Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group on the topic: “Differentiation of words-objects and words-actions” outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Action words" Development

Developedteacher speech therapist:

Shishmakova Marina Anatolyevna

MA DOW " Kindergarten No. 203" Perm


1) Develop the ability to accurately use words denoting the actions of objects.

2) Qualitative and quantitative growth of the vocabulary.

3) Exercise students in morphological analysis and synthesis of words.

4) Expansion of the dictionary through synonyms and antonyms.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,

Because it's icy!

But it falls perfectly,

Why isn't anyone happy?

(education of expressive speech and clear whispered speech)

Speech therapist - Name the words that denote the actions of objects.

Children - Writes, reads, draws, etc.

Speech therapist - Repeat after me only the words denoting actions:

Barks, croaks, crawls. He cooks, saws, squats.

Blows, jumps, walks. Jumps, cowers, flies.

She sews and plays the pipe. Beats, caresses, twists, sleeps.

Whitewashes with a brush, sweeps. And he sits at his desk.

Speech therapist - What do the words you repeated after me mean?

Children - Actions.

2. Subject message.

Speech therapist - Today we are working on the topic: “Words denoting the actions of objects.”

Speech therapist - I offer pictures-objects and pictures-actions:

Grandma Grandma is knitting.

Car The car is moving.

Boy The boy is reading.

Girl Girl jumping.

Children name the word - object and the word action, ask questions: what does it do?

A speech therapist with children comes to the conclusion: words that answer the questions what does it do? what are they doing? indicate the actions of objects.

3. Exercises in recognizing words that answer the question what does it do?


To the words answering the questions who? What? choose words that answer the question what does it do?

Bear (sneaks through, walks)

Tit (sings, flies)

The car (drives, rushes)

Girl (plays, draws)

The sun (shines, warms)


Mother mends, darns, sews (who?).

The teacher reads, tells, explains.

The grandmother cooks, cooks, bakes (who?).

Guess who it is? or what is it?

The dog is guarding, gnawing, barking.

The cat meows, purrs, laps (who?).

A bee flies, buzzes, stings (who?).

Physical exercise.

Swing, spin,

Stretch, straighten up,

Squat, squat,

Walk, walk,

Take a deep breath now,

Sit quietly and relax.

Put everything in order,

And start writing, friends!

4. Certificate.

Working with isographs. Guessing puzzles.


Add the missing letter: the chair fell

The girl fell...

The tree fell...

Insert appropriate words denoting the actions of objects:

1) Petya Ivanov on duty... flowers.

2) My dad... at the factory.

3) In the park I... a hare.


Match these words with words of the same root that answer the question: what does it do? (ball game)

Drawing - draws Gift - gives

Cheerful - cheerful Frost - freezing

Watchman - guards Game - plays

Match these words with words that are similar in meaning:

Laugh - (laugh)

Throw - (throw)

Work - (work)

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Stand - (walk) Say hello - (say goodbye)

Silence - (speak) Raise - (lower)

5. Working with proverbs.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs:

  1. Who does not work shall not eat
  2. Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.

Children explain the meaning of proverbs.

6. Work on the text.

Divide the text into sentences(mark the boundaries of the sentences).

Text 1.

Swallows were flying high above the river, they were playing tag, suddenly a falcon flew in with sharp wings and the swallows whistled and instantly flew away.

Find words denoting the actions of objects, underline them with two lines.

Text 2.

There was a house in the forest, three bears lived in it, one was called Mikhail Ivanovich, he was big and shaggy, the other was a bear, her name was Nastasya Petrovna, and the little bear cub was called Mishutka.

Mark the boundaries of the sentences. Continue the story orally.

7. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist - What topic were you working on?

What did you remember?

What did you like most?

More on this topic:

Sattarova L.A.
teacher-speech therapist, MAUO “Nadezhda”, Nizhnekamsk.

Topic: Action words

Abstract speech therapy session on the topic: “Action words”. The lesson can be carried out with children preschool age, With younger schoolchildren, and also for children with disabilities in accordance with the level speech development. The connecting thread between the stages of classes is the song of cartoon characters that children guess. Tasks are given on behalf of the heroes. The sound of song excerpts creates a favorable atmosphere, which allows children to activate their cognitive processes and minimize fatigue.

Topic: Action words.


Introduce words with actions and the question they answer. -expand and activate your vocabulary with words denoting actions;


Develop auditory attention when listening to songs (during the lesson)

Develop visual memory when memorizing objects in a picture (task No. 1)

Develop gross motor skills (back No. 4, physical training)

Develop auditory memory (physical training).


Cultivate the correct attitude towards positive and negative actions (task No. 8)

Equipment: DVD player and recordings of songs from cartoons. Story pictures, pictures of animals or presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Org. moment. Hello! Listen carefully and name all the sounds you hear.

2Repetition. Look at the plot painting “Living Corner”, remember and name it from memory (I close the picture).

And the objects in the picture that represent living objects (children, teacher, birds, fish, etc.) What question do they answer? - Who?

B Objects that represent inanimate objects (table, chairs, aquarium, cage, etc.) What question do they answer? What?

I open the picture, and now answer the question What is the boy doing? - Feeding

What is the girl doing? - Watering. What does the teacher do? - Help

What question did I ask you? - What is he doing?

3 Announcement of the topic: Today we will work with words that denote the actions of objects, and cartoon characters will help us

A song is playing. Guess who it is? - Lion and Turtle.

What is the Lion Cub doing in the song? -Sits, lies, moves. Rhinoceros? -Coming. Crocodile? -Floats

The lion cub suggests playing a game:

I'm showing an action. Can you guess what I'm doing?

4. Game “We won’t tell you what we are doing, but we will show you what we are doing”

Children take turns coming to the board to demonstrate the action, and the rest guess it.

The song is playing, guess who it is? - Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh asks to answer the question:

What is the cow doing? -Moos

What is the horse doing? -Laughs

What is the cat doing? -Meows

What is the dog doing? -Barks

What is the goose doing? -Cackles

What is the duck doing? -Quacks

What is the chicken doing? -Cackles

6. Physical exercise. Remember the steps and follow them

“Stomp, clap, jump.”

"Clap, squat, stomp"

“Squat, clap, stomp.”

“Wave, clap, stomp.”

A song is playing. Guess who it is? -Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood asks us to match the words objects to the words actions

7. Game Find the words

Floats (steamer, duck, boat,...)

Growing (tree, flower, child...)

Sings (bird, singer, girl...)

Crawling (beetle, snake, lizard...)

Squeaks (mosquito, toy, mouse...)

A song is playing. guess who it is? -Leopold the Cat

Leopold the cat asks to separate good action words from bad ones

If the word denotes a good action, we will smile, if it is a bad action, we will frown.

Helps, gets bored, tries, studies, is lazy, reads, fights, works, gets sick, is sad,


A song is playing, guess who it is? - Cheburashka

Cheburashka asks to make sentences based on the plot pictures and name the action word.

8. Writing proposals

(scene pictures are shown)

Dad is vacuuming the carpet. The action word is vacuuming

Children play with cars. Action word - play

Mom is cooking soup. The word action is cooking.

The boy is sweeping the floor. The word action is sweeping.

9.Result. What words did we work with today? (With words and actions.)

What question are they answering? (What to do?)


Sections: Speech therapy, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Goals and objectives:

  • introduce children to verbs;
  • develop in children the ability to practically use words in speech that denote the actions of an object;
  • learn to correlate action words with their graphic designation;
  • introduce children to questions that are answered by action words;
  • develop auditory attention, memory and logical thinking, visual perception.

Equipment: a table with questions answered by action words, a diagram used to indicate action words in writing, sets of letters (for each child), presentation.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

1. Development logical thinking(slide 2).

Speech therapist: Solve the crossword puzzle and read the word in the highlighted cells. Think about what it means? What questions does this word answer?

  1. What does the scarecrow do?
  2. What does a dog do when it vocalizes?
  3. What do children do in the forest so as not to lose each other?
  4. What does a goose do when it calls?
  5. What does a goby do with its horns?
  6. What does a bird do when it feeds?

2. Formulate the topic of the lesson and write it on the board.

II. Main part

1. Naming actions based on the pictures presented (slide 3).

Speech therapist: Match as many actions as possible to objects by answering the question: WHAT DOES IT DO?

Images: bear, bus, cancer, plane.

2. Checking words denoting the actions of an object (slide 4).

3. Development of auditory attention and logical thinking (slide 5).

Speech therapist: Read the riddles and name the actions performed by the object. Guess the riddles. Select and write down as many actions as possible for each guessed item.

He rushes into the field,
There's a knock on the door
The gate opens
It raises dust.

He lives in a dense forest.
He himself is gray and prickly.
He walks at night, he sleeps during the day,
If he is angry, he grumbles.

4. Development of auditory memory.

Speech therapist: Remember the words denoting the actions of objects and write them down (write on the board) Orally ask a question for each word.

5. Consolidating knowledge of people’s professions and the names of the actions they perform (slide 6).

Speech therapist: Name the professions of the people depicted in the pictures, make up phrases. For example: a cook cooks, a hairdresser cuts...

Images: driver, teacher, tailor, rescuer.

6. Development of skills in sound analysis and synthesis (slide 7).

Speech therapist: Collect a word from letters and match it with as many action words as possible. For example: a bird pecks, sits, sits, sings, flies in, flies away, howls...


  • P, I, T, A, C - BIRD
  • M, K, I, H, I - BALL
  • S, O, A, K, B, A – DOG
  • D, R, E, O, V, E – TREE

7. Checking words denoting the actions of an object (slide 8).

8. Physical exercise (slide 9).

A strong wind twists the pine trees. Rotate the body to the right and left.
Like the thinnest twig.
The wind also bends the Christmas trees.
You and I are like them.
Here is a squirrel rushing along the branches. Jumping in place.
The squirrel is not afraid of the wind.
The squirrel jumps so cleverly
After all, everything requires skill.
Where is the bear going? Walking in place.
Looking for berries and honey.
Well, it's time for us to sit down
And study, don’t be lazy. The children sit at their desks.

9. Work on activating the dictionary of actions at the text level (slide 10).

Speech therapist: Read the text and insert appropriate words that indicate the actions of objects. Rewrite the text.

It's... summer. Mitya and his father... to make hay. All day... boy. While dad... grass, Mitya... berries in the forest,... fish in the nearest pond,... in the fragrant hay. In the evening they... go home. Happy Mitya with passion... about everything to mom.

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Name the words you inserted into the text.

(school preparatory group)

Lesson summary MULTI-SECONIC WORDS(multiple meaning words with action meaning)


- clarify and Expand words knowledge through practical mastery of polysemantic words with the meaning of action.

— consolidate children’s knowledge of polysemantic words with the meaning of objectivity.

- form monologue speech.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic.

Organizing time

Speech therapist. Remember and name polysemantic words that denote objects.

Children name polysemantic words that they learned in previous lessons and sit down.

Back, leg, bagel, walrus, handle, hat, cone, snout, neck, peephole, comb...

Consolidating children's knowledge about polysemantic words and objects

Children answer questions and do exercises.

— How many meanings can words have?

— Explain the meaning of the word “wing” (“nose”, “tail”, “tongue”).

- Look at the card with pictures and give out ambiguous words (leaf, sand, battery).

- Come up with sentences with each meaning of these words.

Tanya tore it out of the notebook sheet.

Yellow fell from the maple sheet.

After the rain the garden is dry sand.

Mom put it in tea sand.

The commander commanded: “ Battery, fire!"

Petya put his mittens on to dry battery.

Introducing ambiguous action words

Speech therapist. List the action words in a chain.

Runs – pecks – draws – jumps – laughs – reads – croaks.

What question do action words answer?

What or who are we talking about:

flies (bird, plane, ball, leaf);

swims (cloud, fish, athlete);

it's raining, person, time, movie.

Children answer the speech therapist’s questions with phrases. Independently identify polysemantic words with action meanings in the text.

Our shirts are in the yard

On a rope with the wind they dance.

L. Kvitko

What ambiguous word did you hear in the poem?

What does the word “dance” mean in this poem?

Shirts swing in the wind from side to side.

Shirts curl in the wind.

What else does the word “dance” mean?

Children having fun dancing near the New Year tree.

Come up with sentences with the word "dance".

On road dancing yellow maple leaves.

On the stage dancing artists.

At the table the mother said:

- Tongue grab chat!

And my son is careful:

- A chat can you use your feet?

G. Boyko

What ambiguous word is there in this poem? What does the word "chat" mean? come up with sentences with each meaning of this word.

Lena and Tanya chatting like magpies.

Vova sits on a bench and chatting feet.

The leaves have fallen off the maple tree,

Maple from the cold trembling.

On the path by the balcony

The golden carpet lies.

It puts rain on the windows,

And on the roof endlessly

The hammers are drumming.

They'll feel cold puddles by the porch.

E. Avdienko

Children independently find polysemantic words with the meaning of action and explain their meaning by making sentences.

Exercise children in using polysemantic words with the meaning of action in their own speech. Formation of monologue speech

Milk escaped

Nina heard her mother say to her older sister: “Please watch the milk so that it doesn’t run away,” and began to think how the milk could escape? Soup is boiled in a saucepan and does not run away, tea is boiled in a kettle and does not run away, it only gurgles when it boils. “No, and the milk can’t escape,” Nina decided.

And she wanted to check if she had made the right decision. Nina went into the kitchen. A saucepan of hot milk stood on the edge of the stove. The girl took it and moved it onto the fire. (She was strictly forbidden to do such things, and Nina was naughty.)

She stood and looked: milk doesn’t grow legs, which means it doesn’t run. Nina turned away and began to play with the cat.

Meanwhile, the milk began to rise slowly, reached the edge of the pan, looked out to see if anyone was watching it, hesitated a little and... ran, poured over the edge. Runs and hisses across the hot stove. Nina rushed to the stove, and the pan was empty, and there was a puddle of milk on the floor. That's how it runs away, without any legs.

Because of Nina, everyone had to eat porridge without milk.

E. Kiseleva

Speech therapist. What do the words “the milk ran away” mean? How can you say it differently?

Repeated reading of the story by a speech therapist with a focus on retelling. Children's retelling of the story “The milk ran away” along the chain.

Lesson summary

Assessment of children's work. Children name polysemantic words with action meanings that they learned in class.

Summary of frontal speech therapist session

with a group of 1st grade students (ONR Shur.)

Lesson topic : “Words denoting the action of an object.”

Purpose of the lesson:


  1. Development of the ability to identify words denoting the action of an object, based on its lexical and grammatical meaning.

    Development of the ability to ask a question to an action word.

    Graphic designation of action words.

    Differentiation of words-objects and words-actions.

    Enrichment of the verbal dictionary due to the formation of verbs from onomatopoeic words.

    Development of motor skills.

    Development of visual, auditory attention, selective inhibition.

    Speech development.

    Development of attention, memory, thinking.

    Expansion and improvement vocabulary students.

    Development of visual perception and attention.

    Formation of the ability to accept a learning task.

    Formation of adequate self-esteem.


    music Center;

    disc “Sounds of Nature”;

    printed copybooks;


Progress of the lesson:

"Kwa-kwa-kwa" yes "r wa-kwa-kwa"?


The tail is short,

Eyes with a braid,

Ears along the back

Fur coat in two colors -

For winter and summer.

Who clicks his teeth and clicks?

Wandering near the village...

Lives in a hole

Gnawing on crusts.

small legs,

He is very afraid of cats.

Who, having forgotten worries,

Sleeps in a den in winter?

2). Name all the guess words.

3). What do these words mean?

Which subjects?

What question do these words answer?

4). What fairy tale are these animals from? Mouse-Norushka, Frog-Frog, Bunny-Run, Wolf-Teeth Click and Bear?

Children say hello.






Children remember and name guess words.





II . Main part

Activation of the dictionary, clarification, enrichment of the dictionary.

Activation of the dictionary, clarification, enrichment of the dictionary. Formation of verbs from onomatopoeias.

Development of visual functions. Development of logical thinking.

Development of visual functions, attention, observation.

Today we will compose with you a new fairy tale, in which the Bear will not break our little house. In our fairy tale, the Bear is a teacher. He is wise, smart. He will give tasks to the animals, and we will help them complete them.

Task 1.Who moves how?

frog (what is he doing?) - …….

mouse (what is it doing?) - ...

hare (what is he doing?) - ...

wolf (what is he doing?) - ...

bear (what is he doing?) - ….

frog (what is he doing?) - …….

mouse (what is it doing?) - ...

hare (what is he doing?) - ...

wolf (what is he doing?) - ...

bear (what is he doing?) - ….

What words did we use? What do our words mean?

What question did the words answer?

What are we going to talk about today, what words?

Task 3. Game “The most attentive”

It is very important for children to be obedient and obey their elders. Otherwise, various troubles will happen to them. Look at the picture, which animal ran away from its place? Give it back.

Task 4. Graphic dictation.

Remember how words and objects are designated?

Remember how words and actions are designated?

Write down the words graphically:

squirrel, jumping, searching, howling, wolf, badger, digging, swimming, mole.

Let's check again; How many action words did you get?

Task 5. Game “Hide and Seek”.

Friends sent the bear fromAfrica photograph.

    Find in the picture, color and name the animals hidden in the jungle.

jumps, swims, gallops


jumps, runs, gallops

runs, prowls walks

walks, staggers, runs



howls, growls



What is he doing?

About words-actions.

Children look at the picture and find a pattern; connect the “naughty” (squirrel)

animal line with an empty cell. Explain the answer.

One line.

Two lines.

They draw diagrams.

Children name animals and birds: elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, crocodile, giraffe, zebra, monkey, cobra, parrot.

III . Physical education minute

Development of visual and auditory attention, selective inhibition.

Game "Do what I show."

Game "Do what I say."


Girls and boys

They jump like bunnies

How frogs jump

They never cry.
Like foxes wagging their tails,

They are catching up with the gray mice.

Straightened up, stretched,

One bent over, two bent over

And they smiled at each other.

Perform various movements.

Perform movements according to the text of the poem.

II . Main part (continued)

Activation of the dictionary, development of the ability to ask a question about an action word, formation of semantic fields.

Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary due to the formation of verbs from onomatopoeia-

telny words.

Development of auditory perception, sense of rhythm, rhyme.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Task 6. What do objects do?

1). Name the actions that are encrypted.

2). What can each item do? Connect the object with the action symbol with a colored line, asking a question about the word.

Task 7. Compose a poem.

We completed all of Bear's tasks. The bear is happy. He went into the thicket to his den, and left us a bag of gifts.

Standing, walking, sitting, running, jumping, riding (rolling), swimming, lying (sleeping).

For example:

the ball (what does it do?) – jumps, rolls, floats, flies, lies.

Form verbs

According to the picture plan, they remember and recite the poem.

IV . Result, reflection, self-esteem.

Development of logical thinking, formation of self-esteem of memory

Let's remember what words we talked about? What question were they answering?

What did we do today?

What did you like about the lesson?

How did you do today? (What worked? Didn’t work? Why? Could we have worked better? What is needed for this?)

Choose a sun and color it.

Thank you all very much. Goodbye.


About words and actions.

What is he doing?

List of types of work.

They reflect.

They choose the “sun” and color it.


Self-analysis of the frontal lesson

teacher-speech therapist Natalia Vladimirovna Chernetskaya

The lesson was conducted with a group of 1st grade students, consisting of 4 people with a speech therapy certificate: general underdevelopment level III speech.

Lesson topic: “Words denoting the action of an object.”

Purpose of the lesson: Working on the word. Formation of the concept of words denoting the action of an object.

There is complexity in the formulationtasks:

    educational (1-3, 5);

    correctional (4, 6-12);

    educational (13-15).

The structure of the lesson meets the speech therapy requirements ( Organizing time, work on the material covered, the main part, physical education, summing up, reflection, self-assessment. The parts of the lesson are logically interconnected.

The tasks and speech material corresponded to the topic, purpose of the lesson, age of the children and speech therapy conclusion.

Used during the lessonequipment :

    didactic manual “Plot for the lesson (“Teremok”)”;

    magnetic pictures “Animals” (mouse, frog, wolf, hare, bear);

    music Center;

    disc “Sounds of Nature”;

    printed copybooks;

The following were suggested during the lesson:educational games:

    “Guess the riddles” (development of auditory attention, activation of vocabulary, development of logical thinking);

    “The most attentive” (development of visual functions, development of logical thinking);

    “Hide and seek” (development of visual functions, attention, observation).

    “Composing a poem” (expanding and enriching the vocabulary by forming verbs from onomatopoeic words, developing auditory perception, sense of rhythm, rhyme, developing auditory attention, memory).

Used developmental exercises :

    “Who moves how?” (development of word-formation processes, activation, clarification and enrichment of the dictionary);

    “Graphic dictation” (development of auditory perception, development of logical thinking, differentiation of words-objects and words-actions).

    “What do objects do?” (lexical compatibility of words, formation of the ability to ask a question about an action word).

During the lesson it was carried out differentiated approach, frontal work was combined with individual work.

The mental activity of the children was constantly intensified. All forms were practiced speech activity: listening, speaking, writing, reading.

The following methods were used to maintain interest and attention:

    all exercises were of a playful nature;

    activities changed frequently;

    visualization was used;

    oral work was combined with written work.

The lesson was conducted at the right pace, corresponding to the capabilities of this group of children.

During the lesson, a physical exercise was held. The exercises were aimed at developing general motor skills, relieving fatigue, as well as developing visual and auditory perception, attention, and selective inhibition.

The lesson was structured taking into account the principle of development: the tasks became more complex and required overcoming difficulties. Work was carried out to fill gaps in speech development, work to enrich the vocabulary, and develop the grammatical structure of speech.

The following were also implementedprinciples:

    accessibility: tasks and exercises corresponded to the level of knowledge and skills achieved;

    Consciousness: children completed tasks consciously;

    the principle of relying on safe links: safe analyzers were used to secure images.

The lesson used music therapy (musical accompaniment pedagogical process), thereby creating a positive emotional background during the lesson and providing mild stimulation of the brain.

The following were used in the lesson:technologies:

    correctional and developmental




The lesson was conducted in a friendly tone. During the lesson, the speech therapist monitored his own speech and the speech of the child, corrected mistakes, forced him to correctly repeat words in which mistakes were made, and sought a complete answer to the question.

The speech therapist teacher is prepared for the lesson, has an outline, and has prepared the visuals in advance.

The teacher-speech therapist has a friendly attitude towards children, “feels” the class, knows how to interest children and maintain discipline during the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the results were summed up: the children remembered what they did in the lesson, what they learned, remembered, and evaluated their work in the lesson.

During the lesson, all the assigned tasks were solved, the goal was achieved.

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