Brief retelling in English. Description of the book about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. How to write text analysis in English




an oak tree






Two men are walking in the country one day. As they are passing a farm, they see a large orchard. There are many trees in it, and all the trees have apples, except one. They don’t know why this tree has no apples. While thyey are talking about it, they see a boy, it’s the farmer’s boy. “Let’s ask him” – says one of them. And he says to a boy. There are apples on all the trees, but there is no apple on that one. Why is it so? Can you tell us? We'll give you some money, if you tell us. “Of course, I can” - the boy answered. Where is the money? - asked a boy. Well, there are no apples on that tree, because it is an oak tree - says the boy, and takes the money.



tit for tat

to pose




to hand



a loaf of bread



never mind


A man went to the baker’s shop to buy some bread. The baker took a loaf of bread from the shelf and handed it to him. The man poised it in his hands and said: “It’s not the weight.” “Never mind” - said the baker, it will be easier to carry it. The man said nothing. He took four pens from his pocket and put them on the counter. “But that is wrong” - said the baker. You give me only four pens instead of five.” “Never mind” – said the customer, it will be easier to count.



to look for

a goat

a fox

to bark

to be awfully thirsty

to fall into the well

to get to the water






On a hot summer day a fox looks for some water to drink. He was awfully thirsty. He even goes into a farm yard, but the dog sees him and begins to bark. And the fox runs away. At last he finds an old well in the field. When the fox comes up to it, he understands that he cannot get to the water. He tries again and again and at last he falls into the well. The water is not very deep and the fox is glad to drink it. But soon he sees that he cannot get out of the well. Next morning a goat comes up to the well. He sees the fox there and he asks: “Is the water good?” “Oh, yes,” says the fox, “come down my friend, it’s so good that I am drinking it all the time.” The goat jumped down and the fox jumps on the goat’s back and in a moment he was outside the well.



to live from hand to mouth

to owe

Richard Savidge


to take care

lack of smth.







get well

to wait for

as a result



to prove


Richard Savidge, the English author, lived in London. At this time he was very poor. He wanted to earn a little money, so he wrote a story of his life. But people did not buy many copies of that book. And Savidge was living from hand to mouth. As a result of lack of food he became very ill. His friend sent for a doctor who took care of him. So, Savidge got well again after some time. The doctor sent him a bill for his visits. But poor Savidge had not any money and could not pay it. The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. After several weeks he sent it again, asking for his money. At the and he appeared in Saviges’s house and said “You know you owe your life to me, why don’t you want to pay me?” “I agree,” said Savidge, “that I owe you my life, and to prove that I am not ungrateful for your work, I will give you my life.” With these words he handed to the doctor two books entitled “The life of Richard Savidge”.






to be hungry


to be sick









An English man who was in France on a shot visit wanted to go back to England. He had only enough money to pay for a ticket. As he knew that the trip would take only two days he decided that he could live without eating for two days. So, he bought a ticket and got on the ship. When dinner time came he was very hungry, but he said to himself that he was not hungry. In the evening he was even more hungry, but when the waiter came to ask him to have supper, he said he was sick and he went to sleep hungry. Next morning the English man felt half dead with hunger. “I shall eat” he said to himself. Even if they throw me into the water. So, when dinner time came, he went to the dining room and ate everything that was on the table before him. When dinner was over he quickly got up and went to his cabin. In the evening when the ship was not far from London he ate his supper and said to the waiter: “Bring me the bill for my meal.” But the waiter said: “What bill?” “For the dinner and supper” - said the man. “But you’ve paid for your meal when you bought the ticket” - answered the waiter.

Plan for retelling

I. Introduction

I am going (I want, I would like)

To retell a (funny, humorous…) story, a text, a fable, a chapter from the book…, written by a

Famous (popular, well-known) English / American / French / Russian author…

To retell a Russian, English… fairy-tale. Fairy-tale often have no authors, because they were

Written long-long ago by simple folk, and were retold by word of mouth from father to son.

The title of it is…

The title helps me to understand what the text is about (who the main character(s) is (are), the plot, the idea, the message of the text).

II. Main part

  • This text is about … (is about how) – try to say it in one sentence.
  • The story is set (develops) in the forest, in the street, at school, at home, in a fairy land…
  • It takes place in winter, in the evening, at night, during some days…
  • In fact there is one main character in the story (there are two... main characters); name them – It is… they are…
  • There are also minor characters who help(ed) me to understand the story (the plot, the main idea) better- name the minor characters.
  • Then you retell the story, without details. You speak only about important facts and actions of the main characters:
  • After your retelling, you speak about the main characters:

(appearance, age, traits of character with examples)

  • As I have understood the author teaches us(the reader)

To find a way out of any difficulty

To be diligent and hard-working

To be attentive at the lessons

To be kind and friendly

To help people in trouble

To always keep your word or promise

To tell the truth

To tell right from wrong

To love our native land

To be helpful to grown-ups (parents, friends, teachers, people in need)

To be tolerant

Not to be idle or lazy

Never to deceive anyone

Not to tell a lie

Never to do harm to nature or animals

Not to pollute (nature, forests, parks…)

Not to throw litter in the street

Not to boast

Not to play jokes on people

Not to laugh at those who are weaker

And so on…

III. Personal Appreciation

I like the story, book, text because

The story is interesting…, instructive…, funny…, true to life… .

How often do you encounter the need to retell material in English?

To convey the main content of the test, you need to know English phrases for retelling that will help express the essence of the text. Of course, when retelling, you cannot do without new vocabulary that you need to remember so as not to pause in the text every time.

Do not think that the teacher gets enormous pleasure from listening to thousands of presentations a day. Not at all. The main task usually becomes the student's personal point of view about the problem voiced in the test, book or film.

So, in order to start working with the text, you need to remember a few phrases that are suitable for retelling the beginning of the text.

This story is about– This is a story about (so-and-so)

The story shows (indicates)– History shows (indicates)

At the beginning of the story the author describes (singles out, depicts, points out)– At the beginning of the story, the author describes (highlights, depicts, indicates)

The story under consideration is from the book by…– The story in question is taken from a book written by...

The extract for retelling is from the story by…– The passage retold is taken from a story written by...

Pay attention to the content of the text, sort out all the unclear words. Replace complex vocabulary with simple or familiar vocabulary. Don't forget about indirect speech, which often creates big problems with retelling. Highlight main idea each paragraph (each semantic part). Draw pictures in your head related to the text (this technique helps with any work).

Moving on to storyline, do not forget about phrases that will make the story richer and brighter.

The story begins with…- The story begins with...

The events presented in the story are as follows...– The events presented in the story unfold as follows...

Analyzing the story I would like to say that…– Analyzing the story, I would like to say that...

The plot centers round...– The plot revolves around...

The scene is laid in...- The action takes place in...

The text elucidates (highlights, indicates) one of the vital issues...– The story explains (illuminates, points to) one of life’s questions...

We first meet the main character when…– We first meet the main character when...

Further (after that) the author passes on to…– Then (after this) the author moves on to...

The author describes (narrates)– The author describes (narrates)

At the end, it is necessary to draw conclusions. The following phrases are suitable for this:

To conclude (to sum up, to summarize)- In custody

The story gives a good insight into...– The story gives an idea of...

At the end of the story the author sums it all up by saying...– At the end of the story, the author sums it up by saying...

Read, retell and don’t be afraid to express own opinion– the perception of you by others depends on this.

Surely, this question will be of interest to everyone who studies English. This will be especially useful for those who learn English on their own or those who study at school.

As you may have guessed, dear readers, today we will talk about how to quickly learn English text.

Memorizing texts is not a routine task, but a very effective method rapid production of conversational speech. How to remember any English text in a short time?

Friends, spend a little preparatory work. If the text is on English language large, quite voluminous, then you will need:

  • writing utensils - pen, pencil, bright marker;
  • printed text or text in your textbook, in an English newspaper;
  • notebook or sheets of paper;
  • assistant or interlocutor;
  • English Dictionary.

Before giving detailed instructions on how to quickly learn a large text in English, we recommend that you learn the text in the daytime, when the brain is not yet overloaded; In the evening, learning something is much more difficult and slower.

Approach the learning process with desire and without any fear. Let the text fear you, not the other way around!

And further. Don't overwork yourself. After you have learned the text, relax and be distracted by something else. Then, after a while, repeat it again and be sure to do it again before bed.

Step-by-step learning of text by heart

  • Open the text you need and place it in front of you. Remove all unnecessary objects around you: turn off your phone, Skype, social networks and ask you not to be distracted for one or two hours.
  • Read the text for the first time from beginning to end. Pay attention to the form of the text and its constructions. Select several paragraphs in the text to make it easier for you to divide it into meaningful parts.
  • Read the text a second time, writing down unfamiliar expressions and other lexical units and phrases. Do this in a separate notebook because it will be difficult for you to read them above the words in the text. Read and repeat them several times so as not to return to them in the process of memorizing the text. Now divide the text into three or four semantic parts. Underline the key sentences with a marker.
  • Let's move on to the next stage. Here you already need to clearly understand the meaning of each part and know the general content of the text. Now read the text out loud again, pausing at each paragraph. After this, begin retelling each individual paragraph. Retell the text to your interlocutor, and ask him to check you on the text. Restate paragraphs several times.
  • Now connect all the paragraphs by retelling the entire text. Do this several times, adding more and more details until you can retell the text in detail.
  • After all these steps, read the text again in order to identify points that you may have missed. Repeat the contents again before going to bed and in the morning after waking up. Having done all these steps, you can easily recite the text in an English lesson.

The process of memorizing the text will be even easier if you make a detailed translation of it. It is impossible to learn something that you do not understand or do not fully understand. If you think that a quick translation is enough, then you are mistaken. Quite often people make assumptions in retellings English texts the most ridiculous mistakes are only due to the fact that some little things that are crucial for the content were not translated. Therefore, translate your text so that every word is thoroughly understood and there is no doubt that you will learn everything correctly.

Another way to simplify the process of memorizing a text is to draw up a plan. Divide your text into several parts according to meaning and give them a title. The plan can be either very detailed or brief. The main thing is that it helps you understand what you need to talk about and in what sequence to build the retelling. Try to make plans for English texts in English. So, you will notice that you navigate texts easier and faster and can easily remember everything you need.

If you have a well-developed visual memory, open the text, read it carefully, count the paragraphs, try to remember the entire page. Now close your eyes and mentally picture your page. A clear copy of the page should appear before your eyes. Open your eyes. Now you can memorize a short passage or paragraph at a time. Close your eyes again and read the text out loud from an imaginary page.

If you have a more developed auditory memory, then you can record your text on a voice recorder and listen to the recording until you begin to remember the text. Another way is to pause the recording after each paragraph and play it back out loud.

Study the text gradually. You can add a few phrases from yourself if they correspond to the content. This will show that you have mastered the material and have a good command of the language.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you. We wish you success!

Presentation creative work, consisting of an oral or brief written retelling of the listened and analyzed text. The presentation applies to secondary school and serves to develop spelling and stylistic skills.... ... Wikipedia

presentation- See style... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. presentation review; speech, style; judgment, annotation, presentation, exposition, catechism, statement, abstract, synopsis... Synonym dictionary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY- EXECUTION, exposition, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. set out set out. In his presentation, the matter was presented differently. 2. Style and structure of the story, narrative. Elegant presentation. Confusing presentation. 3. A written retelling of something (ped.) ... Dictionary Ushakova

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY- EXPOSURE, I, cf. 1. see state. 2. What is stated, expressed or written. Clear, consistent and... 3. A written exercise (usually for school) reflecting the content of what was read or heard. Written and Write and. Score for and... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY- OUTLINE. A type of written exercise in the development of students’ speech based on a sample; a written retelling of a piece listened or read. You can also talk about I. based on a movie or play. I. is used for teaching oral and... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

presentation- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics of energy in general EN presentation ... Technical Translator's Guide

Presentation- a type of processing of an original work. Bibliography I.'s description is compiled under the name of the author of the original work. For example: Hugo V. Cosette: From the novel Les Miserables / Trans. from fr. in processing for children N. Sher. Chisinau, 1986. 60 p… Publishing dictionary-reference book

presentation- a comprehensive summary... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

presentation- in rhetoric: description and narration, explanations, generalizations, connections and various kinds of conclusions, which together form a presentation; general rules I.: And it must be: 1) believable, as well as compatible with the experience of the audience; 2) acceptable,... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

Presentation- in rhetoric: description and narration, explanations, generalizations, connections and various kinds of conclusions, which together form a presentation; general rules of I.: I. should be: 1) believable, as well as compatible with the experience of the audience; 2)… … Rhetoric: Dictionary-reference book

presentation- EXPOSURE1, i, cf A written text that is a retelling of something. in your own words (usually as one of the means schooling). The teacher liked the presentation written by Yura, the weakest student in the class. EXPOSURE2, I, Wed Form... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Statement of the duties of the police in criminal matters, Statement of the duties of the police in criminal matters based on the Charter of Criminal Procedure, November 20th, 1864. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1869 edition... Series: Publisher: Book on Demand, Buy for 1696 rub.
  • Exposition of the political system of European states, Oppel A., Exposition political system European states, showing its origin and beginning, motives mutual state unions and the spread of it, changes and... Series: Publisher:
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