Who is the author of ripening rye over a hot cornfield? The rye is ripening over the hot cornfield... Oh, don’t trust the noisy...

The poem “The rye is ripening over the hot fields” is written in Fet’s characteristic manner. As a follower of “pure art,” he could not help but capture a beautiful picture of nature. Brief Analysis“The rye is ripening over a hot field,” according to the plan, will help 10th grade students better understand the essence of this work and Fet’s legacy as a whole. It can be used as preparatory material for a literature lesson.

Full text of the poem “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...” A. A. Fet

The rye is ripening over the hot fields,

And from the field, and to the field

The whimsical wind blows

Golden shimmers.

The moon looks timidly into the eyes,

I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed,

But wide into the area of ​​the night

The day spread its arms.

Above the boundless harvest of bread

Between sunset and east

Just for a moment the sky closes

Fire-breathing eye.

A brief analysis of the verse “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...” A. A. Fet

Option 1

A. Fet is one of the main propagandists and defenders of the school of “pure” art in Russian poetry. At the same time, the poet is considered an outstanding landscape lyricist. He wrote a huge number of poems describing the beauty of Russian nature. One of them is the work “The rye is ripening over the hot field...”.

This poem clearly shows key features Fetov's lyrics, opens. The poet does not seek to describe physical properties natural objects and phenomena, but to conveying the sensations of the invisible lyrical hero. Moreover, he does this so subtly that the reader does not immediately guess why the depicted picture appears so easily and directly before his eyes. The presence of a person is evidenced only by the line “the moon timidly looks into the eyes,” but this is enough to feel complete presence.

Another favorite technique of Fet is the personification of nature: “the wind is driving,” “the month ... is amazed,” “the day has spread its arms.” The poet surprisingly accurately selects verbs for natural phenomena that are as similar as possible to human actions. Thus, the natural and the human merge in absolute harmony. Treating nature with great tenderness and warmth, Fet makes it clear that human presence is not so necessary, since the world lives by its own laws.

The poet was most attracted to the description of special borderline states. In the poem in question, this is a sunset: “only for a moment does a fire-breathing eye close the sky.” This also reveals the impressionism of Fet, who never unfolds the picture in time, but strives to capture an elusive moment. Fet's work as a whole is very close to painting and music.

Several bright and strong “strokes” (“over a hot field”, “golden tints”) give a complete and comprehensive picture, in which there is not a single unnecessary detail. The image of nature that appears in the reader’s mind and instantly disappears leaves behind a feeling of scale, thanks to the only epithet “boundless”.

In general, in the poem “Rye is ripening over a hot field...” Fet, as always, manages to capture the very essence of the phenomenon, using a minimum of expressive means. The poet fulfills his main task- convey to the reader a feeling, make him for a moment find himself in the place of the supposed lyrical hero.

Option 2

The lyricist’s poem “The rye is ripening over the hot field” became a real hymn to Russian nature. It reveals the real talent of the poet. It’s not easy to describe summer in Russia with rich colors. Many foreigners admit that summer in northern latitudes is dull, sparse in rich shades, “hill-forests” and birch-aspen trees touch few people. At that time, many Russian artists lived permanently in Italy, from where they sent their works to exhibitions - depicting the beauty of the Bay of Naples or the hills of Tuscany planted with cypresses and oleanders. In contrast to them, Fet reveals the beauty of the Russian summer with a large-scale, truly epic picture of his native expanses.

The words “And from the field to the field”, “Over the boundless harvest of bread” give rise to the reader’s inner gaze of the image of the endless Russian plain - a field full of ripened wheat. Fet in this poem deliberately gives a message about color only once (“Golden shimmer”). Thus, for the reader of the lines, everything is painted gold. The shine of the ears of grain, illuminated by a bright long northern sunset, the full moon, the “fire-breathing eye” of the sun - all this merges in one color scheme, like the color of the heavenly skies on icons. However, unlike the icons of the Byzantine canon, Fet’s nature is not static.

The dynamism of the picture is given by the very transition period of the captured moment - sunset. The sun and moon, day and night meet, and the viewer involuntarily gets the impression that now, in a moment, something very important is about to happen. The feeling of anxiety and expectation is conveyed by the lines “The moon looks timidly into its eyes, I am amazed that the day has not passed...”. This feeling is intensified by the wind, and we seem to see in reality the waves that it raises in the field of golden ears. The poet emphasizes the spirituality of nature at the very end of the work in a very successful theo-anthropomorphic image: heaven (God) only for a moment closes its eyelids over the wondrous picture of its creation.

Analysis of the poem by A.A. Feta “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...”

Option 1

Man has always been delighted, surprised, attracted, impressed by nature, which appears from different angles at certain times of the day, at certain times of the year. In poetic perception, the landscape is beautiful in its own way. The defender of the ideals of “pure art”, the predecessor of the senior symbolists K. Balmont and A.A., was distinguished by a particularly refined aesthetics in landscape lyrics. Fet, whose fate was very

Tragic and difficult. His work seemed to exist separately from him, as from a person. In the 1850s, Fet demonstratively and zealously defended the right of poetry to detachment, detachment from the “topic of the day” and mundane, pressing topics, and defended the propaganda of the “eternal themes” of art. At this time, especially colorful and expressive poems, related to landscape lyrics, permeated with admiration for the beauty of landscapes, surprise at beautiful, as if living, nature. One of these was the lyrical work “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...”

The image of a sunset painting is presented as an extraordinary momentary spectacle that the lyrical subject admires. This reveals Fet’s characteristic impressionism – the ability to capture and capture a moment. The scale of this moment, this landscape is determined by the unique chronotope in the poem. On the one hand, there is attention to detail - a narrowing of space, intensified by repetition and polyunion: “the rye is ripening over the hot field, and from the field, and to the field...”.

On the other hand, the scale increases “the whimsical wind drives”; the poem covers a large open space, endless distances: “But the day spread its arms wide into the region of the night”; “Above the boundless harvest of bread...” The chronotope directly influences the perception of this instantaneous picture by the lyrical subject, allowing him to more clearly remember this moment in all colors and spatiality.

The colors in the poem are light, bright, picturesque, but Fet does not use many shades and colors; the epithet “golden shimmer” is quite enough - the golden color is both the color of the field and the color of the setting sun, speaking about which the poet uses a very bright paraphrase , which contains the anthropomorphic and symbolic perception of the “fire-breathing eye”. Solar heat is attributed to the properties of fire, which the sun “breathes” - symbolic meaning; the eye-sun watches everyone, looks like some higher living being - this is the anthropomorphic nature of the phrase.

Anthropomorphism is also manifested as one of the main techniques at the heart of the entire poem; the soul and excitement are felt in nature. This is indicated by vivid personifications, especially in the second quatrain: “The moon timidly looks into its eyes, I am amazed that the day has not passed... The day has spread its arms.” This technique allows us to talk about a certain psychologism of the landscape, which seems to be the embodiment of the lyrical hero’s aching feeling that something is approaching, something will soon come - it is reflected in the approaching sunset. An inspired description of the landscape conveys the state of the soul, the human mood.

From this we can conclude that this lyrical work has an elegiac mode of artistry - the result of aesthetic rethinking, the elegiac “I” consists of a chain of fleeting states - admiration, excitement, anticipation, and this elegiac “I” refers to nature, but it is implied that such The lyrical subject experiences the same sensations. Accordingly, the genre is also close to elegy, since the contemplation of the landscape is emotional, although there are no deep reflections on the surface of the lines, but they are implied.

The aggravation of emotional sensation is conveyed with the help of a four-foot trochee, which sets the dynamics, a special intonation tempo in accordance with the pace of change in the landscape in its transitional state. The different organization of rhyme and rhyme in the first quatrain - adjacent rhyme, female rhyme - allows color painting - “golden tints” to cover the space “from cornfield to cornfield.”

The poem itself is also built on the technique of gradation, since in the compositional structure of this lyrical work two parts are distinguished: the first - 1 and 3, and the second, which is the final culmination - the sun disappears, the night is already very close... Based on the poem analyzed above, we can say that both in this lyrical work and in Fet’s work there are various literary trends and the features of Fet’s poetics, such as symbolism, impressionism combined with plasticity in its visible materiality and concreteness of his poetry, continued to exist, but in a somewhat different role romanticism, here contemplative, associative - in the poem the sun is associated with a fire-breathing eye.

The use of high vocabulary, firstly, indicates the sophistication of aesthetics in the Poet’s lyrics, and secondly, it makes the image of nature sublime and extraordinary, the beauty and originality of which in this poem become a force transforming the universe, something eternal, despite the fact that the moment, immortal. This philosophy of Fet about the admiration of beauty, which replaces God, is heard in this poem and in other lyric works of the poet. A little later, such motives will be heard, for example, by A.A. Blok and other symbolists.

Option 2

The second half of the nineteenth century in literary Russia was marked by the struggle between representatives of the “natural school” and “pure art”. The conceptual difference between the two movements lay in the attitude towards reflection social problems in creativity. Supporters of the “natural school” believed that works of art should describe people’s troubles and the political situation. Realism became the main method. Adherents of “pure art” tried to distance themselves from problems as much as possible in their creativity outside world. They devoted their poems to the themes of love and nature, and philosophical reflections. Fet was also an apologist for “pure art”.

He believed that it was impossible to accurately convey things and phenomena in words. His landscape lyrics are a captured moment, described through the prism of individual perception. Often, Afanasy Afanasievich’s poems recorded transitional moments and states of nature. Such is the work “Rye is Ripening over a Hot Field...”, dated to the end of the 1850s and first published in the magazine “Russian Messenger” in 1860.

The sunset appears before the readers. The day has almost come to an end, but the night has not yet come into its own. This borderline time is accurately and briefly described by Fet in the last three lines of the poem:

...Between sunset and east

Just for a moment the sky closes

Fire-breathing eye.

Afanasy Afanasievich does not paint a picture of some abstract sunset. Its landscape is truly Russian. It is not for nothing that it contains rye - the breadwinner plant for ordinary village people. The endless plain is another integral feature of the landscape of central Russia. Therefore, Fet’s grain harvest is characterized by the adjective “boundless.” Before the eyes of the readers there clearly appears a picture of our native endless expanses, a rye field, along which you can run for a long, long time, with your arms outstretched.

There is only one color characteristic in the poem - the poet called the iridescence golden. With the help of this adjective, Afanasy Afanasievich manages to convey the mood of the picture he is drawing, to create the atmosphere of a hot summer day at its end. The word “golden” in the work “Rye is ripening over a hot field...” exudes warmth, tenderness and even the smell of freshly baked bread. It’s amazing how Fet, through precisely noticed details, breathes life into the depicted landscape.

Option 3

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet rightfully occupies a prominent place in the treasury of world poetry about nature. His work marks a new stage in the development of Russian romantic poetry. It is at this stage, as critics note, that poetic sublimity is combined with a certain pragmatism, which is, oddly enough, a manifestation of romantic freedom. In general, Fetov’s so-called natural philosophy, expressing the visible and invisible connections between man and nature, helped him create a whole series of cycles of poems about nature: “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ Snow ” and others.

If in poems about spring, as a rule, transition states Since spring marks the transition from winter to spring, the poem “The rye is ripening over a hot field” recreates the picture of the height of summer, when everything in nature is already preparing to bear fruit. Obviously, this is a gratifying picture for the poet, because fields of ripening cereals have been the key to reliable food in winter since ancient times. Therefore, the image of an endless rye field is comparable to the sea. The similarity is enhanced by the “golden shimmer” metaphor, which gives rise to an association with sea ​​waves, but not turquoise, but a golden hue.

It would be logical to imagine that this picture was described in the midst of a bright summer day, but it turns out that “the day has spread its arms wide into the region of the night.” With this personification, the poet not only creates the image of a long summer evening, when, it would seem, the sun has already set and it is still light outside, which is typical for central Russia, but also endows nature with independence, as if it exists only according to its own laws, beyond the control of to a person. The presence of a person, however, is felt in the poem: this, by the way, is a sign of the psychologism of Fetov’s work.

The romantic hero Feta strives to experience a feeling of spiritual fusion with nature. Then he will be able to dissolve in her and understand her soul. This is what happens in this poem: it is the hero who can assess the state of the month - that he “timidly looks into the eyes” and “is amazed that the day has not passed.” Thus, one can again notice the transition from one state to another, characteristic of Fet’s poetry. Only now is the transition from day to night.

It should be noted that Afanasy Fet’s poems do not actually express a thought, do not depict a picture as such - they express a state, mood, impression. Therefore, Afanasy Afanasyevich saw his main task in the field of poetry as the desire to stop and express the most intimate moments of happiness and beauty, in fact, to express the inexpressible. Therefore, in the last quatrain, we, together with the hero, invisibly present where “above the boundless harvest of bread” the sky “closes a fire-breathing eye,” feel this moment when the picture of the sunset of a summer day narrows, turns into a red dot on the horizon.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the rhythmic organization of this poem (tetrameter trochee and cross rhyme), it evokes admiration for the beauty of a summer evening, smoothly flowing into night and quickly giving way to dawn. Every Russian person, who has seen a sunset and greeted the dawn at least once in his life, will very quickly reproduce in his memory the very picture he once saw, but after reading A. Fet’s poem “The rye is ripening under a hot field,” he will most likely experience a feeling of delight , which he once experienced. The poet manages to touch the strings of a person’s soul that are inaccessible to artists or musicians. This feature distinguishes the poetry of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

How poor is our language!

How poor is our language! “I want to but I can’t.”
This cannot be conveyed to either friend or enemy,
What rages in the chest like a transparent wave.
In vain is the eternal languor of hearts,
And the venerable sage bows his head
Before this fatal lie.

Only you, poet, have a winged sound
Grabs on the fly and fastens suddenly
And the dark delirium of the soul, and the unclear smell of herbs;
So, for the boundless, leaving the meager valley,
An eagle flies beyond the clouds of Jupiter,
Carrying an instant sheaf of lightning in faithful paws.

June 11, 1887

Oh, don’t trust the noisy...

Oh, don't trust the noisy
To the brilliance of the unreasonable crowd, -
You are his crazy world
Give it up and don’t worry about him.
At least cling to the transitory,
With trembling bliss alluring, -
Only one real one
They only have one thing to cherish.
Between 1874 and 1886

A whole world of beauty...

A whole world of beauty
From big to small,
And you search in vain
Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
What is eternal is human.

Between 1874 and 1886

From the wilds the fogs timidly...

From the wilds the fogs timidly
My native village was closed;
But the spring sun warmed me
And the wind blew them away.

To know, to wander for a long time and get bored
Over the vastness of lands and seas,
A cloud is reaching home,
Just to cry over her.

June 9, 1886

I won't tell you anything...

I won't tell you anything
And I won’t worry you at all,
And about what? I silently repeat
I don't dare hint at anything.

Night flowers sleep all day long,
But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,
The leaves are quietly opening,
And I hear my heart bloom.

And into the sore, tired chest
The moisture of the night blows... I'm trembling,
I won't alarm you at all
I won't tell you anything.

September 2, 1885

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch.
It's winter all around. Cruel time!
In vain their tears froze,
And the bark cracked, shrinking.

The blizzard is getting angrier and every minute
Angrily tears up the last sheets,
And a fierce cold grabs your heart;
They stand, silent; shut up too!

But trust in spring. A genius will rush past her,
Breathing warmth and life again.
For clear days, for new revelations
The grieving soul will get over it.

December 31, 1883

This morning, this joy...

This morning, this joy,
This power of both day and light,
This blue vault
This cry and strings,
These flocks, these birds,
This talk of the waters

These willows and birches,
These drops are these tears,
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This noise and whistle,

These dawns without eclipse,
This sigh of the night village,
This night without sleep
This darkness and heat of the bed,
This fraction and these trills,
This is all spring.

May night

Lagging clouds fly over us
The last crowd.
Their transparent segment softly melts
At the lunar crescent.

A mysterious power reigns in spring
With stars on the forehead. -
You, tender! You promised me happiness
On a vain land.

Where is the happiness? Not here, in a wretched environment,
And there it is, like smoke.
Follow him! follow him! by air -
And we'll fly away into eternity!

Again invisible efforts...

Again invisible efforts
Again invisible wings
They bring warmth to the north;
Brighter, brighter day after day,
The sun is already black circles
The trees in the forest were surrounded.

The dawn shines through with a shade of scarlet,
Covered with an unprecedented shine
Snow-covered slope;
The forests are still dormant,
But the more audible in every note
Feathered joy and enthusiasm.

Streams, murmuring and meandering
And calling out to each other,
They rush to the echoing valley,
And the raging waters
Under white marble vaults
They fly with a cheerful roar.

And there in the open fields
The river spreads out like a sea,
The steel mirror is brighter,
And the river in the middle of it
He releases an ice floe behind the ice floe,
It's like a flock of swans.

What a night!

What a night! How clean the air is
Like a silver leaf slumbering,
Like the shadow of the coastal willows,
How serenely the bay sleeps,
How a wave will not breathe anywhere,
How the chest is filled with silence!

Midnight light, you are the same day:
Whiter is only the shine, blacker is the shadow,
Only the smell of juicy herbs is subtler,
Only the mind is brighter, the disposition is more peaceful,
Yes, instead of passion he wants breasts
Breathe this air.

By the fireplace

The coals are dimming. In the twilight
A transparent light curls.
So it splashes on the crimson poppy
The wing of an azure moth.

A string of motley visions
Attracts, tired, flattering look,
And unsolved faces
They look from gray ashes.

Gets up affectionately and amicably
Former happiness and sadness
And the soul lies that it doesn’t need
All that is deeply regrettable.

The rye is ripening over the hot fields...

The rye is ripening over the hot fields,
And from the field to the field
The whimsical wind blows
Golden shimmers.

The moon looks timidly into the eyes,
I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed,
But wide into the area of ​​the night
The day spread its arms.

Above the boundless harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Just for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Late 50s


Sounded over the clear river,
It rang in a darkened meadow,
Rolled over the silent grove,
It lit up on the other side.

Far away, in the twilight, with bows
The river runs away to the west.
Having burned with golden borders,
The clouds scattered like smoke.

On the hill it is either damp or hot,
The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night,
But the lightning is already glowing brightly
Blue and green fire.


Among virgin maples and weeping birches
I cannot see these arrogant pines;
They confuse a swarm of living and sweet dreams,
And I can’t stand their sober appearance.

In the circle of resurrected neighbors, only one
They don't know trembling, they don't whisper, they don't sigh
And, unchanged, to the jubilant spring
Reminds me of the time of winter.

When the forest drops its last dry leaf
And, falling silent, he will wait for spring and rebirth, -
They will remain cold beauty
Scare other generations.

The swallows have disappeared...

The swallows have disappeared
And yesterday dawned
All the rooks were flying
Yes, how the network flashed
Over there over that mountain.

Everyone sleeps in the evening,
It's dark outside.
The dry leaf falls
At night the wind gets angry
Yes, he knocks on the window.

It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard
Glad to meet you with breasts!
As if in fright
Shouting out to the south
The cranes are flying.

You will go out - involuntarily
It’s hard to even cry!
Look across the field
Bounces like a ball.

How fresh it is here under the thick linden tree...

How fresh it is here under the thick linden tree -
The midday heat did not penetrate here,
And thousands hanging above me
Fragrant fans sway.

And there, in the distance, the burning air sparkles,
Hesitating, as if he was dozing.
So sharply dry, soporific and crackling
The restless sound of grasshoppers.

Behind the darkness of the branches the vaults of the sky turn blue,
Lightly shrouded in haze,
And, like the dreams of a dying nature,
Wavy clouds pass.

Wait for a clear day tomorrow...

Wait for a clear day tomorrow.
Swifts flash and ring.
Purple streak of fire
Transparent illuminated sunset.

Ships are dozing in the bay, -
The pennants barely flutter.
The heavens have gone far away -
And the distance of the sea went to them.

The shadow approaches so timidly,
So secretly the light goes away,
What won't you say: the day has passed,
Don't say: night has come.


I will disappear from melancholy and laziness,
Lonely life is not nice
My heart aches, my knees weaken,
In every carnation of fragrant lilac,
A bee crawls in singing.

Let me at least go out into an open field
Or I’ll get completely lost in the forest...
With every step it doesn't get easier in freedom,
The heart is burning more and more,
It’s like I carry coal in my chest.

No, wait! With my longing
I'll part here. The bird cherry is sleeping.
Oh, those bees are under her again!
And I just can’t understand
Is it ringing in the flowers or in my ears?

Piece of marble

My gaze wanders in vain, measuring your begun marble,
In vain an inquisitive thought wants to solve the riddle:
What does the bark of a roughly chopped mass wear?
Is the clear brow of Titus, or the changeable face of Faun,
The serpent of the reconciliator is a rod, wings and a fleet-footed figure,
Or the shyness of virgins with a thin finger on their lips?

The rye is ripening over the hot fields,
And from the field to the field
The whimsical wind blows
Golden shimmers.

The moon looks timidly into the eyes,
I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed,
But wide into the area of ​​the night
The day spread its arms.

Above the boundless harvest of bread
Between sunset and east
Just for a moment the sky closes
Fire-breathing eye.

Analysis of the poem “The rye is ripening over the hot fields” by Fet

A. Fet is one of the main propagandists and defenders of the school of “pure” art in Russian poetry. At the same time, the poet is considered an outstanding landscape lyricist. He wrote a huge number of poems describing the beauty of Russian nature. One of them is the work “The rye is ripening over the hot field...”.

This poem clearly demonstrates the key features of Fetov’s lyrics. The poet strives not to describe the physical properties of natural objects and phenomena, but to convey the sensations of the invisible lyrical hero. Moreover, he does this so subtly that the reader does not immediately guess why the depicted picture appears so easily and directly before his eyes. The presence of a person is evidenced only by the line “the moon timidly looks into the eyes,” but this is enough to feel complete presence.

Another favorite technique of Fet is the personification of nature: “the wind is driving,” “the month ... is amazed,” “the day has spread its arms.” The poet surprisingly accurately selects verbs for natural phenomena that are as similar as possible to human actions. Thus, the natural and the human merge in absolute harmony. Treating nature with great tenderness and warmth, Fet makes it clear that human presence is not so necessary, since the world around us lives according to its own laws.

The poet was most attracted to the description of special borderline states. In the poem in question, this is a sunset: “only for a moment does a fire-breathing eye close the sky.” This also reveals the impressionism of Fet, who never unfolds the picture in time, but strives to capture an elusive moment. Fet's work as a whole is very close to painting and music. Several bright and strong “strokes” (“over a hot field”, “golden tints”) give a complete and comprehensive picture, in which there is not a single unnecessary detail. The image of nature that appears in the reader’s mind and instantly disappears leaves behind a feeling of scale, thanks to the only epithet “boundless”.

In general, in the poem “Rye is ripening over a hot field...” Fet, as always, manages to capture the very essence of the phenomenon, using a minimum of expressive means. The poet fulfills his main task - to convey to the reader a feeling, to make him for a moment find himself in the place of the supposed lyrical hero.

Afanasy Fet

The rye is ripening in the hot cornfield...

Title: Buy the book “The rye is ripening over the hot fields...”: feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: Fet Afanasy book_name: The rye is ripening over the hot fields...

How poor is our language!

How poor is our language! “I want to but I can’t.”

This cannot be conveyed to either friend or enemy,

What rages in the chest like a transparent wave.

In vain is the eternal languor of hearts,

And the venerable sage bows his head

Before this fatal lie.

Only you, poet, have a winged sound

Grabs on the fly and fastens suddenly

And the dark delirium of the soul, and the unclear smell of herbs;

So, for the boundless, leaving the meager valley,

An eagle flies beyond the clouds of Jupiter,

Carrying an instant sheaf of lightning in faithful paws.

June 11, 1887

Oh, don’t trust the noisy...

Oh, don't trust the noisy

To the brilliance of the unreasonable crowd, -

You are his crazy world

Give it up and don’t worry about him.

At least cling to the transitory,

With trembling bliss alluring, -

Only one real one

They only have one thing to cherish.

Between 1874 and 1886

A whole world of beauty...

A whole world of beauty

From big to small,

And you search in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

What is eternal is human.

Between 1874 and 1886

From the wilds the fogs timidly...

From the wilds the fogs timidly

My native village was closed;

But the spring sun warmed me

And the wind blew them away.

To know, to wander for a long time and get bored

Over the vastness of lands and seas,

A cloud is reaching home,

Just to cry over her.

June 9, 1886

I won't tell you anything...

I won't tell you anything

And I won’t worry you at all,

And about what I silently repeat,

I don't dare hint at anything.

Night flowers sleep all day long,

But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,

The leaves are quietly opening,

And I hear my heart bloom.

And into the sore, tired chest

The moisture of the night blows... I'm trembling,

I won't alarm you at all

I won't tell you anything.

September 2, 1885

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch.

It's winter all around. Cruel time!

In vain their tears froze,

And the bark cracked, shrinking.

The blizzard is getting angrier and every minute

Angrily tears up the last sheets,

And a fierce cold grabs your heart;

They stand, silent; shut up too!

But trust in spring. A genius will rush past her,

Breathing warmth and life again.

For clear days, for new revelations

The grieving soul will get over it.

December 31, 1883

This morning, this joy...

This morning, this joy,

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings,

These flocks, these birds,

This talk of the waters

These willows and birches,

These drops are these tears,

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys,

These midges, these bees,

This noise and whistle,

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep

This darkness and heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills,

This is all spring.


May night

Lagging clouds fly over us

The last crowd.

Their transparent segment softly melts

At the lunar crescent.

A mysterious power reigns in spring

With stars on the forehead. -

You, tender! You promised me happiness

On a vain land.

Where is the happiness? Not here, in a wretched environment,

And there it is, like smoke.

Follow him! follow him! by air -

And we'll fly away into eternity!


Again invisible efforts...

Again invisible efforts

Again invisible wings

They bring warmth to the north;

Brighter, brighter day after day,

The sun is already black circles

The trees in the forest were surrounded.

The dawn shines through with a shade of scarlet,

Covered with an unprecedented shine

Snow-covered slope;

The forests are still dormant,

But the more audible in every note

Feathered joy and enthusiasm.

Streams, murmuring and meandering

And calling out to each other,

They rush to the echoing valley,

And the raging waters

Under white marble vaults

They fly with a cheerful roar.

And there in the open fields

The river spreads out like a sea,

The steel mirror is brighter,

And the river in the middle of it

He releases an ice floe behind the ice floe,

It's like a flock of swans.


What a night!

What a night! How clean the air is

Like a silver leaf slumbering,

Like the shadow of the coastal willows,

How serenely the bay sleeps,

How a wave will not breathe anywhere,

How the chest is filled with silence!

Midnight light, you are the same day:

Whiter is only the shine, blacker is the shadow,

Only the smell of juicy herbs is subtler,

Only the mind is brighter, the disposition is more peaceful,

Yes, instead of passion he wants breasts

Breathe this air.


By the fireplace

The coals are dimming. In the twilight

A transparent light curls.

So it splashes on the crimson poppy

The wing of an azure moth.

A string of motley visions

Attracts, tired, flattering look,

And unsolved faces

They look from gray ashes.

Gets up affectionately and amicably

Former happiness and sadness

And the soul lies that it doesn’t need

All that is deeply regrettable.


The rye is ripening over the hot fields...

The rye is ripening over the hot fields,

And from the field to the field

The whimsical wind blows

Golden shimmers.

The moon looks timidly into the eyes,

I'm amazed that the day hasn't passed,

But wide into the area of ​​the night

The day spread its arms.

Above the boundless harvest of bread

Between sunset and east

Just for a moment the sky closes

Fire-breathing eye.

Late 50s

Sounded over the clear river,

It rang in a darkened meadow,

Rolled over the silent grove,

It lit up on the other side.

Far away, in the twilight, with bows

The river runs away to the west.

Having burned with golden borders,

The clouds scattered like smoke.

On the hill it is either damp or hot,

The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night,

But the lightning is already glowing brightly

Blue and green fire.


Among virgin maples and weeping birches

I cannot see these arrogant pines;

They confuse a swarm of living and sweet dreams,

And I can’t stand their sober appearance.

In the circle of resurrected neighbors, only one

They don't know trembling, they don't whisper, they don't sigh

And, unchanged, to the jubilant spring

Reminds me of the time of winter.

When the forest drops its last dry leaf

And, falling silent, he will wait for spring and rebirth, -

They will remain cold beauty

Scare other generations.


The swallows have disappeared...

The swallows have disappeared

And yesterday dawned

All the rooks were flying

Yes, how the network flashed

Over there over that mountain.

Everyone sleeps in the evening,

It's dark outside.

The dry leaf falls

At night the wind gets angry

Yes, he knocks on the window.

It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard

Glad to meet you with breasts!

As if in fright

Shouting out to the south

The cranes are flying.

You will go out - involuntarily

It’s hard to even cry!

Look across the field


Bounces like a ball.


How fresh it is here under the thick linden tree...

How fresh it is here under the thick linden tree -

The midday heat did not penetrate here,

And thousands hanging above me

Fragrant fans sway.

And there, in the distance, the burning air sparkles,

Hesitating, as if he was dozing.

So sharply dry, soporific and crackling

The restless sound of grasshoppers.

Behind the darkness of the branches the vaults of the sky turn blue,

Lightly shrouded in haze,

And, like the dreams of a dying nature,

Wavy clouds pass.


Wait for a clear day tomorrow...

Wait for a clear day tomorrow.

Swifts flash and ring.

Purple streak of fire

Transparent illuminated sunset.

Ships are dozing in the bay, -

The pennants barely flutter.

The heavens have gone far away -

And the distance of the sea went to them.

The shadow approaches so timidly,

So secretly the light goes away,

What won't you say: the day has passed,

Don't say: night has come.


I will disappear from melancholy and laziness,

Lonely life is not nice

My heart aches, my knees weaken,

In every carnation of fragrant lilac,

A bee crawls in singing.

Let me at least go out into an open field

Or I’ll get completely lost in the forest...

With every step it doesn't get easier in freedom,

The heart is burning more and more,

It’s like I carry coal in my chest.

No, wait! With my longing

I'll part here. The bird cherry is sleeping.

Oh, those bees are under her again!

And I just can’t understand

Is it ringing in the flowers or in my ears?

Piece of marble

My gaze wanders in vain, measuring your begun marble,

In vain an inquisitive thought wants to solve the riddle:

What does the bark of a roughly chopped mass wear?

Is the clear brow of Titus, or the changeable face of Faun,

The serpent of the reconciliator is a rod, wings and a fleet-footed figure,

Or the shyness of virgins with a thin finger on their lips?

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