Cool on security with presentation. Presentation - a collection of rules for safe behavior of schoolchildren. Class hour “Me and my safety”

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Presentation on the topic: School safety

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Security - the context of the project In accordance with Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” of October 8, 1992 “Security is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. The main objects of security include: the individual - his rights and freedom; society - its material and spiritual values; the state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity."

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Security – expansion of meanings, firstly, “ is achieved by pursuing a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of measures adequate to threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state...”;

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Security - expansion of meanings Secondly, the main functions of the security system created at school are: Identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security objects. Implementation of a set of measures to prevent and neutralize identified threats. Creation and maintenance of security forces and means in readiness. Management of security forces and means in everyday conditions and in emergency situations. Implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities damaged as a result of an emergency situation..."

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Safety in the context of UNICEF programs As a result, the description of other activities aimed at improving school health and quality of education is complemented by provisions regarding the objectives, coherence of implementation and effectiveness of the policy, as well as school commitments. For example: School policies can provide meaningful opportunities to demonstrate a commitment to fairness, gender equality, human rights and non-discrimination. School policies that protect children from aggression or violence on school grounds reduce parents' concerns about the safety of their children, especially girls, while they are at school. Policies that provide continuing education opportunities for pregnant and parenting adolescents; as a result, girls do not graduate early. Policy development is necessary to create a safe and secure school environment. Policies to develop the health skills of teachers and schoolchildren complement health education: teachers act as positive role models for schoolchildren, for example by not smoking at school. Policies and associated procedures are critical to successful emergency response. Schools should create and practice emergency plans before such situations occur

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International programs aimed at developing directions for safe education of the FRESH project (UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank) "Education for All" (UNESCO, UNICEF)

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What should a school's safe education policy include? Specific issues that school policies should cover: rights, discrimination and gender issues, for example: discrimination based on religion, caste or ethnicity sexual harassment and violence continuing education for pregnant and parenting students hiring staff and teaching students with HIV -infection or AIDS patients environmental issues, for example: water and sanitation facilities food conditions safety of school buildings and playgrounds accessibility for schoolchildren with disabilities school nutrition programs health education programs, for example: requirements for schoolchildren training and accreditation of teachers curriculum content

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What should a school's safe education policy include? drug harm education and treatment efforts violence prevention, such as: conflict resolution measures, anti-aggression policies, bans on physical punishment, health services, such as: vaccination requirements, physical examinations, medical record keeping, diagnosis and prevention of contagious diseases, medical treatment of helminth infections, micronutrient deficiencies and other diseases HIV accreditation of health care providers special services for schoolchildren, such as: special education services education and services for students with disabilities school/community efforts to address important health issues, such as: reducing tobacco use increasing physical activity reducing the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and combating discrimination against AIDS patients measures and responsibility for providing emergency medical care

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Program Factors A healthy and safe school environment is essential for students' active participation in learning. Why are water, hygiene and a healthy school environment one of the four components of the project? What does it take to implement an effective school sanitation program? What more can schools do to improve the environment?

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The improvement of existing school safety education programs should be complemented by improvements in the physical and psychosocial environment of the school, to the extent available resources allow, for example: Creating an environment that is comfortable and conducive to children's learning, play and healthy interaction, as well as reducing the incidence of aggressive acts and antisocial behavior. Finding and eliminating the causes of unintentional injuries in school buildings and school playgrounds. Establish and promote standards of behavior that protect students from sexual harassment or violence by other students or school personnel. Prohibition of physical punishment of schoolchildren by school personnel. Prohibiting the carrying of guns on school playgrounds and establishing and supporting rules that discourage all types of violence and aggression. Ensuring the rights of boys and girls by creating equal opportunities and developing democratic procedures. Creation of a conflict resolution program. Creating peer education programs and other ways to encourage child-to-child learning and support. Patrolling areas where the safety of schoolchildren may be compromised, including roads to and from school.

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Improve existing school safety education programs Ensure adequate lighting inside and outside the school. Providing sufficient ergonomic furniture for work/study. Creating conditions for disabled students. Establishment of a counseling program, both at the school and in appropriate local agencies. Create opportunities, provide safe space and equipment for exercise and recreation. Approval and implementation of rules prohibiting the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco products at school. Taking measures to prevent schoolchildren from coming into contact with hazardous materials. Ensure proper maintenance and access to emergency and emergency response equipment. Approval and practical development of emergency response measures. Creation of waste disposal mechanisms. Involving students in activities to clean and beautify the school, for example, planting flowers or trees, painting walls, removing garbage from school grounds.

Children to children By maintaining personal hygiene and keeping the school surroundings clean and attractive (setting an example for others in the community). By educating younger children so that they and their companions understand the importance of keeping things clean and safe. By forming children's health committees, and also partially taking on a number of functions, such as: monitoring latrines and handwashing facilities (using the minimum required amount of water); where appropriate facilities are not available, providing optimal alternative solutions (for example, in small schools in mountainous areas, designated defecation areas or access to nearby latrines); cutting grass and cleaning the area to reduce the dangers of rats, snakes and house insects; monitoring compliance with hygiene rules by food vendors in the school and its surroundings; provision of clean drinking water; overseeing safety at the school and on the road leading to it; and acting as an arbitrator in cases of quarrels and violence and, if necessary, reporting such cases.

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Children to children By planting trees in schools and public canteens to conserve soil and provide shade. By creating school gardens and using grown fruits and vegetables as food supplements. By helping school health and emergency rooms treat minor injuries or, more importantly, by collaborating in identifying sick or depressed children who need help. By joining health clubs, health scout troops and by communicating important health and safety information to families and community members. By participating in national campaigns, such as those related to HIV/AIDS prevention or mine awareness campaigns, thereby joining efforts to raise public awareness nationally and globally. By working with adults and taking direct action outside of school, such as building pits and eliminating pest breeding grounds in their homes and communities.

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UNICEF Project "Schools for Children": Five standards for the quality of a child-centered school: Characteristics of students, their experiences and needs; Relevance of program content and processes; Quality of classrooms and learning environment; and Adequacy of assessment and learning achievements in areas such as literacy, numeracy, knowledge, attitudes and life skills.

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Children's Trust for Children: Children can play a unique role in protecting and promoting health, both for themselves and for others. Children's learning will be linked to their daily lives - at home and in their communities - so that knowledge is translated into behavior and action. It provides a model for developing and learning health knowledge that involves a series of related activities, or “steps,” through which adults encourage children to think about health problems, make decisions, develop life skills, and take action to promote health in their own lives. communities

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By mastering these “steps” of learning, children: Select and Understand Children identify and evaluate their health concerns and priorities. Learn more Children conduct research to better understand how a health problem affects them and society. Discuss the research results and develop an action plan. Based on the research results, children develop an action plan to solve the identified problems, which they can implement independently or together. Take Action Children take action with the support of adults to the extent that they themselves determine is necessary. Evaluate Children evaluate the actions they took: What happened? What turned out to be difficult? Have they achieved any change? Improve the design of work Based on the results of the assessment, children consider how they can continue the work and/or make changes to improve it.

Class hour “Me and my safety”

Extracurricular event to prevent school injuries

Slide 2: Look at the pictures. What do you think the children in these pictures are doing wrong? How can you describe what is happening in the pictures in one word or one phrase? (Expose themselves to danger.)

What types of dangers are they exposing themselves to? (road, fire, electric, water). Are there other types of danger? (radiation, chemical, on ice, etc.)

Danger is a situation that poses a threat to human health or life.

Our task is to avoid threats, to know what can threaten us and our health.

There can be many threats in life, but we will discuss those that may await us at school.

Slide 3: Poem by B. Zakhoder “Change”. How many rules did Vova break?

Name those places at school where your health could be at risk?




    Prishkolny area

    Any lesson

Slide 4: Students are divided into three groups, each group is offered a situation (Appendix 1), after considering which they answer the questions:

    Where do you think a similar situation could happen?

Slides 5 – 9: Each group expresses its opinion and formulates a rule of conduct for a given situation.

Slide 10: The task for groups is to draw prohibition or permission signs that could hang in various places in the school corridor.

Slide 11

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"Me and my safety"

Me and my safety

Class hour

for 5th grade students



fire department


B. Zakhoder “Change”.

He tripped up three people (Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka), rolled somersaults, and sat astride the railing. He dashingly fell off the railing and received a slap on the head. He gave someone back on the spot, asked them to write off the tasks - in a word, he did everything he could! You can't keep up with Vova! Well, here comes the call again. Vova trudges back to class. Poor! There is no face on it. Look how bad he is! “Nothing,” Vova sighs, “We’ll rest in class.”

“Change, change!” - The call is ringing. Vova is certainly the first to fly out of the threshold. Flies out of the threshold - knocks seven people off their feet. Is it really Vova, who dozed off throughout the lesson? Is it really Vova? Five minutes ago you couldn’t say a word at the blackboard? If he is, then, undoubtedly, With him there will be a big change! In five minutes he managed to redo a bunch of things:

School safety

Read the given situations and answer the questions:

  • Where do you think a similar situation could happen?
  • What rules of conduct were violated?
  • How could injury be avoided in such a situation?

Situation 1

Zina, 12 years old, was walking up the stairs. The boy pushed her in the back. Diagnosis: “Fracture of both bones of the left leg.”

When going up and down the stairs, be careful, do not push or run.

Situation 2

Vera, 10 years old, forgot her sports shoes. Therefore, I started working out in the gym in regular shoes. While running, she slipped and twisted her ankle.

In physical education classes you only need to wear sportswear and shoes.

Situation 3

The guys were cleaning up their area on the street. Someone threw a rake into the grass. Masha did not notice them and stepped on, severely injuring her foot.

When working outdoors, take care of your tools and do not throw them on the ground.

Situation 4

A 6th grade student was processing a part, holding it in a vice. After finishing the work, he abruptly dropped the handle of the vice and nailed his finger.

When working with tools, be careful and careful, do not make sudden movements .

Situation 5

Kolya’s pen stopped writing; he asked for a spare one from a friend who was sitting

a few desks away from him. He threw his pen to Kolya, but missed and hit Kolya’s neighbor in the eye.

During the lesson, do not throw away pens, rulers, etc.

Group assignment

Draw signs similar to traffic signs, allowing and prohibiting, that can be hung in the school.

  • What did we talk about today?
  • What concepts did you work with?
  • What safety rules were repeated?
  • What conclusions did you draw?

Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But we can prevent trouble if we adhere to basic rules of behavior that are not so difficult to remember.
1. Go to and return from school in the company of school friends, or choose a path where you can be in front of people all the time.
2. Never accept offers from strangers to give you a ride. Do not agree to this, even if the person claims that your parents asked him to do this, unless they warned you in advance.
3. Be always close to your teachers, classmates (friends). Do not go alone into deserted school premises, especially attics, basements, or bushes. Do not linger alone on the sports or playground. 4. Report all possible troubles that may happen to you to your teacher, director, or security guard.
5. Do not be friends with those who bring weapons (knives, pistols, grenades, smoke bombs, explosive packages) or drugs to school. Do not try drugs under any circumstances, even if they were offered to you just like that. Tell your parents about this.
6. Try not to take sides in ongoing fights.
7. Go to the toilet only during recess or with a friend. If you see an unfamiliar adult in the toilet, get out immediately. Know that in the vast majority of schools, adults go to the toilets intended only for them.
8.Keep a close eye on your belongings. Don't leave them unattended, even for just a minute. Do not forget money, a cell phone and other things that are significant to you in your pockets in the locker room.

Basic rules for safe behavior during breaks and after classes:
. Do not run through corridors, stairs, offices and any other school premises not intended for this;
. Don't push, don't fight, don't shout. Do not play active games in rooms not specifically intended for this;
. Any conflicts that arise between students should be resolved peacefully or through the teacher;
. Be careful when moving through potentially dangerous places: stairs, slopes, icy surfaces, etc.;
. In winter, do not come close to the walls of the school to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;
. Do not throw or use hard objects in games that can cause injury: stones, sticks, pieces of ice, etc.;
. Do not bring dangerous objects or substances that may harm others to school without permission: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic ones);
. Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, greenhouses or any other high-rise structures;
. Do not attempt to unauthorizedly enter the territory of utility and technical premises. Do not climb into attics, basements and other places not intended for direct education or recreation of schoolchildren;
. Do not approach places that pose an increased danger: holes, trenches, ditches, nearby roads, etc.;
. Do not tease, chase away or feed animals (usually dogs) that find themselves on the territory of the educational institution. Report cases of such animals to the teacher;
. Do not leave the school premises without the appropriate permission from the teacher;
. Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts or take part in them. Report any conflicts to the teacher.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Safety of schoolchildren on the road Cross the street only at pedestrian crossings; Do not cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby; When crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right; Never run suddenly onto the road or play near the road; Always walk on the sidewalk, and if there is none, walk along the edge of the road towards traffic.

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Safety rules for children on the street Never talk to strangers. If they talk to you, then don’t agree to anything. Don’t take anything from them and don’t go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they try to take you away by force, then scream; If you are being chased (by an adult or a teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a policeman, security guard, seller, or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is pursuing you; Don’t talk to drunk people, it’s better to quickly leave that place; Don’t go with strangers to deserted places; If you see a package, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb there; Don't go for a walk without permission. If you go somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Don't go out on your own in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, stop and wait for your parents; if they are gone for a long time, then go and ask adults for help. Always try to contact a policeman, station duty officer, salesperson, dispatcher or security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults with strange appearance and behavior;

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Rules for fire safety and protection from electricity Do not play around with fire. A lighter, matches, sparklers are not a toy for children; When leaving home, check and turn off electrical appliances and gas; Don't light a fire without an adult; In the village, do not use the stove yourself; Do not use electrical appliances with wet hands, and do not pull the cord when pulling the plug out of the socket. Do not use damaged electrical appliances or sparking sockets; Do not dry anything over a gas stove; Do not place foreign objects on a hot stove or on electrical appliances;

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Rules of conduct in case of fire A small fire can be extinguished by covering it with a blanket or other dense material. You can also pour water on it or cover it with sand. Do not pour water if there is electricity nearby; If the fire is large, you must immediately leave the room, take all children with you, call adults and call the fire department 01 (from a mobile phone the number depends on the operator); In case of fire, do not use the elevator - it is dangerous; If you cannot escape, call for help through the window, call the fire department; Don't hide in a room, it will be difficult for firefighters to find you; If you are choking on smoke, sit on the floor where there is less smoke.

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Safety rules for children at home Heavy, sharp and cutting objects should always be hidden in their places. Be careful when using the knife; When leaving home, always make sure that the water is turned off; Never touch exposed live wires; Do not take medications on your own without direct instructions from an adult; Try to touch household chemicals less (dishwashing detergent, washing powder, etc.); if any chemical gets into your eye, rinse it immediately with cool water for at least 20 minutes; If you heat your own food, be careful not to burn yourself; Always wash your hands before eating.

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Gas safety rules Do not leave a switched on gas stove unattended. Always turn it off after use; If there is a smell of gas in the house, immediately open the windows and doors to let the gas escape; Under no circumstances turn on the lights or fire while there is gas in the house, there may be an explosion; If you can, check the gas valve on the stove; if it is open, close it; Notify adults and gas service 04; Leave the room with a strong smell of gas until it dissipates.

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Children's safety on the Internet Never share your or your parents' data (address, phone number, passwords, etc.) with anyone on the Internet. No one has the right to demand them from you. If anyone asks for them, call your parents or leave this site; Don’t go to any real meetings with virtual friends from the Internet without your parents; instead of friends there may be bandits; Do not download any programs from the Internet yourself, they may contain viruses; If you accidentally end up on a bad site, close it immediately. There are many good sites on the Internet, use them.

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Personal safety of children at home Never open the door to strangers. Even if they tell you that it’s from the police or a plumber or the post office. Do not open the door to any stranger; If a stranger tries to open the door of your house, call the police immediately. As a last resort, you can open the window and call neighbors or passersby from the street for help; When you’re at home by yourself, it’s better not to pick up the phone, but if you pick up and someone else’s voice asks if your parents are at home, say that they’re home, but they’re busy and can’t come over. Let the caller leave their phone number, and the parents will call back later; Do not believe that someone came to you or brought something at the request of your parents, if they themselves did not say so.

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Children's safety in winter Do not walk on river ice without adults, it may break; Be careful on slippery surfaces to avoid falling. Try never to fall on your back, it is better to fall forward and lean on your hands; Don’t forget to dress well and cover your ears, head and throat so as not to get frostbite or catch a cold; Walk away from the walls of houses so that snow or icicles do not fall on you from above; Do not touch the icy metal, especially with your tongue, you can freeze; Don't throw snowballs in your face, don't throw ice cubes; Skiing, skating and sledding can only be done in safe, designated areas. Don't ride near roads; Cross the road very carefully. In winter, the road is slippery and it is difficult for the car to stop.

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Rules of behavior in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens and gloves in your pocket, and a hat in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not disturb others. 6. If you see fallen clothes, pick them up. 7.Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DON’T FORGET YOUR STUFF!

The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of children. And it doesn’t matter at all where they will be: at school or at home, in the forest or on the road, in a car or on a train. Children receive their first safety lessons at school. Presentations on the topic of safety for children should be shown in every class so that students from grades 1 to 11 know that many emergency situations can be avoided if you know how to behave.

You have received a class and become a class teacher, which means you already need to download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, at home, on the street, in transport. For a long time, this topic was considered the most difficult when planning the educational process. Children are bored sitting at their desks and listening to safety instructions. Everything changed with the advent of IT in school life. Now the safety precautions described on the presentation slides arouse the child’s interest. He not only listens, but also remembers, takes an active part in discussing situations.

Our collection includes safety presentations for all grade levels and on any topic. For kids, you can download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, when roller skating and cycling in the form of fairy tales with pictures and music. In middle classes, presentations on the rules of safe behavior in unusual situations, when hostages are taken, in the forest would be appropriate. High school students, getting acquainted with safety rules, strive to learn something new. It's time to download presentations on safety precautions and security systems that are used in the world.

Life brings more than just joy. Sometimes there are so many surprises in it, but it is presentations with safety lessons that will save someone’s child’s life when trouble comes from somewhere or will prevent them from encountering this very trouble.

Do not think that ensuring children's safety is the primary task of parents. They do not have special education, and some simply do not assume that it is necessary to talk with a child about such topics. But the teacher has the opportunity to download for free from the website any presentation on the topic of safe behavior at school, electrical safety, personal safety of children and reveal to them the little secrets of preserving their own lives.

The danger must bypass the children, but it will not touch them only when its students know it by sight. Let every presentation on such a pressing topic as safety be in demand from the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and on the eve of the holidays, and on the eve of any holiday, and not only when the school reports another accident.

In addition to this section, presentations on safe behavior can be downloaded for free in the sections Traffic Rules, Fire Safety, Terrorism, Railway.

Every school should be safe. The presentation tells how to ensure safety at school for children not only in the classroom, but also in the locker room, library, cafeteria, gym, and school grounds. It is necessary to download a presentation on the topic of safety within the school walls in order to warn children about the dangers that occur due to their carelessness or carelessness.

As soon as the third quarter ends in the spring, the teacher should download a free presentation on safety rules during spring break. It can also be used at the end of the school year to provide instruction during class or life safety lessons for primary school students on the rules of safe behavior in the summer. Free presentation on safety precautions during spring and summer holidays - happy adventures for children without injuries or accidents.

Leaving a child at home alone is always scary. A presentation for children on the topic “Home Safety” contains fascinating advice from the wise Owl, who tells how to use the elevator, how to behave if a stranger rings the doorbell or telephone. A presentation for children in grades 1, 2 or preschoolers states that your safety, child, at school and at home depends on yourself.

A 16-slide presentation for children on the topic “Road Safety” talks about the dangers encountered when entering the roadway and how they can be avoided. By following all safety rules on the road, the road to school and to friends, to the store and library will be completely safe.

Joking with electricity never led to anything good. A presentation for children on the topic of electrical safety, talks about the rules for handling electrical appliances at school and at home. In addition, the presentation draws attention to the rules of conduct near transformer booths and power lines.

A presentation on the topic “Rules of Safe Behavior” will save the lives of children, the slides of which talk about safe behavior in the forest, when crossing the street, when an unfavorable environmental situation occurs in the region, or even when children are taken hostage by terrorists. These presentation slides, which can be downloaded for free, do not scare children, but teach basic safety rules in and out of school. Children's lives depend on the implementation of such rules. The presentation contains all the rules of safe behavior from A to Z.

A presentation on the topic “Safety rules for children” will warn our nimble and restless students from misfortunes on the roads and streets, and will answer the question of why it is necessary to follow safety rules on the train and in the car, as well as when roller skating. These topics excite children so much that each slide of a presentation on safety rules will cause a shout out among children and will be remembered for a long time.

The presentation “Safety Lesson” teaches children the rules of behavior in everyday life. They seem simple, but you need to know them, because they inform you about the risks that lead to tragedy. You can download a safety lesson with a presentation for elementary school, as the material is fascinating and contains many illustrations.

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