Cossack ataman who made a trip to Siberia. History and ethnology. Data. Events. Fiction. In the service of the Stroganovs

- the legendary Cossack ataman, who laid the foundation for the development of the vast Siberian lands by the Russians, is one of the most famous figures in the history of Russia. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about the date and place of birth of the glorious ataman Ermak Timofeevich. According to folk legends, he came from a village located on the Northern Dvina. His full name was Ermolai, shortened - Ermak. And he was born somewhere in the 30-40s of the sixteenth century. It is not known why Ermak left the northern village and ended up in the Volga open spaces. Here he spent at least a quarter of a century, headed the Cossack village and, together with the Cossacks and other atamans, raided Nogai camps. In these raids, Ermak was distinguished by his enormous courage, bravery and ingenuity, and over time he became a famous Cossack chieftain. In the Livonian War in 1581, he commanded a Cossack hundred.

After the truce with the Poles and Lithuanians, Ermak and her squad moved to Yaik, where they united with a detachment of Cossacks under the command of Ivan Koltso. According to some sources,
soon he received an offer from the Ural merchants the Stroganovs to enter their service in order to protect their possessions from attacks by the Siberian Tatars. During the period from 1572 to 1582, the Tatars carried out at least five major invasions, in which Russian settlements located along the Chusovaya, Kama, and Sylve rivers were subjected to robbery, murder and violence. Repeatedly they besieged small towns and forts, as well as the main fortress of the Perm region - the city of Cherdyn.

The Stroganovs provided Ermak with gunpowder, lead and food, and in September 1582 the Cossack flotilla, which consisted mainly of light ships, moved along the Chusovaya and Serebryanka rivers. Having overcome
a distance of three hundred kilometers, moving against the current, the Cossacks reached the Tagil passes. They carried the cargo and ships across the pass in their arms, and then along the riverbeds that originated at the passes they reached Tagil and further to the Irtysh, covering another 1,200 kilometers. Now the fast Siberian rivers themselves carried light Cossack ships. Along the way, the Cossacks had to engage in battle with the Tatars and local tribes; an important dignitary of the Karachi Khanate was defeated at the mouth of the Tobol.

The Siberian Khan Kuchum began to urgently gather an army from the Tatars and Mansi for the battle with the Cossacks, the army was commanded by Kuchum’s nephew, the best commander Mametkul. According to some sources, Ermak’s detachment numbered 540 Cossacks, while at the same time the army of Khan Kuchum was several times larger than them. However oh, the Cossacks were much better armed. On October 26, 1582, a battle took place near Chuvyshev Cape, as a result of which the leader of the Tatar army, Mametkul, was wounded, and Khan Kuchum and his people fled. Ermak and the Cossacks entered Siberia (Kashlyk or Isker) - the capital of the Kuchumov Khanate. Ermak divided the captured booty equally among the Cossacks. However, the khan did not want to give up, and five weeks later the selected Siberian Horde led by Aley came out against Ermak. December 5, 1582 at the Battle of Lake Abalak, thanks to experience and talent outstanding commander, Ermak’s Cossacks completely defeated the enemy forces, which were several times superior.

Despite the victories, Ermak and his comrades understood that without help from Russia in the form of food, weapons and people, they would not be able to hold Siberia. At the Cossack circle, they made a decision, which had the greatest historical significance, to annex Siberia to the Russian state. Ermak sent an ambassador to the Tsar, he was Ataman Ivan Ring. Messengers were also sent to the merchants Stroganov. Having learned about the capture of Siberia, Ivan the Terrible richly rewarded the Cossacks and in the fall of 1583 sent Prince Volkhovsky to Ermak as the Siberian governor and with him another 300 archers. The Cossacks were looking forward to the archers, who were supposed to deliver food supplies. However, almost all the supplies were used up on the way and with the onset of winter came starvation. The archers and almost half of the Cossack detachment died from hunger. Ermak died on the night of August 6, 1585, when he and a hundred Cossacks sailed along the Irtysh. The sleeping Cossacks were attacked by the Tatars of Kuchum. According to legend, Ermak was seriously wounded and tried to swim to the plows, but drowned in the Irtysh due to his heavy chain mail. The Cossacks had to briefly cede Siberia to Kuchum, who returned here a year later with the tsarist troops. They took the most important and difficult step in the development of Siberia.

The legendary Cossack ataman dared to fight Khan Kuchum at not the most opportune time, to put it mildly. At that time, Russia was at war with Sweden, and on the southern borders the situation was far from peaceful. But Ermak went to Siberia to conquer it and, as it turned out, to stay there forever.

Who it?

It is interesting that historians still cannot say with one hundred percent certainty where Ermak Timofeevich comes from. Some researchers claim that the conqueror of Siberia was born in one of the villages on the Don, while others contrast them with Perm. Still others are outside the town on the Northern Dvina.

The origin of Ermak is still a mystery to historians

Moreover, local historians Arkhangelsk region We are sure that Ermak is a native of either the Vinogradovsky district, or the Krasnoborsky district, or the Koltlassky district. And they give their own weighty arguments in favor of each. For example, in the last two regions they believe that Ermak Timofeevich prepared for his campaign there. After all, on the territory of the districts there is Ermakov Stream, Ermakova Mountain, a staircase, and even a well in which treasures are supposedly sunk.

Ermak Timofeevich

In general, the exact birthplace of the Cossack ataman has still not been discovered. However, now more and more historians are inclined to believe that the most realistic version is a town on the Northern Dvina. Indeed, in the short Solvychegodsk chronicle this is stated in plain text: “On the Volga, the Cossacks, Ermak Ataman, originally from the Dvina and Borka... smashed the sovereign’s treasury, weapons and gunpowder and with that climbed to Chusovaya.”

At your own request

Numerous sources about Ermak’s Siberian campaign directly state that the ataman acted on the direct orders of Ivan the Terrible. But this statement is incorrect and can be classified as “myths and legends”.

The fact is that there is a royal letter from 1582 (historian Ruslan Skrynnikov cites its text in his book), in which the king turns to the Stroganovs and demands, “under pain of great disgrace,” to return the ataman at all costs and send him to the Perm region "for protection."

Ermak fought with Kuchum against the will of Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible did not see anything good in Ermak Timofeevich’s amateur performances. For obvious reasons. Swedes, Nogais, rebellious peoples in the Lower Volga region, and then there was a clash with Kuchum. But Ermak Timofeevich did not care about geopolitical interests. Being a brave, decisive and self-confident man, he felt that the time had come to visit Siberia. And while the Russian Tsar was just drawing up the text of his charter, the ataman had already taken the capital of the khan. Ermak went all-in and turned out to be right.

By order of the Stroganovs

In general, Ermak Timofeevich acted independently, disobeying the king’s order. But recently, more and more information has appeared that the Cossack ataman was, after all, a forced man, so to speak, and went to Siberia with the “blessing” of the Stroganovs. Like, it was their idea. By the way, Ivan the Terrible also shared the same opinion, since Ermak did not have time to either confirm or refute this. The descendants of those same Stroganovs only added fuel to the fire of the dispute between historians with their attempts to prove the involvement of their ancestors in the conquest of Siberia. In reality, everything is not so simple and clear.

The fact is that the Stroganovs were well aware of Kuchum’s troops. Therefore, sending five hundred Cossacks, even under the command of the mighty Ermak, to war with several thousand Mongols is pure suicide.

The second reason is the “wandering” Tatar prince Alei. He constantly walked on the edge of a knife, threatening the lands of the Stroganovs. After all, Ermak once knocked his army out of the territory of the Chusov towns, and after that Alei stormed the Kama Salt.

The conquest of Siberia was a continuation of the chaotic movement to the east

According to the Cossacks themselves, they decided to go to Siberia precisely after the victory at Chusovaya. Ermak Timofeevich realized that the stars had aligned more successfully than ever and he needed to act quickly and decisively. After all, Kashlyk, the capital of Kuchum, was open and unprotected. And if you delay, Aley’s army will be able to gather and come to the rescue.
So the Stroganovs have nothing to do with it. The conquest of Siberia became, in a way, a continuation of the chaotic movement to the east, where the “wild field” required the development and expulsion of the Tatars from there.

Who conquered Siberia?

Arouses interest and National composition conquerors of Siberia. As you know, five hundred and forty people went to confront the Tatar Khan. According to the documents of the Ambassadorial Order, they were all swept into one heap, calling them “Volga Cossacks.” But this is not entirely true. Indeed, according to the stories of the same participants in the campaign, among them there were many people from various places in Russia. It’s just that at that time the Cossacks did not yet have time to separate themselves and become Yaitsky or Don.

In the same Ambassadorial Order there is information that says that Ermak gathered the Terek, Don, Volga and Yaik Cossacks under his command. And according to their place of origin, they were given appropriate nicknames. For example, there was Ataman Meshcheryak from Meshchery.

Vasily Surikov " Conquest of Siberia by Ermak Timofeevich«

It is also interesting that over time, Ermak, like his squad, acquired a huge number of myths and legends. For example, sometimes you can find references to the robbery attacks of the Cossacks. There were almost five thousand of them, and they terrorized a vast territory on the Oka. Then there were more than seven thousand Cossacks, and they were robbing the Volga. And there is even a legend that the ataman planned to invade Persia.

But at the same time, Ermak himself acted as a people's intercessor. In general, he was what Stepan Razin would later become in the popular consciousness.

Death of the chieftain

With the death of Ermak Timofeevich, not everything is smooth and clear either. From the fact itself - his death - this is all that remains. Everything else is nothing more than fiction and a beautiful story. Nobody knows what really happened. And he’s unlikely to ever find out.

For example, there is a beautiful legend about chain mail. They say it was given to Ermak by Ivan the Terrible. And because of her, the chieftain died, simply drowning due to the heavy weight of his uniform. But in reality there is not a single document that would record the fact of the gift. But there is a letter that says that the king granted the ataman gold and cloth. And at the same time he ordered to return to Moscow when the new governor arrived.

Historians do not know how Ermak died

But Ermak died in the night battle. Most likely, he was one of the first to be wounded, since the Tatars had a tradition of shooting at commanders with arrows. By the way, the legend is still alive, which tells that the Tatar hero Kutugai defeated Ermak with a spear.

After such a heavy blow, Ataman Meshcheryak gathered the surviving soldiers and decided to return to their homeland. For two years the Cossacks were the masters of Siberia, but they had to return it to Kuchum. True, just a year later Russian banners appeared there again.

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Painting by V.I. Surikov "Conquest of Siberia by Ermak Timofeevich"

Biography of Ermak Timofeevich

Ermak Timofeevich (1539 - August 6, 1585) - Cossack chieftain, conqueror of Siberia. Most researchers consider him a Don or Volga Cossack, and according to some chronicles he was a native of Central Russia.

From these chronicle sources it follows that Ermak’s grandfather, Afanasy Grigoriev Alenin, was a townsman in Suzdal, then moved to Vladimir, where he became a driver. His sons, Rodion and Timofey, moved to the Chusovaya River, where Timofey had 3 sons: Gabriel, Frol and Vasily (Ermak). Historians have recorded 7 names of Ermak: Ermak, Ermolai, German, Ermil, Vasily, Timofey and Eremey.

The first mentions of his military affairs date back to the 60s of the 16th century. According to some sources, in 1571, together with his squad, he repelled the raid of the Crimean Khan Davlet-Girey under the walls of Moscow and took part in the Livonian War.

In June 1581, Ermak, at the head of a Cossack squad, fought in Lithuania against the Polish-Lithuanian troops of Stefan Batory. At this time, his friend and associate Ivan Koltso fought in the Trans-Volga steppes with the Nogai Horde.

After the end of the Livonian War, Ermak’s detachment arrives on the Volga and in Zhiguli unites with the detachment of Ivan Koltso. Here they are found by a messenger from the Stroganov merchants with an offer to go into their service. Knowing that for the destruction of the Tsar's caravan, Ermak has already been sentenced to quartering, and Koltso to hanging, the Cossacks accept the Stroganovs' invitation to go to their Chusovsky towns for protection from the attacks of the Siberian Tatars.

On September 1, 1582, a detachment of Ermak and the atamans Ivan Koltso, Matvey Meshcheryak, Bogdan Bryazga, Ivan Alexandrov nicknamed Cherkas, Nikita Pan, Savva Boldyr, Gavrila Ilyin in the amount of 540 people climbed along the Volga and Kama on plows to the Chusovsky towns. The Stroganovs gave Ermak some weapons, but they were insignificant, since Ermak’s entire squad had excellent weapons.

Taking advantage of the opportune moment when the Siberian Khan Kuchum was busy at war with the Nogai, Ermak himself undertakes an invasion of his lands. In just three months, Ermak’s detachment made its way from the Chusovaya River to the Irtysh River. Along the Tagil passes, Ermak left Europe and descended from the “Stone” (Ural Mountains) to Asia.

This turned out to be possible thanks to iron discipline and solid military organization. In addition to the atamans, the Cossacks were commanded by foremen, pentecostals, centurions and esauls.

With the detachment were three Orthodox priests and one priest. During the campaign, Ermak strictly demanded the observance of all Orthodox fasts and holidays.

And now thirty Cossack plows are sailing along the Irtysh, at the forefront the wind is fluttering a Cossack banner: blue with a wide red border, the red is embroidered with patterns, there are fancy rosettes at the corners of the banner; in the center on a blue field are two white figures: a lion standing opposite each other on their hind legs and an Ingor horse with a horn on its forehead, the personification of “prudence, purity and severity.”

Ermak fought with this banner against Batory in the West, and came with it to Siberia.

At this time, Kuchum sent his eldest son Aley with an army to capture the Russian fortress of Cherdyn in the Perm region. Ermak's appearance was a complete surprise to him. Meanwhile, at the mouth of the Tobol River, Ermak’s detachment defeated the hordes of Murza Karachi, the main dignitary of Kuchum. This infuriated Kuchum; he gathered an army and sent his nephew, Prince Mametkul, to meet Ermak.

On October 26, a grandiose battle broke out on the Chuvashov Cape, on the banks of the Irtysh, which was led by Kuchum himself from the opposing side. In this battle, Kuchum’s troops were defeated, Mametkul was wounded, Kuchum fled, and his capital Kashlyk was occupied by Ermak. Soon the Cossacks occupied the towns of Epanchin, Chingi-Tura and Isker, bringing the local princes and kings into submission.

However, in December, when a small detachment of Cossacks led by Ataman Bryazga went to Lake Abalak for fish, they were suddenly attacked by Mametkul and completely destroyed. Having learned about this, Ermak immediately set out on a campaign and on December 5, 1582, defeated the ten-thousand-strong army of Mametkul in a life-and-death battle near Lake Abalak. For each of the Cossacks there were more than twenty enemies. This battle showed the heroism and moral superiority of the Cossacks; it meant the complete and final conquest of Siberia.

In the spring of 1583, Ermak sent a detachment of 25 Cossacks to Ivan IV the Terrible, led by Ivan Koltso, Cherkas Alexandrov and Savva Boldyr. The detachment took the tsar yasak furs and a message about the annexation of Siberia to Russia.

Ivan the Terrible accepts Ermak’s report, forgives him and all the Cossacks for their previous “guilts” and sends a detachment of archers of 300 people, led by Prince Semyon Bolkhovsky, to help.

Winter 1583-1584 Things were especially hard for the Russians in Siberia; supplies ran out and famine began. By spring, all the archers died, along with Prince Bolkhovsky and a significant part of the Cossacks.

In the summer of 1584, Kuchum's dignitary, Murza Karach, deceitfully lured a detachment of Cossacks led by Ivan Koltso to a feast, and at night, attacking them, the sleepy ones cut them all to pieces.

Having learned about this, Ermak sent a new detachment to the Karachi camp led by Matvey Meshcheryak. In the middle of the night, the Cossacks burst into the Karachi camp. Karachi's two sons were killed in the battle, and he himself barely escaped with the remnants of the army. Soon, messengers from Bukhara merchants arrived to Ermak with a request to protect them from the tyranny of Kuchum. Ermak with the rest of the army - less than a hundred people - set off on a campaign. On the banks of the Irtysh near the mouth of the Vagai River, where Ermak’s detachment spent the night, they were attacked by Kuchum during a terrible storm and thunderstorm.

Ermak assessed the situation and ordered to get into the plows. Meanwhile, the Tatars had already broken into the camp. Ermak was the last to retreat, covering the Cossacks. The Tatar archers fired a cloud of arrows. The arrows pierced the broad chest of Ermak Timofeevich. The rapid icy waters of the Irtysh swallowed him up forever...

Arriving in Kashlyk, Matvey Meshcheryak gathered a Circle, in which the Cossacks decided to go to the Volga for help. Already in 1586, a detachment of Cossacks from the Volga came to Siberia and founded the first Russian city there - Tyumen, which served as the basis for the future Siberian Cossack Army.›Biography of Ermak Timofeevich

Ermak is a nickname, his name was Ermil. “Yermil Timofeevich will be the chieftain,” they sing in one song. In another Ermak about himself: “I staggered, tossed, Ermil, I broke, Ermil, bead-ships.” This was during his Don period, and then, when he became famous on the Volga and Siberia, he became Ermak from Ermil. This was especially in fashion on the Don and lower Volga.

ERMAK Timofeevich(between 1537 and 1540 - 1585), Russian Cossack chieftain. The campaign of 1582-85 marked the beginning of the development of Siberia by the Russian state. He died in a battle with Khan Kuchum. Hero of folk songs.

ERMAK (Ermolai) Timofeevich, nickname Tokmak (between 1537 and 1540, the village of Borok on the Northern Dvina - August 5, 1585, the bank of the Irtysh near the mouth of Vagai), Russian explorer, conqueror of Western Siberia, Cossack ataman (no later than 1571).

"Born unknown..."

Ermak's surname has not been established, but in those days, and much later, many Russians were called by their father or nickname. He was called either Ermak Timofeev or Ermolai Timofeevich Tokmak. Famine in his native land forced him peasant son, a man of remarkable physical strength, flee to the Volga to hire an old Cossack as a “chury” (a laborer in peacetime and a squire in campaigns). Soon, in battle, he got himself a weapon and from about 1562 he began to “fly” - to comprehend military affairs. Brave and intelligent, he took part in many battles, traveling the southern steppe between the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Yaik, probably visited the Don and Terek, and fought near Moscow (1571) with Devlet-Girey. Thanks to his talent as an organizer, his justice and courage, he became an ataman. In the Livonian War of 1581 he commanded a flotilla of Volga Cossacks operating along the Dnieper near Orsha and Mogilev; may have participated in operations near Pskov (1581) and Novgorod (1582).

"Siberian Capture"

At the behest of Ivan the Terrible, Ermak’s squad arrived in Cherdyn (near the mouth of the Kolva) and Sol-Kamskaya (on the Kama) to strengthen the eastern border of the Stroganov merchants. Probably in the summer of 1582 they concluded an agreement with the ataman on a campaign against the “Siberian Sultan” Kuchum, providing them with supplies and weapons. Having led a detachment of 600 people, Ermak began a campaign on September 1 into the depths of Siberia, ascended the Chusovaya River and its tributary Mezhevaya Utka, and moved to Aktai (Tobol basin). Ermak was in a hurry: only a surprise attack guaranteed success. The Ermakovites descended to the area of ​​the present city of Turinsk, where they scattered the Khan’s vanguard. The main battle took place on October 26 on the Irtysh, at Cape Podchuvash: Ermak defeated the Tatars of Mametkul, Kuchum’s nephew, entered Kashlyk, the capital of the Siberian Khanate, 17 km from Tobolsk, and found there many valuable goods and furs. Four days later the Khanty arrived with food supplies and furs, followed by local Tatars with gifts. Ermak greeted everyone with “kindness and greetings” and, imposing a tax (yasak), promised protection from enemies. In early December, Mametkul's warriors killed a group of Cossacks fishing on Lake Abalak, near Kashlyk. Ermak overtook the Tatars and destroyed almost everyone, but Mametkul escaped.

Trip to the Ob and embassy to Moscow

To collect yasyk on the lower Irtysh in March 1583, Ermak sent a party of mounted Cossacks. They met little resistance. After the ice drift, the Cossacks descended the Irtysh on plows, under the guise of tribute, seizing valuables from riverine villages. Along the Ob, the Cossacks reached the hilly Belogorye, where the river, skirting the Siberian Uvaly, turns sharply to the north. Here they found only abandoned dwellings, and on May 29 the detachment turned back. To receive help, Ermak sent 25 Cossacks to Moscow. The embassy arrived in the capital at the end of summer. The Tsar rewarded all participants in the Siberian campaign, forgave state criminals who had sided with Ermak earlier, and promised to send 300 more archers.

Death of Ermak

The death of Ivan the Terrible disrupted many plans, and the Cossack archers reached Ermak only in the fall at the height of the uprising raised by Karachi (Kuchum’s highest adviser). Small groups of Cossacks, scattered over a vast territory, were killed, and the main forces of Ermak, together with reinforcements from Moscow, were blocked in Kashlyk on March 12, 1585. The supply of food stopped, and famine began among the Russians; many died. At the end of June, in a night raid, the Cossacks killed almost all the Tatars and captured a food train; the siege was lifted, but Ermak was left with about 300 fighters. A few weeks later he received false news about a trade caravan heading to Kashlyk. Ermak believed and in July, with 108 Cossacks, he marched to the mouth of the Vagai, defeating the Tatars there. But I didn’t find out anything about the caravan. Ermak won his second victory near the mouth of the Ishim. Soon he again received a message about a trade caravan and again hurried to the mouth of the Vagai. On a rainy night, the treacherous Kuchum unexpectedly attacked the Cossack camp and killed about 20 people, Ermak also died. 90 Cossacks escaped in plows. The death of Ataman Ermak, who was the soul of all campaigns, broke the spirit of the Cossacks and they, leaving Kashlyk on August 15, returned to Rus'.

About Ermak back in the 16th century. legends and songs were composed, and later his image inspired many writers and artists. A number of settlements, a river, and two icebreakers are named in honor of Ermak. In 1904, a monument to him was erected in Novocherkassk (sculptor V. A. Beklemishev, architect M. O. Mikeshin); his figure stands out on the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Russia in Novgorod. By the way, if you need to perform work with a variety of metal structures, then he can help

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