Prince Nikolai Zhevakhov. Causes of the death of Russia. Autocratic Rus'. Zhevakhov Nikolay Davydovich

An outstanding phenomenon in Russian memoirs should be considered the appearance of two volumes of “Memoirs” of Prince N.D. Zhevakhov, published abroad in the early 20s. Nikolai Davydovich died in 1938, having been honored before his death to visit Transcarpathia, not far from his native land. His homeland is Chernihiv region, the city of Priluki. Saint Joasaph was born there, and Prince N.D. Zhevakhov, his distant relative on his mother’s side, was also born there.

Here is an excerpt from the 2nd part of the 2nd volume of the prince’s “Memoirs”. Especially impressionable people should not read it.

The work of the Cheka in Russia.

In Russia, each city had several departments, the task of which was, as I have already said, to destroy the educated class; in the villages and hamlets this task boiled down to the extermination of the clergy, landowners and the most prosperous peasants, and abroad, as we have seen, to espionage and preparation of communist uprisings, organizing strikes, preparing elections and bribing the press, for which hundreds of millions of looted gold were spent Bolsheviks in Russia.

The “1st category” of those doomed to destruction by the Cheka consisted of: 1) persons who occupied at least some noticeable official position in pre-Bolshevik Russia - officials and military personnel, regardless of age, and their widows; 2) families of volunteer officers (there were cases of shooting of 5-year-old children, and in Kyiv enraged Bolsheviks even chased babies and pierced them through with the bayonets of their guns); 3) clergy; 4) workers and peasants from factories and villages suspected of lack of sympathy Soviet power; 5) all persons, regardless of gender and age, whose property, movable or immovable, was valued at more than 10,000 rubles.

In terms of the size and scope of its activities, the Moscow Extraordinary Commission was not only a ministry, but, as it were, a state within a state. It literally covered the whole of Russia and its tentacles penetrated into the most remote corners of the vast territory of the Russian state. The commission had a whole army of employees, military detachments, gendarme brigades, a huge number of border guard battalions, rifle divisions and brigades of the Bashkir cavalry, Chinese troops, etc., etc., not to mention special, privileged agents, with a large staff of employees, whose task was to espionage and denunciations.

At the head of this terrible institution at the time I am describing was the man-beast Pole Felix Dzerzhinsky, who had several assistants, and among them Beloborodov, who proudly called himself the killer of the Tsar. At the head of the provincial branches there were similar beasts, people marked with the seal of satanic malice, undoubtedly possessed by the devil (alas, now they do not believe this, but meanwhile there are so many such possessed people in our time, but we are spiritually blind and do not notice them!), and the lower service personnel, both in the center and in the provinces, consisted mainly of Jews and scum of all kinds of nationalities - Chinese, Hungarians, Latvians and Estonians, Armenians, Poles, freed convicts, criminals released from prisons, villains, murderers and robbers.

These were the direct executors of the directives, executioners who reveled in the blood of their victims and received piecework payment for each executed person. It was in their interests to execute as many people as possible in order to earn more money. Among them, a prominent role was played by women, almost exclusively Jews, and especially young girls, who amazed even hardened killers, not only Russians, but even Chinese, with their cynicism and endurance. The “earnings” were great: everyone was a millionaire.

There is not the slightest doubt that between these people there was no physical or mental normal person: all of them were degenerates, with obvious signs of degeneration, and should have been in insane asylums, and not walking free, all were distinguished by frantic depravity and sadism, were in a heightened nervous state and calmed down only at the sight of blood... Some of them they even plunged their hand into the steaming, hot blood and licked their fingers, their eyes glowing with extreme excitement. And Russia was in the hands of these people! And “cultural” Europe shook the hands of these people! O shame and disgrace!

Like a terrible vampire, the Cheka spread its networks throughout all of Russia and began to destroy the Christian population, starting with the rich and noble, outstanding representatives of the cultural class and ending with the illiterate peasant, who was charged with the crime only of belonging to Christianity.

Within a short period of time, almost all representatives of science, scientists, professors, engineers, doctors, writers, artists were killed, not to mention hundreds of thousands of all kinds of government officials who were destroyed first. Such a mass beating turned out to be possible only because no one imagined the very possibility of it, everyone remained in place and did not take any measures to save them, not allowing, of course, the thought that the task new government comes down to the extermination of Christians.

In the newspaper " Last news"(No. 160) contains a note about the death of Russian scientists who remained in Soviet Russia. Here is an excerpt: “During the 2 1/2 years of the existence of the Soviet system, 40% of professors and doctors died. I have at my disposal the lists of the dead that I received from the House of Scientists and the House of Writers. I give here a list of the names of the most famous professors and scientists: Armashevsky, Batyushkov, Borozdin, Vasiliev, Velyaminov, Veselovsky, Bykov, Dormidontov, Dyakonov, Zhukovsky, Isaev, Kaufman, Kobeko, Korsakov, Kikorov, Kulakovsky, Kulisher, Lappo-Danilevsky, Lemm, Lopatin, Luchitsky, Morozov, Naguevsky, Pogenpol, Pokrovsky, Radlov, Richter, Rykachev, Smirnov, Taneyev, book. E. Trubetskoy, Tugan-Baranovsky, Turaev, Famitsyn, Florinsky, Khvostov, Fedorov, Khodsky, Shaland, Shlyapkin and others.”

According to the newspaper “Vremya” (No. 136), during the last months of 1920, the following scientists died in Soviet Russia from hunger and poverty: prof. Bernatsky, Bianchi, prof. Vengerov, prof. Gesehus, Hecker, prof. Dubyago, Modzalevsky, prof. Pokrovsky, prof. Fedorov, prof. Sternberg and academician Shakhmatov." This information, of course, is incomplete, but if so many scientists died in 2 1/2 years, then how many of them died in 10 years?! And is it possible now to establish an exact figure, when the Soviet government does not allow any information abroad that could compromise it, and the emigration uses only scraps that accidentally end up in newspapers?!

With each day of their rule, the Jews became more and more impudent. First, there were massive searches of weapons allegedly hidden by residents, then arrests and imprisonment and the death penalty in the basements of the Cheka. The terror was so great that there could be no talk of any resistance, no communication between the population was allowed, no meetings on methods of self-defense were possible, no escape from cities, villages and hamlets cordoned off by the Red Army was unthinkable. Under threat of the death penalty, it was forbidden to even go out into the street, but even if such a prohibition had not existed, no one would have dared to leave the house for fear of being killed, because shooting on the streets had become a common occurrence.

They grabbed people on the streets, broke into houses day and night, dragging those mad with fear from their beds, and dragged old men and women, wives and mothers, young men and children into the basements of emergency cells, tying their hands, stunning them with blows, in order to shoot them, and throw the corpses into pits, where they became the prey of hungry dogs.

It is quite obvious that the lack of resistance, obedience and intimidation of the population further inflamed the passions of the executioners, and they soon stopped surrounding the murders of people with all kinds of staging, but began to shoot everyone passing on the streets.

And for unfortunate people, such death was not only the best, but also the most desirable outcome. Suddenly struck by a bullet, they died instantly, having experienced neither the dying fear, nor the preliminary torture and torment in the emergency, nor the humiliating abuse that accompanies every arrest and imprisonment.

What was this torture, torment and humiliation? You need to have strong nerves just to think about the horror of these experiences and even at a very distant distance to imagine them in your imagination.

At first, as I have already said, searches of supposedly hidden weapons were practiced, and heavily armed soldiers, accompanied by emergency agents, appeared in every house, on every street, continuously day and night, and openly robbed everything they could get their hands on. They did not conduct any searches, but having lists of intended victims, they took them with them to the emergency, having previously robbed both the victims themselves and their relatives and friends. All kinds of objections were useless and the barrel of a revolver pressed to the forehead was the answer to an attempt to defend at least the most necessary things. They robbed everything they could take with them. And the frightened townsfolk were happy if such visits from villains and robbers ended only in robbery.

Later they were accompanied by unheard-of mockery and mockery and turned into wild orgies. Under the pretext of searches, these gangs of robbers came to the best houses of the city, brought wine with them and held parties, drumming on the piano and forcibly forcing the owners to dance... Those who refused were killed on the spot. The scoundrels especially enjoyed it when they managed to force the elderly and decrepit, or priests and monks, to dance. And there were often cases when the champagne brought by the robbers was mixed with the blood of the victims they had shot, who were lying right there on the floor, where they continued to dance, celebrating their satanic funeral feasts. It seems there is nowhere to go further, and meanwhile the monsters committed even greater atrocities: in front of their parents, they not only raped their daughters, but even molested young children, infecting them with incurable diseases.

That is why, when such visits were limited only to robbery or arrest, the inhabitants considered themselves happy. Having caught their victim, the Jews took him to the emergency room. The extraordinary women usually occupied the best houses in the city and were housed in the most luxurious apartments, consisting of a number of rooms. Countless “investigators” sat here. Having brought their victim to the reception area, the Jews handed him over to the investigator and then the interrogation began.

After the usual questions about personality, occupation and place of residence, an interrogation began about the nature of political convictions, party affiliation, attitude towards the Soviet government, its program, etc., etc., then, under threat of execution, the addresses of loved ones, relatives and friends were required victims and a whole series of other questions were proposed, completely meaningless, designed to cause the interrogated person to become confused, confused in his testimony and thereby create the basis for bringing specific charges... Hundreds of such questions were proposed, and the unfortunate victim was obliged to answer each of them, and the answers were carefully recorded, after which the interrogated person was transferred to another investigator.

This latter began the interrogation from the beginning and asked literally the same questions, only in a different order, after which he handed over his victim to the third investigator, then the fourth, etc. until the accused, driven to complete exhaustion, agreed to any answers, attributed non-existent crimes to himself and placed himself at the complete disposal of the executioners. Many could not stand the torture and lost their minds. They were counted among the lucky ones, for there were even more terrible trials, even more brutal tortures ahead.

No imagination can imagine a picture of these tortures. People were stripped naked, their hands were tied with rope and hung from crossbars so that their feet barely touched the ground, and then they were slowly and gradually shot from machine guns, rifles or revolvers. The machine gunner first crushed the legs so that they could not support the body, then aimed the gun at the arms and in this form left his victim hanging, bleeding... Having enjoyed the torment of the sufferers, he began to shoot him again in different places until the living person turned into a shapeless bloody mass, and only after that he finished her off with a shot to the forehead. The invited “guests” sat right there and admired the executions, drinking wine, smoking and playing the piano or balalaikas.

The most terrible thing was that the unfortunate ones were not finished off, but were dumped into wagons and thrown into a pit, where many were buried alive. The holes, hastily dug, were shallow, and from there not only the groans of the mutilated were heard, but there were cases when the sufferers, with the help of passers-by, crawled out of these holes, having lost their minds.

Skinning of living people was often practiced, for which they were thrown into boiling water, cuts were made on the neck and around the hands and the skin was pulled off with tongs, and then thrown out into the cold... This method was practiced in the Kharkov emergency, headed by “Comrade Eduard” and convict Sayenko. After the Bolsheviks were expelled from Kharkov, the Volunteer Army discovered many “gloves” in the basements of the Cheka. This was the name given to skin torn off from hands along with nails. Excavations of the pits where the corpses of the dead were thrown revealed traces of some kind of monstrous operation on the genitals, the essence of which even the best Kharkov surgeons could not determine.

They suggested that this was one of the tortures used in China, which in its painfulness exceeds anything imaginable. On corpses former officers In addition, the shoulder straps on the shoulders were cut out with a knife or burned out by fire, there was a Soviet star on the forehead, and order insignia on the chest, there were cut off noses, lips and ears... On the female corpses there were cut off breasts and nipples, etc. A mass of crushed and scalped skulls, torn off nails with needles and nails threaded under them, gouged out eyes, cut off heels, etc., etc. Many people were flooded in the basements of emergency shelters, where the unfortunate people were driven and then the water taps were opened.

In St. Petersburg, the head of the Cheka was the Latvian Peters, who was then transferred to Moscow. Upon assuming the post of “chief of internal defense,” he immediately shot over 1000 people, and ordered the corpses to be thrown into the Neva, where the bodies of those shot by him were dumped Peter and Paul Fortress officers. By the end of 1917, there were still several tens of thousands of officers left in St. Petersburg who had survived the war, and more than half of them were shot by Peters and then by the Jew Uritsky. Even according to Soviet data, which is clearly false, Uritsky shot over 5,000 officers.

The security officer Peters, who was transferred to Moscow and, among other assistants, had the Latvian Krause, literally flooded the entire city with blood. There is no way to convey everything that is known about this beast woman and her sadism. They said that she terrified with her mere appearance, that she awed with her unnatural excitement... She mocked her victims, inventing the most subtle types of torture, mainly in the genital area, and stopped them only after complete exhaustion and the onset of a sexual reaction. The objects of her torment were mainly young men, and no pen can convey what this Satanist did with her victims, what operations she performed on them...

Suffice it to say that such operations lasted for hours and she stopped them only after the young people writhing in suffering turned into bloody corpses with eyes frozen in horror... Her worthy employee was the no less perverted sadist Orlov, whose specialty was to shoot the boys he pulled out of houses or caught on the streets. He shot several thousand of these latter in Moscow. Another security officer, Maga, toured prisons and shot prisoners, a third visited hospitals for this purpose... If my information seems implausible, and this can happen, it is also incredible from the point of view normal people are unacceptable, then I ask you to check them by reading at least only the foreign press for the years starting from 1918, and looking at the newspapers Victoire, Times, Le Travail, Journal des Geneve, Journal des Debats and other.

All this information was borrowed either from the stories of foreigners who miraculously escaped from Russia, or from official reports of the Soviet government, which considers itself so strong that it does not even find it necessary to hide its villainous plans in relation to the Russian people, doomed to extermination by it. In the pamphlet “October Revolution” published by Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein), he even boasts of this strength, this indestructible might of Soviet power.

“We are so strong,” he says, “that if we declare tomorrow in a decree the demand that the entire male population of Petrograd appear on such and such a day and hour on the Field of Mars, so that everyone receives 25 blows of the rod, then 75% would immediately appear and would have gone down the drain and only 25% of the more prudent thought to stock up on a medical certificate exempting them from corporal punishment...”

In Kyiv, the Cheka was in the hands of the Latvian Latsis. His assistants were the monsters Avdokhin, the Jews “Comrade Vera”, Rosa Schwartz and other girls. There were fifty emergency rooms here, but the most terrible were three, of which one was located on Ekaterininskaya Street, No. 16, the other on Institutskaya Street, No. 40, and the third on Sadovaya Street, No. 5. Each of them had its own staff, more precisely, executioners, but among them, the two mentioned Jews were distinguished by the greatest cruelty. In one of the basements of the emergency room, I don’t remember exactly which one, a kind of “theater” was set up, where chairs were arranged for lovers of bloody spectacles, and on the stage, i.e. executions were carried out on the stage, which was supposed to represent a stage.

After each successful shot, shouts of “bravo” and “encore” were heard and glasses of champagne were brought to the executioners. Rosa Schwartz personally killed several hundred people, previously squeezed into a box with a hole for the head on the top platform. But shooting at a target was only a comic amusement for these girls and did not excite their dull nerves. They demanded more acute sensations, and for this purpose Rosa and “Comrade Vera” poked out their eyes with needles, or burned them with a cigarette, or hammered thin nails under their nails.

In Kiev, they whispered Rosa Schwartz’s favorite order, which was so often heard in the bloody dungeons of the emergency forces, when nothing could drown out the heartbreaking cries of the tortured: “Fill his throat with hot tin so that he doesn’t squeal like a piglet”... And this order was carried out with literal precision. Rosa and Vera were especially furious with those who were caught in the emergency situation and found a pectoral cross on them. After incredible mockery of religion, they tore down these crosses and burned the image of the cross with fire on the chest or forehead of their victims.

With the arrival of the Volunteer Army and the expulsion of the Bolsheviks from Kyiv, Rosa Schwartz was arrested at the moment when she presented a bouquet to one of the officers riding on horseback at the head of their detachment entering the city. The officer recognized her as his tormentor and arrested her. There were many such cases of provocation, and espionage brought to perfection made the fight against the Bolsheviks extremely difficult. Other methods of torture were also practiced in the Kyiv emergency camps.

So, for example, the unfortunate people were squeezed into narrow wooden boxes and hammered into them with nails, rolling the boxes along the floor... The executioners also used the Dnieper, where hundreds of people tied to each other were driven into the water and they were either drowned or shot in batches from machine guns.

When the imagination in inventing methods of execution was exhausted, then the unfortunate sufferers were thrown onto the floor and, with blows of a heavy hammer, their heads were smashed in half with such force that the brain fell out onto the floor. This was practiced in the Kyiv Cheka, located on Sadovaya, 5, where soldiers of the Volunteer Army discovered a barn, the asphalt floor of which was literally littered with human brains. It is not surprising that during the six months of Bolshevik rule in Kiev, according to rumors, up to 100,000 people died and between them the best people city, pride and beauty of Kyiv.

Latsis's order: “Do not look for any evidence of any opposition to the Soviets in the words or actions of the accused. The first question to be ascertained is to what class and profession the defendant belonged and what education he had.” His security officers carried out this order literally. “According to the openly and cynically proud confessions of the same Latsis, in 1918 and during the first seven months of 1919, 344 uprisings were suppressed and 3057 people were killed, and during the same period they were executed, only according to the sentences and decisions of V.Ch. TO. – 8389 people The Petrograd Cheka during the same time “abolished” 1206 people, the Kiev one – 825, and especially the Moscow one – 234 people. In Moscow, over the nine months of 1920, 131 people were executed under the sentences of the Cheka. For the month from July 23 to August 21 of this year, the Moscow revolutionary tribunal sentenced -1182 to death (“Common Cause,” November 7, 1920, No. 115). Of course, this information, as coming from Latsis, is inaccurate.

In Odessa, the famous executioners Deitch and Vikhman, both Jews, were rampant, with a whole staff of servants, among whom, in addition to the Jews, there were Chinese and one black man, whose specialty was to pull out the veins of people, looking them in the face and smiling with his white teeth. Vera Grebenshchikova also became famous here, becoming known under the name “Dora”. She personally shot 700 people. Every resident of Odessa knew the saying of Deitch and Wichman that they had no appetite for dinner until they had shot a hundred “goyim.” According to newspaper reports, they shot over 800 people, of which 400 were officers, but in reality this figure needs to be increased at least ten times.

Immediately after the abandonment of Odessa by the “allies,” the Bolsheviks, having burst into the city and not yet having time to organize the emergency, used the battleship “Sinop” and the cruiser “Almaz” for their own purposes, where they took their victims. A literally hunt began for people; those caught were not killed on the spot just to torture them first. They grabbed both day and night, both young and old, women and children, they grabbed everyone indiscriminately, because the number of stolen things and the level of earnings depended on the number of those caught. Those brought aboard the Sinop and Almaz were attached with iron chains to thick boards and slowly gradually moved, feet first, into the ship's oven, where the unfortunates were roasted alive.

Then they were taken out of there, lowered on ropes into the sea and again thrown into the oven, inhaling the smell of burnt meat... Who would have thought that a person was capable of reaching such cruelty, which had no other example in history?! And such a terrible death died the best people of Russia, officers, its valiant defenders, and among them the hero of Port Arthur, General Smirnov! Others were quartered, tied to the wheels of the engine room, which tore them to pieces, others were thrown into a steam boiler, from where they were taken out and carefully carried onto the deck, ostensibly in order to alleviate their suffering, but in reality so that the influx of fresh air would increase their suffering. , and then again thrown into the cauldron, so that the boiled shapeless mass was thrown into the sea.

The kind of torture the unfortunate people were subjected to in the extravaganzas of Odessa could be judged by the instruments of torture, among which were not only weights, hammers and crowbars, with which heads were broken, but also tweezers, with the help of which veins were pulled out, and the so-called “stone bags”, with a small hole at the top, where the sufferers were squeezed, breaking bones, and where, in a crouched form, they were specifically doomed to sleeplessness. A deliberately posted guard was supposed to keep an eye on the unfortunate man, not allowing him to fall asleep. He was fed rotten herrings and was tormented by thirst. Here, the main assistants of Deitch and Wichman were “Dora,” who killed, as I already mentioned, 700 people, and the 17-year-old prostitute “Sasha,” who shot over 200 people. Both of them subjected their victims to unimaginable torture and literally bathed in their blood. Both were sadists and surpassed even the Latvian Krause in cynicism, being true fiends of hell.

In Vologda, the executioners Kedrov Shchederbaum and the Latvian Eiduk were rampant, about whose cruelty entire legends were created. They shot countless people and massacred the entire local intelligentsia.

In Voronezh, the Cheka practiced purely ritual methods of execution. People were thrown into barrels with nails driven in around them and the barrels were rolled down the mountain. The Jews, as is known from the Beilis trial in Kyiv, used this method of obtaining Christian blood through “injections” when they did not have the opportunity to calmly carry out the operation of ritual murder of Christian children, which required special tools. Here, as in other cities, eyes were gouged out, carved on the forehead or chest soviet stars, threw living people into boiling water, broke joints, tore off skin, poured hot tin down their throats, and so on and so forth.

In Nikolaev, the security officer Bogbender (Jew), who had two Chinese and one convict sailor as his assistants, immured living people in stone walls.

In Pskov, according to newspaper reports, all the captured officers, numbering about 200 people, were handed over to the Chinese, who sawed them into pieces with saws.

In Poltava, the security officer Grishka went on a rampage, practicing a method of torture unheard of in terms of brutality. He severely executed eighteen monks, ordering them to be imprisoned on a sharpened stake driven into the ground. The same method was used by the Yamburg security officers, where all the captured officers and soldiers captured on the Narva Front were impaled. No pen can describe the torment of the sufferers, who did not die immediately, but several hours later, writhing in unbearable pain. Some suffered even for more than a day. The corpses of these great martyrs were a stunning sight: almost all of their eyes were out of their sockets...

In Blagoveshchensk, all victims of the emergency had gramophone needles stuck under their fingernails and toenails.

In Omsk they even tortured pregnant women, cutting out their bellies and pulling out their intestines.

In Kazan, the Urals and Yekaterinburg, the unfortunate were crucified on crosses, burned at the stake, or thrown into hot furnaces. According to newspaper reports, over 2,000 people died in Yekaterinburg alone.

In Simferopol, the security officer Ashikin forced his victims, both men and women, to pass by him completely naked, looked at them from all sides and then cut off their ears, noses and hands with a blow of a saber... Bleeding, the unfortunates asked him to shoot them so that the torment would stop, but Ashikin calmly approached each one separately, gouged out their eyes, and then ordered their heads to be cut off.

In Sevastopol, the unfortunates were tied up in groups, severely wounded with sabers and revolvers, and thrown half-dead into the sea. There are places in the Sevastopol port where divers refuse to go: two of them, after being at the bottom of the sea, went crazy. When the third decided to dive into the water, he came out and said that he had seen a whole crowd of drowned people tied with their feet to large stones. The flow of water moved their arms and their hair was disheveled. Among these corpses, a priest in a cassock with wide sleeves, raising his hands as if he was making a terrible speech...

In Alupka, the Cheka executed 272 sick and wounded people, subjecting them to this kind of torture: healing wounds received at the front were opened and covered with salt, dirty earth or lime, and also doused with alcohol and kerosene, after which the unfortunate people were taken to the Cheka. Those of them who could not move were brought on stretchers. The Tatar population, stunned by such a terrible massacre, saw in it God's punishment and imposed a voluntary three-day fast on themselves.

In Pyatigorsk, the Cheka killed all its hostages, massacring almost the entire city. The unfortunate hostages were taken out of town, to a cemetery, with their hands tied behind their backs with wire. They were forced to kneel two steps away from the dug hole and they began to chop off their arms, legs, backs, gouge out their eyes with bayonets, pull out their teeth, rip open their stomachs, etc. At the same time, in 1919, the traitor and traitor to the Tsar, General Ruzsky, General Radko-Dmitriev, Prince. N.P. Urusov, book. Shakhovsky and many others, including, if I’m not mistaken, former minister Justice N. Dobrovolsky.

In Tiflis, the security officer Pankratov, who became famous for his atrocities even abroad, was terrifying. He killed about a thousand people every day, not only in the basements of the Cheka, but also openly, in the city square of Tiflis, where the walls of almost every house were spattered with blood.

In Crimea, the security officers, not limiting themselves to shooting captured nurses, first raped them, and the sisters stocked up on poison to avoid dishonor. According to official information, and we know how accurate Soviet “official” information is, in 1920/21, after the evacuation of General Wrangel, 7,500 people were shot in Feodosia, 12,000 in Simferopol, 9,000 in Sevastopol and 5,000 in Yalta, in total 33,500 people. This figure must, of course, be doubled, because the officers who remained in Crimea alone were shot, as the newspapers reported, over 12,000 people, and this task was carried out by the Jew Bela Kun, who declared that Crimea was three years behind the times. revolutionary movement and it needs to be brought into line with all of Russia at one blow.

After the occupation of the Baltic cities in January 1919 by Estonian troops, the graves of those killed were opened, and it was immediately established by the appearance of the tortured corpses with what cruelty the Bolsheviks dealt with their victims. The skulls of 33 of those killed were crushed so that their heads hung like tree stumps on a trunk. Before they were shot, most of the victims had bayonet wounds, twisted insides, and broken bones. One of those who escaped said that he was taken with 56 arrested people and stood over the grave. First they started shooting women. One of them tried to escape and fell wounded, then the killers pulled her by the legs into the pit, five of them jumped on her and trampled her to death.

No matter how terrible the methods of torture practiced in emergency situations European Russia, but they all pale in comparison to what was happening by the brutal security officers in Siberia. There, in addition to the tortures already described, the following were also used: a rat was placed in a flower pot and tied either to the stomach or to the anus, and a red-hot iron rod was passed through a small round hole at the bottom of the pot, with which the rat was burned. Fleeing from torment and having no other way out, the rat dug its teeth into the stomach and gnawed a hole through which it entered the stomach, tearing the intestines and eating them, and then crawled out from the opposite end, gnawing an exit in its back or side...

Truly happy were those who were only shot with machine guns, rifles or revolvers and who died without experiencing these terrible tortures...

No matter from what point of view we consider all these cruelties, they will always seem absurd... They can only be explained by the idea of ​​​​sacrifice to the Jewish god...

The statement that “the Bolsheviks brilliantly succeeded in unbridling all the pernicious and criminal principles that lay dormant in the soul of the Russian people” is correct, but one must make a reservation... firstly, that among these commissars there were almost exclusively Jews, and secondly, that the methods used by them allowed, would be capable of turning not only Russian peasants, but also the most cultured Europeans into animals... These principles are inherent not only in the soul of the Russian people, but in every soul and, moreover, even regardless of the level of its “education”, and if they do not come out, it’s only because they are forcibly not allowed in by the magical - it’s impossible.

Only holiness eradicates the beast in a person, deeply hidden in the depths of the soul, and how many security officers are hidden under the humble robes of a monk, and under shiny golden uniforms, and under elegant tuxedos and tailcoats, white ties and gloves, how much anger and hard-heartedness is hidden under the meek faces of pretty young ladies fluttering like butterflies in their gauze dresses or whirling in the whirlwind of a waltz in high-society salons, talking about flowers but thinking about blood, about what is not allowed...

The traditions of generations, secular upbringing, customs, environment, education - were only able to intimidate the beast in a person to some extent, but not to tame, much less kill him. Only holiness killed this beast, and it was tamed by power, the purpose of which was to fight evil and serve good. Where the government was inactive or its purpose was to fight against good and serve evil, there the brutal principles inherent in human nature were not only awakened, but also cultivated.

That is why I think that “sadism” was not the cause, but the result of the Bolshevik methods of power. The reason for the mass brutality we described was the impunity of crimes, their elevation even to the heights of civic duty, the lack of legal responsibility, the very freedom that liberals shouted so loudly about, which the “progressive public” so painfully yearned for.

Replace the word “cannot” with the word “can”, and you will see that all the horrors committed by the security officers in Russia will pale in comparison to those that will occur in the most cultural centers of Europe... This moment is approaching, but Europe does not notice it. “With us,” she proudly declares, “this is impossible... We’ll see!”

No matter from which side the horrors we describe are viewed, they will always seem not only atrocity, but also senseless atrocity. And yet, they had great meaning for that mysterious organization that pursued only one goal - the destruction of the entire educated and cultural class of people in Russia, so that its brain, leader and exponent of its ideals and aspirations would disappear, so that a bloodless and weakened Russia would not serve as an obstacle to further conquests of Judaism, dooming the entire Christian culture to death and preparing the offensive of the worldwide Jewish kingdom.

Judaism strives for these goals everywhere, over the course of centuries, and Bolshevism in Russia is for everyone familiar with history only a collective onslaught of Jews, concentrated in one place and confined to one moment, and does not constitute a new phenomenon either in its content and essence, or even according to their forms.


Saint Philaret of Moscow was the last (or is it not the only?) great hierarch of the Russian Church... “There was a procession of the cross in Moscow. And so everyone passed - the bishops, the mitred priests, the merchants, the people; They carried icons, they carried crosses, they carried banners. It was all over, almost... And then he walked away from the last people. It was Filaret.”

That's what someone told me an old man. And he added, pointing from the floor at Filaret’s tiny stature:

- “And I forgot everyone, forgot everything: and as I see now - only him alone.”

Just like I “forgot everything” at Moscow University. But I remember his thoughtful signature under his portrait in the assembly hall.

His words and reprimands were striking. Advice is wise (to the emperor, authorities). And he was all magnificent.

The only one…

But what about “before that” and “later”? - imperceptible, fractions. “We saw them” (partly). Nota bene. Everyone who was at all outstanding already had a “hidden heresy.” Imperceptibly, silently, but with heresy. Then - how Filaret was “right about everything.”

He even honored the Synod. There was a “conscious synodal”. And he honored Nikolai Pavlovich - although he was “dismissed on leave from the Synod and never appeared there.” Here - not in the church, but in the empire - a turning point, a breakdown, has already occurred or was occurring. How could the great Sovereign, and such a conservative one, not make himself a close adviser the greatest and also conservative mind of the first church luminary in the entire fate of the Russian Church?

We disagreed on small things. That demon Gogol is right.

Meanwhile, Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Gogol, Filaret - what a radiance of the Kingdom. But Nikolai wanted to shine alone “with his friend Wilhelm-Friedrich” someone. It was a flat ram, entangled in thorns and already prepared for slaughter (dynasty).

And then everything collapsed, the kingdom and the church at once. What the priests just don’t understand is that the church was broken even more horribly than the kingdom. The king is above the clergy. He didn't break, didn't lie. But, seeing that the people and the soldiers so terribly renounced him, so betrayed him (for the sake of the vile Rasputin story), and also the nobility (Rodzianko), as always a false “representation”, and also the “gentlemen merchants,” wrote simply that, in essence, he renounces such vile people. And he began (in Tsarskoye) to chop ice. It's smart, wonderful, and empowering.

“Although I am a small person, I also have 32 ribs” (“Children’s World”).

But the Church? Is this Andrei Ufimsky? That's all. Previously, there were “32 priests” with the desire for a “free church” “established on the canons.” But now all 33333... 2...2...2...2 priests and sub-priests and super-priests jumped up to the socialist. Like a Jew and not like a Jew; and they began to cry out, say and write that “the Church of Christ has always been, in essence, socialist” and that especially it has never been monarchical, but only Peter the Great “forced us to lie.”

Rus' disappeared in two days. At most - three. Even “New Time” could not be closed as quickly as Rus' was closed. It’s amazing that she all at once fell apart, down to the details, down to the particulars. And in fact, such a shock has never happened, not excluding the “Great Migration.” There was an era, “two or three centuries.” Here - three days, it seems even two. There was no Kingdom left, no Church left, no army left, and no working class left. What's left? Strangely, literally nothing.

There remained a vile people, of which one, an old man of about 60 years old “and so serious,” from the Novgorod province, expressed: “It would be necessary to pull the skin out of the former tsar, one belt at a time.” That is, you don’t immediately rip off the skin, like the Indians scalp, but you have to cut ribbon after ribbon out of its skin in Russian style.

And what did the king do to him, to this “serious peasant”.

Here comes Dostoevsky...

Here's Tolstoy, and Alpatych, and “War and Peace.”

What actually happened? We were all naughty. We played pranks under the sun and on the earth, not thinking that the sun sees and the earth listens. No one was serious, and, in essence, the kings were the most serious of all, since even Paul, with his abilities, still “worked” and was a knight. And, as often happens, “the innocent fell victim.” An eternal story, and it all comes down to Israel and its secrets. But let's leave Israel, today it's up to Rus'. We were essentially playing in literature. “So well written.” And the whole point was that he “wrote well,” but what he “wrote” was of no concern to anyone. By content Russian literature is such an abomination, such an abomination of shamelessness and impudence, like no other literature. In a big Kingdom, with great power, with a hardworking, intelligent, obedient people, what did she do? She did not learn and did not instill in learning - so that these people would at least be taught how to forge a nail, how to make a sickle, how to make a scythe for mowing (“we are exporting scythes from Austria,” - geography). The people grew up completely primitively from Peter the Great, and literature dealt only with “how they loved” and “what they talked about.” And everyone “talked” and only “talked”, and only “loved” and still “loved”.

No one took up the fact (and I did not read a single article in magazines - and not a single article in newspapers either) that in Russia there is not a single pharmacy store, that is, made and sold by Russian people - that we do not know how to make herbs to extract iodine, and our mustard plasters are “French”, because Russian all-people do not even know how to spread diluted mustard on paper to secure its “strength”, “spirit”. What can we do? But, you see, we know how to “love”, like Vronsky Anna, and Irina Litvinov, and Lisa Lezhnev, and Olga Oblomov. God, but you need to love in the family; but in the family, it seems, we didn’t particularly love, and, perhaps, the damned divorce proceedings also intervened here (“love out of duty, not out of love”). And so the church was the first to fall apart, and, by the way, this is by the way, and “according to the law”...

Zhevakhov Nikolai Davydovich, 1876-1938, prince, chamber cadet, assistant secretary of state of the State Council, from September 1916 - comrade of the chief prosecutor of the Synod under the chief prosecutor N.P. Raev.

Zhevakhov Nikolai Davydovich (1876-1949), prince, Russian statesman, chamber cadet of the Supreme Court, comrade chief prosecutor of the Synod (09/15/1916 - 02/28/1917), spiritual writer.

In his works, and above all “Memoirs” (1923 - 28), Zhevakhov gives the deepest historical and religious-philosophical understanding of one of the most tragic eras in the life of the Russian people, a prophetic foresight of many events of the 1920-30s.

The revolution, Zhevakhov noted, was not an expression of “people's anger against the tsar and his government,” but only the fruits of unbelief, conceit and human pride. Reflecting on his era, Zhevakhov wrote that people were so far away from the truth that they stopped recognizing it. “If (people) in phenomena Everyday life they do not see the providential ways of God leading to the goals predetermined by the Lord; if the trials sent down by God to awaken and admonish people always take them by surprise and seem the more unexpected the more terrible they are, then who is not able to consider the signs of the approaching end of the world, the appearance of the Antichrist and the Judgment of God over the world?! And who would believe the prophet even if he appeared in our time?!” Such prophets, writes the book. Zhevakhov, yes, one of them - S.A. Nilus . Every Orthodox person is obliged to know by heart his book “The Great in the Small” and the documents of the secret government published there.

The dark forces of Judaism and Freemasonry seek to dominate the world. Orthodox Russia stands on the way to this. “Great as much in space as in its spiritual power, but humble and meek Russia sees the future destinies of Europe, sees the stupid and short-sighted game of England and France, but does not condemn either one or the other, for it knows that these unfortunate countries are doomed to destruction , in the order of priority established by the International, just like Russia, that the programs of the International are as vast as they are brilliant, and boil down to one goal - the elimination of Christianity as the only obstacle to the conquest of the world...” It is necessary to take a closer look at the future prospects, Zhevakhov wrote prophetically to shudder with horror at the thought and possibility of enslaving Christians by Judaism and Freemasonry, to which Christian morality is alien and hateful.

Book Zhevakhov reveals the hidden plans of the enemies of the Russian people. The task of the anti-Russian revolution of 1917 was the “destruction of Russia” and the formation on its territory of a “kingdom” of an anti-Russian international as a stronghold for the subsequent conquest of other Christian states. The plans of the dark forces “meant to destroy Russia in the shortest possible time.”

O. Platonov

Zhevakhov, book. Nikolai Davidovich (12/24/1874-1947?), Chamberlain of the Highest Court, actual state councilor, participant in the right-wing monarchist movement, member of the Russian Assembly (PC).

He belonged to the Russian branch of the ancient Georgian family of the Javakhov princes. In 1738 book. Shio (Semyon) Javakhov accepted Russian citizenship, receiving a princely allotment in Kobelyaksky district. Novorossiysk (later Poltava) province, laying the foundation for the Russian branch of the family, which in Russian became known as the Zhevakhovs. Ancestors of the prince. Zhevakhova were related to the Gorlenko family, which gave Saint Joasaph of Belgorod to Russia. He spent his childhood on the family estate of Linovitsa, which belonged to his father, the landowner Piryatinsky. Poltava province. collegiate adviser David Dmitrievich (1843-1907), who served in the elections of the nobility, and in Kyiv, where his mother Ekaterina Konstantinovna, born. Wulfert (1847-1917), had his own house. There were four children in the Zhevakhov family: two twin sons Nikolai and Vladimir (future schmich. Bishop Joasaph (Prince Zhevakhov)) and two daughters Lyubov (b. 1876) and Varvara (b. 1879).

He received his education first at the 2nd Kyiv Gymnasium, then at the Collegium of Pavel Galagan and, finally, at the Faculty of Law of the Kyiv University of St. Vladimir (1898). After graduating from the Unta course with a 2nd degree diploma, he entered the service of the Kyiv Judicial Chamber, then the office of the Kyiv Governor-General. In May 1902 he took the position of zemstvo chief in his native place. At this time, Prince. Zhevakhov first tried himself in the field of political publicist. In 1904, on the pages of the conservative magazine “Citizen,” published by Prince. V.P. Meshchersky, his “Letters of the Zemstvo Chief” were published. In his activities, he paid main attention to the tasks of spiritual enlightenment and education of the peasantry, was the initiator and leader of the construction of rural churches, and he himself donated a lot of personal money for this. Subsequently, in 1914, his work for the benefit of the spiritual enlightenment of the people was marked by the presentation of the official blessing of the Holy Synod with the presentation of a diploma. In the month of April 1905 transferred to St. Petersburg to the State Chancellery in the Code of Laws department. Since 1906, having met Prot. Alexander Malyarevsky was a longtime admirer of St. Joasafa (Gorlenko), began work on collecting materials about the saint. It was at this time that he met the archbishop. Kursk and Oboyansky Pitirim (Oknov), future Metropolitan. Petrograd and Ladoga. The fruit of the book's labors. Zhevakhov became 3 volumes of “Materials for the biography of St. Joasaph Gorlenko, Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyansky,” which were published in Kyiv in 1907-1911. At the end of his work on March 18, 1910, he was granted an audience with Emperor Nicholas II, and in 1912 he received the highest gratitude for the gift of the book “St. Joasaph Gorlenko, Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyansky.” 4 Sep. 1911 the canonization of St. Joasaph, and Zhevakhov became comrade. Chairman of the Brotherhood St. Joasapha.

Being a convinced monarchist, on May 4, 1909 he became a full member of the PC. A significant role in his life was played by the spiritual writer and prominent monarchist S. A. Nilus. They met in Kyiv ca. 1900, they began to communicate actively in the fall of 1905 in St. Petersburg. In 1913, having visited Nilus in the Valdai Monastery and heard him complain about the need to find a new refuge for himself, Zhevakhov invited him to live on the Linovitsa family estate. Then he often visited him there, and they talked for a long time. In Linowitz, S. A. Nilus was preparing for publication his famous book “There Is Near the Door.”

In 1910, Zhevakhov made a pilgrimage to the Italian city of Bari, where the relics of his heavenly patron Nicholas the Wonderworker rest. He published his “Travel Notes”, in which he proposed to build Orthodox church in the name of St. Nicholas and with him a hospice house for Russian pilgrims. On Dec. In 1910, on behalf of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IPOS), he was sent to Bari to acquire land for the construction of a temple and a hospice. In May 1911, the Bargrad Committee at the IOPS was Supremely approved to collect donations for construction, which was headed by a prominent right-wing figure, Prince. A. A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov. Zhevakhov became a member of the committee, and in 1913 he was appointed chairman of the Construction Commission. In June 1913, he was elected a lifelong full member of the IOPS with the issuance of a silver badge for services rendered to the Bargrad Committee. For organizing the construction of a temple and a hospice house on May 6, 1914, he was awarded the title of chamber cadet of the Highest Court.

4 Sep. 1915 at a meeting of the Brotherhood of St. A certain Colonel O. came to Joasaph and told him about the appearance of the Belgorod Wonderworker to him. For the salvation of Russia, the saint ordered to deliver to the front the Vladimir image of the Mother of God, with which his mother blessed him for monasticism, and the Peschansky image of the Mother of God, acquired by him when he was bishop. Belgorodsky, and carry them along the front line. Then the Lord, through the prayers of His Mother, will have mercy on Russia. As it turned out later, almost simultaneously a similar phenomenon occurred to an old peasant from the village of Peski. Fulfill the command of St. Joasaph had to prince. Zhevakhov. His ill-wishers saw careerist aspirations in the trip to the front, and the arrival of the prince with the shrines went unnoticed; no religious processions were organized along the front line. After Zhevakhov’s trip to Headquarters, rumors began to circulate about the appointment of his comrade. Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod. His candidacy was supported by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, who met Zhevakhov during the preparation of his trip to Headquarters. A slander campaign was immediately launched against the prince; he became one of the “Rasputins”, “representatives of dark forces.” However, 15 Sep. In 1916, a decree was issued on the appointment of Zhevakhov. Chief Prosecutor back in Aug. became N.P. Raev. 1 Jan 1917 Zhevakhov was awarded the title of Chamberlain of the Highest Court and promoted to the rank of full state councilor. In January In 1917 he went on an inspection trip to the Caucasus, and upon returning to the capital on February 24, he found the first signs of revolutionary ferment. At the meeting of the Holy Synod on February 26. Zhevakhov tried to initiate an appeal from the Holy Synod to the population, which would threaten church punishments for all participants in the riots. However, he did not meet with support from the bishops, who rejected his proposal.

On March 1, 1917, Zhevakhov was arrested and until March 5 was imprisoned in the so-called ministerial pavilion of the State. Duma, as a comrade minister of the “former regime”. After liberation, he lived on his sister’s estate in Borovichi, with his mother and brother in Kyiv, on the family estate of Linovitsa. In the autumn of 1917 he settled in Kyiv. For six months of bloody KGB atrocities, he and his brother hid in a monastery near Kiev. After the Volunteer Army arrived in the city, he went south - to Kharkov, then to Rostov. He was sheltered by Metropolitan. Pitirim, who was the abbot of the Second Athos Monastery near Pyatigorsk. In 1919, they left for Yekaterinodar together, intending to go to Mount Athos. All R. Jan. book Zhevakhov arrived in Novorossiysk (Vladyka Pitirim, foreseeing his imminent death, refused the trip) together with a group of bishops through Constantinople and Thessaloniki to Serbia.

From 9 Feb. 1919 to Sept. 1920 lived in Serbia, became one of the initiators of the creation and chairman of the Russian-Serbian society, opened on July 20, 1920. In a speech at the grand opening of the Society, he stated: in conditions when Judaism and Freemasonry are waging an open war of destruction against Christianity, “every attempt at unity Slavs acquires exceptional importance." He expressed the hope that “the Slavic idea will unite all Christians around itself for a joint fight against the enemies of Christ.” In 1920 he was appointed head of the courtyard of St. Nicholas in Bari, which was the property of the IOPS. In Jan. In 1921 he made a trip to Germany, where the nationalist movement was emerging. In Jan. 1922 again visited Munich and Berlin, where he met with one of the ideologists of German nationalism Max Erwin Scheibner-Richter, Field Marshal Erich Ludendorff, gr. E. Reventlov, translator of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” on German, publisher of the conservative magazine "Auf Forposten" Ludwig Müller von Hausen. The Germans showed interest in Zhevakhov. He recalled: “My arrival in Berlin, at that moment, could not go unnoticed by the Germans, and I, who personally knew Nilus and corresponded with him, unexpectedly found myself in the very center of this stormy, healthy national movement, which softened the bitterness of my consciousness the sad role that Germany played in relation to Russia, in a war fatal for both countries.” Zhevakhov corresponded with the Italian Duce B. Mussolini.

ABOUT recent years almost nothing is known about his life. The last documentary news about the prince dates back to 1941-1942. According to some reports, he died in Vienna in a camp for displaced persons.

Arch.: RGIA. F. 753. Op. 1. D. 6; F. 797. Op. 86. 1916.I department. I table. D. 124.

A. Stepanov

Materials used from the book: The Black Hundred. Historical encyclopedia 1900-1917. Rep. editor O.A. Platonov. M., Kraft+, Institute of Russian Civilization, 2008.


Letters from the Zemstvo Chief // Citizen. 1904. No. 11, 13, 18, 20, 22, 26, 33, 34, 39, 45, 51, 62, 63;

About the purpose of the school. St. Petersburg, 1906; St. Petersburg, 1998;

Saint Joasaph Gorlenko, Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyan (1705-1754): Mat. for biogr., collected and published books. N. D. Zhevakhov in 3 volumes and 5 hours. Kyiv, 1907-1911;

Nikolai Nikolaevich Neplyuev. Biogr. feature article. St. Petersburg, 1909;

Bari. Travel notes. St. Petersburg, 1910;

Life of Saint Joasaph, Wonderworker of Belgorod. St. Petersburg, 1910; Ed. 2nd. Novi Sad, 1929; Saint Joasaph / Comp. book N. D. Zhevakhov. Pg, 1916;

Miracles of St. Joasaph / Comp. book N. D. Zhevakhov. Pg., 1916; St. Petersburg, 1998;

Speech by the Chairman of the Russian-Serbian Society, Prince. N. D. Zhevakhova, delivered at the grand opening of the Society in Vršac (Serbia, Benat), July 20, 1920 // Double-headed eagle. 1921. Issue. 19;

Memoirs of the Comrade Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Prince. N. D. Zhevakhova. (T. 1. Munich, 1923; T. 2. Novi Sad, 1928). M., 1993;

Jewish question. New York, 1926;

In memory of gr. A. Cherep-Spiridovich. New York, 1926;

In blessed memory of the equestrian master of the Supreme Court F. Vinberg. Paris, 1928;

Causes of the death of Russia. Novi Sad, 1929;

Servant of God Nikolai Nikolaevich Ivanenko. Novi Sad, 1934;

Book Alexey Aleksandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov: Krat, sketch of life and work. Novi Sad, 1934;

The roots of the Russian revolution. Chisinau, 1934;

Sergey Alexandrovich Nilus; Krat, sketch of life and work. Novi Sad, 1936;

Jewish revolution. Ed. O. Platonova M., 2006.


Zhevakhov V.D. Genealogical list of the family of princes Zhevakhov. (Russian branch). Kyiv, 1914;

Komolova N.P. Russian abroad in Italy (1917-45) // Russian emigration in Europe (20th - 30th XX centuries). M., 1996;

Rostislav (Kolupaev), ig. Russians in North Africa. Obninsk, 2004;

Stepanov A.D. The Black Hundred: a look through a century. St. Petersburg, 2000;

Stepanov A. D. Between the world and the monastery: life path Prince Nikolai Zhevakhov // The mystery of lawlessness in the historical destinies of Russia. St. Petersburg, 2002;

Stepanov A.D. Zhevakhov Nikolai Davidovich // Holy Rus'. Great Encyclopedia of the Russian People. Russian patriotism. Ch. ed., comp. O. A. Platonov, comp. A. D. Stepanov. M., 2003;

Stepanov A. D. “Between the world and the monastery.” Prince Nikolai Davidovich Zhevakhov (1874-1947?) // The Army of St. George: Lives of Russian monarchists of the early 20th century. / Comp. and ed. A. D. Stepanov, A. A. Ivanov. St. Petersburg, 2006.

Against the backdrop of world events in history, the death of Russia was such a gigantic catastrophe that even non-believers began to see in it an expression of God’s punishment. Humanity, after all, has not yet assimilated in its consciousness the nature of God, who can be neither an avenger nor a punisher; God remains to blame. In reality, everything that people call “wrath” or “punishment” of God is only an expression of the natural laws of causality, only clothed in the Old Testament formula - “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” (Deuteronomy 32:35). And if people were more insightful, lived, acted and thought in God’s way, without violating Divine laws and not always opposing the good will of God, then they would never see those “punishments of God” that are only the result of their own crimes.

What were the crimes of the Russian people that led to the death of Russia?

10 years have already passed since this death, and yet there is still no unity in understanding the reasons for it. Each explains the catastrophe in his own way, justifying himself and blaming others, but all together openly or covertly shift all responsibility for the death of Russia onto the Sovereign Emperor, accusing the Tsar of a wide variety of crimes and not realizing that these accusations expose not only their own thoughtlessness, but they are precisely the crime that caused the death of Russia.

Thus, one of the most prominent hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, accusing the Sovereign Emperor of unwillingness to restore the patriarchate in Russia, says:

“The Lord punished the Sovereign and Empress, like the once most righteous Moses, and took away their kingdom because they opposed His will, clearly expressed Ecumenical Councils regarding the Church”...(The accusation is essentially incorrect and groundless, for the Sovereign Emperor not only was not a principled opponent of the restoration of the patriarchal rank, but, on the contrary, He Himself strove for monasticism - N.Zh.)

The State Duma accused the Tsar of unwillingness to bestow a responsible ministry, otherwise, the unwillingness of the Sovereign Emperor to relinquish His duties as Tsar and Anointed of God and thereby violate the vows given to God during sacred anointing.

The expectant public, through the mouths of its progressive people, had long been shouting that Autocracy, as a form of government, was outdated and that the level of “cultural” development of the Russian people had long outgrown this form, as a relic of eastern despotism and absolutism...

In accordance with this understanding, the Autocrat began to be viewed as an ordinary bearer of supreme power and a wide variety of demands began to be made of Him, reflecting an absolute misunderstanding of His sacred mission as the Anointed of God, bound by vows to God and called to do the will of God, and not the “will of the people,” usually expressing the will of malicious units.

Even the most well-meaning people, convinced monarchists, who deeply understood the significance of the Russian autocratic system and highly valued the personality of the Sovereign Emperor, echoed the general cries that reflected covert and open dissatisfaction with the Tsar and accused the Tsar of spinelessness, saying that the Sovereign was too kind, weak and condescending and does not possess the qualities that every bearer of power should have.

In a word, by the time the catastrophe broke out, a wide variety of accusations had merged, directed both against the personality of the Sovereign Emperor and against the general system and structure of Russian statehood, and in connection with them the most absurd and criminal demands made on the Sovereign and His government, including the demand in the name of the good of Russia, the abdication of the Tsar from the Throne.

Yielding to violence, the Tsar submitted to such a demand, but... the grace of God, which overshadowed the sacred Head of the Anointed of God and poured out over all of Russia, returned to God...

Russia has lost God's grace... The act of the greatest crime ever committed in history has been committed. The Russian people, having rebelled against the God-given Anointed One, thereby rebelled against God himself. The gigantic dimensions of this crime could only lead to gigantic results and caused the death of Russia.

What is most striking is that at this moment of destruction of the Orthodox Russian statehood, when the grace of God was forcibly expelled from Russia by the hands of madmen, the guardian of this grace Orthodox Church, represented by its most prominent representatives, remained silent. She did not dare to stop the villainous hand of the rapists, threatening them with a curse and eruption from her womb, but silently looked at how the villainous sword was raised over the sacred Head of the Anointed of God and over Russia, and silently looks now at those who continue to do their Antichrist work, listed as an Orthodox Christian.

What caused the insane demands for the Tsar to abdicate the Throne? I mean not the demands of the world rulers - the Jews, who well understood the nature and tasks of the Autocracy and saw in the Russian Tsar a stronghold of world Christian culture and the most dangerous enemy in the fight against Christianity, but the demands of the Russian people, reflecting an absolute misunderstanding of the nature of the Russian Autocracy and God's anointing.

“Power, by its very nature, must be iron, otherwise it is not power, but a source of arbitrariness and lawlessness, and the Tsar is too kind and did not know how to use His power,”- said the crowd.

Yes, power must be iron, it must be inexorable and not accessible to the movement of the heart. Its sphere must shun flexibility and softness. Power must be soulless, just as the law is soulless. The flexibility of the law is lawlessness, the weakness of power is anarchy. Power must be soulless, strict, unforgiving, inspiring only awe and fear.

But this is not what the royal power should be.

The King is above the Law. The King is the Anointed One of God and as such embodies the IMAGE OF GOD ON EARTH. And God is Love. The King and only the King is the source of mercy, love and forgiveness. He and He alone uses the right, given to Him alone by God, to spiritualize the soulless law, bending it to the demands of His Autocratic will, dissolving it with His mercy. And therefore, in the sphere of the law, only one King has the right to be kind, have mercy and forgive. All other bearers of power, vested with it by the Tsar, do not have this right, and if they use it illegally, chasing personal popularity, then they are thieves, anticipating the prerogatives of the Tsar’s power.

The “kindness” of the King is His duty, His glory, His greatness. This is the halo of His Divine anointing, this is a reflection of the rays of the heavenly glory of the All-Good Creator.

“Kindness” of the authorities subordinate to the Tsar is treason, theft, and crime. Whoever condemned the Tsar for His kindness did not understand the essence of the Tsar’s power; whoever demanded firmness, severity and severity from the Tsar, he dumped his own responsibilities on the Tsar and testified to his betrayal of the Tsar, his lack of understanding of his official duty and his unsuitability for either the Tsar, nor Russia.

Meanwhile, among those to whom the Tsar entrusted the protection of the Law, there was almost no one who did not commit this crime. Starting from ministers, ending with petty officials, bearers of insignificant grains of power, everyone wanted to be “good,” some out of cowardice, some out of thoughtlessness, some out of a desire for popularity, but few dared to implement the inexorable demands of the law, which exists not for the good, but for evil people; everyone disposed of the law at their own discretion, depersonalized it, adapting it to their tastes and beliefs and benefits, as if it were its owners, and not the guardians of its inviolability, forgetting that such an Owner could and should only be the Autocratic Russian Tsar.

And against the backdrop of the general chaos that reigned in the area of ​​​​relation to the law, almost the only evidence of genuine respect for the law was only death sentences from military courts, submitted for the Highest approval. The court honestly carried out its task, bowed to the inexorable demands of the law, passed a harsh sentence, but at the same time appealed to the mercy of the Master of the law, realizing that he would have committed a crime if he had dared to arbitrarily exercise this right of the Master. In all other areas of the law, incredible chaos reigned, as a result of the pursuit of personal popularity and a lack of understanding of what the law is and what should be the attitude towards it on the part of those called upon to protect it. And such an attitude towards the law became so common that by the degree of popularity of the holders of power one could unmistakably judge their insignificance, and vice versa. The best were persecuted, the worst were extolled.

How much thoughtlessness one had to have in order to identify the Tsar with ordinary bearers of power, in order to accuse the Tsar of “kindness”, i.e. in what constituted His duty and the essence of His Royal service? And it seems to me that not a single Russian Tsar understood His Royal mission as deeply as the gracious Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich understood it. Here is the source of His mysticism, or rather His faith, His communication with God’s people, His search for spiritual support, which He did not find outside, on the part of those who did not understand who the Russian Tsar should be and condemned Him. But here is also the source of the evil persecution to which the Sovereign was subjected, persecuted by the Judeo-Masons and their servants precisely for His “kindness,” in which they saw not weakness and flabbiness, but the expression of the brightest, most faithful and accurate image of the one who should to be the Russian Tsar, who understands the essence of His Royal service and His Divine mission as the Anointed of God.

This lack of understanding by the Russian people of the nature of Autocracy and the essence of the Tsar’s service expressed the main crime of Russian thought, which fell into the Judeo-Masonic network, and penetrated so deeply into its thickness that it has not been eradicated even to this day, 10 years after the death of Russia. Even now, according to some, Russia needs a Dictator capable of flooding the Russian Land with the blood of his subjects; according to others, a constitutional monarch, i.e. A king bound by responsibility not before God, but before those invisible units who do the will of the Invisible Government that sent them, passing it off as the “will of the people.”

No, it is not irresponsible monarchs, like obedient tools in the hands of Judeo-Masons, and not iron Dictators invested with Tsarist power that Russia needs, but it has and will need iron executors of the law, faithful and honest servants of the Tsar, Whom must first be begged from God . The Russian Orthodox Tsar, fulfilling His Divine mission as the Anointed of God, cannot be a Dictator, for His sacred mission goes far beyond the rights and responsibilities of an ordinary bearer of power, even vested with its highest prerogatives.

Another crime of the Russian people was expressed in a misunderstanding of Russia itself and its tasks.

The Tsar and Russia are inseparable from each other. If there is no Tsar, there is no Russia. If there is no Tsar, there will be no Russia, and the Russian state will inevitably leave the path prescribed by God. And this is understandable, for what God entrusts to his Anointed One cannot entrust to the crowd.

The tasks of the Russian Tsar, assigned to Him by God's Providence, go far beyond the tasks of the supreme bearer of state power. This is not a head of state elected by the people and pleasing the people to whom he is appointed and on whom he depends. The Russian Tsar is anointed to the kingdom by God and is intended to be the Image of God on earth: His job is to do the works of God, to be an exponent of the will of God, the bearer and custodian of the common Christian ideal of earthly life.

Accordingly, the tasks of the Russian Tsar, going far beyond the borders of Russia, embraced the whole world. The Russian Tsar established global balance in relations between the peoples of both hemispheres. He was the defender of the weak and oppressed, united diverse peoples with His supreme authority, stood guard over Christian civilization and culture, was the “holder” to whom the Apostle Paul pointed in his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians, saying: “The mystery of iniquity is already in action, but it will not be completed until the one who now restrains is taken out of the midst” (chapter 2, 7-8).

This is what the mission of the Russian Orthodox Autocratic Tsar was!

How much thoughtlessness was needed to admit that this mission, which consists in the fight against the collective Antichrist and in protecting the Christian ideal on earth, could be accomplished with the help of the servants of the Antichrist, hiding under the guise of all kinds of collectives, from parliamentarism to trade unions , pursuing just the opposite goals!?

Meanwhile, such thoughtlessness on the part of some and criminality on the part of others lay at the basis of all those absurd demands that were made on the Tsar and His government with the sole purpose of bringing the Tsar down from the height to which He was placed by God, curtailing His autocratic rights and to wrest from the hands of the King the work that the Lord entrusted to His Anointed One.

This matter is not only the good of Russia, but also the peace of the whole world. These attacks on the autocracy of the Russian Orthodox Tsar reflected the great sin of the Russian people, as a result of which the Lord withdrew His grace from Russia, and Russia perished.

And until the Russian people understand the mission of the Autocratic Russian Tsar, until they realize what the tasks of Autocracy and God’s anointing were and should be and vow to God to help the Tsar in the implementation of these tasks, until then the grace of God will not return to Russia, until then there will be no peace on earth.

Prince Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov is the most prominent Russian spiritual writer, comrade of the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod before the revolution itself. The main literary works of Prince Zhevakhov are devoted to the church activities of Joasaph, Saints of Belgorod and Oboyansky. This remarkable ascetic of the 17th century is now glorified as a saint again: the first glorification was in 1911 during the reign of Nicholas II. Six volumes of the Saint’s biography were written by Prince Zhevakhov, and these works have not lost their significance to this day.

An outstanding phenomenon in Russian memoirs should be considered the appearance of two volumes of “Memoirs” of Prince N.D. Zhevakhov, published abroad in the early 20s.

The article offered to readers by Prince Zhevakhov was written by him in the city of Bari (Italy), where he served at the courtyard of St. Nicholas of Myra of Lycia the Wonderworker in the church-archaeological office. Nikolai Davydovich died in 1938, having been honored before his death to visit Transcarpathia, not far from his native land. His homeland is Chernihiv region, the city of Priluki. Saint Joasaph was born there, and Prince N.D. Zhevakhov, his distant relative on his mother’s side, was also born there.

The article “Causes of the Death of Russia” is little known to the reader

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