“Work culture and professional ethics” presentation for a technology lesson (grade 10) on the topic. The essence of the concepts of culture of behavior and professional ethics Business etiquette, principles of ethics of a business person

Topic: Professional ethics of behavior of organization personnel.



Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all nations from hoary antiquity to the present day. Fundamentally, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed not only by representatives of a given society, but also by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems existing in the modern world.

Etiquette requirements are not absolute: compliance with them depends on place, time and circumstances.

The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional; they have the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people’s behavior and what is not. Every cultured person must not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules and relationships.

Modern etiquette regulates the behavior of people in everyday life, at work, in public places and on the street, at a party and at various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations.

It should be noted that a tactful and well-mannered person behaves in accordance with the norms of etiquette not only at official ceremonies, at work, but also at home. Such a person will never violate public order, will not offend another by word or deed, will not insult his dignity.

So, etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality, developed over many centuries of life by all peoples in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement, everyday expediency - in the field of material culture.

Manners- this is an external form of behavior, a way of holding oneself, communicating with other people, which manifests itself in the expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, in the nature of a person’s gait, his gestures and even facial expressions. Manners are regulated by etiquette.

Manners largely reflect a person’s internal culture, his moral and intellectual qualities. In society, good manners are considered to be a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people. Bad manners are considered to be the habit of speaking loudly, without hesitation in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness, manifested in open hostility towards others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one’s irritation, in deliberately insulting the dignity of people around him, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of humiliating nicknames and nicknames.

A true culture of behavior is where a person’s actions in all situations, their content and external manifestations flow from the moral principles of morality and correspond to them.

Professional ethics: basic definitions, objects of study.

Professional ethics

Professional ethics studies:

The situations in which people find themselves in the process of performing their professional tasks have a strong influence on the formation of professional ethics. In the process of labor, certain moral relationships develop between people. They contain a number of elements inherent in all types of professional ethics:

This is the attitude towards social labor and towards participants in the labor process,

These are the moral relations that arise in the area of ​​direct contact between the interests of professional groups with each other and society.

Society places increased moral demands on certain types of professional activities. Basically, these are those professional areas in which the labor process itself requires coordination of the actions of all its participants (complex joint activity). As well as those areas of activity that are associated with the right to control the lives of other people, where special attention is paid to the moral qualities of workers. Here we are talking not only about the level of morality, but also about the proper performance of one’s professional duties. These are professions from the service sectors, transport, management, healthcare, and education. The peculiarities of the work of these professional groups have complex moral relationships when interacting with other people - objects of activity. Here the moral responsibility of the employee becomes crucial. Many such professions arose in ancient times, and therefore have their own professional and ethical codes, such as, for example, the “Hippocratic Oath” for doctors, the moral principles of priests, and codes of honor for those performing judicial functions.

Society considers the moral qualities of these categories of workers as one of the leading elements of their professional suitability.

Thus, general moral norms are concretized in a person’s work activity, taking into account the specifics of his profession. Consequently, professional morality should be considered in unity with the generally accepted system of morality in society. As a rule, a violation of work ethics is accompanied by the destruction of general moral principles, and vice versa. Consequently, an employee’s irresponsible attitude towards professional duties poses a danger to others and harms society.

The complexity of modern Russia is manifested in the fact that it is necessary to develop a new type of professional morality, which would reflect the ideology of labor activity based on the development of market relations, taking into account the emerging new morality of society. We are talking primarily about the moral ideology of the new middle class of society.

Types of professional ethics.

Each type of human activity (scientific, pedagogical, artistic, etc.) corresponds to certain types of professional ethics.

Professional ethics

The main types of professional ethics are: medical ethics, pedagogical ethics, ethics of a scientist, actor, artist, entrepreneur, engineer, etc.

Each type of professional ethics is determined by the uniqueness of professional activity and has its own specific requirements in the field of morality. For example, the ethics of a scientist presupposes, first of all, such moral qualities as scientific integrity, personal honesty, and, of course, patriotism. Judicial ethics requires honesty, justice, frankness, humanism (even towards the defendant if he is guilty), and loyalty to the law. Professional ethics in the context of military service requires strict fulfillment of official duty, courage, discipline, and devotion to the Motherland.

A special type of professional ethics is economic ethics (“business ethics”, “business ethics”). This problem is now receiving a lot of attention.

Economic ethics

Business etiquette, principles of ethics for a business person.

Business Etiquette- these are norms regulating the style of work, the manner of communication between companies, the image of a businessman, etc. Business ethics cannot arise from subjective desire. Its formation is a complex and lengthy process. The conditions for its formation are: political and economic freedom, strong executive power, stability of legislation, propaganda, law,

The main tenets of the entrepreneur's code of ethics are the following:

He is convinced of the usefulness of his work not only for himself, but also for others, for society as a whole;

He assumes that the people around him want and know how to work;

Believes in business and regards it as attractive creativity;

Recognizes the need for competition, but also understands the need for cooperation;

Respects any property, social movements, respects professionalism and competence, laws, values ​​education, science and technology.

These basic principles of ethics for a business person can be specified in relation to various areas of his professional activity.

For Russia, problems of economic ethics are becoming of great importance. This is explained by the rapid formation of market relations in our country.

Professional ethics of society cannot represent the absolute and final truth in people's behavior. Each generation must solve them again and again on its own. But new developments must be based on the moral stock created by previous generations.

Currently, the importance of professional ethics in regulating various types of work activities is increasing. This is due to the desire to constantly improve professional standards in relation to changing social relations.

Ethics of business communication among organizational personnel.

Principles of ethics of business communication.

To characterize the whole range of issues related to the behavior of people in a business environment, the term “ethics of business communication” is used.

Business (official, official) communication, depending on the circumstances, can be direct or indirect. In the first case, it takes place through direct contact between the subjects of communication, and in the second, through correspondence or technical means.
Dale Carnegie noted back in the 30s that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in the technical field or engineering, depends by fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In this context, the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of business communication ethics or, as they are more often called in the West, the commandments of personal public relation (can be very roughly translated as “business etiquette”) are easily understandable. Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Thrive in the World of Business, outlines the following six principles:
1. Punctuality ( do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25 percent to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work.
2. Confidentiality(don't talk too much). Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. There is also no need to retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their work activities or personal life.
3. Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.
4. Attention to others(think about others, not just yourself). Attention to others should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.
5. Appearance(dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. You need to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing colors that suit your face. Carefully selected accessories are important.
6. Literacy(speak and write in good language). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names must be conveyed without errors. You cannot use swear words. Even if you just quote another person’s words, others will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

Ethics of group forms of business communication.

It is necessary to stick to one subject of dispute. Avoid the situation expressed in the saying: “One is about Thomas, the other is about Yerema”;

Ethical standards for telephone communication.

Jen Yager highlights the most important principles of telephone communication ethics:
1. If you are not known where you are calling, it is appropriate for the secretary to ask you to introduce yourself and find out what issue you are calling about. Identify yourself and briefly state the reason for the call.
2. It is considered a violation of business etiquette to impersonate a personal friend of someone you are calling, only in order to be connected to him more quickly.
3. The biggest violation is not to call back when your call is expected. You must call back as soon as possible.
4. If you call the person who asked you to call, but he was not there or he could not come, ask him to tell you that you called. Then you need to call again, or tell them when and where you can be easily found.
5. When the conversation is going to be long, schedule it at a time when you can be sure that your interlocutor has enough time to talk.
6. Never talk with your mouth full, and do not chew or drink while talking.
7. If the phone rings and you are already talking on another phone, try to finish the first conversation, and only then talk in detail with the second interlocutor. If possible, ask the second interlocutor what number to call back and who to call.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations. Managers of many companies attach great importance to training staff to conduct business negotiations over the telephone. Rules are being developed, mass training, training and testing of employees is carried out. All these activities are aimed at total management of customer service quality.

Below is a list of generally accepted rules for conducting telephone conversations, developed by the administration of the Commercial Bank “GRAN” (Ekaterenburg) for its employees.

If they call you:

1.Pick up the phone until the fourth ring.

2.Under no circumstances conduct a conversation through the speakerphone.

3.Say: “Hello, Bank “.....”, (department name).”

5.Ask: “How can I help you?”

6.Concentrate on one conversation and listen carefully to the other person. (Do not try to conduct two conversations at once. If you are conducting telephone conversations at the same time and there is a client, you must select the priority option and ask the other party to wait, but do not delay the waiting time for more than 30 seconds. If this period is exceeded, either leave the client’s phone number, with an obligation call back after a certain time, or ask another free employee to finish your work at your workplace; do not make the client wait and run: for the Bank, the relationship with the client is more important than any of the most urgent intra-bank work.)

7.Answers must be clear and concise.

8.If there is poor audibility on the line, you should not raise your voice on your own initiative, because It is quite possible that the interlocutor hears you perfectly, just ask him to speak louder, and ask how he hears you.

9. Don’t give vent to negative emotions. (It is a thousand times preferable if you switch a difficult client to another employee who is competent in his matter, rather than add tension to his relationship with the Bank with your intemperance.)

10.. Watch your diction, speak clearly (It is better to chew the bun away from the pipe, even better, do it at another time, in another place.)

12..Offer to call back if necessary to clarify details.

13..Use note-taking forms to record the content of the negotiations.

14..If a client expresses a complaint over the phone, let him speak out to the end; express sympathy; if you are at fault, apologize, write down his name and phone number and try to solve his problem.

15. When extracting information from the client, use questions: “what?”, “when?”, “where?”, “how?”, avoiding the question “why?”.

16..After the end of the conversation, you must say goodbye to the client and wait until he hangs up first. (Whoever started the conversation first, whoever called, should finish.)

The following expressions should be avoided during telephone conversations:

1. “I don’t know...” It’s better to say: “Good question... Let me clarify this for you.”

2. “You should...” It is better to say: “It makes sense for you...”, or “It would be best to...”.

3. “Wait a second, I'll be right back...” It's better to say, “It may take two to three minutes to find the information you need. Can you wait?”

4. “No.” It’s better to say: “We are not able to do this, but we are ready to offer the following...”

If you are calling:

1. Clearly formulate to yourself the purpose for which you are going to call and what the content of the future conversation should be. (For particularly complex negotiations, it is better to make a list of questions that you are going to ask on paper, this will make it easier for you to monitor the completeness and consistency of the answers.)

2.The optimal time for a phone call is determined by three criteria:

a) When, in your opinion, your call will be more convenient for the subscriber;

b) When is it easier to reach him;

c) When will it be more convenient for you to call.

3.After connecting, introduce yourself: “Hello, GRAN Bank, (if necessary, provide the name of the department), last name,” and here ask the questions you have prepared.

5.5 Ethics and psychology of business conversations and negotiations.

Six basic rules (ethical norms) of relations between partners in negotiations and recommendations for their implementation, proposed by American experts, deserve attention:
1. Rationality. It is necessary to behave with restraint. Uncontrolled emotions negatively affect the negotiation process and the ability to make reasonable decisions.
2.Understanding. Inattention to the partner's point of view limits the possibility of developing mutually acceptable solutions.

3. Communication. If your partners do not show much interest, still try to consult with them. This will help maintain and improve relationships.
4. Credibility. False information weakens the strength of argumentation and also adversely affects reputation.
5. Avoid a mentoring tone. It is unacceptable to lecture your partner. The main method is persuasion.
6. Acceptance. Try to accept the other side and be open to learning something new from your partner.

Successful business conversations and negotiations largely depend on partners’ compliance with such ethical standards and principles as accuracy, honesty, correctness and tact, the ability to listen (attention to other people’s opinions), and specificity.
Accuracy. One of the most important ethical standards inherent in a business person. The terms of the agreement must be observed to the minute. Any delay indicates your unreliability in business.
Honesty. It includes not only fidelity to accepted obligations, but also openness in communication with a partner, direct business answers to his questions.
Correctness and tact. Does not exclude persistence and energy in negotiations while maintaining correctness. Factors that interfere with the flow of the conversation should be avoided: irritation, mutual attacks, incorrect statements, etc.
Listening skills. Listen carefully and with concentration. Don't interrupt the speaker.
Specificity. The conversation should be specific, not abstract, and include facts, figures and necessary details. Concepts and categories must be agreed upon and understandable to partners. The speech must be supported by diagrams and documents.
And lastly, a negative outcome of a business conversation or negotiation is not a reason for harshness or coldness at the end of the negotiation process. The farewell should be such that, with a view to the future, it allows you to maintain contact and business ties.

Organization. It is necessary to strictly adhere to pre-agreed agreements on the place, time and composition of meeting participants (who, where and when will meet). Only if absolutely necessary can changes be made to the pre-approved plan. So, if you intend to meet someone face to face, and the invitee calls you and announces that he intends to appear with his secretary and someone else, you must decide whether a meeting with such a group is in your interests and whether it is worth really carry it out.
When you are interested in a conversation, you can show your respect for the person by setting a meeting place closer to his place of work.

Rules for communication through an interpreter.

-You should pronounce no more than one or two sentences in a row, taking into account that the translator is not able to retain in memory and translate a larger amount of material completely and correctly;
-You cannot accompany your speech with sayings, idiomatic phrases, and, especially, by quoting poetry. Translating them into another language requires time-consuming work and is impossible during a dynamic conversation. Incorrect translation can spoil the atmosphere of negotiations, since our proverbs and sayings in another language can take on an ambiguous and sometimes offensive meaning;
-It is necessary to take into account the reaction of your partners and immediately take action if you feel that they misunderstand you. The translator, in turn, can, if necessary, ask either party to clarify the idea in simpler words or repeat the phrase again;
-Before negotiations, it is necessary to allocate sufficient time to work with the translator in order to familiarize him with the range of issues raised in as much detail as possible and explain the terminology used. The report, speech at the presentation and other written materials should be handed over to the translator for review a day or two before the speech. And lastly, there are no translators who, without training, can handle medical, technical, and any other terminology equally well.

5.7 Business cards.

The business card is widely used in business relations and protocol diplomatic practice. They are exchanged when meeting, used for introductions in absentia, expressing gratitude or condolences, flowers, gifts are sent with them, etc. Business cards are produced using a printing method. The text is printed in Russian, on the back - in a foreign language. Indicate the name of the institution (company), first name, patronymic (in domestic practice), last name, and below them the position of the owner. Be sure to indicate the academic degree (title), in the lower left corner - the full address, in the right - telephone and fax numbers.
The size of business cards and the font in which the text is printed are not strictly regulated. They are significantly influenced by local practices. We have adopted the following standard - 70x90 or 50x90 mm.
Women, according to tradition, indicate only their first, middle and last names on business cards. However, nowadays, taking an active part in business life, women are increasingly following the rule of providing more detailed information about their position, academic degree and title. There are certain rules regulating the features of business cards when using them in communication with women: the position is not printed on business cards sent and left to women.
As a rule, business cards are exchanged in person, adhering to the principle of reciprocity. A person who pays a visit to another person must leave his business card. When a business card is delivered to the addressee personally by its owner, but without paying a visit, it is folded on the right side along the entire width of the card. This rule applies more to diplomatic practice. In some cases, business cards are sent by mail or courier (the latter guarantees timely delivery).
When leaving or sending business cards, which replaces a personal visit, in the lower left corner, depending on the specific case, the following abbreviated inscriptions are made in pencil:
-p.r. (pour remercier) - when expressing gratitude;
-p.f. (pour feliciter) - when congratulating on the occasion of a holiday;
-p.f.c. (pour faire connaissance) - when expressing satisfaction with an acquaintance;
- p.f.N.a. (pour feliciter Nouvel an) - for congratulations on the occasion of the New Year;
- p.p.c. (pour prendre conge) - when saying goodbye, when there was no farewell visit;
-p.c. (pour condoler) - when expressing condolences;
- p.p. (pour presenter) - when introducing or recommending another person upon arrival, by way of correspondence acquaintance.
In the case of correspondence acquaintance, the business card of the person being introduced is sent along with the card of the recommender, on which the inscription “p.p.” is written. The person being represented is responded to by sending a business card without a signature.
Business cards may also contain other inscriptions. At the same time, we must remember that they, as a rule, are written in the third person, for example: “Thanks for the congratulations,” “Congratulations on the holiday...”, etc.
The listed rules are of a protocol nature and are strictly observed mainly only in diplomatic practice. Certain features of the use of business cards have also developed in the business sphere. They acquire particular importance in business communication, in which representatives of different cultures and peoples take part.
Strict regulation of the use of business cards concerns, first of all, such type of business communication as negotiation processes. At the same time, an obligatory attribute of the first meeting with a foreign partner is the exchange of business cards.
The exchange of business cards begins with the most senior members of the delegation and proceeds strictly according to the chain of command. According to etiquette, the hosts should present their business cards first. Such rules are observed especially strictly by the Japanese and Koreans, for whom violating the hierarchy is tantamount to an insult. Americans and Europeans are more democratic on this issue. There are simple but mandatory rules for presenting a business card: it must be handed to the partner turned so that he can immediately read the text. You should say your last name out loud so that your partner can more or less learn the pronunciation of your name. In Asia they are supposed to be given with both hands; in the West there is no special order in this regard. You should also accept business cards with both hands or just your right hand. At the same time, both the presenter and the receiver exchange slight bows. Having accepted the business card, you need to read his name out loud in the presence of your partner and understand his position and position. During negotiations, you should put business cards in front of you so as not to get confused with names. It is better to sort them in the order in which the partners are sitting in front of you. You cannot crumple other people's business cards, make notes on them, or twirl them thoughtfully in front of the owner. This is perceived as disrespect and even insult. It will seriously tarnish your reputation if you do not recognize the person with whom you once exchanged business cards.

General concepts of business etiquette.

Business etiquette is an established procedure for behavior in business and business contacts.

Etiquette, if understood as an established order of behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of business person etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that promote mutual understanding between people in the process of communication.

The second most important function of etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From small details to the most general rules, etiquette is a system that is close to everyday life.

One of the first rules that define etiquette itself is that you should do this not because it is customary, but because it is expedient, or convenient, or simply respectful towards others and yourself.

Etiquette is one of the main “tools” of image formation. In modern business, the face of the company plays a significant role. Those companies that do not observe etiquette lose a lot. Where etiquette is present, productivity is higher, results are better. Therefore, you should always remember one of the most important postulates that businessmen all over the world know: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where etiquette is observed. It has become the norm almost all over the world. This is because etiquette, due to its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

We must remember that etiquette helps us only when there is no internal tension arising from an attempt to do something according to the rules of etiquette that we have never done before.

Business letter

What you need to have to write a letter to your business partner:

1. Modern office equipment.

Only personal correspondence may be written by hand.

2. Your own letterhead, usually consisting of the company’s logo, its full name, postal and telegraphic addresses, telephone, and bank details.

3. If possible, it is advisable to use your own branded envelope, which duplicates the details indicated on the form. It's not obligatory.

4. Leave copies of sent letters.

Letter structure.

The letter itself begins with an exact repetition in the upper left corner of the address written on the envelope.

On the right side write the date the letter was sent - day, month and year in full. Even lower is the address, on the left side. It begins with the same polite form that was used before your recipient's name on the envelope. The surname can be indicated without initials.

The next few lines are usually devoted to a brief formulation of the subject of the letter. If correspondence is conducted by a specific person, the letter usually ends with the phrase: “Sincerely yours.” In the case of sending advertising correspondence and other letters of an impersonal nature, the addressee's last name is not included, and the name of the company to which the letter is addressed is added to the name of the company. It is not recommended to write anonymously. Without a name, you can write a letter to a company or institution, but put the phrase “To the General Director” in the address, without indicating his last name and initials.

You should also end the letter with polite wording. Depending on the purpose of the letter, the wording is changed.

If you need to get a quick response to a business letter or request, you can write the following: “We count on you to respond as soon as possible.”

After finishing the letter, put a signature and surname, below indicate the position and name of the company. If the letter is of an advertising nature, then the surname and signature are optional.

The general rule for any correspondence is that the letter must fit freely into the envelope.

A return address is included on all correspondence.

Correspondence, such as congratulations to a person you know well, expressions of condolences, letters of gratitude are best written by hand.

You should not start your letter with the pronoun “I”.

Postscript (P.S.) is placed down after the signature. Place your signature or initials below the postscript.

Postcards are not used in business correspondence. You can send a telegram.

Any letter entrusted to you requires an immediate response. If you cannot fulfill the request stated in the letter, please notify us immediately.

Congratulations are answered briefly.

The general rule for any correspondence is to leave a free margin of the same width from the left edge of the paper to the bottom.


When sending faxes, the most important requirement is brevity. It is necessary to carefully formulate sentences, check whether the same thought is repeated twice.

The best fax option is when it fits on one sheet of typewritten format.

You shouldn’t send a fax twice in a row; it’s better to call again and ask if the copy went through normally.

In order to send a fax, you must:

1.Prepare the documents that you will send. Documents must meet the requirements of a business letter and have all the necessary details.

2.Indicate your fax number so that you can be contacted.

3. Enter the fax number of your partner, the name of the city and its code, the name of the company and, of course, the last name and first name of the addressee.

4. Papers that are official must bear the seal and signature of the responsible person.

Appearance. Business man's clothes.

The most common and most recognized clothing for businessmen today is a suit. A suit is the business card of a business person. First of all, they look at how a person is dressed. The first impression remains in the memory of people we meet for a long time. Therefore, neglecting your appearance is an unforgivable mistake.

For example, neatness and smartness in clothing are often associated with organization in work, with the ability to value one’s own and other people’s time. Laxity is a synonym for fussiness and forgetfulness.


1. Anisimov S. F. Morality and behavior - M: Mysl, 1985.

2. Braim M. N. Ethics of business communication. – Minsk, 1996

3. Vikhlyansky S. S. Naumov A. I. Management.-M: VSh, 1994.

4. Debolsky M. Psychology of business communication. – M., 1991

5. Mirimsky L.Yu., Mozgovoy A.M., Pashkevich E.K.

6.Dankel Jacqueline Business etiquette. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix. 1997.

7.Business relations in business activities. Business ethics course. – Simferopol, 1996

8.Fundamentals of ethical knowledge. Ed. Professor M.N. Rosenko. Ed. "Lan", 1998.

9. Sukharev V. A. To be a business person. – Simferopol, 1996

10. Chestara J. Business etiquette. – M., 1997.

Questions :

1. Professional ethics: definition, types, principles.

3. Ethics in business conversations and negotiations

1.Professional ethics: definition, types, principles.

Ethics- philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality and ethics. She studies not only the origin and essence of morality, but also how a person should act. And this reveals the practical orientation of ethics. The practical significance of ethics is manifested primarily in the sphere of human communication, an important component of which is the communication of people in the process of joint activity. The joint activity of people cannot be neutral in relation to morality. Historically, morality, and not law, was the first form of regulation of relations between people. Consequently, ethics is also the science of the relationships that exist between people and the responsibilities arising from these relationships.

Professional ethics- this is a set of moral norms that determine a person’s attitude towards his professional duty. The moral relations of people in the labor sphere are regulated by professional ethics. The content of professional ethics are codes of conduct that prescribe a certain type of behavior, moral relationships between people and ways to justify these codes.

Professional ethics- these are those specific features of professional activity that are aimed directly at a person in certain conditions of his life and activity in society. The study of types of professional ethics shows the diversity and versatility of moral relations. For each profession, certain professional moral standards acquire some special significance.

The main types of professional ethics are: medical ethics, pedagogical ethics, ethics of a scientist, actor, artist, entrepreneur, engineer, etc. A special type of professional ethics is economic ethics (“business ethics”, “business ethics”). This problem is now receiving a lot of attention.

Economic ethics- this is a set of norms of behavior for an entrepreneur, the requirements imposed by a cultural society on his style of work, the nature of communication between business participants, and their social appearance. This is information about ethical concepts, moral requirements for the style of work and the appearance of a business person, adapted to the practical needs of a businessman. These are the ethics of negotiating with partners, the ethics of drawing up documentation, the use of ethical methods of competition and other areas of professional ethics.

Principles: punctuality, confidentiality, courtesy, goodwill, friendliness, attention to others, appearance, literacy.

2. Ethics of relationships among the organization’s personnel

It is relevant to develop a culture of official communication, which includes a number of general points - rules of official etiquette. Failure to comply with these rules leads to unpleasant consequences. Thus, the inability to conduct a work conversation, the inability to behave sociably with colleagues at work, in addition to wasting the time of many people, brings a lot of unpleasant moments.

To avoid these excesses, it is enough in the service to observe, although formal, but absolutely mandatory requirements: a polite tone of address, laconic presentation, tactfulness, sociability, naturalness, goodwill.

Professional ethics deals with these issues; it studies:

Moral qualities of a specialist’s personality that ensure the best performance of professional duty;

Relationships within professional teams, and those specific moral norms characteristic of a given profession;

Features of professional education.

Along with interactive communication, there are various forms of group discussion of business (service) issues. The most common forms are meetings and meetings.

Meetings are subject to a number of ethical requirements that govern the relationship both between superiors and subordinates, and between its participants. Thus, it would be ethically justified on the part of the boss to invite participants to a meeting at which an important issue is planned to be considered, not by telephone through a secretary, but in writing or in personal communication. Respect for the audience is manifested in creating at least a minimum of comfort (selection of a room in accordance with the number of participants, necessary lighting, ventilation of the room, provision of the ability to record the necessary information, etc.). The main element of a meeting or conference is a discussion on the issues being resolved, the main goal of which is the search for truth. The discussion is effective only if it is conducted in compliance with ethically oriented norms of human behavior in the process of business communication. Thus, I. Braim notes that:

In a discussion, it is necessary to respect the opinions of others, even if at first glance they seem absurd. In order to understand someone else's opinion, first of all, you need to be patient, mobilize your attention and listen to him;

It is necessary to stick to one subject of dispute.

You cannot turn a discussion into a conflict. In a dispute, you need to look for points of convergence of opinions and judgments, strive to find common solutions. This does not mean giving up your opinion while being confident that you are right; however, it is useful to question the correctness of your position;

In any heated discussion, you cannot use swear words and categorical statements (this is wrong, this is nonsense, talk nonsense, etc.), and irony and sarcasm, although allowed, must be used without insulting or humiliating opponents;

The main weapon in the discussion is facts and their conscientious interpretation;
- Admit you are wrong; - show nobility: if your opponents are defeated in a discussion, give them the opportunity to save their reputation, do not gloat about their defeat.

3. Ethics in conducting business conversations and negotiations.

Business conversations and negotiations are carried out in verbal form (English verbal - verbal, oral), and this requires the participants in communication not only to be literate, but also to follow the ethics of verbal communication.

Business conversation involves the exchange of opinions and information and does not imply the conclusion of contracts or the development of binding decisions. It can be independent, precede negotiations or be an integral part of them.
Negotiations are more formal, specific in nature and, as a rule, involve the signing of documents defining the mutual obligations of the parties (agreements, contracts, etc.).

The course of negotiations fits into the following scheme: beginning of a conversation - exchange of information - argumentation and counter-argumentation - development and decision-making - completion of negotiations.
The first stage of the negotiation process can be an introductory meeting (conversation), during which the subject of negotiations is clarified, organizational issues are resolved, or a meeting of experts that precedes negotiations with the participation of leaders and members of delegations. The success of negotiations as a whole largely depends on the results of such preliminary contacts.

The main requirements of the telephone communication culture are brevity (conciseness), clarity and clarity not only in thoughts, but also in their presentation. The conversation should be conducted without long pauses, unnecessary words, turns and emotions.
A telephone imposes a number of other requirements on those who use it. Your interlocutor cannot evaluate what you are wearing, nor the expression of your face, nor the interior of the room where you are, nor other non-verbal aspects that help judge the nature of communication. However, there are non-verbal stimuli that can be manipulated in telephone communication, these include: the moment chosen for the pause and its duration; silence; intonation expressing enthusiasm and agreement or counter-reactions. It means a lot how quickly a person picks up the phone - this allows you to judge how busy he is, to what extent he is interested in being called.

A professional translator plays a key role in establishing a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation during conversations and negotiations with foreign business partners who are focused on their moral principles and business etiquette.
In this regard, when communicating through an interpreter, the following rules must be observed:
-Speak slowly, clearly formulating thoughts, avoiding the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of what was said;
-You should say no more than one or two sentences in a row.
-You cannot accompany your speech with sayings, idiomatic phrases, and, especially, by quoting poetry.
-It is necessary to take into account the reaction of your partners and immediately take action if you feel that they misunderstand you.

Before negotiations, it is necessary to allocate sufficient time to work with the translator in order to familiarize him with the range of issues raised in as much detail as possible and explain the terminology used.

In business, time is the most valuable thing. Therefore, you should always remember that a business letter should be short, precise and to the point.

Business correspondence rarely covers multiple topics. If you still need to cover several issues in a letter, then it is advisable to separate them from one another visually, that is, number them.

The best option is when a business letter contains an answer to any one question or homogeneous information. In this case, the letter turns out to be precise and concise.

4. There are two types of behavior - verbal (verbal) and real. Verbal behavior is statements, judgments, opinions, evidence. Behavior expressed in words largely determines the culture of relations between people. Behavior already at the verbal level can be life-affirming or depriving human existence of meaning. One can cite a great many wise sayings, proverbs, and individual statements about the power of words, about language and its role in culture.

Real behavior is practical actions, actions performed in accordance with certain rules and moral principles. In this case, we are talking about the coincidence of ethical knowledge and moral behavior, which indicates a high moral culture of the individual. When comparing the behavior of a person with accepted norms and moral values, it is customary to talk about “normal” or “deviant” or deviant behavior. Therefore, in order to understand a person, the meaning of his actions, the nature of his behavior, it is necessary to penetrate into the motives that guide him in a given situation. Only by understanding the motives can one correctly judge the actions, the real behavior of a person in relation to the reality around him, and, above all, to other people, to himself. The culture of behavior is also revealed in how a person is able to understand himself, evaluate his actions and their motives.

There is a distinction between “cultural human behavior” and “behavior of a cultural person.” Cultural behavior is a person’s behavior in accordance with the norms that a given society has developed and adheres to. It includes certain manners, generally accepted methods of communication, dealing with others and cultural behavior involves correct and beautiful behavior at the table, a polite and considerate attitude towards elders, women, the ability to behave in society, compliance with professional ethics, etc.

Rules of conduct may change over time, and at the same time, behavior patterns also change. These rules taken together constitute etiquette that regulates the external manifestations of human relationships. Etiquette refers to the external culture of a person and society. It includes those requirements that acquire the character of a more or less strictly regulated ceremony and in the observance of which a certain form of behavior is of particular importance. Etiquette in modern conditions (unlike traditional societies, where it was reduced to a strictly canonized ritual) becomes more free and natural, acquiring the meaning of everyday benevolent and respectful attitude towards all people, regardless of their position and social status. Attention to the external form of culture is manifested here only insofar as it reflects ideas about beauty in the behavior and appearance of a person. In this case, any actions and motives of human activity have both ethical and aesthetic significance (value) and therefore can be assessed, on the one hand, as beautiful or ugly, on the other, as good or evil. The main thing here is precisely the behavior that can be, should be cultural.

However, cultural human behavior is part of the problem of the culture of human relations. Another part of it is the behavior of a cultured person. In this case, the emphasis is on the person - what is he, cultured or uncultured? In what terms should we talk about a cultured person? Obviously, this is a person whose knowledge of ethical principles and moral standards accepted in a given society has turned into an internal conviction and has resulted in a moral feeling. The criterion of culture and good manners is the correlation of an action as a manifestation of moral feeling with the interests of another person. Therefore, more extensive than the scope of etiquette is the culture of feelings, which is formed in the process of human communication with nature, in work activity, in interpersonal contacts. So, the culture of ethical thinking, the culture of feelings, the culture of behavior, etiquette in their totality form an integral system of moral culture of the individual. Each of these elements is directly embodied in professional ethics. In this case, as a rule, they mean specific moral requirements associated with the characteristics of various professions.

Professional ethics represents, firstly, codes of conduct that prescribe a certain type of moral relationships between people engaged in any one field of professional activity, and secondly, certain ways of justifying these codes, interpretation of the cultural and humanistic purpose of a particular profession.

Kindness, justice, respect for one’s neighbor do not exist on their own, in a “pure” form, but are embodied in various types of activities, including professional ones. There are a number of professions that directly address people. Workers in these professions are required not only to be professional and competent, but also to have certain moral qualities and a special ability to embody moral principles in the specific conditions of their activities. Thus, professional morality is nothing more than a concretization of universal moral values ​​in relation to the conditions of a number of professions.

Professional morality guides a person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions more specifically, in more detail, and therefore it more deeply reveals the relationship between the individual and society. In this regard, it can be argued that the central, initial concept of professional morality is the concept of professional duty, which quite clearly states the responsibilities of the employee. It is the awareness of their official duty that encourages specialists to treat their work with the greatest responsibility, to focus not so much on personal, but on public, national interests.

Tasks. Tests.

  • 1. The basic concepts of moral consciousness are:
    • a) debt;
    • b) beauty;
    • c) faith;
    • d) good;
    • d) the meaning of life.
  • 2. The imperativeness of morality is based on:
    • a) belief in the supernatural;
    • b) a person’s personal beliefs;
    • c) fear of punishment;
    • d) public opinion.
  • 3. A moral act is determined by:
    • a) compliance with generally accepted standards;
    • b) consequences;
    • c) motivation;
    • d) goals.
  • 4. An essential feature of freedom is:
    • a) awareness of the need;
    • b) no restrictions;
    • c) opportunity to choose;
    • d) the opportunity to do as you want.
  • 5. The moral culture of the twentieth century is characterized by:
    • a) increasing individualism;
    • b) humanity;
    • c) aggressiveness;
    • d) responsibility;
    • e) unity;
    • e) selfishness.

The concept is not new. Each of us should roughly understand what requirements it implies and how it behaves in the refraction of various areas of activity. Let's consider the historical development of professional ethics, its written regulation, various types and much more.

Labor and professional morality

Special moral requirements that are presented to specific professional activities along with universal moral values. Another definition of work morality shows it as a set of generalized moral requirements that were developed in the process of people’s lives and their acquisition of relevant life experience. Such requirements make it possible to transform ordinary labor and professional activities into a socially significant phenomenon.

It is quite obvious that labor morality is truly embodied in the professional activities of individuals. That is why for quite a long period of time the concepts of “work” and “professional morality” were identified, not only in the mass and public consciousness, but also in the educational literature on ethics courses.

However, this can only be done by characterizing these concepts in the most general terms. Professional morality is similar to labor morality from the point of view that the fundamental commandments of the latter are clearly addressed to all types of professional activity. Let us give some examples of these commandments: responsibility, conscientiousness, creative initiative in work, discipline.

At the same time, be that as it may, it cannot be argued that such a concept as “professional morality” is completely reducible to labor morality. The basic explanation for this fact is quite obvious: some professions involve a set of very specific problems that arise in the moral plane. These problematic issues, although indirectly can be attributed to work morality, but, in any case, bear a certain imprint of the established profession (medical, teacher, journalist, etc.).

The origins of professional morality

Professional morality, according to the generally accepted point of view, is the fundamental basis of professional ethics. It is very interesting how these phenomena were formed.

The formulation of professional morality and professional ethics for a number of professions (the traditional subspecies will be discussed later) has a fairly long history. Just imagine, exceptional professions already in ancient times could boast of their professional moral codes.

For example, medical schools of the Asclepiads existed and actively developed at the ancient Greek temples. It is unlikely that you have ever come across the concept of "asklepiad". It comes from the name of the ancient Greek Asclepius. It was thanks to these educational institutions that Greek medicine reached a high level of development and came very close to perfection (at that time). An interesting fact is related to the fact that healers who graduated from the Asclepiad school took a professional oath. Doesn't remind you of anything? Yes, yes, it was this text that was subsequently expanded to the version that we know today as the Hippocratic Oath.

However, before the Greek oath, a model of it existed in Geneva. The Geneva Oath was adopted at the World Medical Association. The requirements of professional morality in the field of medicine, which were presented to ancient Greek doctors, remained virtually unchanged compared to the previously existing oath in Geneva. They, first of all, establish the regulation of professional moral principles in the relationship between doctors and patients. Let us outline the most familiar of them today: maintaining medical confidentiality, the desire to do everything that is necessary for the well-being of the patient. It is absolutely clear that these requirements are based on nothing more than the painfully familiar principle of modern doctors “do no harm.”

Ancient Greece also became a pioneer in the field of presenting demands of professional morality in relation to teachers. Once again, you won’t see anything new here: strict control over one’s own behavior in relationships with students in order to avoid extremes (this is still a topic today, isn’t it?), love for children, and the like.

As you understand, among the ancient Greeks, medical and pedagogical morality were attributed, first of all, to other people, aimed at other individuals (patients, students). However, this is not the only way. Some professional groups have developed codes of professional morality in order to effectively regulate, roughly speaking, relations between each other (representatives of the same profession).

Let's move away from antiquity and note that the Middle Ages is another step towards the development of the concept of professional morality. Individual workshops of artisans at this time developed their own rules for mutual relations within the craft profession. These included, for example, such requirements as: not to entice a buyer if he has already stopped in front of the goods of a neighboring shop, not to invite buyers while loudly praising your own goods, it is also unacceptable to hang your goods so that it would certainly cover the goods of neighboring shops .

As a mini-conclusion, we note that representatives of some professions have been trying to create something resembling professional moral codes since ancient times. These documents were intended to:

  • regulate the relations of specialists within one professional group;
  • regulate the rights of representatives of the profession, as well as their responsibilities in relation to the people directly affected by their professional activities.

Definition of ethics in the profession

We see that the system of professional ethics as such began to take shape a very long time ago. For an absolute understanding and analysis of the issue, a detailed definition of this concept should be given.

Professional ethics is, in a broad sense, a system of moral rules, norms and principles of behavior of specialists (including a specific employee), taking into account the characteristics of his professional activity and duty, as well as the specific situation.

Classification of ethics in the profession

It is generally accepted that the content of professional ethics (in any profession) consists of general and specific characteristics. The general is based, first of all, on established universal moral standards. The basic principles include:

  • special, exclusive perception and understanding of honor and duty in the profession;
  • professional solidarity;
  • a special form of liability for violations; it is determined by the type of activity and the subject on which this activity is directed.

The private, in turn, is based on specific conditions, the specifics of the content of a certain profession. Private principles are expressed mainly in moral codes that establish the necessary requirements for all specialists.

Often, professional ethics as such exists only in those types of activities where there is a direct dependence of the well-being of people on the actions of specialists in this field. The process of professional actions and their results in such activities, as a rule, have a special impact on the fate and life of both individuals and humanity as a whole.

In this regard, one more classification of professional ethics can be distinguished:

  • traditional;
  • new species.

Traditional ethics includes such variations as legal, medical, pedagogical, and the ethics of the scientific community.

The newly emerged types define such fields as engineering and journalistic ethics, bioethics. The emergence of these areas of professional ethics and their gradual updating are associated, first of all, with the constant increase in the role of the so-called “human factor” in a specific type of activity (for example, in engineering) or the increasing level of influence of this professional area on society (a striking example is journalism and the media as the fourth estate).

Code of Ethics

The main document in the regulation of the specialized ethical sphere is the code of professional ethics. What is this?

Or simply a “code of ethics” is a published (written) statement regarding the system of values ​​and moral principles of people belonging to a certain type of professional activity. The main purpose of developing such codes, undoubtedly, is to inform specialists in a given field of activity about the rules that they are obliged to comply with, however, there is a secondary purpose of their writing - educating the general public regarding the norms of behavior of specialists in a particular profession.

Codes of ethics are included as part of formal professional standards. They are traditionally developed in the public administration system and are intended for specialists in various types of activities. In a more general and understandable sense, codes of ethics are a certain set of established norms of appropriate, correct behavior, which is certainly considered appropriate for a person in the profession to which this particular code relates (for example, the professional ethics of a notary).

Functions of the Code of Ethics

Ethical codes are traditionally developed within the organizations of the profession for which the code is intended. Their content is based on a list of those social functions for the purpose of maintaining and preserving which the organization itself exists. Codes, at the same time, assure society that the functions enshrined in them will be performed in strict accordance with the highest moral principles and standards.

From a moral point of view, codes of professional ethics perform two main functions:

  • act as a quality guarantee for society;
  • allow you to get acquainted with information about the standards established within the framework of the activities of specialists in a particular field, and the restrictions for those professions for which these codes are developed.

Signs of a successful code of ethics

  1. the code is capable of providing the necessary guidance over the behavior of professionals in a particular field;
  2. this document seems to apply to many specialties that the profession includes (specific branches within it);
  3. A code of ethics can offer truly effective means of ensuring compliance with the standards it sets out.

However, it is worth noting separately that the vast majority of documents regulating professional ethics do not include sanctions. If forced standards are nevertheless contained within ethical codes, then such options become much more specific and much less close to the ideal. After all, they can no longer be perceived as normative descriptions of the desired correct behavior, but turn into something similar to real legal acts regulated and established by the state (codes, federal laws, etc.). It is as if they include a limited set of specifically defined and legislated requirements. In fact, at the very moment when a code of ethics becomes a description of standards of the only correct behavior, failure to comply with which leads to sanctions by law, it ceases to be a code of ethics, but becomes a code of conduct.

Ethics of hotel professions

Let's talk in more detail about some of the most well-known complexes today for the formation of professional ethics in specific areas.

Accounting ethics

The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants includes several sections. For example, the part entitled “Objectives” says that the main objectives of the accounting profession are to perform work in accordance with the highest standards of accounting professionalism, as well as to fully ensure the best results of professional activity and maximum respect for social interests. These goals have four requirements necessary for fulfillment:

  • confidence;
  • professionalism;
  • reliability;
  • high quality of services provided.

Another section of the code of ethics for professional accountants, called the Fundamental Principles, gives professionals the following obligations:

  • objectivity;
  • decency;
  • confidentiality;
  • the necessary care and professional competence;
  • behavior consistent with professional requirements;
  • technical standards.

Legal ethics

The professional ethics of a lawyer has a number of features. According to the code, a lawyer undertakes to fulfill the duties assigned to him reasonably, honestly, in good faith, in a principled, qualified and timely manner, as well as to protect in the most active manner the freedoms, rights, and interests of the client in absolutely all ways not prohibited by law. A lawyer must certainly respect the rights, dignity and honor of persons who come for legal assistance, colleagues and clients. A lawyer must adhere to a businesslike manner of communication and an official business style of dress. Professional culture and ethics are inextricably linked within the legal profession.

In professional ethics, a lawyer is obliged, under any circumstances, to behave appropriately and maintain personal dignity and honor. If a situation arises in which ethical issues are not regulated by official documents, the lawyer must follow the traditional patterns of behavior and customs established in the profession that do not violate general moral principles. Every lawyer has the right to apply to the Council of the Bar for clarification on an ethical issue that he could not answer independently. The Chamber cannot refuse the lawyer such an explanation. It is important that a specialist who makes a decision on the basis of the Chamber Council cannot be subject to disciplinary sanctions.

The professional personal sovereignty of a lawyer is a necessary condition for the client’s trust in him. That is, under no circumstances should a lawyer act in such a way as to in one way or another undermine the client’s trust both in himself and in the legal profession in general. The first and most important thing in lawyer ethics is maintaining professional secrecy. It directly provides the so-called principal immunity, which is officially granted to the person by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In addition, a lawyer can use his client’s information only in relation to the client’s case and in his interests, and the client himself must have the maximum degree of confidence that everything will be exactly like this. That is why we understand perfectly well that a lawyer as a professional does not have the right to share with anyone (including family members) the facts that were communicated to him as part of his interaction with his clientele. Moreover, this rule is in no way limited in time, that is, the lawyer must comply with it even after fulfilling his immediate professional obligations.

Maintaining professional secrecy is the unconditional priority of a lawyer’s activities and its main ethical element. According to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the defense attorney of the accused, suspect or any other participant in the case cannot be invited to the police to testify as a witness. Agency employees do not have the right to ask a lawyer about those points that became known to him as part of his own activities or during an independent investigation.

The main value for every lawyer is the interests of his client; they should determine the entire path of professional cooperation between the parties. However, we know very well that on the territory of the Russian Federation the law has supremacy. And in this case, legislation and immutable moral principles in the professional activity of a lawyer must rise above the will of the client. If the client’s wishes, requests or even instructions go beyond the current legislation, then the lawyer does not have the right to fulfill them.

Ethics of a public servant

The professional ethics of an employee is determined by eight basic principles:

  1. Impeccable and selfless service to the state and society.
  2. Strict compliance with current legislation.
  3. Protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, respect for human personality and dignity (otherwise called the principle of humanism).
  4. Bearing legal and moral responsibility for your decisions.
  5. Fair treatment of everyone and “smart” use of the powers with which the employee is endowed.
  6. Voluntary compliance by civil servants with established rules of conduct.
  7. Having the loud name “outside politics”.
  8. Absolute rejection of all corruption and bureaucratic manifestations, adherence to the requirements of integrity and honesty.

Journalistic ethics

The professional ethics of a journalist is not a completely universal phenomenon. Of course, there are uniform documents regulating the work of the media environment as a whole. The fact is that each individual editorial office, as a rule, develops its own professional ethics requirements. And this is logical. We will still try to consider some general features of the professional ethics of a journalist.

  1. Following the facts and fact-checking (checking them). In this case, following the facts also means impartially communicating them to the audience, without exerting any type of influence on the mass consciousness.
  2. Creating content that meets the needs of the audience of a given periodical, which is able to bring some benefit to society.
  3. Analyzing facts and writing an article as a search for the truth.
  4. A journalist only covers events, but cannot himself be the cause of them (for example, causing a scandal with a star person).
  5. Obtaining information only in an honest and open way.
  6. Correcting your own mistakes if you make them (refuting false information).
  7. Non-violation of agreement with the source of any facts.
  8. It is forbidden to use your own position as a means of pressure or, especially, as a weapon.
  9. Publication of material that can cause harm to someone only if there are irrefutable facts confirming the information.
  10. Content as complete and absolute truth.
  11. It is prohibited to bend the truth for the purpose of obtaining any benefit.

Unfortunately, today not only many journalists, but also entire editorial offices neglect these ethical requirements.

In addition to participating in free professionally-oriented competitions, users of our portal are constantly developing in different directions, communicating with like-minded people on intellectual and professional topics in the “Blogs” section. However, on this platform, the guys not only communicate with each other - they post their works, learn to conduct discussions and argue their opinions.

Since the creation of the portal, the content in the “Blogs” section has only become better every month. Initially, the site’s moderators deleted many posts that contradicted the site’s rules, but after a while the participants understood the specifics of the portal: most users stopped copying materials from other Internet resources and began creating unique original content. Along with interesting, emotional, educational blogs came heated discussions and even intellectual debates.

Analyzing the content every month, the moderators came to the conclusion that regular practice in writing texts and creating original multimedia materials affects the development of schoolchildren’s abilities: the professional and intellectual level of the participants increases, and the skills of young poets, artists and musicians grow. Now a huge amount of a wide variety of information appears on the site every day: from discussions of books, films and works of art to discussions on complex philosophical topics. It is precisely such publications that new users focus on, trying to post interesting and original materials on their profile.

And this is one of the main achievements of our friendly team - the organizers and participants of the portal! It is especially important that teenagers also respond to complex “hot” topics that have caused widespread public outcry. By discussing with each other, children learn to correctly perceive certain situations and people’s actions, learn lessons from them, and draw conclusions. Thus, schoolchildren develop not only intellectual abilities, but also spiritual and moral qualities; cultivate worthy individuals and set life guidelines.

However, the blogs on our portal are not just online diaries, but a model of real media. Therefore, we want to draw the attention of users to the fact that they bear great responsibility for their publications. And if participants raise complex controversial topics, this responsibility increases several times. After all, in the “online publications” of schoolchildren there are no editors and proofreaders who can correct mistakes and make the necessary corrections, improving the quality of the text - the children themselves perform the functions of editorial staff. And although aspiring bloggers are not yet professionals, they must observe ethical principles in any work from a very young age and follow the rules of a certain moral code.

Why is it important? In many areas of activity, an employee’s morality and personal qualities play a big role in solving professional problems. Thus, representatives of medical, legal, journalistic and other professions are subject to increased moral requirements, since they are responsible for the life, health, freedom, honor of people and often decide their fate.

Basically, specialists follow general standards of professional behavior, but each profession has its own specifics, therefore, many areas of activity have their own special moral requirements. For example, journalists, writers, bloggers, and speakers need to remember that the word is a very powerful tool. “Always think about how your word will resonate.” Unfortunately, we know many examples where ill-considered actions led to sad consequences and even death. A word is like an atom, it can be destructive, or it can be creative,” advises Tatyana Viktorovna Vorozhtsova, dean of the Faculty of Journalism at IGUMO, deputy head of the Gifted Children portal.

It is worth noting that we rarely encounter serious violations by users of the Internet platform, since all of our participants are highly moral, well-mannered and cultural individuals who behave in accordance with the norms of etiquette not only in educational institutions, being under the control of adults, but also in public places, Internet space. However, children sometimes have difficulty choosing topics for public discussion. Due to age and lack of experience, participants raise pressing topical issues on blogs, but do not quite correctly express their thoughts and conduct discussions in the comments.

That's why we want to remind novice bloggers of some factors that need to be taken into account when publishing materials:

    Copyright. Remember that all creative results (essays, drawings, etc.) are objects of intellectual property and are subject to protection by the state. By publishing other people's materials, you violate not only the law, but also ethical standards and moral principles, since you show disrespect for the work of the author ().

    Topics for discussion. Remember that children of different ages are registered on our portal - among them are very young users. Pay great attention to the content of materials: choose topics for discussion, taking into account the specifics of the portal and its target audience. Regulate the flow of the discussion that unfolds in the comments under your publications so that the discussion does not reach a dead end or turn into an exchange of barbs between participants.

    Reliability of published information. Remember that posting false information and distorting facts is unprofessionalism, a violation of the moral code, and a manifestation of disrespect for your readers. Take a serious and responsible approach to the collection, processing and dissemination of any information. Check all facts and use materials obtained only from reliable sources.

    A culture of speech. Remember that the most important element of culture of behavior and business etiquette is the ability to correctly express your thoughts. Try not to distort the Russian language by resorting to slang expressions, online jargon, abbreviations, etc. On the Internet portal “Gifted Children” the “Blogs” section was created so that children not only communicate on professional topics, but form their own author’s style and harmonious style.

If you have any doubts about a problem/topic that you would like to discuss publicly with your peers, you can always contact the moderators of the Internet portal. Young specialists will tell you how to present information correctly and develop a complex topic.

Create, dream, communicate, create original content, but always remember to be conscientious about your work, honesty, and decency. After all, as you know, only a good person who will never violate moral principles or offend the dignity of other people can become a successful specialist.

You can develop spiritual and moral qualities and cultivate a cultural personality with the help of our competitions, which are held on the portal as part of the PatriUm project ().

Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, head of the press service of the PatriUm school

February 6, 2018

Professional ethics represents, firstly, codes of conduct that prescribe a certain type of moral relationships between people engaged in any one field of professional activity, and secondly, certain ways of justifying these codes, interpretation of the cultural and humanistic purpose of a particular profession.

There are a number of professions that directly address people. Workers in these professions are required not only to be professional and competent, but also to have certain moral qualities and a special ability to embody moral principles in the specific conditions of their activities. Thus, professional morality is nothing more than a concretization of universal moral values ​​in relation to the conditions of a number of professions.

In this regard, it can be argued that the central, initial concept of professional morality is the concept of professional duty, which quite clearly states the responsibilities of the employee. It is the awareness of their official duty that encourages specialists to treat their work with the greatest responsibility, to focus not so much on personal, but on public, national interests.

Professional culture is one of the most important sociocultural factors in human development. As an element of general culture, a person’s professional culture is based on generally accepted spiritual and moral values, norms and rules, as well as ways of interaction between a person as a unit of the social system to which he belongs. However, a general culture is distinguished by norms and standards of life that are common to people, regardless of their activity profile, based on common methods of socialization (entry into society) and education. The result is the assimilation of cultural (ethnic, religious, political and other) values, norms, and behavioral stereotypes characteristic of society as a whole. Professional culture is characterized by norms and standards associated with the type of activity and specific interaction, as well as with the individual’s belonging to a certain socio-professional group.

The specificity of professional culture lies in the fact that it is based on the core of not only professional, but also universal human values. Reacting to changes in social practice, culture acts as one of the powerful regulators of human life and society, directly influencing people’s behavior in all spheres - politics, economics, law, etc.

Moral factors in professional culture are moral beliefs (duty, willingness to work conscientiously and honestly, etc.), which determine a person’s participation in any socially necessary activities, without dividing them into “prestigious” and “non-prestigious”. Professional culture is manifested in a person’s work activity, the intensity of activity, compassion, and assistance to colleagues. This social communication, determined by the objective needs of joint activity, creates conditions for the development of human abilities and the spread of professional culture.

The properties of professional culture include:

integrativeness, reflecting the influence of all components of professional culture on the culture of the individual as a whole and the general development of the culture itself;

sociality, indicating that the presence of a high level of formation of professional culture has not only personal, but also social significance, and also enables the individual to more effectively create social wealth;

personal nature of professional culture, which means the assignment by an individual in the process of special training of professionally important knowledge, skills and abilities that have personal content for a person, since they can satisfy the individual’s needs in performing professional activities and pursuing professional growth;

dynamism and effectiveness, reflecting the compulsory motivational power of professional culture, its ability to regulate the direction of development of personal qualities;

continuity, meaning that a high level of professional culture contributes to the continuous self-development of a person in the field of his professional activity in order to satisfy his own internal professionally oriented incentives and support at a certain level of his professional culture.

However, speaking now about the structure of professional culture, we can only give its general contours. Specification of professional culture and its structural components is possible only in the context of a specific profession, and sometimes even its specialization.

Test No. 2

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