Who filed the appeal in English. Can Unified State Exam scores be lowered after an appeal? The points were not returned to us, although the evidence was reinforced concrete

The biggest fear of graduates is getting paid Unified State Exam points lower than planned. But an incorrect answer is far from the only reason for a low score. Let's figure out in what cases it is worth filing an appeal and how to defend your points in 2018.

There are only two official reasons for filing an appeal.

Firstly, this is a violation of the exam procedure - for example, if there were not enough rough sheets in the classroom for everyone, or repairmen were making a lot of noise in the corridor. In such cases, the appeal must be submitted on the same day, without leaving the school where the exam took place.

Secondly, this is a disagreement with the points given. For example, if the computer incorrectly recognized the words and letters in the test part of the answer, or if, in your opinion, the experts underestimated the written part or essay. Here you need to file an appeal within 2 working days after the official publication of the results in the subject. That is, you don’t have to wait until the school posts lists with scores on the bulletin board (they can do this a week later), but check the results yourself personal account on the official portal of the Unified State Exam.

Deadline for filing a complaint with the conflict commission

If a controversial situation arises during the Unified State Exam and the graduate is not satisfied with the assessment, it is possible to resolve this problem with the participation of a special conflict commission.

There are certain deadlines for submitting an application by a GIA participant. On the day of the exam, immediately after passing the exam form, you can file a complaint about a violation of the State Examination in the academic subject

Within two working days after receiving the Unified State Exam results, you can challenge the score obtained as a result of the assessment.

The commission does not deal with issues related to the content of examination tasks. Does not consider complaints if the graduate’s response is short, if the graduate violates the current procedure, or if the work is not completed in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Examination. Students' rough work is not taken into account as arguments for appeal.

The procedure for appealing the results of the Unified State Exam 2018

  1. Within 2 working days after you have officially become acquainted with the results, obtain from the responsible secretary of the conflict commission (for current year graduates - from the head of your educational institution) form in 2 copies, according to which the appeal is drawn up (it is possible to draw up an appeal in any form).
  2. Draw up an appeal in 2 copies.
  3. Give both copies to the above persons (who are required to accept and certify them with their signature, give one copy to the Unified State Exam participant, and the other to the conflict commission).
  4. Receive information about the time and place of the appeal hearing.
  5. Come to the appeals review procedure at the conflict commission, having with you a passport and a stamped pass.
  6. Confirm in the appeal record that you were presented with copies of your forms and that your answers were correctly recognized on the forms.
  7. Participate in the consideration of the appeal.
  8. Sign the protocol of the appeal consideration.

What should you do before the appeal day?

It is quite clear that going through such an exciting procedure as an appeal will require certain moral and psychological preparation. In this case, several effective tips will help you:

refresh your memory of your work. After the scores are announced, the students' work is displayed in their personal accounts. Carefully read the scoring criteria to understand how objective you consider the commission’s decision on each point;

go to the subject teacher or tutor with whom you prepared for the Unified State Exam - they will help you sort out ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion. In some cases, teachers can prove to you that there is no mistake, so there is no need to waste time and nerves on appeal procedures;

For each point with which you disagree, formulate a precise question to the commission in advance so that the conversation is substantive and you can explain why you used this or that argument, quote, analogy or characteristic.

Argumentation supported by specific facts looks more compelling.

Many people understand perfectly well that the main exam of their whole life can be easily forgotten if they pass it with maximum effect. But many people, for simple reasons, do not have time to prepare properly. Or they make a couple of mistakes that are not actually mistakes. But the verifying party will decide otherwise.

How to fight in such cases, and how to prove that you are right? After all, for the most part, people on the commission don’t care whether you pass further or not. They have a direct task - to strictly follow the agreed instructions. How they are understood by the workers themselves, selected from among the teachers, is a difficult question.

So you will have to protect yourself with your own efforts. Fortunately for now appeal system works, and they are not going to cancel it. Although there have already been attempts to remove the most useful resource, making the Unified State Exam a completely autonomous project for checking the final information received over eleven years.

Actions when filing an appeal to the Unified State Examination

So how do file an appeal against the Unified State Examination? First, you need to get your test results in hand. Watch all the tasks carefully, checking the answers given. At the time of the exam itself, it is better to have a separate piece of paper on which you can rationally explain each step. Sometimes you simply forget what and how you tried to do, and what thoughts came to you during the decision. You can take the sheet with you. No one will object to this action.

When you have two sheets of paper at once - the results and the intermediate link, check the data. As soon as you find the inspector’s mistake, as soon as you see the problem, immediately get ready to take off and go to a specially designated point. There is little time for an appeal, and the issue must be resolved immediately.

Take your passport and then go to the desired location. You can find it out on the World Wide Web, you just have to go to official website of the Unified State Exam. State Services also share a similar location, which pre-allocates a separate format for this information. As soon as you arrive at the place, immediately start looking for the form you need. As a rule, there are very few of them, and you need to literally “rip” them out of your hands. Because in total, thirty percent of participants can appeal the Unified State Examination; the rest, if they don’t have time, are left behind.

And here you need to fill out the form given to you very carefully. As a rule, no one will let you fix it. You need to fill out all the data, and it’s better to double-check it before entering it on the form. Only then proceed to the final part of filling out the appeal, because now the fun begins.

It was not in vain that you took a piece of paper with your thoughts and answers from home. In a good way, you need to photocopy it so that you always have one part in your hands. You attach another one to the appeal, and you won’t get anything for it. You are allowed to attach from three to seven files that can prove that you are right.

And then there is complete freedom for the soul. Write whatever you want, since no one can prohibit you from doing so. Calmly go at least according to the examiner’s personalities, at least remember a couple of moments how she literally did not notice your neighbors’ phones. There will be nothing for the students, but the inspector may be removed from work, and then you have complete right to surrender Unified State Exam yet once.

At the same time, do not forget to indicate your own mistakes. It is much more profitable to show by example why the inspector is wrong than to simply drag his good name through the mud.

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The personal page shows the scores for all exams passed, scans of answer forms and recognition results of the first part. The assignments themselves and drafts are not posted, and only scores are shown for speaking, without audio recordings.

Exam results can be challenged through an appeal. There are two types of it: about violation of the procedure for conducting the exam and about disagreement with the assigned points.

In the tab with primary scores, you can see what the experts rated and how. An assessment is a criterion with a score. For example, according to the fourteenth criterion - the quality of the social facts and examples given - I was given one point out of two possible. You can decipher the criterion using demo versions of the Unified State Examination. One point is given for one source, two points are given for two or more sources.

Types of appeal

Appeal about violation of procedure

To file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure, you must write a statement to a member of the state examination commission. He works at each examination point - PPE. Contact any organizer: during the exam, one of them is always sitting in the corridor and will be able to take you to to the right person.

The commission will review CCTV footage and interview the organizers. If there are no surveillance cameras or they do not work, this is also a reason for an appeal.

If the commission finds that you are right, the work will be canceled and the exam will be allowed to be retaken. The retake usually takes place two weeks after the exam, at the end of June or early July. These are reserve days when graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam. If the appeal is rejected, the submitted work will not be allowed to be completed, so it is better to finish it despite the noise and other circumstances.

An appeal about a violation of the procedure must be filed before leaving the borders of the PES. The boundary is the frame of the metal detector or the area where the guard sits, usually in the hallway after the cloakroom and hallway.

Appeals about violations of the procedure for conducting exams are filed very rarely, and are granted even less often. When I was preparing for the appeal, I read 15 reports of subject commissions on the Unified State Exam in 2015 and 2016. Usually there are either no such appeals, or they are rejected - and the reasons are written in general terms. Therefore, you should file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure only if you are completely sure that you are right.

Most often, in emergency situations, the exam is canceled without an appeal. For example, a fire started at my friend’s school during the Unified State Exam, and the exam was postponed to a reserve day, two weeks later. The printer in my classroom broke down and the organizers couldn’t print the assignments. The exam was scheduled to start at 10:45 and papers were printed at 10:42. If the new printer had taken three minutes longer, my exam would have been postponed too.

Types of appeal

Appeal of disagreement with points

Another appeal option is to challenge the exam results after they have been announced. It happens that the computer does not recognize the form - then it is not in your personal account or there is a blank sheet in its place. It happens that the computer recognizes some answers incorrectly. Even experts can make mistakes. If you disagree with the results, this is a reason to contact the conflict commission to have the work re-evaluated.

I filed an appeal against the results of the social studies exam - in the second part I did not agree with the deducted score. The essay had to give examples from at least two sources, and the experts decided that Theresa May, Adolf Hitler and Orwell's 1984 were one and the same.

How the commission checks the work

The conflict commission checks the work completely, even if you disagree with one issue. Remember that points can not only be increased, but also decreased, so file an appeal only if you are completely sure that you are right. To reduce the risk, first consult with your teacher or tutor and tell them all the assignments as accurately as possible.

Tatyana Yakhontova

former member of the appeal committee

It is useless to complain about the structure and content of tasks and the assessment of the first part, if we are not talking about a recognition error. If the exam was not accepted due to incorrect formatting of the work or bad behavior, this will also not be possible to challenge. Also, during the exam you cannot write your first and last name on the form: the answers will not be checked and the appeal will not be accepted. But you can ask for an explanation for each point.

If you want to prove to the commission that you are right, you need serious sources: laws, scientific works and textbooks that have been approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is usually pointless to refer to Baranov’s reference book on social studies, but a school history textbook or the Constitution of the Russian Federation will do.

How to appeal

Appeals regarding disagreement with scores are accepted within two days after the official date of publication of the results, excluding Sundays and holidays. Most often, the results are published earlier, but the days are still counted from the official date. For example, in 2018, the Unified State Examination results in literature and physics appeared on the second of July, and the official date was the fourth. The appeal could be filed on the fifth or sixth.

You can write an appeal directly to the commission, or you can ask the school for help. Before the Unified State Exam, I was given the phone number of an employee who works with the conflict commission. When I decided to appeal, it turned out that she had gone on vacation. So I went to the head teacher. He gave me the address of the commission and offered to go with me, but I decided that I could handle it myself.

The commission registered the application, set a day and time for the appeal, told me about the procedure, and signed my copy. I was also asked to choose the form of consideration of the appeal: in the presence of the appellant, in the presence of a legal representative or in absentia. As it was explained to me, a parent or teacher can come in with the appellant and help him prove his case. I did not take advantage of this opportunity because the experts' mistake seemed obvious.

The appeal is considered for four working days, during which time it can be withdrawn. On the fifth day there is usually a meeting.

How is the meeting going?

My appeal was considered at the same place where my application was accepted. Before the meeting starts, you need to register and find an audience, so you should arrive ten to fifteen minutes before the appointed time. Don't forget your passport. If you are late, your appeal will be considered as soon as possible. free time, if you don’t come, it’s in absentia. The results will appear on the Unified State Exam results website.

According to the rules, each appellant is given 20 minutes to prove his case. But, in my experience, if you don’t meet this deadline, you are unlikely to be kicked out: the person in front of me spoke to the commission for almost half an hour. Therefore, you may have to wait a little. It depends on your luck: everyone is prescribed exact time consideration, but I waited almost half an hour for my turn. At the same time, I myself and another person in front of me completed it in 10 minutes.

The head of the commission called me into the audience. They checked my passport again, showed me printouts of my forms and asked if they were definitely mine. Then they asked to check the forms that were evaluated by the computer. This is a formality, but I carefully compared the answers anyway - and discovered that in one of them the computer read “15” instead of “25”. Unfortunately, the computer error was due to an incorrect answer, so this did not add any points to me.

Another mistake was simpler: the commission admitted that the experts had gotten carried away with the sources and returned the deducted point.

Both corrections were made to the protocol. The chairman of the commission read the decision and asked to sign it. The signature in the commission's decision confirms your presence and not agreement with the outcome of the appeal. If you refuse, the commission will draw up an act, and the decision will still come into force.

If you disagree with the conflict commission, its decision can be challenged in Moscow. The terms and conditions are the same: you must submit your application within two working days, and it will be reviewed within four. I did not dispute anything and my exam results were updated two days after the hearing.

The conflict commission works with the primary Unified State Exam scores - these are preliminary scores that are obtained by simple addition points for correct answers. The initial scores are converted into test scores - this is the final result of the exam, which is published on websites and accepted at universities.

Test scores are usually one and a half to two times higher than the initial ones. One primary score, which I returned on appeal, added two points to the official exam result, and instead of 83 points I received 85.

Unfortunately, this was still not enough to enter my university on a budget. But at least I tried.

Briefly: how to appeal the results of the Unified State Examination

  1. If something prevents you from passing the exam, you can file an appeal for violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. This must be done before leaving the PES, but it is better to hand in the work first: if the appeal is rejected, you will not be able to complete it.
  2. If you disagree with the scores, you can submit a score appeal. This must be done within two days after the official announcement of the exam results. The application is accepted by the conflict commission.
  3. The application is considered for four days. During this time you can still change your mind.
  4. The meeting takes 20 minutes. During this time, the commission will check the forms, listen to you and announce a decision. It can be challenged in Moscow by filing a second appeal.
  5. If you have to prove that you are right, it is better to rely on textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education - or call a teacher with you.

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Author - Victor Ershov, editor - Pyotr Ryabikov, production editor - Marina Safonova, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, responsible - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

A list of key points to pay attention to when filing an appeal.

Started passing the Unified State Exam and the first results will appear soon. Some of the graduates will breathe a sigh of relief when they see them, while others will think that in fact he deserves more, and the grade given by the inspectors does not reflect his real level of knowledge. What to do in this case?

The answer lies on the surface - graduates who want to challenge Unified State Exam result, may resort to an appeal - a procedure aimed at protecting the rights of examinees. Whether or not to do this is ultimately a personal matter. On the one hand, this, of course, is additional stress and risk. But sometimes one or two extra points can become decisive when entering a university and therefore there are always those who are ready to go to the end.

In what cases can you file an appeal?

There are two such cases. The first is challenging the exam procedure itself, violations of which led to the fact that you were unable to write the exam as successfully as possible.

The second option is to challenge the points received on the Unified State Exam. Let's look at each of the options listed above in a little more detail.

Appeal in case of violation of the Unified State Examination procedure

In this case, the appeal must be filed immediately after the end of the exam, and before the student leaves the class. The application must be written in two copies - the first of them goes to the conflict commission, and the second remains with the graduate. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that a member of the examination committee puts a note on the application that the document has been accepted for consideration.

The application must also be registered in a special journal and reviewed within two days after submission. The date, place and time of the procedure must be communicated to the student and his parents or legal representatives.
As a result, the commission may satisfy the student’s demands, or, on the contrary, decide that they are groundless. A positive decision by the commission means that the result of the work will be canceled, and the student will be able to rewrite the Unified State Examination - special days are allocated for this in the schedule. If the decision is negative, the exam result remains unchanged.

Appeal in case of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam

In this case, the appeal must be submitted within two working days from the announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the subject. As in the previous case, you will need to write two copies of the application, sending one of them to the conflict commission, and keeping the second for yourself. The application must be marked with a note that it has been drawn up in accordance with the form and has been accepted for consideration.

The decision to hold an appeal must be made no later than 4 working days after the conflict commission receives such an application. Each application goes through a registration procedure, and information regarding the date, time and place of the appeal is communicated to the student (his parents or legal representatives).

During the appeal, the student must be shown a package of his documents and the written conclusion of the commission on the subject. At this stage, you need to be especially careful: the student will have to sign that, for example, the scanned work with answers belongs to him. Members of the appeal committee must give a clear answer as to why certain points were assigned. The procedure usually takes no more than 20 minutes per student. Based on its results, the commission can make the following decisions:
- reject the student’s requests and retain the assigned points if no technical or other errors were found during the assessment process;
- satisfy the appeal and change the points if errors were identified. It should be remembered that points can be revised in either direction (increased or decreased).

What is important to do before appealing?

First of all, you need to refresh your memory of your work as much as possible in order to have arguments to defend own point vision.

You should also carefully read the scoring criteria to understand how objective you consider the commission’s decision on each point;
go to the subject teacher or tutor with whom you prepared for the Unified State Exam - they will help you sort out ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion.

It is also important that for each point with which you disagree, it is necessary to formulate an exact question to the commission in advance so that the conversation is substantive in nature, and you can explain why you did it this way and not differently. Argumentation supported by specific facts always looks more compelling.

How to behave during an appeal?

Here's some advice:
First, go to the appeal with a parent or other adult who can represent you. Yesterday's schoolchild will most likely be at a loss in the face of a conflict commission. In addition, he may be given an answer that is devoid of specifics. Mom, dad or another loved one will help you feel much more confident, and their opinions and arguments can play a decisive role in the dispute.

Second: insist that the work be rechecked in your presence. Quite often, a graduate is told that the work has already been rechecked, and the commission decided to leave the result unchanged. Remember that this state of affairs grossly violates your rights - an appeal in absentia is possible only if the student and his representatives simply did not appear for the procedure. The final decision on the work must be made in the presence of the appellant, and the members of the commission must explain each point deducted.

Third: do not leave the appeal venue until a comprehensive explanation of the work and decision of the commission is given. All underestimated scores must meet the criteria for evaluating the work, so do not accept as an answer the general formulation that the scores for the solved CMM are already high enough. Until you are satisfied with the explanation for each point deducted, do not sign the appeal paperwork.

Fourth: don't give up halfway. If you have already decided to appeal, then, by and large, there is nothing to lose.

Fifth: don't be afraid of an appeal. Behave calmly and confidently. Take this procedure as an opportunity to defend your interests. Remember that a significant portion of students who are not happy with their results are simply afraid to appeal so as not to lose the points they have earned. Of course, if a member of the commission finds additional errors during verification, the points may be revised downwards. However, general statistics indicate that scores are usually raised more often than scores are lowered.

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The best appeal is the one that never happened! Physics, mathematics and computer science tutor Alexander Vitalievich Chudnovsky reminds you of the rules for filling out the exam form and tells you how to prepare for an appeal - just in case.

The best appeal is the one that never happened! Physics, mathematics and computer science tutor Alexander Vitalievich Chudnovsky reminds you of the rules for filling out the exam form and tells you how to prepare for an appeal - just in case.

Check if your points are enough for admission to the budget.

Try to avoid an appeal

To avoid the need to appeal the exam results, you need to clearly formulate the solution to the problems with a detailed answer and enter the answers to the problems of the test part into the form, following simple rules:

  • Each designation you entered during the solution must be explained (for example, “Let V be the volume of the immersed part of the body...”) so that the examiner does not guess what exactly you designated with this or that letter, because if he does not guess your idea - then you will not receive points.
  • Before applying a mathematical theorem or physical law it is very advisable to write their names (for example, “By the theorem of sines for triangle ABC...” or “From the condition of equilibrium of the load...”). This rule is of particular importance in qualitative problems in physics - there, according to assessment criteria, points can be given for mentioning certain laws.
  • It is not advisable to use facts that are not included in school curriculum, without proof, as points may be deducted for this. But any facts from the official school textbooks can be used without proof, simply by mentioning the name of the theorem or law.

There are other rules for drawing up decisions; your tutor will provide you with a complete list during your consultation.

Appeal procedure

If you still receive less points than expected, it’s time to prepare for defense. You have three days to file an appeal: the one when you found out the results, and two more subsequent days - they must be working. I advise you to take a time out to calmly review your work and weigh the chances of success.

The appeal form will be issued at the school - be sure to check the box next to the item about personal presence at the meeting of the conflict commission.

Your appeal should be considered within four working days, the date will be announced in advance, but be prepared for the fact that this could happen tomorrow and there will be little time left to prepare a clear and reasoned speech in defense of your points.

Make an appeal plan

If you believe you deserve more points than you received, start preparing for an appeal. First, you need to download a scan of your work, re-solve the problem again and compare the new solution with the scan - an independent solution often helps to identify errors.

Then download the rubric and review your work from an expert's perspective. If you have been preparing for an exam with a tutor, be sure to discuss your exam paper! You must fully understand the task in case you are asked tricky questions during the appeal in order to understand how consciously you wrote this or that phrase.

The most important thing is to build an appeal plan: what exactly will you defend, and what issues are best not to raise (if your decision contains dubious statements). Careful preparation for an appeal is half the success.

The second half is the willpower demonstrated by the student during the appeal itself. Almost always, the student finds himself alone against several experts who support each other. The tutor is unlikely to be able to go with you even with a notarized power of attorney from your parents, so immediately get ready to defend your position alone.

Prepare yourself psychologically

Unfortunately, appeals for the Unified State Exam differ from appeals for All-Russian Olympiads(I have had the opportunity to be both on the side of the participant and on the side of the jury in almost a hundred Olympiads) with less goodwill and more formalism. And these formal rules lead to the fact that experts are interested in leaving the scores unchanged, since each change in scores is associated with a certain bureaucracy - for example, re-checking the quality of the experts’ work by higher authorities.

To reduce the number of cases of points being changed, some experts may even use incorrect techniques, for example, intimidating students by saying that they will now recheck all the work and will definitely find something to remove points for. Although in last years appeals under the Unified State Examination are carried out much more correctly than before; such psychological pressure from experts is not excluded.
If before the appeal you have discussed all the tasks in detail with a tutor, such threats will not frighten you: you will know how to answer tricky questions about any phrase in your solutions.

Important! You need to know two things about threats to deduct points: firstly, there are very few cases of its implementation even throughout the country, and secondly, deduction of points is also a change in the exam result, which experts do not need at all, that is, this threat is a bluff with the purpose of convincing the student to abandon the appeal.

If the appeal does not help

There are situations when you are confident that you are right, but the expert refuses to give points for some of his reasons. Then it’s time to remember about the “heavy artillery”, that is, about the possibility of appealing to the conflict commission, which should be at every appeal point.

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