Kirill Orlovsky. Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich. An excerpt characterizing Orlovsky, Kirill Prokofievich

Thanks to the People's Commissar of State Security, Comrade Merkulov, and the Head of the 4th Directorate, Comrade Sudoplatov, I live very well financially. Morally - bad.
The Lenin-Stalin Party raised me to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; My physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the Lenin-Stalin party?
To my moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted as much time as possible to working on agricultural literature.
From 1930 to 1936, due to the nature of my main work, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, took a closer look at this business and fell in love with it.
I used my stay at the Chkalov Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that could ensure the organization of an exemplary collective farm.

If the USSR Government had issued a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in monetary terms, then I would have achieved the following indicators:

1. From one hundred forage cows (in 1950), I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy breeding farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the fat content of milk.
2. Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 obtain at least 20 centners of flax fiber per hectare.
3. Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners from each hectare, provided that even in June - July of this year there is no rain. If it rains, the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70 - 80 centners.
4. In 1950, collective farm forces will plant an orchard on one hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that have been developed by agrotechnical science.
5. By 1948, three snow retention strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30,000 ornamental trees will be planted.
6. By 1950 there will be at least one hundred bee farm families.
7. The following buildings will be built before 1950:
1) barn for M-P farm No. 1 - 810 sq. m;
2) barn for M-P farm No. 2 - 810 sq. m;
3) barn for young cattle No. 1 - 620 sq. m;
4) barn for young cattle No. 2 - 620 sq. m;
5) stable barn for 40 horses - 800 sq. m;
6) granary for 950 tons of grain;
7) shed for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and mineral fertilizer - 950 sq. m;
8) power station, with a mill and sawmill - 300 sq. m;
9) mechanical and carpentry workshops - 320 sq. m;
10) garage for 7 cars;
11) petrol storage facility for 100 tons of fuel and lubricants;
12) bakery - 75 sq. m;
13) bathhouse - 98 sq. m;
14) a club with a radio installation for 400 people;
15) house for kindergarten - 180 sq. m;
16) barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff - 750 sq. m;
17) Riga No. 2 - 750 sq. m;
18) storage for root crops - 180 sq. m;
19) storage for root crops No. 2 - 180 sq. m;
20) silo pits with brick-lined walls and bottom with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silo;
21) storage for wintering bees - 130 sq. m;
22) by the efforts of collective farmers and at the expense of collective farmers, a village with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a restroom and a small shed for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry. The village will be a type of well-maintained, cultural village, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;
23) artesian wells - 6 pieces.

I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand rubles.

According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least three million rubles.

Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will have time and leisure to raise the ideological and political level of my collective farm members in such a way that will allow me to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultural and devoted people to the Lenin-Stalin party.

Before writing you this statement and taking on these obligations, I have thoroughly considered it many times, carefully weighed every step, every detail of this work, and have come to the deep conviction that I will carry out the above-mentioned work for the glory of our beloved Motherland and that this farm will be exemplary. farming for collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, to send me to this work and to provide the loan I requested.

If any questions arise regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.
1. Description of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region.
2. Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.
3. Estimate of the purchased loan.
Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.
July 6, 1944 Moscow, Frunzenskaya embankment, building No. 10a, apt. 46, tel. G-6-60-46"

· 10/31/09

A copy of this statement addressed to Stalin was kept among the most secret documents of the special sector of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. Neat typewritten text on six sheets of thin tissue paper. Two handwritten notes: “Copy” and “Archive.” Thanks to this last note, the statement was preserved and is now available in the National Archives. The statement was written on July 6, 1944, when Minsk was still smoking, the offensive operation “Bagration” was still in full swing, Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky, a legendary man in every sense.

The document is interesting in many respects.

First of all, this is a fairly detailed autobiography for a secret security officer-saboteur with a detailed description of the last battle in the Baranovichi region, when the partisans under the command of “Roman” - Kirill Orlovsky were waiting in ambush for the Gauleiter Kube himself (but he was not among those traveling along the road). During the battle, the partisan commander was seriously wounded, underwent a complex operation in the field and became disabled.

The statement testifies to the scrupulousness and thoroughness of the preparation of Hero of the Soviet Union Orlovsky for his new job - chairman of the collective farm in his native Myshkovichi. And the request for help - a loan in “cash and goods terms” - was supported by a specific plan for the restoration of the collective farm, although the yield obligations for 1950 were clearly overestimated. Already in January 1945, Kirill Orlovsky became chairman of the Rassvet collective farm in the Kirov region.

July 27, 1944. Collection of collective farmers.

These are the kind of people they were, and I remember the textbook: “Yes, there were people in our time... Bogatyrs - not you...”

Moscow, Kremlin, Comrade Stalin.
From Hero of the Soviet Union
Lieutenant Colonel of State Security
Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich.


Dear Comrade Stalin!

Let me hold your attention for a few minutes and express to you my thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

I was born in 1895 in the village. Myshkovichi of the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in the family of a middle peasant.

Until 1915, he worked and studied on his farm, in the village of Myshkovichi.

From 1915 to 1918 he served in the tsarist army as the commander of a sapper platoon.

From 1918 to 1925 he worked behind the lines of the German occupiers, Belopoles and Belolitovos as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. At the same time, he fought for four months on the Western Front against the White Poles, for two months against the troops of General Yudenich, and for eight months he studied in Moscow at the 1st Moscow Infantry Command Course.

From 1925 to 1930 he studied in Moscow at the Komvuz of the Peoples of the West.

From 1930 to 1936 he worked in a special group of the NKVD of the USSR for the selection and training of sabotage and partisan personnel in the event of war with the Nazi invaders in Belarus.

In 1936 he worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal as a construction site manager.

Throughout 1937, he was on a business trip to Spain, where he fought in the rear of fascist troops as the commander of a sabotage and partisan group.

1939 - 1940 he worked and studied at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute.

In 1941, he was on a special mission in Western China, from where, at his personal request, he was recalled and sent to the deep rear of the German invaders as the commander of a reconnaissance and sabotage group.

Thus, from 1918 to 1943, I was lucky enough to work for 8 years behind enemy lines of the USSR as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups, illegally cross the front line and state border over 70 times, carry out government tasks, kill hundreds of notorious enemies of the Soviet Union as if in war , and in peacetime, for which the Government of the USSR awarded me two Orders of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1918. I have no party penalties.

17/II–43, along one of the roads of the Baranovichi region, Wilhelm Kube (Commissar General of Belarus), Friedrich Fens (commissar of three regions of Belarus), Obergruppenführer Zacharius, 10 officers and 40 - 50 of their guards will travel on carts.

At this time, I had only 12 of my soldiers with me, armed with one light machine gun, seven machine guns and three rifles. During the day, in an open area, on the road, it was quite risky to attack the enemy, but it was not in my nature to let a large fascist reptile pass by, and therefore, even before dawn, I brought my fighters in white camouflage robes to the road itself, put them in a chain and camouflaged them in snow pits 20 meters from the road along which the enemy was supposed to pass.

For twelve hours in the snow pits, my comrades and I had to lie and wait patiently...

At six o'clock in the evening, enemy transport appeared from behind the hill and when the carts reached our chain, at my signal our machine-gun fire was opened, as a result of which Friedrich Fens, 8 officers, Zacharius and more than 30 guards were killed.

My comrades calmly took all the fascist weapons and documents, took off their best clothes and went into the forest in an organized manner, to their base.

There were no casualties on our side. In this battle, I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, as a result of which my right arm was amputated at the shoulder, 4 fingers on my left, and the auditory nerve was damaged by 50 - 60%. There, in the forests of the Baranovichi region, I became physically stronger and in August 1943 I was summoned to Moscow by radiogram.

Thanks to the People's Commissar of State Security, Comrade Merkulov, and the Head of the 4th Directorate, Comrade Sudoplatov, I live very well financially. Morally - bad.

The Lenin-Stalin Party raised me to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; My physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the Lenin-Stalin party?

To my moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted as much time as possible to working on agricultural literature.

From 1930 to 1936, due to the nature of my main work, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, took a closer look at this business and fell in love with it.

1955 Meeting of the foreign delegation at the Rassvet collective farm. Kirill Orlovsky is on the left.

I used my stay at the Chkalov Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that could ensure the organization of an exemplary collective farm.

If the USSR Government had issued a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in monetary terms, then I would have achieved the following indicators:

    From one hundred forage cows (in 1950), I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the fat content of milk.

    Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 obtain at least 20 centners of flax fiber from each hectare.

    Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners from each hectare, provided that even in June - July of this year there is no rain. If it rains, the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70 - 80 centners.

    In 1950, collective farm forces will plant an orchard on one hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that have been developed by agrotechnical science.

    By 1948, three snow retention strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30,000 ornamental trees will be planted.

    By 1950 there will be at least one hundred bee farm families.

    The following buildings will be built before 1950:

    1) barn for M-P farm No. 1 - 810 sq. m;

    2) barn for M-P farm No. 2 - 810 sq. m;

    3) barn for young cattle No. 1 - 620 sq. m;

    4) barn for young cattle No. 2 - 620 sq. m;

    5) barn-stable for 40 horses - 800 sq. m;

    6) granary for 950 tons of grain;

    7) shed for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and mineral fertilizer - 950 sq. m;

    8) power station, with a mill and sawmill - 300 sq. m;

    9) mechanical and carpentry workshops - 320 sq. m;

    10) garage for 7 cars;

    11) petrol storage facility for 100 tons of fuel and lubricants;

    12) bakery - 75 sq. m;

    13) bathhouse - 98 sq. m;

    14) a club with a radio installation for 400 people;

    15) house for kindergarten - 180 sq. m;

    16) barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff - 750 sq. m;

    17) Riga No. 2 - 750 sq. m;

    18) storage for root crops - 180 sq. m;

    19) storage for root crops No. 2 - 180 sq. m;

    20) silo pits with brick-lined walls and bottom with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silo;

    21) storage for wintering bees - 130 sq. m;

    22) by the efforts of collective farmers and at the expense of collective farmers, a village with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a restroom and a small shed for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry. The village will be a type of well-maintained, cultural village, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;

    23) artesian wells - 6 pieces.

I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand rubles.

According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least three million rubles.

Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will have time and leisure to raise the ideological and political level of my collective farm members, which will allow me to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultural and loyal people to the Lenin-Stalin party.

Before writing you this statement and taking on these obligations, I have thoroughly considered it many times, carefully weighed every step, every detail of this work, and have come to the deep conviction that I will carry out the above-mentioned work for the glory of our beloved Motherland and that this farm will be exemplary. farming for collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, to send me to this work and to provide the loan I requested.

If any questions arise regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.


    Description of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region.

    Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.

    Purchased loan estimate.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.
July 6, 1944
Moscow, Frunzenskaya embankment, house No. 10a, apt. 46, tel. G–6–60–46.”

P.S. And the battles were still going on near Slonim, Baranovichi, and the Wehrmacht was still full of strength. And in Berlin they discussed plans for a counterattack from East Prussia in the direction of Grodno - Minsk. Stalin granted Kirill Orlovsky's request. Ten years later the entire Union learned about the collective farm “Rassvet”...

Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky is the prototype of the main character of the film “The Chairman” and E. Hemingway’s story “For Whom the Bell Tolls” - Robert Jordan. In his homeland, a bronze bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor was installed and a museum was opened. The streets of several cities in Belarus are named after him.

In the summer of 1944, this man wrote a statement with a request, sending it personally to Stalin. The lower authorities did not even want to listen to him, answering not at all out of callousness: “You already did everything you could. Rest."

You can understand why they refused from the text of the statement. This Man, Hero of the Soviet Union, wrote to Stalin that he felt morally bad and asked to help him. How?

Be sure to read this statement, a copy of which was kept in the archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. ABOUTbut was declassified and published only recently.

These days it doesn't just seem incredible - it's amazing.

Moscow, Kremlin, Comrade Stalin.
From Hero of the Soviet Union
lieutenant colonel state
Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich.


Dear Comrade Stalin!

Let me hold your attention for a few minutes and express to you my thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

I was born in 1895 in the village. Myshkovichi of the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in the family of a middle peasant.

Until 1915, he worked and studied on his farm, in the village of Myshkovichi.

From 1915 to 1918 he served in the tsarist army as the commander of a sapper platoon.

From 1918 to 1925 he worked behind the lines of the German occupiers, Belopoles and Belolitovos as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. At the same time, he fought for four months on the Western Front against the White Poles, for two months against the troops of General Yudenich, and for eight months he studied in Moscow at the 1st Moscow Infantry Command Course.

From 1925 to 1930 he studied in Moscow at the Komvuz of the Peoples of the West.

From 1930 to 1936 he worked in a special group of the NKVD of the USSR for the selection and training of sabotage and partisan personnel in the event of war with the Nazi invaders in Belarus.

In 1936 he worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal as a construction site manager.

Throughout 1937, he was on a business trip to Spain, where he fought in the rear of fascist troops as the commander of a sabotage and partisan group.

1939 - 1940 he worked and studied at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute.

In 1941, he was on a special mission in Western China, from where, at his personal request, he was recalled and sent to the deep rear of the German invaders as the commander of a reconnaissance and sabotage group.

Thus, from 1918 to 1943, I was lucky enough to work for 8 years behind enemy lines of the USSR as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups, illegally cross the front line and state border over 70 times, carry out government tasks, kill hundreds of notorious enemies of the Soviet Union as if in war , and in peacetime, for which the Government of the USSR awarded me two Orders of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1918. I have no party penalties.

On the night of February 17, 1943, human intelligence brought me information that on 17/II–43, Wilhelm Kube (Commissar General of Belarus), Friedrich Fens (Commissar of the three regions of Belarus), Obergruppenführer Zacharius, 10 officers and 40 - 50 of their guards.

At this time, I had only 12 of my soldiers with me, armed with one light machine gun, seven machine guns and three rifles. During the day, in an open area, on the road, it was quite risky to attack the enemy, but it was not in my nature to let a large fascist reptile pass by, and therefore, even before dawn, I brought my fighters in white camouflage robes to the road itself, put them in a chain and camouflaged them in snow pits 20 meters from the road along which the enemy was supposed to pass.

For twelve hours in the snow pits, my comrades and I had to lie and wait patiently...

At six o'clock in the evening, enemy transport appeared from behind the hill and when the carts reached our chain, at my signal our machine-gun fire was opened, as a result of which Friedrich Fens, 8 officers, Zacharius and more than 30 guards were killed.

My comrades calmly took all the fascist weapons and documents, took off their best clothes and went into the forest in an organized manner, to their base.

There were no casualties on our side. In this battle, I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, as a result of which my right arm was amputated at the shoulder, 4 fingers on my left, and the auditory nerve was damaged by 50 - 60%. There, in the forests of the Baranovichi region, I became physically stronger and in August 1943 I was summoned to Moscow by radiogram.

Thanks to the People's Commissar of State Security, Comrade Merkulov, and the Head of the 4th Directorate, Comrade Sudoplatov, I live very well financially. Morally - bad.

The Lenin-Stalin Party raised me to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; My physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the Lenin-Stalin party?

To my moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted as much time as possible to working on agricultural literature.

From 1930 to 1936, due to the nature of my main work, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, took a closer look at this business and fell in love with it.

I used my stay at the Chkalov Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that could ensure the organization of an exemplary collective farm.

If the USSR Government had issued a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in monetary terms, then I would have achieved the following indicators:

1. From one hundred forage cows (in 1950), I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the fat content of milk.
2. Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 obtain at least 20 centners of flax fiber per hectare.
3. Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners from each hectare, provided that even in June - July of this year there is no rain. If it rains, the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70 - 80 centners.
4. In 1950, collective farm forces will plant an orchard on one hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that have been developed by agrotechnical science.
5. By 1948, three snow retention strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30,000 ornamental trees will be planted.
6. By 1950 there will be at least one hundred bee farm families.
7. The following buildings will be built before 1950:
1) barn for M-P farm No. 1 - 810 sq. m;
2) barn for M-P farm No. 2 - 810 sq. m;
3) barn for young cattle No. 1 - 620 sq. m;
4) barn for young cattle No. 2 - 620 sq. m;
5) barn-stable for 40 horses - 800 sq. m;
6) granary for 950 tons of grain;
7) shed for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and mineral fertilizer - 950 sq. m;
8) power station, with a mill and sawmill - 300 sq. m;
9) mechanical and carpentry workshops - 320 sq. m;
10) garage for 7 cars;
11) petrol storage facility for 100 tons of fuel and lubricants;
12) bakery - 75 sq. m;
13) bathhouse - 98 sq. m;
14) a club with a radio installation for 400 people;
15) house for kindergarten - 180 sq. m;
16) barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff - 750 sq. m;
17) Riga No. 2 - 750 sq. m;
18) storage for root crops - 180 sq. m;
19) storage for root crops No. 2 - 180 sq. m;
20) silo pits with brick-lined walls and bottom with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silo;
21) storage for wintering bees - 130 sq. m;
22) by the efforts of collective farmers and at the expense of collective farmers, a village with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a restroom and a small shed for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry.
The village will be a type of well-maintained, cultural village, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;
23) artesian wells - 6 pieces. I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand rubles.

According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least three million rubles.

Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will have time and leisure to raise the ideological and political level of my collective farm members, which will allow me to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultural and loyal people to the Lenin-Stalin party.

Before writing you this statement and taking on these obligations, I have thoroughly considered it many times, carefully weighed every step, every detail of this work, and have come to the deep conviction that I will carry out the above-mentioned work for the glory of our beloved Motherland and that this farm will be exemplary. farming for collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, to send me to this work and to provide the loan I requested.

If any questions arise regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.


1. Description of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region.
2. Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.
3. Estimate of the purchased loan.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.

July 6, 1944
Moscow, Frunzenskaya embankment,
house no. 10a, apt. 46, tel. G–6–60–46.”

Stalin gave the order to satisfy the request of Kirill Orlovsky - he understood him perfectly, because he himself was the same.

He handed over the apartment he had received in Moscow to the state and left for a Belarusian village that was completely destroyed. Kirill Prokofievich fulfilled his obligations - his collective farm “Rassvet” was the first collective farm in the USSR to receive a million-dollar profit after the War.
After 10 years, the name of the Chairman became known throughout Belarus, and then the USSR.

In 1958, Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and awarded the Order of Lenin. For military and labor merits he was awarded 5 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and many medals. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the third to seventh convocations.

In 1956-61 he was a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee. “Twice Cavalier” Kirill Orlovsky is the prototype of the Chairman in the film of the same name. Several books have been written about him: “Rebel Heart,” “The Tale of Kirill Orlovsky” and others.

And the collective farm began with the fact that almost all the peasants lived in dugouts.
Eyewitnesses describe it this way: “The bins in the collective farmers’ yards were bursting with goodness. He rebuilt the village, paved the road to the regional center and the village street, built a club and a ten-year school. I didn’t have enough money - I took all my savings from the book - 200 thousand - and invested it in the school. I paid stipends to students, preparing a personnel reserve.”

This statement, marked "Top Secret" (this was the applicant's status), written just three days after Minsk was liberated and not intended to ever be published, tells more about the person who wrote it, the country and the era than entire volumes of books. It says a lot about our time, although it was not intended for this at all.

Just imagine: a disabled person of the first group - without both hands, who can hardly take care of himself independently, almost deaf, a Hero, who, according to all conceivable laws and concepts, has received the right to a comfortable rest for life, believes that he cannot live like this , because he is still able to work for people.

But not to teach, for example, in the NKVD school, but again to do the almost impossible, at the limit of human strength - to build the best collective farm in the USSR from a village that had been burned to the ground, populated mostly by widows, old people, disabled people and teenagers.

Kirill Prokofievich became the prototype, filmed in 1964 about how a front-line soldier returns to his native village to restore a ruined collective farm.

Kirill Prokofievich died on January 13, 1968. After his death, the collective farm “Rassvet” began to be called after him.


World of news

His heroic biography would be enough for several lives, but he lived only one. But what! The leader of a sabotage detachment in Poland, a participant in the civil war in Spain, a Soviet intelligence officer in China, commander of a partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War. Having lost both arms, he did not lose heart and in 1945 headed a collective farm, which was the first in the USSR to receive a million in net profit.

Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky - Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of five Orders of Lenin and many other awards served as the prototype for the main characters for two world-famous writers - Ernest Hemingway ("For Whom the Bell Tolls") and Yuri Nagibin (script of the film "The Chairman" with Mikhail Ulyanov).


Orlovsky began his military career in the tsarist army as a non-commissioned officer, participated in the First World War, and rose to the rank of commander of a sapper platoon. He accepted the creation of the world's first state of workers and peasants with all his heart. In June 1918, on instructions from the underground Bobruisk district committee of the Bolshevik Party, he created a partisan detachment that operated against German troops. Then he worked in the Cheka.

Under the terms of the peace treaty in 1921, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine were transferred to Poland. Orlovsky soon ended up there at the head of a sabotage detachment. It was assumed that the armed detachments would become the core of a nationwide partisan movement in the occupied Belarusian and Ukrainian lands, which would lead to their reunification with the USSR.

Trains flew downhill, bridges exploded, landowners' estates, railway stations and towns were captured... The Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs gave 10 billion marks for the head of the Red saboteur, who operated under the pseudonym Mucha-Michalski!

In 1925, the Soviet leadership decided that sabotage methods of struggle had exhausted themselves, and gave instructions to “concentrate all efforts on organizational mass work among the peasants.” But the vast experience gained in Poland could not be wasted. Therefore, the leadership invited Kirill to work in a special department of the NKVD for the selection and training of partisan personnel for wartime.

Then there was Spain, unprecedented 500- and 750-kilometer reconnaissance and sabotage raids along the rear of the Francoists.

In Madrid, he lived in the same hotel with Hemingway for a week and talked with him. The writer was fascinated by the great saboteur, listened to his stories, and asked endless questions. The result of these conversations was the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” where Orlovsky was based on the prototype of the main character Robert Jordan.

Meanwhile, Kirill himself received a severe spinal contusion from a nearby grenade explosion. The doctors' verdict was merciless - he should be given a commission and not fit to work in the special services.

However, scouts are not former. In March 1941, under the guise of an employee of the People's Commissariat of Flowers, he went to Alma-Ata to organize a base for our agents in China. Later, in the Middle Kingdom, he carries out a textbook operation to save our resident, stealing him from under the nose of Chinese counterintelligence and taking him to the USSR in a bale of cotton wool.

With the beginning of the war, events developed rapidly: already on the sixth day, Nazi troops occupied Minsk, Kirill Prokofievich was eager to return to his native Belarus, demanding to be sent to the front. The command is adamant - Orlovsky is needed here. And then the famous saboteur writes a report addressed to Stalin. The reaction was immediate - Orlovsky was recalled and appointed to command the special-purpose partisan detachment "Falcons", operating on the territory of Belarus.

In February 1943, intelligence information was received that high-ranking Germans with numerous guards would be passing along one of the roads in the Baranovichi region. Even before dawn, the commander brought 12 of his soldiers in camouflage suits to the road. We had to wait 12 hours in the snow pits! Only at six in the evening did the transport appear. When the carts caught up with the disguised partisans, they opened heavy fire. As a result, the Sokolov fighters killed the General Commissioner of the city of Baranovichi, Friedrich French, the Gebietskommissar of the Baranovichi region, Friedrich Stür, and the Obergruppenführer of the SS troops, Ferdinand Zasornas, 8 officers and more than 30 guards, seizing important documents and weapons.

“There were no casualties on our side,” Kirill Prokofievich will write first. And only then will he point out: “In this battle I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked.” This is all Orlovsky. The matter was complicated by the fact that there was no doctor in the detachment, and the doctor of the neighboring detachment did not have anesthesia or a surgical saw. Then they got a hacksaw, sharpened it, cleaned it with emery, boiled it in boiling water and performed the operation without anesthesia. The commander's right arm was amputated at the shoulder, and four fingers on his left. Due to concussion, he lost 50% of his hearing. Who would be able to fight with such an injury? But... “Three months later I got up. The partisans did not let me become a cripple. I was in command of my squad again." Only in the fall of 1943 Orlovsky was recalled to Moscow, where he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Still from the film "The Chairman". The hero's biography inspired the writer Nagibin and director Saltykov

It would seem that the honored hero, according to all conceivable laws and concepts, received the right to a comfortable rest for life. And the restless Orlovsky again writes a letter to Stalin: “Materially, I live very well... Morally, it’s bad.” A disabled person of the first group - without both hands, who can hardly take care of himself, cannot dress and put on shoes, wash and eat, is almost deaf... Do you think this is what the letter is talking about? “I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.”

In the letter, Kirill Prokofievich clearly and convincingly explains what and how he could do to restore the economy destroyed by the war. “If the USSR Government had issued a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in monetary terms, then I would have achieved would be the following indicators... I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand rubles. According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least three million rubles.”

It is striking not only that Orlovsky takes on such an overwhelming task, but also that Stalin allocates the requested funds, although the war is not over yet.

In the village of Myshkovichi at that time, collective farmers lived in dugouts; there was almost not a single hut left standing. But Kirill Prokofievich began not with the construction of housing, but with the introduction of almost military discipline, the establishment of strict accounting, control and responsibility of everyone for material assets and the organization of work. And he established the law of life in the household: do not be idle, do not steal, do not get drunk, do not waste words. Gradually the economy began to revive.

The Orlovsky collective farm is still operating
Kirill Prokofievich fulfilled all his promises. Under the leadership of Orlovsky, the Rassvet collective farm became the first millionaire collective farm in the Soviet Union and grew into a large diversified enterprise. Villages of urban-type houses were built here, the collective farm had a machine yard, a vegetable plant, a sewing, dairy and sausage shop, carpentry and plumbing workshops, a mill, a mineral water bottling shop, a secondary school, a shopping center, a nursery, a restaurant, hotel, stadium, library, post office, public bathhouse, first aid station, comprehensive reception center for consumer services, automatic telephone exchange, Palace of Culture, children's music school, shops and the first own sanatorium in the republic. Paved roads were built to fields, farms and villages.

Eyewitnesses describe it this way: “The bins in the collective farmers’ yards were bursting with goodness. He rebuilt the village, paved the road to the regional center and the village street, built a club and a ten-year school. I didn’t have enough money - I took all my savings (200 thousand) from the book and invested it in school. I paid stipends to students, preparing a personnel reserve.”

Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky was called as many names as - the wolf man, the legend man, the plow man. This cool, straightforward and honest man infected everyone with his irrepressible energy and never complained about his lot. His wife recalled: “I always went with him, he couldn’t do it alone. He was very worried about being crippled.” Only once, according to his wife, the chairman was glad that he had no hands. It was in Moscow at the next session. Nikita Khrushchev, whom Orlovsky did not like, spoke. He performed, everyone clapped and clapped for him, and there was a standing ovation. And Kirill Prokofievich whispers to his wife: “It’s good that I have no arms. Don’t clap for this tourist.”

In the center of the village of Myshkovichi, a bust was erected to Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky, at the foot of which there are two symbols of his fate - a rifle and a plow. Two symbols that define his human essence are a fighter and a worker.

Alexey Maksimov

When I started writing this article, and there is enough information on the Internet about this great Man (yes, that’s right, with a capital P), I decided not to copy the material about him, the contents of which each of the readers will familiarize themselves with (links at the end of the article) .

It is interesting to think and discuss with you how such people could appear (be raised)? How was their appearance connected with time, with the social system, and perhaps with the patriotism traditionally inherent in the Russian people?

And how did it happen that with the modern digitization of everything and everyone, it is very difficult to find books (online) about Kirill Prokofievich, especially those written during the USSR (see at the end of the article). But you can find such a wonderful ad.....

Decommissioned books (by the way, Zelenograd residents, Muscovites and everyone nearby, take an interest, maybe these books are not in the landfill yet...). Apparently, such people are no longer needed by the “new” (bourgeois) Russian Federation...

We also carefully read the letter (we will give it below, in full) that Kirill Prokofievich wrote to I.V. Stalin in 1944, after he had fought almost the entire war and dropped out only as a result of severe wounds, making it impossible for him to continue his service in the NKVD, especially in his profile - sabotage activities behind enemy lines.

This is a real document of the era! The document is a monument to Soviet Man, as he was imagined by the creators of the world's first socialist state, a state for a working man, a creative man.

Of course, world history provides us with many examples of how different people suffering from severe illnesses (even under a different social system than in the USSR) accomplished the impossible. The world never ceases to be amazed at how F.D. Roosevelt, confined to a wheelchair since his youth, became the president of the most powerful state in the world, and what a president!

But still, this is a little different, and you will understand this yourself after reading the biography of K.P. Orlovsky, a man who, at the time of writing the letter to Stalin, could not take off (put on) his boots himself (both hands were missing). So what did Comrade Orlovsky ask Comrade Stalin...

Maybe about poor living conditions after demobilization due to disability, about the need for treatment, money, living conditions? No…

So maybe he needs to pass on his wealth of experience in intelligence and sabotage activities, training young specialists in relevant specialties in NKVD schools? And again no, although it would seem that it was quite natural.

So, the letter from K.P. Orlovsky I.V. Stalin.

Moscow, Kremlin, Comrade Stalin.
From Hero of the Soviet Union
Lieutenant Colonel of State Security
Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich.


Dear Comrade Stalin!

Let me hold your attention for a few minutes and express to you my thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

I was born in 1895 in the village. Myshkovichi, Kirov district, Mogilev region, in the family of a middle peasant.

Until 1915, he worked and studied on his farm, in the village of Myshkovichi.

From 1915 to 1918 he served in the tsarist army as the commander of a sapper platoon.

From 1918 to 1925 he worked behind the lines of the German occupiers, Belopoles and Belolitovos as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. At the same time, he fought for four months on the Western Front against the White Poles, for two months against the troops of General Yudenich, and for eight months he studied in Moscow at the 1st Moscow Infantry Command Course.

From 1925 to 1930 he studied in Moscow at the Komvuz of the Peoples of the West.

From 1930 to 1936 he worked in a special group of the NKVD of the USSR for the selection and training of sabotage and partisan personnel in the event of war with the Nazi invaders in Belarus.

In 1936 he worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal as a construction site manager.

Throughout 1937, he was on a business trip to Spain, where he fought behind the lines of fascist troops as the commander of a sabotage and partisan group.

1939 - 1940 he worked and studied at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute.

In 1941, he was on a special mission in Western China, from where, at his personal request, he was recalled and sent to the deep rear of the German invaders as the commander of a reconnaissance and sabotage group.

Thus, from 1918 to 1943, I was lucky enough to work for 8 years behind enemy lines of the USSR as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups, illegally cross the front line and state border over 70 times, carry out government tasks, kill hundreds of notorious enemies of the Soviet Union as if in war , and in peacetime, for which the Government of the USSR awarded me two Orders of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1918. I have no party penalties.

On the night of February 17, 1943, intelligence intelligence brought me information that on 17/II-43, Wilhelm Kube (Commissar General of Belarus), Friedrich Fens (Commissar of the three regions of Belarus), Obergruppenführer Zacharius, 10 officers and 40-50 of their guards.

At this time, I had only 12 of my soldiers with me, armed with one light machine gun, seven machine guns and three rifles. During the day, in an open area, on the road, it was quite risky to attack the enemy, but it was not in my nature to let a large fascist reptile pass by, and therefore, even before dawn, I brought my fighters in white camouflage robes to the road itself, put them in a chain and camouflaged them in snow pits 20 meters from the road along which the enemy was supposed to pass.

For twelve hours in the snow pits, my comrades and I had to lie and wait patiently...

At six o'clock in the evening, enemy transport appeared from behind the hill and when the carts caught up with our chain, at my signal our machine-gun fire was opened, as a result of which Friedrich Fens, 8 officers, Zacharius and more than 30 guards were killed.

My comrades calmly took all the fascist weapons and documents, took off their best clothes and went into the forest in an organized manner, to their base.

There were no casualties on our side. In this battle, I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, as a result of which my right arm was amputated at the shoulder, 4 fingers on my left, and the auditory nerve was damaged by 50-60%. There, in the forests of the Baranovichi region, I became physically stronger and in August 1943 I was summoned to Moscow by radiogram.

Thanks to the People's Commissar of State Security, Comrade Merkulov, and the Head of the 4th Directorate, Comrade Sudoplatov, I live very well financially. Morally - bad.

The Lenin-Stalin Party raised me to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; my physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the party of Lenin-Stalin?

To my moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted as much time as possible to working on agricultural literature.

From 1930 to 1936, due to the nature of my main work, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, took a closer look at this business and fell in love with it.

I used my stay at the Chkalov Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that could ensure the organization of an exemplary collective farm.

If the USSR Government had issued a loan in the amount of 2,175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in monetary terms, then in my homeland, in the village of Myshkovichi, Kirov district, Mogilev region, on the collective farm "Red Partisan" before 1950 I would have achieved the following indicators:

1. From one hundred forage cows (in 1950), I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy breeding farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the fat content of milk.

2. Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 obtain at least 20 centners of flax fiber per hectare.

3. Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners per hectare, provided that even in June-July of this year there is no rain. If it rains, the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70-80 centners.

4. In 1950, collective farm forces will plant an orchard on one hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that have been developed by agrotechnical science.

5. By 1948, three snow retention strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30,000 ornamental trees will be planted.

6. By 1950 there will be at least one hundred bee farm families.

7. The following buildings will be built before 1950:

  • barn for M-P farm No. 1 - 810 sq. m;
  • barn for M-P farm No. 2 - 810 sq. m;
  • barn for young cattle No. 1 - 620 sq. m;
  • barn for young cattle No. 2 - 620 sq. m;
  • stable barn for 40 horses - 800 sq.m. m;
  • granary for 950 tons of grain;
  • shed for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and mineral fertilizer - 950 sq. m;
  • power station, with a mill and sawmill - 300 sq. m;
  • mechanical and carpentry workshops - 320 sq. m;
  • garage for 7 cars;
  • petrol storage facility for 100 tons of fuel and lubricants;
  • bakery - 75 sq. m;
  • bathhouse - 98 sq. m;
  • a club with a radio installation for 400 people;
  • house for kindergarten - 180 sq. m;
  • barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff - 750 sq. m;
  • Riga No. 2 - 750 sq. m;
  • storage for root crops - 180 sq. m;
  • storage for root crops No. 2 - 180 sq. m;
  • silo pits with brick-lined walls and bottom with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silo;
  • storage for wintering bees - 130 sq. m;
by the efforts of collective farmers and at the expense of collective farmers, a settlement with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a restroom and a small barn for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry. The village will be a type of well-maintained, cultural village, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;
artesian wells - 6 pieces.

I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand rubles.

According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least three million rubles.

Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will have time and leisure to raise the ideological and political level of my collective farm members in such a way that will allow me to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultural and devoted people to the Lenin-Stalin party.

Before writing you this statement and taking on these obligations, I, having thoroughly considered many times, carefully weighed every step, every detail of this work, came to the deep conviction that I would carry out the above work for the glory of our beloved Motherland and that this farm would be a demonstration farm for collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, to send me to this work and to provide the loan I requested.

If any questions arise regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.


Description of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region.

Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.

Purchased loan estimate.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.

Moscow, Frunzenskaya embankment,

house no. 10a, apt. 46, tel. G-6-60-46.

That's it, comrades! Needless to say that Orlovsky’s application was fully satisfied and from January 1945 Kirill Prokofievich began to fulfill the duties of the chairman of the collective farm (let me remind you that the position was elective, and with all the power of the party it was necessary for the collective farmers to still vote for the chairman of the collective farm , and more than once (elections, with reports from the chairman on the work done, took place regularly).

Need I say that 15 years later the name of Orlovsky, now not only a Hero of the Soviet Union, but also a Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of many orders and medals of the USSR, thundered throughout the country, and not only in Belarus, and the collective farm he headed became a visual embodiment of the words from the famous march “We were born to make a fairy tale come true.”

Let us also mention such a significant page in the biography of K.P. Orlovsky, as his activities in senior government positions: Deputy Verkh. Council of the USSR 3rd - 7th convocations (since 1950). Candidate for membership Central Committee of the CPSU in 1956-61. And then I started thinking...

After all, the bourgeois counter-revolution, after the notorious 20th Congress (Khrushchev), was already gaining momentum, and this is noticeable even in such episodes. Of course, you didn’t just get into the CPSU Central Committee and mostly there were very worthy people there. But people like K.P. Orlovsky, it would seem, should not remain a “candidate” for long. Who, if not such people, should lead the country?

Although it must be taken into account that a person like Orlovsky could easily refuse, simply because he did not consider his work in Belarus completed or for other reasons... History is silent about this.

At the end of our essay, I would like to mention the film “The Chairman” (released in 1964), in which, in the person of its main character E. Trubnikov, the biography of K.P. is partially reflected. Orlovsky.

But, still, the film, with M. Ulyanov (a great actor!) in the title role, is gorgeous. Is it really possible to compare it with modern “film masterpieces”, at least with the same “Voroshilov’s Shooter”, where they dragged an already elderly and apparently little-understood actor.

If we “filter” the counter-revolutionary Khrushchev inclusions from the film (hints about the harm of MTS and the need to transfer equipment to collective farms, an overly dramatized scene of arrest based on denunciation, and many others), then the film reflects the history of the formation of the collective farm under the leadership of the new chairman, Yegor Trubnikov.

The film contains the so-called. “artistic fiction”, which, however, has a quite characteristic “petty-bourgeois” coloring. So in reality K.P. Orlovsky actually used his personal savings to finance the construction of the school. And the main character E. Trubnikov uses them to give the collective farmer an advance. Accident? May be…

One of the most dramatic episodes of the film is the conversation between Chairman Yegor Trubnikov and the collective farmers about what the collective farm has already achieved and what it is going to achieve. Translated into modern language, this is a conversation about “positive thinking” (about faith - unbelief).

After all, it’s never “positive”; choking on pink snot, they talk about everything. And when they talk about the past objectively, as it is, and, if necessary, critically. And they plan for the future according to their capabilities and with optimism.

In this sense, the conversation between the chairman and the collective farmers is very remarkable.

When did you believe it? He said that we would raise the cows - they didn’t believe me! He said that I would give an advance - they didn’t believe me! He said that we would return the people to the collective farm - they didn’t believe me!

On my own behalf I would like to add that the same Soviet people, offensively, easily later believed those who should not have been trusted...

About K.P. Orlovsky on the “Heroes of the Country” portal.

About K.P. Orlovsky from the portal of O. Artyushchenko (letter from K.P. Orlovsky to I.V. Stalin."

About K.P. about K.P. Orlovsky on the SVR website (very laconically, perhaps the specifics of the organization).

About K.P. Orlovsky on the Chronos website.

Tsvetov Ya. E. The Tale of Kirill Orlovsky. M., 1976

Ponomarev V. G. Rebellious heart. M., 1970.

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