What event served as the beginning of the first Russian revolution. Participants of the first Russian revolution. Uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov"

The emergence of the Russian parliament took place in Russia under specific conditions and had its own characteristics:

  • the belated formation of the parliamentary system in comparison with that in Western Europe(in England in 1265, in France in 1302)
  • The prerequisites for the formation of parliament in Russia were the development of the zemstvo movement and the emergence of the so-called liberal zemstvo
  • the formation of the party system in Russia begins
  • the development of revolutionary events and failures in foreign policy (defeat in the Russo-Japanese War) forced the autocracy to make decisions to renew the monarchy

The development of the bill on the establishment of the State Duma was entrusted to the Minister of Internal Affairs A. G. Bulygin. In July 1905, he presented a project for the creation of a supreme legislative advisory representative body (the so-called Bulygin Duma).

It was envisaged that the Duma would discuss laws, estimates of ministries and main departments, state revenues and expenses, and matters regarding the construction of railways. The procedure for elections to the Duma was established: by province and region and major cities. Elections in the outskirts were to be carried out on the basis of special rules. The government's political maneuver was designed to attract monarchical and conservative forces and, above all, the peasantry. The high electoral qualification deprived workers, a significant part of the urban population, landless peasants and farm laborers from participating in elections. However, the Bulygin Duma was boycotted by the overwhelming majority of the Russian population. The revolution spread in breadth and depth, involving new groups of workers in the struggle, penetrated into the army and navy, and by the autumn of 1905 it reached its climax.

The complex and contradictory nature of the country's socio-economic and political development led to the emergence of a revolutionary crisis.

Causes of the revolution

1. economic:

  • the contradiction between the capitalist modernization that has begun in the country and the preservation of pre-capitalist forms of economy (landownership, commune, land shortage, agricultural overpopulation, handicraft industry);
  • the global economic crisis of the early 20th century, which had a particularly hard impact on the Russian economy

2. social:

a complex of contradictions that have developed in society both as a result of the development of capitalism and as a result of its immaturity

3. political:

  • crisis at the top, the struggle between reformist and reactionary lines in the government, failures in the Russo-Japanese War, activation of left forces in the country
  • aggravation of the socio-political situation in the country due to defeat in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

4. national:

  • complete political lack of rights, lack of democratic freedoms and high degree exploitation of workers of all nations

Distribution of social political forces on the eve of the revolution was represented by three main directions:

conservative, government direction

The basis is a significant part of the nobility and high officials. There were several movements - from reactionary to moderate or liberal-conservative (from K. P. Pobedonostsev to P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky).

The program is the preservation of the autocratic monarchy in Russia, the creation of a representative body with legislative functions, the protection of the economic and political interests of the nobility, the expansion of the social support of the autocracy at the expense of the big bourgeoisie and the peasantry. The authorities were ready to undertake reforms, but they waited, hesitated, and could not choose a specific model;

liberal direction

The basis is the nobility and bourgeoisie, as well as part of the intelligentsia (professors, lawyers). Liberal-conservative and moderate-liberal currents were distinguished. The main organizations were the “Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists” by I. I. Petrunkevich and the “Union of Liberation” by P. B. Struve.

The program is to ensure democratic rights and freedoms, abolish the political monopoly of the nobility, dialogue with the authorities and implement reforms “from above”;

radical democratic direction

The basis was the radical intelligentsia, who sought to express the interests of the working class and peasantry. The main parties were the Socialist Revolutionary Party (AKP) and the RSDLP.

The program is the destruction of autocracy and landownership, the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the proclamation of the Democratic Republic, the solution of the agrarian, labor and national Polls in a radical democratic way. They defended the revolutionary Model of transformation “from below”.

Tasks of the revolution

  • overthrow of the autocracy and establishment of a democratic republic
  • elimination of class inequality
  • introduction of freedom of speech, assembly, parties and associations
  • abolition of landownership and distribution of land to peasants
  • reduction of working hours to 8 hours
  • recognition of the right of workers to strike and the creation of trade unions
  • establishing the equality of the peoples of Russia

Wide sections of the population were interested in the implementation of these tasks. Participating in the revolution were: most of the middle and petty bourgeoisie, the intelligentsia, workers, peasants, soldiers, and sailors. Hollow It was nationwide in its goals and composition of participants and had a bourgeois-democratic character. The revolution lasted 2.5 years (from January 9, 1905 to June 3, 1907). In the development of the revolution, two lines can be distinguished, ascending and descending.

Rising line (January - December 1905) - the growth of the revolutionary wave, the radicalization of demands, the massive nature of revolutionary actions. The range of forces advocating the development of the revolution is extremely wide - from liberals to radicals.

Main events: Bloody Sunday, January 9 (Gapon, petition from a documentary book) - shooting of a workers’ demonstration in St. Petersburg; January-February - a wave of strike movement in the country, intensification of Socialist Revolutionary terror; May - formation of the first workers' council in Ivanovo-Voznesensk; spring-summer - activation of the peasant movement, “fire epidemic”, 1st congress of the All-Russian Peasant Union, beginning of actions in the army and navy (June - uprising on the battleship Potemkin); autumn - the peak of the revolution: the All-Russian October political strike, the adoption of the Tsar's Manifesto on October 17 (democratic rights and freedoms are proclaimed in Russia, elections to the State Duma are guaranteed), liberals move to open criticism of the authorities, who form their own political parties (cadets and Octobrists). After October 17, liberals move away from the revolution and enter into dialogue with the authorities. Left-wing radical forces, not satisfied with the Manifesto, are trying to ensure further development revolution. But the balance of power in the country is already in favor of the authorities. The December armed uprising in Moscow was defeated, led to bloodshed and was considered premature by many revolutionaries.

The downward line of the revolution (1906 - June 3, 1907) - the authorities take the initiative into their own hands. In the spring, “Basic State Laws” are adopted, enshrining the change political system(Russia is being transformed into a “Duma” monarchy), elections are held to the 1st and 2nd State Dumas. But the dialogue between the authorities and society turned out to be unproductive. The Duma actually did not receive legislative powers.

On June 3, 1907, with the dissolution of the Second Duma and the publication of a new electoral law, the revolution ends.

The revolution forced Nicholas II to sign on October 17 the Manifesto “On the Improvement of State Order,” which proclaimed:

  • granting freedom of speech, conscience, assembly and association
  • attracting broad sections of the population to elections
  • mandatory procedure for approval by the State Duma of all laws issued

Numerous political parties emerge and are legalized in the country, formulating in their programs demands and ways of political transformation of the existing system and participating in elections to the Duma. The Manifesto marked the beginning of the formation of parliamentarism in Russia. This was a new step towards transforming the feudal monarchy into a bourgeois one. According to the Manifesto, the State Duma was characterized by certain features of parliament. This is evidenced by the possibility of open discussion of government issues, the need to send various requests to the Council of Ministers, and to make attempts to declare no confidence in the government. The next step was to change the election law. According to the new law of December 1905, four electoral curiae were approved: from landowners, urban residents, peasants and workers. Women, soldiers, sailors, students, landless peasants, farm laborers and some “foreigners” were deprived of the right to choose. The government, which continued to hope that the peasantry would be the support of the autocracy, provided it with 45% of all seats in the Duma. Members of the State Duma were elected for a term of 5 years. According to the Manifesto of October 17, the State Duma was established as a legislative body, although tsarism tried to evade this principle. The competence of the Duma was to include issues requiring legislative solutions: state registration of income and expenses; state control report on the use of state registration; cases of alienation of property; cases concerning the construction of railways by the state; cases on the establishment of companies on shares. The State Duma had the right to query the government regarding illegal actions committed by ministers or chief executives. The Duma could not start a session on its own initiative, but was convened by decrees of the tsar.

On October 19, 1905, a decree was published on measures aimed at strengthening unity in the activities of ministries and main departments. In accordance with the decree, the Council of Ministers was reorganized, which was now entrusted with the leadership and unification of the actions of the main heads of departments on issues of management and legislation.

The meaning of revolution

  • the revolution changed the political situation in Russia: constitutional documents appeared (Manifesto of October 17 and “Basic State Laws”, the first parliament was formed - the State Duma, the composition and functions of the State Council changed, legal political parties and trade unions were formed, the democratic press developed)
  • Some limitation of autocracy (temporary) has been achieved, although the possibility of making legislative decisions and the fullness of executive power remain
  • the socio-political situation of Russian citizens has changed: democratic freedoms have been introduced, censorship has been abolished, it is allowed to organize trade unions and political parties (temporarily)
  • The bourgeoisie received a wide opportunity to participate in the political life of the country
  • The financial and legal situation of workers has improved: in a number of industries, wages have increased and the working hours have decreased
  • peasants achieved the abolition of redemption payments
  • During the revolution, the prerequisites were created for agrarian reform, which contributed to the further development of bourgeois relations in the countryside
  • the revolution changed the moral and psychological situation in the country: tsarist illusions in the countryside began to wane, unrest gripped part of the army and navy, the masses felt themselves to be subjects of history, the revolutionary forces accumulated significant experience in struggle, including realizing the effective role of violence

Bottom line

The end of the revolution led to the establishment of temporary internal political stabilization in the country. The authorities managed to take control of the situation this time and suppress the revolutionary wave. At the same time, the agrarian question remained unresolved, and many feudal remnants and privileges remained. How bourgeois revolution, the revolution of 1905, did not fulfill all its tasks; it remained unfinished.

At the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, objective and subjective prerequisites for revolution have developed, primarily due to the characteristics of Russia as a second-tier country. Four main factors became the most important prerequisites. Russia remained a country with an undeveloped democracy, the absence of a constitution, and the lack of guarantees of human rights, which resulted in the activity of parties opposing the government. After the reforms of the mid-19th century. The peasantry received less land than they used before the reform to ensure their existence, which caused social tension in the village. Increasing from the second half of the 19th century V. the contradictions between the rapid growth of capitalism and the remnants of serfdom created objective preconditions for discontent among both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. In addition, Russia was a multinational country in which the situation of non-Russian peoples was extremely difficult. That is why the majority of revolutionaries came from non-Russian peoples (Jews, Ukrainians, Latvians). All this testified to the readiness of entire social groups for revolution.

The revolutionary uprising, caused by the above contradictions, was accelerated by such events as crop failures and famine in a number of provinces at the beginning of the 20th century, the economic crisis of 1900-1903, which led to the marginalization of large masses of workers, and the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. By its nature, the revolution of 1905-1907 was bourgeois-democratic, as it was aimed at realizing the demands: the overthrow of the autocracy, the establishment democratic republic, the elimination of the class system and landownership. The means of struggle used are strikes and strikes, and the main driving force is the workers (proletariat).

Periodization of the revolution: 1st stage - initial - from January 9 to the autumn of 1905; 2nd stage - culminating - from autumn 1905 to December 1905; and the final stage - January 1906 - June 1907.

Progress of the revolution

The beginning of the revolution is considered to be January 9, 1905 (“Bloody Sunday”) in St. Petersburg, when government troops shot down a demonstration of workers, believed to have been organized by the priest of the St. Petersburg transit prison, Georgy Gapon. Indeed, in an effort to prevent the development of the revolutionary spirit of the masses and bringing their activities under control, the government took steps in this direction. Minister of Internal Affairs Plehve supported S. Zubatov’s experiments to bring the opposition movement under control. He developed and introduced “police socialism”. Its essence was the organization of workers' societies that were engaged in economic education. This, according to Zubatov, was supposed to take the workers away from the political struggle. A worthy successor to Zubatov’s ideas was Georgy Gapon, who created political workers’ organizations.

It was Gapon’s provocative activities that gave impetus to the beginning of the revolution. At the height of the St. Petersburg general strike (up to 3 thousand people participated), Gapon proposed organizing a peaceful procession to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Tsar about the needs of the workers. Gapon notified the police in advance of the upcoming demonstration, this allowed the government to quickly prepare to suppress the unrest. During the executions of the demonstration, more than 1 thousand people were killed. Thus, January 9, 1905 marked the beginning of the revolution and was called “Bloody Sunday.”

On May 1, a strike of workers began in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. The workers created their own government body - the Council of Workers' Representatives. On May 12, 1905, a strike began in Ivano-Frankovsk, which lasted more than two months. At the same time, unrest broke out in villages that engulfed the Black Earth Center, the Middle Volga region, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states. In the summer of 1905, the All-Russian Peasant Union was formed. At the Congress of the Union, demands were put forward for the transfer of land into the ownership of the entire people. Open armed uprisings broke out in the army and navy. A major event was the armed uprising prepared by the Mensheviks on the battleship Prince Potemkin Tauride. On June 14, 1905, the sailors, who captured the battleship during a spontaneous uprising, brought the ship to the roadstead of Odessa, where at that time a general strike was taking place. But the sailors did not dare to land and support the workers. "Potemkin" went to Romania and surrendered to the authorities.

The beginning of the second (culminating) stage of the revolution occurred in the autumn of 1905. The growth of the revolution, the activation of revolutionary forces and the opposition forced the tsarist government to make some concessions. By a rescript of Nicholas II, the Minister of Internal Affairs A. Bulygin was instructed to develop a project for the creation of the State Duma. On August 6, 1905, a manifesto on the convening of the Duma appeared. The majority of participants in the revolutionary movement were not satisfied with either the nature of the “Bulygin Duma” as an exclusively legislative body, or the Regulations on elections to the Duma (elections were held in three curiae: landowners, townspeople, peasants; workers, intellectuals and the petty bourgeoisie did not have voting rights). Due to the boycott of the Bulygin Duma, its elections never took place.

In October - November 1905, unrest among soldiers occurred in Kharkov, Kyiv, Warsaw, Kronstadt, and a number of other cities; on November 11, 1905, an uprising began in Sevastopol, during which sailors under the leadership of Lieutenant P. Schmidt disarmed the officers and created the Sevastopol Council of Deputies . The main base of the rebels was the cruiser "Ochakov", on which a red flag was raised. On November 15-16, 1905, the uprising was suppressed and its leaders were shot. Since mid-October, the government has been losing control of the situation. Rallies and demonstrations took place everywhere demanding a constitution. To overcome the crisis, the government tried to find a way out of the impasse and make even greater concessions.

On October 17, 1905, the Tsar signed a Manifesto, according to which the citizens of Russia were granted civil liberties: personal immunity, freedom of conscience, speech, press, assembly and unions. The State Duma was given legislative functions. The creation of a unified government - the Council of Ministers - was declared. The manifesto influenced the further development of the event, reduced the revolutionary impulse of the liberals and contributed to the creation of right-wing legal parties (the Cadets and the Octobrists).

The strike that began in October in Moscow spread throughout the country and grew into the All-Russian October political strike. In October 1905, over 2 million people went on strike. At this time, the Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies arose, which from bodies of the strike struggle turned into parallel (alternative) bodies of power. Those who took part in them: the Mensheviks considered them as bodies of local self-government, and the Bolsheviks - as bodies of an armed uprising. Highest value had St. Petersburg and Moscow councils of workers' deputies. The Moscow Council issued a call to start a political strike. On December 7, 1905, a general political strike began, which grew in Moscow into the December armed uprising, which lasted until December 19, 1905. The workers built barricades on which they fought with government troops. After the suppression of the December armed uprising in Moscow, the revolutionary wave began to subside. In 1906-1907 strikes, walkouts, peasant unrest, and protests in the army and navy continued. But the government, with the help of severe repressions, gradually regained control over the country.

Thus, during the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1905-1907, despite all the achievements, it was not possible to achieve the solution of the main tasks put forward at the beginning of the revolution, the overthrow of the autocracy, the destruction of the class system and the establishment of a democratic republic.

Historian the Great 06 October 2017 1001

Revolution 1905-1907 in Russia.

Prerequisites, reasons, occasion, character, features of the first Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907. Goals of the revolutionary movement.

Three stages of revolution. Main events of the revolution. The first stage of the “ascending line” of the revolution. The second stage is the three political trends of the revolution. Manifesto October 17, 1905. The work of the first and second Dumas.

Results and results of the first Russian revolution.

1. The beginning of the revolution.

According to contemporaries, Gapon had a bright, beautiful and memorable appearance. People who saw him once recognized him unmistakably many years later.

Gapon had a southern type of face with dark skin, a large nose, jet black hair, a raven beard and black eyes. According to various estimates, he looked like a gypsy, a representative of the mountain races, a southern Italian, a Jew or an Armenian.

In a priest's cassock, with long curly hair and a beard, he made a particularly strong impression. Some noted that he looked like Christ. His eyes made a special impression on his contemporaries. Gapon had a magnetic gaze that was difficult to withstand; he could stare at his interlocutor for hours without stopping.
1. The beginning of the revolution. P. A. Gapon. Bloody Sunday. The main events of the spring-summer of 1905. Radical political parties, their strategy and tactics. Power and Russian society. First Council of Workers' Deputies. Presentation 1.

Prerequisites for revolutionary events:

  • 1900 - 1903 - economic crisis
  • 1904 - 1905 - Russian-Japanese War
  • The bourgeoisie was not in opposition to the autocracy.


  • The confrontation between autocracy and society, caused by the lack of political freedoms and parliament as a form of representative power.
  • Unresolved agrarian question: the dominance of landlordism, the lack of land for peasants, the preservation of redemption payments.
  • Deterioration of the situation of workers due to the intensification of the conflict between labor and capital.
  • The crisis of the imperial system of relations between the center and the province, between the metropolis and the national outskirts.

The nature of the revolution 1905 - 1907 - bourgeois-democratic .

According to the composition of participants - nationwide .

Goals of the revolution:

  • Overthrow of the autocracy.
  • Establishment of democratic rights and freedoms.
  • Elimination of landownership and distribution of land to peasants.
  • Reducing the working day to 8 hours.
  • Recognition of workers' rights to strikes, meetings, and organize trade unions.

Stages of the revolution 1905 - 1907

The first stage of the revolution. (the plot of the film "Empire Under Attack")

"Bloody Sunday" January 9, 1905 Spontaneous revolutionary protests of workers, students, intellectuals, reactions of cultural figures, writers.

Revolutionary events.

Authorities' reaction

Spontaneous strikes in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities.

Temporary confusion is being replaced by the reaction of the law enforcement system and forceful methods of dispersing rallies.

May 1905 organized strike of workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Creation of the first Councils of Workers' Representatives.

The Tsar receives a delegation from the Council of Workers' Representatives.

February 18, 1905 Nikolay II signs a rescript (promise) of reforms and freedoms.

June 1905 Mutiny on the battleship Potemkin

Spontaneous protests by peasants in the central and southern provinces of Russia.

August 6, 1905 Nikolay II signs the decree establishing the State Duma (the so-called Bulygin Duma)

May - June 1905 Congresses of zemstvo representatives are being held, and the All-Russian Peasant Congress is a demand for constitutional reforms.

Strengthening the revolutionary movement.
Second stage of the revolution. The highest rise of the revolution. All-Russian October political strike. Fluctuations in the government camp. Manifesto of October 17, 1905. Organizational formation of the Cadets and Octobrist parties (P.N. Milyukov, P.B. Struve, A.I. Guchkov). Black Hundred movement. Armed uprising in Moscow and other cities.

Education political parties

Revolutionary events

Actions of the supreme power

Autumn 1905 institution is constitutional - democratic party(People's Freedom Party) Cadets. Leader - P.N. Milyukov. Political center of the liberal intelligentsia. The ideal is the British constitutional monarchy. In relation to the Manifesto of October 17 - “does not provide even the minimum concessions needed today.”

All-Russian political strike (September - October 1905)

Formation of Soviets of Workers' Deputies in Moscow and St. Petersburg (November - December 1905)

October 17, 1905 - Tsar’s Manifesto “On Improving the State Order.”

Issue of a new law on elections in I State Duma (December 11, 1905)

"Union of October 17" Octobrists. Leader - A.I. Guchkov. Conservatives advocated moderate reforms. Representatives are large industrialists and bureaucrats. They recognize that they represent the interests of capital and the owning classes.

Uprising in the fleet in Sevastopol and Kronstadt (October - November 1905)

Consolidation of reactionary forces. The center of revolutionary forces is moving from the capitals to the periphery. Uprisings in the navy and in Moscow were suppressed with the help of troops.

"Union of the Russian People" Black Hundred, leaders Dubrovin A.I. Purishkevich. Far-right nationalists. They express, in their opinion, the Russian national idea of ​​“Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality.” The use of reprisals is explained: “Arbitrariness and lynching: this is the only thing that remains for supporters of order and law...”

December armed uprising in Moscow.

The manifesto split the revolutionary forces into supporters and opponents.

Liberals believed that the Manifesto was already a victory for democratic forces. There is no need to continue the fight.

Social Democrats and Social Revolutionaries believed that the Manifesto was a half-measure and the struggle should be continued.
The third stage of the revolution. Decline of the revolution. Dynamics of the revolutionary struggle in 1906-1907. The formation of Russian parliamentarism. The balance of political forces. I and II State Dumas. The agrarian question in the Duma. Tactics of the liberal opposition. Duma and radical parties. June 3rd coup d'etat.

Revolutionary actions

Parliamentary struggle

Actions of the supreme power

Massive peasant unrest in June 1906

Elections in I State Duma (20.03. - 20.04. 1906)

Duma address to the emperor demanding the introduction of constitutional government. The Duma was dissolved by decree of the Tsar.

Transformation of the State Council into the upper house of parliament.

Publication of the Fundamental Laws Russian Empire", which determined the powers of the State Council and the State Duma.

Uprising of soldiers and sailors of the Baltic Fleet in Sveaborg, Kronstadt and Reval in July 1906.

Publication of the “Temporary Rules”, which allowed the creation of trade unions (03/04/1906)

Attempt on P.A. Stolypin 08/12/1906 (explosion on Aptekarsky Island)

Activity II State Duma (20.02. - 2.06.1907)

Dissolution II Duma. Introduction of a new electoral law.

Creation of military field courts (08/19/1906)

Third June Monarchy. The beginning of Stolypin's agrarian reform.

Results of the first Russian revolution.

The revolution won, according to moderate liberals and conservatives because

  1. The State Duma was created.
  2. Reform of the State Council - transforming it into the upper house of parliament.
  3. Proclamation of freedom of speech.
  4. Trade unions are allowed.
  5. Partial political amnesty.
  6. Cancellation of redemption payments.
  7. The beginning of agrarian reforms by P.A. Stolypin.

The revolution was a failure, according to the revolutionary forces.

  1. Autocracy remained and even strengthened.
  2. Landownership was preserved.
  3. Naughty I and II The Dumas were dispersed, elections to the Third Duma were held so that the majority in it was represented by the right. An obedient parliament.
  4. The authorities' reaction to revolutionary events, the persecution of revolutionaries.

Basic concepts: parliament, faction, revolution, driving forces revolution, party tactics, political party, State Duma.

The traditional name for the revolution in the Russian Empire, usually dated January 9, 1905 - June 3, 1907. The name “Russian” is traditional, but representatives actively participated in the revolution different nations empires. The reasons for the revolution are the aggravation social problems and the “labor question”), as well as dissatisfaction with the policies of the autocracy, primarily on the part of the urban strata and national minorities. During the “spring of Svyatopolk-Mirsky” of 1904, the liberal public and the labor movement became more active. A meeting of Russian factory workers, led by thousands of workers, led a mass demonstration on Sunday, January 9, 1905, to come to the Winter Palace and present a petition with workers' demands. These demands themselves were drawn up with the help of the socialists and included an 8-hour working day, an increase in wages, and the convening of a Constituent Assembly - a parliament that would adopt a constitution and limit autocracy. The demonstration was shot and dispersed by troops. This discredited the autocracy and was only an impetus for the long-overdue revolutionary process, the cause of which was the socio-economic crisis and the lag of political transformations behind social changes. Strikes broke out in protest against the arbitrariness of the authorities and the difficult social conditions in which the workers found themselves. On January 10, 1905, tens of thousands of workers went on strike in Moscow, then in Baku, Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Lodz, Kovno, Vilna and other cities. In Riga, troops again shot at demonstrators. Nicholas II tried to understand the causes of social protests with the help of N. Shidlovsky’s commission, which was supposed to include elected representatives of the workers, but it failed because the workers put forward political demands. Ideas quickly spread among the population. But the penetration of oppositional and revolutionary views into different social groups progressed unevenly, and therefore until October 1905 revolutionary movement developed in outbreaks that occurred scatteredly and were suppressed one after another. There were terrorist attacks (the assassination of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich on February 4, 1905 had the greatest resonance), uprisings in the army and navy (, strikes. Serious problems for the economy and the authorities were created by strikes on the railways in February-March 1905. The peasant movement was growing. In the spring and summer, citywide strikes took place in Lodz and Ivanovo-Voznesensk, where the first Council arose. The most famous organization of the opposition was the Union of Unions, which united the newly formed trade unions of workers and workers. public unions intelligentsia.

In May, the striking workers of Ivanovo-Voznesensk elected the first Council of Workers' Deputies, a body representing the interests of the proletarians. The council effectively took control of the city during the strike. The workers obeyed only him. In total, 55 Soviets arose in the country in 1905. The most influential was, which consisted of 562 deputies, mainly from factories, factories and revolutionary parties. Its first chairman was lawyer G. Khrustalev-Nosar. After the arrests, the last acting chairman was a Social Democrat. In December, deputies of the St. Petersburg Council were arrested.

The growth of the peasant movement led to the creation of the All-Russian Peasant Union. At the end of the year, the Union as a whole throughout the country had 470 rural and volost branches, numbering about 200 thousand people. On November 3, 1905, a decree was adopted to stop the payment of redemption payments from 1907. However, this measure did not reassure the peasantry. There were mass unrest in Poland, Latvia, Georgia and other “national borderlands”. They were accompanied by clashes with troops and armed attacks on government officials. Armenian-Azerbaijani interethnic clashes occurred. The defeat of the autocracy contributed to the discreditation of the autocracy.

On June 14, 1905, the crew of the battleship mutinied. The rebel ship sailed around the Black Sea, but did not receive real support and on June 25, 1905, was forced to surrender to the Romanian authorities. The uprising showed that the armed forces were unreliable, but at the same time the opposition was unable to unite the efforts of disparate actions.

The autocracy was ready to make minor concessions by introducing a legislative and advisory representative body, which Nicholas II announced on August 6, 1905. Opposition forces opposed this “Bulygin Duma,” named after the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The heterogeneous socio-political forces participating in the revolution united into a single stream thanks to the revolution that began on October 7, 1905, in which about 2 million people took part. At the same time, there was a surge in the peasant movement - if in January-April it covered about 17% of the counties, then in October - about 37%. In conditions of paralysis of the life of the country, it was possible to convince Nicholas II to sign, proclaiming the introduction of civil liberties and elections to the legislative assembly - the State Duma. Based on the manifesto “On measures to strengthen the unity and activities of ministries and main departments,” a Council of Ministers was created, headed by the Prime Minister, who was personally responsible for the work of the entire government and reported to the emperor. The manifesto proclaimed a political amnesty, which allowed the leaders of opposition political parties to return to the country, and these parties themselves to emerge from underground.

The liberals proclaimed the creation of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets). Supporters of the political system that emerged as a result of the adoption of the manifesto united in the Union of October 17 (Octobrists). However, even the Cadets, not to mention the socialists, considered the Manifesto of October 17 insufficient. At the same time, supporters of the autocracy decided that the manifesto had been snatched from the tsar under the threat of violence and should be cancelled. They were called "Black Hundreds". They organized terror against revolutionaries and pogroms of Jews, whom they considered to be the culprits of the unrest.

After the publication of the Manifesto, a political amnesty was carried out, and the revolutionary parties began to act more openly, although they did not completely come out of hiding. Repressions against them continued. The Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), which broke away from it in 1906 into the more radical Union of Socialist Revolutionaries-Maximalists and the more moderate Party of People's Socialists, continued to advocate the overthrow of the autocracy, the transfer of landowners' land to the peasants and deep social reforms. The RSDLP, which also advocated socialism and democracy, strengthened its position in the labor movement, but the Social Democrats were weakened by the split between the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. Trade unions were also legalized.

Witte, appointed to lead the government, had difficulty coping with the situation. Opponents of the manifesto on the right and left quickly armed themselves. In October - December there were 195 mass soldier demonstrations (in January - September - 76). There were murders of public and revolutionary activists on the one hand and government officials, officers and businessmen on the other. During the revolution, about 9 thousand people died from terrorist attacks. Jewish pogroms swept across the country. Peasants burned landowners' estates and in some cases offered armed resistance to the troops.

The socialist parties believed that it was necessary to continue the offensive against the autocracy, without stopping at the armed struggle. On November 15, 1905, in Sevastopol, under the leadership of a lieutenant, the crew of the cruiser and 12 other ships. But this time the rebel ship was shot from the guns and was forced to surrender. Lieutenant Schmidt was executed.

The revolutionary parties were waiting for a new rise in the strike wave to begin an uprising against the autocracy. In early December, railway workers began a new strike. In the capital it was suppressed, and the Council of Workers' Deputies was arrested for calling not to pay taxes. But in Moscow, workers' deputies, under the influence of the Bolsheviks, called for a general strike, which on December 8 escalated into. In December-January, uprisings occurred in a number of cities and localities in the country: Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Chita, Donbass, Vladivostok and other places. Defeat December uprisings led to a significant weakening of the revolutionary parties and their authority. But it had an impact on the autocracy - at the height of the Moscow uprising, laws were adopted that consolidated and concretized the provisions of the October 17 manifesto. Under pressure from revolutionary uprisings, Nicholas II accepted the fact that his power would be limited by parliament. On December 11, 1905, a decree “On changing the regulations on elections to the State Duma” was issued. In accordance with it, almost the entire male population of the country over the age of twenty-five (except for soldiers, students, day laborers and some nomads) received voting rights.

On February 20, 1906, the “Establishment of the State Duma” was published, which defined its rights: preliminary development and discussion of legislative proposals, approval state budget etc. But only its lower house, the State Duma, was to be elected, and the State Council, half appointed by the emperor, became the upper house. The change in the political system was enshrined on April 23, 1906 in the “Basic Laws of the Russian Empire.”

Armed uprisings continued in the future (for example, the Kronstadt uprisings of 1905 and 1906, the Sveaborg armed uprising of 1906). The government reform of 1906 was carried out, but the opposition of the First State Duma led to its dissolution and the July crisis of 1906. Some deputies signed the Vyborg Appeal of 1906, for which they were repressed. The Second State Duma turned out to be more oppositional than the first.

If in 1905 there were 13,955 strikes registered with 2.86 million strikers (about 60% of industrial workers), then in 1906 there were 6,114 strikes with 1.1 million participants (37.9% of industrial workers), and in 1907 - 3,573 strikes with 0.74 million participants (32.1 industrial workers). By 1907, more than 600 trade unions had been created, covering about 245 thousand workers. In 1905, 3,228 mass peasant uprisings were registered, and in 1906 - about 2,600, but they already covered half of the counties of European Russia.

The suppression of the revolution was carried out under the leadership of P. Stolypin with the help of punitive expeditions to the countryside, military courts and other repressions. Terrorists also remained active. So, on August 12, 1906, the house of P. Stolypin was blown up, the prime minister was not injured, but 24 people died. At the same time, on November 4, 1906, projects were launched.

In 1907, strike and peasant activity began to decline, and the revolutionary forces gradually found themselves isolated. The end of the revolution is considered to be the dissolution of the Second State Duma and the illegal change of electoral legislation (the Third June Coup of 1907). Despite the partial defeat, thanks to the revolution, Russia gained a representative branch of government, economic strikes were allowed, civil liberties expanded, and ransom payments were abolished.

The experience of the revolution in Russia influenced the world social democratic movement, which appreciated the successes of the strike struggle, and also contributed to the rise of the anti-imperialist and democratic movement in Asia.


1. Contradictions between Russia and Japan over spheres of influence in China and Korea.

2. Economic expansion of Russia into China and military expansion of Japan in Korea.

3. For Russian government war as a means of preventing revolution, and for Japan as a vital necessity, because without colonies the rapidly growing Japanese economy was awaiting collapse.

Progress of military operations.


1. By Treaty of Portsmouth Russia was inferior to Japan Southern Sakhalin and the Liaodong Peninsula with the city of Port Arthur.

2. The defeat of Russia in the war with Japan served as the reason for the start of the First Russian Revolution, because the main argument in favor of autocracy was undermined: maintaining the military power and external greatness of the country.


1. The confrontation between a society thirsty for democratic reforms and an autocracy that did not want to make any concessions.

2. Unresolved agrarian question: contradictions between landowners latifundia and the lack of land of the peasants, the desire of the peasants to seize the landowners' lands.

3. Increasing conflict between labor and capital: the plight of workers, the longest working hours and the lowest wages in Europe, lack of social insurance, the right to strike and form trade unions.

4. Exacerbation of the national question: the contradiction between the great power policy of the government and the desire of the national outskirts for autonomy.

5. The defeat of Russia in the war with Japan, which finally undermined the prestige of power and raised the question of changing the existing order in the country.

The main stages of the revolution (January 9, 1905 - June 3, 1907).

Stage I (January - September 1905) - Beginning of the revolution: “Bloody Sunday”, rescript Nicholas I with the promise of reforms, the Ivanovo-Voznesensk strike and the emergence of the Council of Workers' Representatives, the uprising on the battleship Potemkin, congresses of zemstvo representatives and the All-Russian Peasant Congress demanding constitutional reforms, the emperor's decree on the convening of the "Bulygin Duma".

Stage II (October - December 1905) - The highest rise of the revolution: the legalization of political parties, the All-Russian political October strike, the formation of Soviets of Workers' Deputies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, uprisings in Sevastopol and Kronstadt, Manifesto October 17, 1905 and the law on elections to the First State Duma, the December armed uprising in Moscow and its suppression by government troops.

Stage III (January 1906 - June 1907) - Decline of the revolution: Massive peasant unrest and uprising in Sveaborg, Kronstadt and Reval in the summer of 1906, the introduction of military courts, work I and the II State Duma, the beginning of the agrarian reforms P.A. Stolypin, dissolution of the Second State Duma and changes in the electoral law, defeat of the first Russian revolution.

Results of the first Russian revolution

1. Creation of the State Duma - the first representative institution in Russia.

2. Proclamation of a minimum of political rights and freedoms.

3. Cancellation of redemption payments for peasants and permission to create workers' trade unions.

4. Stolypinskaya agrarian reform as a means of solving the peasant question.

5. The experience of political struggle acquired by the people during the revolutionary events of 1905-1907.

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