When will English be made compulsory in the GIA? The compulsory exam in a foreign language will be made easier. Basic and profile level: what is the difference

Ninth-graders will be required to take this exam for the first time in three years. And in 2022 it will be included in the Unified State Examination - along with Russian, mathematics and history

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva thinks with horror about how ninth-graders will take the mandatory OGE in English in 2020. The minister admitted this at a meeting with young scientists at the Eastern Economic Forum.

Vasilyeva proposed changing the methodology of teaching a foreign language at school, focusing not on reading and translation, but on live communication. It is worth recalling that already in 2022, the unified state exam in English will become mandatory for all school graduates. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Oleg Smolin shares Vasilyeva’s concerns:

Oleg Smolin Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science“I would like to say two things. First: I understand Olga Vasilyeva’s concern about the ability of ninth-graders to pass the OGE in English. The fact is that, firstly, in Russia there is a certain shortage of teachers in foreign languages ​​in general. Secondly, if we are talking about a rural school, then this shortage becomes even worse there, since graduates of pedagogical universities and classical universities who have completed foreign language can quite often get jobs as translators, employees of mixed companies, and so on, where they pay more . But secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I would even think about whether it is worth introducing a mandatory main state exam, and then the Unified State Exam in English? The fact is that, of course, knowledge of a foreign language is extremely useful, especially for those who live in big cities, will travel abroad, and so on. But these guys, as a rule, already master a foreign language with the help of tutors. As for the majority of our citizens, I would better think, for example, about a mandatory state exam in literature, only, of course, not in the form of the Unified State Exam. To choose from: either in the form of an essay or in the form of oral literature. Let the kids read more and think more about applied ethics, which, in essence, is literature.”

Council member of the Interregional Independent Trade Union of Education Workers “Teacher” Vsevolod Lukhovitsky believes that the capital’s schools will have the hardest time. Teachers have left to engage in private practice, and this situation needs to change.

Vsevolod LukhovitskyMember of the Council of the Interregional Independent Trade Union of Education Workers "Teacher"“It’s just that a Moscow English teacher can easily make money outside of school. Considering that it was English teachers who suffered the most already in the post-Luzhkov period, under Luzhkov English teachers actually received double salaries compared to other teachers. This was considered unfair. Accordingly, in the years 2012-2014, many left schools because of this. The “Germans” were hit harder by regulatory funding, because they said: why, you have small groups, which means you should receive little.”

English will become the fourth compulsory exam after Russian, mathematics and history.

For most graduates, the most important thing is successfully passing the Unified State Exam. Many people who want to enroll in prestigious specialties will have to take the Unified State Exam in a foreign language, usually an exam in English. Today everyone is worried about the question: ? If you believe the federal laws, and in particular the new federal state educational standard, which has the abbreviation FSES, then English is included in the list of compulsory subjects. This will not affect current graduates; the new standard will come into full force in 2020. True, in part, English will be introduced as a compulsory language starting in 2013 for experimental purposes. Who exactly will fall under such an “experiment”: regions, types of schools, etc. is still unknown. However, there is a good saying: “forewarned is forearmed.”

By the way, a modern school graduate is not so unhappy; he has a huge amount of reference literature and modern technology at his disposal. In addition, do not forget about tutors, since the Unified State Exam is already a fairly well-established system, a whole clan of teachers has appeared who know how to purposefully prepare graduates for this particular form of exams. If previously the issue of tutors was acute, today even residents of small towns can afford a qualified teacher, thanks to the distance learning system. For graduates, preparing for the Unified State Exam today has many different forms and opportunities, one of which is an online tutor.

If you start preparing now, that is, at the very beginning of the school year, then you can quite count on a high score. True, you need to understand that the Unified English Language Exam is considered one of the most difficult among all Unified State Examinations. Again, if you correctly assess your strengths now, you can understand what to place special emphasis on.

For graduates, I would recommend a study guide from the reputable publishing house Pearson Longman, which very effectively prepares students for passing the Unified State Exam in English. In the very near future we will prepare an archive for you with a textbook, workbook, etc. investments so that you have the opportunity to evaluate your own strengths, and while there is still time to sketch out a plan for working on your English.

According to the project organizing committee, thanks to the teleconference, residents of 10 regions of Russia were able to directly participate in the event. The All-Russian Parents' Meeting was broadcast live on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta, as well as on the official channel of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on YouTube.

The host of the event was Valeria, a mother of three children, a singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and a member of the National Parents' Association (NPA). The Association is the main partner of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in organizing the event and developing the entire All-Russian Parents' Meeting project.

In his opening remarks, Dmitry Livanov noted the complete readiness of the education system for the new academic year. In 2015, 1.6 million students will go to first grade, which is 145 thousand more than a year ago. The total increase in the number of schoolchildren, compared to last year, will be 560 thousand people.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science especially emphasized that no major changes are planned in the school education system either in the coming or next academic year.

“Naturally, life changes, life moves forward, but no conceptual and fundamental changes will occur in the way our school lives, how teachers work, how children study,” noted Dmitry Livanov.

During the hour and a half of communication, a wide range of topics and issues that concern parents throughout the country were covered: the Unified State Examination, additional education, voluntary donations to the school, the purchase of school uniforms, the introduction of uniform textbooks in basic subjects, the provision of electronic textbooks, preventive examinations, etc.

Read below about the main theses of the Second All-Russian Parents' Meeting.

About the new testing methodology for grade 4

Tests after 4th grade have always been and will be. Now we are talking about conducting them in different regions, different schools using the same methodology, so that comparison is possible. For this purpose, new content of these verification works is introduced.

But this has nothing to do with the final certification and Unified State Examination and will not lead to an increase in the load on children and teachers.

On the introduction of the Unified State Exam in English

Federal educational standards suggest that from 2022, the English language exam will become the third compulsory exam, along with exams in the Russian language and mathematics. This will really happen, and we are preparing for it.

On the introduction of unified textbooks by subject

It is extremely important that the teacher has the opportunity to choose. We really must provide all our children who are educated in school with a single core of fundamental school knowledge.

We are not talking about switching to standard patterns, according to which all students will study and all schools will operate.

We are talking about the freedom of teachers to choose educational materials that are most useful for children and most fully contribute to solving the problem of upbringing and education.

About purchasing a school uniform

No one can force a parent to purchase from a certain store. Or from a specific manufacturer. The school uniform specifies a specific model of clothing, but it can be purchased from any manufacturer.

On the provision of electronic textbooks

Each child receives a free set of textbooks before the start of the new school year. Starting this year, each textbook is accompanied by an electronic version. Naturally, this electronic version is supplied along with new textbooks at the moment when the textbook is purchased from the publisher.

Therefore, gradually, not immediately 100%, but all electronic textbooks will become part of the life of every school and will become available to every student.

About voluntary donations to the school

Everything related to ensuring the federal educational standard - the educational program, additional classes, issues of safety and comfort of children - must be resolved at the expense of budget funds. Each school should receive the funding necessary to fully carry out its essential functions.

This does not exclude the possibility that parents can voluntarily provide assistance to the school to solve specific problems.

If, for example, parents believe that the level of security at the school is insufficient, they can, on a voluntary basis, by agreement, “chip in” and find additional money to strengthen security. The same applies to other aspects of school life. The voluntary nature of these donations is essential. There is nothing wrong with parents helping the school. This has always been the case. But everything must have a reasonable limit and be justified.

parents and school reorganization

It can only be justified if it benefits the students themselves. The main beneficiaries of this process are the students. If the unification is beneficial and increases the educational achievements of students, this can be done. If not, then there is no point in even discussing it.

How can parents influence issues related to the reorganization of schools?
In the most direct way.

Such decisions can only be made on the basis of the voluntary expression of will, firstly, by the teaching staff themselves, and secondly, by the governing councils that exist at schools. Parent councils and teaching staff must necessarily speak out on issues related to associations. Only if they have a desire to unite, only if the benefits that unification brings are obvious, can this be done.

About admission to school

The school is obliged to accept all children who find themselves - either living or temporarily staying - on the territory of the relevant municipality.

No child should be left without a place at school.

The only reason for refusal is lack of vacancies. Then the municipality is obliged to provide a place for this child in another school. This is how our legislation resolves this issue.

About the inclusive education model

Currently, more than 50% of children with special educational needs are educated in regular schools. The position of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is that parents should have a choice: receiving education in an inclusion mode or in a specialized school or specialized class.

The network of correctional schools should under no circumstances be reduced.

There should be no unjustified cuts to schools that are specifically designed to serve children with special educational needs.

schools work in one shift

Modern high-quality education is only possible in the But today, on average in Russia, about 20% of children study in the second shift. Many school buildings have reached the end of their useful life. This is a serious challenge facing the education system. Over the course of 10 years—until the 2025/26 academic year—more than 6 million new places in schools will be created.

This year, more than 100 new buildings were built throughout the country.

But this is clearly not enough to solve such a large-scale task.

Therefore, starting next year, the government is launching a special program with significant funding from the federal budget to build new school buildings and expand educational infrastructure.

On supporting technical creativity of schoolchildren

In the past academic year, the coverage of children with circle work reached the level that was at the end of the Soviet period. The failure that arose in the 90s has been overcome, but we need to move on. Modern technologies and modern fields of activity have appeared, such as robotics. In the federal state educational standard for basic schools - from grades 5 to 9 - special time is devoted to the issue of early vocational guidance for schoolchildren. These could be special lessons at an enterprise, an engineering center, or a technical university. These can be extracurricular activities, any form of club or sectional work designed to awaken a child’s interest in technical creativity.

There are opportunities today.

New educational standards provide these opportunities with resources. And it is very important that in each region a program for the development of technical creativity in children is adopted and implemented.

About information security in the school curriculum

Every year in September, a special lesson on Internet safety is held throughout Russia. The upcoming school year is no exception. But it is important that attention to this topic is not limited to one day and one lesson in September. Information security issues should be reflected in the school curriculum: both in the subject called “Fundamentals of Life Safety” and in the information technology course. And in general, the entire environment of school life should prepare children for the time when they become adults and will have to be able to independently withstand the harmful influences and risks that modern life brings.

About medical examinations and admission to school without a certificate

A medical certificate is not a required document for a child to be admitted to school on September 1. But the issues of caring for the health of children are indeed extremely relevant. It is very good that for two years now all children, without exception, have been undergoing annual medical examinations.

Unified State Exam in 2017: compulsory subjects and changes

Gaining knowledge is a long and difficult task, and showing the results of your achievements is even more difficult. How will the Unified State Exam be held in 2017, and what changes does the Ministry of Education plan to make to these exams?

The path to achieving your goals is not easy, and you have to “struggle and search” from an early age. The first schoolchildren who have experience passing the Unified State Exam have already graduated from universities, but what will today’s future school graduates face, how many subjects will they have to take in 2017?

What changes are planned to be made

Until now, the Unified State Exam was conducted in writing using the testing method - this gave the opportunity for a student who doubts the correctness of the answer to use many hints.

Students were offered specific options for answering assignments; choosing the right solution was not difficult. Careless students had the opportunity to choose the correct answer intuitively.

Considering these facts, the Ministry of Education is thinking about making changes to the methods of conducting the Unified State Exam in 2017.

The difference from previous years is that it is planned to completely eliminate the test component; the exams are supposed to be conducted in the form of a survey, as was the case before 2009.

The number of compulsory subjects will also change; previously, students took the compulsory Unified State Examination in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

What is required?

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education Natalya Tretyak proposed adding one more mandatory Unified State Examination in 2017, and by 2020 increasing their number to four!

The purpose of making changes to the Unified State Examination is to obtain reliable information about students’ knowledge.

The Russian language exam takes place, as before, in the form of an essay; this compulsory type of Unified State Examination is carried out first, and it serves as an indicator of the student’s preparation for passing other subjects. It was supposed to evaluate the essay according to the principle: “pass”/“fail”, but this system does not suit many people, since this option for evaluating work may be biased.

Any student who fails the essay on the first attempt can repeat it, but if he fails again, he will have to postpone all exams until next year.

As for the list of subjects that schoolchildren must take to choose from, it will not change:

  • physics;
  • geography;
  • literature;
  • chemistry;
  • story;
  • foreign languages;
  • Informatics;
  • social science.

It is planned that from 2017 the exam results will be reflected in the final grade in the certificate.

Basic and profile

Today's schoolchildren can choose their math exam level:

  1. Base.
  2. Profile.
  3. Two levels at the same time.

The basic level is necessary to obtain a certificate and be able to enter a university where mathematics is not an entrance exam. The basic level will be assessed using a five-point system.

The exam in mathematics at the profile level is taken by schoolchildren planning to enter a university where mathematics is included in the list of mandatory entrance tests. This exam will be scored on a 100-point scale.

Another attempt

It is noteworthy that schoolchildren will have the opportunity to additionally retake the Unified State Exam: they will be able to take the exam twice during the year. Ninth-graders will also be given the opportunity to take the exams again; previously this was only possible if they received an unsatisfactory grade.

It is planned to give schoolchildren the opportunity to improve their performance for any result, that is, even if they receive a passing grade, they can retake any subject in order to improve their grade.

What item will be added?

Disputes over an additional compulsory subject for the Unified State Exam continue; in 2017, it was planned to add a history exam. The fact is that today’s youth have very little knowledge in this area: distortion of facts and changes made after the change of political leaders did not have the best effect on them. This has led to the fact that today's schoolchildren began to receive historical knowledge in a distorted form.

In this regard, a proposal was made to introduce a history exam into compulsory subjects. But today the issue of making the Unified State Examination in history a compulsory subject in 2017 has not yet been resolved. But the Ministry of Education is preparing a project to introduce a foreign language as a compulsory subject.

From 2017, a foreign language exam will be tested; from 2022, it is planned to make it mandatory, along with mathematics and Russian.. What other mandatory Unified State Examinations will be included in this list has not yet been decided.

Ninth-graders today can receive a certificate after passing the GIA-9 in mathematics and Russian, and they will also take any two elective exams. In 2017, ninth grade students will be able to receive a certificate of education only after successfully passing all four exams.

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