Knu named after T. Kiev National University named after. Taras Shevchenko (KNU). Technical and other specialties

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University is a higher educational and scientific institution, which for 170 years of its existence united leading figures of the era and was the center of formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainians.

Kiev University was founded by order of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I on November 2, 1833 as the Kiev Imperial University of St. Vladimir. It was the second university on the territory of sub-Russian Ukraine after the Kharkov Imperial University. The first rector of the University was Mikhail Maksimovich. In the summer of 1834, Kiev National University accepted its first 62 students. There was one faculty - philosophy with two departments - historical-philological and physico-mathematical. In 1835, the Faculty of Law was opened, and in 1847, the Faculty of Medicine. Philosophy eventually divided into two independent faculties. The university operated with this structure until 1917.

The university in 1939 was named after the outstanding Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he worked here as an employee of the archaeographic commission (in 1845-46).

Among the outstanding scientists and teachers of Kyiv University were historians and philologists M. Maksimovich, N. Kostomarov, V. Antonovich, M. Dragomanov, A. Krymsky; lawyers M. Vladimirsky-Budanov, A. Kistyakovsky; economist M. Sieber; mathematicians D. Grave, N. Bogolyubov; mechanic I. Rakhmaninov; botanist M. Kholodny; biochemist A. Palladin; doctors N. Sklifosovsky, N. Strazhesko and others. A whole galaxy of outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture emerged from the university walls - writers Mikhail Staritsky, Maxim Rylsky, composer Nikolai Lysenko.

The Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 21, 1994 established that Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev is a national university with the status of a self-governing (autonomous) state higher educational institution, which operates in accordance with its own Charter.

The main building of the university (1837-42, architect V. Beretti) is located on Vladimirskaya Street, 60, individual humanities faculties are on Shevchenko Boulevard, 14 (former First Gymnasium, A. Beretti), a number of faculties are on Akademika Glushkova Street, 6 (1954 -70 -i, V. Ladny, V. Kolomiets, engineer V. Drizo) and Vasilkovskaya street, 90; library (1939, V. Osmak and P. Aleshin) and the university administration (40s of the 19th century) on Vladimirskaya street, 58 and 64.

Now the university has about 20 thousand students in 15 faculties (biological, geographical, geological, economic, historical, cybernetics, mechanics and mathematics, preparatory, radiophysical, psychology, sociology, physics, philosophy, chemistry, law) and 6 institutes (journalism , international relations, philology, military, postgraduate education, high technology).

The university employs over 2,000 scientific-pedagogical and over 1,000 scientific workers in 160 departments. Over 72% of teachers have academic degrees and titles, 371 teachers are doctors of science, professors, 12 academicians and 19 corresponding members of state academies.

Kiev National University is a higher educational and scientific institution that trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out extensive research work. Kyiv University fully lives up to its name. But this is not just a university, of which there are many in Ukraine. It is the main national center of higher education and progressive thought in Ukraine. The university has the largest number of faculties and specialties for training future specialists.

Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev is a world-famous higher education institution. For more than a century and a half of its existence, it became a center where advanced ideas grew and the national intelligentsia was educated, where the freedom-loving spirit and liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people acquired their guides.

The Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 21, 1994 established that Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev is a national university with the status of a self-governing (autonomous) state higher educational institution, which operates in accordance with its own Charter.

Today, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University is a diversified educational and scientific complex that unites 14 faculties (biological, geographical, geological, economic, historical, cybernetics, mechanical and mathematical, preparatory, radiophysical, sociology and psychology, physical, philosophical, chemical , legal), 5 educational Institutes (journalism, international relations, philology, military, postgraduate education), Center for training and retraining of foreign citizens, Center for Ukrainian Studies, Research Institute of Physiology, Botanical Garden, Zoological Museum, Scientific Library, Information and Computing Center , Astronomical Observatory, Publishing and Printing Center, Kanevsky State Reserve. The university is a co-founder of three institutes and two colleges. Over 30 thousand students study in these structures.

The annual competition for admission to the university is over 3 people. per place, and in some faculties - 6-11 people. This indicates the high rating of Kyiv University.

The university employs over 2,000 scientific-pedagogical and over 1,000 scientific workers in 158 departments. Over 82% of teachers have academic degrees and titles, in particular 24% of teachers are doctors of sciences and professors. Every year, university researchers and teachers publish monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles, including abroad and in professional publications.

A source of information:

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (KNU) - additional information about the higher education institution

general information

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University today is a classic prototype university, a leading modern scientific and educational center in Ukraine. In the conditions of the development of the independent Ukrainian state, new important tasks appeared before the university. Future specialists must have deep professional knowledge and the ability to think creatively, an awareness of enormous responsibility for the work and a readiness for selfless work. Only a higher education institution with a long history of achievements and success in both pedagogical and scientific activities can cope with such a mission.

On April 21, 1994, by Decree of the President of Ukraine L. M. Kravchuk No. 176/94, the university was granted “national” status, and on November 25, 1999, by the new Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 1496/99, the autonomous status of the university was significantly expanded. On May 5, 2008, Decree of the President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko No. 412/2008 was issued, which provided for the transformation of the university into the main educational and scientific center of Ukraine for the training of highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel. On July 29, 2009, by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 795, the university was granted the status of a self-governing (autonomous) research national higher education institution, and increased funding was provided for programs for the long-term development of the university.

The high status of a classical university of a prototype is confirmed by numerous scientific achievements of scientists - university staff, whose achievements are noted, in particular, by the State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, awards of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and branch national academies of sciences, orders of "For Merit", "St. Cyril and Methodius", honorary titles "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine", "Honored Lawyer of Ukraine", awards of the President of Ukraine for young scientists, awards of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments.

The University trains specialists at the educational qualification levels “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master” and highly qualified personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies. Training and retraining of specialists is carried out in 47 areas and 84 specialties. More than 25 thousand students master them. More than 1,600 graduate students and more than 100 doctoral students receive high qualifications at the university. The university annually defends more than 350 doctoral and candidate dissertations. The educational process is provided by 184 departments. The scientific potential of Kyiv University today is more than 40 full members and corresponding members of the National Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 515 doctors of science, 1845 candidates of science.

The university has 14 faculties (geography, geology, economics, history, cybernetics, mechanics and mathematics, preparatory science, sociology, radiophysics, psychology, physics, philosophy, chemistry, law), 7 educational institutes (Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology", military, high technology, journalism, international relations, postgraduate education, philology), Center for Ukrainian Studies, geological and zoological museums, University History Museum, Interfaculty Linguistic Museum, Information and Computing Center, Astronomical Observatory, Publishing and Printing Center "Kiev University" and Scientific library named after M. Maksimovich. The total fund of the latter now amounts to 3,459,752 copies of documents.

The university also has a preparatory faculty. It trains citizens of Ukraine in general education disciplines, which are submitted for external independent assessment (EIA) of the knowledge of graduates of educational institutions of the general secondary education system, according to programs drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the EPE, as well as prepares foreign citizens for studying at the Kiev National Taras University Shevchenko. Each faculty can accept 1,300 citizens of Ukraine and 1,000 foreign citizens for training.

A campus with comfortable dormitories, computer clubs, a sports complex, canteens, cafes, and dance halls has been created to accommodate students. For health improvement, the university maintains a sanatorium, health and sports complexes in Crimea, on the Black Sea coast and in Kyiv, on the banks of the Dnieper River.

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University has established close international ties with leading educational and research institutions around the world. Today the university has 160 partnership agreements with 145 higher education institutions and 15 international organizations and foundations in 51 countries. In addition, there are more than 60 agreements (memorandums) on cooperation between university faculties and foreign educational institutions or their divisions. To conduct scientific work, participate in conferences, and give lectures, the university is visited annually by more than 100 foreign scientists and teachers from more than 20 countries.

The university constantly employs about 25 teachers from more than 15 countries. Every year, more than 900 teachers, scientists, and students go on foreign business trips to 52-58 countries. Two-thirds of business travelers traveled abroad for scientific purposes (participation in conferences, internships, research). The active participation of undergraduate and graduate students in high-level international events is also facilitated by the in-depth study of foreign languages ​​in almost all faculties, as well as the teaching of some professional and specialized disciplines in English. In particular, within the framework of the work of the French-Ukrainian international research association in chemistry (MNDO - Ukrainian, GRDI "Groupment Franco-Ukrainian en Chimie Moleculaire" - French), students of the Faculty of Chemistry receive master's degrees in parallel at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Kiev, Ukraine) and at the Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France), they enter graduate school, where joint developments are carried out in laboratories, and become scholarship holders of both universities, the French Embassy in Ukraine. Successful defense of a dissertation research allows such young scientists to receive two corresponding diplomas of the French and Ukrainian standards (agreed with the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine).

Within the framework of bilateral partnership agreements with foreign educational and scientific institutions, as well as intergovernmental agreements between Ukraine and some foreign countries, the university annually accepts from 100 to 170 foreign students for partial training, representing 46 universities from 22 countries. On a contract basis, foreign citizens who individually submit documents for enrollment as students take a full course of study at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, obtaining diplomas of higher education. In order to increase the number of foreign students, the Academic Council of the University since 2010/2011. opened the admission of foreign citizens to study in Russian.

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University ranks first among the 50 best Ukrainian universities according to the 2011 ranking among the best employers in Ukraine.

Our doors are open to everyone who strives, sparing no effort, to work for the well-being and prosperity of Ukraine!

The Faculty of Information Technologies is a structural subdivision of the Taras Shevchenko National University. This is the youngest department of the university. It was created by order of the University Rector on November 20, 2013.

The purpose of creating the faculty: making Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv a leader in training specialists in the field of information technology.

Faculty mission: formation of Ukraine’s human resources potential to make it a world leader in the field of information technology.

Training at the faculty will be held in the following areas:

  • Computer science
  • Computer engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Security of information and communication systems
  • Information Security Management
  • Computer science

Graduates will be able to continue their studies in a master's program in the following specialty:

  • project management (specialization: IT project management) - organization, planning and control over the processes of creation and implementation of information technologies and systems;
  • professional management of IT projects in all sectors of the economy, business, and public administration;
  • management of project teams;
  • management of risks, funds, information, deadlines, labor resources of projects.

The main principle of training specialists at the faculty is learning through practice. The main attention will be paid to practical training of students in the areas of:

  • programming;
  • creation of information systems and technologies for enterprise and project management and their implementation at domestic enterprises;
  • design and development of computer networks and systems;
  • development of intelligent systems of the future (including robots, natural speech communication systems that recognize brain signals and transform them into appropriate actions of technical devices);
  • intelligent programming;
  • protection of information and information technologies and systems and management of this protection from unauthorized access or harmful influences;
  • building information and communication systems capable of implementing effective technologies for information interaction and determining the necessary impacts on the processes of informatization of society.
(KNU named after T. Shevchenko)
original name
International nameEnglish Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv , lat. Universitas Kioviensis
Mottolat. Utilitas, Honor et Gloria, "Benefit, Honor and Glory"
Year of foundation
Typenational, autonomous, research
RectorGubersky Leonid Vasilievich
LocationKyiv, Ukraine
Legal addressUkraine 01601 Kyiv, st. Vladimirskaya 60

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, abbr. KNU named after Taras Shevchenko/KNU(ukr. Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko listen)) is a university in Kyiv, Ukraine. Leading and one of the largest universities in Ukraine, a national center of science and culture, one of the oldest universities in Ukraine. In 2008-2009, the university received research and autonomous status.

Kyiv University today

Currently, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev is a diversified educational and scientific complex that unites 14 faculties, 6 educational faculties, a Center for training and retraining of foreign citizens, and the Ukrainian Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. The university is a co-founder of three institutes and two colleges.

About 20 thousand students study in these educational institutions, they are taught by almost 2000 teachers.

The university also includes the Research Institute of Physiology, the Fomin Botanical Garden, the Zoological Museum, the University History Museum, the Linguistic Museum, the Scientific Library. M. Maksimovich, Information and Computing Center, Astronomical Observatory, Publishing and Printing Center, Kanevsky State Reserve.

The university provides training and retraining of specialists in 73 natural, social and humanitarian specialties and 157 specializations according to the degree system - bachelors (4 years) and specialists (1 year) or masters (1.5-2 years).

The annual competition for admission to the university is over 3 people per place, and at individual faculties - 6-11 people.

At the beginning of the 2009/2010 academic year, the university employed 2,674 scientific and pedagogical workers and over 1,000 researchers in 160 departments. Over 80% of teachers have academic degrees and titles: doctors of science - 583 (22%), professors - 487 (18%), candidates of sciences - 1476 (55%), associate professors - 874 (33%). Also at the university (2009) there are 12 academicians and 19 corresponding members of NASU and other state academies of sciences teaching. Every year, university researchers and teachers publish monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles, including abroad.


  • Biological;
  • Geogr
  • Geological;
  • Historical;
  • Cybernetics;
  • Mechanics and mathematics;
  • Psychology;
  • Radiophysical;
  • Sociology;

Training institutes

  • Military;
  • Journalism;
  • [[Kyiv Institute of International
  • Postgraduate education.
  • Philology;

Ratings and reputation

According to Webometrics Ranking of World Universities KNU is the only Ukrainian university among the top 100 universities in Central and Eastern Europe (97th place) according to the criterion of the number of mentions about it on the Internet, and also took 1613 place among 6,000 universities in the world according to the same criterion.

In 2008, in the ranking of 228 Ukrainian universities conducted by the charity Foundation "Development of Ukraine" Rinat Akhmetov KNU shared first place with the National Law Academy named after. Yaroslav the Wise.

History of the formation and development of Kyiv University

Founding of Kyiv University in 1834

Nicholas I

The university was founded by decree of Nicholas I on November 8 as the Kiev Imperial University of St. Vladimir, on the basis of the Vilna University and the Kremenets Lyceum, which were closed after the Polish uprising of 1830-1831. He also approved the temporary charter and staffing table. According to this charter, the institution was subordinate not only to the Minister of Public Education, but also to the district trustee. The university council annually elected deans of faculties, and they were approved by the minister.

According to the charter, a four-year period of study was established. Students took exams at the end of each course, and before graduating from the university, those who were especially talented were awarded gold and silver medals.

The most populous faculties at Kiev University in the 19th century were the faculties of law and medicine. There were 540 doctors in the city, three times more than lawyers; since the 60s of the 19th century, the number of lawyers has been growing rapidly, and the number of doctors has been falling; there are twice as many lawyers in the city as doctors; in the city there are almost equal numbers of them, then the number of doctors exceeds lawyers in the city by almost 5 times (785 and 175). The influx of doctors at this time was so great that it was necessary to install a kit for the 1st course. Despite this, by the city there were 1014 doctors.

The number of lawyers also increased rapidly at the end of the 19th century (932 in the city). The number of philologists before the introduction of the city’s charter was about 1/9 of all students (162 in the city), then quickly began to fall, and there were only 69 of them in the city.

At the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, before 1/4 of the total number of students, in 2007 this number decreased to 1/8, and in 1999 there were 312 people, i.e. about 1/7, with 1½ times natural sciences more than mathematicians, whereas before mathematicians predominated.

At first, most of the students were children of nobles (88%), but in the city nobles already made up only 50%. In the 60-70s of the XIX century. democratization of students took place. The commoners gradually replaced the nobles. The progressive democratic students of Kyiv University actively participated in the revolutionary movement. According to official data, of the number of persons brought to trial for participation in the revolutionary struggle against tsarism in - gg., students and students of secondary educational institutions accounted for 50 percent.

During the battles for Kyiv, the institution suffered irreparable damage. The main building was completely destroyed, cultural values ​​were destroyed. The cost of lost laboratory equipment alone was 50 million rubles.

Despite the destruction caused by the Nazi occupiers (the main building was blown up, offices and library collections were destroyed), the university resumed its activities two months after the liberation of Kyiv, in January. There were 12 faculties at the university.

Students and teachers themselves restored the humanities and chemistry buildings, and in January 1944, senior classes resumed. The Kiev group of the United University, consisting of 146 students, 3 professors, 7 associate professors and 11 teachers, returned from Kzyl-Orda. In the new academic year (1944-1945), almost 1.5 thousand boys and girls were admitted to the university, and the next year more than 2 thousand students studied there. Scientific and pedagogical work at 80 departments was carried out by 290 professors, associate professors and teachers.

Since 1954, a new academic and scientific center has been built. university complex (architects V. E. Ladny and V. E. Kolomiets, engineer V. Ya. Drizo) in the VDNKh area.

In 1960, the university opened a faculty of students from foreign countries.

In the 1984/85 school year. The university had 17 faculties: philosophy. economics, historical, philological, Romano-Germanic. philology, journalism, legal, international. Law, Mechanical Mathematics, Cybernetics, Physics, Radiophysics, Geology, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, and Preparatory.

Despite the post-war difficulties, the staff of Kyiv University persistently developed educational and scientific activities. Over the next 25 years (1959-1984), the university trained over 70 thousand specialists in various sectors of the national economy, science, education and culture. And over the entire period of its existence, more than 350 thousand graduates have graduated from the walls of Alma mater.

By a decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 21, Kiev University received national status with the status of a self-governing (autonomous) state higher educational institution. Its charter is approved by the President of Ukraine, the rector of the university is equal in status to the minister.

Red building of Kyiv National University

Names of Kyiv University

Famous students and teachers of the university

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Among the graduates and teachers of Kyiv University there are a number of prominent figures of the Russian Empire, USSR, Ukraine and other countries: writers M. A. Aldanov, M. A. Bulgakov, Y. Ivashkevich and K. G. Paustovsky; philosophers N. A. Berdyaev, V. N. Ilyin; historians V. B. Antonovich, M. S. Grushevsky, A. K. Jelacich, D. V. Tabachnik, E. V. Tarle; mathematician N. M. Krylov; cyberneticist V. M. Glushkov; physicists M. P. Avenarius and N. N. Bogolyubov; astronomers S.K. Vsekhsvyatsky and O.Yu. Schmidt; chemist S. N. Reformatsky; physicians V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka), G.N. Minkh and N.V. Sklifosovsky; artist N. N. Ge; composer N.V. Lysenko; architect V.I. Beretti; politicians

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University today is a classic prototype university, a leading modern scientific and educational center in Ukraine. In the conditions of the development of the independent Ukrainian state, new important tasks appeared before the university. Future specialists must have deep professional knowledge and the ability to think creatively, an awareness of enormous responsibility for the work and a readiness for selfless work. Only a higher education institution with a long history of achievements and success in both teaching and scientific activities can cope with such a mission. On April 21, 1994, by Decree of the President of Ukraine L. M. Kravchuk No. 176/94, the university was granted “national” status, and 25 November 1999, by the new Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 1496/99, the autonomous status of the university was significantly expanded. On May 5, 2008, Decree of the President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko No. 412/2008 was issued, which provided for the transformation of the university into the main educational and scientific center of Ukraine for the training of highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel. On July 29, 2009, by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 795, the university was granted the status of a self-governing (autonomous) research national higher education institution, and increased funding for the university's long-term development programs was provided. The high status of a classical university of a prototype is confirmed by the numerous scientific achievements of the university's scientists, whose achievements are noted, in particular, State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and branch national academies of sciences, orders of "For Merit", "Saints Cyril and Methodius", honorary titles "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine", "Honored Lawyer of Ukraine", awards President of Ukraine for young scientists, awards from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments. The university trains specialists at the educational qualification levels "bachelor", "specialist", "master" and highly qualified personnel in graduate and doctoral studies. Training and retraining of specialists is carried out in 47 areas and 84 specialties. More than 25 thousand students master them. More than 1,600 graduate students and more than 100 doctoral students receive high qualifications at the university. The university annually defends more than 350 doctoral and candidate dissertations. The educational process is provided by 184 departments. The scientific potential of Kyiv University today is more than 40 full members and corresponding members of the National Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 515 doctors of science, 1845 candidates of science. The university has 14 faculties (geographical, geological, economic, historical, cybernetics, mechanical and mathematical, preparatory, sociology , radiophysics, psychology, physics, philosophy, chemistry, law), 7 educational institutes (Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology", military, high technology, journalism, international relations, postgraduate education, philology), Center for Ukrainian Studies, geological and zoological museums , Museum of the History of the University, Interfaculty Linguistic Museum, Information and Computing Center, Astronomical Observatory, Publishing and Printing Center "Kiev University" and Scientific Library. M. Maksimovich. The total fund of the latter now amounts to 3,459,752 copies of documents. The university also has a preparatory faculty. It trains citizens of Ukraine in general education disciplines, which are submitted for external independent assessment (EIA) of the knowledge of graduates of educational institutions of the general secondary education system, according to programs drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the EPE, as well as prepares foreign citizens for studying at the Kiev National Taras University Shevchenko. Each faculty can accept 1,300 citizens of Ukraine and 1,000 foreign citizens for study. A campus with comfortable dormitories, computer clubs, a sports complex, canteens, cafes, and dance halls has been created to accommodate students. For health improvement, the university maintains a sanatorium, recreational and sports complexes in Crimea, on the Black Sea coast and in Kiev, on the banks of the Dnieper River. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University has established close international ties with leading educational and research institutions around the world. Today the university has 160 partnership agreements with 145 higher education institutions and 15 international organizations and foundations in 51 countries. In addition, there are more than 60 agreements (memorandums) on cooperation between university faculties and foreign educational institutions or their divisions. To conduct scientific work, participate in conferences, and give lectures, the university is visited annually by more than 100 foreign scientists and teachers from more than 20 countries. The university constantly employs about 25 teachers from more than 15 countries. Every year, more than 900 teachers, scientists, and students go on foreign business trips to 52-58 countries. Two-thirds of business travelers traveled abroad for scientific purposes (participation in conferences, internships, research). The active participation of undergraduate and graduate students in high-level international events is also facilitated by the in-depth study of foreign languages ​​in almost all faculties, as well as the teaching of some professional and specialized disciplines in English. In particular, within the framework of the work of the French-Ukrainian international research association in chemistry (MNDO - Ukrainian, GRDI "Groupment Franco-Ukrainian en Chimie Moleculaire" - French), students of the Faculty of Chemistry receive master's degrees in parallel at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Kiev, Ukraine) and at the Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France), they enter graduate school, where joint developments are carried out in laboratories, and become scholarship holders of both universities, the French Embassy in Ukraine. Successful defense of a dissertation research allows such young scientists to receive two corresponding diplomas of French and Ukrainian standards (agreed with the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine). Within the framework of bilateral partnership agreements with foreign educational and scientific institutions, as well as intergovernmental agreements of Ukraine and some foreign countries, the university annually accepts for partial studies from 100 to 170 foreign students representing 46 universities from 22 countries. On a contract basis, foreign citizens who individually submit documents for enrollment as students take a full course of study at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, obtaining diplomas of higher education. In order to increase the number of foreign students, the Academic Council of the University since 2010/2011. opened the admission of foreign citizens to study in Russian. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev ranks first among the 50 best Ukrainian universities according to the 2011 ranking among the best employers of Ukraine. Our doors are open to everyone who strives to work without sparing any effort for the well-being and prosperity of Ukraine!

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