Summary of someone in Rus'. Who can live well in Rus'? From our free will

Who can live well in Rus'?

Part one


“Seven men came together on a pillared path” and began to argue “who should live well in Rus'.” The men spent the whole day in pores. After drinking vodka, they even got into a fight. One of the men, Pakhom, hugs a warbler bird that has flown up to the fire. In exchange for freedom, she tells the men how to find a self-assembled tablecloth. Having found it, the debaters decide without answering the question: “Who lives happily and freely in Rus'?” - don't return home.


On the road, the men meet peasants, coachmen, and soldiers. They don’t even ask them this question. Finally they meet the priest. To their question he answers that he has no happiness in life. All funds go to the priest's son. He himself can be called to the dying person at any time of the day or night; he has to experience the sorrows of families in which relatives or people close to the family die. There is no respect for the priest, they call him “a foal breed,” and they compose teasing and indecent songs about priests. After talking with the priest, the men move on.


There is fun at the fair, people drink, bargain, and walk. Everyone rejoices at the action of the “master” Pavlusha Veretennikov. He bought shoes for the granddaughter of a man who drank away all the money without buying gifts for his family.

There is a performance in the booth - a comedy with Petrushka. After the performance, people drink with the actors and give them money.

The peasants also bring printed materials from the fair - these are stupid little books and portraits of generals with many orders. The famous lines expressing hope for the cultural growth of the people are dedicated to this:

When will a man carry not Blucher and not my stupid lord - Belinsky and Gogol From the market?


After the fair, everyone returns home drunk. The men notice women arguing in the ditch. Each proves that her home is the worst. Then they meet Veretennikov. He says that all the troubles are due to the fact that Russian peasants drink to excess. The men begin to prove to him that if there were no sadness, then people would not drink.

Every peasant has a Soul like a black cloud - Angry, menacing - but it would be necessary for Thunder to thunder from there, Bloody rains to fall, And everything ends in wine.

They meet a woman. She tells them about her jealous husband, who watches over her even in her sleep. The men miss their wives and want to return home as soon as possible.


Using a self-assembled tablecloth, the men take out a bucket of vodka. They walk around in the festive crowd and promise to treat those who prove that they are happy to vodka. The emaciated sexton proves that he is happy with his faith in God and the Kingdom of Heaven; The old woman says that she is happy that her turnips are bad - they are not given vodka. The next soldier comes up, shows his medals and says that he is happy because he was not killed in any of the battles he was in. The soldier is treated to vodka. The bricklayer got home alive after a serious illness - and that’s what makes him happy.

The courtyard man considers himself lucky because, while licking the master's plates, he got a “noble disease” - gout. He puts himself above the men, they drive him away. A Belarusian sees his happiness in bread. Wanderers offer vodka to a man who survived a bear hunt.

People tell wanderers about Ermila Girin. He asked people to borrow money, then returned everything to the last ruble, although he could have deceived them. People believed him because he served honestly as a clerk and treated everyone carefully, did not take someone else’s property, and did not shield the guilty. But one day a fine was imposed on Ermila for sending the son of peasant woman Nenila Vlasyevna as a recruit instead of his brother. He repented, and the peasant woman’s son was returned. But Ermila still feels guilty for her action. People advise travelers to go to Ermila and ask him. The story about Girin is interrupted by the screams of a drunken footman who was caught stealing.


In the morning, the wanderers meet the landowner Obolt-Obolduev. He mistakes strangers for robbers. Realizing that they are not robbers, the landowner hides the pistol and tells the wanderers about his life. His family is very ancient; he remembers the luxurious feasts that were held before. The landowner was very kind: on holidays he allowed peasants into his house to pray. The peasants voluntarily brought him gifts. Now the gardens of the landowners are being robbed, houses are being dismantled, the peasants are working poorly and reluctantly. The landowner is called upon to study and work when he cannot even distinguish an ear of barley from a rye one. At the end of the conversation, the landowner sobs.

Last One

(From the second part)

Seeing the haymaking, the men, homesick for work, take the women’s scythes and begin to mow. Here an old gray-haired landowner with his servants, gentlemen, and ladies arrives on boats. He orders one stack to be dried - it seems to him that it is wet. Everyone is trying to curry favor with the master. Vlas tells the story of the master.

When was it cancelled? serfdom, he was struck, as he became extremely furious. Fearing that the master would deprive them of their inheritance, the sons persuaded the peasants to pretend that serfdom still existed. Vlas refused the post of mayor. Klim Lavin, who has no conscience, takes his place.

Satisfied with himself, the prince walks around the estate and gives stupid orders. Trying to do a good deed, the prince repairs the crumbling house of a seventy-year-old widow and orders her to be married to a young neighbor. Not wanting to obey Prince Utyatin, the man Aran tells him everything. Because of this, the prince suffered a second blow. But he survived again, not meeting the expectations of the heirs, and demanded the punishment of Agap. The heirs persuaded Petrov to shout louder in the stable by drinking a bottle of wine. Then he was taken home drunk. But soon he died, poisoned by wine.

At the table everyone submits to Utyatin’s whims. A “rich St. Petersburg resident” who suddenly arrived for a while, couldn’t stand it and laughed.

Utyatin demands that the culprit be punished. The mayor's godfather throws herself at the master's feet and says that her son laughed. Having calmed down, the prince drinks champagne, has a party and after a while falls asleep. They take him away. The duck takes the third blow - he dies. With the death of the master, the expected happiness did not come. A lawsuit began between the peasants and the heirs.

Peasant woman

(From the third part)


Wanderers come to the village of Klin to ask Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina about happiness. Some men fishing complain to the wanderers that there used to be more fish. Matryona Timofeevna has no time to talk about her life, because she is busy with the harvest. When the wanderers promise to help her, she agrees to talk to them.


When Matryona was a girl, she lived “like Christ in his bosom.” After drinking with the matchmakers, the father decides to marry his daughter to Philip Korchagin. After persuasion, Matryona agrees to marriage.


Matryona Timofeevna compares her life in her husband’s family to hell. “The family was huge, grumpy...” It’s true, the husband was a good one - the husband beat her only once. And he even “took me for a ride on a sleigh” and “gave me a silk handkerchief.” Matryona named her son Demushka.

In order not to quarrel with her husband's relatives, Matryona performs all the work assigned to her and does not respond to the abuse of her mother-in-law and father-in-law. But the old grandfather Savely - the father-in-law's father - takes pity on the young woman and talks to her kindly.


Matryona Timofeevna begins a story about grandfather Savely. Compares him to a bear. Grandfather Savely did not allow his relatives into his room, for which they were angry with him.

During Savely’s youth, the peasants paid rent only three times a year. The landowner Shalashnikov could not get to the remote village on his own, so he ordered the peasants to come to him. They have not come. Twice the peasants paid tribute to the police: sometimes with honey and fish, sometimes with skins. After the third arrival of the police, the peasants decided to go to Shalashnikov and say that there was no quitrent. But after the flogging they still gave some of the money. The hundred-ruble notes sewn under the lining never reached the landowner.

The German, sent by the son of Shalashnikov, who died in the battle, first asked the peasants to pay as much as they could. Since the peasants could not pay, they had to work off their quitrent. Only later did they realize that they were building a road to the village. And that means now they can’t hide from the tax collectors!

The peasants began a hard life and lasted eighteen years. Angry, the peasants buried the German alive. Everyone was sent to hard labor. Savely failed to escape, and he spent twenty years in hard labor. Since then he has been called a “convict.”


Because of her son, Matryona began to work less. The mother-in-law demanded that Demushka be given to his grandfather. Having fallen asleep, the grandfather did not look after the child, he was eaten by pigs. The arriving police accuse Matryona of deliberately killing the child. She is declared crazy. Demushka is buried in a closed coffin.


After the death of her son, Matryona spends all her time at his grave and cannot work. Savely takes the tragedy seriously and goes to the Sand Monastery to repent. Every year Matryona gives birth to children. Three years later, Matryona’s parents die. At the grave of his son, Matryona meets grandfather Savely, who came to pray for the child.

Matryona's eight-year-old son Fedot is sent to guard the sheep. One sheep was stolen by a hungry wolf. Fedot, after a long pursuit, overtakes the she-wolf and takes the sheep from her, but, seeing that the cattle is already dead, he returns it to the she-wolf - she has become terribly thin, it is clear that she is feeding the children. Fedotushka's mother is punished for her actions. Matryona believes that everything is to blame for her disobedience; she fed Fedot milk on a fast day.



When the breadless woman arrived, the mother-in-law blamed Matryona. She would have been killed for this if not for her intercessor husband. Matryona's husband is recruited. Her life in the house of her father-in-law and mother-in-law became even harder.



Pregnant Matryona goes to the governor. Having given the footman two rubles, Matryona meets with the governor’s wife and asks her for protection. Matryona Timofeevna gives birth to a child in the governor's house.

Elena Alexandrovna has no children of her own; she takes care of Matryona's child as if she were her own. The envoy figured out everything in the village, Matryona’s husband was returned.



Matryona tells the wanderers about her present life, saying that they will not find a happy one among the women. When asked by the wanderers whether Matryona told them everything, the woman replies that there is not enough time to list all her troubles. He says that women are already slaves from their very birth.

The keys to female happiness, From our free will, Abandoned, lost from God himself!

Feast for the whole world


Klim Yakovlich started a feast in the village. The parish sexton Trifon came with his sons Savvushka and Grisha. These were hard-working, kind guys. The peasants argued about how to dispose of the meadows after the death of the prince; they told fortunes and sang songs: “Merry”, “Corvee”.

The peasants remember the old order: they worked during the day, drank and fought at night.

They tell the story of the faithful servant Jacob. Yakov's nephew Grisha asked the girl Arisha to marry him. The landowner himself likes Arisha, so the master sends Grisha to become a soldier. After a long absence, Yakov returns to his master. Later, Yakov hangs himself in a deep forest in front of his master. Left alone, the master cannot get out of the forest. A hunter found him in the morning. The master admits his guilt and asks to be executed.

Klim Lavin defeats the merchant in a fight. Bogomolets Ionushka talks about the power of faith; how the Turks drowned Athonite monks in the sea.


This ancient story was told to Jonushka by Father Pitirim. Twelve robbers with Ataman Kudeyar lived in the forest and robbed people. But soon the robber began to imagine the people he had killed, and he began to ask the Lord to forgive his sins. To atone for his sins, Kudeyar had to cut down an oak tree with the same hand and the same knife with which he killed people. As he began to saw, Pan Glukhovsky drove by, who honored only women, wine and gold, but without pity he tormented, tortured and hanged men. Angry, Kudeyar plunged a knife into the sinner’s heart. The burden of sins immediately fell.


Jonah floats away. The peasants are arguing about sins again. Ignat Prokhorov tells the story of a will under which eight thousand serfs would have been freed if the headman had not sold it.

Soldier Ovsyannikov and his niece Ustinyushka arrive on the cart. Ovsyannikov sings a song about how there is no truth. They don’t want to give the soldier a pension, but he was repeatedly wounded in numerous battles.


Savva and Grisha take their father home and sing a song about how freedom comes first. Grisha goes to the fields and remembers his mother. Sings a song about the future of the country. Grigory sees a barge hauler and sings the song “Rus”, calling her mother.


In a fairy-tale form, the author depicts a dispute between seven peasants about “who lives happily and freely in Rus'.” The dispute escalates into a fight, then the peasants make up and decide among themselves to ask the tsar, the merchant and the priest who is happier, and having not received an answer, they walk across Russian soil in search of the lucky one.

Chapter I

The first peasants meet a priest who assures them that the “priest’s life” is very difficult. He says that peasants and landowners are equally poor and have stopped bringing money to church. The peasants sincerely sympathize with the priest.

Chapter II

The author depicts many interesting faces in this chapter, where he depicts a fair where seven men ended up in search of their lucky ones. The attention of the peasants is attracted by the trading of pictures: here the author expresses the hope that sooner or later the time will come when a man “not my stupid lord, but Belinsky and Gogol from the market.”

Chapter III

After the fair, the folk festivities, “bad night,” begin. Many peasants get drunk, except for seven travelers and a certain gentleman who writes down folk songs and his observations of peasant life in a book; the author himself is probably embodied in this image in the poem. One of the men - Yakim Nagoy - blames the master and does not order to portray all Russian people as drunkards. Yakim claims that in Rus' there is a family that doesn’t drink for every one who drinks, but it’s easier for those who drink, because all workers suffer from life equally. Both in work and in revelry, the Russian man loves scope, he cannot live without it. The seven travelers already wanted to go home, and they decided to look for someone happy in the large crowd.

Chapter VI

The travelers began to invite other men to a bucket of vodka, promising a treat to the one who proved that he was a lucky man. There are a lot of “lucky ones”: the soldier is glad that he survived both foreign bullets and Russian attacks; the young stonecutter boasts of his strength; the old stone cutter is happy that he managed to get sick from St. Petersburg to his native village and did not die on the way; The bear hunter is glad to be alive. When the bucket was empty, “did our wanderers realize that they were wasting vodka for nothing?” Someone suggested that Ermil Girin should be considered happy. He is happy with his own truthfulness and people's love. He helped people more than once, and people repaid him kindly when they helped him buy a mill that a clever merchant wanted to take over. But, as it turned out, Yermil is sitting in prison: apparently, he suffered for his truth.

Chapter V

The next person the seven peasants met was the landowner Gavrilo Afanasyevich. He assures them that his life is not easy either. Under serfdom, he was the sovereign owner of rich estates, “lovingly” he carried out trials and reprisals against the peasants. After the abolition of the “fortress,” order disappeared and the manorial estates fell into disrepair. The landowners lost their former income. “Idle scribblers” tell the landowners to study and work, but this is impossible, since the nobleman was created for another life - “to smoke God’s heaven” and “to litter the people’s treasury,” since this allows him to be born: among the ancestors of Gavrila Afanasyevich there was a leader with a bear Obolduev, and Prince Shchepin, who tried to set fire to Moscow for the sake of robbery. The landowner ends his speech with a sob, and the peasants were ready to cry with him, but then changed their minds.

Last One

The wanderers find themselves in the village of Vakhlaki, where they see strange orders: the local peasants, of their own free will, have become “inhumans of God” - they have retained their serfdom depending on the wild landowner, the out-of-mind Prince Utyatin. The travelers begin to ask one of the locals, Vlas, where such order comes from in the village.

The extravagant Utyatin could not believe in the abolition of serfdom, so “arrogance cut him off”: the prince suffered a blow from anger. The prince's heirs, whom he blamed for the loss of the men, were afraid that the old man would deprive them of their estate before his imminent death. Then they persuaded the men to play the role of serfs, promising to give up the flood meadows. The Vahlaks agreed, partly because they were accustomed to slave life and even found pleasure in it.

The wanderers witness how the local mayor praises the prince, how the villagers pray for Utyatin’s health and sincerely cry with joy that they have such a benefactor. Suddenly the prince suffered a second blow, and the old man died. Since then, the peasants have truly lost peace: an endless dispute over the flooded meadows began between the Vakhlaks and their heirs.

Feast for the whole world


The author describes a feast given by one of the Vakhlaks, the restless Klim Yakovlevich, on the occasion of the death of Prince Utyatin. The travelers, together with Vlas, joined the feasting. Seven wanderers are interested in listening to Vakhlat songs.

The author shifts to literary language many folk songs. First, he cites “bitter” ones, that is, sad ones, about peasant grief, about poor life. The bitter songs open with a lamentation with an ironic saying, “It is glorious to live for the people in holy Rus'!” The sub-chapter concludes with a song about “the exemplary slave Yakov the Faithful,” who punished his master for bullying. The author summarizes that the people are able to stand up for themselves and incite the landowners.

At the feast, travelers learn about the pilgrims who feed on what they hang on the people’s neck. These slackers take advantage of the gullibility of the peasant, whom they are not averse to rising above if possible. But among them there were also those who faithfully served the people: they treated the sick, helped bury the dead, and fought for justice.

The men at the feast argue about whose sin is greater - the landowner's or the peasant's. Ignatius Prokhorov claims that the peasant is greater. As an example, he cites a song about a widower admiral. Before his death, the admiral ordered the headman to free all the peasants, but the headman did not comply last will dying. The great sin of the Russian peasant is that he can sell his peasant brother for a pretty penny. Everyone agreed that this is a great sin, and for this sin all men in Rus' will suffer forever in slavery.

By morning the feast was over. One of the Vakhlaks composes a cheerful song in which he puts his hope for a bright future. In this song, the author describes Russia as “poor and abundant” as a country where a great people’s power lives. The poet foresees that the time will come and the “hidden spark” will flare up:

An innumerable host is rising! The strength in her will be indestructible!

These are the words of Grishka, the only lucky person in the poem.

Peasant woman


The wanderers began to think that they should give up searching for the happy ones among the men, and would rather check the women. There is an abandoned estate right on the way of the peasants. The author paints a depressing picture of the desolation of a once rich economy, which turned out to be unnecessary for the master and which the peasants themselves cannot manage. Here they were advised to look for Matryona Timofeevna, “she’s the governor’s wife,” whom everyone considers happy. The travelers met her in a crowd of reapers and persuaded her to tell about their woman’s “happiness.”

Chapter I

The woman admits that she was happy as a girl while her parents cherished her. With parental affection, all the chores around the house seemed like easy fun: while yarning, the girl sang until midnight, and danced while working in the fields. But then she found a betrothed - stove maker Philip Korchagin. Matryona got married, and her life changed dramatically.

Chapter II

The author intersperses his story with folk songs in his own literary adaptation. These songs sing about the difficult fate of a married woman who finds herself in someone else’s family, and about the bullying of her husband’s relatives. Matryona found support only from grandfather Savely.

Chapter III

Grandfather was not liked in his own family and was “branded a convict.” Matryona was afraid of him at first, frightened by his terrible, “bearish” appearance, but soon she saw in him a kind, warm-hearted person and began to ask for advice in everything. One day Savely told Matryona his story. This Russian hero ended up in hard labor for killing a German manager who mocked the peasants.

Chapter IV

The peasant woman talks about her great grief: how, through the fault of her mother-in-law, she lost her beloved son Dyomushka. The mother-in-law insisted that Matryona not take the child with her to the harvest. The daughter-in-law obeyed and with a heavy heart left the boy with Savely. The old man did not keep an eye on the baby, and he was eaten by pigs. The “boss” arrived and started an investigation. Having not received a bribe, he ordered an autopsy of the child to be performed in front of the mother, suspecting her of “conspiracy” with Savely.

Chapter VMaterial from the site

The woman was ready to hate the old man, but then she recovered. And the grandfather, out of remorse, went into the forests. Ma-trena met him four years later at the grave of Dyomushke, where she came to mourn a new grief - the death of her parents. The peasant woman again brought the old man into the house, but Savely soon died, continuing to joke and instruct people until his death. Years passed, Matryona's other children grew up. The peasant woman fought for them, wished them happiness, was ready to please her father-in-law and mother-in-law, if only the children had a good life. His father-in-law gave his eight-year-old son Fedot as a shepherd, and disaster struck. Fedot chased the she-wolf who had kidnapped the sheep, and then took pity on her, since she was feeding the cubs. The headman decided to punish the boy, but the mother stood up and accepted the punishment for her son. She herself was like a she-wolf, ready to lay down her life for her children.

Chapter VI

The “year of the comet” has arrived, foreshadowing a crop failure. The bad premonitions came true: “the lack of bread has arrived.” The peasants, maddened by hunger, were ready to kill each other. Trouble does not come alone: ​​the husband-breadwinner was “deceived, not in God’s way” into becoming a soldier. The husband's relatives began to mock Matryona, who was pregnant with Liodorushka, more than ever, and the peasant woman decided to go to the governor for help.

Chapter VII

Secretly, the peasant woman left her husband's house and went to the city. Here she managed to meet with the governor Elena Alexandrovna, to whom she addressed her request. In the governor's house, the peasant woman gave birth to Lio-dorushka, and Elena Alexandrovna baptized the baby and insisted that her husband rescue Philip from the conscription.

Chapter VIII

Since then, in the village, Matryona has been hailed as lucky and even nicknamed “the governor.” The peasant woman ends the story with a reproach that it was not the travelers’ business to “look for a happy woman among the women.” God's companions are trying to find the keys to female happiness, but they are lost somewhere far away, maybe swallowed by some fish: “In what seas does that fish walk - God has forgotten!..”

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Very summary Nekrasova followed
  • summary of the poem who lives well in Rus'
  • who lives well in Rus' last short retelling
  • summary of the chapter "last"
  • the last one Ignatius Prokhorov
  1. Seven peasants who went in search of the happy person in Rus': Novel, Demyan, Luke, brothers Ivan And Metrodor Gubiny, old man Groin, Prov.

Other heroes

  1. Pop- the first “lucky” person the wanderers met
  2. Ermila Girin- people's favorite
  3. Gavrila Bolt-Obolduev - a landowner left without peasants after the abolition of serfdom
  4. Utyatin, aka Posledysh - prince
  5. Korchagina Matryona Timofeevna- peasant woman
  6. Grisha Dobrosklonov- son of a sexton, seminarian. The same “happy man” that the wanderers were looking for


One day, seven simple peasant men from seven neighboring villages met on a highway. The men got together and began to argue about “who lives happily and freely in Rus'.” Six candidates were identified for the role of “the happiest”: landowner, official, priest, merchant, boyar, tsar.

To find out who is right, the peasants have become a proven method - shouting. They argued so much that it seemed to passers-by that the men had found the treasure and were now dividing it. While they were arguing, it got dark and night fell. The debaters would not have come to their senses if the woman they met had not shouted to them, saying, where are you going at night?


Realizing that they were far from home and it was night outside, the men decided to stop for a rest. We lit a fire, got some vodka, and found some snacks. Having become heated, they began to argue again, so much so that it even came to a fight.

The screams, amplified by the echo, woke up the forest inhabitants: the hare alarmed the jackdaws, the jackdaws started squeaking, and a tiny chick fell out of the warbler's nest. Other living creatures began to join the carnage: eagle owls flew in, a raven arrived, a cow grazing in the meadow came, a fox crept up.

From all this madness, Pakhom caught a chick that had crawled to the fire. The man decided that if he had the wings of a bird, he would quickly fly around all of Rus' and find out who had the better life.

The rest do not agree - it would be better, instead of wings, half a pound of bread and a bucket of vodka for each, and at the same time, cucumbers in the morning, kvass at lunch and tea in the evening. And then they would have easily walked around all of Mother Rus'.

While the men were reasoning in this way, a warbler flew in and began to ask for the chick to be returned to her. As a ransom, she promised to give the men everything they dreamed of. The bird sent them to a clearing, where a box with a magic tablecloth was buried under two pine trees.

The warbler also promised that she would fix the tablecloth and clothes for the men, and would serve in every possible way. There is only one condition: you cannot ask for more than one bucket of vodka a day. The men gave her the chick, and they themselves went to look for the treasured clearing. They found it, opened the box, took out the tablecloth and had a feast, and after eating and drinking, they fell asleep.

Chapter 1. Pop

In the morning the men set off on their hike. On the way, they meet clearly unhappy people: beggars, artisans, peasants, soldiers. And only in the evening the men came across the priest. That's who, and he, according to Luke's convictions, lives very well. They began to talk about what happiness is.

Together with the priest, we came to the conclusion that happiness is peace, honor and wealth. They started asking him about his life, but it turned out that it was far from ideal. Restless - in any weather, at any time, he needs to go to where there are sick, dying or being born. And not only physical suffering accompanies such adventures, the soul also hurts.

It’s hard to listen to sobs, death rattles and see the orphan’s melancholy. It is so hard that it seems wrong to take alms - a modest payment for labor. And without it, what kind of wealth does the priest have? And there is nothing to talk about respect. The men themselves know everything about joker fairy tales and obscene songs, the main character of which is pop.

Having made sure that the priest cannot be called a happy person, the men move on.

Chapter 2. Country fair

On the way, the men enter the village of Kuzminskoye, where residents of all nearby villages have gathered for the fair. This fair, like the village itself, is considered rich. There is a school here, albeit a closed one, many taverns, a dirty hotel and even a paramedic.

The likelihood of finding a lucky person among the Kuzminskys is melting before our eyes. The people here are all poor because they drink a lot. In the evening, the wanderers leave Kuzminskoye.

Chapter 3. Drunken night

At night, the peasants meet Pavel Vetrennikov, condemning the peasants for drunkenness. They come to the conclusion that it is impossible to live sober in Rus': you cannot stand either the peasant’s lot or the backbreaking work.

Chapter 4. Happy

The men decide to lure the lucky ones to drink vodka. The first person who decides to tell the story of his life for a glass is the sexton, whose happiness lies in drinking. Then an old woman appears, joyful because “a hundred turnips were born,” and behind her a soldier, happy that he remained alive.

Finally, one of the beggars tells the men the story of Ermila Girin. People loved him so much that when he didn’t have enough money to buy the mill, the locals lent it without a receipt. Honest Ermila returned everything a week later. True, now he is in prison, he was put there for rebellion.

Chapter 5. Landowner

The next lucky person is the landowner Gavrila Obolt-Obolduev. He says that earlier, before the abolition of serfdom, he was happier: he was the ruler and judge of everyone. Obolduev was also proud of the fact that the peasants loved and respected him. And now the landowner, who has not learned to do anything with his hands since childhood, is having a very hard time.

Part 1. The Last One

The men continue their journey and reach the bank of the Volga. There they meet Prince Utyatin, everyone calls him the Last One. A whole comedy plays out in front of him: the free peasants today still portray serfs in front of him.

The fact is that after the news about the abolition of serfdom, Utyatin became so worried that he fell ill, promising to leave his sons without an inheritance since they did not preserve the “landowner ideals.”

The sons were frightened and promised the peasants to give the meadows for use for this performance after the death of the Last One. He soon dies, and all the promises turn out to be deception - the men are still being sued.

Part 2. Peasant woman

Deciding that all men have a difficult fate, the wanderers decide to turn to the women. This is how they meet Korchagina Matryona Timofeevna, who tells her story. She lived well in her own family, but then she got married and moved to her groom’s house.

There I had to endure insults and attacks from my father-in-law and mother-in-law, only my grandfather Savely defended me. Her first-born Demushka died in an accident, and even though Matryona later gave birth to five more, she was never able to forget him. One day she had to take the blame for her son Fedot, who did not keep track of the sheep.

Matryona was flogged. Pregnant, she had to go to the governor’s wife and ask for her husband’s release: he was illegally drafted into the army. In conclusion, Matryona says that a woman in Rus' cannot be happy, since the keys to female happiness have been lost by God.

Part 3. A feast for the whole world

In Vakhlachin, the men go to a huge feast. Here songs are sung and stories about serfdom are told. For example, about the faithful servant Yakov, who loved his master, the landowner Polivanov, so much that he forgave him all the beatings and fulfilled all his whims.

One day, Polivanov, to spite Yakov, gave his nephew as a recruit, which is why he began to drink. Soon, he returned to the master, who became paralyzed in old age. Yakov was unable to forgive him, so he decided to take revenge. He dragged him into the forest under a pine tree and hung himself over one of the branches.

After arguing about who is the happiest of all, there is a dispute about who is the most sinful. This is how the story is told about two sinners: the robber Kudeyar, in whom God revived his conscience, and about the headman, who hid from the serfs the last will of their master - freedom.

The people's melancholy is dispelled by the story about Grisha Dobrosklonov. The son of a local sexton knew from an early age that he would devote his whole life to human happiness.

He treats his late mother, Vakhlachina, and all of Rus' with great love. It is he who is destined for the fate of the people's intercessor.

The wanderers have not yet met Grisha, but if they had, they could finally complete their journey.

Test on the poem Who Lives Well in Rus'

The work of Russian literature of the 19th century does not lose its relevance. The search for happiness can continue. Things have changed a bit modern Russia. A summary of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” in chapters and parts will help you find the desired episode and understand the plot.

1 part


Seven men from different villages gathered on the road and began to argue about who would live happily and freely in Rus'. The meeting place and the names of the villages were chosen by the author with meaning. County - Terpigorev (we endure grief), volost - Pustoporozhnaya (empty or empty). Villages with names that convey the main characteristics of peasant life:

  • clothing made from patches – Zaplatovo;
  • things with holes - Dyryavino;
  • without shoes – Razutovo;
  • shivering from illness and fear - Znobishino;
  • burnt houses - Gorelovo;
  • no food - Neelovo;
  • constant crop failures - crop failure.

Whoever he met on the road will be called the hero of the poem: Roman, Demyan, Luka, Ivan, Mitrodor, Pakhom, Prov. Each of them puts forward their own version, but the men do not come to a common opinion. Who can live happily in Rus':

  • landowner;
  • official;
  • merchant;
  • boyar;
  • minister;
  • tsar.

The men argue as only a Russian can. They each went about their business, but forgot about the goal. During the argument, they didn’t notice how the day ended and night came. Old Pakhom suggested stopping and waiting until the next day to continue the journey. The men sat around the fire, ran for vodka, made glasses from birch bark and continued the argument. The screams turned into a fight that scared the entire forest. Eagle owls, a cow, a raven, a fox, and a cuckoo admire the carnage. The chick warbler fell out of the nest and got close to the fire. Pahom talks to the chick, explaining its weakness and strength. A hand can crush a helpless chick, but the peasants do not have wings to fly around all of Rus'. Other fellow travelers began to dream of their own: vodka, cucumbers, kvass and hot tea. The mother warbler circled and listened to the debaters' speeches. Pichuga promised to help and told where to find a self-assembled tablecloth. Having learned about the wisdom of the bird, the peasants began to ask to make sure that their shirts did not wear out, their bast shoes did not dry out, and the louse did not get infested.

"The tablecloth will do everything"

The warbler promised. The bird warned that you should not ask the tablecloth for more food than your stomach can handle, and only 1 bucket of vodka. If these conditions are not met, the desire will lead to disaster for the 3rd time. The men found a tablecloth and had a feast. They decided that they would find out who lived happily on Russian soil, only then would they return home.

Chapter 1 Pop

The peasants continued their journey. They met a lot of people, but no one asked about life. All the wanderers were close to them: the bast worker, the artisan, the beggar, the coachman. The soldier could not be happy. He shaves with an awl and warms himself with smoke. Closer to night they met a priest. The peasants stood in a row and bowed to the holy man. Luka began to ask the priest whether he was living comfortably. The priest thought about it and began to talk. He simply kept silent about his years of study. The priest has no peace. He is called to a sick, dying person. My heart aches and hurts for orphans and people leaving for another world. The priest has no honor. They call him offensive names, avoid him on the way, and make up fairy tales. They don’t like either the priest’s daughter or the priest. The priest is not held in high esteem by all classes. Where does the priest get his wealth? Previously, there were many nobles in Rus'. Children were born on estates and weddings took place. Everyone went to the priests, wealth grew and multiplied. Now everything has changed in Rus'. The landowners scattered across the foreign land, leaving only ruined possessions in their homeland. The priest complains about the appearance of schismatics who live among the Orthodox. The life of the priests is becoming more and more difficult; only poor peasants provide income. What can they give? Just a dime and a pie for the holiday. The priest finished his sad story and moved on. The men attacked Luka, who claimed that priests live freely.

Chapter 2 Rural fair

  • Dirty hotel with a beautiful sign and a tray with dishes.
  • Two churches: Orthodox and Old Believers.
  • School.
  • A paramedic's hut where patients are bled.

The wanderers came to the square. There were many stalls with different goods. Men walk among the shopping arcades, are surprised, laugh, and look at those they meet. Someone sells crafts, another checks the rim and gets hit in the forehead. Women criticize French fabrics. One got drunk and doesn’t know how to buy the promised gift for his granddaughter. He is helped by Pavlusha Veretennikov, a man without a title. He bought boots for his granddaughter. The peasants left the village without meeting the person they were looking for. On the hill it seemed to them that Kuzminskoye was staggering along with the church.

Chapter 3 drunken night

The men moved along the road, meeting drunks. They

“they crawled, they lay, they rode, they floundered.”

Sober wanderers walked, looking around and listening to speeches. Some were so bad that it’s scary how the Russian people drink themselves to death. Women argue in a ditch about who has a harder life. One goes to hard labor, the other is beaten by her sons-in-law.

The wanderers hear the familiar voice of Pavlusha Veretennikov. He praises the smart Russian people for their proverbs and songs, but is upset about drinking to the point of stupor. But the man doesn’t let him write down the thought. He began to prove that peasants drink on time. During the harvest, people are in the field, who works and feeds the whole country? For a drinking family, a non-drinking family. And trouble comes to everyone equally. Ugly, drunken men are no worse than those who were eaten by midges, eaten by swamp reptiles. One of the drunks was Yakim Nagoy. The worker decided to compete with the merchant and ended up in prison. Yakim loved paintings; because of them, he almost burned down in a fire. While taking pictures, I didn’t have time to pull out the rubles. They merged into a lump and lost value. The men decided that the Russian man could not be overcome by hops.

Chapter 4 Happy

Wanderers are looking for happiness in the festive crowd at the bazaar. But all the arguments of those they meet seem absurd. There are no truly happy people. A man's happiness does not impress wanderers. They are sent to Yermil Girin. He collected money from people in an hour. All the peasants chipped in and helped Yermil buy the mill and resist the merchant Altynnikov. A week later, Yermil returned everything to the last penny, no one demanded anything extra from him, no one was left offended. Someone didn’t take one ruble from Girin, he gave it to the blind. The men decided to find out what kind of witchcraft Yermil possesses. Girin honestly served as headman. But he couldn’t send his brother to the army, so he replaced him with a peasant. The act exhausted Yermil’s soul. He returned the peasant home and sent his brother to serve. He resigned as headman and rented the mill. Fate still took its toll on the man; he was sent to prison. The wanderers move on, realizing that this is not the happiest person in Rus'.

Chapter 5 landowner

The wanderers meet the landowner. The ruddy landowner was 60 years old. And here the author tried. He chose a special surname for the hero - Obolt-Obolduev Gavrila Afanasyevich. The landowner decided that they were going to rob him. He pulled out a pistol, but the men calmed him down and explained the essence of their dispute. Gavrila Afanasyevich was amused by the peasants’ question. He laughed his fill and began to talk about his life. He started with the family tree. The men quickly understood what was being said. The landowner's ancestor was Oboldui, who is already more than 2 and a half centuries old. He amused the empress by playing with animals. On the other hand, the family originates from a prince who tried to set fire to Moscow and was executed for this. The landowner was famous; the older the tree, the more eminent the family. The family's wealth was such that it seemed possible not to think about the future. The forests are full of hares, the rivers are full of fish, the arable land is filled with grain. Houses were built with greenhouses, gazebos and parks. The landowners celebrated and walked. Hunting was his favorite pastime. But gradually, along with it, the power of the Russian landowner goes away. Peasants give gifts to the master from all over the vast country. The free life quickly ended. The houses were dismantled brick by brick, everything began to fall into disrepair. There is still land left to work on. The landowner doesn't know how to work, he spends his whole life

“lived on the labor of others.”

The peasants understood that the landowner was not the one they were looking for.

Part 2. Last One

Chapter 1

The wanderers reached the Volga. There was a cheerful mowing going on all around. The wanderers saw how a wonderful old man was swaggering over the peasants. He forced the heroic haystack to be swept away. It seemed to him that the hay was not dry. It turned out to be Prince Utyatin. The wanderers were surprised why the peasants behaved this way, if they had long been given their freedom and the estate belonged not to the prince, but to them. Vlas explains to his comrades what the matter is.

Chapter 2

The landowner was very rich and important. He did not believe that serfdom had been abolished. He was struck. The children and their wives arrived. Everyone thought that the old man would die, but he recovered. The heirs of their father's wrath were frightened. One of the ladies said that serfdom had been returned. I had to persuade the serfs to continue behaving as before, until freedom. They promised to pay for all the parent's quirks. The prince's orders were as ridiculous as they were absurd. One of the old men could not stand it and spoke out to the prince. He was ordered to be punished. They persuaded Agap to drink and scream as if he was being beaten. They drank the old man until he died, and by morning he died.

Chapter 3

The peasants, believing in the promises of their heirs, behave like serfs. Prince Posledysh dies. But no one keeps the promises; the promised lands do not go to the peasants. There is a legal battle going on.

Part 3. Peasant woman

The men decided to look for happy people among the women. They were advised to find Matryona Timofeeva Korchagina. Wanderers walk through the fields, admiring the rye. Wheat does not make them happy; it does not feed everyone. We reached the desired village - Klin. The peasants were surprised at every step. Strange, absurd work was going on throughout the village. Everything around was being destroyed, broken or damaged. Finally, they saw the reapers and reapers. Beautiful girls changed the situation. Among them was Matryona Timofeevna, popularly nicknamed the governor’s wife. The woman was approximately 37 - 38 years old. The woman’s appearance is attractive with beauty:

  • large stern eyes;
  • wide, tight posture;
  • rich eyelashes;
  • dark skin.

Matryona is neat in her clothes: a white shirt and a short sundress. The woman could not immediately answer the wanderers’ question. She became thoughtful and reproached the men for choosing the wrong time to talk. But the peasants offered their help in exchange for the story. The “governor” agreed. The self-assembled tablecloth fed and watered the men. The hostess agreed to open her soul.

Chapter 1 Before marriage

Matryona was happy in her parents' house. Everyone treated her well: father, brother, mother. The girl grew up hardworking. She has been helping with housework since she was 5 years old. She grew up to be a kind worker who loved to sing and dance. Matryona was in no hurry to get married. But stove maker Philip Korchagin appeared. The girl thought it over all night, cried, but after looking at the guy more closely, she agreed. There was happiness only on the night of the matchmaking, as Matryona said.

Chapter 2 Songs

The wanderers and the woman sing songs. They talk about the hard life in someone else's house. Matryona continues the story about her life. The girl ended up in a huge family. The husband went to work and advised his wife to remain silent and endure. Matryona worked for her eldest sister-in-law, the pious Martha, looked after her father-in-law, and pleased her mother-in-law. It occurred to Philip’s mother that it would be better for rye to grow from stolen seeds. The father-in-law went to steal, he was caught, beaten and thrown into the barn, half dead. Matryona praises her husband, and the wanderers ask if he beat her. The woman is talking. Philip beat him for not answering a question quickly when his wife was lifting a heavy pot and could not speak. The wanderers sang a new song about their husband’s whip and relatives. Matryona gave birth to a son, Demushka, when her husband went to work again. Trouble came again: the master’s manager, Abram Gordeevich Sitnikov, liked the woman. He didn't give way. Of the whole family, only grandfather Savely felt sorry for Matryona. She went to him for advice.

Chapter 3 Saveliy, Holy Russian hero

Grandfather Savely looked like a bear. He hasn’t cut his hair for 20 years, he’s bent over with age. According to documents, my grandfather was already more than 100 years old. He lived in a corner - in a special upper room. He didn’t allow family members to visit him; they didn’t like him. Even his own son scolded his father. They called my grandfather branded. But Savely was not offended:

“Branded, but not a slave!”

The grandfather rejoiced at the family’s failures: while they were waiting for matchmakers, beggars came to the window, and they beat up the father-in-law in the pub. Grandfather collects mushrooms and berries, catches birds. In winter he talks to himself on the stove. The old man has many sayings and favorite sayings. Matryona and her son went to the old man. The grandfather told the woman why he was called the branded one in the family. He was a convict who buried the German Vogel alive in the ground. Savely tells the woman how they lived. Times were prosperous for the peasants. The master could not get to the village because there were no roads. Only bears worried the residents, but the men easily dealt with them without guns:

"with a knife and a spear."

The grandfather tells how he got scared and why his back bent. He stepped on the sleepy bear, was not afraid, drove the spear into her and raised her like a chicken. My back crunched from the weight; in my youth it ached a little, but in my old age it became bent. In a lean year, Shalashnikov reached them. The landowner began to tear “three skins” from the peasants. When Shalashnikov died, a German, a strange and quiet man, was sent to the village. He forced them to work, unbeknownst to them, the peasants cut a clearing to the village, and a road appeared. Hard labor came with her. The German spirit is to let it go around the world. The Russian heroes endured and did not break. Peasant

“The axes lay there for the time being.”

The German ordered to dig a well and came to scold him for his slowness. Hungry men stood and listened to his whining. Saveliy quietly pushed him with his shoulder, and the others did the same. They carefully threw the German into the pit. He shouted and demanded a rope and a ladder, but Savely said:

“Pump it up!”

The hole was filled quickly, as if it had never happened. Next came hard labor, prison, and floggings. The old man’s skin has become as if it had been tanned, the grandfather jokes, and that’s why it has been worn “for a hundred years” because it has endured so much. Grandfather returned to his homeland while there was money, he was loved, then they began to hate him.

Chapter 4. Demushka

Matryona continues the story about her life. She loved her son Demushka and took him with her everywhere, but her mother-in-law demanded that the child be left with his grandfather. The woman was loading compressed sheaves of rye when she saw Savely crawling towards her. The old man roared. He fell asleep and did not notice how the pigs ate the child. Matryona experienced terrible grief, but the interrogations of the police officer were even more terrible. He found out whether Matryona and Savely cohabited, whether she killed her son in conspiracy and added arsenic. The mother asked to bury Demushka according to Christian custom, but they began to cut the child, “torture and plaster.” The woman almost went crazy from anger and grief, she cursed Savely. Lost in her mind, she went into oblivion, when she woke up, she saw that her grandfather was reading a prayer over a small coffin. Matryona began to persecute the old man, and he asked for forgiveness and explained that Demushka had melted the old man’s petrified heart. All night Savely read a prayer over the child, and the mother held a candle in her hands.

Chapter 5. She-Wolf

20 years have passed since her son died, and the woman still regrets his fate. Matryona stopped working and was not afraid of her father-in-law’s reins. I couldn’t make any more promises with my grandfather Savely. The old man sat in his little room out of grief for 6 days and went into the forest. He cried so much that the whole forest groaned with him. In the fall, my grandfather went to the Sand Monastery to repent for what he had done. Life began to take its course: children, work. Her parents died, Matryona went to cry at Demushka’s grave. I met Savelia there. He prayed for Dema, Russian suffering, for the peasantry, and asked to remove the anger from his mother’s heart. Matryona reassured the old man, saying that she had forgiven him a long time ago. Savely asked to look at him as before. The woman’s kind look pleased the grandfather. The “hero” died hard: he didn’t eat for 100 days and withered away. He lived 107 years and asked to be buried next to Demushka. The request was fulfilled. Matryona worked for the whole family. My son was sent to work as a shepherd at the age of 8. He did not keep track of the lamb, and the she-wolf carried it away. The mother did not allow the crowd to flog her son. Fedot said that the enormous she-wolf grabbed the sheep and ran. The boy rushed after her, boldly took the animal from the gray woman, but took pity on her. The she-wolf was covered in blood, her nipples were cut up by grass. She howled as pitifully as a mother cries. The boy gave her the sheep, came to the village and told everything honestly. The headman ordered the assistant shepherd to be forgiven and the woman to be punished with rods.

Chapter 6. Difficult year

A hungry year has come to the village. The peasants looked for reasons in their neighbors; Matryona was almost killed for wearing a clean shirt for Christmas. My husband was drafted into the army, and poverty became almost unbearable. Matryona sends her children to beg. The woman can’t stand it and leaves the house at night. She sings a song to the wanderers that she really likes.

Chapter 7. Governor's wife

Matryona ran at night to ask the governor for help in the city. The woman walked all night, silently praying to God. In the morning I reached the cathedral square. I found out that the doorman's name was Makar and began to wait. He promised to let us in in two hours. The woman walked around the city, looked at the monument to Susanin, which reminded her of Savely, and was frightened by the cry of a drake that had fallen under the knife. I returned to the governor’s house early and managed to talk with Makar. A lady in a sable fur coat was coming down the stairs, and Matryona threw herself at her feet. She begged so much that she began giving birth in the governor’s house. The lady baptized the boy and chose his name Liodor. Elena Alexandrovna (the lady) returned Philip. Matryona wishes the lady only joy and goodness. The husband's family is grateful to their daughter-in-law; with a man in the house, hunger is not so bad.

Chapter 8. The Woman's Parable

The woman was glorified in the area and began to be called by a new name - governor's wife. Matryona has 5 sons, one is already in the army. Korchagina sums up her story:

“...It’s no business to look for a happy woman among women!...”

The wanderers are trying to find out if the woman has told everything about her life, but she only tells them about troubles and grief:

  • Anthrax;
  • Work instead of a horse;
  • The whip and the loss of the firstborn.

The woman did not experience only “final shame.” Matryona says that the keys to women's happiness are lost to God. She tells a parable she heard from the holy old woman. God abandoned the keys, they looked for them, but decided that a fish had swallowed them. The Lord’s warriors went through the whole of God’s world and finally found the loss. There was a sigh of relief from women around the world. But it turned out that these were the keys to slavery. No one still knows where this fish is walking.

Part 4 Feast for the whole world

The wanderers settled down at the end of the village under a willow tree. They remember the master - the Last One. During the feast they begin to sing and share stories.

Song Merry. It is sung by priests and street people like a dance song. Only the vakhlak did not sing. A song about the hard lot of the Russian peasant.

“It is glorious to live in holy Rus' for the people”:

He has no milk - the master took away the cow for offspring, there are no chickens - the judges of the zemstvo council ate them, the children are taken away: the king - the boys, the master - the daughters.

Corvee song. The second song is sad and drawn-out. The hero of the story is the unkempt Kalinushka. Only his back is painted with rods and lashes. Kalinushka drowns his grief in the tavern, sees his wife only on Saturday, and “comes back” to her from the master’s stable.

About an exemplary slave - Yakov Verny. The story is narrated by the servant Vikenty Alexandrovich. Main character story - a gentleman, cruel and evil. For bribes, he acquired a village for himself and established his own law. The master’s cruelty was not only towards the servants. He married off his own daughter, whipped the guy and “drove (the children) away naked.” Polivanov had a servant - Yakov. He served his master like a faithful dog. The slave took care of the master and pleased him as best he could. The old man began to get sick, his legs gave out. Yakov carried him in his arms like a child. Yakov's nephew Grisha grew up. Yakov asked permission to marry the girl Arisha, but the master himself liked the girl, so he sent Grigory as a recruit. The slave was tanning. He drank for 2 weeks, the master felt what it was like for him without an assistant. Yakov returned and devotedly began to look after the landowner again. They went to visit their sister. The landowner sat carefree in the carriage, Yakov took him to the forest. The master was frightened when he saw that they had turned off the road towards a ravine. He got scared and decided that death awaited him. But the slave laughed evilly:

“I found a murderer!”

Yakov didn't want to

“...getting your hands dirty with murder...”

He made a rope and hanged himself in front of the master. He lay in the ravine all night, driving away birds and wolves. The next morning a hunter found him. The gentleman realized what sin he had committed against his faithful servant.

The story "About two great sinners." Ionushka began to tell the story of Father Pitirim from Solovki. Twelve robbers with ataman Kudeyar committed rampage in Rus'. Suddenly, the robber Kudeyar's conscience awoke. He began to argue with her, trying to gain the upper hand. He cut off the beauty's head and killed the captain. But conscience won. The ataman disbanded the gang and went to pray. For a long time he sat under the oak tree, asking God. The Lord heard the sinner. He suggested that he cut down a century-old tree with a knife. The chieftain began to work, but the oak tree did not give in to him. Pan Glukhovsky came to him. He began to boast that he kills easily and sleeps peacefully, without remorse. Kudeyar could not stand it and stabbed the master in the heart. The oak collapsed at that very moment. God forgave the sins of one sinner, freeing the world from another villain.

Peasant sin. The widower ammiral received 8 thousand souls from the empress for his service. The ammiral leaves a will to the headman. The free ones are hidden in the casket. After the death of the ammiral, a relative finds out from Gleb where the will is kept and burns the will. Peasant sin is betrayal among one's own. He is not forgiven even by God.

Song Hungry. The men sing it in chorus, like a chased march, the words approach like a cloud and draw in the soul. The song is about hunger, a man’s constant desire for food. He is ready to eat everything alone, dreams of cheesecake on a large table. The song is sung not by voice, but by a hungry gut.

Grisha Dobrosklonov joins the wanderers. He tells the peasants that the main thing for him is to achieve a good life for the peasants. They sing a song about the lot of people's and working life. The people ask God for little - light and freedom.

Epilogue. Grisha Dobrosklonov

Gregory lived in the family of a poor, seedy peasant. He was the son of a clerk who boasted about his children, but did not think about their food. Gregory remembered the song that his mother sang to him. Song "Salty". The essence of the song is that the mother managed to salt her son’s piece of bread with her tears. The guy grew up with love for his mother in his heart. Already at the age of 15 he knows for whom he will give his life. Two roads stretch before a person:

  • Spacious, where people inhumanly fight among themselves for the sake of passions and sin.
  • A cramped place where honest people suffer and fight for the oppressed.

Dobrosklonov thinks about his homeland, he goes his own way. Meets barge haulers, sings songs about a great and powerful country. Grigory composes the song “Rus”. He believes the song will help the peasants, give them optimism, and replace sad stories.

In front of you - summary Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'." The poem was conceived as a “people's book,” an epic depicting an entire era in the life of the people. The poet himself spoke about his work like this:

“I decided to present in a coherent story everything that I know about the people, everything that I happened to hear from their lips, and I started “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” This will be an epic of modern peasant life.”

As you know, the poet did not finish the poem. Only the first of 4 parts was completed.

We did not shorten the main points that you should pay attention to. The rest is given in a brief summary.

Summary of “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by chapter

Click on the desired chapter or part of the work to go to its summary




Peasant woman


Feast for the whole world


PROLOGUE - summary

In what year - calculate

In what land - guess

On the sidewalk

Seven men came together:

Seven temporarily obliged,

A tightened province,

Terpigoreva County,

Empty parish,

From adjacent villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

There is also a poor harvest,

They came together and argued:

Who has fun?

Free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

“Demyan said: to the official,

Luke said: ass.

To the fat-bellied merchant! -

The Gubin brothers said,

Ivan and Metrodor.

Old man Pakhom pushed

And he said, looking at the ground:

To the noble boyar,

To the sovereign minister.

And Prov said: to the king...

The guy's a bull: he'll get in trouble

What a whim in the head -

Stake her from there

You can’t knock them out: they resist,

Everyone stands on their own!

The men argue and do not notice how evening comes. They lit a fire, went for vodka, had a snack, and again began to argue about who was living “fun, freely in Rus'.” The argument escalated into a fight. At this time, a chick flew up to the fire. I caught him with my groin. A warbler bird appears and asks to let the chick go. In return, she tells you how to find a self-assembled tablecloth. Pakhom releases the chick, the men follow the indicated path and find a self-assembled tablecloth. The men decide not to return home until they find out “for certain,” “Who lives happily, // Freely in Rus'.”

Chapter 1. Pop - summary

The men hit the road. They meet peasants, artisans, coachmen, soldiers, and the travelers understand that the life of these people cannot be called happy. Finally they meet a priest. He proves to the peasants that the priest has no peace, no wealth, no happiness - a diploma is difficult for a priest's son to get, and the priesthood is even more expensive. The priest can be called at any time of the day or night, in any weather. The priest has to see the tears of orphans and the death rattle of a dying man. But there is no honor for the priest - they make up “jokey tales // And obscene songs, // And all sorts of blasphemy” about him. The priest has no wealth either - rich landowners almost no longer live in Rus'. The men agree with the priest. They move on.

Chapter 2. Rural fair - summary

The men see meager living everywhere. A man bathes his horse in the river. The wanderers learn from him that all the people have gone to the fair. The men go there. At the fair, people bargain, have fun, walk, and drink. One man is crying in front of the people - he drank all his money, and his granddaughter is waiting for a treat at home. Pavlusha Veretennikov, nicknamed “the gentleman,” bought boots for his granddaughter. The old man is very happy. Wanderers watch a performance in a booth.

Chapter 3. Drunken night - summary

People return drunk after the fair.

People walk and fall

As if because of the rollers

Enemies with buckshot

They're shooting at the men.

Some guy is burying a little girl, claiming at the same time that he is burying his mother. Women are quarreling in the ditch: who has a worse home? Yakim Nagoy says that “there is no measure for Russian drunkenness,” but it is also impossible to measure the people’s grief.

What follows is a story about Yakime Nagom who previously lived in St. Petersburg, then went to prison due to a lawsuit with a merchant. Then he came to live in his native village. He bought pictures with which he covered the hut and which he loved very much. There was a fire. Yakim rushed to save not the accumulated money, but pictures, which he later hung in the new hut. The people, returning, sing songs. Wanderers are sad about their own home, about their wives.

Chapter 4. Happy - summary

Wanderers walk among the festive crowd with a bucket of vodka. They promise it to someone who convinces him that he is truly happy. The first to arrive is the sexton, who says that he is happy because he believes in the kingdom of heaven. They don't give him vodka. An old woman comes up and says that she has a very large turnip in her garden. They laughed at her and didn’t give her anything either. A soldier comes with medals and says that he is happy that he is alive. They brought it to him.

A stonecutter approaches and talks about his happiness - about his enormous strength. His opponent is a thin man. He says that at one time God punished him for boasting in the same way. The contractor praised him at the construction site, and he was happy - he took the fourteen-pound burden and carried it to the second floor. Since then he has withered away. He goes home to die, an epidemic begins in the carriage, the dead are unloaded at the stations, but he still remains alive.

A servant comes, boasts that he was the prince’s favorite slave, that he licked plates with the remains of gourmet food, drank foreign drinks from glasses, and suffers from the noble disease of gout. He is driven away. A Belarusian comes up and says that his happiness lies in bread, which he just can’t get enough of. At home, in Belarus, he ate bread with chaff and bark. A man who had been killed by a bear came and said that his comrades died while hunting, but he remained alive. The man received vodka from the wanderers. Beggars boast that they are happy because they receive food often. The wanderers realize that they wasted vodka on “ peasant happiness" They are advised to ask Yermil Girin, who owned the mill, about happiness. By court decision, the mill is being sold at auction. Yermil won the bargain with the merchant Altynnikov; the clerks demanded a third of the price immediately, contrary to the rules. Yermil did not have money with him, which needed to be deposited within an hour, and it was a long way to go home.

He went out to the square and asked people to borrow as much as they could. They collected more money than was needed. Yermil gave the money, the mill became his, and the next Friday he paid off the debts. The wanderers wonder why the people believed Girin and gave him money. They answer him that he achieved this with the truth. Girin served as a clerk in the estate of Prince Yurlov. He served for five years and did not take anything from anyone, he was attentive to everyone. But he was kicked out, and a new clerk came in his place - a scoundrel and a grabber. After the death of the old prince, the new owner drove out all the old henchmen and ordered the peasants to elect a new mayor. Everyone unanimously elected Ermil. He served honestly, but one day he still committed a crime - his younger brother Mitri " fenced off“, and instead of him, Nenila Vlasyevna’s son became a soldier.

Since that time, Yermil has been sad - he doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, he says he’s a criminal. He said that he should be judged according to his conscience. Nenila Vlasvna’s son was returned, but Mitri was taken away, and a fine was imposed on Ermila. For another year after that, he was not himself, then he resigned from his position, no matter how much they begged him to stay.

The narrator advises going to Girin, but another peasant says that Yermil is in prison. A riot broke out and government troops were needed. To avoid bloodshed, they asked Girin to address the people.

The story is interrupted by the screams of a drunken footman suffering from gout - now he is suffering from beatings for theft. The wanderers are leaving.

Chapter 5. Landowner - summary

The landowner Obolt-Obolduev was

... "ruddy,

Stately, planted,

Sixty years old;

The mustache is gray, long,

Well done touches.

He mistook the men for robbers and even pulled out a pistol. But they told him what was the matter. Obolt-Obolduev laughs, gets out of the stroller and talks about the life of the landowners.

First he talks about the antiquity of his family, then he recalls the old days when

Not only Russian people,

Nature itself is Russian

She submitted to us.

Then the landowners lived well - luxurious feasts, a whole regiment of servants, their own actors, etc. The landowner recalls the dog hunt, unlimited power, how he baptized with his entire estate “on Easter Sunday.”

Now there is decay everywhere - “ The noble class // It’s as if everything was hidden, // It died out!“The landowner cannot understand why the “idle scribblers” encourage him to study and work, after all, he is a nobleman. He says that he has lived in the village for forty years, but cannot distinguish a barley ear from a rye ear. The peasants think:

The great chain has broken,

It tore and splintered:

One way for the master,

Others don't care!..


The last one - summary

The wanderers walk and see hayfields. They take the women's braids and start mowing them. Music can be heard from the river - it’s a landowner riding in a boat. The gray-haired man Vlas urges the women on - they shouldn’t upset the landowner. Three boats moor to the shore, containing a landowner with his family and servants.

The old landowner walks around the hay, complains that the hay is damp, and demands that it be dried. He leaves with his retinue for breakfast. The wanderers ask Vlas (he turned out to be the burgomaster) why the landowner gives orders if serfdom is abolished. Vlas replies that they have a special landowner: when he learned about the abolition of serfdom, he had a stroke - the left half of his body was paralyzed, he lay motionless.

The heirs arrived, but the old man recovered. His sons told him about the abolition of serfdom, but he called them traitors, cowards, etc. Out of fear that they would be disinherited, his sons decide to indulge him in everything.

That’s why they persuade the peasants to make a joke, as if the peasants were returned to the landowners. But some peasants did not need to be persuaded. Ipat, for example, says: “ And I am the princes Utyatin’s slave - and that’s the whole story!“He remembers how the prince harnessed him to a cart, how he bathed him in an ice hole - he dipped him into one ice hole, pulled him out of another - and immediately gave him vodka.

The prince put Ipat on the box to play the violin. The horse stumbled, Ipat fell, and the sleigh ran over him, but the prince drove away. But after some time he returned. Ipat is grateful to the prince that he did not leave him to freeze. Everyone agrees to pretend that serfdom was not abolished.

Vlas does not agree to be burgomaster. Klim Lavin agrees to be it.

Klim has a conscience made of clay,

And Minin’s beard,

If you look, you'll think so

Why can't you find a peasant?

More mature and sober .

The old prince walks around and gives orders, the peasants laugh at him on the sly. The man Agap Petrov did not want to obey the orders of the old landowner, and when he caught him cutting down the forest, he told Utyatin directly about everything, calling him a fool. Ducky got the second blow. But contrary to the expectations of his heirs, the old prince recovered again and began to demand the public flogging of Agap.

The latter is being persuaded by the whole world. They took him to the stables, put a glass of wine in front of him and told him to shout louder. He shouted so loudly that even Utyatin took pity. The drunk Agap was carried home. Soon he died: " The unscrupulous Klim ruined him, anathema, blame!»

Utyatin is sitting at the table at this time. Peasants stand at the porch. Everyone is putting on a comedy, as usual, except for one guy - he laughs. The guy is a newcomer, local customs are funny to him. Utyatin again demands punishment for the rebel. But the wanderers do not want to blame. The burgher's godfather saves the situation - she says that it was her son who laughed - a foolish boy. Utyatin calms down, has fun and swaggers over dinner. After lunch he dies. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But the joy of the peasants was premature: “ With the death of the Last One, the lordly caress disappeared».


Prologue - summary

The wanderers decide to look for a happy man among women. They are advised to go to the village of Klin and ask Matryona Timofeevna, nicknamed “the governor’s wife.” Arriving in the village, the men see “poor houses.” The lackey he met explains that “The landowner is abroad, //And the steward is dying.” The wanderers meet Matryona Timofeevna.

Matrena Timofeevna

dignified woman,

Wide and dense

About thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; gray streaked hair,

The eyes are large, strict,

The richest eyelashes,

Severe and dark.

The wanderers talk about their goal. The peasant woman replies that she has no time to talk about life now - she has to go reap rye. The men offer help. Matryona Timofeevna talks about her life.

Chapter 1 – Before marriage. Summary

Matrena Timofeevna was born into a friendly, non-drinking family and lived “like Christ in the bosom.” It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. Then Matryona Timofeevna met her betrothed;

There's a stranger on the mountain!

Philip Korchagin - St. Petersburg resident,

Stove maker by skill.

Chapter 2 – Songs. Summary

Matryona Timofeevna ends up in someone else's house.

The family was huge

Grumpy... I'm in trouble

Happy maiden holiday to hell!

My husband went to work

I advised to remain silent and be patient...

As ordered, so done:

I walked with anger in my heart.

And I didn’t say too much

A word to no one.

In winter Philippus came,

Brought a silk handkerchief

Yes, I went for a ride on a sled

On Catherine's day,

And it was as if there was no grief!..

She says that her husband beat her only once, when her husband’s sister arrived and he asked to give her shoes, but Matryona hesitated. Philip went back to work, and Matryona’s son Demushka was born on Kazanskaya. Life in her mother-in-law's house has become even more difficult, but she endures:

Whatever they tell me, I work,

No matter how much they scold me, I remain silent.

Of the entire family, only grandfather Savely felt sorry for Matryona Timofeevna’s husband.

Chapter 3. Savely, the Holy Russian hero. Summary.

Matryona Timofeevna talks about Savelia.

With a huge gray mane,

Tea, twenty years uncut,

With a huge beard

Grandfather looked like a bear...<…>

... He's already hit the nail on the head,

According to fairy tales, a hundred years.

Grandfather lived in a special room,

Didn't like families

He didn’t let me into his corner;

And she was angry, barking,

His "branded, convict"

My own son was honoring.

Savely will not be angry,

He will go to his little room,

Reads the holy calendar, gets baptized

And suddenly he will say cheerfully;

“Branded, but not a slave!”...

Savely tells Matryona why he is called “branded.” During his youth, the serf peasants of his village did not pay rent, did not go to corvée, because they lived in remote places and it was difficult to get there. The landowner Shalashnikov tried to collect rent, but was not very successful in this.

Shalashnikov tore excellently,

And not so great

I received income.

Soon Shalashnikov (he was a military man) is killed near Varna. His heir sends a German governor.

He forces the peasants to work. They themselves do not notice how they are cutting a clearing, i.e. it has now become easy to get to them.

And then came hard labor

To the Korezh peasant -

Ruined to the bone!<…>

The German has a death grip:

Until he lets you go around the world,

Without moving away, he sucks!

This went on for eighteen years. The German built a factory and ordered the digging of a well. The German began to scold those who were digging the well for idleness (Savely was among them). The peasants pushed the German into a hole and buried the hole. Next - hard labor, Savelig! tried to escape from it, but was caught. He spent twenty years in hard labor, another twenty in a settlement.

Chapter 4. Demushka. Summary

Matryona Timofeevna gave birth to a son, but her mother-in-law does not allow her to be with the child, since her daughter-in-law has started working less.

The mother-in-law insists that Matryona Timofeevna leave her son with his grandfather. Savely neglected to look after the child: “The old man fell asleep in the sun, // Fed Demidushka to the pigs // Silly grandfather!..” Matryona accuses her grandfather and cries. But it didn't end there:

The Lord was angry

He sent uninvited guests,

Unrighteous judges!

A doctor, a police officer, and the police appear in the village and accuse Matryona of intentionally killing a child. The doctor performs an autopsy, despite Matryona's requests. without desecration // To an honest burial // To betray the baby". They call her crazy. Grandfather Savely says that her madness lies in the fact that she went to the authorities without taking with her “ not a ruble, not a new thing.” Demushka is buried in a closed coffin. Matryona Timofeevna cannot come to her senses, Savely, trying to console her, says that her son is now in heaven.

Chapter 5. She-Wolf - Summary

After Demushka died, Matryona “was not herself” and could not work. The father-in-law decided to teach her a lesson with the reins. The peasant woman bent down at his feet and asked: “Kill!” The father-in-law retreated. Day and night Matryona Timofeevna is at her son’s grave. Closer to winter, my husband arrived. Savely after the death of Demushka

For six days I lay hopelessly,

Then he went into the forests.

That's how grandpa sang, that's how he cried,

That the forest groaned! And in the fall

Went to repentance

To the Sand Monastery.

Every year Matryona gives birth to a child. Three years later, Matryona Timofeevna’s parents die. She goes to her son's grave to cry. Meets grandfather Savely there. He came from the monastery to pray for the “Deme of the Poor, for all the suffering Russian peasantry.” Saveliy did not live long - “in the fall, the old man got some kind of deep wound on his neck, he died with difficulty...”. Savely spoke about the share of the peasants:

There are three paths for men:

Tavern, prison and penal servitude,

And the women in Rus'

Three loops: white silk,

The second is red silk,

And the third - black silk,

Choose any one! .

Four years have passed. Matryona came to terms with everything. One day, a pilgrim pilgrim comes to the village, she talks about the salvation of the soul, and demands from mothers that they not feed their babies milk on fasting days. Matryona Timofeevna did not listen. “Yes, apparently God is angry,” says the peasant woman. When her son Fedot was eight years old, he was sent to herd sheep. One day they brought Fedot and said that he had fed a sheep to a she-wolf. Fedot says that a huge, emaciated she-wolf appeared, grabbed the sheep and started running. Fedot caught up with her and took away the sheep, which was already dead. The she-wolf looked into his eyes pitifully and howled. It was clear from the bleeding nipples that she had wolf cubs in her lair. Fedot took pity on the she-wolf and gave her the sheep. Matryona Timofeevna, trying to save her son from flogging, asks for mercy from the landowner, who orders not the assistant shepherd to be punished, but “the impudent woman.”

Chapter 6. Difficult year. Summary.

Matryona Timofeevna says that the she-wolf did not appear in vain - there was a shortage of bread. The mother-in-law told the neighbors that Matryona had caused the famine by wearing a clean shirt on Christmas Day.

For my husband, for my protector,

I got off cheap;

And one woman

Not for the same thing

Killed to death with stakes.

Don't joke with the hungry!..

After the lack of bread came the recruitment drive. My brother's eldest husband was drafted into the army, so the family did not expect trouble. But Matryona Timofeevna’s husband is taken as a soldier out of turn. Life gets even harder. The children had to be sent around the world. The mother-in-law became even more grumpy.

Okay, don't get dressed,

Don't wash yourself white

The neighbors have sharp eyes,

Tongues out!

Walk on the quieter streets

Carry your head lower

If you're having fun, don't laugh

Don't cry out of sadness!..

Chapter 7. Governor's wife. Summary

Matryona Timofeevna is going to the governor. She has difficulty getting to the city because she is pregnant. He gives a ruble to the doorman to let him in. He says to come in two hours. Matryona Timofeevna arrives, the doorman takes another ruble from her. The governor's wife arrives and Matryona Timofeevna rushes to her asking for intercession. The peasant woman becomes ill. When she comes to, she is told that she has given birth to a child. The governor's wife, Elena Aleksandrovna, was very fond of Matryona Timofeevna, and looked after her son as if she were her own (she herself had no children). A messenger is sent to the village to sort everything out. My husband was returned.

Chapter 8. The Woman's Parable. Summary

The men ask if Matryona Timofeevna told them everything. She says that everyone, except that they survived the fire twice, suffered from anthrax three times, that instead of a horse she had to walk “in the harrow.” Matryona Timofeevna recalls the words of the holy pilgrim who went to "the heights of Athens»:

The keys to women's happiness,

From our free will

Abandoned, lost to God himself!<…>

Yes, they are unlikely to be found...

What kind of fish swallowed

Those keys are reserved,

In what seas is that fish

Walking - God forgot!


Feast for the whole world

Introduction - summary

There is a feast in the village. The feast was organized by Klim. They sent for the parish sexton Tryphon. He came with his seminarian sons Savvushka and Grisha.

... It was the eldest

Already nineteen years old;

Now I'm an archdeacon

I looked, and Gregory

Face thin, pale

And the hair is thin, curly,

With a hint of red.

Simple guys, kind,

Mowed, reaped, sowed

And drank vodka on holidays

On a par with the peasantry.

The clerk and the seminarians began to sing.

I. Bitter times - bitter songs - summary


“Eat the prison, Yasha! There’s no milk!”

- “Where is our cow?”

Take away, my light!

Master for offspring

I took her home."

It's nice to live for the people

Saint in Rus'!

“Where are our chickens?” -

The girls are screaming.

“Don’t yell, you fools!

The zemstvo court ate them;

I took another cart

Yes, he promised to wait..."

It's nice to live for the people

Saint in Rus'!

Broke my back

But the sauerkraut doesn’t wait!

Baba Katerina

I remembered - roars:

In the yard for over a year

Daughter... no dear!

It's nice to live for the people

Saint in Rus'!

Some of the kids

Lo and behold, there are no children:

The king will take the boys,

Master - daughters!

To one freak

Live forever with your family.

It's nice to live for the people

Saint in Rus'!

Then the Vakhlaks sang:


Kalinushka is poor and unkempt,

He has nothing to show off,

Only the back is painted,

You don't know behind your shirt.

From bast shoes to gate

The skin is all ripped open

The belly swells with chaff.

Twisted, twisted,

Flogged, tormented,

Kalina barely walks.

He'll knock on the innkeeper's feet,

Sorrow will drown in wine,

It will only come back to haunt you on Saturday

From the master's stable to his wife...

The men remember the old order. One of the men recalls how one day their lady decided to mercilessly beat the one “who would say a strong word.” The men stopped arguing, but as soon as the will was announced, they lost their souls so much that “Priest Ivan was offended.” Another man talks about the exemplary slave Yakov the Faithful. The greedy landowner Polivanov had a faithful servant, Yakov. He was devoted to the master without limit.

Yakov appeared like this from his youth,

Yakov had only joy:

To groom, protect, please the master

Yes, rock my little nephew.

Jacob's nephew Grisha grew up and asked the master for permission to marry the girl Arina.

However, the master himself liked her. He gave Grisha as a soldier, despite Yakov's pleas. The slave started drinking and disappeared. Polivanov feels bad without Yakov. Two weeks later the slave returned. Polivanov is going to visit his sister, Yakov is taking him. They drive through the forest, Yakov turns into a remote place - Devil's Ravine. Polivanov is frightened and begs for mercy. But Yakov says that he is not going to get his hands dirty with murder, and hangs himself from a tree. Polivanov is left alone. He spends the whole night in the ravine, screaming, calling people, but no one responds. In the morning a hunter finds him. The landowner returns home, lamenting: “I am a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!

After the story, the men start an argument about who is more sinful - the innkeepers, the landowners, the peasants or the robbers. Klim Lavin fights with a merchant. Jonushka, the “humble mantis,” talks about the power of faith. His story is about the holy fool Fomushka, who called people to escape to the forests, but he was arrested and taken to prison. From the cart, Fomushka shouted: “They beat you with sticks, rods, whips, you will be beaten with iron rods!” In the morning, a military team arrived and the pacification and interrogations began, i.e. Fomushka’s prophecy “almost came true.” Jonah talks about Euphrosyne, the messenger of God, who during the cholera years “buries, heals, and tends to the sick.” Jonah Lyapushkin - praying mantis and wanderer. The peasants loved him and argued about who would be the first to shelter him. When he appeared, everyone brought out icons to meet him, and Jonah followed those whose icons he liked best. Jonah tells a parable about two great sinners.


The story was told to Jonah in Solovki by Father Pitirim. There were twelve robbers, whose chieftain was Kudeyar. They lived in a dense forest, plundered a lot of wealth, and killed a lot of innocent souls. From near Kyiv, Kudeyar took himself a beautiful girl. Unexpectedly, “the Lord awakened the conscience” of the robber. Kudeyar " He blew off his mistress's head // And spotted Esaul" Came home with a tartar in monastic clothes y,” day and night he prays to God for forgiveness. The saint of the Lord appeared in front of Kudeyar. He pointed to a huge oak tree and said: “ With the same knife that robbed him, // Cut him with the same hand!..<…>The tree will just fall, // The chains of sin will fall" Kudeyar begins to do what he was told. Time passes, and Pan Glukhovsky drives by. He asks what Kudeyar is doing.

A lot of cruel, scary

The old man heard about the master

And as a lesson to the sinner

He told his secret.

Pan grinned: “Salvation

I haven't had tea for a long time,

In the world I honor only a woman,

Gold, honor and wine.

You have to live, old man, in my opinion:

How many slaves do I destroy?

I torment, torture and hang,

I wish I could see how I’m sleeping!”

The hermit becomes furious, attacks the master and plunges a knife into his heart. At that very moment the tree collapsed, and the load of sins fell from the old man.

III. Both old and new - summary


One admiral for military service, for the battle with the Turks near Ochakov, the empress granted eight thousand souls of peasants. Dying, he gives the casket to Gleb the elder. The casket is ordered to be taken care of, since it contains a will according to which all eight thousand souls will receive freedom. After the death of the admiral, a distant relative appears on the estate, promises the headman a lot of money, and the will is burned. Everyone agrees with Ignat that this is a great sin. Grisha Dobrosklonov talks about the freedom of the peasants, that “there will be no new Gleb in Rus'.” Vlas wishes Grisha wealth and a smart and healthy wife. Grisha in response:

I don't need any silver

Not gold, but God willing,

So that my fellow countrymen

And every peasant

Life was free and fun

All over holy Rus'!

A cart with hay is approaching. The soldier Ovsyannikov is sitting on the cart with his niece Ustinyushka. The soldier made his living with the help of a raik - a portable panorama that showed objects through a magnifying glass. But the instrument broke. The soldier then came up with new songs and began to play the spoons. Sings a song.

Soldier's Toshen light,

There is no truth

Life is sickening

The pain is severe.

German bullets

Turkish bullets,

French bullets

Russian sticks!

Klim notices that in his yard there is a log on which he has been chopping wood since his youth. She is “not as wounded” as Ovsyannikov. However, the soldier did not receive full board, since the doctor’s assistant, when examining the wounds, said that they were second-rate. The soldier submits a petition again.

IV. Good time - good songs - summary.

Grisha and Savva take their father home and sing:

Share of the people

His happiness.

Light and freedom

First of all!

We're a little

We ask God:

Fair deal

Do it skillfully

Give us strength!

Working life -

Direct to friend

Road to the heart

Away from the threshold

Coward and lazy!

Isn't it heaven?

Share of the people

His happiness.

Light and freedom

First of all!

Father fell asleep, Savvushka took up his book, and Grisha went into the field. Grisha has a thin face - they were underfed by the housekeeper at the seminary. Grisha remembers his mother Domna, whose favorite son he was. Sings a song:

In the middle of the world below

For a free heart

There are two ways.

Weigh the proud strength,

Weigh your strong will, -

Which way to go?

One spacious

The road is rough,

The passions of a slave,

It's huge,

Greedy for temptation

There's a crowd coming.

About sincere life,

About the lofty goal

The idea there is funny.

Eternal boils there,



For mortal blessings...

There are souls captive there

Full of sin.<…>

The other one is tight

The road is honest

They walk along it

Only strong souls


To fight, to work.

For the bypassed

For the oppressed -

In their footsteps

Go to the downtrodden

Go to the offended -

Be the first there.

No matter how dark the vahlachina is,

No matter how crammed with corvée

And slavery - and she,

Having been blessed, I placed

In Grigory Dobrosklonov

Such a messenger.

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia.

Grisha sings a song about the bright future of his Motherland: “ You are still destined to suffer a lot, //But you will not die, I know" Grisha sees a barge hauler who, having completed his work, with the coppers jingling in his pocket, goes to the tavern. Grisha sings another song.


You're miserable too

You are also abundant

You are mighty

You are also powerless

Mother Rus'!

Saved in slavery

Free heart -

Gold, gold

People's heart!

People's power

Mighty force -

Conscience is calm,

The truth is alive!

Strength with untruth

They don't get along

Sacrifice by untruth

Not called -

Rus' does not move,

Rus' is like dead!

And she caught fire

Hidden spark -

They stood up - unwounded,

They came out - uninvited,

Live by the grain

The mountains have been destroyed!

The army rises -


The strength in her will affect


You're miserable too

You are also abundant

You're downtrodden

You are omnipotent

Mother Rus'!..

Grisha is pleased with his song:

He heard the immense strength in his chest,

The sounds of grace delighted his ears,

The radiant sounds of the noble hymn -

He sang the embodiment of people's happiness!..

I hope this summary of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” helped you prepare for your Russian literature lesson.

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