, individuals with such skills can be found very rarely.

Examples of rudiments in humans and animals

Underdeveloped organs inherent in ancestors are quite common in animals. Examples of rudiments are the presence of a coccyx in a person, which is a remnant of the caudal spine, as well as wisdom teeth, necessary for chewing rough and unprocessed food. At this stage, we practically do not use these parts of the body. The appendix is ​​a vestige that humans supposedly inherited from herbivores. This part of the digestive system secretes enzymes and is involved in the processes of splitting, but compared to the ancestors, it is significantly shortened. For comparison: in humans, its average length is about 10 cm, and in a sheep or camel - several meters.

The list of human rudiments continues with the third eyelid. In reptiles, this structure moisturizes and cleanses the outer shell of the eye. In humans, it is motionless, has a small size, and the above functions are performed by the upper eyelid. A scar in the upper palate of a person is also a vestige - these are the rudiments of the next row of teeth, which a person does not need.

The vestiges of animals are the hind limbs of whales hidden inside the body, and the halteres of dipterous insects, which are a modified pair of wings. But in snakes, the limbs are not at all developed, because due to the peculiarities of their musculoskeletal system, the need for them is completely absent.

Rudiments: photo of plants

Plants also have vestigial organs. For example, wheatgrass weed has a well-developed rhizome, which is an underground shoot with elongated internodes. Small scales are clearly visible on it, which are rudimentary leaves. Since underground they will not be able to perform their main function - the implementation of photosynthesis, then there is no need for their development. A rudimentary pistil in the form of a tubercle in the stamen flower of cucumbers is also a rudiment.

What are atavisms?

Another proof of evolution are atavisms. We can say that this concept is the opposite of rudiments. Atavisms are the manifestation in individual individuals of signs characteristic of their distant ancestors. Their presence also indicates a certain degree of kinship in a number of generations. In the early stages of embryo development, there is both a tail and gill sacs. If embryogenesis occurs correctly, these structures stop their development. In case of violation of the development process, individuals with structural features unusual for them may appear. Therefore, a tailed boy and an amphibian man are not just a fantasy.

Human atavisms

In addition to the appearance of the tail, typical human atavisms are excessive body hair. Sometimes it significantly exceeds the norm. There are cases when hair covered the entire body of a person, except for the palms and soles of the feet. The appearance of additional mammary glands on the body is also considered an atavism, and this can occur in both women and men. This trait is inherited from mammals that have had many children. At the same time, there was a need to feed them all at the same time. A person has no such need.

The second row of teeth is also a feature inherent in our distant ancestors. For example, a shark has several rows of them. This is necessary for predators to effectively capture and hold prey. There is an opinion that microcephaly can also be considered an atavism. This is a genetic disease that manifests itself in a decrease in the size of the brain and skull. At the same time, all other proportions of the body remain normal. This leads to mental retardation.

A person shows some signs of animals in the form of reflexes. For example, hiccups are a typical feature of ancient amphibians. This reaction was necessary for them to pass water through the respiratory organs. And which is especially strongly developed in children, is a manifestation of that in mammals. They clutched at their parents' fur so as not to get lost.

Atavisms of animals and plants

An example of the manifestation of ancestral traits in animals is the appearance of hair or hind limbs in cetaceans. This is proof of the origin of these animals from extinct ungulate mammals. Atavisms are also the development of additional fingers in modern horses, movable limbs in snakes, and in primroses, an increase in the number of stamens to 10 is sometimes observed. This is how many ancestors of modern plants had. Although modern species have only 5 stamens.

Reasons for evolutionary change

As you can see, rudiments and atavisms appear in many species of plants and animals. This indicates a certain degree of kinship between representatives of different systematic units within the same kingdom. Evolutionary changes always occur in the direction of their complexity, as a result of which living organisms have the opportunity to better adapt to certain living conditions.

Having considered examples of rudiments and atavisms, we were convinced of the generality and consistency of the theory of evolution.

Rudiments- organs that were well developed in ancient evolutionary ancestors, and now they are underdeveloped, but have not completely disappeared yet, because evolution is very slow. For example, a whale has pelvic bones. In a person:

  • body hair,
  • third eyelid,
  • coccyx,
  • muscle that moves the ear
  • appendix and caecum,
  • wisdom teeth.

atavisms- organs that should be in a rudimentary state, but due to developmental disorders have reached a large size. A person has a hairy face, a soft tail, the ability to move the auricle, and multiple nipples. Differences between atavisms and rudiments: atavisms are deformities, and everyone has rudiments.

Homologous Organs- outwardly differ, because they are adapted to different conditions, but have a similar internal structure, since they arose from one source organ in the process divergences. (Divergence is the process of divergence of signs.) Example: bat wings, human hand, whale flipper.

Similar bodies- outwardly similar, because they are adapted to the same conditions, but have a different structure, because they arose from different organs in the process convergence. Example: the eye of a human and an octopus, the wing of a butterfly and a bird.

Convergence is the process of convergence of characteristics in organisms that have fallen into the same conditions. Examples:

  • aquatic animals of different classes (sharks, ichthyosaurs, dolphins) have a similar body shape;
  • fast running vertebrates have few fingers (horse, ostrich).

1. Establish a correspondence between an example of an evolutionary process and the ways in which it is achieved: 1) convergence, 2) divergence. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) the forelimbs of a cat and the upper limbs of a chimpanzee
B) the wing of a bird and the flippers of a seal
C) octopus tentacle and human hand
D) penguin wing and shark fins
D) different types of mouthparts in insects
E) butterfly wing and bat wing


2. Establish a correspondence between the example and the process of macroevolution that it illustrates: 1) divergence, 2) convergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of wings in birds and butterflies
B) coat color in gray and black rats
B) gill breathing in fish and crayfish
D) different shapes of beaks in great and crested tits
D) the presence of burrowing limbs in a mole and a bear
E) streamlined body shape in fish and dolphins


3. Establish a correspondence between animal organs and evolutionary processes, as a result of which these organs were formed: 1) divergence, 2) convergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the limbs of a bee and a grasshopper
B) dolphin flippers and penguin flippers
C) bird and butterfly wings
D) the forelimbs of the mole and the insect of the bear
D) the limbs of a hare and a cat
E) squid and dog eyes


4. Establish a correspondence between the organs of animals and the evolutionary processes as a result of which these organs were formed: 1) convergence, 2) divergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) limbs of a mole and a hare
B) butterfly and bird wings
c) eagle and penguin wings
D) human nails and tiger claws
D) crab and fish gills


Choose one, the most correct option. The development of a small number of fingers in the limbs of the horse and ostrich is an example
1) convergence
2) morphophysiological progress
3) geographic isolation
4) environmental isolation


Choose one, the most correct option. An example of a vestigial organ in humans is
1) caecum
2) multiple nipples
3) gill slits in the embryo
4) scalp


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The rudiments are
1) human ear muscles
2) whale's hind limb belt
3) underdeveloped hairline on the human body
4) gills in terrestrial vertebrate embryos
5) multiple nipples in humans
6) elongated fangs in predators


Choose one, the most correct option. As a result of what evolutionary process did aquatic animals of different classes (sharks, ichthyosaurs, dolphins) acquire a similar body shape
1) divergences
2) convergence
3) aromorphosis
4) degeneration


Choose one, the most correct option. Which pair of aquatic vertebrates supports the possibility of evolution based on convergent similarity?
1) blue whale and sperm whale
2) blue shark and bottlenose dolphin
3) fur seal and sea lion
4) European sturgeon and beluga


Choose one, the most correct option. The development of limbs of different structures in mammals belonging to different orders is an example
1) aromorphosis
2) idioadaptation
3) regeneration
4) convergence


Look at the drawing of wings in different animals and determine: (A) what evolutionists call these organs, (B) to what group of evolutionary evidence these organs belong, and (C) by what mechanism of evolution they were formed.
1) homologous
2) embryological
3) convergence
4) divergence
5) comparative anatomical
6) similar
7) driving
8) paleontological


Establish a correspondence between examples of objects and methods for studying evolution, in which these examples are used: 1) paleontological, 2) comparative anatomical. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) cactus spines and barberry spines
B) the remains of animal-toothed lizards
C) the phylogenetic series of the horse
D) multi-faciality in humans
D) human appendix


Choose one, the most correct option. What sign of a person is considered atavism?
1) grasping reflex
2) the presence of an appendix in the intestine
3) abundant hairline
4) six-fingered limb


1. Establish a correspondence between the example and the type of organs: 1) Homologous organs 2) Similar organs. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) The forearm of a frog and a chicken
B) Mouse legs and bat wings
C) Sparrow wings and locust wings
D) whale fins and crayfish fins
D) Burrowing limbs of a mole and a bear
E) Human hair and dog hair


2. Establish a correspondence between the forms of adaptation of organisms to the environment and the organs that they have formed: 1) homologous, 2) similar. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the streamlined shape of the head of a shark and a dolphin
B) owl wing and bat wing
C) the limb of a horse and the limb of a mole
D) human eye and octopus eye
E) carp fins and fur seal flippers


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of organs and comparative anatomical evidence of evolution: 1) homologous organs, 2) similar organs. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) lack of genetic relationship
B) performing various functions
C) a single plan for the structure of five-fingered limbs
D) development from identical embryonic rudiments
D) formation in similar conditions


1. Establish a correspondence between an example and a sign: 1) rudiment, 2) atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) wisdom teeth
B) multi-nipple
B) muscles that move the ear
D) tail
D) strongly developed fangs


2. Establish a correspondence between the evolutionary characteristics of a person and their examples: 1) rudiment, 2) atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) muscles of the ear
B) tail vertebrae
B) facial hair
D) outer tail
D) appendix of the caecum


3. Establish a correspondence between the structural features of the human body and comparative anatomical evidence of its evolution: 1) atavisms, 2) rudiments. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) folds of the nictitating membrane
B) additional pairs of mammary glands
B) full body hair
D) underdeveloped ear muscles
D) appendix
E) caudal appendage


4. Establish a correspondence between the structures of the human body and evidence of evolution: 1) rudiment, 2 atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) ear muscles
B) appendix
B) coccygeal vertebrae
D) thick hairline all over the body
D) multi-nipple
E) the remainder of the third century


Consider the drawing depicting the inhabitants of the waters of different classes of vertebrates and determine (A) what kind of evolutionary process the drawing illustrates, (B) under what conditions this process takes place, and (C) what results it leads to. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided. Write down the chosen numbers, in the order corresponding to the letters.
1) homologous organs
2) convergence
3) occurs in related groups of organisms that live and develop in heterogeneous environmental conditions
4) vestigial organs
5) occurs in the same conditions of existence of animals belonging to different systematic groups that acquire similar structural features
6) similar bodies
7) divergence


Choose two correct answers from five and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Evolutionary terms include
1) divergence
2) monitoring
3) natural selection
4) plasmid
5) panspermia


Read the text. Choose three sentences that indicate comparative anatomical methods for studying evolution. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. (1) Similar organs testify to the similarity of adaptations to the same environmental conditions in different organisms that arise in the course of evolution. (2) An example of homologous organs are the forelimbs of a whale, a mole, a horse. (3) Rudiments are laid in embryogenesis, but do not fully develop. (4) Embryos of different vertebrates within a phylum have a similar structure. (5) Phylogenetic series for elephants and rhinos have been compiled.


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Wings in flightless birds, eyes in blind fish, reproductive organs in plants that reproduce vegetatively The question arises: what is the point? However, the rudimentary organs and structures that our predecessors needed, but which have now decreased in size, become simpler and lost their value, carry the most important information about the evolution of the human body. They helped Charles Darwin write his famous work On the Origin of Species, thanks to them our phylogenetic tree was built.

Many believe that vestigial organs are completely useless. It is not always so. In many cases, they still play a role. For example, the most important organ of the immune system, the thymus (thymus gland), was also once considered unnecessary. In addition, the rudiments serve as a kind of milestones in evolution, helping to trace our connection with distant predecessors. The rudimentary organs and structures that exist in the body must have been in our direct ancestors. Therefore, you will never find the beginnings of feathers in mammals or gills in primates.

Atavism is another matter. They reproduce structures or features that their immediate ancestors did not have. For example, whales or dolphins with visible hind limbs are occasionally found in nature. This is a kind of "gift" from their land relatives. People with thick hair are also known. In the old days, they were sometimes considered werewolves who turned into wolves or bears at night.

What structures in the human body remind us of our evolutionary path and, perhaps, indicate the direction of further biological development?

A striking example of atavism is the coccyx, a kind of relic of a tail common to mammals. Animals need it to maintain balance, transmit intraspecific signals and various auxiliary operations. Humans and great apes do not have a tail, but the human embryo does. With normal intrauterine development, the tail is reduced to 4-5 fused vertebrae (coccyx). However, there are many cases of children being born with a noticeable tail, which was then surgically removed without consequences. This means that they have a gene responsible for reducing the coccyx, was weakened.

A lack of vitamin C poses a threat of scurvy, which can lead to death. The human body is not able to synthesize this vitamin, although our ancestors, with the exception of guinea pigs and primates, had this property. In 1994, a gene responsible for the synthesis of vitamin C was found in humans. In fact, this is a pseudogene: it exists, but does not work. As expected, the same pseudogene was found in primates and guinea pigs.

As you know, our ancestors were herbivores, they needed strong molars for rubbing and chewing plant foods. In memory of this, we got the “third molars”, or wisdom teeth. Theoretically, they can still be chewed, but in about a third of all people they either grow at random, or they do not cut through properly, or they get damaged and get sick. Therefore, they are often removed immediately after the appearance.

Another heritage of herbivorous ancestors is the vermiform appendix associated with the hindgut. In animals, this sac (caecum) is much larger than in humans, and serves to facilitate the digestion of food rich in fiber.

Due to the risk of inflammation, the appendix is ​​often removed without harmful consequences for the body. However, some researchers believe that the appendix plays a certain supporting role in strengthening immunity.

Many consider nipples in men to be vestiges, but this is not true, since they also never functioned in our ancestors. It's just that in the early stages of embryonic development we are, so to speak, unisexual, and sexual differences appear later under the influence of appropriate hormones.

What we call "goosebumps" is the result of the action of muscle fibers that cause the hairs on the body to rise. In animals and birds, such a mechanism increases the volume of the body, which can scare off an enemy that is ready to attack. In addition, in this case, the feather cover or fur “absorbs” air, improving thermal insulation.

Of course, clothing helps a person to keep warm, and not sparse vegetation on the body. However, even a slight muscle tension contributes to a barely noticeable increase in skin temperature. In addition, "goosebumps" often serve as an emotional response to external stimuli (say, when listening to good music or watching a "horror movie"), in a certain way improving mutual understanding between people.

It is assumed that in mice and other animals, tiny vomeronasal organs serve to recognize pheromones, that is, biologically active substances that help find a potential mating partner, determine sex and age, and obtain other information about a congener. Similar structures exist in humans, however, according to the prevailing opinion, they are rudiments and have lost contact with the brain.

There are other rudimentary and atavistic structures in humans, especially given the potential changes to our genome. However, provided that the expenditure of energy and other resources of the body on them will be insignificant, there is hope to preserve them in the future.

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