Summary of a lesson on introducing children of the second junior group to the holiday “Easter. Easter holiday in the younger group. Need advice Lesson in junior group Easter

Summary of a lesson on introducing children of the second junior group to the Easter holiday

Subject: “It’s like we’re in a fairy tale, and oh We learned about Easter» .

Program content: 1. Give children basic knowledge about Easter holiday.

2. Involve children to the culture of the Russian people.

3. Foster love and respect for Russians holidays.

Material: Doll in folk costume, visual aids (Pictures of Easter cake, Easter, Easter colored eggs, riddles, poems.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations with children - a basket with Easter colored eggs, looking at Easter cake and Easter.

GCD move:

Cheerful music sounds with the singing of birds and the murmur of water (Sounds of nature).

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily,

On a visit Easter has come to us(K. Fofanov)

Guys, today Doll Masha came to visit us in a Russian folk costume.

Hello guys! I was walking towards you, and somewhere along the way I forgot my chest.

Help me guys find it, this chest will reveal an interesting and magical secret to us, it will go into a fairy tale from which you will learn about the big bright holiday.

Shall we guys help our doll Masha? Shall we look for the chest? After all, it’s really interesting what’s in it.

(Together with the guys we go to different corners groups, and we find a chest among the books.)

Guys, look, the chest is not simple and empty, but with riddles. And then there's a note: "Guess the riddles - you'll step right into a fairy tale»

Well guys, let's solve riddles?

-Listen to the first riddle:

“The housewives baked for holiday in the oven

Lush, ruddy miracle-(Easter cakes!)

That's right guys, these are Easter cakes, listen to the next one riddle:

“The sun is playing and the birds are chirping,

Table decoration – red (testicles)

Guys, we have solved the riddles, and look in the chest there is another note one:

- “You guessed the riddles, but you didn’t end up in a fairy tale, so close your eyes, expect a miracle, with a magic wand, I’ll wave it lightly, we’ll find ourselves in a fairy tale.” groups are far away

Guys, sit down on the chairs. Look carefully, what is this depicted here?

Yes it is Easter treats on the holiday table. Guys, Easter has been celebrated for a very long time, from the earliest times people believed that in Easter miracles and magic happen.

Easter- this is our most important holiday, and the symbols of this light holiday are colored eggs, Easter cakes and of course herself Easter.

The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. Eggs are painted in different colors and given as gifts. words: "Christ is Risen!" The answer should be say: “Truly he is risen!”- and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

And when everyone is preparing for holiday Everyone in the house is sure to be tidied up to welcome holiday with cleanliness and comfort.

Also on It is customary to bake Easter cakes, these are very tasty tall pies decorated with sugar and small sweets. And also in Easter is a must do Easter- she is named after holiday and it is made from cottage cheese, not dough.

Now listen guys to a short poem about Easter, with which we will complete our class:

“Nature makes me happy in the bright Easter holiday,

The bells are ringing to the heavens!

Greenery appeared, colors became brighter,

They are celebrating in the churches, because Christ has risen!”

Guys, we are with you today got acquainted with the holiday of Easter. I wish you all to help prepare together with mothers, fathers, grandmothers, with the whole family, prepare for this wonderful bright holiday.

Conversations about Easter

Zhurba Anastasia Dmitrievna,
teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 99
Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Educational field: Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of “Traditions of the Russian people.”

Goals: introduce children to the holiday “Bright Resurrection”; develop interest in the culture of ancestors; talk about customs and rituals associated with the holiday; enrich children's social experience.


Form ideas about universal human values;

To instill interest in ancient family traditions, to convey to children the beauty and spirituality of folk traditions;

Activate and expand children's vocabulary.

Conversation No. 1

Folk calendar

Spring is the most joyful period of the year. Nature awakens from winter sleep. Everything around is blossoming and rejoicing. And it is no coincidence that the most rituals, ceremonies, and holidays occur at this time. Every nation has its own holidays, but among them there is a holiday of holidays, the most important. Such an event in Rus' for many centuries was Holy Easter.

People prepared for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent (7 weeks). During this entire week, in all houses they worked tirelessly: women and girls whitened stoves, washed and scraped tables, benches and floors, wiped dusty walls with wet rags, swept away cobwebs, washed all household utensils and generally cleaned out all the dirt that had accumulated in home; The men prepared firewood for the Easter fire, as well as bread and feed for all the livestock for the entire Bright Week, so that later on the holiday they would not have to bother, and everything would be at hand. The height of all this work usually occurred on Maundy Thursday, on which, according to popular expression, “even a crow washes its crows in a puddle”; On this day, everyone necessarily took a steam bath for beauty and health, washed small children and even piglets so that “they would be clean all year.”

But even at this time, every person must seriously think about himself, about his actions - good and bad, about his deeds - good and not so good, he must understand what he did wrong and correct it. During Lent in Rus', no fun, noisy holidays were celebrated, and no weddings were held.

And the week before Easter preceded Palm Resurrection. Why do you think people chose the willow as a harbinger of the holiday?

The worship of trees has existed in Rus' from time immemorial, and this was expressed in the special veneration of certain trees. Our ancestors had sacred trees, sacred groves that provided healing and protective properties. In the worldview of our ancestors, a tree is a symbol of immortality: in winter it is dead, in spring it is reborn to life, in summer it blooms and bears fruit, in autumn it bears fruit and, shedding its leaves, freezes, and in winter it dies again. A tree is a symbol of the resurrection of vegetation, a symbol of spring and “renewal” of the year.

Joyful cries: “Christ is risen!” will be heard all this bright day. The royal doors of the main altar will be open throughout the next week, in memory of the fact that when the Lord rose again, the sun did not set for a whole week, just as the sky will be open for another seven days.

Like any big holiday, which also lasts a week, Easter is filled with various games, entertainment, and visiting. On Easter, bells are allowed to ring everywhere, so the bells ring continuously, maintaining a joyful, festive mood.

After the solemn celebration of Easter, the seven weeks until the day of Trinity-Pentecost are called Easter weeks. Easter, Holy Week, is also called Great Day, glorious, great and joyful. The first day of Easter is called the Great Day, Tuesday morning is the bathing day, Friday is the day of forgiveness, Saturday is the round dance. The celebration begins both in the city and in the countryside: Lyalnik - the holiday of Lelya (Spring, fertility) - the daughter of Lada. Coming out to high places to welcome spring. Spring calls are sung.

This holiday is held on "Red Hill" - a favorite hill near the village. The most beautiful girl was seated on the bench, who played the role of Lyalya (Leli). Offerings were placed on the bench on the sides - a loaf of bread on one side, and jugs of milk and sour cream, eggs, cheese and butter on the other. Nearby are wreaths of flowers. The girls dance in a circle (korogod) around the bench and sing ritual songs, praising Lelya as a nurse and giver of the future harvest, and the girl sitting on the bench puts wreaths on her friends. Afterwards, they light a fire, around which they also conduct round dances (korogods) with songs.

Conversation No. 2

Easter customs

“Tsar is the day”, or “Great is the day” - this is how the Easter holiday was called by the people. Easter is a day of universal equality, love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words “Christ is risen,” the response was “Truly he is risen,” they kissed three times, and gave each other red eggs.

Why is it customary to give eggs at Easter?

The egg is considered the main Easter symbol of the Resurrection, since from it a new creature is born. Therefore, since ancient times, the Orthodox Church has maintained the pious tradition of giving eggs on the bright holiday of Easter.

Red is the color of joy. And it is also the color of the blood with which Christ sanctified life. Since then, people began to greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life.

Listen to how eggs were painted in the old days. Initially, the eggs were painted only red, but later they began to paint them in all sorts of colors, they painted landscapes on them, and even wrote down their thoughts.

Also in the old days, eggs were colored using bright scraps and threads that faded. The egg was moistened with water and covered with shreds and threads, wrapped in a white cloth and tightly wrapped with thread, then boiled.

The whole family painted eggs on Thursday before the holiday. There was a belief that hard-boiled eggs on Maundy Thursday protected against diseases if eaten on Easter, and burying egg shells in the ground in a pasture where livestock was grazed reliably protected domestic animals from the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes.

Each color had its own meaning: red is a sign of happiness; yellow - sun sign; green color is a sign of life; blue color is a sign of the sky; blue is the color of night and mystery; brown is the color of earth.

The decoration of Easter eggs was very diverse: geometric, floral, depicting the world of animals and birds:

In ancient times, such eggs were called painted eggs. And there were other eggs that served as a magical talisman throughout the year. They were painted by hand and were certainly raw; such eggs were called pysanky. On pysanky the ornament was done very clearly and accurately. Well, if the ornament was broken, then such eggs were popularly called “malevankas”. Painted eggs were placed on sprouted wheat, which was sown in advance and decorated the Easter table.

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Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Easter”

Target : introduce children to the traditions of celebrationEaster .

Tasks :

1. Tell why Easter is celebrated.

2. Why are eggs painted on this holiday?

3. Develop fine motor skills and imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

Progress of the lesson

Music is playing, children are sitting on chairs.

They came in and sat down on the chairs.Educator. Guys, what time of year is it now (children’s answer)

Poems about Spring (told by children)

Let's call Spring and sing a song about her.


Today I came to you in the image of Spring, look at my wreath! I did not come empty-handed, but brought one of the spring holidays.

What spring holidays do you know?

And I’ll tell you about another spring holidayEaster .


BeforeEaster celebrate the spring holiday of Palm Sunday.

Willow is health, strength and beauty. Whoever touches the willow on the holiday will be healthy, strong and beautiful. Let me touch you with willow so that you are healthy!

The willow has flowers -

Fluffy lumps

In spring it blooms

HolidayEaster is calling us .

People have been preparing for the holiday all weekEaster .

To celebrate this holiday, people bake Easter cakes and paint eggs.

Easter is also called RED EASTER , i.e. beautiful

In a dayEaster It is customary to give each other colored eggs, treatEaster cakes .

The egg has become a symbol of new life, rebirth onEaster .

Why did the egg become a symbol of new life?

New life emerges from the egg and a chick hatches.

Nature comes to life, wakes up from sleep when spring comes and the holiday beginsEaster .

Educator shows a plot picture and asks questions to the children.

Howbusy children in the picture ? (Children play with the egg)

That's right, on this day the children played with the testicles, rolled them on the spot, down slides, and played cue ball. Not only children, but also adults loved to play games with eggs.


Do you want to play and have fun today?(Yes)

Then I invite you to go on an unusual spring journey. We shall be togetherCelebrate Easter , after all, they say, onMiracles happen on Easter...

Surprise moment

Phonogram . A chicken (a child of an older group in disguise) comes in and has a basket in her hands with a large egg in it. The teacher asks who is this and what is in her hands (children’s answer)

That's right, it's a chicken, let's play a very interesting game with it.

Game egg! To the music, we pass the testicle in a circle, when the melody ends, the one whose testicle comes out into the circle and dances.

Did you like the game? Well done guys quickly learned to play with the testicle.Educator:

Guys, it looks like there is still something in the basket. What is this?(Testicles)

Which?( Easter )

Let's look at them, are they the same?(different)

That's right, because they were painted in different ways.

Look at this egg(painted) An egg of one color is called a krashenka because it was painted one color!(Ask several children to show the paint)

And this is a pysanka, because the egg was painted with different colors(ask the children repeat )

Spring: Guys, let's now sit down at the tables and turn our painted eggs into Easter eggs. Show the children a basket of eggs

Children: How?

Yes, very simple with the help of decoration for the testicles. We will glue them onto the painted eggs, and we will get very beautiful eggs called Easter eggs.

And so we turn our painted eggs into Easter eggs.

Background music.

Educator Now let's admire our testicles, did they turn out beautiful?(Yes.)

Spring Guys, your eggs, which you have now decorated with your own hands, will bring happiness and joy to the one to whom you give them.(Give to parents) .

Educator Now we will give our dyes to our loved ones and guests.

***Children recite poems about Easter.

Miracle! Easter has come

Gave people joy.

I say to my mother, lovingly:

May the Lord protect you!

We paint eggs with bright paint,

For the holiday of Christ's Easter,

Baked together in the oven

Cupcakes, rolls, Easter cakes!

Progress of the lesson:
The atmosphere of a Russian hut has been recreated in the hall. There are candles on the tables, Easter. Parents and guests of the holiday are sitting on the benches. All characters are dressed in Russian folk costumes. The housewife and grandmother are busy in the upper room.

Hostess: Well, I’ve done it all, there’s just a little bit left. It's time to put the cakes in the oven. While they are baking, wipe the eggs with an oiled cloth to make them shiny. Let us get ready for church, bring Easter cakes, and bless the eggs.

Hostess: (to grandmother) The cake is ready, you can get ready.

They leave the hut (bell ringing music sounds).

They return from church, put Easter cakes and eggs on the table and address the guests.


Christ is risen!

Truly risen!
On this bright week
You here, to your little room.
I'm glad to invite you, friends!
We will be one family -
Celebrate a bright Easter.
You just need to call
Children, so that their laughter can sound,

Both big and small – everyone!

The audio recording “Oh, the water is running like a stream” plays. Children enter in pairs; the elders hold the hands of the younger ones. The older ones stand behind the younger ones.


Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests!

You are welcome to the holiday! (children say hello)

How I love to look at you. The elders take care of the younger ones and help them, just like in a big, good family. Do you guys know what holiday we are celebrating today? (children's answers, grandmother invites children to sit at the table).


What kind of holiday is this – Easter?


Among all Christian holidays, Easter is the greatest, brightest, most solemn. Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for a future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he defeated death and was resurrected. That is why Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.

And I know that you have prepared poems about this bright holiday!

1 child
Resurrection of Christ!
Everyone is full of love and affection.
We have come here now
To celebrate Easter.
2 child
God teaches us to do
Good deeds for loved ones.
Don't offend anyone
Even a little pussy.
3 child
Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...


Today is the holiday of Easter,
Easter cakes, paint on eggs,
Guests, festive dinner.
And there is no sadness in the house.
The holiday is bright and big,
So wonderful.
The post passed, he was gone,
It's time to eat eggs.
Hostess: Very good poems, thank you kids.
Grandmother: Tell me, kids, what is the most important treat for Easter? (Easter cakes and painted eggs, Easter.)

Grandmother: Do you know where the custom of making Christ with colored eggs came from?

Sit back and listen, I will tell you a legend from ancient times. Tradition says that Saint Mary Magdalene came to King Tiberius to tell him the good news about the resurrection of the murdered Jesus and presented him with an ordinary egg as a gift. But the king did not believe her, he said: “Let this egg turn red, then I will believe that Jesus has risen.” And the egg immediately turned red. Mary Magdalene said: “Christ is risen,” and Tiberius replied: “Truly he is risen.”
Since then, on the bright day of Easter, people paint eggs when they meet and greet with the words “Christ is Risen,” and they are answered: “Truly he is risen” and exchange eggs. Look how many painted eggs there are in my hut today.
Hostess: Let us now celebrate Christ. Take a testicle in your hands, I will tell you “Christ is Risen!”, and you answer me “Truly He is Risen!”

Grandmother: And now my dear children are with me. (Exchange testicles).


The dormant bell

Woke up the fields.

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To the blue skies


The snow has already been removed from the fields,

And my hands are breaking from their shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener...

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!


The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is warming stronger,
Bird songs are heard
And the leaves turn green:
Easter is a day of spring!


Together we welcome spring

And with a bow we invite

With abundant bread

With spring showers

Come Spring into every home

You, Spring, are all welcome in it!

I, Spring-Red, brought you a gift

Leaves on an oak tree, silk handkerchief

Lots and lots of spring waters, and a spring round dance!

Round dance-dance “Rucheyok”, song “Oh, Spring”, prepared by group

Song "The Mischievous Rain" in a round dance.

Hostess: What cheerful, wonderful songs, they made my soul feel so light and joyful.

Hostess: There is a belief. That on Easter “the sun plays.” And many tried to watch for this moment in the early morning and went out to watch the sun “play” - if the sky was clear and blue, it meant there would be a good harvest.

The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird,

Light up our land

Swim like a fish into the sky,

Revive our land!

All the children in the world

Warm up, improve your health!

Game “Burn, Burn Clear” prep. gr.

Game "Sunshine and Rain" Jr. gr

Here is a fluffy willow blooming for Easter

And I brought it to you for the holiday today.

Dance "with the willow"

Grandmother: The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. And this week is called differently - Easter, bright, holy. People go to visit each other and have fun. And in order to awaken the earth from winter sleep, so that there would be a good harvest, painted eggs were rolled on the ground.

So as not to interfere with the fun, you need to continue the holiday

Now it's time to play


Why not play? (Takes the egg)

You roll an egg to the soul of the Lord

Give people protection

And give me good luck and I will save you!

Easter games.

"Roll, roll egg"
“Whose egg will spin longer.”

"Hot Egg"

Grandmother: Well done guys, they played together and didn’t offend anyone. And now. Sit down and listen to what else I’ll tell you. On the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, it was customary to visit hospitals. Prisons. Poor people and give them gifts. The Lord does not leave anyone without consolation on this day. Without the red egg and Easter cake. And even the most cruel people become kind. Now the older guys will show you a fairy tale. Which is called “Easter Kolobok”, and you listen carefully and memorize it well.

Easter bun
A hut with a Russian stove. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
But they didn’t have any pockmarked chicken.
There was a grandfather and a woman who were very poor -
With a tear they counted the copper pennies.
There was nothing to feed the chicken,
There was nothing to feed the chicken.
The hen didn't lay them eggs -
Don't bake now
Easter cake!
Neither Easter cake, nor bread -
There is nothing to break your fast on Easter!
It is a great sin to be discouraged!
You have to think - brainstorm!
Open the door to the heart,
Call on your mind for help.
Presenter: (prompts)
Drink holy water
Pray to God!
God will tell you what to do
How to get flour for bread.
All you need is a little bit - bake a bun!
Grandfather (happily echoes)
We'll mark the barns,
Let's scratch the bottom of the barrel.
Baba (nods in agreement)
Our small mouth -
Let's scrape it into a bun!
Kneaded with water
And salted the teardrop.
Thanked God
They put the dough in the oven...
(imitate, leave)
The Lenten bun came out.
I lay down on the window to freeze.
Early in the morning he woke up -

Looked around, stretched
And said…
Kolobok: (runs in and addresses the audience)
… Hello friends!
Oh, how glorious and magnificent I am!
Oh, where am I? (looks around)
You can't hear anyone around...
The house is quiet in the morning.
The birds are not singing yet.
I’ll soon go to the Temple -
I'll sprinkle myself with holy water!
Scene Path in the forest
He climbed down from the windowsill
Yes, and jumped out the window,
But he went the wrong way -
Along the path, straight into the forest...
Looks at the first Christmas tree
Look at him with the eyes of a wolf!
Wolf (growls roughly)
Well, hello, little bun!
I'll bite off the rosy side!
I'm sweeping through the barn,
I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed with water,
Yes, salted with a tear,
But not yet illuminated.
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!
Then the bun hurries -
The grass rustles under the barrel.
Once - I tripped! Two - and on the go
Jump to the bear's den!
Bear: (grumbles dissatisfied)
Wow! How you frightened me!
I almost died, really!
I'll eat you for your offense...
Look, I completely jumped up!
Excuse me, bear!
I'll be more careful in future!
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning.
The bun runs faster
Without sparing the legs of bread.
Suddenly he meets in the forest.

A very cunning fox!
Fox: (sings affectionately)
Hello, dear little bun!
Give me a piece of yourself.
You're not greedy...
Is it true, my sweetie?
I'm afraid to be late, fox -
I'm heading to the Church of God!
By Easter we must be sanctified -
Sprinkle yourself with holy water
Fox: (ingratiatingly)
I can't hear you!
Come closer, my dear...
Kolobok: (louder, but not getting closer)
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!
(the bun runs away)
Scene 3 – Church
Our bun rolled into the church
Holy water
Sprinkled well.
And Father asks him...
You were sprinkled with holy water,
Well, where is your red testicle?
Kolobok: (sad)
My poor old people are poor
We are glad to have a rare copper penny.
They couldn't give me a red egg!
We couldn't bake an Easter cake.
They were the only ones who could bake me.
Forgive me, Father, for my sad speech...
It is a great sin to be discouraged!
We must pray and trust in God!
How the heavenly one sends food to the bird -
So, you see, the Lord will send you an egg.
The rumor reached the parishioners -
They ran home.
And then a basket full of eggs!
Put your back up quickly, little bun!
(hands the bun a basket of eggs)
Scene 4 Path in the forest
Kolobok bowed deeply to everyone
And I rolled back home.
I just started to hurry -
Lo and behold: again a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Oh, what a rosy side!

Happy Easter to you, little bun!

Happy upcoming Resurrection of Christ!
You will be a delicious treat for us for the holiday!
Kolobok: (educational)
You foolish animals!
I explained - they don’t believe it!
I am fasting, my friends. –
I can't break my fast!
What should we do then?
We ask for forgiveness together!
Where is the food for the holiday?
Will there be a treat for Easter?
Kolobok: (solemnly)
Never be sad -
There will be food for the holiday!
You go to the basket -
Take everything one testicle at a time.
Thank God!
Animals (in chorus or in turns)
God bless! God bless!
We hear the bell ringing!
Kind words for your journey!
We bow to the old people!
Scene 5 Hut
Lo and behold, it’s already home –
The roof is red with a chimney.
Smoke floats upward from the stove.
Now on the porch
Grandma and grandpa can't wait
When will Kolobok return?
Grandfather (sternly)
Where did you go?
I've already searched the whole forest!
Baba (excitedly)
We've been waiting for you, my friend!
I was very worried!
Sorry, dear old people!
But there was no way to wake you up.
I wanted to please you
At least one of the good deeds:
I went to the Temple in the morning -
He sprinkled himself with holy water,
Yes, Easter is clear
I brought you some red eggs!
Grandfather (surprised)
Who helped you like that?

Who saved you from the fox?
And people have a good heart!

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

The Lord does not leave you without consolation,

The one who shows concern for his neighbor!

1 child
Red like a drop of blood on the cross
Without end or edge - round everywhere!
Symbol of eternal life, red egg
Like a flower from paradise bloomed on your hand!

2 child
There is noise and laughter everywhere
Songs. Joy and fun
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone
Happy first spring holiday!
Song “Easter spring has come”

Guys, let's thank our young artists for such a wonderful performance.
And to you, my dear children, I once again congratulate you on the Happy Easter. I wish you health, happiness, joy, and peace. I wish you to often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate your parents, relatives and friends on the holiday!
The children leave the hall to the sound of the bells.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: There are many rituals in Rus'.

And today is the holiday of God:

Easter is God's Sunday,

His second birthday.

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(bells ringing)

Guys, who knows what kind of Easter holiday this is?

(the teacher listens to the children’s answers and marks the correct ones)

Easter has its roots in the distant past.

Easter is the holiday of the bright Sunday of Christ, which is celebrated with joy and triumph. On Easter, everyone goes to visit each other, says Christ, congratulates them on the holiday, wishes the owners happiness and prosperity, and gifts each other with colored eggs and Easter cakes.

In ancient times, people walked from house to house, stopping in front of the windows and singing songs. The songs included Easter greetings, spells for the future harvest, the offspring of livestock, and demands for gifts: eggs, pies, etc. And the owners tried to please the volcanoes in any way they could. They were afraid not to give them gifts, since terrible words could be spoken to the stingy owner:

Whoever does not give us eggs will kill the sheep,

If a piece of lard does not give us, the heifer will die.

During Lent, all kinds of games and amusements were prohibited, and from Easter, fun festivities began with games, round dances, and round dance songs. Celebrations were held in the fresh air. It was from Easter that people began to swing on swings and carousels.

Physical education lesson “Carousel”


The carousel is spinning (the children begin to move slowly)

And then, then, then

Everything is running, running, running (the pace of speech and movement accelerates)

Let's run, let's run,

Let's run, let's run,

Hush, hush, don't rush (the pace slows down)

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te. (everyone stopped)

One-two, one-two,

So the game is over (everyone bows to each other).

What else do we do for Easter? That's right, on the bright holiday of Easter they painted eggs.

Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called “colored”; if the general color indicated spots, stripes, specks of a different color - it was a “speckle”. There were also “pysanky” - eggs hand-painted with plot pictures or ornamental patterns. (demonstration of pictures with painted eggs).

Special symbols were used for Easter eggs: cockscombs protected against evil forces, the sun for a good harvest, stars for a pure soul and kindness. And for the pattern to be beautiful and even, you need to work carefully.

And now I suggest you go to your tables, on which images of eggs are prepared for you. Each of you can decorate your egg the way you like best.

After the work is completed, the “pysanky” are displayed on the board. Children look at each other's work, telling what they liked best.

Educator: What holiday did we talk about today? What new did you learn? What did you like? Guys, you all worked really hard today! Well done! Let's traditionally give each other our “colors” so that next year will be good and fruitful.

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