Krasnoyarsk Medical College admissions committee. Krasnoyarsk Medical College at City Clinical Hospital N20 named after Berzon I.S. History of the development of the college

Medical support for students and students at the College is provided by full-time and assigned medical personnel, who, along with the administration of the Institution, are responsible for carrying out treatment and preventive measures, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, the regime and quality of nutrition for students and pupils.


Not a single calendar year is complete without festive events. For students, traditional calendar holidays are not only a time when they can take a break from everyday school life, but also a reason to demonstrate their Creative skills, to unite more with each other at festive concerts and events dedicated to a particular date.

The main principle of holding traditional calendar events at the Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky is the uniqueness of the scenario organization and the genre diversity of the concert program.

The main goal of extracurricular activities at KBMK named after. V.M. Krutovsky: development of the moral and ethical position of future paramedical workers.

Through participation in events of various formats: holiday concerts, volunteer events, military-patriotic events, students develop a sense of aesthetics, form a moral position and understand the deontology of a future medical worker.

Traditional calendar holidays: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, New Year, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day are celebrated with concert programs with creative and humorous performances.

The logical end of each academic year is ceremonial graduations, which are not only formal in nature of obtaining a diploma of education, but also work to strengthen the moral, ethical and aesthetic position of the graduate.

The volunteer movement has become an integral part in modern Russia. An event of any scale and at any level today cannot do without volunteers, people who provide free services different types help.

The most important thing in volunteer activity is the idea, a noble idea that reflects the importance and principles of the activity. It is the idea that determines whether a person will understand what he is doing and why, whether he will have pride, self-esteem and satisfaction from his work and performance results. The internal psychological need to be needed is important. The volunteer movement allows you to realize this need and feel your usefulness.

The volunteer movement plays a special role in medical educational institutions. Krasnoyarsk base was no exception Medical College them. V.M. Krutovsky. Future paramedical workers from the first year carry out volunteer activities in hospitals and hospitals in the city.

At the Krasnoyarsk Regional AIDS Center and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital for War Veterans, volunteer work is carried out by college students. The future paramedical worker must be ready not only to fulfill his professional duties in the future, but also to provide assistance to those in need free of charge at any time.

Simple care for patients in the hospital, leisure activities in honor of traditional holidays, propaganda healthy image life among young people, educating the population about the spread of HIV infection and infection precautions - this is not a complete list of the necessary functionality of college volunteers.

History of the development of the college

The history of the college began in 1936, when a pharmacy school was opened on the basis of the medical assistant and midwifery school. The first graduation of pharmacists took place in 1939 and consisted of only 30 people.

In 1956, the school was renamed the School of Pharmacy and the number of students increased to 270 people.

In 1990, the Pharmaceutical School received the status of a college and became known as the Krasnoyarsk Medical and Pharmaceutical College.

The college currently implements four educational programs basic level- “Nursing”, “Pharmacy”, “Laboratory diagnostics”, “Medical and preventive care”, four advanced level programs in the specialties “Nursing”, “Laboratory diagnostics”, 24 postgraduate educational programs.

In 2005, the team began to create a quality system based on the ISO 9001 series standard. In October 2006, the college celebrated its 70th anniversary, and in May 2007 it successfully passed the state certification and accreditation procedure.

In October 2007 he became a laureate of the competition “ Golden medal"European quality" in the category "100 best secondary educational institutions in Russia."

Krasnoyarsk Medical and Pharmaceutical College is the only educational institution in the Krasnoyarsk Territory that trains specialists for the pharmaceutical business, laboratory services and Rospotrebnadzor. Today, the college has more than 1,000 students studying in four specialties: pharmacy, nursing, laboratory diagnostics and preventive medicine.

The need for specialists in the region is increasing every year. The number of applications for specialists from pharmacies and medical institutions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory exceeds the number of graduates on average by 1.5 times.

2. Main directions of development of the college

The shortage of paramedical workers in healthcare institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 6071 paramedical workers, including 5038 nurses, 739 medical laboratory technicians. The share of specialists with secondary medical education retirement age is 12.2%.

Due to the expansion of the network of pharmacies, the demand for mid-level pharmaceutical personnel increases every year.

In the future, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory it is planned to build a cardiology center, a center for perinatal pathology, and organize a network of general medical practices, which predetermines an increase in the need for workers with secondary medical education.

The main consumers of college graduates are clinics of regional state and municipal health care institutions, research institutes, institutions subordinate to the territorial administration of Rostpotrebnadzor, the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, public and private pharmacy institutions.

The annual graduation of specialists from the college does not meet the needs of healthcare institutions in the region. Recently, the number of applications for employment of college graduates has increased 3.5 times.

The college develops targeted training and training of specialists commissioned by medical institutions. Every year, about 50 specialists are trained under targeted contracts at basic and advanced levels.

90% of college graduates work in healthcare institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and 85% of graduates work in their specialty.

The college implements the concept of lifelong education. About 10% of graduates continue their studies at higher education institutions educational institutions and at an increased level of education.

Analysis of reviews of the work of college graduates characterizes their competitiveness. The annual monitoring of the quality of training in specialties is assessed positively by personnel consumers.

Thus, taking into account the current shortage of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the development of the industry, a positive assessment of the quality of training and effective cooperation with personnel consumers, we can conclude that there is a high demand for graduates of the Krasnoyarsk Medical and Pharmaceutical College.

Main directions of college development for 2010-2011 academic year:

    Ensuring the innovative nature of education.

    Development of a competency-based approach in training specialists, orientation to the labor market.

    Development of a system of accessible continuing education.

    Security educational process modern material, technical and human resources.

    Creating conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of students.

In the regional state budgetary professional educational institution"Krasnoyarsk medical college"Citizens are accepted Russian Federation, Foreign citizens and stateless persons with secondary general education ( 11 classes), primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

Admission of citizens to the Krasnoyarsk Medical College is carried out for training in basic professional educational programs secondary vocational education and basic training at the expense of the regional budget (including within the framework of targeted contract training), under contracts with payment of the cost of training with legal entities and (or) individuals.

Persons with specialized secondary education are admitted to the Krasnoyarsk Medical College on a general basis, on a contractual basis.

List of specialties for which admission to the Krasnoyarsk Medical College has been announced in 2015

Specialty, level of education


Training period

Form of study

Entrance tests

Reception plan

31.02.02 "Midwifery"
basic training


2 years 10 months

34.02.01 "Nursing"
basic training

2 years 10 months

Psychological test (psychological testing)

34.02.01 "Nursing"
basic training

Nurse/nurse brother

3 years 10 months


Psychological test (psychological testing)


  • certificate of secondary general education ( 11 classes) original with insert and clear stamp and photocopy;
  • military ID (registration certificate) for those liable for military service;
  • photographs 3×4 - 6 pcs.;
  • medical certificate;
  • vaccination certificate
  • for persons with disabilities health:

Conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

Document establishing disability

Upon admission to training in specialties, applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 N 6977, the applicant submits the original or a copy of a medical certificate containing information about a medical examination in accordance with the list of medical specialists, laboratory and functional tests established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 N302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous industrial factors and work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with hazardous and (or) dangerous conditions labor."

A medical certificate is recognized as valid if it is received no earlier than a year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations. If an applicant has medical contraindications, the technical school ensures that he is informed about the consequences associated with these contraindications during the period of study at the technical school and subsequent professional activities.

Applicants have the right to submit an application for admission, as well as Required documents by mail, as well as electronic form. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a document on education and (or) qualifications, as well as other documents provided for by the rules of admission to the technical school.

Documents sent by mail are accepted upon receipt by the technical school no later than the deadlines established by the admission rules.

Admission on a competitive basis based on the results of applicants mastering the secondary level general education indicated in the state-issued education documents submitted by applicants and the results of entrance examinations.

Upon completion of the technical school, a state document and a specialist certificate are issued.

Upon completion of training guaranteed employment.

Postgraduate training majoring in "Nursing"

Cycle: “Nursing cosmetology.” Position: cosmetology nurse

Cycle: “Medical massage.” Position: massage nurse, including children's massage.

Training is carried out in Russian.

KGBPOU "Krasnoyarsk Medical College" does not have a dormitory.

About 400 competitors in two age groups took part in the competition in 56 competencies: young professionals (16-22 years old) and juniors (16 years old and younger). The contestants were assessed by experts - leading Russian and regional specialists.

Students of the medical college and medical technical schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory participated in the “Medical and Social Care” competency.

The competition participants were students from 7 medical educational institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky, Krasnoyarsk Medical College, Kansk Medical College, Lesosibirsk Medical College, Achinsk Medical College, Divnogorsk Medical College, Minusinsk Medical College.

In accordance with the competition tasks, participants provided evidence-based care in conditions medical organization(hospice and hospital), taught the patient at home and provided first aid. The role of patients was successfully played by extras - previously prepared college students.

The gold medalist in the “Medical and Social Care” competency was Ekaterina Pavlova, a student at the Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky. Second place was taken by student Shirobokova Lyubov - “Divnogorsk Medical College” and third place was shared by Nadezhda Yazychenkova (Kansky Medical College) and Dmitry Linev (Krasnoyarsk Medical College).

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