The catchphrase is muddy in English. Vitaly Mutko's speech in Zurich in English. How to translate the phrase "let me speak from may hart in english"

Vitaly Mutko has not been involved in sports for a long time and does not speak publicly in English, but the Internet remembers everything. Let's remember the most striking phrases of the former minister and figure out what is wrong with them. So that at the next meeting with foreigners you can say at least a couple of words not only “from er hart”, but also so that you are understood.

Mutko-style English has given us dozens of memes. Among the carriers there is even a version that Russia received the right to host the World Cup, including thanks to Mutko's unique “Russian English”: the committee was ready for anything, just not to hear this set of sounds anymore.

So, here are a few legendary phrases that have gone to the people.

1. Speak English a little

Vitaly Mutko refused to talk to an English-speaking journalist. He very intelligibly explained to her that he did not speak English: “ Speak English a little. I will say how "speak English", then - songs on YouTube.

And his sentence in English really makes little sense. First, it is possible to lose the subject in spoken English, but only when it is clear who is performing the action. This phrase can be completed with almost any plural noun: we/you/Russians/cats speak English. Secondly, foreigners are more likely to think that you speak English not badly, but simply rarely: a little at the end of a sentence is more like a synonym not often.

It would be more correct to say "My English is not very good" or "I don't speak English well". Although Mutko no longer needs this phrase: he learned English in such a way that it flies off his teeth (“As for the tutorial, I learned it from cover to cover. Therefore, I use these phrases”).

2. World Cup in Russia is no problem

I wanted to reassure the foreigners that the World Cup in Russia would be held without excesses - instead, I agreed to host the championship. The second time (you never know, suddenly they didn’t understand the first time). Hold the World Cup in Russia? No problem! After all, we have a very good pace, an open new stadium.

no problem how an answer can be used in two cases: when you agree to do something in response to a request/question - or when you are thanked for your help.

- Can I pay with a credit card?(“Can I pay with a credit card?”)
- Sure, no problem("Sure, no problem").

- Thanks for the ride(“Thanks for the ride”).
- No problem("No problem").

3. Please ask me in Russian

It is not clear what Vitaly Mutko wants - to take part in some kind of opinion poll or ask to be interrogated. After all, the verb to question translated as "to interrogate or interrogate". There is a word please- already well, the request sounds quite polite.

It would be even better to use constructs like “Could you please…?”(“Could you…?”) or “Would you mind…?(“Do you mind…?”). Translated into Russian, they sound too formal, but in English this is a standard polite form of addressing strangers. And it's even better not to ask foreigners to switch to Russian at all if you want to give the impression of a well-mannered person.

4. I'm guaranteed

Vitaly Mutko gave FIFA guarantees that the stadium in St. Petersburg will be ready on time. Or rather, he thought so, but instead said that "he is guaranteed." Apparently, a guaranteed way to get everyone into a language stupor.

Words that end -ed in a phrase I am… describe you: I am tired- I'm tired, I'm bored- I'm bored, I am interested in- I am interested. If you happen to promise something in English, speak « I promise that…” or « I guarantee that…”. In general, be careful with promises. Mutko, for example, said: “I plan to improve my knowledge in English to the start of the World Cup.

5. Let me speak from my heart

One of the few catch phrases of Vitaly Mutko, which is built according to all the rules of the English language. The phrase became a meme not because of an epic mistake, but because of an unsurpassed Russian accent. The phrase itself to speak from the heart(“to speak from the bottom of my heart”) is not a tracing paper in Russian, as many used to think. It really existed in English long before Mutko. It is rarely used and not included in most dictionaries, but you can still hear it from native speakers.

6. Tomorrow this meeting will be euro association, maybe there will be nationalization, recommendation

What Vitaly Mutko wanted to say with this phrase remains a mystery to this day. Perhaps, on the eve of the interview, he listened to the Red Hot Chili Peppers on repeat and, due to excitement, at the right moment, only the words to -ation - association, nationalization, recommendation. Probably, the logic was this: “I will put them in one sentence. If not the answer to the question, then the new verse to "Californication" will definitely work.

Sign up for a free email course to improve your conversational English skills. You will learn common phrases for smol-talk, analyze examples of dialogues from films and series, and learn about the cultural characteristics and etiquette of English-speaking countries. You yourself will not notice how you will chat freely with foreigners. And most importantly - do not be shy.

Finally, I will become famous for writing an article about the great conqueror of the English language named Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko, who is also the president of the Russian Football Union, as well as a member of the Federation Council.

May his name be in all collections of foreign studies, for the polyglot minister who heads sports, tourism and youth policy knows what to talk about with the younger generation.

Career V. L. Mutko noticeably went up in 2010 after his famous speech, which he delivered in Zurich, so to speak, “From Heath Hart”. Excerpts from his address were quoted by many, and I will not be an exception, because in this case there is a "spontaneous English", which leads to a "stunning" effect. So,

“Dear president Blatter, colleagues of the executive committee! Let's me speak from my heart in English. My friends today is a unique moment in time both for my country in for FIFA”.

In fact, everything is accompanied by the addition of their own sounds, which are completely unnecessary, but it turns out something like this:

“...Lets mi speak from May Hart in English. May francs, today from e unic moment in time, bow fo may country and fo fifa. Russia's representative it's new hareinsitz for fifa. Russia Minz e Big Promotion of Aua Egein…”

The amazing combination of FIFA with an emphasis on the first syllable gives hope to young people that Mutko's text in English is not only about, but also about FIFA. But later, "Hearts in Minds", as well as "Boys In Girls" still haunt foreign students, because it turns out to be literally a "Mutkovsky" pun, to say the least. The famous "example", pronounced in the manner of either the English-Kurinsky-petroserf, or today conquered the World Wide Web.

Amazingly, the minister's speech was a prophecy that began to be fulfilled as early as 2015. Everyone remembers the phrase, I quote: “I also promise in 2018 I’ll speak English like my friend Jack Thompson”. Since you need to keep your promises, you also need to “pull up” your speech, rehearse in public, answering the crazy questions of journalists. And questions "fell down" apparently-invisibly. Even a representative of the Yakut publication, a certain Adamov, decided to actually demonstrate his strength by asking the minister:

“We have a question in English. What is your impression about Yakutia?” To which the polyglot minister proudly and without the slightest hesitation declared: “Can I have please translate?” Well, what do you say? After all, “spontaneous” English works, and you “cram” it for years, starting from school (some from kindergarten), ending with a university master's degree.

However, progress is "on the face." By the way, after the release of the last interview with Mutko, Dmitry Petrov also had to comment, because he was the founder of the speech for FIFA. Petrov had no choice but to say that "a man who grew up in the countryside and did not know a word of English before, committed, if not a feat, then undoubtedly a significant act." Still, what words, what accents, what stresses, and gestures ... oh! Worth going back to watch the video again.

Everyone would have already forgotten about the eloquence of the minister, but the experience of learning the language haunts Mutko, because it is known that practice is above all. I recommend watching the next video from 55 seconds, where the newly-minted linguist talks about the “euro association, majet recommendation, national session (apparently, a kind of party in the ministry) euro…maybe situation”.

How do you rate such knowledge of English?


Vitaly Mutko's speech in Zurich during the presentation of the Russian bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Transcript of Vitaly Mutko's speech in Zurich, at the presentation of the Russian application:

"Dio President Blatter, Coligs of The Exacutive Committee.
Lets mi speak from May Hart in English. (Applause).
May francs, today from e unic moment in time, bow fo may country and fo fifa.
Russia's representative it's new hareinsitz for fifa.
Russia Minz e Big Promotion of Aua Egein.

Millianz of New Harz and Minds It Alsosow Minz e Great Legacy Af e The Voldcup.
Great New Stadiums and Millions of Boys in Girls Imbrication Agane.
Rashas save from lunch and grow. The Pederal Gavenment Haz Stibal Phenances.
Rush sports marketing from developer rapidley. Just One Exempl: Today Russian Company Rights Over One Billion Dollars Sponsor Ship For The Sochi Olympic Games.
Image, How Much Investment Wood Be Made Intu Football. Given zyt football from sports namba van.

Auer bit from e nashonali priority for the Russian Federated.
If you giv as e chans, fifa wil neve rigret it. Yu Wil B Proud Of Wee Choice. Ai guarantee it.
Ay alsoow promise, from in twenty aytin ay "ll speak English like may friend Jeff Thomson. (Laughter, applause)

Dia french. Yu keng si on we mep. Westen Europ Hosted The World Cup Money Times. Iisten evrOp neva heads zy chance.

Manny Yiz Ego The Berlin Wall Woz Destroyd. Eight a new era for the wold begen.
Today wee ken break znaza symbolic.

End open a new era football Tugeza.
Fankyu Vari Mach My Friends.

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