Evaluation criteria c1. Assessment criteria for assignment c1. Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

Criteria for assessing presentation


Reflecting All the listed micro-topics that are important for his perception.

The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, But I missed or added 1 micro-topic.

The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, But missed or added more than 2 microthemes.

Availability of source text compression

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work.

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,

1 logical error was made,


There is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.

The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,

more than 1 logical error was made,


There are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.

Maximum points for concise presentation according tocriteria SG1 – SG3

Part 2

    Read the text. Complete tasks A1 – A6; B1 – B14.

(1) Kintel saw the little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market to buy potatoes. (2) First he heard music. (3) At the fence of an abandoned construction site, about fifteen guys and adults stood in a semicircle. (4) And against the background of dark and torn posters, a girl played the violin. (5) Same age as Kintel.

(6) She was thin, snub-nosed, with short and disheveled hair, like a boy’s. (7) She swayed on her tanned legs, as if on stalks, looked thoughtfully past people and moved her bow.

(8) At the girl’s feet, in the dusty plantains, lay a violin case, with a white sheet of paper in its folded lid. (9) On it was written in large letters: (10) “I’m working on the violin.”

(11) The girl’s current violin was probably someone else’s. (12) Or not very good. (13) But even on it the girl played delightfully. (14) At least, Kintel was immediately captivated by the sad and bright music, and so was the girl herself. (15) Kintel looked at the young violinist, and his heart sank in sweet melancholy. (16) There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in the one who played it - in the fast thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in the thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows. (17) And there was also trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl. (18) And people stood around.

(19) People listened attentively, and there were already a lot of crumpled pieces of paper in the violin case.

(20) Kintel had only money in his pocket that his grandfather had given him and which could only be spent on potatoes. (21) If only he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - He would immediately put them in a case, at the girl’s feet. (22) Although... would he dare? (23) Everyone would immediately start looking at him. (24) And she would look at the awkward man, with a prison crew cut, a wrinkled shirt tied in a knot on his belly... (25) He had already been standing here for probably half an hour, so everyone, of course, guessed that he was fascinated. ..

(26) Kintel backed away, feeling his ears and cheeks filling with warmth. (27) And he walked and walked, not daring to look back. (28) And for a long time I heard the violin. (According to V. Krapivin)

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich - modern writer, journalist. Author of more than two hundred works, translated into many languages ​​around the world. His books were included in the Golden Library of Selected Works for Children and Youth, the Library of Adventure and Science Fiction, and the Library of World Literature for Children.

A1 . Which of the statements below contains the answer to the question:“Why does the hero immediately"took prisoner" little violinist?

    The girl who played the violin had an extraordinary appearance.

    The girl attracted the hero’s sympathy primarily because she knew how to earn money herself.

    The girl seemed to the hero defenseless and at the same time independent, deep.

    The girl did not pay attention to the hero, and this hurt him and aroused interest in her.

A2. Why did the hero think that“the girl played amazingly”?

    The girl played confidently and loudly, although she had someone else’s or a bad violin in her hands.

    The hero was influenced by the fact that many stopped to listen to the girl play.

    People won’t pay money for a bad game, but they gave the girl a lot of it.

    The girl knew how to put her soul into a melody, as if merging with the music into a single whole.

A3. Howcharacterizes hero information contained in sentences 20-21?

    Kintel was a prudent man who knew how to spend money economically.

    Kintel was a responsible person, but at the same time he was capable of emotional outbursts.

    Kintel knew how to find an excuse for himself in a difficult situation.

    Kintel did not understand anything about music and therefore was ready to pay a lot of money for the girl to play.

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word is used in the text"fascination" (sentence 25).



  1. immobility

A5. In which answer option is the content of the second sentence contrasted?the content of the first?

  1. (1) Kintel saw the little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market to buy potatoes. (2) First he heard music.

    (11) The girl’s current violin was probably someone else’s. (13) But even on it the girl played delightfully.

    (17) And there was also trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl. (18) And people stood around.

    (23) Everyone would immediately start looking at him. (24) And she would look at the awkward man with a prison crew cut, a wrinkled shirt tied in a knot on his belly...

A6. Please indicate the sentence that containsmetaphor.

    She swayed on her tanned legs, as if on stalks, looked thoughtfully past people and moved her bow.

    At least, Kintel was immediately captivated by the sad and bright music, and so was the girl herself.

    There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in who played it - in the fast thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in the thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows.

    And if he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - He would immediately put them in a case, at the girl’s feet.

IN 1 . Replace the wordPAPER from sentence 19 synonymous with official-business or scientific style. Write this synonym.

AT 2. From sentences 6-7, write down the word withalternating unstressed vowelfundamentally.

AT 3. From sentences 6-10, write down the word in which the spellingconsoles depends on the deafness/voiceness of the sound indicated by the followingafter the prefix with a letter.

AT 4. In sentences 24-25, find the word in which the spellingNN is determined by the rule: “If with an adjective formed fromimperfective verb, there are dependent words, then this is an adjectiveturns into a participle and is written in its suffixNN " Write down what you foundparticiple with a dependent word.

AT 5. all commas. Write down the numbers representing commas inclarifying circumstance.

She swayed on her tanned legs, (1) like on stalks, (2) thoughtfully looked past people and moved her bow. At the girl's feet, (3) in the dusty plantains, (4) lay the violin case, (5) in its folded lid there was a white sheet of paper.

AT 6. The sentences below from the text read are numberedcomplex offers.

At least, (1) Kintel was immediately captured by the sad and bright music, (2) and the girl herself too. Kintel looked at the young violinist, (3) and his heart sank in sweet melancholy.

AT 7. The sentences below from the text read are numberedall commas. Write down the numbers indicating commas between partscomplex offers.

He's already standing here (1) maybe, (2) half an hour, (3) so that's it, (4) Certainly, (5) guessed that he was fascinated... Kintel backed away, (6) feeling (7) how your ears and cheeks fill with warmth.

AT 8. Replace the phraseLISTENED CAREFULLY (offer19), built on the basisadjacencies, synonymous phrasewith connectioncontrol. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 9. You writegrammatical basis proposals 23.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Among sentences 1-5, find sentences withhomogeneous members.

AT 11. Find offers among offers 25-28with a separate circumstance. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 12. Specify quantitygrammar basics in sentence 1.

B13. Find among sentences 3-8complex non-union offer.

At 14. Among sentences 19-24, find a complex sentence withhomogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.


Using the read text of part 2, complete on a separate sheet or form ONLY ONE from tasks: C2.1 or C2.2. Before writing the essay, write down the number of the selected task: C2.1 or C2.2.

Check out the opinions of Anton and Kirill on the role of punctuation marks1 in written speech.

Anton: “It’s impossible to write without punctuation marks...”

Kirill: “Why are all these paragraphs, colons, dashes, commas needed? Is it really impossible to do without them? Until the 15th century, there were no punctuation marks in books at all. And now there are so many of them! Try to figure out where to put which sign!”

Help Anton prove his point.

Write an essay-reasoning: “Why do we need punctuation marks?”

Pondering answer to the question read once again text by V. Krapivin.

Give 2 examples from the text you read to illustrate different functions of punctuation marks.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material and/or in general cultural terms.

You can start your essay either with a phrase belonging to Anton or with your own statement.

You can write a paper on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton.

The essay must be at least 50 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

The essay must be at least 50 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1)Formulation of a thesis related to the topic of the essay and the main idea.

2) A theoretically substantiated answer to the question posed in the topic, supported by linguistic examples from the reading text.

3) Conclusion (confirmation of the thesis).

Document punctuation has been preserved.

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C1 Points



Formulation of source text problems

The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text.

There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem

The examinee was unable to correctly formulate any of the problems in the source text.


Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave at least 2 examples from the text read that are important for understanding the problem.


The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave 1 example from the text read, important for understanding the problem.
There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary


The text problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text, But the examinee did not give a single example from the read text that was important for understanding the problem, or There was one factual error in the commentary related to understanding the problem in the source text


The problem formulated by the examinee was not commented on. or commented without reference to the source text, or there is more than one factual error in the commentary related to understanding the source text, or another commented,
not formulated or instead of a commentary, a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given, or instead of a comment, a large fragment of the source text is quoted



Reflection of the position of the author of the source text

The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem.
There are no factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text

The position of the author of the source text by the examinee is formulated incorrectly, or the position of the author of the source text is not formulated


Argumentation by the examinee of his own opinion on the problem

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, one of which was taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature)


The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, based on knowledge, life experience), or provided only 1 argument from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature


The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave 1 argument), relying on knowledge and life experience

The examinee formulated his opinion on the problem posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the author’s position), but did not provide arguments, or the examinee’s opinion is stated only formally (for example: “I agree / disagree with the author”), or the examinee's opinion is not reflected in the work at all


Speech design of the essay


Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:
- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;
- there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work


The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,
But one logical error was made, and/or there is one violation of paragraph division of the text in the work


The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent, But more than one logical error was made, and/or there are two cases of violation of paragraph division of the text



Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts and the variety of grammatical structure of speech.
*The examinee receives the highest score for this criterion only if the highest score is obtained for the K10 criterion

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts, But the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech can be traced, or the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech, But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts

The work of the examinee is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structure of speech 0




Compliance with spelling standards

no spelling errors (or 1 minor error) 3
no more than 2 mistakes were made 2
3-4 mistakes were made 1
more than 4 mistakes were made


Compliance with punctuation standards

no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error) 3
1-3 mistakes were made 2
4-5 mistakes were made 1
more than 5 mistakes were made


Compliance with language norms

no grammatical errors 2
1-2 mistakes were made 1
more than 2 mistakes were made


Compliance with speech norms

no more than 1 speech error was made 2
2-3 mistakes were made 1
more than 3 mistakes were made


Compliance with ethical standards

there are no ethical errors in the work 1
ethical mistakes were made (1 or more)


Maintain factual accuracy in background material

there are no factual errors in the background material 1
there were factual errors (1 or more) in the background material
Maximum number of points for all written work (K1-K12) 24

When assessing literacy (K7-K10), the length of the essay should be taken into account 1.

1. The assessment standards indicated in the table are developed for essays of 150-300 words 2.

2. If the essay contains less than 70 words, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered uncompleted.

When evaluating an essay ranging from 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors of four types (K7-K10) decreases.

2 points according to these criteria are given in the following cases:
K7 - there are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made);
K8 - there are no punctuation errors (or one minor error was made). 1 point according to these criteria is given in the following cases:
K7 - no more than two mistakes were made;
K8 - one to three mistakes were made;
K9 - no grammatical errors;
K10 - no more than one speech error was made.

The highest score according to criteria K7-K12 is not given for work ranging from 70 to 150 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work in all aspects of the test (K1-K12) is scored 0 points.

If the work, which is a rewrite or retelling of the original text, contains fragments of text
the examinee, then the test takes into account only the number of words that belong to the examinee.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

1 When counting words, both independent and auxiliary parts of speech are taken into account.
Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M.Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” - one word, “five years” - two
2 If the essay contains partially or completely rewritten by the examinee the text of the review of task 24 and/or information about the author of the text, then the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and/or information about the author of the text.

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014 No. 31205)
"61. Based on the results of the first and second checks, experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the Unified State Examination paper with a detailed answer...
62. If there is a significant discrepancy in the scores given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant discrepancy in scores is defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject.
The expert carrying out the third check is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the examination work.”

If a document has a field (attribute), then by its value you can select all documents in which it appears.

This is easy to do with .

The questions start when we want to select different documents based on the same value. For example, we have a counterparty (a good guy) and we want to see all the documents that were drawn up with him - both shipments and payments.

How to do it?

Selection criteria 1C

The 1C selection criteria allow you to search for different things - directories, documents - by meaning.

For example, in different documents there is an Account field. We can make the selection criterion 1C SearchBy Counterparty and find any documents that indicate a specific counterparty.

The 1C selection criteria are located in the configuration object tree in the General/1C selection criteria branch.

In the properties we need to indicate the type of value that we will look for. For example, a directory of counterparties (if we are looking for a counterparty) or a directory of contracts of counterparties (if we are looking for an agreement).

After this, on the Composition tab, you need to select a list of reference books and documents in which to search.

1C will show you all directories and documents that contain fields with the type you selected. You need to check the boxes for those fields that need to be taken into account when searching.

For the user to work with the 1C selection criteria, you need to create at least one form. The 1C selection criteria will be available in all documents selected in the Contents by clicking the Go button, so you need a form to work.

Using 1C selection criteria

After creating a 1C selection criterion, it can be used in program code in the 1C language.

Let's look at an example:

  • We have created a 1C selection criterion
  • In the type we indicated Directory.Counterparties
  • All documents were indicated in the composition, checking the details of the header of these documents with the name Counterparty.

In the text of the program in the 1C language, we can program the search for all documents by counterparty in the following way:
List of Counterparty Documents = Selection Criteria.Counterparty Documents.Find(Searched Counterparty);

A similar search can be done using the following text:

Request = New Request();
Request.RequestText = "SELECT Link FROM Selection Criteria. Counterparty Documents(&Searched Counterparty)";
Request.SetParameter("Searched Counterparty", Searched Counterparty);

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