Kazan branch of the Russian Academy of Justice. The Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice opens new specialties and builds a dormitory New directions at the university - new chances to find yourself in life

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Bachelor, Specialist, Master

Skill Level:

full-time, correspondence

Form of study:

state diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 73 to 84

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

general information

Russian State University of Justice- the first and only state educational institution of higher education in our country for training specialists for the judicial system.

The role of judges and court staff especially high and significant in recent times, when a new Russian statehood is being formed and, as a result of legal reform, the judiciary has become a real force capable of protecting human rights and freedoms. Not just highly educated lawyers can administer justice - they must be wise people, knowledgeable about the most complex issues of life, capable of asserting justice through their work every day. In order to ensure the proper level and quality of work of the courts, specially trained personnel are needed, and it is for this purpose, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, that the Russian Academy of Justice, now the Russian State University of Justice, was created, the founder of which was the judiciary power - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Justice" was created in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 1998 No. 528 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 1999 No. 1199.

The Russian State University of Justice includes a head university in Moscow and 11 branches located from St. Petersburg to Khabarovsk.

The rector of the Russian State University of Justice is Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, retired judge, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor Valentin Valentinovich Ershov.

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In 2001, the Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice was opened, located in Kazan, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (dated August 10, 2001 No. 4) and the order of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (dated August 10, 2001 No. C1 -80С1-1296) based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university (dated February 15, 2001, protocol No. 1) .

Currently, the Kazan branch has three faculties:

  • Faculty of Training of Specialists for the Judicial System (Faculty of Law)
  • Faculty of Continuing Education for the Training of Specialists for the Judicial System
  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Judges, State Civil Servants of Courts and the Judicial Department (FPC of Judges and Civil Servants of Courts)

The Russian Academy of Justice was created in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 528 of May 11, 1998. and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1119 of October 28, 1999. The founders of the Kazan branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of Justice" are the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, the Kazan branch began its activities.
The main task of the Academy is to improve the qualifications and retraining of judges and court staff, therefore, in the Kazan branch, a faculty of advanced training was initially created, and in 2002 - a faculty of training specialists for the judicial system (Faculty of Law). In 2004, a college was opened that trains students in the secondary vocational education program.

The Russian Academy of Justice is the only state higher educational institution in Russia that provides continuous specialized training for future judges and court staff. Legal training begins early. The college accepts students who have completed grades 9 and 11 of secondary schools. After graduating from college, graduates form a more informed decision to continue their studies at the Academy.

Higher education at the Faculty of Law is received by persons with secondary general education, secondary vocational and higher education. In senior courses, attention is paid to a thorough study of the features of the organization and functioning of the judicial system. Leading Russian judges and court staff take part in training students, along with highly qualified teaching staff. Specialists with higher education can subsequently enter graduate school or improve their qualifications at the Academy.

The prestige of legal education in Russia is undoubtedly high. This is confirmed by the high competition for admission to the university, especially for budget places, as well as the demand for qualified Academy graduates by employers.

Currently, there is a need for well-trained specialists in the judicial system, primarily qualified lawyers. The demand for graduates is explained by the presence of a large staff of judges in Russia - about 35 thousand people, and their number is steadily growing.

Today, more than 600 people are studying within the branch. In 2004, out of 18 graduates, 10 graduated from the university with honors. The quality of graduates’ knowledge is confirmed by state certification commissions.
In 2004, the competition for admission to the university was 2 people per place.

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