Class hour “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother! We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother! “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert sounds

We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!

literary and musical composition

Municipal educational institution "Kamskoustinskaya secondary school"
Kamsko-Ustinsky municipal district
The work was completed and carried out
GUMEROVA Maysara Aisovna,
first category teacher,
VAFINA Khamira Nyaimovna,
teacher of the highest category
village Kama Ustye, 2008

Topic: “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!”

I. Introduction

Part 1. Mom is the first word, the main word.

The song is played from the film “Mama” (script by Y. Entanin and V. Istrate, director - stage director E. Boston)

1 boy.
Who came to me this morning?
Who said it's time to get up?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Would you like me to pour a glass of tea?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who as a child loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?
(L. Doroshkova)

(Speech by a group of 5th grade students)

Our dear mothers,
We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations on your holiday
And hello to you!
Just clean it once a year
I decided to frying pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me off.
The soup and porridge were burnt,
Salt is poured into the compote.
When mom came home from work,
She had a lot of trouble.
I found a broom in the kitchen
And he swept the whole apartment,
And what's left of him
Three straws in total.
Sasha polished the floor until it shined,
Prepared a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking for what to do:
There is no work.
Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
I washed everything.
Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math
Then my mother and I decided that
What he couldn't decide.
To mom in the morning, our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.
We sang to you as best we could,
We're just children,
But we know that our mothers -
The best in the world.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for you, for everything, dear ones,
We say: “Thank you!”

II. Main part. Part I. Bright image of the mother.

The work of the composer F. Schubert “Ave Maria” is playing, and Raphael’s painting “The Sistine Madonna” is on the screen.

1 presenter:
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked in centuries:

Conjuring from any misfortune
(She really has a lot to offer!),
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud exalted mother.
The light of her love has been bequeathed since ancient times,
So here it stands for centuries:
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
2 presenter. Everything in the world is measured by footprints,
No matter how many paths you walk,
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.
May the sun forever applaud her,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms! (S. Ostrovoy)

1 presenter.

Good afternoon to everyone gathered in this hall, especially to the mothers who came here! Because it is mothers who are the culprits of today’s holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day, which is celebrated in Russia on the fourth Sunday of November.

And it is doubly joyful and pleasant to celebrate this wonderful holiday this year in the Year of the Family.
Every person has a big and a small homeland. Big is the country in which you were born, Small is the land on which you live, the house, the family in which you were born. The power of love for your home and family illuminates a truly happy childhood with a special light.
In your young hearts, guys, a feeling that lies in the depths of everyone’s soul is born in childhood and grows stronger over the years - this is love for home, one’s family. The birth of this love is a great mystery. What could be more important than home, family, relatives, where they will always understand, sympathize, and support you?
And there is one thread that connects generations. This is... Mother.
All the most precious shrines are named and illuminated by this name, because the very concept of life is associated with this name.

2 presenter.

Mother's Day is a holiday that unites adults and children, men and women, rural workers and workers, academics and ministers around the bright image of a woman-mother.

1 presenter.

Mom is the beginning of everything, the support and hope of the family, the future of the people, support in sorrow and joy. As long as we have a mother, we remain young at any age. Therefore, you need to take care, respect and love your mothers, not bitterness, but only bring them joy and flowers.

2 presenter.

Yes, indeed, for each of us, be it a small child or an already graying adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world.

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words,
Let's, friends, congratulate mom,
We love her like a good friend
Because she and I have everything together,
Because when things get tough for us
We can cry at our own shoulder.
Reader. We love her because sometimes
It becomes stricter in the wrinkles of the eyes,
But it’s worth confessing your head -
The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.
For always being straightforward and straightforward
We can trust her with our hearts,
And simply because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and tenderly. (N. Sakonskaya)

Part 2. Mother's heart.

1 presenter. The first word a person utters is “mama.” It is addressed to the one who gave him life. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. A mother's happiness lies in the happiness of her children. There is nothing more selfless and holy than her love. Mother is the child's first teacher and friend. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother.

2 presenter. Each of us has a feeling of security and peace when our mother is nearby. But do we always realize at what price our peace and happiness are paid? Which? Self-sacrifice, self-forgetfulness of the mother. These ancient words, which have almost disappeared from colloquial speech, most accurately characterize maternal love. Self-forgetfulness, i.e. the ability to forget yourself for the sake of your child is a real feat. A mother's heart is the most merciful judge, the most sympathetic friend, the sun of love, the light of which warms us all our lives.

A dramatization of D. Kedrin’s poem “Mother’s Heart.”

A maiden is being tortured by a Cossack at the fence:
-When will you, Oksana, love me?
I'll get it with my saber for stealing
And light sequins, and ringing rubles! -
The girl responded, braiding her hair:
-That’s what the fortune teller told me about in the forest.
She prophesies: I will love the one
Who will bring my mother's heart as a gift,
No need for sequins, no need for rubles,
Give me the heart of your old mother.
I will infuse its ashes into hops,
I’ll get drunk and I’ll love you! -
From that day on, the Cossack became silent, frowned,
I didn’t slurp borscht, I didn’t eat salamata.
He cut his mother's chest with a blade
And with the treasured burden he set off:
He puts her heart on a colored towel
Kohane brings it in his shaggy hand.
On the way, his vision grew dim,
As he was going up the porch, the Cossack tripped.
And the mother’s heart, falling on the threshold,
She asked him: “Are you hurt, son?”

1 presenter.

Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Let us remember the words of Oleg Koshevoy, addressed to his mother and full of filial tenderness:

Mom mom! I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world. Over the summer they were always covered in tan, and it didn’t go away even in the winter - it was so gentle, even, only a little darker on the veins. Or maybe they were rougher than your hands - after all, they had so much work to do in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on the dark veins...

Part 3.

“The basis, the essence of all living things is Mother.”

1 presenter.

Woman is a great word. It contains the purity of a girl, the dedication of a friend, the feat of a mother. From the lullaby to the last breath, the mother gives each of us selfless love, care, and affection.

I believe that all women are beautiful
And with his kindness and intelligence.
Even more fun if there is a holiday in the house,
And fidelity when there is separation in it.
Not their outfits and not the Roman profile -
We will be conquered by the female soul
And her youth and motherhood,
And gray hair when the time has come.
And we men bow low.
To all the women of my native country
No wonder on the soldiers’ obelisks
Mints the memory of the faces of mothers
On the screen there is a poster “The Motherland is calling!”

The song “The Tale of Mamayev Kurgan” sounds (lyrics by V. Bokov, music by A. Pakhmutova)

2 presenter.

A mother's love for her children is limitless. A mother always remembers her child, no matter where he is. Many mothers, having received notice of the death of their son during the Great Patriotic War, did not believe in his death and for the rest of their lives hoped for a miracle, a miracle of return.

The poem is read against the background of the painting “Petrograd Madonna” by K.S. Petrov - Vodkin.

All people are sleeping
But mother is not sleeping now.
And the mother does not close her tired eyes,
There was a war.
The son was killed in battle,
He covered his homeland with his heart.
A hundred roads were open before him -
He could be a scientist
He could become a poet
But the mother believes and waits:
There will be a knock on the door
And the son will return suddenly.
All people are sleeping
But mother is not sleeping now,
And tears flow from tired eyes.
And many days and many years
She's still waiting for her son
But there is no son. (N. Rublev)

Oh, why are you, red sun,
You're all leaving -
don't you say goodbye?
Oh, why from the joyless war,
aren't you coming back?
I will help you out of trouble,
I’ll fly like a quick eagle...
Answer me
my little blood!
Small, the only one...
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
come back, my hope!
My grain
My little Zoryushka.
My dear,
my dear, -
where are you?
I can't find the path
to cry over the grave...
I do not want
nothing at all -
only son
see cute.
Behind the forests is my little swallow!
Behind the mountains - behind the communities...
If you cry
little eyes -
mothers cry with their hearts.
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
come back, my hope!
The grain is mine.
My little Zoryushka.
My dear, -
where are you? (R. Rozhdestvensky. “Requiem”, chapter 5)
The first bullet in any war
They strike the mother's heart
Whoever won the last fight
And a mother’s heart suffers. (K. Kuliev)

Dramatization of M. Jalil’s poem “Mother’s Day”:

- Like free birds over the steppe at dawn,
I let my three sons fly.
As a mother, as a loved one, answer me,
Like a woman who sheds tears:
Where are my sons? There is anxiety in my soul,
The mother wants to know, that’s why she’s a mother:
What path are children destined for?
Should we expect victory or death?
A dove flies under the clouds from the south,
He sits on his mother’s threshold.
-Have you seen them? I ask you, as a friend,
Give me news, my dove!
Where is my elder? Where is the consolation of the heart?
Is he alive? Does he need help?
-Oh mother, be strong: your eldest has fallen in battle,
Your eldest son died in Crimea.
The mother froze, what pain in her gaze!
How can she pour out her sadness in tears!
And my head was silvered with grief
For a son who died in battle.
I sent three children on a flight.
As a mother, as a loved one, answer me, -
Exhausted, I wait for news.
My eldest did not come, he met death
He fell in battle, the light of his dear eyes,
Perhaps the middle one is alive? Perhaps the wind
Did you bring me greetings from him?
The wind is making noise and playing on the threshold,
What is he whispering to his gray-haired mother?
- Tell me, wind, on your road
My middle met you?
- O mother, be strong, your middle one has fallen in battle,
I couldn’t save myself for my mother.
Until the last blow in the chest ceased,
He held a diamond sword in his hand.
The gray-haired mother fell unconscious,
The heart could not stand it, but the tears
Rolled after a tear without drying,
The old eyes were blinded.
- Like free birds over the steppe at dawn,
I let my three sons fly.
As a woman, as someone close to you, answer me,
Otherwise the mother will burn with grief.

Part 4. “...I love you, mom!”

Our native lands await us like piers...
And, scorched by the winds of the paths,
You, returning to your father's house, as if for the first time,
You will see your mother's hands...
And suddenly remembering the heat and slush of the hikes,
Fields of fronts where the skies were torn,
You will understand that these hands can cry,
How a mother's eyes cry.
That all that is good and holy has merged in them,
And the light of the window, and the trembling of the ripe fields,
That they, the sleepless ones, would have more peace,
And you don’t give them any peace!

M. Plyatskovsky’s song “Mother’s Eyes” is playing.

1 presenter.

Everything that is sacred, dear to us, illuminated and named after the mother. The farmer, turning to the land that gave birth to abundant grain, gratefully says: “Thank you, nurse-mother.” A soldier in battle with the enemy fights for his Motherland.

Part 5. “A woman is a mother—the soul of the family.”

2 presenter.

Women have an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth. The life of a mother is an everyday, sometimes unnoticed, everyday feat.

Any trouble will fade away and disappear,
Like thunder sometimes rumbling in spring,
If she is with you, if she is always near
Maybe she's 33 or 73 -
No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it.
In anxiety, in business from dawn to dusk,
The person on whom the house rests.
Her husband is a general, cosmonaut or poet
Maybe he is a minister, a miner, a doctor.
She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that
The person who holds the house together.
Very rarely, but still sometimes sick.
And then the weight around is topsy-turvy, upside down,
Because she, because she
The person who holds the house together.
The rapid age is taking us somewhere,
In the bustle, we sometimes forget that
That she is not a foundation, she is a person,
The person who holds the house together.
So that there is light in both the heart and the house
Respond kindly to her kindness!
Let him always feel love and warmth,
The person who holds the house together. (S. Ostrovoy)

1 presenter.

We are forever indebted to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives.

O faith of our mothers,
Forever knowing no limits,
Holy trembling faith
In us, growing children.
She is like light in a birch forest,
Nothing in the world can erase:
Not one in the diary,
Nor the neighbors' angry complaints
Mothers are such a people
They sigh, looking at us with a long gaze:
“Let them go crazy. It will pass,”
And again they believe, believe, believe.
Only mothers believe this way
Demanding and patient.
And they are not loud
They don’t think it’s a wonder,
I just don’t care about the year
Their faith, reverent and tender,
But we don’t always
We justify their hopes. (V. Korotaev)

2 presenter.

Our mothers often have a hard time with us! We upset them with bad deeds and laziness in their studies. We don’t always remember how many sleepless nights our mother spent at our crib when we were little, taking our mother’s care for granted, we forget to thank her.

Beautiful mothers - there are many of you in the world,
You look into the eyes openly and directly
No matter how far the road takes us
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.
We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone upsets her so often
And a kind mother forgives all this
A beautiful mother forgives all this
Under the load of worries, without stubbornly bending,
She performs her duty patiently...
Every mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love. (A. Tatyanicheva)

A group of high school students invite their mothers to a waltz. The waltz by D.B. Kabalevsky “School Years” sounds.

How long did you dance?
But remember at least once!
Have you ever called
Your mother for a waltz?
Let our mother’s waltz whirl us around now.
And the years that have passed
Let the cranes call in the distance,
Let her return for an hour
This waltz, my mother’s waltz, is 20 years old.
Many waltzes, ringing,
It flew over her.
But she bowed
Above your bed.
Like in years past,
The river is whispering something.
And again like then
The stars shine in the darkness.
The waltz floats over mom.
And on the whole earth
There is no one happier than her.

1 presenter.

We treat with respect and gratitude people who reverently pronounce the name of their mother until they turn gray, protect her old age, and give her peace and joy.

In the town above the steepest
I know everyone inside out.
There's no better place for me -
My mom lives here!
I will come to her with failure -
We'll discuss everything until the morning,
And life will appear differently
In the light of her goodness.
I believe in my mother like a miracle,
There is no one dearer!
Whatever happens, wherever I will be,
Let's keep the good light!
My path does not go straight,
Sometimes I do the wrong thing...
Mom scolds her daughter
He will regret it like no one else.
Not the most holy mother,
Mom's life is illuminated
If anything I'm worth
Everything from mom - everything from her!
And when in the sea fog
The ships will sound the departure horn,
Then I’ll wave my hand to mom
Farewell at the gate.
I will repeat it like a spell,
Words to myself a hundred times:
“Mom, mom... Goodbye!
Golden, be alive!
News from beyond
Will put everything aside...
If only my mother wasn't sick,
She would live for a long, long time! (N. Rylenkov)

2 presenter.

How much warmth is hidden in the word that is used to call the closest, dearest and only person!

I love you mom
For what, I don’t know
Probably because
That I breathe and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun,
And on a bright day -
For this you I
I love you dear.
For the sky, for the wind,
For the air around...
I love you, mom
You are my best friend.
Without knowing any fatigue,
No rest, every hour
Day and night dear mother
Everyone is worried about us.
She lulled us, fed us,
She sang to us at the crib,
She taught us first
Kind, joyful words.
How many nights did she not sleep?
If suddenly we were sick.
How much did she cry?
In a little room, in the dark.
How twisted it is when we
Sad at times
How much joy does mom have?
If someone praises us.
How much torment she had with us,
And she doesn’t need awards,
Mothers dream of one thing -
About the love of your children. (M. Sirenko)

1 presenter.

Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. People do not respect the one who offends his mother, who has forgotten about her.

At night there is a hacking cough,
The old woman fell ill.
She has been in our apartment for many years
She lived alone in the room.
There were letters, but only very rarely
And then, without noticing us,
She kept walking and whispering:
“Children, you should get together with me at least once
Your mother bent, turned grey,
What can you do - old age has come.
How nice we would have been
Near this table.
You walked under this table,
Songs were sung until dawn.
And now they have separated and sailed away.
Go ahead and gather everyone.”
Mother fell ill, and that same night
The telegraph never tired of shouting:
“Children, urgently, only very urgently,
Come, my mother is sick!”
From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Postponing matters until time,
The children have gathered, but it’s just a pity
At the bedside, not at the table.
Stroked wrinkled hands,
Soft silver strand
Why did you give separation
How long will it take to stand in front of her?
Mother waited for you in the rain and snow
Sleepless nights are painful.
Should we wait for grief?
To come to your mother?
Is it really just telegrams?
Brought you to the fast trains?
Who has a mother
Come to her without telegrams! (A. Dementiev)

The song “Our Mothers” sounds (lyrics by I. Shaferan, music by G. Kolmanovsky)

2 presenter.

We are in eternal, unpayable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, we must and are obliged to tenderly love, respect, take care of her, and not cause pain to the mother with our words and actions. To thank her for her work and care for us, to be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her. Mother expects constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, and kind words from us.

Part 6. “We are eternally indebted to our mother.”

1 presenter.

The rapid pace of our time should not break the circle of responsibilities by which youth is connected with old age. Because side by side with the rapid flight of youth there are quiet times of old age with its loneliness, and often with pain and torment. And for us, young people, it will be of great benefit if we do not lose touch with a person who lived a hard life, there will be less callousness and selfishness in our relationships with people, including our mother.

Don't leave mothers alone
They grow old from loneliness.
Among worries, love and books
Don't forget to be kind to them.
To them your tenderness means the whole world.
Try to intercept at least for a moment
In your youth you are your own old age,
When there are no letters from children, no meetings,
And your closest friend is TV
To save my mother in this life,
Do we really need requests or visas?
No matter how the rush of events beckons you,
No matter how you attract me into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes
From grievances, from hardships and worries. (R. Gamzatov)

2 presenter.

We bow to all women, mothers for your selfless love, kindness, for your hands, which do good and justice on earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.

R. Gamzatov “Take care of mothers.”
I sing of what is eternally new.
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Finds its own music.
And, not obeying my will,
It rushes to the stars, it expands around...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - the orchestra of my soul.
But when I say, like for the first time,
This word is Miracle. Word - Light -
Stand up, people! Fallen, alive!
Arise, children of our turbulent years!
Arise, pines of the centuries-old forest!
Stand up, straighten up, stalks of grass!
Stand up, all flowers! And stand up, mountains,
Lifting the sky on your shoulders!
Everyone stand up and listen while standing
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Stand up!...Stand up everyone!
As the forests rise with the new dawn,
Like blades of grass rushing upward towards the sun,
Stand up, everyone, when you hear this word,
Because in this word there is life.
This word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the first spark of consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
May this word always remain
And, breaking through any traffic jam,
Even in a heart of stone it will awaken
A reproach to a muted conscience.
This word will never deceive you,
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. There is no end to it.
Get up! I pronounce it:
"Mother!" (R. Gamzatov)

A down scarf, the light of a friend's smile,
Eyes that can forgive and understand
What is always in anxiety:
- Well, where are we and what are we?
This is how I remember my mother from childhood.
In times of trouble it will warm you up, cover you with itself,
Sometimes he scolds and forgets immediately...
Thank you, moms, thank you very much -
For everything you have done in life for us!
Thank you for your care and affection,
For the good life that was given to the family,
For the first song, for the first fairy tale,
For years of anxiety, for nights without sleep.
Sometimes we notice you too late
Snow on the temples, cobwebs around the eyes...
Thank you, moms,
Thanks a lot -
For all,
What have you done in life for us! (I.Fink)

* 1. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.
* 2. We bow to you, mothers, for your understanding, cordiality, patience, and care.
* 3. We bow to you for bringing light and warmth to children and people around you.
* 4. We bow to you for your great selfless work.
* 5. We bow to you - the soul of the family, the guardians of the family hearth.
* 6. We bow to you, who guard the peace and happiness of the human race. Peace to your home, your family, dear mothers.

All. We bow deeply to you, woman whose name is Mother!

III. Conclusion.

1 presenter.

And at the end of our evening, we say: What is family? Mother? What can it be compared to?

This is the firmament on which the sun always shines. The rays of this sun are mutual understanding, respect, love, friendship, joint affairs. And let's remember that everyone: both adults and children, want to live in a world of beauty, fantasy and creativity. And also that what our family is like, our Mothers are like this, our children are like this, our future will be like this, and Russia will be like this.

2 presenter.

And it is no coincidence that President V.V. Putin declared 2008 the Year of the Family. Remember, the main law of the family is to take care of each family member, and each member takes care of the whole family. You must firmly know this law, then your family, home, will be a place where you are loved, expected, understood and accepted for who you are, where it is warm and cozy.

The song “Let there always be a mother” plays

Extracurricular activity dedicated to Mother's Day

“We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother”

The poem sounds:

Spent the night over the cradle,
She fed me with her milk,
I gave my first lessons...
So can I say about whom?
With sincere love stubbornly,
Bringing goodness, love and light!
Live, please live longer, mom,
There is no relative in the world like you!

Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear guests! On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day.

Poems performed by students:

R. Gamzatov Excerpt from the poem "Take care of mothers!" (Davydova Madina)

I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Finds its own music.
This word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will never deceive you,
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the summation of everything. There is no end to it.
Get up! I pronounce it:

Today is my mother’s holiday, (Zyabirov Renat)
The country is celebrating Mother's Day again.
I want the troubles to fall asleep forever,
And they never came to the house.

Forgive me for all my grievances,
After all, I love you very much.
I wish you never see grief,
I give you all the best now!

Dear mother, today is your holiday -
Mother's Day has knocked on your door,
And many sincere words and beautiful
Like a bright bouquet, he gave you.

Your eyes look calmly and tenderly,
And the softness of a smile is like silk.
Let happiness spread like a boundless sea,
Follow the reliable footsteps of success!

Don't offend mothers (Bogdalov Rasim)
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.
And go around the bend
Don't you rush, don't rush
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as possible.
Mothers sigh in silence,
In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.
For them we are forever kids,
And it is impossible to argue with this.
So be a little kinder
Don’t be annoyed by their care,
Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.
They suffer from separation
And we are on a boundless road
Without mother's kind hands -

Like babies without a lullaby.
Write letters to them quickly
And don’t be shy about lofty words,
Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.

Thank you, dear ones, for your care, (Naila Yanbulatova)

For every night sigh at the head of the bed,

For the fact that our souls you willingly

And you sacredly fill it with love.

Forgive us for every wrinkle.

After all, because of us, you have a hard time...

Forgive us for every tear,

Stealthily wiped from my own cheek.

And no matter how hard life may be for us,

When melancholy frightens with a black shadow,

Holyly protects us from all troubles

Blessings to beloved mothers.

May adversity not touch your days,

And may God grant you to live longer in the world!

Today you love, health, happiness

We wish your children with all our hearts!

Teacher: But what the guys in our class think about their mother can be found out from their essays.

Essays prepared in advance are read out.

Teacher: What word goes with the word “Mom”? What image comes to your mind when you mention the word “Mom”? I will now take a heart cut out of paper, which will help us today. I will try to be the first to continue the following phrase: “For me, mother is...”.(Students stand up and continue)

Teacher: Exam for children.(The questions are written on pieces of paper, the guys take out one at a time and answer the questions)

    Name your mother's birthday.

    Mom's favorite song.

    Mom's favorite educational expression.

    Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?

    Name your mother's character traits.

    When does your mother get up and go to bed?

    If you were a wizard, what would you do for your family.

    What is most important to you in the family?

    What kind of family will you have? Etc.

Teacher: Most Russian families have one or two children. There are much fewer families in Russia in which three or more children live and are raised. Such families are called large families. Children from 8 large families study at our school. And in our class there are two such families - the Davydovs and the Abdryashitovs. Today we are visiting the mothers of these guys, I want to talk to them.


    Is it difficult to have three children?

    What do you like most about your sons?

    If your daughters ask you about your first love, will you talk about it?

    What kind of people do you want your children to be? Etc.

  • Mom can, without shame,
    Give the medal "Hero of Labor"
    All her deeds cannot be counted,
    There's not even time to sit down
    And cooks and washes,
    Reads a bedtime story
    And in the morning with great desire
    Mom goes to work
    And then - shopping
    (together): No, we can’t live without our mother.

Unfortunately, we are not able to give the “Hero of Labor” medal. But we are grateful to you, dear mothers, for your help in teaching and raising children. And allow me to present letters of gratitude.

Leading: Everyone knows how bad it is without a mother, especially if she is not with us for a long time. And if she is not there... There is no one closer to the mother. And no one will care about you, you will be needed as much as your mother. Russian writer Vasily Grossman learned about the death of his mother 3 years after her death in 1944. 9 and 20 years after the execution of Ekaterina Savelyevna, he writes letters to her, trusting paper with his unabating pain, his melancholy. These are the letters.(Students prepare expressive reading by heart at home in advance.)

Student 1: Dear Mom, I learned about your death in the winter of 1944. I arrived in Berdichev, entered the house where you lived, and understood. That you are not alive. But back on September 8, 1941, I felt in my heart that you were gone.

Student 2: At night at the front, I had a dream - I entered the room, clearly knowing that it was your room, and saw an empty chair, clearly knowing that you were sleeping in it: the scarf with which you covered your legs was hanging from the chair. I looked at this empty chair for a long time, and when I woke up, I knew that you were no longer on earth.

Student 3: But I didn’t know what a terrible death you died. I learned about this by asking people who knew about the mass execution that took place on September 15, 1941. I've tried dozens of times, maybe hundreds, to imagine how you died. As you were going to your death, you tried to imagine the person who killed you. He was the last one to see you. I know that you have been thinking about me a lot all this time.

Student 4: Now it's been more than nine years. How I don’t write letters to you, don’t tell you about my life and affairs. And over these nine years, so much has accumulated in my soul. That I decided to write to you, tell you and, of course, welcome me, since no one, essentially, cares about my sorrows, only you alone cared about them. I will be frank with you... First of all, I want to tell you that over these 9 years I have been able to truly believe that I love you - since my feeling for you has not diminished one iota, I do not forget you, I do not calm down, I am not consoled, time does not heal me.

Student 5: My dear, 20 years have passed since your death. I love you, I remember you every day of my life, and my grief has been persistent all these 20 years. You are human to me. And your terrible fate is the fate of a person in inhuman times. All my life I have kept the faith that all my good, honest, kind things come from you. Today I re-read several of your letters to me. And today I cried again reading your letters. I cry over the letters - because you are your kindness, purity, your bitter, bitter life, your justice, nobility, your love for me, your care for people, your wonderful mind. I am not afraid of anything, because your love is with me, and because my love is always with me.

Teacher Life isn't always fun

Women are nervous, sad, tired

And the task of real men

Cheer them up

But we have enough real men!

Competition "Mom's Name".
Assignment: Using the first letters of your mother’s name, list the qualities of her character. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; delightful, intriguing, sociable, demanding, charming, decisive, sparkling with humor, bright - Victoria. (You can give the task the other way around: choose a name based on its characteristics.)

Competition “Compliment for Mom”.
Each of those present says an adjective meaning a compliment; the words should not be repeated. For example, kind, gentle, cheerful, beloved, etc.

Competition "Mom's Portrait".
Ovals are drawn on several sheets of paper, and participants are asked to complete the drawing of a face while blindfolded. During the competition, the Baby Mammoth song is played.

Without knowing any fatigue,

No peace every hour

Day and night dear mother

Everyone is worried about us.

She lulled us, fed us,

She sang to us by the bed.

She taught us first

Kind joyful words.

Leading. And now a competition for mothers is being announced: “Sing a lullaby.”

All our mothers love flowers very much. Flowers give people joy. And in summer they don’t get boring, and in winter they bring us freshness and warmth. Our game is called “Recognize the Flower”. Your task is to guess what flower we are talking about.

1.This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names: popovnik, whitehead, Ivan's flower. This flower is considered the national symbol of Russia.


2.People call this flower boletus, commotion, and ringing grass. Grain growers are not very fond of this flower.


3. Flower of the sun - that’s what they call it. He came to Russia from Holland. For many years, people walked around the overseas guest, trying to figure out what kind of plant it was.


Teacher: Think more about your mothers, guys, take care of them, love them. Their love for you is deep. Every mother dreams of you being good people.
I want to wish all the mothers present love, happiness, and prosperity. May your children be healthy, may only tears of joy appear in your eyes.

So that life doesn’t burn you through the years, So that you don’t cry out of remorse,

Forever: never and never make your mother cry.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked throughout the centuries!

The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms!

May the sun applaud her forever, And so she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms.

Performing the song “Sunny Circle...” with mothers.

What is most sacred in our hearts?

There is hardly any need to think and guess.

There is the simplest word in the world

And the most sublime - Mother!

So why is this a big word?

Maybe not today, but a long time ago,

But the first time was someone, somewhere

Turned into blasphemous abuse?

That ancestor was both dark and bad,

And he hardly even knew what he was doing,

When one day he took it and nailed it

A native word for swearing.

Even though life is complicated, even if it’s harsh at times,

And yet it's hard to simply understand

That the word “mate” goes with the word “mother” -

The vilest thing from the most sacred!

Is it really for your love,

For giving birth to us and raising us,

Mother no longer deserves better,

What is this trail of obscene words?!

Well, how can we allow it to happen year after year?

So the flame of their hearts was insulted?!

And foul language of all kinds

It's time to finally say sternly:

- Scold or quarrel as you wish,

But don't lose the title of people.

Don't touch, don't dare, don't dirty

No name, no honor of mothers!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The format of the event is a holiday. This development is intended for extracurricular work with primary schoolchildren.


  • formation of family values;
  • bringing school and family closer together;
  • development in children of interest in the personality of mothers;
  • fostering a desire to take care of your loved ones.

Tasks: organize leisure time for children and their parents.

Equipment: children's drawings, computer, multimedia, equipment for competitions.

Progress of the event

Teacher. Is there a person on earth closer than his own mother? Mom is the first word a person utters. While the child is small, the mother feeds him and rocks him in the cradle. Mom will take pity, and caress you, and guide you on the right path. Mom is the brightest thing in our lives.

  1. Different children live on the planet.
    But all children in the world love their mothers.
    It happens that we don't listen to our mothers,
    And mothers teach us good deeds.
    And mothers teach us how to be kind,
    How to protect and love our Motherland!
    Mothers can do anything, mothers will help,
    Moms know how to understand everything!
    Since they have a holiday, we also have a holiday.
    Let's congratulate our mothers.

Song "Mom's Holiday".

  1. My mother's hands -
    Pair of white swans:
    So tender and so beautiful
    There is so much love and strength in them!
    They fly all day long
    It's like they don't know they're tired
    The house will be made comfortable,
    They will sew a new dress,
    They will caress you, warm you up -
    Mom's hands can do everything!
  2. Mom's young voice -
    The kindest and dearest!
    I always recognize him
    Among hundreds of voices,
    I forget about toys
    And I run to my mother’s call.
    I will hug my mother tenderly,
    I won’t upset her!

Teacher. Guys, do you help mothers? What responsibilities do you have in your family?

  1. Like turquoise
    mother's eyes -
    Clear and clean
    kind, radiant.
    Like stars are burning,
    Illuminating everything around,
    And they say to me:
    Mom is my beloved friend!
  2. To my dear mother
    I would like to wish
    Be with me at home more often,
    So that I don't get bored alone.
    So that we can read books
    We sewed a hat for a bear,
    Next to my mother I feel light,
    Both cozy and warm!
  3. The candle flickers slightly:
    The mother feeds the child.
    Baby heart
    It fills with warm light.
    Mother will regret it
    mother and rocks,
    Affection will dispel sorrows and sorrows.

Dance for mothers.

Sketch “Homework”


Vitek leaned over the table
And he squeezed his temples with his hands:
He is writing an essay
“How I help my mother.”
Then Vityok will gnaw on the pen,
Then he will sleep gloomily.
There is a name, but what next?
Try it, come up with an idea!
But then mom suddenly came out of the kitchen
He calls his son quietly...


Vityunchik, run to the store,
I would like salt and matches.

Vitya. Idea!

Leading. Vityok jumped up and shouted to his mother...

Vitya. What you? After all, I’m working on my essay, there’s still a lot of work to do.

Leading. Mom fell silent, and her son wrote the phrase in his notebook:

Vitya. " I always run straight away to buy something for my mother.”

Leading. Mom opened the door slightly:


Vityunya, I need you.
I'm going to the shop. Clean for now
Potatoes for dinner.

Vitya. What more?!

Leading. Vitek jumped up.


I'm sick of even listening!
Here's an essay, and you
with some potatoes.


Mom disappeared and son
summarized in his notebook:


“I’ll make my mom’s breakfast myself,”
Lunch and dinner too.”

Leading. Five plus! - he rejoices and is proud of his mark. What do you guys give him for this?

Discuss this situation with children.

Teacher. But not all children are like Vitya. Our guys always help their mothers.

  1. I do everything for my mother:
    I play scales for her,
    For her, I go to the doctor and study math.
    All the boys climbed into the river,
    I was sitting alone on the beach
    For her after illness
    I didn’t even swim in the river.
    For her I wash my hands
    I'm eating some carrots...
    Only now we are apart:
    Mom in the city of Pryluki,
    Fifth day on a business trip.
  2. Well first I'm without my mom
    put aside the scale,
    I watched on TV
    all evening programs.
    I wasn't sitting too close
    but there are streaks in my eyes!
    They have one artist there
    walks around in her mother's hair.
    And today the whole evening
    I have nothing to do.
    Father has a newspaper in his hands,
    Only he is flying somewhere,
    He says: “Let’s be patient for a while,
    There are still ten days left!..”
  3. And probably out of habit
    Or maybe out of boredom
    I put matches in place
    And for some reason I wash my hands.
    And the scales sound sad
    In our room without mom.
  4. If I were a girl
    I wouldn't waste time
    I wouldn't jump on the street
    I'd wash the shirt.
    I would wash the kitchen floor
    I would sweep the room.
    I would wash the cups, spoons,
    I would peel the potatoes myself.
    All my toys myself
    I would put it in its place.
    Why am I not a girl?
    I would help my mother so much!
    Mom would immediately say:
    “You’re doing well, son!”

Teacher. But today’s holiday is dedicated not only to mothers, but also to the mothers of our mothers and fathers.

  1. Our dear mothers!
    We ourselves admit
    Which of course we are not always
    We behave well.
    We often upset you
    What we sometimes don’t notice
    We love you very, very much!
    Let's grow kind
    And we will always try
    To behave.
  2. And dad's mom?
    And my mother's mother?
    I call her dear grandmother!
  3. Mom has a job, dad has a job.
    They still have Saturday for me.
    And grandma is always at home.
    She never scolds me!
    He will sit you down and feed you:
    - Don't rush,
    Well, what happened to you, tell me?
    I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,
    He sits sorting out the buckwheat grains bit by bit.
    We feel good - like this, the two of us.
    And a house without a grandmother is not a home.

Teacher. One day, walking down the street, I heard the following conversation...


Two grandmothers on a bench
We sat on a hill.
Grandmothers said:

Grandmother 1. We only have A's!

Grandmother 2.

Ours is in mathematics!
And five for language!
But the rules of grammar
I'm bad at dragging!

Grandma 1.

And I'm learning history
And it seems to work.
Just all these dates
I don't remember them.


We sat and discussed
They shook hands with each other,
At least they got marks
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

Teacher. These are our grandmothers! And their locks are gray, and their health is not very good, but you are always welcome to help us! The guys will perform ditties for our grandmothers.

  1. On the way to the circus grandma
    Fedya asks:
    - How did our tram guess?
    Why are we going there?
  2. Have pity on me, grandma,
    Let me skip school.
    - You, grandson, are the director there,
    You must be there.
  3. -If you don't eat,
    I'll call Yaga here!
    -Do you think that grandma
    Will he eat your stew?
  4. Lena laughs like a goat
    And your eyes bulge.
    - Granny, don’t sigh.
    Braid the braid looser.
  5. How are you today, granddaughter?
    I washed my face in the morning,
    Brush, soap, towel -
    Everything remained dry.
  6. For me, granny, don’t be afraid,
    I won't fall off my chair
    So what if I'm swinging -
    I'm holding on to the cup.
  7. Granny, I broke my watch
    Give me some chocolate.
    After all, good always leads to evil
    Everyone needs to answer.
  8. Granny fortune teller cards
    They only know how to lie.
    That yesterday I was not at school,
    They couldn't find out.
  9. I train with a barbell
    I started to pump up my muscles.
    But here's grandma's bag
    I can't lift it at all.
  10. And my grandmother Elya
    Doesn't scold, doesn't grumble.
    He goes to parties with me,
    It sticks out from the computer.
  11. So that grandma goes to work
    The evil alarm clock didn't wake me up,
    I'm giving him a good night
    I unscrewed three parts.
  12. Baba Zina is a champion
    In culinary sports.
    “Napoleon” defeated everyone.
    There are a hundred layers in the cake.
  13. Grandma said “you can’t”
    Today exactly a thousand times.
    About the abolition of an evil word
    We need to issue a decree.
  14. My dear grandmothers,
    What kind of allergies do you have?
    How do you take notebooks?
    So you're shaking with fever.

When mothers and grandmothers smile,
The clouds immediately disperse,
The rain stops pouring
The sun is playing with a ray
And the generous one sends his greetings.

Stay young at heart
And live for many, many years,
And from now on your smile
Let the whole world be illuminated.

(Children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers).


  1. "Mom's Helpers" “Help mom bring the shopping.” (Move the items from the bag lying on the chair to the table one at a time).
  2. "Dress up mom." (Tie a bow on mom’s head).
  3. “Peel the onions.”
  4. “Wrap up Alenka.” (You need to swaddle the doll and sing her a lullaby).
  5. "I recognize my mother." (The child is blindfolded and must recognize his mother by her voice).

The holiday ends with tea.

Literary and musical composition "We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother"


to form in adolescents a high moral consciousness and attitude towards family life as an independent aesthetic value;

reveal the essence of a person’s inner and outer beauty;

to cultivate feminine personality traits in the behavior of pupils in order to prepare for family life and future motherhood;

on the basis of the sayings of great people, works of poetry and music, realize the importance of the mother in human life and society.

to cultivate in students love and respect for mothers, great gratitude to them


Formation of children's moral duty to their parents.

Development of positive emotions and feelings associated with a given problem.

Forming a caring attitude towards loved ones

4. Develop memory, attention, and formation of expressive reading skills.

5. Teach children to be caring, gentle, affectionate towards loved ones

Progress of the event

Presenter: against the background of music

The rain knocks on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart
To our Russian woman named MOTHER!
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one who sometimes didn’t sleep with us at night,
They pressed her warm hands to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of your daughters and sons. Sinyukova L.I.
Every new step we took was like a holiday for her,
And she felt more pain from the pain of her children.
We fly out of our nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
To our Russian woman named MOTHER!

Song “Mom” Kretinina A.Ya., Zeibel E.Ya.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in Russia since 1998, it has been customary to celebrate Mother’s Day on the last Sunday of November. The floor for congratulations goes to the head of the branch, Tamara Fedorovna Vratskikh.

Presenter2 Good evening, dear, gentle, affectionate, caring mothers and grandmothers! How nice it would be if mothers heard such words every day! But sometimes we sadly notice that if in childhood a son or daughter does not fall asleep until he kisses or hugs his mother, then over the years they develop restraint, and sometimes harshness.

Presenter 1

What could be more sacred in the world than the name of a mother! There is one sacred page in Russian poetry and prose, dear and close to any heart, to any soul that has not been lost - this is the story about mother.

Presenter 2

Mom... This is the first word that a baby's mouth utters. And no wonder. After all, the mother and the child form a single organism: not from the hands, but from the mother’s breast, we feed for the first months of our life, being completely dependent on the one who gave birth to us. No matter how old, strong, smart, beautiful we become, no matter how far life takes us from our parents’ shelter, mother will always remain a mother to us, and we will remain her children, whose weaknesses and shortcomings no one knows better than she. And no one, of course, will be able to feel sorry for us, and at the same time scold us the way my mother does. By reprimanding us, she does not want to offend us, but to correct us. That’s why we even remember my mother’s spankings with gratitude, because she is always angry with us with love.


How often do we offend by inattention?

We are in the youth of fathers and mothers!

Coming home from the institute,

We hurry to see our friends quickly.

Postponing all conversations until tomorrow,

Having barely had time to take off my traveling suit,

Into the inviting spaces beyond the river

We are flying headlong to catch up with our childhood.

We throw flowers at our friends,

Forgetting to pick a bouquet for my mother.

And the mother is still waiting. Zakharova Zhenya.

Lives and breathes us.

He sews new clothes and prepares lunch for us.

The forest holds us, the Volga does not let us go.

It’s already dark, have dinner and go to bed.

And only in our dreams do we repeat: “Mom”

And our dreams are protected by our mother.

SONG “MOM” Kiseleva Angelina

Presenter 1. How can we repay, reward our mother for her love, carried like a burning candle through all the years of her life? How will we reward our mother for the sleepless nights spent near our crib in the fight against illnesses and illnesses that so often befall children?

Vedas 2: I believe that all women are beautiful

And with your kindness and intelligence

Even more fun if there is a holiday in the house

And fidelity when there is separation in him.

Not their outfits and not the Roman profile

We are conquered by the female soul

And her youth and motherhood

And gray hair when the time has come.

Presenter 1: Mother! How capacious, how beautiful this word is! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero!”

Presenter 2

Woman is a great word. It contains the purity of a girl, the dedication of a friend, the feat of a mother.

Presenter 1

A woman is the keeper of the family hearth. She has an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth.

Dance "Quadrille" 6th grade.

Presenter 2 : How much warmth is hidden in the word that is used to call the closest, dearest and only person!

Reader 2:

I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know.
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day. Annenkova S
Because I love you, dear?
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you, mom
You are my best friend.

Without knowing any fatigue,
no peace, every hour,
Day and night dear mother,
Everyone is worried about us.
We were lulled and fed by Berzukh D.
She sang to us by the bed.
She taught us first
Kind, joyful words

Read 13 Thank you, dear mother,

For kindness, for affection and love. Kondaurova L.

I was disobedient and stubborn,

But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

Ch te c. 14 We are our mothers, dear mothers

Hearts and lives will be given away without words.

For us they are truly saints, Ira Erygina

It doesn't matter that there are no halos on the heads.

Ch te c. 15 We took different paths in life

No matter how many winters and how many years,

But this truth has long been known: Anya Tomishinets

There is no person more dear than mother.

SONG “The dew trembles in the native voice” Annenkova Sasha

Presenter 1 : Every second three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. A mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms. The sun warms all living things, and her love warms the baby’s life.

Presenter 2 : Mother! The most understandable word on earth, it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world! Mom has the kindest and most wonderful heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother...


Since childhood, you have always been with me,
in moments of joy in moments of sadness,
Forgive me for all the insults
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness...
You have always been with me since childhood,
in moments of sincerity and hours of deception..
and I thank you for everything
my beloved dear Mother...... Peltz D.
You're not getting old, darling.
You have become a hundred times more beautiful.
Your wrinkles are a flock
Rays flying into the summer garden.
Your eyes are warmed with warmth, -
Their youth burns with fire.
I'm ready to sing sonnets all my life
And on a gloomy night, on a clear day.
You're not getting old, darling.
You are eternal, like love itself.
I love you, giving you,
Your love my love.


For every person, mother is the kindest, most caring, most gentle, and in general, the most important person in life. Guys, raise your hands if you think your mother is the best in the world? Surely everyone thinks so! Dear mothers! Please accept this song as a gift.

Performance of a song from Jasmine’s repertoire to the words of E. Melnik, music by K. Breitburg “Mother’s Heart” 9th grade

Presenter 2. And what do we know about my mother’s hands - overly caring, knowing neither fatigue nor rest, now cooking, now darning, now washing? We believe and know that mother’s hands are miraculous. That is why, as soon as something hurts us or we scratch our arm, splinter, or bruise, we immediately run to her with a loud cry: “Ma-ma!” And - lo and behold!- As soon as mother presses us to her, strokes us where it hurts, caresses us - and the pain is already half as much, or even completely gone.

Presenter 1 : Mom fills the child’s life with spiritual strength, helping to comprehend eternal values. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.

Reader 3:

These are kind, these are sweet,
Never known laziness
Hands in the old man's difficult veins,
What rests on your knees,
Not expecting cheap praise, Kiseleva A.
Not languishing in boredom,
All-forgiving, all-powerful
Mother's hands, mother's hands...

Reader 4:

Mom's hands...
I love them since childhood
Wherever my road goes, -
I can’t escape them, Malakhova T.
From their fragrant warmth.

Mom's hands...
In wrinkles, in moles
How much have you endured lovingly!
From these hands Shestakov N.
I saw my homeland
So similar to you

Song “Mom” 5-6 grades.

Ved2 At the core of any worthwhile human relationship is love. First love is love for your mother. It must be carried throughout life. Mom loves you wisely and patiently. After all, she not only gave birth to her child. She opens the way for him to love, to inner freedom, to faith, conscience, to everything that forms the basis of happiness. Parental love is most often built on respect. Mom becomes a wise friend and mentor. And sometimes we respond with: “Don’t teach me how to live.”

Presenter 1. Who among us can truly appreciate the daily, painstaking work that continues from year to year, and at the same time the so unnoticeable work of a mother around the house and housework? And all for the sake of our benefit and our good: as long as the children are well-fed, clean and tidy, as long as childhood remains the happiest time of life. But many mothers work, which means they get up much earlier than their children and go to bed later, and still manage to do everything: pack breakfast, do the laundry, and prepare clean clothes so that no one calls their son or daughter a slob and a dirty person. We cannot reward our mother with dignity with anything, only with gratitude - never diminishing, but growing. Gratitude shown in words, and in deeds, and in prayers. This is exactly what the Lord says in his commandment: “Honor your father and mother, may it be good for you and may you live long on earth.”

Reader 4 Oh, the faith of our mothers,
Forever knowing no limits,
Holy, reverent faith
In us, growing children.
She is like light in a birch forest,
Nothing in the world can erase:
Not one in the diary,
Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.
Mothers are such a people -
They sigh, looking at us with a long gaze:
“Let them go crazy. It will pass"
And again they believe, believe, believe. Arent O.
Only mothers believe this way,
Demanding and patient.
And - not loud - they
They don't think it's a wonder.
I just don’t care about the year
Their faith, reverent and tender.
But we don’t always
We justify their hopes.

SONG “MOM” Kiseleva A., Annenkova S.

Presenter 2: For a mother, the most precious thing is her children. She tries to be invisible so that you will be noticed and you will move through life firmly, honestly and successfully. Life is life and very soon you will fly away like chicks from their native nest,

Leading. Sinyukova L.I.

The concepts of “mother” and “motherhood” are sacred. And even if the mother herself considers herself imperfect or sinful, in the eyes of her children she should always remain beautiful and, perhaps, even a saint. In any case, it is unacceptable for a mother to make reproaches and remarks that are appropriate only in the mouths of adults in relation to the younger generation. Some modern boys and girls, out of spiritual blindness and pride, even reproach their parents for their own shortcomings, attributing them to failures in upbringing. There is no greater ingratitude than this, which deserves only the name black! Unfortunately, our children are now so captivated by all kinds of games that they have less and less time left for their mother. Oh, what a pity that children nowadays have almost forgotten how to address their mother with various affectionate names! They won’t hug, they won’t kiss, they won’t say with love: “My good mommy, dear...” But they will come up and only grunt abruptly: “Mom, is there anything?” - leaving her to decipher this peculiar question.

Ch te c. 5 Don't offend mothers.
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.
And go around the bend
Don't you rush, don't rush
And to her, standing at the Gate,
Wave as long as possible.
Mothers sigh in silence,
In the silence of the night, in the disturbing silence. Yakubova K.
For them we are forever kids,
And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder

Don’t be annoyed by their care,

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers...

Song “Take care of your children” S. Annenkova with her mother.

Presenter 1: Maternal love is sacrificial, like any true love, undemanding and unchanging, wise and patient. And with what love do we, her children, respond to her? We are destined to learn love throughout our lives, day after day. So who can we learn from, if not from our own mother?! Will anyone else give you such sincere and sacrificial love?! It’s not for nothing that there is an expression: “Only a mother will not betray.”

Reader: My son left home! And when will he return now?

And the days will drag on. And a mother’s tears cannot be hidden.

Oh, why is there a closed door between lives?

And when seeing off their children, why do our mothers cry?

Mother, I've traveled all over the world. I knew many cities.

And I saw good things, and the war struck me with death.

But mother, I never abandoned my friends in trouble,

And I never lied. This is what you taught me.

You taught me not to hide grievances in my heart.

(It’s hard for the heart anyway, why is it so heavy?)

If you gave your word, it means forever. Granite.

If you are going uphill, climb without pushing others.

Ah, mother’s testament, and who is wiser than you in the world? Bagrintsev Vadim

You lead us to the stars even on dark, deaf nights.

I undertake to say: there are few bad mothers in the world!

Why then do bad people appear?

Why then does evil still crawl across the earth?

And does selfishness stink? And hoarding dries the hearts?

But how could it become brighter on the planet for people?

If only the offspring would obey all their mothers.

<...>Forgive me, mother! During your lifetime I did not say

Half of that now won't wait for an answer.

Life is not a gentle hill. The hall was not decorated with paintings.

Life is the peak. Fire. A celebration of thought and bright light.

For this, for everything - I am your son! And while I live.

Mom, I carry your name through life like a shrine.

The years will go by. Apples will fall into the grass.

The sun will rise. Rivers will burst into the desert.

Ships will sail into the whiteness of the Martian seas.

Life will rage. Every atom. Each vein.

And you are no longer there... You will no longer open the doors...

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers!

A real Mother is given to a person once.

Song “Mama” Shelikhov V.V.

Presenter 2 : Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all in debt to them.

Ch te c. 6 You know, mom, I’m already big,
I can distinguish between good and evil,
But how much does the word “mother” mean?
Only recently I began to understand.
How important is maternal care?
How important it is for me to see your eyes.
Maybe someone doesn't understand
That only a mother’s tear drips painfully.
I'm growing up, I'm getting older, I'm getting smarter,
But I began to understand a lot
That I simply can’t live without you,
That I’m ready to give my life for you!
How important your support is to me, Smorodina D.
How important words of love and tenderness are to me,
You are my only hope,
That will never betray or deceive!
We rarely talk, but for a very long time,
And I want to tell you a lot:
Priceless, the best and most reliable,
I can only call you, mom.

Let's sit with you for a while,
And hug me like you used to when you were a child.
Stay with me, we'll just keep quiet,
I don't know where to go now.
I only feel comfortable and warm with you,
You never hurt
My dear, how good it is...
Just sit there and cry your heart out.
Your dear, soft shoulder...
Such cute, radiant wrinkles.
What more could I wish for now?
Except for your so dear smile
It's so good that I have you,
You will not betray, and I know you will not stop loving.
You are from warmth and eternal kindness...
You will always, always be by my side.

Song “You know, mom, I’m sorry that I was...” Annenkova D.

Leading: The mother rocked her son... bayushki - bayushki,
When you grow up, son... remember your mother.
The night is already passing and the dawn is rising,
The mother rocked her son... she thought - not in vain.
I drove away all the bad thoughts,
And with what pride she led me to first grade.
The years have flown by - down the mountain, along the river,
This is the boy's first graduation in his life.
Next, study in a big city,
And then my son left for the army.
The mother was worried... she didn’t sleep at night,
She saved every penny for her son.
I asked the Lord... all the words are like a groan,
About the health of the son at the holy icons.
The wedding was noisy... “The smoke was thick”
And the son left his father’s old house. Sinyukova L.I.
His life circled in a carousel of days,
Doesn't call... doesn't write to his mother,
And she keeps crying sitting by the window,
Gray cat... yes, she is alone.
And the soul weeps and burns under the heart,
Why isn’t your son going... are you unlucky with your grandchildren?
In general, everything in my son’s life is good,
He arranged his life, found himself.
He worked tirelessly for his family
...But I didn’t remember about her...but I forgot about her.
And this will never reach my son,
That by his mother’s prayer, he lives like this.

Song “Prayer” by Kostomarova E.V.

Ved: Evgenia Viktorovna! Your prayer has been answered. Your son has returned from the army. Let's greet our graduate Vladimir Kostomarov with applause!

Evgenia Viktorovna, before your eyes he grew up, studied, delighted with his abilities, delighted him, moved from childhood to adolescence. And of course, the excitement and sleepless nights will never be forgotten. You gently squeezed his hand when he left for the army. And now joy fills your heart. The son returned as an older, more mature, young soldier who had experienced difficulties. And you never tire of being proud of your son. Now he is not that sweet, beloved boy. A young man returned from the army, a warrior who was taught to value the concepts of “homeland,” “honor,” and “military glory.”

That's it, you've returned home.
To the village and to his dear mother.
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is happy:
How was your service, soldier?
Congratulations, my friend!
I look at you and suddenly
I notice - a different person.
This is a Russian soldier - forever!

Peace, kindness, comfort and warmth to your family!

Presenter 2: Let's not limit ourselves to congratulations on this day, but simply try to make the lives of our mothers a little easier and more festive every day.

Presenter: Please, take care of your mothers.
Protect with warmth from the blizzard of life,
Their love is a hundred times hotter,
Than friends and beloved girlfriend.
Mother's love cannot be grasped
And I won’t break the rules here,
If I say: Mother is ready to give
My affection, tenderness and soul to you.
Mother will take your pain upon herself,
All the torment, doubt and torment!
Mother will put bread and salt on the road,
And he will stretch out his hands towards you. Sinyukova L.I.
Let him not be severely punished for pranks,
Just never lie to her!
And in the name of the great God
Take care of your mothers!
Don't leave them without participation.
You will remember this order, children!
After all, there can be no complete happiness,
If mom is not in the world.

Song "Mom" 11th grade

Presenter 1: What about our grandmothers?! Our next word of gratitude is addressed to you, gentle and caring! If it weren’t for your kind and sensitive hands, would we have grown up the way you see us here?

Ved 2 : Our grandmothers! How many times in life has your wisdom helped us and will continue to help us. You will always give advice, find time to listen to us...

Ved 1: And you will never give bad advice. We believe you and love you. For many children, grandmother became a second mother. May you live a quiet and peaceful life. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.

Ch te c. 9

Dear granny, smile bravely!

And laugh merrily again!
Live longer! You know - it’s so important for us, Katya Tupikina
That grandmother and mother are next to us!

There is endless tenderness in my mother’s heart,
Mom's look is like the sun in the sky.
Don’t be sad that I’m frosted, dear,
Silver streaks in my hair.
Don't count the wrinkles on your face.
Have your hands become rough? Do not Cry!
And the wrinkles are A. Tupikin’s cobwebs.
From your and our failures.
Feel sorry and give good advice -
Is there anyone who is a kinder mother?
Motherhood is not an easy burden.
There is joy and sorrow in it.
Obeying the command of the heart.
I’ll look you in the eye, dear...
I'll quietly get down on my knees
And I’ll tell you: “Thank you...”

Song “Old Grandmothers” 6th grade

Presenter 2 : We are in eternal and irrepayable debt to our mother. Therefore, love her tenderly, respect her, take care of her, and do not hurt your mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind and sensitive, make her life easier as much as you can, and they will be happy.

Reader 6:

Mothers have sacred rights:
Execute and pardon
Hope and cry.
And your lot,
Having barely acquired it, Gribanov Zh.
Carry through joys
Doubts and slush.


Mothers have one responsibility:
Forgetting yourself, getting scattered in your worries.
Both flesh and soul
Lay out to the bottom
Soul and flesh
Repeat in someone.
And don’t ask for anything in return!
And let L.I. Sinyukova for everything.
She will be rewarded generously!
Collected in a bouquet
Love and revelation
Come, children, to your mother
And kneel before her.

Song Taisiya Povaliy “Mama” 9th grade

Presenter: Sinyukova L.I.

Loving your mother is the first love. It must be carried throughout life. Mom loves you wisely and patiently. Mom becomes a wise friend and mentor.

Presenter 2: Mother's love is the basis and source of life on earth. Being a mother is a great happiness, but also a huge responsibility.

Presenter 1: Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Presenter: Sinyukova L.I.

May your day be

Sunny, beautiful.

And your path will be strewn with roses.

And every evening is starry,

Clean, clear.

Oh woman!

Always be happy!

SONG Shelikhov V.V.

Presenter 2:

We all owe a debt to our mother. First of all, Mother's Day is a family holiday.

Presenter 1:

Let this day become a kind of thanksgiving day to our dear and beloved mothers, for their invaluable work, for their almighty love.

Ved 2:We bow to all mothers for selfless love. Kindness, for the hands that create goodness and justice on Earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.

Ved1: We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.

Ved2: We bow to you for your concern.

Ved1: For your understanding and patience.

Ved2: For your cordiality and for being with us.

Ved1: .Be always beautiful and loved! May your children give you strength and happiness! Life goes on because you are on Earth!

Ved 2: . If mothers are happy, that means the family will be strong, the children will be healthy, and the present and future of Russia will be prosperous.

Ved1: Peace, goodness, prosperity to you, our mothers!

Reader 7:

A down scarf, the light of a friend's smile,
Eyes that can forgive and understand
What is always in anxiety:
- Well, where are we and what are we? Arent O.
This is how we remember our mother from childhood.


In times of trouble it will warm you up, cover you with itself,
Sometimes he scolds and forgets immediately...
Thank you, moms, thank you very much - Smorodina D.
For everything you have done in life for us!


Thank you for your care and affection,
For the good life that was given to the family,
For the first song, for the first fairy tale, Yakubova K.
For years of anxiety, for nights without sleep.


Sometimes we notice you too late
Snow on the temples, cobwebs around the eyes... Tupikin N.
Thank you, moms,
Thanks a lot -
For all,
What have you done in life for us?

Presenter: Sinyukova L.I.

I would like to end our meeting today with the words of Nikolai Ostrovsky: “There is a most beautiful creature to whom we are all indebted - this is a mother.”

Dear, dear mothers and grandmothers! I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. I wish you happiness, health, good luck, patience, love of your children and grandchildren, so that your children and grandchildren bring you only joy, so that only a smile shines on your faces, so that your eyes sparkle only with happiness.

Happy holiday to you, our mothers and grandmothers, and low bow to you!

And your children wish you happiness!!!

SONG “We wish you happiness!”

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