When will Yellowstone explode? Predictions of the Kazakh vanga about a volcano in the USA N Yellowstone latest predictions when it will explode

The most pessimistic scenario for the awakening of a supervolcano is this: it will be an explosion comparable to the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs. The ground part of the supervolcano will collapse into a crater with a diameter of fifty kilometers. An environmental disaster will occur on Earth. For the United States, the eruption of Yellowstone would mean the end of existence.

The saddest thing is that not only alarmists, but also experts talk about such consequences. Jacob Löwenstern from the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (USA) said that during all previous eruptions of the supervolcano (there were three), more than 1 thousand km³ of magma fell out. This is enough to cover most of North America with a layer of ash up to 30 cm (at the epicenter of the disaster). Löwenstern also noted that the air temperature throughout the Earth will drop by 21 degrees, visibility for several years will become no more than half a meter. An era similar to nuclear winter will come.

Hurricane Katrina showed that the US civil defense system is not prepared for such large-scale disasters - and no country’s defense system can prepare for them.

Domestic scientists never tire of predicting the eruption of a supervolcano. Nikolai Koronovsky, head of the Department of Dynamic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, in an interview with Vesti, told what will happen after the eruption:

“Winds are predominantly westerly, so everything will go to the eastern United States. Will cover them. Solar radiation will decrease, which means the temperature will have to drop. The famous eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in the Sunda Strait in 1873 lowered the temperature by about 2 degrees in the equatorial region for a year and a half until the ash dissipated.”

For the third month in a row, all countries of the entire vast planet are languishing from heat unprecedented in the history of climatology: high temperatures persist everywhere and at the same time, which, in particular, in.

No less interesting things are happening on the islands of Great Britain, where the grass has burned out so much that the British are now looking at their country with great surprise. And they are not surprised that traditional green lawns suddenly turned yellow, the problem is different.

The problem is that when the grass burned out like this in Britain for the first time in the history of aviation, people began to take extremely interesting photographs from the air that researchers of electrical contour maps from Google had never even dreamed of:

As can be seen from these images, the whole of Great Britain stands on the ruins of something very large and ancient, which frightened officials are now hastily classifying as the buildings of some kind of Pithecanthropus. And one can only guess what things will be revealed from the air, if the grass all over Russia burns out in the same way, official historians will probably just go crazy right away from such a volume of information.

However, now we are not talking about restoring the correct chronology, but about widespread high temperatures, which none of the officials explain. In fact, there are not many of these explanations, only four:

  • a) geoengineering (chemtrails and the greenhouse effect caused by them);
  • b) increase in radiation from the Sun;
  • c) the appearance in the Solar System of a new object, the radiation of which is comparable to that of the sun;
  • d) radiation from the Earth itself, which increased due to some new processes in the core.

Our regular readers know that we are supporters of the fourth version, which explains not only climatic, but also volcanic and geomagnetic anomalies observed in recent years.

How correct is our theory (all materials about this can be found under the Seismology tag)

Time will tell, however, as it turned out quite by accident, our rather crazy theory is shared by the medieval Austrian monk Johannes Friede, who, as stated in his biography, lived in 1257 and predicted, in particular, the Second World War and Adolf Hitler.

His latest prophecies, in general, are of little interest to us; everything is clear with the Second World War, but here is what he writes about the climatic anomalies that will begin before the Third World War:

The first sign will be the fiery colors of Jupiter, which... will shake the spirit of man... (Das erste Zeichen werden die Feuergarben des Jupiter sein, die... den Geist des Menschen aufrütteln)

Which Jupiter? What are the fiery colors? Are these the mysterious flares at the southern pole of the planet that were observed in October last year?

“When the great time comes in which humanity faces its final ordeal, it will be heralded by astonishing changes in nature; the change between cold and heat will become more intense, storms will be more catastrophic, earthquakes will devastate large areas, and seas will overflow many low-lying areas. And not all this will be the result of natural causes, but man will penetrate into the bowels of the earth and reach the clouds, playing games with his own existence."

We have highlighted the most interesting fragment, in our opinion. That is, this medieval monk writes about what we have been observing today for several years in a row: incredibly cold winters, which are replaced, with virtually no spring, by incredibly hot summers. And every year the winter gets colder and the summer gets hotter.

“Before the forces of destruction succeed, the universe will be thrown into disorder, and the age of iron will sink into nothingness. When the nights are filled with more intense cold and the days are unprecedentedly hot, new life will begin in nature. At the same time, the sun will weaken, which will become noticeable within a few years, and heat will mean radiation from the Earth (Mit der Hitze ist Erdstrahlung gemeint).

“Finally, complete darkness will be established and it will last for three days and three nights. At this time, people deprived of the power of light will fall into a sleep-like sleep from which many will not awaken, especially those who do not have a spark of spiritual life. When the sun rises and appears again, the earth will be covered in a blanket of ash. It will be like snow in winter, except that the snow will be the color of sulfur. A humid fog will rise from the Earth, stinking of volcanic gases..."

A huge number of sources speak about certain “three days of darkness” into which the planet will plunge, we will not bore the reader with quotes or listing the sources themselves, we will only say that “three days of darkness” are mentioned by every second medieval prophecy and they are also spoken about dozens of prophets and sensitives of the last century. However, it is possible that this Johannes Friede clarifies something about this, since the picture he described strongly resembles a catastrophic tectonic event, as a result of which the entire biosphere is poisoned by volcanic gases. And what’s surprising: he writes that “the days will be hot” and that “the heat will come from the radiation of the earth” (the German text is given if anyone has doubts about radiation).

Further, since some monk of the 13th century showed such awareness about flares on Jupiter, about the “radiation of the earth”, about the Second and Third World Wars, after the last of which there will be some kind of “big event” in the sky, let us turn to other texts left by other monks.

For example, the French priest Rigord of St. Denis, who is said to have lived somewhere in the 12th century, reports:

“At that time the thunders of earthquakes will be heard, which will strike terror in the hearts of people, after which such a strong wind will come from the sea, from the western corner, that it will raise sand and dust from the surface of the earth until they cover even the trees and towers... And all countries will be covered with sand and dust for this wind will rise from the western corner and reach the western corner, covering all the countries of Egypt and Ethiopia ... as well as the lands of Rome.”

Agree, this is a very unusual description of the cataclysm for the 12th century; there was nothing even close to this in known official history. The western corner for Europe is the Atlantic, from where the “thunder of earthquakes” will come, after which such a wind will come from there that even the tops of the trees will be covered with sand.

It is surprisingly similar to the eruption of a supervolcano, because if, for example, Yellowstone explodes somewhere in America, then this is exactly what will happen - this is what geologists say. Moreover, there will be two waves of high pressure: first, a wave that has passed through the Atlantic will come to Europe, then a wave will come that has come through the Pacific Ocean and Asia. And this Rigord of St. Denis writes this way: “this wind will rise from the western corner and reach the western corner.”

In general, it is very likely that both this Austrian monk Johannes and his French colleague Rigord Saint-Denis saw the same thing: some kind of epic cataclysm that strongly resembles an exploding supervolcano. However, we cannot say that these medieval texts themselves inspire much confidence, since the manuscripts presented by the Vatican are only copies of these medieval documents, dating no earlier than the 17th century. Therefore, in order to somehow confirm or refute these documents, I would like to look at something more recent, that is, prophecies, the originals of which have survived. And as it turned out, such prophecies not only exist, but in bulk.

For example Sr. Marie Jehannet, another Catholic clergyman, born in 1850, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. He recorded the following revelation he received:

“There will be a three-day Darkness in all nature; for three nights and two days there will be continuous night. A sign of the approach of these events will be strange loud sounds - the strangest ones ever heard.

Then strange clouds will come - red, like blood, moving across the skies and generating unprecedented lightning, and the earth will begin to become covered with cracks all over the world. But one day the Earth will tremble before its competition, causing the ocean to foam and wave after wave to roll onto the shore. And then the Earth will become a cemetery.”

When citing certain prophecies, ancient or modern, we always explained to our readers that we are not some very religiously concerned citizens, talking about the End of the World and the need to urgently run to a monastery and, like, save themselves. However, visions of certain future events by certain people are a fact that cannot be ignored, especially when these visions begin to be confirmed centuries later. Therefore, as these medieval monks described the approaching planetary tectonic events, this is exactly how everything will most likely be one day.

Yellowstone Volcano 2019 - The first major release of magma, which occurred a few days ago, indicates that an eruption is beginning.The latest news for today and the opinions of NOD experts eloquently indicate that over 70% of cities on the US map may be destroyed.

In this article:

  • The scale of the disaster
  • Latest news 2019
  • Chronicle of events and signs of an eruption
  • When will the eruption begin (forecasts and predictions)
  • What will the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano mean for Russia?

Yellowstone National Park. Beautiful canyons, waterfalls, geysers. A virgin but sometimes dead forest.

When you walk along the scaffolding to the water-filled caldera, from time to time the ground makes a rumble and tremors occur. The wooden flooring cracks and a shiver runs through your body.

Like a giant rectum affected by polyps, a volcanic nozzle filled with green water goes deep. From time to time, smoky hydrogen sulfide bubbles burst out of the water with an eerie sob.

There, at the bottom of the caldera, under a thin partition of rocks - DEATH. And few people imagine HOW DANGEROUS IS THIS? for the whole Earth.

The scale of the disaster

The eruption power of the Yellowstone volcano is about 1,375,000 megatons of TNT, or about 23 thousand copies of the famous nuclear “Tsar Bomba”.

The amount of ash that will rise into the air will be about 300 billion cubic meters. The area of ​​dispersion of large fragments will be about 3000 kilometers. Scientists predict a shift of the lithospheric plate 12 kilometers to the west, total flooding due to short heating of the ocean and melting glaciers.

Light fractions will settle in the air, which will lead to a volcanic winter for 10-12 years.

The temperature on Earth will increase by 10-15 degrees in the first days, and then drop by 20-30 degrees. The North Pacific Ocean will be covered in ice for the first three years. The Bering Strait will freeze completely.

As a result of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, 200 million people will die immediately, another 4 billion (!) will die within 5 years as a result of floods, famine and food wars.

10-12 years after the Yellowstone eruption, the Earth's population will return to the level of the 18th century, most countries will disappear from the map of the earth. Mexico, USA and Canada will become completely dead regions. America may go under water for 1-2 years.

Latest news 2019

1st of May. Paths in Yellowstone Park reached record temperatures. A group of tourists from Taiwan's flip-flops melted

20 April. A new thermal zone has been discovered near Lake West Tern. It is formed due to the approach of the magmatic layer to the surface of the earth. The forest near the thermal zone began to die.

April 2. The Pentagon is massively purchasing gas masks.The amount is shocking - almost 250 million dollars, but in fact this is very little, and is not enough for the entire population of the United States. Gas and volcanic dust protection kits will only be available to 2.5 million people.

March 16. American Mormons fleeing the Yellowstone volcano were detained in Kuban. They will be deported back.

28th of February. Experts from the US Geological Survey USGS noted high volcanic activity in neighboring California. According to them, the probability of an eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano, Shasta and Lassen volcanoes is 16%. In turn, the activity could trigger an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, which is located in the zone of influence of the North American lithospheric plate.

February, 15. Carcasses of muskrats have begun to be found in the Yellowstone River. Biologists believe that this is a consequence of an increase in the sulfur content of the water and its temperature due to volcanic activity.

February 4. Scientists have recorded a partial release of magma from the bottom of the volcano. The rising soil and increasing temperature of the magma chamber are also worrying experts.

Jan. 7. INNASA admitted its powerlessness in preventing the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. The project to drill wells to inject water and redirect magma has been deemed futile. Scientists are frantically looking for new solutions.

December 24. Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser breaks 1964 record. The recently dormant geyser became active in 2018 and erupted several times more than 54 years ago. This is the most powerful geyser in the park, it shoots boiling water to a height of more than 120 meters.

Chronicle of events and signs of an eruption

A number of signs indicate that the Yellowstone volcano is beginning to erupt, its activity is increasing, so a global catastrophe is just around the corner. 2019 may be the last year of prosperous existence for humanity.

Chronicle of Yellowstone Caldera activity:


Fragments of magma from the Sheridan fumarole were found in the Wapiti River. Death of small animals. The Pentagon is purchasing gas masks. A new thermal zone has been found on West Turn Lake.

An increase in geyser activity, Steamboat breaks the record set in 1964. The concentration of sulfur in the atmosphere exceeded the norm for the first time. For the first time, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude exceeding calculations was recorded - 7.8 points, stronger than in 1959.

New cracks were found in dead trees near thermal springs as a result of increased temperatures. The area of ​​endangered forest has increased by 34 hectares. In March, the Grand Geyser “Old Faithful” threw out a sheaf of sparks with pieces of magma instead of boiling water.

Landslides on Signal and Gorbataya mountains, the death of two men in a tent. Increase in hydrogen sulfide concentration close to normal. The intensity of soil uplift reached 10 cm per year.

Mass migration of small animals from the vicinity of the volcano. American lake rats, muskrats and muskrats began to leave places inhabited for centuries. In January, a strong gas release was recorded on the northern shore of the lake.

Soil growth of 5-6 cm per year has been observed. Massive death of bison from gas release. Complete extinction of the lynx, reduction in the number of foxes and coyotes. The Steamboat geyser woke up, and almost 200 new thermal springs were discovered in a year. The beginning of growing panic about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano.

The increase in seismic activity forced the authorities to build a volcanic observatory. NASA has been tasked with creating a project to neutralize the volcano.

The beginning of a decline in animal numbers. The US authorities have begun measures to artificially maintain the fauna in the national. Yellowstone Park was home to wolves, grizzly bears and other species.

A catastrophic fire due to a sudden release of magma from the mountain sphincter. Kennedy. Almost 4,000 km2 of forest burned, and the city of Dildostown was destroyed.

More than 3000 earthquakes per year. Lowering of the caldera has been recorded, which may indicate a reduction in the thickness of the protective layer of hard rock between the magma and the atmosphere.

The volcano began to wake up. Earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4, the destruction of the dam on Lake Hebgen. Faults and cracks formed in the ground, killing 30 people. A new lake has appeared - Quake.

The greatest concern is precisely the increase in the dynamics of seismic activity, the increase in gas emissions and the emergence of new geysers. Such signs always precede erupting volcanoes.

For the USA and Canada, the eruption threatens complete extinction.

When will the eruption begin (forecasts and predictions)

Predictions about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano were made not only by famous astrologers and prophets; physicists like Newton and Jose Ramon Espinoza laid out the prerequisites for this in their calculations.

Nostradamus prophesied about signs of the end of the world in the form of earthquakes, floods and great famine, which fully fits into the concept of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Vanga talked a lot about how “America will freeze” and will be “shackled by a cloud” for many years.

From the point of view of probability theory, it was calculated that the Yellowstone disaster could be 0.00014% per year. The last eruption was 640 thousand years ago.

That is, today in 2019 the probability is... 89,6% !

The exact date of the eruption is probably already known to NASA specialists, who have covered the National Park in Wyoming with sensors since the early 2000s and are monitoring the situation around the clock. However, they are naturally silent about this, since the resulting panic could cause much greater damage to humanity, provoke wars and a migration collapse on the eve of the eruption. More detailed scientific justification.

The world government will suffer and the world will plunge into complete chaos and anarchy. Post-apocalysis scenarios realized in films will become a reality. It is important to preserve at least the basic laws formed in the UN, international conventions and so on.

In the next two years, humanity simply must find a way out of the situation, otherwise it faces extinction.

What will the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano mean for Russia?

Russia will not be directly affected by the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Cold weather and floods will not bypass it, there will be a severe food crisis, but V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev overcame more difficult times, and now Russia has almost no public debt, has rich gold and foreign exchange reserves and a strong ruble. There will be enough oil and electricity to run autonomous greenhouses for growing food. The strategic food reserves of the Ministry of Defense will be enough for the first two years, then through surplus appropriation and austerity policies, food will be fairly distributed through a special commission from the United Russia party.

The biggest problem is the flow of refugees from Canada, the USA and Mexico. Given the freezing of the Pacific Ocean, they will flee en masse across the ice to Russia. And no machine guns can stop them; all hope is in the Iskanders, which will make giant holes in the ice.

Americans who defect will bring a lot of trouble to Russia. They will drag their national debt, juvenile justice and gay rights. In overcrowded Khrushchev buildings, scandals will begin over tolerance. But in the end, Putin will give them the right to reside in exchange for recognition of Crimea.

The Internet will die out due to the death of Microsoft, Intel, Android and the largest American servers. People will exchange information in lines for palm oil and feed grain, which will be issued to them using ration cards.

Of course, in view of the acute crisis, the retirement age and gasoline prices will have to be raised somewhat more, but Russia will lose its major enemy - America, which was still threatened with slow extinction due to obesity and the collapse of the dollar.

The Yellowstone volcano in 2019 should serve as a motivator to stock up on food, build shelters, buy watercraft, warm clothing and respirators; a smart person can save his family if he starts preparing for an eruption right now.

Appearance of the Virgin MaryPedro Regis Alves in the city of Angiera (Brazil). September 29, 1987The apparition of Our Lady began in the city of Anghiera two decades ago. To this day, this extraordinary phenomenon continues, and no one knows the date of its end, not even Pedro Regis. During this time, he received many revelations and warnings from the Virgin Mary - about 3500. All messages from the Virgin Mary begin with the address: “Dear children,” and end with the words “This message that I give you today comes in the name of the Trinity. Thank you for their permission to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Spirit of the Father, the Son and the Holy. Amen". The Revelations of the Virgin Mary contains a lot of information about the future tectonic cataclysm.

07/11/2010. (prediction date) "Terrible events will occur in the famous America's national park . A devastating fire will begin and people will cry and lament."

This probably refers to Yellowstone National Park, which is home to a huge supervolcano. Based on the latest information, the pressure of magma under the crust of this volcano has increased significantly. Magma rises higher and higher. The surface of the earth has risen at the site of the caldera over the past ten years by almost two meters. As soon as the magma pressure in this area becomes higher than the critical norm, an explosion will occur with catastrophic consequences not only for North America, but also for the whole world. There will be a release of huge amounts of ash and volcanic gases. A stream of hot lava will pour out onto the earth's surface. Everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers will be destroyed. Acid rain will fall to the ground, clouds of ash and smoke from fires will pollute the atmosphere and a kind of “volcanic winter” will begin.

16/02/2010. Dear sons and daughters, Orel ( USA) will not fly smoothly. His nest will tremble and everyone will experience great fear. Kneel in prayer.

13/03/2010. Death will come to San Francisco (USA ) and my poor children will live during a time of great trouble.

03/23/2010. Humanity is approaching a sad future. The earth will shake and cracks will appear on it. My poor children in Carr ( city ​​in Minnesota, USA ) will be under a heavy cross. The earth will lose its balance and terrible destruction will begin.

18/07/2010. I suffer because of what is coming to you. In the Eagle's Nest ( USA ) there will be invasions and great destruction. Terror will spread, and my children from poor families will cry and mourn. Find strength in Jesus.

17/09/2010 . The world is full of deceit and people walk like the blind leading the blind. Hamilton (several cities of the same name in different regions of the world:USA, Canada, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, capital of Bermuda) will see the death of his people and people will cry and cry. Repent and come back.

13/11/2010. I will talk to My Jesus about you. You will have great trials on Earth. Salina (island in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily), Kingston (several cities with the same name: England, USA, Canada Jamaica, Australia). In Salinas, death will pass and there will be great sadness for my children from poor families.

30/11/2010. Return to God to be saved. A future of great and sad trials is approaching. Belen ( several cities in different regions of the world: Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, USA, Costa Rica, Türkiye) and Morocco, death will come with water and my poor children will cry and lament. Kneel in prayer. At the end of the tribulation the Earth will be transformed and everyone will live happily ever after.

11/12/2010. Great challenges await you. The cross will be heavy for those who are in Cuatru Barras and Tres Barras ( cities in Brazil). I suffer because of what is coming to you.

Dear sons and daughters, humanity is moving towards Golgotha ​​and the moment has come for your sincere repentance. Don't walk away from the Lord. He loves you and is waiting for you with open arms. Take care of your spiritual life and imitate My Son Jesus in everything... Death will pass through Maldonaldo (city in Uruguay) and Rio Grande (river in the USA and Mexico) Those in Turbo will experience the same suffering.

12/02/2011. I know each of you by name, and I will talk to my son Jesus about you. Those who are in Lot ( city ​​and port in Chile) will bear a heavy cross. In Tom ( city ​​in the USA, Wisconsin ) there will be a time of sadness and my poor children will experience great suffering.

10/04/2011. Pray, pray, pray. Vancouver (Vancouver city ​​in Canada and city ​​of the same name in the northwestern United States ) will bear a heavy cross, and those who live in Porto Santo ( resort island, Portugal), they will call for help. These are difficult times for all of humanity. Flee from sin and serve the Lord with joy.

04/30/2011. Dear children, turn away from sin and serve the Lord with faith and truth. Don't let the devil enslave you... You will still see horrors on earth. Novato ( city ​​in California, USA ) cry for help. We will see in Bitola ( city ​​in Macedonia) great destruction. Pray, pray, pray.

How the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano can affect Russia. Prophecies about future earthquakes in Russia:

74 thousand years ago, a giant volcanic eruption in Indonesia shook the Earth. The explosion raised a cloud of volcanic ash to a height of 3 thousand km and caused a global volcanic winter. The resulting crater was larger in area than the modern territory of London. It was not just an eruption, but a super-eruption. At that time, the human race had stopped developing, although only a few thousand people lived on the planet.

But what will happen if the next super eruption occurs in the center of the country, where more than 300 million people live?!

640 thousand years ago, as a result of catastrophic eruptions, the largest volcanic system in North America was formed - the Yellowstone caldera. Yellowstone is a huge geyser field that is currently a national park. There are about 3 thousand lakes in the park, which is 2/3 of the geysers in the world. According to American scientists, the super-eruption in Yellowstone will kill more inhabitants of the planet than all previous eruptions combined.

During its last eruption, the upper part of the volcano literally fell into the bowels of the earth. Therefore, one of its characteristics is that it invisible– it can only be discovered after the eruption. These kinds of supervolcanoes are considered the most dangerous on our planet, since they explode during an eruption. Their power is tens of times greater than that of ordinary volcanoes. According to scientists, the force of the Yellowstone volcano eruption will be 2500 times stronger than the eruption of Mount Etna, and when Yellowstone explodes, its consequences can only be compared to the explosion of a dozen atomic bombs at once.

Yellowstone Caldera: scientists' forecasts

According to the most modest forecasts of various scientists, the super-eruption of the Yellowstone caldera could globally affect a sharp climate change on the entire planet. But the worst thing is that it is capable of instantly destroying life on almost an entire continent. Scientists simulated this situation and came to the conclusion that already in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the area adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone will cover the entire territory of the United States and part of Canada with ash, which will lead to the death of people currently in this zone from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. And these are not all the deadly and destructive consequences. (report “About the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems" ).

The maximum we have is a few decades, taking into account the upcoming events!
This entire looming catastrophic situation on the North American continent is currently aggravated by the significant economic crisis of the society living in the mentioned territories. It is no longer a secret that in the near future the world currency will “suddenly” cease to exist and become cheaper than the paper on which it is printed. No matter how they hide this fact, today it has already become public. This will happen suddenly, however, as always, and hundreds of millions of people not only in this leading country, but also in other countries of the world will become poor overnight.

The collapse of the world currency will result in a serious economic crisis throughout the world. This will especially affect the population of those countries that were not prepared for it. And it is no longer news to everyone that, in connection with upcoming events on the planet, the level of climate refugees will increase qualitatively. Natural disasters, climate change, and economic crisis will force people to leave their homes in search of a safer place to live, a place where there is at least some opportunity to feed themselves and their families.

In modern consumer society, selfishness and a sense of ownership prevail. As a result, discomfort will arise, aggression and hostility will increase, people will kill each other for a piece of bread and a roof over their heads. Humanity may simply cease to exist.

Changing values ​​in society will help cope with disasters

That is why it is very important for us to change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual, moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, friendship, mutual assistance would come first in relationships between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future. As it is said in the poems of Eduard Asadov:

“In any matter, with maximum difficulties, the approach to the problem is still the same: desire is a set of possibilities, and reluctance is a set of reasons...”

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