Corporate psychology. Company image. Company philosophy. Corporate psychologist Corporate psychologist in commercial organizations

You are not from our sandbox

This article will talk about one of the disgusting features of modern society, which manifests itself at all levels from top to bottom. Let's consider various aspects of this problem step by step.

1. What is a corporation and what is corporate psychology? Under the influence of what, for what purpose and on the basis of what principles can people unite into groups? If we generalize the possible answers to this question, then, as shown in this article, we will get exactly 4 factors corresponding to the 4 stages of development of the value system of humanity on the path of its advancement to the heights of civilization. For example, one option for a unifying factor could be strength. People unite in groups in order to be stronger, in order to receive protection from threats from the outside, and build relationships within the group on the principle of the supremacy of force - that is, no wimps will be respected individuals in the group, only someone who will behave decisively, uncompromisingly, and, if necessary, toughly. You and I can observe such a model, based on the primacy of force, in some street group or military structure. However, the main, decisive factor that rules the roost in the interaction of people in modern society is the principle of benefit. Just as in the case of a street gang, people seeking benefits can unite into a group that will help them, acting together, get more benefits for themselves, grab a larger piece compared to other members of society acting alone, and resist the attempts of other groups get more benefits for yourself at their expense. We will call such a grouping, regardless of its size, methods and nature of benefits received, declared goals, etc., a corporation. Corporate psychology, accordingly, is a special style of behavior and thinking of people who are members of a corporation and subordinate their way of thinking and actions (often subconsciously) to corporate interests and corporate position.

2. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ proclaimed a teaching that called on people to build relationships with each other not on violence, but on love. But what is love? Love is an emotionally positive attitude towards a person, associated with providing him with help and various kinds of services, associated with the desire to do something pleasant for him, etc., with a condescending attitude towards his shortcomings. When does love play a constructive role in relationships between people? Only when she is sincere. However, sincerity is something that people who proclaimed love as the highest value quickly forgot. In the original postulates of Christianity, love, the desire to have this state in oneself, was supposed to contribute to the internal improvement of a person - if he met someone who caused his rejection, if negative emotional impulses appeared instead of love, this meant that the person was not perfect enough, what he needed work on yourself further. Instead, people quickly left this path and took the path of a formal manifestation of love for each other, in which a person exchanged his condescending attitude towards the shortcomings of others for the condescending attitude of others towards his own shortcomings, and also expected to provide some services for himself in exchange for that that he himself provided some services to others. This practice has become so deeply ingrained in the worldview of modern society that it does not occur to the vast majority to doubt its adequacy and consider that it is not something natural. Thus, the norm in today's society has become not some sincere manifestation of feelings, good intentions, etc., all this is practically unnecessary for anyone in our time, but entering into a formal relationship, with the pre-set goal of obtaining a certain benefit, which is guaranteed some kind of tacit agreement between their participants.

3 . Let us now consider the actual features of corporate psychology in more detail.
1) The opinion and position of a corporation participant depends on the opinion and position of other participants. This connection, however, does not lie in the fact that the group is created on the basis of some common beliefs and ideas, not in the fact that when communicating with each other, the members of the corporation bring together their opinions on certain issues and their view of things, it lies in the fact that the corporation's participants always try to support each other, regardless of the essence of the issue under consideration. Often a member of a corporation can do this automatically, subconsciously adjusting “his” opinion to the desired option, but even if this participant understands perfectly well that what he will say to shield “his own” is a clear violation of the truth, he will still say it, because I am sure that they must be protected in any way.
2) Double standards are applied to “friends” and “strangers”. A participant in a corporation always evaluates certain qualities, actions, statements, etc. of “friends” and “strangers” in different ways, from different angles, using different criteria, especially if this concerns any conflict situation. Western civilization provides stunning examples of such imposition of double standards, which I will never be able to comprehend. After Hitler came to power in Germany, the Nazis proclaimed that every German should be a patriot, an exemplary family man, take every possible care for the prosperity of the country and his fellow citizens, etc., while simultaneously declaring all Slavs as subhumans, whose murder without any pity would be good for them. Against this background, the current position of the United States and the statements of American politicians look like innocent slips of the tongue.
3) The attitude of members of a corporation towards a person who is not a member of the corporation is usually of two types. If they hope to attract him into entering into corporate relations with them and receive some benefits from this, they strive to advertise themselves, interest the potential participant, win his favor, often using flattery, etc., if they are convinced that he is for them does not fit, they organize discrimination and bullying, often without experiencing the slightest embarrassment. An indicative illustration of such behavior of corporation participants is the film “Scarecrow”, shot back in Soviet times.
4) Being inside a corporation, each individual is capable of more arrogant, defiant, absurd, etc. behavior, since he feels, as it were, “covered up” by the corporation. Often this feeling of “covering up” evokes in people the most base and vicious instincts, liberates and gives vent to the action of all sorts of complexes that a person tries to compensate “by the opposite”, i.e. a coward becomes aggressive, etc. An example of such behavior is the actions of a typical a hooligan group or, for example, even Putin’s security (see However, if a member of the corporation goes too far, the rest simply ignore it and pretend that they had nothing to do with it, not defending him, but not blaming him either.
5) The corporate group does not have its own ideology, clear moral and value guidelines, there is no (within) recognized leader, etc., but there are definitely some formal criteria, authorities or fetishes that the participants focus on in order to feel some kind of unity . In addition, by appealing to these authorities, a corporation participant seeks to substantiate his opinion and increase his status. This could be football and paraphernalia of your favorite team, gold chains and crimson jackets, books by Castaneda and Blavatsky or the theory of Marx, but in any case, even if such things are certain ideas and teachings of famous personalities, it makes no sense to start a deep conversation with a corporate participant on this topic and expect actual adherence to the spirit of these teachings, for him it makes sense only to formally mention and express commitment to these things, at the level of dogmatic assessments, and not meaning.
6) With dogmatism and fanaticism when defending a corporate position, corporation participants are always characterized by a certain strange “modesty” associated with the desire not to take personal responsibility for the points expressed and actions taken, an involuntary desire to always share responsibility for the position that he takes, on everyone (and ultimately it turns out not to be assigned to anyone). If you press down on any corporate group, revealing the unsightly facts of its activities, it will turn out that there are no extreme ones, everyone seems to have nothing to do with it, but did it only because “everyone” did.

4 . Where do corporations exist and where is corporate psychology imposed on a person? Almost everywhere. It is taught starting from school and even from kindergarten. Almost every person has a suspicion that it is probably not good to report the unsightly behavior of colleagues to their superiors. That it would be right not to “separate from the team” and take part in some common event, even if it seems stupid to you. That pointing out to someone that he does not follow the general opinion that has developed here without him is a good argument. As a result, the entire society is divided into corporate groups acting against each other. Students make a collective effort to deceive teachers. Officials unite and act in collusion in order to jointly “cut” budget money. Police officers categorically do not notice the facts of exceeding each other's powers. Finally, everyone prefers to mind their own business and apply corporate norms for themselves personally (for example, giving a bribe to someone to quickly solve a problem), loudly lamenting and expressing regret that there is so much corruption in the country and that no one wants to observe the same generally declared moral principles and follow the law. The amorphous nature of beliefs and values, characteristic of corporate psychology, and collective irresponsibility as a whole are corroding society and destroying the country.
But how should we proceed? First, you need to realize that the underlying stereotypes of corporate psychology, which look like some kind of “favor” to others, mean a false favor that is not needed either by yourself, or by this person, or by the whole society as a whole. It would be much more correct not to indulge one’s own and each other’s weaknesses, but to follow the correct principles, as well as demanding that others follow these principles. Only such a practice can create a normal and healthy atmosphere both in an individual micro-collective and in society as a whole, when people treat each other with true respect and a true desire to help and assist in difficulties, instead of the despicable commercial calculation and expectation that dominates these days. in doubt of reciprocal handouts in exchange for your handouts.

5 . Unfortunately, corporate psychology is so deeply embedded in the consciousness of people that people, starting with some good intentions, intending to implement some progressive plans, etc., choose to turn the group created for their implementation into a corporation. They have the illusion that a much easier and simpler way to achieve what they want than persuading their opponents, confirming their rightness in practice, refining and developing their theory in the part where it is weak in collision with reality and does not withstand criticism well, is to simply keep silent about it criticism, silencing opponents, selecting supporters based on the principle “do you (formally) agree with us or not?”, and not on the principle of the true motives, qualities, and abilities of this person. However, such a path always and inevitably leads to a dead end. An excellent example of such a path to a dead end and the transformation of a group of people initially striving to implement certain good intentions and ideas into a corporation and the inevitable subsequent stop in development, the emasculation of the essence of these ideas and a complete turn from the initially declared goals to serving exclusively the internal and selfish needs of this group, is the evolution of the Communist Party throughout the history of the USSR. Being initially a revolutionary party, in which there were quite a lot of active, independently thinking and extraordinary individuals, by the end of the 80s this party finally turned into a party of careerists, opportunists, bureaucrats, who were looking for a “warm” place in it, for whom the repetition of slogans about moving towards communism, etc. turned into only a kind of formal ritual, carried out by force of tradition, but without the slightest support in the form of true intentions.

6 . As a final addition, I would like to note prosperity corporate psychology not only in real life, but also in the virtual space, in particular, on numerous RuNet forums. Moreover, here, where unification into virtual corporations provides only purely psychological, but no real and pragmatic benefits, this corporate psychology and stereotypes of corporate thinking appear in their pure form, and the degree to which it is crammed into people’s brains is especially clearly visible. The vast majority of forums, both those where typical ordinary people communicate and those where people gather who express the ideas of humanism, spirituality, self-improvement and the fight for the revival of Russia, turn into narrow corporate get-togethers, where people with alternative views or simply hope order to freely express one’s position and adequately evaluate it. A contingent of regular visitors, as a rule, in cooperation with the administration, bark and expel from the forum everyone who decided, even involuntarily, to “stand out” and, even more so, to express criticism of these old participants. I saw an excellent example of the manifestation of corporate psychology during the events of the so-called. "orange revolution" in Ukraine at one of the orange "forums". The moderator’s statement in one of the topics simply killed me. He wrote something like this: “By the way... here Now I understood why I banned such and such (Yanukovych’s supporters)." However, the principle of “first sanctions - then selection of arguments”, even without such voicing of it in plain text, is very common on a significant part of the forums. Alas, it is almost impossible to convey to the consciousness of people who propagate, for example, some idea that by “protecting” themselves and their idea from criticism using such methods, they do not achieve its protection, but, on the contrary, achieve it and their discredit, building a barrier that fences them off from everyone the rest.

Start dates

Dates are not determined.

Personnel assessment manager: retraining

Corporate Governance Specialist

The work of a corporate psychologist can bring impressive results to a company. A corporate psychologist, as a rule, is part of the HR department, and his tasks come down to three main areas: organizing teamwork, resolving conflict situations and participating in key HR cycle procedures.

The main goal of the program is to train qualified corporate psychologists, improve professionalism and develop practical skills in psychological work with personnel in all areas of activity of a corporate psychologist.

To the course classes, take with you: flash cards and voice recorders for audio recording of classes, cameras for a photo chronicle of your training.

This seminar is for you if you

  • a practicing psychologist seeking to enrich his professionalism in the field of positioning, promotion and implementation of his psychological services in the field of organizational and management consulting
  • an experienced corporate psychologist seeking to improve his qualifications, gain new knowledge and skills in conducting psychological work in a developing company in modern conditions
  • a beginner corporate psychologist and want to gain real skills in conducting organizational and managerial psychological consulting
  • you have no experience in consulting on problems of managerial and organizational psychology, but intend to engage in consulting practice

As a result of training you

  • learn the possibilities of using practical psychology in solving various business problems of the company
  • master methods of psychological support for basic personnel procedures: selection, adaptation, motivation, assessment and certification of personnel, as well as methods for changing the work attitudes of personnel and organizational behavior of employees, conflict-free dismissal, etc.
  • gain skills in psychological work with various categories of counterparties, skills in creating a favorable psychological climate, methods of leadership management, decision-making and conflict resolution in the organization
  • learn to apply in practice methods, techniques and technologies of organizational and managerial psychological consulting

Each participant is given a certificate.

Course program

Day 1

Corporate Psychologist:skills and competencies, status, mechanisms of influence

  • Tasks, areas of application, opportunities and methods of practical psychology in the development of organizational management of a company
  • Functions of a corporate psychologist. The problem of distribution of responsibilities and main functions
  • Basic competencies of a corporate psychologist: methodological, diagnostic, project, communicative, organizational, personal and professional
  • Behavioral roles of a corporate psychologist. Role ring (Yu.M. Zhukov). Key roles of a psychologist in an organization: diagnostician, expert, coach, consultant, moderator, facilitator, mediator
  • Strategies for the practical work of a psychologist in an organization (O. V. Solovyova)
  • Methods of work of a psychologist in an organization. Problem diagnostics of organizations. Methods of socio-psychological diagnostics. Methods for studying corporate image (organization image). Qualitative methods in solving practical social and psychological problems: focus groups, in-depth interviews, extended creative groups. Modeling in groups of active socio-psychological training: trainings, business games, work with cases, group discussions
  • Ethics of a corporate psychologist
  • Conditions for the successful activity of a corporate psychologist
  • Ways to improve the professionalism of a corporate psychologist
  • Marketing of psychological services

Workshop: Workshop on the conditions for applying methods of practical psychology in the organizational development of a company.

Psychological determinants of interaction between a person and an organization

  • Organization and its main features. Organizational goals: basic principles, strategic objectives, short-term plans
  • Organizational structure (linear, functional, product, matrix). Organizational culture. Parameters characterizing organizational culture (F. Harris). Typology of organizational culture. Diagnostics and correction of the company’s organizational culture
  • Interaction with the external and internal environment. Use of resources (human, natural, material). Labor potential of the organization. Man as an object and subject of management. Methods for developing organizational relationships
  • Characteristics of the workplace. Areas of responsibility, competence and influence. A person’s expectations and ideas about his place in the organizational environment
  • Model of interaction between a person and the organizational environment: selection for a task or for an individual. Selective attitude of the employee to organizational tasks
  • The emergence of a “latent” structure of an organization as a compromise between organizational and individual goals (V.K. Tarasov, Yu.V. Sinyagin). Factors influencing the position of the employee in the real structure of the organization
  • Signs of an effective organization. Balanced system of organizational performance indicators

Workshop: Video training “Conducting an assessment interview by a psychologist with a candidate for a vacant position.”

Day 2

Psychological foundations of human resource management in an organization

  • Development of the human resource management function. The “lazy man” theory (F.W. Taylor, G. Emerson). Theories of “human relations” (E. Mayo, D. McGregor, F. Herzberg). Paternalistic model of organization. Japanese school of organizational psychology. HR management practice at IBM
  • Features of business development in Russia. Dependence of changes in the human resource management function on the stage of development of the organization
  • Ways of optimization: improvement of the organization's staffing systems, development of labor potential, motivation, career advancement, formation of the organization's personnel core
  • Organizational, managerial and psychological problems that arise at various stages of company development. Optimization of the structure, functions, methods of personnel management in the organization’s management system
  • Methods for increasing the personal effectiveness of company personnel. Assessing your own limitations. Ways to overcome limitations at work. Planning your career and business success. Self-organization technology. Personal work technique. Motivation for creative performance and business activity. Time management. Stimulating business ambition. Personal charm technology
  • Stress in the workplace. Anti-stress help. Psychological relief for staff
  • The work of a psychologist to reveal the creative and intellectual resources of managers and specialists, maintaining high performance of company personnel

Workshop: Workshop “Psychological support for professional and personal development of a company manager.”

Group behavior and group dynamics as objects of psychological work

  • Types of groups. Group dynamics: group processes, group states
  • Group effects: social facilitation (N. Triplett, N. Cuttrell, R. Zayens, D. Myers), group membership (G. Tejfel, J. Turner, S. Moscovici), social loafing (M. Ringelman, D. Myers , B. Lataine), the effect of “synergy” (M. V. Lange), “group-think” (I. Janis), conformism (S. Asch, St. Milgram)
  • Group structure and leadership. Methods for increasing group cohesion, teamwork and group synergy (productivity). Psychological climate and its indicators. The importance of group work in organizational development. Classification of group work methods
  • The role of teams in modern organizations. Fire theory of W. Schutz. Stages of team development. Team role analysis. Team effectiveness
  • Technology for forming a highly effective business team

Workshop: Video training “Development of team building skills: increasing mutual responsibility; complementarity, mutual dependence, coordination and interaction of personnel in solving production problems.”

Day 3

Technology for resolving organizational and managerial conflicts

  • Concept, main stages, mechanism and typology of conflicts. Types of conflicts. Causes and consequences of conflicts
  • Conflictological analysis. Diagnosing, forecasting and preventing conflict
  • Style, methods and typology of conflict behavior. Conflictological typology of employees
  • Basic conflict management strategies. Rational behavior and effective communication in conflict
  • The role and place of the psychologist in resolving organizational and managerial conflicts. Models of mediation (mediation) in resolving organizational and managerial conflicts

Workshop: Workshop “Effective conflict management in an organization.”

Psychological support of management processes in the company

  • Organizational leadership in the company. Roles of leaders in the organization. Leadership styles. Integration of leaders. Formation of leadership. Psychological work with formal and informal leaders. Eliminating destructive leadership. Psychological support for the leadership management process in a company
  • The essence and content of a management decision. Requirements for the quality of management decisions. Social and psychological foundations for the development of management decisions. Individual qualities of a manager and leadership style in the decision-making process. Technology and organization of the decision-making process. Assessing the effectiveness of management decisions. Search for super-optimal management solutions. Features of the development of management decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Psychological support for the process of development, adoption, coordination and implementation of management decisions
  • Methods of effective communication. Communication practice. Communication technologies in working with personnel. Communication management in the organizational management system. Public relations and managerial imageology in company personnel management. Psychological support of communication processes in an organization

Workshop: Video training “Attractive image in the system of competitive advantages of a corporate psychologist - a tool of influence and a guarantee of professional success.”


Naumova Svetlana Viktorovna

Psychologist, NLP practitioner and master, management consultant

Professional experience

  • 2005 - present — consulting company “BusinessArt”, founder
  • 2004 - present - independent trainer-consultant
  • 2002 - 2004 — Agency of Personnel Management and Recruiting (AKMR), partner, trainer-consultant
  • 1996 - 2002 — “Victoria-1”, “Megaprom-ST”, “INCOM-real estate”, training manager

Professional competencies

  • Organization of business theaters
  • Remote management
  • Talent management
  • Development of a corporate culture model and standards
  • Development of the organization's attraction function
  • Development of strategy, optimization of enterprise activities
  • Business Process Restructuring
  • Intangible Asset Management
  • Courses “Social Psychology”, “General Psychology” (MGUKI)
  • Conducting seminars, trainings, master classes, webinars


Articles and interviews in professional magazines “Director Info”, “Directory of the Secretary and Office Manager” (leader of the column “Management School for the Office Manager”), “Elite Personnel”, 1 Internet broadcasting channel, etc.


Apostrophe, AN "Miel", AN "INCOM", Ventrade, Corporation DEK-Moscow, Group of Companies "Crocus - Trade", CJSC "Organon", RIA "RosBusinessConsulting", Russian Game, Group of Companies "SIVMA", CITES-Conditioner, "Sovintel" ", Tika, Sportmaster Group of Companies, Marco Trevi, Aktron Telecom, Forland, Raiffeisenbank Austria, Strabag, Frame, Pragmatist, Codegen, ALGS group, Satori, R-Style, Dzintars, Voskresenskcement, Goodwin, Kar Vit, Lazurit, Lukoil, Furniture, Bearing Contract, Therapy, TVIN BTL, Estet, Tat-neft, Showcase A, real estate agency "Moscow Mortgage Center", Business Media Communications, real estate agency "Penny Lane Realty", Ovental, Lady Collection, Park Place, AN "Moskovsky" Mortgage Center", Academy of Sciences "Peresvet"


  • Higher School of Humanitarian Psychotherapy, Practical Psychology
  • Training Institute (St. Petersburg), methodological training of trainers.
  • 2009 - School of management consultants under the direction. A.I. Prigogine at the Academy of National Economy
  • 2004 - methodological workshop of Dr. Karen Rishter
  • NLP Practitioner and Master Program

Futin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, psychologist, HR advisor for federal and regional administrations

Professional experience

Management, organizational and personnel, consulting and pedagogical (teaching and training) work in government and commercial organizations

Professional competencies

  • Proficient in modern administrative and organizational technologies of strategic management, development of corporate policy, philosophy, ethics, culture; optimization of the structure, functions, methods of personnel management in the organization’s management system; improving the organization's staffing systems; development of its labor potential; individual and group motivation; intra-company career advancement; formation of the personnel core of the organization
  • Conducts diagnostics of the effectiveness of the management concept of managers, the practice of making management decisions and their implementation in management activities, leadership styles; studying the resource capabilities of managers and ways to improve their managerial competence
  • Carries out the development of promising directions for the development of the organization; analysis of the main problems and ways to form a strong organizational culture; assessing the effectiveness of organizational behavior of personnel and finding ways to increase their productivity
  • Consults on organizational, personnel, image and psychological issues of increasing the competitiveness of the company; on problems of managing processes of organizational change
  • Organizes and conducts PR events to create and adjust corporate image, develop corporate identity

Teaching activities

  • 2006 - present — Russian Academy of Railways, Professor of the Department of Personnel Management
  • 2005 - present — State Educational Institution Pedagogical Academy, professor
  • 2005 - 2006 — Institute of Fashion Industry, Dean of the Faculty of Public Relations
  • 2004 - 2005 — International University of Business and Management, Head of the Department of Communication Management

Publications and achievements

  • Vice-President of the Academy of Imageology since 2005
  • Regular presenter and participant in scientific and scientific-practical conferences, symposiums, seminars, round tables dedicated to the formation, development, teaching and practical implementation of human science technologies
  • Published 77 scientific works, including 2 individual monographs, 5 teaching aids

Dates and locations

Start dates for training have not been determined.

Are there unhealthy relationships on your company's team? Such problems need to be solved immediately, while they are in their infancy. Don't wait for the sprout to grow into a huge tree. Sign up for consultations on the topic “Corporate Psychologist”. Our competent specialists with extensive experience provided assistance in improving the microclimate already in the team of many organizations and companies. Conducting classes according to a schedule, at a time convenient for students. The cost of the course is quite reasonable.

Why do you need a psychology specialist?

It is known: the more people a company employs, the more difficult it is to manage them. The situation becomes more complicated if an unhealthy environment develops in the team. Warring factions (and sometimes entire clans) appear, feuds brew, and intrigues weave. What kind of business development is this?

In these cases, a corporate psychologist is invited. But large companies can afford to have such a specialist on their staff. His competence includes studying conflict situations among workers, setting specific tasks in the field of establishing relationships, developing ways to create a healthy microclimate in the team, the mechanisms of influence on which are well known to him.

Study, dare, create, knowing the “kitchen” from the inside

Practical skills in the work of a full-time corporate psychologist are certainly a necessary thing, but his main advantage is that he is integrated into the team, knows the character and psychological characteristics of each employee, and is aware of all relationships. This means that it is easier for him to navigate the environment. He is more objective at the initial stage.

The status of such a specialist obliges him to have organizational, project, communicative, diagnostic, methodological, personal and professional competence. And these are just the basic concepts. In addition to specific disciplines, he must also understand business and master basic legal norms. It turns out that he simply needs to constantly improve his professionalism.

At our trainings and seminars, the purpose of which is to improve the qualifications of psychology specialists, assistance is provided in developing a theoretical basis and acquiring the necessary skills with the possibility of using them in future work.

This view from the outside is like the breath of spring

A freelance corporate psychologist also has its own invaluable advantages, the main one of which is independence from the team to which he was invited. He does not yet know the price of each employee, is not connected with anyone, and has not developed likes and dislikes for individual employees.

Such a specialist, invited from outside, is incorruptible and impartial. He will do his job honestly, tell the head of the company about the pitfalls of psychological management, give recommendations on the effective distribution of responsibilities between team members, advise making adjustments to the functions of some employees, and share ways to improve the microclimate. However, such a psychologist will not see the results of his work, will not be able to work for the long term. Therefore, the heads of companies and organizations have the right to choose for themselves whether they will hire a full-time specialist, or whether it is better to turn to the “Position” center for help.

The work of a corporate psychologist can bring impressive results to a company. A corporate psychologist, as a rule, is part of the HR department, and his tasks come down to three main areas: organizing teamwork, resolving conflict situations, and participating in key HR cycle procedures.

The main goal of the program is to train qualified corporate psychologists, improve professionalism and develop practical skills in psychological work with personnel in all areas of activity of a corporate psychologist.

This seminar is for you if you:

  • a practicing psychologist seeking to enrich his professionalism in the field of positioning, promotion and implementation of his psychological services in the field of organizational and management consulting
  • an experienced corporate psychologist seeking to improve his qualifications, gain new knowledge and skills in conducting psychological work in a developing company in modern conditions
  • a beginner corporate psychologist and want to gain real skills in conducting organizational and managerial psychological consulting
  • you have no experience in consulting on problems of managerial and organizational psychology, but intend to engage in consulting practice

As a result of training you:

  • learn the possibilities of using practical psychology in solving various business problems of the company
  • master methods of psychological support for basic personnel procedures: selection, adaptation, motivation, assessment and certification of personnel, as well as methods for changing the work attitudes of personnel and organizational behavior of employees, conflict-free dismissal, etc.
  • gain skills in psychological work with various categories of counterparties, skills in creating a favorable psychological climate, methods of leadership management, decision-making and conflict resolution in the organization
  • learn to apply in practice methods, techniques and technologies of organizational and managerial psychological consulting

Seminar program:

Day 1

Corporate psychologist: skills and competencies, status, mechanisms of influence

  • Tasks, areas of application, opportunities and methods of practical psychology in the development of organizational management of a company
  • Functions of a corporate psychologist. The problem of distribution of responsibilities and main functions
  • Basic competencies of a corporate psychologist: methodological, diagnostic, project, communicative, organizational, personal and professional
  • Behavioral roles of a corporate psychologist. Role ring (Yu.M. Zhukov). Key roles of a psychologist in an organization: diagnostician, expert, coach, consultant, moderator, facilitator, mediator
  • Strategies for the practical work of a psychologist in an organization (O.V. Solovyova)
  • Methods of work of a psychologist in an organization. Problem diagnostics of organizations. Methods of socio-psychological diagnostics. Methods for studying corporate image (organization image). Qualitative methods in solving practical social and psychological problems: focus groups, in-depth interviews, extended creative groups. Modeling in groups of active socio-psychological training: trainings, business games, work with cases, group discussions
  • Ethics of a corporate psychologist
  • Conditions for the successful activity of a corporate psychologist
  • Ways to improve the professionalism of a corporate psychologist
  • Marketing of psychological services

Workshop: workshop on the conditions for applying methods of practical psychology in the organizational development of a company

Psychological determinants of interaction between a person and an organization

  • Organization and its main features. Organizational goals: basic principles, strategic objectives, short-term plans
  • Organizational structure (linear, functional, product, matrix). Organizational culture. Parameters characterizing organizational culture (F. Harris). Typology of organizational culture. Diagnostics and correction of the company’s organizational culture
  • Interaction with the external and internal environment. Use of resources (human, natural, material). Labor potential of the organization. Man as an object and subject of management. Methods for developing organizational relationships
  • Characteristics of the workplace. Areas of responsibility, competence and influence. A person’s expectations and ideas about his place in the organizational environment
  • Model of interaction between a person and the organizational environment: selection for a task or for an individual. Selective attitude of the employee to organizational tasks
  • The emergence of a “latent” structure of an organization as a compromise between organizational and individual goals (V.K. Tarasov, Yu.V. Sinyagin). Factors influencing the position of the employee in the real structure of the organization
  • Signs of an effective organization. Balanced system of organizational performance indicators

Workshop: video training “Conducting an assessment interview by a psychologist with a candidate for a vacant position”

Day 2

Psychological foundations of human resource management in an organization

  • Development of the human resource management function. The “lazy man” theory (F.W. Taylor, G. Emerson). Theories of “human relations” (E. Mayo, D. McGregor, F. Herzberg). Paternalistic model of organization. Japanese school of organizational psychology. HR management practice at IBM
  • Features of business development in Russia. Dependence of changes in the human resource management function on the stage of development of the organization
  • Ways of optimization: improvement of the organization's staffing systems, development of labor potential, motivation, career advancement, formation of the organization's personnel core
  • Organizational, managerial and psychological problems that arise at various stages of company development. Optimization of the structure, functions, methods of personnel management in the organization’s management system
  • Methods for increasing the personal effectiveness of company personnel. Assessing your own limitations. Ways to overcome limitations at work. Planning your career and business success. Self-organization technology. Personal work technique. Motivation for creative performance and business activity. Time management. Stimulating business ambition. Personal charm technology
  • Stress in the workplace. Anti-stress help. Psychological relief for staff
  • The work of a psychologist to reveal the creative and intellectual resources of managers and specialists, maintaining high performance of company personnel

Workshop: workshop “Psychological support for professional and personal development of a company manager”

Group behavior and group dynamics as objects of psychological work

  • Types of groups. Group dynamics: group processes, group states
  • Group effects: social facilitation (N. Triplett, N. Cuttrell, R. Zayens, D. Myers), group membership (G. Tejfel, J. Turner, S. Moscovici), social loafing (M. Ringelman, D. Myers , B. Lataine), the effect of “synergy” (M.V. Lange), “group-think” (I. Janis), conformity (S. Asch, St. Milgram)
  • Group structure and leadership. Methods for increasing group cohesion, teamwork and group synergy (productivity). Psychological climate and its indicators. The importance of group work in organizational development. Classification of group work methods
  • The role of teams in modern organizations. Fire theory of W. Schutz. Stages of team development. Team role analysis. Team effectiveness
  • Technology for forming a highly effective business team

Workshop: video training “Development of team building skills: increasing mutual responsibility; complementarity, mutual dependence, coordination and interaction of personnel in solving production problems"

Day 3

Technology for resolving organizational and managerial conflicts

  • Concept, main stages, mechanism and typology of conflicts. Types of conflicts. Causes and consequences of conflicts
  • Conflictological analysis. Diagnosing, forecasting and preventing conflict
  • Style, methods and typology of conflict behavior. Conflictological typology of employees
  • Basic conflict management strategies. Rational behavior and effective communication in conflict
  • The role and place of the psychologist in resolving organizational and managerial conflicts. Models of mediation (mediation) in resolving organizational and managerial conflicts

Workshop: workshop “Effective conflict management in an organization”

Psychological support of management processes in the company

  • Organizational leadership in the company. Roles of leaders in the organization. Leadership styles. Integration of leaders. Formation of leadership. Psychological work with formal and informal leaders. Eliminating destructive leadership. Psychological support for the leadership management process in a company
  • The essence and content of a management decision. Requirements for the quality of management decisions. Social and psychological foundations for the development of management decisions. Individual qualities of a manager and leadership style in the decision-making process. Technology and organization of the decision-making process. Assessing the effectiveness of management decisions. Search for super-optimal management solutions. Features of the development of management decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Psychological support for the process of development, adoption, coordination and implementation of management decisions
  • Methods of effective communication. Communication practice. Communication technologies in working with personnel. Communication management in the organizational management system. Public relations and managerial imageology in company personnel management. Psychological support of communication processes in an organization

Workshop: video training “Attractive image in the system of competitive advantages of a corporate psychologist - a tool of influence and a guarantee of professional success”

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Social networks and especially medical Telegram channels are sharply increasing the trend in various categories of users. By creating new models for the production, distribution and reception of information, the Internet gives people both new opportunities and creates threats that need to be understood in connection with their negative impact on health. The Internet and social networks affect mental and social aspects of health. These factors require attention and the development of favorable strategies to correct the emotional and psychological status of people.

Understanding how the identification and behavior of users on the Internet is formed provides a correct understanding of how to avoid negative impacts on a person’s quality of life. The advantage of online technologies is increased self-esteem, self-confidence, awareness of social support and the opportunity for self-realization, but at the same time there is a danger of social isolation, depression, etc.

Today, online social networks are an important part of public life and their use has increased dramatically in recent decades. Teenagers are the most active users of social networks. Research shows that they spend a significant portion of their daily lives there.

Access to various virtual networks has become an epidemic among most social groups, including youth and adolescents. Relationships in social networks have created a new, expansive and variable environment that is spontaneous in content, self-regulating in distribution and self-selecting in audience reception.

Recent innovations in the Internet virtual space with their numerous and extensive features have introduced challenges as well as benefits and welfare to people. The Internet has an important influence on the socio-cultural structure of modern societies. In the modern world, new communication technologies have created enormous changes and complexity in human relationships and created a new form of behavior patterns.

Cyberspace provides the opportunity to interact with people and social groups with a diversity of thoughts and beliefs, traditions, languages ​​and religions. The family plays an important role in a person’s life, but under the influence of the Internet, his behavior, beliefs, and views change, creating new forms of social relations.

People receive information from various sources, including new communication technologies, especially the Internet. While this may strengthen relationships for some, information received on social media is modified and interpreted differently and can negatively impact the socialization process and relationships among youth and adolescents.

Experts analyzed the psychological aspects of the Internet and concluded that cultural concepts create a mental environment that promotes excellence and prosperity, providing opportunities for development and increased self-confidence. People are always looking for new experiences and often face some psychological difficulties.

Telegram is considered one of the safest social networks. Among the popular telegram channels, we can recommend the Israeli medical center Tel Aviv CLINIC, where there is a lot of interesting information, and in the chat you can get doctor’s advice in Russian.

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