Lesson summary on differentiating the sounds “w” - “zh.” Summary of a lesson on differentiation of hissing sounds Individual speech therapy lesson differentiation w

Methodological development of speech therapy classes

Bydifferentiation of hissing sounds

Topic: Differentiation of sounds Ш – Ж


Correctional – developmental: Strengthen the ability to distinguish the sounds Ш - Ж by ear, in syllables, words, sentences, text. Clarify the characteristics of sounds. Develop the ability to correlate the sounds Ш – Ж with the letters Ж and Ш; sound-letter analysis of words. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop oral praxis, facial muscles, operational and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational: practice selecting words for a given sound in a certain position; consolidate concepts that characterize sounds: deaf – voiced consonant, always hard consonant.

Corrective and developmental: consolidate the ability to distinguish the sounds [Ш] - [Х] by ear, in syllables, words, sentences. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational: create a positive psycho-emotional mood, facilitate the acquisition of experience in subgroup work. Develop the ability to plan and control your actions.

Equipment: pictograms, individual mirrors, pictures of a ball, a giraffe; sound profiles Ш and Ж; bells; object pictures whose words contain the sounds Ш and Ж; word schemes; syllable table; visual material for the game “The Fourth Wheel”; cards with the letters Ш and Ж; “Proofreading” cards, punched cards.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello! Guys, there are guests at our lesson today, say hello. They came to see how you and I are doing. To make our lesson interesting and useful, you and I need to work hard. Sit down.

And of course, so that we are in a good mood. After all, every person has a different mood: wonderful, bad, disgusting, anxious, cloudless, sunny, sad, terrible, etc. Let's look at the pictures and determine the mood of the guys. (Children speak out). You take the picture with the facial expression that best suits your current mood. Look at these pictures (the speech therapist shows the children pictures depicting different emotions). What moods do these faces express? (Strict and angry, upset and sad, without emotions, cheerful and joyful). Performing facial exercises in front of a mirror.

Let's, guys, let's study in such a good mood.

sha - shu - sho - shu

zha - zhu - zha - zhu

shi - shi - zhi - zhi

shi - shi - zhi - zhi

3.Report the topic of the lesson.

Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? Today we will learn to distinguish sounds and letters Ш - Ж

4 Comparison of sounds by articulation.

We took the mirrors. Let's pronounce the sound /sh/, /zh/.

In what position lips?(open, rounded and extended forward)

How teeth?(closer, gap between them)

Where Tip of the tongue? (top, cupped tongue)

Let's catch the sound with our palm. Which air jet? (warm, long-lasting, weak)

Why weak? (the air stream passes through the obstacle)

If there is an obstacle, it is sound vowel or consonant?

Are the sounds similar in pronunciation?

Conclusion: these sounds are pronounced using a barrier. So what are these sounds? (consonants)

These sounds are always hard.

Or maybe they are soft (in Russian language - no, only hard ones)

But how are these sounds different? (hand on neck)

Conclusion: w - voiceless, w - voiced (throat trembles, ligaments work)

These sounds are paired in terms of sonority and deafness.

Give a complete description of the sound.

/sh/ - consonant, hard, voiceless. /zh/ - consonant, hard, voiced.

Guys, how does the snake hiss? (Shhhh). What sound do you hear? Sh.

(The sound profile Ш is hung on the board, with a bell crossed out next to it)

5. Characteristics of sounds.

What is the sound of Sh? (consonant, voiceless, always hard; in writing it is indicated by the letter Ш). What does the letter Sh look like? (on forks, brush).

What sound is it? (consonant, voiced, always hard, denoted in writing by the letter Z). What does the letter Z look like? (on a beetle).

The sounds Ш – Ж are paired, always hard.

6.Articulation gymnastics.


          Tube (alternating)

        1. Cat lapping milk

          Delicious jam

        2. Reach your nose with your tongue.

7. Phonetic exercise.

How does a bumblebee buzz? [f – f – f...]

How does a snake hiss? [sh – sh – sh...]

8. Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Pick Up the Card"

Guys, listen to the words, raise the letter Ш or Ж if you hear the sound Ш or Ж in the word.

Speech material: toad, beetle, fur coat, acorns, pear, six, checkers, yolk, weapon, hut, cone, giraffe.

9.Correction test(work with cards)

Underline the letter Ж with one line, the letter Ш with two:




10.Work on differentiating the sounds sh andandat the syllable level.

A game "Sound mosaic".- How do we represent sounds graphically? Sh and F? (W -, F -).

Now I will name the syllables, and you will build them from the bells" soundtrack". Depending on what sound you hear.

Shi, jo, ush, walked, wait, shock, zhen, same.

- A Now let's check what kind of drawing you got. (). Pair check. One child reads, and the other rings the bell, if it is a ringing bell.

11. Game "Fourth wheel"

Visual material is posted on the board:

Jug, cat, horse, beetle;

Acorn, cup, beetle, giraffe.

Students are asked to find the extra picture.

12. Differentiation Ш - Ж in words.

Children are given 5 subject pictures.

Guys, choose those pictures whose words contain the sounds Ш – Ж

13. Physical exercise (to the song “If you like it”).

Sha, sha – sha (claps).

If you like it, then do this:

Zha - zha, zha (claps).

If you like it, then do this:

Zhu-zhu, shu-shu (clapping, stomping).

If you like it, then do this:

Sho – sho – sho, jo – jo (jumping, squats).

If you like it, then do this:

Jo – jo, sho – sho – sho (squats, jumping).


(In front of each student there is a strip on which the paths are marked, the beginning of the upper path is indicated in yellow, the bottom - in brown).

Speech therapist: If in the word that I will pronounce you hear the sound [Ш], draw a brown circle, if the sound [Zh] - a yellow circle.

(Words: 1-pencil, 2-snowball, 3-iron, 4-scarf, 5-flag, 6-hat, 7-pants, 8-buddy, 9-collar, 10-berezhok).

15 . Working with riddles. Sound-letter analysis of words.

It flies up like light steam.

His name is airy... (Ball)

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck.

And he eats leaves,

Tree leaves. (Giraffe)

(Children are shown pictures depicting answers to riddles - a ball, a giraffe).

What is the first sound in these words? Sh – J.

Children create a corresponding diagram for these words.


16. Working with proposals.

Guys, make up sentences from these clue words: ball, giraffe.

(Mom bought me a big red ball. The giraffe lives in Africa.)

17. Working with text using punched cards.

(Children are given punch cards with text).

Here is the text. Fill in the missing letters Ш or Ж in the words.

18. Game “Listen and name it”

Listen to the text, name words with the sound “sh”, “zh”.

Little Wife is five years old. Grandma bought him a teddy bear. The bear was plush, big, soft. Zhenya had a cart. Zhenya puts the bear in the cart and gives it a ride.

19. Game “replace the sound”

I will name a word with one sound, and in response you will throw me a ball and name a word with a different sound.

Replace the sound “SH” in words with the sound “Zh”.

Ball, fumbles, shawl, Lusha.

Replace the sound “Zh” with the sound “Sh”.

Live, soot, smears.

20.Result of the lesson.

You did a good job today. We completed all the tasks. Well done!

Has your mood changed? What is it like now?

Summary of an integrated subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher Shlyanina O. P.

MBDOU No. 1 of Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory

Subject: Differentiation of sounds [SH - F]

Goals: consolidate the skill of distinguishing sounds [ш–ж] in syllables, words, phrases; consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; continue to learn how to form words from syllables and letters; continue working on the deformed phrase, leave the sentence outline, highlight the preposition; consolidate the rule of writing zhi – shi; develop phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, fine motor skills; create a positive psycho-emotional mood and facilitate the acquisition of teamwork experience.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time. This story took place in a fairy-tale city where children like you lived. They wanted to know everything and studied diligently. But in a neighboring town there lived an evil sorceress, and she did not like the curiosity of these children. She got angry and bewitched them, taking away their names.

But she left the following order: “The one who puts a lot of skill and effort into completing all the tasks will be able to disenchant.” For correct completion, you will receive letters from which you can make up the names of the children. And we'll take the stairs on our way.

  1. Introduction to the topic. To find out who the witch turned the children into, we must find the cut-out pictures and put them together. And we will search with the help of these tips. The speech therapist invites children to focus on the schematically depicted preposition and object. Everyone receives a card - a diagram.
  2. Fold the picture. (children add 2 pictures: toad and cat)

– what is the first sound in the word toad? [AND]

– what is the third sound in the word cat? [SH]

(children receive the letter Z for completing the task)

Working with individual mirrors. In front of the mirrors, the sound is articulated and a characterization is given.

[W] – a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound is consonant, hard, dull.

[F] – a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, the vocal cords work. The sound is consonant, hard, sonorous.

Speech exercise(the speech therapist sets the rhythm by clapping)

lady - lady - lady - lady - we saw a snake

sha - sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby

zhu - zhu - zhu - zhu - let's hurry to the hedgehog

shu - shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter to Zhanna

(children receive the letter O for completion)

Arrange the items. The evil witch not only bewitched the children, but also mixed all the objects. You have to figure out which word has the sound [Zh], and which one has [SH].

car, toad, clothes, flag, cranes, knives, beetle, ball, wardrobe, cherries, mouse, cuckoo. (for completion you receive the letter O).

Dividing words into syllables.-each child takes a card, determines the number - performs steps in syllables, and draws dots according to the number. syllables.

(receive the letter A)

Make a word from syllables.

ma - shi - na, tush - ka - ka, shah - you - ma, pi - ma - zha, pru - na - zhi, ki - zhu.

(receive the letter M)

Insert the letter into the word. He sat down on the white Roma.

Baba is knitting a warm harp.

In the spring, a bear escaped from the den.

Ma_a saw her in the forest.

Frogs were jumping on the lawn.

There is an ilet hanging in the cafe.

(Inserting a letter, read the sentence. Get the letter A)

Deformed phrase.

Zhenya washes his ears with water.

Mice live in the garden.

Katya is running with a red cat.

Masha hangs the jacket in the closet.

In writing Zhenya school letters.

There is a yellow pear on the table.

- draw up a proposal outline.

There is a yellow pear on the table.

(receive the letter Ш)

Crossword. Let's remember the spelling zhi – shi.

1. Necessary for humans and animals to hear. (ears)

2.Who wears needles? (hedgehog)

3.Small, gray, lives in a mink. (mouse)

4. It jumps up on your forehead when you hit it hard. (cone)

5. It is worn on the head during the cold season. (a cap)

6. A spotted animal with a long neck. (giraffe)

(receive the letter A)

Summary of the lesson.(Children make up the names Zhora and Masha from letters, the speech therapist shows pictures of the children). So the journey along the ladder of knowledge has ended, you helped break the witchcraft spell, and saved Zhora and Masha.

The author is pleased, it’s not difficult for you - click “I LIKE”

Summary of speech therapy classes in 1st grade, type VII.

Subject. “Differentiation of sounds [w] - [zh].”

Target: development of motor, cognitive and speech activity during educational activities in children of primary school age.


I. Educational.

1. Differentiation of sounds [ш], [ж].

2. Consolidating the skills of correct pronunciation, phonemic analysis, synthesis.

3. Clarification and expansion of students' vocabulary.

II. Corrective.

1. Develop VPF.

2. Develop articulatory, general and fine motor skills.

3. Develop communication functions in children.

III. Educational.

1. Form a positive emotional attitude in speech therapy classes based on the game moment.

2. Foster a desire to learn and develop cognitive interest.

3. Foster a culture of the educational process.

Form: subgroup lesson.

Equipment: mirrors, computer, educational - developmental program “Learning to speak correctly”, subject pictures, cards with tasks, pictures with professions.

Lesson plan

1. Organizational moment.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

6. Development of phonemic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words. Sound-syllable and graphic analysis of words.

7. Physical minute.

8. Lexical - grammar exercises.
9. Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment

The children go into the office and sit at their desks. Greet the speech therapist and guests.

Speech therapist:- Hello guys, today we have guests for our lesson. Let's say hello.

Children and guests greet each other.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: - To ensure that our speech is clear and understandable,

I need to exercise my tongue!

"The Tale of Cheerful Tongue."

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue in his house. What kind of house is this?

In this house

red doors,

Near the doors

White animals.

Animals love

Candies and buns.

Did you guess it? This house is a mouth.

(When performing articulatory gymnastics, each exercise is repeated

5 – 7 times).

The doors in the house open and close. Like this (mouth closed, open). Restless Tongue does not sit still. He often runs out of the house (stick out tongue). But you can’t run far from home, let’s punish the naughty tongue (open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and, smacking your lips, pronounce the sounds of five-five-five). So he went out to bask in the sun, relax on the porch (tongue “spatulat” on the lower lip). A slight breeze, the tongue quivered (language with an arrow), hid in the house and closed the door behind him (remove tongue, close mouth), And in the yard the sun hid behind the clouds and the rain began to patter on the roof (we hit our teeth with our tongue and say “d-d-d-d”). Tongue was not bored at home and gave the kitten milk. He lapped up the milk (run your tongue along your upper lip from top to bottom, mouth open), then the kitten licked his lips (lick the upper and lower lips from right to left, left to right) and yawned sweetly (mouth wide open). The tongue looked at the clock, it was ticking: “tick-tock” (mouth open, lips in a smile, touch the corners of the mouth with the tip of the tongue). The kitten curled up into a ball. “It’s time for me to sleep,” thought Tongue.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Today we will continue to distinguish between the sounds Zh - Sh in pronunciation and writing.

4. Consolidation of educational statements based on sound characteristics.

Vowels or consonants Zh – Sh? (children's answers)

Are these consonants hard or soft?

Which of these consonants is voiced and which is voiceless? (children's answers).

5. Pronouncing isolated sounds.

Let's all say Sh – Sh – Sh together .

Let's say everything together Zh - Zh - Zh (while pronouncing a sound, correct articulation is recalled, the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, between them there is only a narrow slit, reminiscent of the correct one) .

6. Development of phonemic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words.

Sound-syllable and graphic analysis of words.

Speech therapist:- To find out how well you have learned to distinguish the sound Ш - Ж, I have prepared various tasks for you.

Work with computer

The educational and developmental program “Learning to Speak Correctly” will be included, section “Speech Sounds”, topic: “Sounds - Twins”, game: “Place the sounds “F”, “W” in the box.”

A physical moment for the eyes.

Speech therapist: - You successfully completed the task on the computer; you correctly distinguished sounds. The next task will be more difficult.

Listen to the words: HEAT, BALL.

Show a picture that matches the word HEAT,... BALL.

- Repeat what is shown in each picture. Tell me what it is HEAT and what is BALL.

In which word - HEAT or BALL- is there a sound [zh]? At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word this sound;

What is the first sound in a word BALL?

Name all the sounds in order in the word HEAT,... BALL.

What letters should be written in the empty cells?

Read the words between the pictures. Find a card with the word on your desk BALL,... HEAT.

What letters are the same in these words? What letters are different in these words?

Write the word BALL. Write the word HEAT.

Come up with a sentence using any of these words .

heat ball

Do the same task with words BUG- NOISE, MEADOW - FLUFF.


wow wow

lu-zhok Pu-shok

7. Physical minute.

The cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads:

Like this and like this, like this, like this,

The cubs were looking for honey, shaking the tree together:

Like this and like this, they rocked the tree together.

They waddled around and drank water from the river:

Like this and like this, they drank water from the river,

And then they danced together and raised their paws

Like this and like this, they raised their paws together.

Children imitate teddy bear games.

8. Lexico-grammatical exercises.

"Ball game"

Speech therapist: A picture with a profession is shown (shoemaker, seamstress, fireman, miner, driver, artist). The ball is thrown and the question is asked: - What profession is depicted. The student throws the ball and names their profession.

Questions are also asked: - What does a shoemaker do at work? Seamstress... etc.

What sound is found “Zh” or “Sh” in the word shoemaker? Seamstress... etc.

9. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds were distinguished today in class? - How are the sounds different in pronunciation? (w – voiced, w – unvoiced).

10. Assessing children’s work in class.

I thank the children for their good work in class (by name). We say goodbye to the guests and the children leave the office.

Subject:“Differentiation of sounds [Zh] - [[Ш] in words and sentences.”

Target: learn to distinguish the sounds [F] - [SH] in words and sentences.


Correctional and educational:

1. Learn to differentiate the sounds [zh] and [w] in words and sentences.

2. Develop the ability to highlight words with sounds [zh] and [w].

3. Fix the rule for writing zhi – shi.

4. Learn to compare paronymic words by meaning, sound, and spelling.

5. Learn to work on deformed sentences.

6. Learn to make sentences using diagrams.

Correctional and developmental:

1. develop, enrich and clarify the vocabulary.

2. Develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking.


1. Develop the ability to think about your actions, implement

decisions in accordance with given rules.

2. Develop self-control.

3. Form an emotional focus on obtaining a joint positive result during the game.

4. Form motivation for educational activities.

Equipment: mirrors, Christmas trees, Christmas toys, computer.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Speech therapist: The bell is ringing again.

The lesson begins.

We stood up straight, pulled ourselves up...

And they smiled at each other.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: And now the one who names the words with the sounds [ZH] and [SH] will sit down.

(Children's answers)

Speech therapist: Sit up straight, put your hands on the desk, your feet should touch the floor.

Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now take the mirrors, we will do articulation exercises.

(Children perform the exercise “Fence”, “Pipe”)

Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now let’s do the “Ball” and “Flag” exercises.

(Children follow the speech therapist and do the exercises.)

Working on poems.

Speech therapist: Now let's read the poem. Which sound occurs most often in the poem?

The toad offered to the toad

Delicious blackberry jam.

Blackberry? - she asked -

Well, then, I guess I’ll eat it!

Children: Sound [F].

Speech therapist: Notice what punctuation marks are found here?

Children: Question mark, exclamation mark, dot, dash.

Speech therapist: Read the poem, don’t forget about the signs.

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Now let's read another poem. Which sound occurs most often in the poem?

Three little mice

In the silence of the night they rustle,

If the cat is suddenly heard,

Then they rustle more quietly.

Children: Sound [Ш].

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Guys, how many of you guessed what sounds we will be working on today?

Children: We will work on the sounds [ZH] and [SH].

    Working on the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Today we will work on the sounds [F]-[W]. The topic of today's lesson: “Differentiation of sounds [F] - [W].”

Speech therapist: Open your notebooks, take pens, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

(Children write down the number and topic in a notebook.)

Speech therapist: Our old friends came to visit us. These are the gnomes ZHIK and CHIC. They brought us many different tasks. We will definitely deal with them.

Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name ZHIK?

Children: Sound [F].

Speech therapist: Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name CHIC?

Children: Sound [Ш].

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [F].

Children: The sound [ZH] is a solid, voiced consonant.

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [Ш].

Children: The sound [Ш] is a hard deaf consonant.

Speech therapist: What do the sounds [Zh-Sh] have in common?

Children: These sounds are consonant and always hard.

Speech therapist: How are the sounds [Zh-Sh] different?

Children: The sound [Zh] is voiced, and the sound [Sh] is unvoiced.

Speech therapist: What letter in the letter represents the sound [Zh]?

Children: The sound [Zh] is indicated in writing by the letter “ZhE”.

Speech therapist: What letter in the letter represents the sound [Ш]?

Children: The sound [Ш] is indicated in writing by the letter “Sha”.

Speech therapist: Our Dwarfs want to play a game with us "Voice-deaf." I will tell you the words, and if you hear [F], you clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [SH], you close your ears. Get ready, let's start...

Speech therapist: You completed this task well, but now there is another test. Who can tell what holiday is coming soon?

Children: New Year!

Speech therapist: Right! It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. Let's help Zhik and Shik decorate the Christmas trees. We’ll hang toys with the sound [Zh] on Zhik’s Christmas tree, and toys with the sound [Sh] on Shik’s Christmas tree.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree."

(Children take toys out of the bag and hang them on the Christmas trees.)

Speech therapist: Well done!

Here's another task "Sounds, letters call - collect the word."

You must name the first sounds (letters will appear on the screen) and form a word. Make a sentence with the word.

Children: Hat – [Ш], letter “Sha”

Pineapple – [A], letter “A”

Giraffe – [Zh], letter “Zhe”

Wasps - [O], letter "O"

Crane - [K], letter "Ka"


The baby took his first step.

Job above PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully to the sentences and find words that differ in only one sound.

Sasha has a red BALL.

Misha has a strong fever.

Children: BALL-HEAT

Speech therapist:


By sound. In the word BALL - [SH], and in the word HEAT - [F].

By writing. In the word SHAR there is a letter “SHA”, and in the word ZHAR there is a letter “ZhE”.

By value. Ball is... Heat is...

Speech therapist:

The hare has long EARS.

SPANS live in the grass.

Children: EARS

Speech therapist: Well done! Right! Tell me, how do the words differ from each other?


By sound. In the word EARS - [SH], and in the word UZHI - [F]

By writing. In the word USHI there is the letter “SHA”, in the word UZHI there is the letter “ZHE”.

By value. EARS is... PUZZI is...

Speech therapist: That's right, guys!

Words that sound similar but differ in meaning are called paronyms. Repeat.

Children: PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Now let’s write these words in a notebook.

(Pay attention to the fit, position of the notebook...)

Let's write down the words and underline the letters "sha" and "zhe". Tell me, what kind of pencil do we need?

Children: Blue pencil, because these sounds are always hard.

Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: Now let's play the game " One is many." I will name objects in the singular, and you in the plural.

(Children call words in the plural)

Speech therapist: Who guessed why some syllables are highlighted in red? Tell me, what spelling did you encounter here?

Children: Red is a dangerous color. You can make a mistake.

ZHI-SHI is written with the letter I.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's do the tasks on the cards. Everyone will choose a task (one of 3) and try to complete it.

We work with ZHI and SHI.

Level 1:

Yo .. k, .. r, ..shka, jug..n, pi.., ..t

Level 2:

Nat.. ..wut chi.. and stri.. .

Level 3:

Masha and Misha had mice in their closet.

Charger for eyes

Speech therapist: Well done! Look, the gnomes have prepared riddles for us. But these riddles are not easy; the gnomes encrypted entire sentences in them. Let's look at the diagrams and make sentences based on them (In the first diagram: Masha, tap, pear. In the second diagram: grandmother, balls, socks).

Children: Masha washes the pear.

Grandma knits socks.

Grandmother knits socks from multi-colored yarn.

Speech therapist: Let's write these sentences in a notebook. And he’ll go to the board...

(Work on the board and in notebooks).

We underline the letters with a blue pencil.

Well done! The guys, JIK and SHIK did their homework and made sentences. See if they did everything right?

Zhenya put the scarf in the wool closet.

Let's fix the mistakes.

Children: Zhenya put the wool scarf in the closet.

Speech therapist: The leather bag had a passenger in its hands.

Children: The passenger was holding a leather bag.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, you completed the task.

But again a new test. You need to make sentences using words and pictures. Who will try to do this? (Words given: Shura, collected, and. Pictures: blackberries, gooseberries.

Children: Shura was picking blackberries and gooseberries.

Speech therapist:

Children: Shura - [W], blackberry - [F], gooseberry - [F].

Speech therapist: Let's make up the following sentence (Words are given: nimble, runs, for. Pictures: foal, horse).

Children: A nimble foal runs after a horse.

Speech therapist: Name words with sounds [ZH] and [SH].

Children: Nimble - [W], foal - [F], runs - [F], after the horse - [W].

    Summary of the lesson.

Guys, we completed a lot of tasks today. The gnomes are happy with your work.

Tell me, did you like the lesson?

What did you like most?

What tasks caused difficulties?

How do you feel when you leave class?

KOU OO "Petropavlovsk special (correctional) secondary school - boarding school of the VIII type"

Summary of frontal speech therapy session

on this topic " Differentiation of sounds [F] - [SH] in syllables, words, sentences"

Compiled by: teacher – speech therapist

Kukhmistrova Galina Mikhailovna

Subject: Differentiation of sounds [Х] - [Ш] in syllables, words, sentences.

Target: To develop the ability to differentiate consonants based on articulatory features.


Consolidate knowledge about consonant sounds [ZH] - [SH], learn to isolate sounds [ZH] - [SH] in syllables, words, sentences, consolidate knowledge of spelling norms;

Develop phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills at the level of syllables and words, develop visual and auditory perception, attention and memory;

Cultivate positive motivation for learning, hard work and dedication to work.

Equipment: task cards, pictures of objects, white cardboard rectangles, green, blue, red squares.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge. Hello guys! Let's say the rule of beautiful speech:

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We pronounce sounds clearly

To make it clear to everyone!

3. Now you and I must guess the topic of our lesson. Listen to the poem and tell me which sound occurs most often?

A mouse rustled through the reeds:
The wind has broken your peace!
The reeds whisper quietly:
Quiet, mouse, don't make any noise!

Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, rain, wait!

I'm sitting on a branch

And I buzz, I buzz, I buzz!”

Gray-haired grandfather.

4. Target setting.

Will we be working today? (with the sounds [Zh] and [Sh], with the letters Zh (zhe) and Sh (sha))

II. Main part.


Look at these faces, how different they are.

What do they represent? (fear, grief, surprise, interest, guilt)

Depict the evil Baba Yaga, the good wizard, the sad Alyonushka, the saddened Ivan the prince.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

We will perform articulation exercises with you






Delicious jam


2. Now you and I must guess the topic of our lesson. Listen to the poem and tell me which sound occurs most often?

A mouse rustled through the reeds:
The wind has broken your peace!
The reeds whisper quietly:
Quiet, mouse, don't make any noise!

What sound do we hear most often? ([SH])

Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, rain, wait!

I'm sitting on a branch

And I buzz, I buzz, I buzz!”

Gray-haired grandfather.

What sound do we hear most often? (AND])

3. Target setting.

Will we be working today? (with the sounds [Zh] and [Sh], with the letters Zh (zhe) and Sh (sha)).

4. Listen to a series of words and repeat them in the same sequence, quickly and clearly:

zha - sha - zha

zha - sha - zha - sha

sha – zha – sha

sha - zha - sha - zha


shi – zhi – zhi – shi


zhi - shi - shi - zhi

Now look carefully at the board and read the words:

lived and sewed

ears - snakes

ball - heat

3. Tell me, how do these pairs of words differ? (Letters Zh and Sh). Let's together characterize the sounds denoting the letters Zh and Sh:

[F] – consonant, sonorous, hard;

[Ш] – consonant, deaf, hard.

How are they similar? What is the difference?

4. Tell the articulation of these sounds using a mnemonic table.

5.Now you must independently complete the tasks on the cards: from this word you need to form a new word, replacing the letter Ш with Ж.

Card No. 1

sewed -...

six - …

prank -...

wide -...

stew -...

destroy -...

waves -...

Sasha - …

(After completing the task, a check is carried out, attention is paid once again to what new words were formed with the help of).

6. Read carefully the words written on the board, indicating the missing letter:




w...it's flying

What letter did we insert into all the words? (and) Why exactly and? Remember the rule about writing words with the combination zhi-shi?

(Children call the spelling rule zhi-shi).

7. Finger gymnastics.

Song of cheerful ladushki.

I have two palms. (Show palms one by one.)

Palms and I are related. (claps)

We will play with them (Clench and unclench our fists).

One, two, three, four, five (Bend your fingers one by one).

It's fun to play together. (claps)

8. You see pictures on the board, look at them carefully. Determine the presence and place of the sounds [zh] and [sh] in the names of the pictures

(Acorn - [f] first sound, hat - [w] first sound, frog - [w] fifth sound, toad - [f] first sound, cake - [f] fifth sound. Pear - [w] fourth sound, beetle - [f] first sound, eggplant - [f] sixth sound, car - [w] third sound, tire - [w] first sound).

9. Physical exercise.

10. “Find the extra object.” Don't forget that the game is offered to you by sounds. Pictures on the screen:

Fur coat, shirt, shorts, vest. (Which item is extra? Why? Where is the sound [F] in the word vest?

Scissors, pliers, spatula, hacksaw.

Hedgehog, cat, giraffe, foal.

Spoon, cup, knife, jug.

11.And now, guys, you have to do collective work. Look carefully, there are rectangles on the desk, the longest one represents the sentence that I will tell you, the shorter ones are the words in this sentence. Even more briefly, these are the syllables in these words, and the squares (blue, green and red) are the sounds that make up these syllables in the words. Now I will tell you a sentence, and you need to draw up its correct diagram:

Grandma Zhenya baked cheesecakes

(Checking in progress)

Tell me how many sounds? Are [F] and [W] found in this sentence? (Two sounds [SH], one sound [Zh]).

12. Game “Say the Word”, I will read the beginning of the word to you, and you must add the syllable ZHOK or SHOK according to the meaning:

Me....., pu....., pry....., lu....., pyro....., utu....., cottage cheese....., paw ....., sapo....., sleep....., petu....., kore....., sti....., kru....., fla. .... .

The last task, I will tell you the words, and you must read them back:

Snakes (izhu), ball (rush), mouse (shim), knives (izhon), skis (izhil), puddles (izhul).

Results of the lesson.

1.What did you learn in class?

2. What sounds did we work with today? With what letters?

3. What rule did we repeat?

4. Let us once again characterize the sounds [ZH] and [SH]?

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