Summary of a hospital book in the preparatory group. Social work at school. Sealing the tear along the spine

She organized a children’s club “Knizhkina Hospital” at Noginsk City Library No. 1. My mother works in this library and during her work she saw how many children mistreat books. Mom composed a fairy tale story, “The Offended Book,” which she published in the publishing house. The book uses my drawings for the fairy tale. After reading her book, I got the idea to organize a “Book Hospital” club in the library. At first, I posted an advertisement in the library about the creation of a circle and the children became interested. I decided to hold the club on my day off, on Sundays, because on other days the guys are busy with the educational process, and I also work. The library is open on Sundays. The first lesson was attended by only girls of different ages from 8 to 12 years old. The boys also joined the next class. One girl, Svetailo Sasha, always came with her mother and they repaired books together. I prepared everything needed for classes myself. And I started my history studies:
“When night falls, the “sick” books begin to cry and complain to each other about their fate: they can no longer stand on their own on the shelf or travel in readers’ backpacks; the torn, wrinkled pages hurt them. The books are crying and waiting for help from you guys.”
The guys' help consisted of repairing books. In the reading room, I covered a large work table with oilcloth, prepared all the necessary items on the table: scissors, glue, brushes, tape, paper, rags, napkins, an awl, threads, an eraser, aprons, etc. The classes began with safety instructions (their I printed it on separate sheets). Beginners who signed up for the club always read the safety instructions before starting work.
Safety briefing.
Before starting work, safety training is mandatory.
Rules for preparing the workplace before starting classes
1. Place an oilcloth and a work board on the table.
2. Prepare the necessary materials and tools for work.
3. Prepare a cloth or napkin for your hands.
Rules for cleaning your workplace
1. Place materials and tools in a box.
2. Collect scraps of material and debris from the table and floor.
3. Wipe the instruments and desk with a cloth.
5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap.
6. Put away all accessories.

Rules for safe work with scissors
1. Keep your work area tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors.
4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended.
Rules for safe work with glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.
3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

There are always a lot of books in the library that need repair. At first I selected them myself, then I decided that the guys would also participate in this process. Mom helped design two book exhibitions: one with “sick” books that require treatment, the other with “recovered” books: “Be healthy, little book!” I placed exhibitions in the children's subscription and in the reading room so that all readers coming to the library could clearly see that books need to be treated with care, because one book can serve for a long time, and even for more than one generation of readers.
I wrote a letter on behalf of the books and attached it next to the book exhibitions for clarity.
Letter from “sick” books:
“Dear students! We live in the central city library of the Zarechye microdistrict of Noginsk. For many years now, schoolchildren have been taking us off the shelf to read. And because of this we have grown old, but once we were young, beautiful, new, just a sight for sore eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look: our covers are torn, the pages are hand-drawn. We have become ugly, old, torn... We really want to be the same and for the children to love us and treat us carefully. We hope that there will be good students who can “cure” us and put us in order.
With respect to you - Books"
When the children were repairing books, I read out excerpts from my mother’s fairy tale, they were interested in how the story with the boy would end, but I postponed the continuation for the next lesson, arousing their interest.
Each lesson was carried out with enthusiasm; the children were interested in the process of restoring books. They looked through them, erased the marks on the pages with an eraser, glued the covers, touched up the titles of the books, and some of the guys drew the covers again.
One day the idea came to me to conduct a role-playing game “Book Hospital” with the children, which the children really liked. The children did not wear aprons for work, but a white coat and a doctor’s cap to truly feel like a doctor.
I distributed the roles: “Chief doctor” - I, as the organizer of the circle, led the process, “doctors” (“surgeons”, “resuscitation doctors”, “cosmetologists”), “nurses”, “nurses” repair books, “ orderlies" perform unskilled work (bring books, apply pressure, arrange "cured" books.
Selection of “patients”: The “Medical Commission” selected “patients”, books that would be “treated” first.
Establishing diagnoses and choosing a method of “treatment”: erase inscriptions, glue pages, repair the cover, etc.
Selection of tools and medicines: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.
Tools for curing books:
1. White paper
2. Colored paper
3. Cardboard
4. Eraser
5. Glue
6. Brush
7. Scissors
8. Ruler
9. Simple pencil
10. Colored pencils
11. Paints
12. Scotch tape
Symptoms of the disease:
The binding has dried out and come unglued
The cover came off
Pages fell out
Pages covered with writing
Corners of pages are curled
Treatment is prescribed for sick patients:

Straighten curled pages;
Erase pencil marks with an eraser;
Tape the pages
Glue the roots with colored paper (or tape);
Update covers.

It was necessary to choose the right treatment and cure the book!
Chief physician of the “book hospital”
_____________________/M. Yu.. Kurbatova /

This is how the children liked my idea of ​​repairing books. Along the way, I celebrated the children with a letter from the library, a certificate and sweet prizes. This gave the children the opportunity to more fully understand the importance of their work.
I wanted to organize an excursion for the guys to a bookbinding workshop, where there are real big machines, but, unfortunately, in our city it closed a long time ago, so
In the future, I plan to organize for children, members of the circle, an excursion to a real printing house in the city of Noginsk, where books are published.
I also plan to distribute my mother’s fairy tale to libraries in the Moscow region so that other children know how important it is to treat books with care.

Svetlana Anatolyevna Dashkina

Lesson notes« Knizhkina hospital» V preparatory group.

Dashkina S. A

Target: Develop a caring attitude towards books, teach how to repair them. Develop emotional responsiveness, attention, mental operations.

Move classes: Children are sitting at the table. - Guys, listen and guess riddle:

What kind of good friends live in my house?

They are on the shelves in the closet

In thick and thin bindings,

Friends tell me

What's happening on earth.

What is this riddle about?

Do you have books at home?

Guys, why do you think we need books?

Children's answers.

Guys, where do books live in our group? That's right, in the “Izba Reading Room”. Let's go to our books.

We approach the reading hut

Look, in my opinion, not everything is in order in the reading hut. Does anything surprise you?

There are old, torn, and written books on the table.

Children's answers.

This morning I'm on the doorstep group found a letter: “Hello, dear guys! We, the books, wrote this letter to you. It just so happened that we were once new, beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes! Now look at us! What happened to us? We have become old, not beautiful, torn. We really want to be the same, beautiful. We hope that you will help us, that you will be able to cure us and put us in order. With respect to you - books."

Guys, why do you think books have become like this?

How can we help sick books?

That's right, guys.

In our a hospital has been opened for torn books.

You and I will fly now books. So that good children read them for a long time.

But in order to heal sick books, you need to know what hurts them. Let's take a look at how the book is organized. A good reader should know the names of the parts of the book.

The first cover protects the book from damage and gives it an elegant look. She will tell you who the author of the book is and what it is called.

Secondly, the pages have the text of the book printed on them. How more pages, the thicker the book.

Third, drawings and pictures in books are also called illustrations. A book with illustrations is more interesting to read.

The fourth spine is the main part of the book. It holds all the pages and cover of the book together.

So what parts do books consist of?

And now it's time to cure our books, giving them a diagnosis.

If the book got sick, pages fell out,

She will always be cured « Knizhkina hospital» .

All the children tell what they will do. Then they do the work.

Well done boys! You did a good job helping the books, I think they are grateful to you.

Tell me, guys, how should we treat books so that they don’t hurt? (carefully, neatly).

Let's remember the rules of caring for books.

1. Don't tear books.

2. Do not draw or write on the pages.

3. Do not fold the pages.

4. Do not pick up books with dirty hands.

Well done boys! I think you always follow these rules.

Publications on the topic:

Our kindergarten hosted the “Book Week” project, the purpose of this project was to introduce the author A. Barto Goal: To introduce children to.

Summary of collective work activity in the senior group “Book Hospital” Integration: “Cognitive” development, “Speech” development, “Artistic and aesthetic” development, “Physical” development, “Socially.

Summary of OOD on drawing “Hospital for a comb” in the second junior group Summary of conducting educational activities in the field of “Artistic Creativity” with children of the second junior group. The lesson was held as part of a thematic week.

Summary of an open lesson in the 2nd junior group Topic: Role-playing game “Hospital” Program content: 1. Reinforce previously received.

Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the second junior group Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the second junior group. Goal: To develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Hospital”.

Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group “Hospital” Summary of a role-playing game in the senior group on the topic: “Hospital” Prepared and conducted by teacher: Ezhkova T.V. Accompanying game: “Daughters.

"Knizhkina Hospital"
Goal: to develop cognitive interest in the book and the ability to navigate the book after becoming familiar with its elements.
Guess the riddle:
Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but telling? - That's right, it's a book.
A book is a smart friend.
She will tell you everything
And expand the circle of knowledge,
She will show you the right path
You can relax with a book,
It makes the long journey shorter.
The book illuminated our lives.
Books contain knowledge.
Knowledge is power!
Take a look at our desktop. What do you see? Does anything surprise you? (There are old, torn, covered books on the table)
This morning a letter came to the class from sick books
Letter from “sick” books:
“Dear guys! We live in the school library. For many years now, schoolchildren have been taking us off the shelf to read. And because of this we have grown old, but once we were young, beautiful, new, just a sight for sore eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look! We have become ugly, old, torn... We really want to be the same, we dream that children will love us and treat us carefully. We hope that there will be good students who can “cure” us and put us in order. With respect to you - Books."
- What do we say to books? What do you think we will do today?
But in order to become a “doctor” for our sick books, we need to make a diagnosis, understand what hurts them.
What part of the book is sick?
How to handle a book so it doesn't hurt
In our class, guys
A hospital has been opened for torn books.
We must put them all in order,
Save poor books from destruction.
Imagine that you and I have become doctors,
There is only one task before us:
Heal the sick so that they become healthy,
May good people read them for a long time.
But in order to treat sick books, you need to know what hurts them. Therefore, you need to become familiar with how the book is organized. A good reader should definitely know the names of the parts of the book
Introduction to the elements of the book. -On the tables there are tablets on which the main elements of books are written (cover, dust jacket, binding, book block, title page, pages, illustrations, spine, captal, strap, contents, endpaper, endpaper, edge).
Book repair work.
Read the names of the parts of the book and select cards with words that are familiar to you into one group, and cards with unfamiliar words into the other. Match familiar concepts with parts of the book. Show these parts to each other. What parts of the book were you unable to explain and show? And now it’s time to repair our books by giving them a “diagnosis”.
Establishing diagnoses and choosing a method of “treatment”: erase inscriptions, glue pages, repair the cover, etc.
Selection of tools and “medicines”: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.
The guys work in groups. Each group needs to repair the spine of the book, pasting a strip of paper, attitude in a given situation, express their emotions;
(The guys examine the books, draw a conclusion which part of the book requires repair. They offer options for repairing the books.
Erase fingerprints and pencil marks with an eraser. If a book has a torn page, it must be taped back so that the text is visible. A wrinkled page can be smoothed out with a warm iron.
erase the pencil inscriptions on the pages, tape the parts of the torn pages together with tape.
Practical part. Book repair.
If the book is “sick”,
pages fell out
She will always be cured
"Knizhkina Hospital":
Careful "doctors" - kind kids
- The pages will be glued together without a trace!
Be healthy, book!”
Knizhkina hospital
This book is sick.
Her brother tore her up.
If the book is sick,
I won't go to the doctors -
I'll sew it myself and glue it.
I will cure the book myself.
The book will become “new” again
Both beautiful and healthy
Exhibition of repaired books. It is the exhibition of repaired books that proves the benefits of the work of the Book Hospital.
All children's works are living evidence of the benefits of this work.
How can you keep your books healthy? (statements from the guys)3. Drawing up rules for handling the book.
What is the book afraid of?
Is the book afraid of rain? Does the book love snow? Does the book like to travel to the library in a bag or waterproof bag? Is the book afraid of dirty hands? Can a pencil be a bookmark? Pie? Bookmark? Does a book like to be read while eating? Is the book afraid of being torn? Does a book like to be a stand for another book? Does a book like to be wrapped in a cover? Does a book like to have notes written on it?
A book should not get wet - this will spoil it. A wet book's pages warp, the binding swells and delaminates. When you go to the library, put the book in your bag or waterproof bag.
The book does not like dirty hands. They leave stains on the pages of the book. It is especially difficult to clean grease stains if you place a book next to a plate.
Don’t read while you eat. If you go to dinner, put the book away on the shelf, and make sure that your brother doesn’t dirty the pages in it.
So that children have books
In the library, at school,
Many people worked
In the factory and in the field.
Your father and mother worked.
You should respect
Their labors and worries -
Take care of both the book and notebook,
Do not wrinkle, do not stain, do not fray
Pages, bindings.
Books are our best friends
They give us happiness
And this book is mine too,
And partly yours too!
View slides, formulate rules.
Were you familiar with all the rules? What new have you learned?
 Wrap the book.
Use the bookmark
Read a book while sitting at the table.
Don't tear pages out of a book, don't write in books.
Don't read while eating. There may be stains on the book.
Handle the book only with clean hands.
Don't bend the book. This will lead to a break.
After reading, put the book back. Don't throw away the book
I am a book!
I'm your comrade!
Be careful with me, schoolboy...
My clean look is always pleasant:
Protect me from stains!
Leave the bad habit:
While browsing, don’t slobber on your fingers!
Ay! You covered me in soup!
Oh! You dropped me on the floor!
Don't bend my binding!
Don't break my spine!
What kind of animals are here? What kind of birds?
It is not good to dirty the pages!
Did you bend my sheets again?
Do you remember about the bookmark?
Don't forget me in the garden!
What if it rains as bad luck?
Wrap me in a cover!
Where you found me, return me there!
Remember: I'm your best friend
But not for dirty hands!
Now let's solve the riddles and check what you know about the book.
Don't look for a book in a pharmacy,
Book House –...
Answer: library
Book clothes.
What's this? ...
Answer: cover
We see the first sheet here.
Well, what's his name?
Answer: title
What kind of sisters are these?
Yes, this is...
Answer: pages
I also ask for your attention:
Below here... editions.
Answer: How can I find out what is in the book?
... read.
Answer: content
I will read poetry, and you, where necessary, shout together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” And where it is not necessary, be silent and clap.
Do any of you friends remember that you can’t live without books?
Who took so many books that he forgot to hand them in? Who, tell me without prompting, reads fairy tales to children?
Who, straightening his chest and shoulders, is glad to see us today? Who is now and forever the library's faithful friend?
Who has read so many books that he doesn’t remember what’s in them? Who, tell me, takes care of his textbook for a whole year?
Which one of you grabs a book to give your enemy a bump?
Is there anyone among you who flies like an arrow from books?
How many of you, friends, know that you can’t dirty books and tear them?
Rules for using the library Take care of books Return books on time Do not disturb the arrangement of books Maintain order and silence in the library.
Review all your textbooks, repair them if necessary.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

General developmental kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Pervomaisky district


Head of MADOU


Sukhno N.N.

Project “Knizhkina Hospital”

“Be healthy, book!”

Project Manager:

teacher Yudina N.V.

With. Pervomayskoe - 2015.

Project “Knizhkina Hospital”

“Be healthy, book!”

The Knizhkina Hospital project is very timely and relevant.

The main thing in the project is that students will be able to improve the level of their book culture and will empathize. It is possible that children will begin to perceive the book as a living creature that gives them smart thoughts, entertains them, without demanding anything in return. At the same time, these silent creatures also need care and care. By participating in the Knizhkina Hospital project, children will be able to show kindness, responsiveness and talent. By constantly working with children, captivate them with something new, truly useful, and the children will willingly respond and get involved in the work with desire and interest.

Goals and objectives:

    Forming in children a caring attitude towards objects, including books

    Creating a situation of success for every child

    Training in practical skills for book repair

    Do something important and useful

    Teach book skills

    Teamwork training

    Raising the level of culture

    Cultivating Empathy

Exhibitions of books by “sick” and “recovered” people

Book exhibitions have a great emotional impact on children. They show old, damaged books. The librarian tells fabulous stories about “sick” books. Children perceive stories emotionally, have compassion for “sick” books, and try to repair them as soon as possible.

Story: “When night and weekends come (when the library is closed), the “sick” books begin to cry and complain to each other about their fate: they can no longer stand on the shelf on their own, or travel in readers’ briefcases; the torn, wrinkled pages hurt them. The books are crying and waiting for help from you guys.

Safety briefing.

Before starting work, safety training is mandatory.

Rules for preparing the workplace before starting classes

1. Place an oilcloth and a work board on the desk.

2. Prepare the necessary materials and tools for work.

3. Prepare a cloth or napkin for your hands.

Rules for cleaning your workplace

1. Place materials and tools in a box.

2. Collect scraps of material and debris from the table and floor.

3. Wipe the instruments and desk with a cloth.

5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap.

6. Put away all accessories.

Rules for safe work with scissors

1. Keep your work area tidy.

2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not use loose scissors.

4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.

6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.

7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.

8. Feed the scissors rings forward.

9. Don't leave scissors open.

10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.

11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.

12. Use scissors as intended.

Rules for safe work with glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

Role-playing game “Book Hospital”

Distribution of roles:“Chief doctor” - the head of the library manages the process, “doctors” (“surgeons”, “reanimatologists”, “cosmetologists”), “nurses”, “nurses” repair books, “orderlies” perform unskilled work (bring books, apply a press, arrange the “cured” books.

Selection of “patients”: The “medical commission” selects “patients”, books, who will be “treated” first.

Establishing diagnoses and choosing a method“treatments”: erase the inscriptions, glue the pages, repair the cover, etc.

Selection of instruments and medications: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.

Tools for curing books

    White paper

    Colored paper







    Simple pencil

    Colored pencils



Symptoms of the disease:

    The binding has dried out and come unglued

    The cover came off

    Pages fell out

    Pages covered with writing

    Corners of pages are curled

Treatment is prescribed for sick patients:

    Straighten curled pages;

    Erase pencil marks with an eraser;

    Tape the pages

    Glue the roots with colored paper (or tape);

    Update covers.

Choose the right treatment and cure the book!

Letter from “sick” books:

“Dear children! We live in the Rodnichok kindergarten in the Rastishki group. Girls and boys take us off the shelf to read or just look at pictures. And because of this we have grown old, but once we were young, beautiful, new, just a sight for sore eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look: our covers are torn, the pages are hand-drawn. We have become ugly, old, torn... We really want to be the same and for the children to love us and treat us carefully. We hope that there will be good children who can “cure” us and put us in order.

With respect to you - Books"

Direct book repair work

By repairing books, children become interested in a new, truly useful activity and engage in work with desire and interest. As they work, the children will feel the importance of their work and will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

“Knizhkina Hospital” for the children is both a game, and work, and new knowledge. And a little activity – repairing books – turns into a very interesting business!!!”

Exhibition of repaired books.

It is the exhibition of repaired books that proves the benefits of the work of the Book Hospital. IN All children's works are living evidence of the benefits of this work

Award for participants of the Knizhkina Hospital project

As work on the project progresses, it is necessary to recognize children with a diploma, certificate, etc. This makes it possible to more fully feel the importance of your work.


Book Doctor


(child's full name)

Number of cured “Patients”________

Residents at the address: Pervomaiskoe village, Kltsova street, Rodnichok

Head doctor of the “book hospital” ______________ / N.V. Yudina /


awarded the highest rank



(child's full name)

professional in the field of book treatment.

Thanks to the "Resuscitation Doctor"

many have been brought back to life

and many "patients".

Head. doctor at the “book hospital”_____________ / N.V. Yudina /

"Knizhkina Hospital"

(joint event of parents, children and teacher)

Purpose of the event:

Involve parents in instilling a love of books in their children.

Teach children to treat books with care: do not tear, do not draw on books, and, as necessary, glue them on yourself or with the help of elders.


Educator: “A book is a child’s best friend,

Everyone is talking about it"

A teacher's story about the meaning of a book for a person.

Invite parents and children to remember proverbs and sayings about books.

“A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.”

“A book is like water – it will find its way everywhere.”

“A book is not beautiful in its writing, but in its intelligence.”

“From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.”

“A good book shines brighter than a star.”

“One good book is better than many treasures.”


Guys, guess who I’m going to tell you about now:

“This boy wore a bright blue hat, canary yellow pants and an orange shirt with a green tie. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city all day long and composed various fables.”

Yes, this is Dunno. He was nicknamed that because he knew nothing and did not like to study. Are there any Dunno among you? We'll check this now. I will read poems, and you will continue.

A game " Guess the piece»

And the chanterelles

We took matches

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire,

Ran out of the sea... (whale).

K. Chukovsky “Confusion.”

Sister is angry with brother:

Her name is Marina,

And he stands in the middle of the yard,

Shouts: “Where are you...” (raspberry).

A. Barto “The Letter R”.

The little son came to his father,

And the little one asked:

What is good

And what is... (bad).

V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”

"Find out the fairy tale"

  1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

  1. Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little!

You didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel)

  1. There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

  1. The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

  1. He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Guess without a hint

What fairy tale is he from? (Kolobok)

  1. The little goats opened the door...

And everyone disappeared somewhere. (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

“Who was here and forgot what?”

Recognize and name the work and its author (parents help) by showing an attribute from famous fairy tales

  1. ABC (A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”
  2. Korob (Russian folk tale “Mashenka and the Bear”).
  3. Turnip (Russian folk tale "Turnip").
  4. Little Red Riding Hood (C.Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”).
  5. Shoe (C.Perrault “Cinderella”).
  6. Coin, samovar (C. Perrault “Puss in Boots”).
  7. Boot (C.Perrault “Puss in Boots”).
  8. Balloon (A. Milk “Winnie the Pooh”).
  9. Jar of jam (Lindgren “Kid and Carlson”).
  10. Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”).


Guys, books come not only with poems and fairy tales. From books you can learn a lot of interesting things about nature, plants and animals, different countries, seas, oceans, islands and everything that interests you. To find your way to the land of books, you need to know the rules for handling books. How many of you know how to handle books?


Take the book with clean hands.

Turn the pages carefully.

Leave a bookmark in the book and leave the pages unwrapped.

The book must have a cover.

Do not eat while reading.

Do not leave the book unfolded.

Now we can go to the land of books.

There are books prepared in advance on the tables. Children and their parents look at them, name the authors, and remember the titles.

An old, torn and crumpled book catches your eye. The situation is played out " The book got sick."


What happened to this book?

The boy tore it up.

The book needs help.

How can we help the book?

Right. We can straighten the pages, glue the book and even make a new cover. Let's all help this and other books together.

Parents with childrensticking books.

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