Battle of Kursk. Victory of the Russian army over Nazi troops in the Battle of Kursk. Advance of Soviet troops.

Battle of Kursk(July 5 - August 23, 1943; also known as the Battle of Kursk) is one of the key battles of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War in terms of its scale, forces and means involved, tension, results and military-political consequences. The largest tank battle in history; about two million people, six thousand tanks, four thousand aircraft took part in it

In Soviet and Russian historiography it is customary to divide the battle into 3 parts:
Kursk defensive operation (July 5 - 12), Oryol (July 12 - August 18) and Belgorod-Kharkov (August 3 - 23) offensive operations. The battle lasted 49 days. The German side called the offensive part of the battle Operation Citadel.

After the end of the battle, the strategic initiative in the war finally passed to the side of the Red Army, which until the end of the war carried out mainly offensive operations, while the Wehrmacht was on the defensive.

Kursk Bulge. Plans for the summer. Beginning

It is common knowledge that Hitler had great hopes for the summer campaign of 1943. It is little known that many of his generals opposed Operation Citadel and tried by all means to delay its start. There was no unanimity among the Soviet military leaders. Some suggested striking first, others - taking a defensive position and only then, having bled the Germans dry, attacking.
Hitler placed special emphasis on the secrecy of the preparations. Moscow knew about his plans almost from the very beginning. In the film, former employees of the Soviet secret services talk about how secret German documents got to Moscow.
For the first time, veterans of SS and Wehrmacht combat units share their impressions of preparations for battle. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War talk about how Soviet troops prepared for battle.
Tension grew, and by July 5 it reached its highest point. In the final part of the first episode, participants in the battle from the German and Soviet sides talk about what happened in the troops an hour or two before the start of the battle. At this critical moment it was not yet clear who would strike first.

The second part of the film is built mainly on the memories of the participants in the battle. In Germany, we managed to find veterans of the SS divisions who took part in the tank battle near Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943. These people will appear on our television screens for the first time.
Both the Germans and our veterans talk about the same episodes of the Prokhorov tank battle. Historians from both sides give their assessments. Moreover, one side comments on the opinion of the other. The outcome of the discussion is summed up by V. Zamulin, Deputy Director of the Prokhorovskoe Field Military History Museum.
V. Borisov, one of two Heroes of the Soviet Union who received this award for fighting directly near Prokhorovka, talks about his feat in the film.
The film uses rare footage of maps of the German General Staff, as well as German and Soviet military newsreels.

Battle of Kursk. Part 1: Northern Front / The Battle Of Kursk: Northern Front In 1943, numerous Soviet and German armies collided in the greatest and deadliest tank battle in history.

Battle of Kursk. Part 2: The Battle Of Kursk: Southern Front The battle near Kursk reaches its climax in the Russian village of Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943. This is the story of the biggest tank battle in military history, as elite SS troops face off against Soviet defenders determined to stop them at any cost.

Battle of Prokhorovka-On July 12, the largest (or one of the largest) oncoming tank battles in history took place in the Prokhorovka area.

Series of messages "
Battle of Kursk. Full chronicle - 50 days and nights Suldin Andrey Vasilievich

August 23, 1943

The Belgorod-Kharkov operation (“Rumyantsev”) ended: the troops of the Voronezh and Steppe fronts defeated 15 enemy divisions, advanced 140 kilometers in the southern and southwestern direction, came close to the Donbass enemy group and liberated Kharkov - for the second and last time. Favorable conditions were created for the liberation of Left Bank Ukraine.

By 12 o'clock on August 23, Kharkov was completely cleared of German troops. In the battles for the city, the 28th, 89th Guards, 84th, 116th, 252nd and 299th Rifle Divisions of the 53rd Army (I.M. Managarov), 93rd Guards, 183 1st and 375th Rifle Divisions of the 69th Army (V.D. Kryuchenkin), 15th Guards Division of the 7th Guards Army (M.S. Shumilov). All these divisions were given the honorary name Kharkov.

The Germans managed to withdraw the bulk of their troops from Kharkov the day before. During the occupation and fighting, the Nazis destroyed about 300 thousand civilians and prisoners of war in the city and region, drove 160 thousand people to work in Germany, destroyed over 500 industrial enterprises, all cultural, educational, medical and communal institutions and over one and a half million square meters of housing . 1,144,000 Soviet soldiers and officers took part in the Belgorod-Kharkov operation. Losses amounted to: 71,611 (6.2%) people killed and 183,955 wounded. Average daily losses are 12,170 people.

The 40th Army (K.S. Moskalenko) and the 47th Army (P.P. Korzun), which continued to pursue the retreating German units, by the end of August 23 captured the city of Lebedin, as well as the large settlements of Veprik, Oleshnya, Chupakhovka and began battles for Zenkov.

I. Stalin gave the order to Colonel General I.S. Konev, Army General N.F. Vatutin, Army General R.Ya. Malinovsky about encouraging military personnel: “...In the offensive battles for the capture of the city of Kharkov, our troops showed high combat training, courage and ability to maneuver... For excellent military operations, I express gratitude to all the troops led by you who participated in the operation to liberate Kharkov.” Ten rifle divisions are given the name "Kharkov". On this day, Moscow saluted our valiant troops with twenty artillery salvoes from 224 guns.

The troops of the left wing of the Kalinin Front resumed their offensive on August 23, after a five-day pause. The 39th Army (A.I. Zygin), reinforced by the 5th Guards Rifle Corps, launched an offensive against Dukhovshchina. The enemy, having brought up reserves, offered fierce resistance, continuously counterattacked and improved their defensive positions. As a result of intense fighting, the German resistance could not be broken even during these days.

The troops of the Southern Front repelled German counterattacks, accompanied by massive air strikes, and expanded the breakthrough. On August 23, mechanized units entered the Donetsk-Amvrosievka area and with a decisive attack captured this important stronghold in the enemy’s defense.

The one and a half month long battle (from July 5 to August 23. This day is celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia) of the Battle of Kursk, the largest battle of the Second World War, has ended. If the Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the war psychologically, then the Battle of Kursk was a turning point militarily. Fascist troops were forced to go on the defensive along the entire Soviet-German front. The Germans lost 30 divisions, including 7 tank divisions (over 500 thousand soldiers and officers killed and wounded), 1.5 thousand tanks, and more than 3.7 thousand aircraft. On our side, in only three major operations of the Battle of Kursk - Kursk defensive, Oryol offensive and Belgorod-Kharkov offensive - losses (according to official data) amounted to 254,470 people killed and 608,833 wounded. Losses in tanks and aircraft were more significant than the German ones (the Ministry of Defense still keeps these figures secret). But they can be judged by one single fact: almost two-thirds of the original composition of the French Normandy air regiment died near Kursk and Orel, including such aces as Lefebvre and Tyulyan. And this, despite the fact that they flew our best Yak-3 fighters, and they flew excellently: once the French shot down 100 German planes in one day. This gives an idea of ​​the terrible losses suffered by yesterday’s flight school cadets, who were thrown into the Kursk meat grinder.

The July-August offensive of the Soviet troops was planned surprisingly competently: the left wing of the Western Front began an attack on Orel on July 12, the Central Front launched a counteroffensive on July 15, the left wing of the Bryansk Front resumed the offensive on July 25. The Steppe Front began striking in the Belgorod area on August 3, the offensive of the right wing of the Western Front in the Spas-Demensk area began on August 7. Thus, the pauses between attacks on different sections of the huge front did not exceed a week, or even 3-4 days - a time during which, even with reserves, it would have been impossible to organize their effective transfer and supply of fuel and ammunition. However, one of the developers of the Battle of Kursk G.K. Zhukov admitted in his memoirs that events developed more slowly than expected - the advance of the fronts on average did not exceed 4 kilometers per day. “The main mistake was that the Headquarters was somewhat hasty in the transition to counter-offensive actions and did not create a stronger group as part of the left wing of the Western Front, which, moreover, had to be seriously reinforced during the battle... Then we all believed that it was necessary to beat the enemy as soon as possible , while he has not yet settled firmly in defense. But this was erroneous reasoning. All this, taken together, was a consequence of underestimating the enemy’s defensive capabilities,” Zhukov wrote and cited Stalin’s instructions, which no one dared to challenge: “Our task is to quickly expel the Germans from our territory, and we will surround them when they become weaker.” Meanwhile, it was already clear that frontal attacks were not justified. “It was possible to carry out operations to cut off and encircle significant enemy groups, which would make the further conduct of the war easier,” Zhukov and other military leaders believed.

After the end of the Battle of Kursk, the English correspondent Alexander Werth visited the battlefields: “When I was driving... from Volchansk to Valuiki and further to Belgorod and Kharkov, I saw that the area north of Belgorod to Kharkov (where the Germans penetrated about 50 kilometers within Kursk ledge) turned into a gloomy desert - even all the trees and bushes here were swept away by artillery fire. The battlefield was still littered with hundreds of burnt out tanks and crashed planes, and even a few kilometers away the air was filled with the stench of thousands of half-buried corpses... In the distance on the hill under the blue summer sky one could see the ruins of churches, the remains of houses and lonely chimneys... There were ruins on the hill ruins of Mtsensk. Two old women and four cats are all the living creatures that Soviet soldiers found where the Germans withdrew on July 20.”

On August 23, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 77 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 106 enemy aircraft were shot down.

The commander of the 670th anti-aircraft artillery regiment, Pyotr Stepanovich Kandaurov, died in the liberation battles in Kharkov. Supporting the army's combat operations in January-August 1943, his unit destroyed 52 enemy aircraft. Hero of the Soviet Union P.S. Kandaurov became posthumous.

After the end of the Battle of Kursk, the entire diplomatic corps in the USSR was allowed to return to Moscow from Kuibyshev. The diplomatic corps and all foreign journalists were evacuated to Kuibyshev in October 1941, when the Germans stood near Moscow.

J. Stalin signed a directive from Headquarters to the commander of the Siberian Military District on the formation of the Stalinist Volunteer Rifle Corps of Siberians.

Residents of the village of Khvastovichi, Oryol region, liberated from the German invaders - A. Novikov, M. Sviridov and M. Novikova say: “Having occupied Khvastovichi in October 1941, the Germans staged widespread robberies. The soldiers went from house to house, taking bread, livestock and valuables. After registering the population, the commandant's office gave each resident a bandage with a number to wear on their left hand. Those detained on the street without a humiliating bandage were beaten and arrested by the Germans. The Nazi executioners drove women, children, and old people from surrounding villages to Khvastovichi and here they were tortured and executed. In the center of the village, near the dairy factory, the Germans built a gallows, on which more than 150 civilian Soviet citizens were hanged at different times. By order of the German commandant, Lieutenant Hoffmann, the Nazis shot a group of women in the forest near the Frolovsky highway. The children of these women were gathered by the monsters from the salon and shot with machine guns. German slave traders stole from the village. Khvastovichi and nearby villages, over 500 people were sent to German penal servitude. Before retreating, the Germans burned all the houses, blew up a school, a mill, a lumber mill, a hospital and a pioneer house.”

The growing fear of the Germans gave food to absolutely incredible rumors circulating in Germany in the summer of 1943. Some said that the Reich was preparing to use new super-missiles against England, others talked about the upcoming invasion of the British Isles by thousands of Japanese pilots. Continuous aerial bombings gave rise to bloodthirsty thoughts of revenge. The media vilified the Anglo-American bomber pilots as killers of helpless women and children, but when the plane was shot down and the pilots parachuted and were captured, they were treated like officers and gentlemen. The miners of one of the industrial areas of the Reich sang a ditty:

Dear Tommy, fly, fly.

But we miners are not afraid underground.

Fly straight to Berlin.

Those who shouted “Yes!” live there.

The last line referred to the hysterical enthusiasm with which Berliners greeted Goebbels' speech on total war on 18 February. The jokes that circulated throughout the Reich in 1943 smacked of gallows humor. He was so infectious that even employees of Goebbels' propaganda ministry secretly told each other jokes. Question: “What is the difference between Germany and India?” Answer: “In India, one starves for all.” Cynics even went so far as to call the North African city where German-Italian troops were defeated in the spring “Tunisgrad.” Another sick joke was about a man who was pulled out of the rubble 2 days after an air raid. His wife and son were killed, but he throws his injured right hand forward in a Nazi salute and shouts: “Heil Hitler! Danzig is German, and that’s the most important thing!” Another anecdote concerned another man whose house was destroyed during a raid and he was left practically naked, but due to endless bombings and shortages of consumer goods, he could not buy a suit and exclaimed indignantly: “And all this because of one thing, the only person!" The man is immediately grabbed and dragged to a Nazi court, where they ask who he meant? The man raises his head and looks at the judge in surprise: “Churchill. Who did you mean? Nazi bosses increasingly became the objects of popular humor: “20 years have passed since the end of the war. Goebbels sells newspapers on the streets, and Goering earns his living by selling medals and orders. A passerby stops and asks what they are doing; got to talking. Goebbels and Goering ask what his name is, and he says: “Don’t you recognize me? I am Lord Hess."

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Battle of Kursk. Full chronicle – 50 days and nights author Suldin Andrey Vasilievich

August 10, 1943 On this day, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 85 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 86 enemy aircraft were shot down.* * *The 11th Guards Army (I.Kh. Bagramyan) cleared Khotynets of the enemy. The advanced units of the army continued

From the book Siege of Leningrad. Full chronicle - 900 days and nights author Suldin Andrey Vasilievich

On August 11, 1943, the 1st Tank Army (M.E. Katukov) on the Voronezh Front resumed its offensive south of Bogodukhov. The tankers cut the Kharkov-Poltava railway and were immediately subjected to a counterattack by enemy tanks and infantry. The counterattack was repulsed. In the evening

From the author's book

On August 12, 1943, fighting began on the outer defensive perimeter of Kharkov, covered by the troops of the Steppe Front from the north and east. After powerful artillery and air preparation, Soviet troops attacked enemy positions.* * *In the Bryansk direction

From the author's book

On August 13, 1943, the troops of the Kalinin Front, which had been “silent” for more than a year and a half, went on the offensive in the Dukhshchinsky direction, but met fierce resistance from the Germans - even stronger than the troops of the Western Front that began the offensive on August 7 - and

From the author's book

August 14, 1943 In the Kharkov direction, our troops, overcoming resistance and counterattacks from enemy tanks and infantry, continued the offensive, occupying several settlements. * * *In the Bryansk direction, our troops fought northeast of the city of Karachev. IN

From the author's book

August 16, 1943 On the Voronezh Front, the 1st Tank Army (M.E. Katukov), the 5th Guards Tank Army (P.A. Rotmistrov) and the 6th Guards Army (I.M. Chistyakov) transferred to the Bogodukhov area repelled all enemy attacks. On August 16, the Germans were forced in this direction

From the author's book

On August 17, 1943, the Command of the Bryansk Front received from Headquarters the task of developing an offensive to the west, seizing the Desna crossing with mobile units, forcing it north-west and south of Bryansk and, having captured the Bryansk bridgehead, continue the attack on

From the author's book

On August 18, 1943, the Oryol operation ended (began on July 12): troops of the Bryansk and Central fronts liquidated the enemy’s Oryol bridgehead, defeated 15 enemy divisions and, having advanced to the west on a front of 400 km to a depth of 150 km, reached Bryansk, but were

From the author's book

August 19, 1943 Our troops continued their offensive in the Bryansk direction, liberating over 20 settlements.* * *In the Kharkov direction, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance and counterattacks, continued the offensive and, having advanced in some

From the author's book

On August 20, 1943, the Spas-Demen operation was completed: the troops of the Western Front advanced to a depth of 30–40 kilometers and reached the Terenino-Zimtsy-Malye Savki line.* * *Our troops in the Kharkov direction, overcoming enemy resistance and counterattacks,

From the author's book

August 1, 1943? The 60th anniversary was celebrated by the outstanding surgeon, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Lieutenant General of the Medical Service Iustin Ivlianovich (Yustin Yulianovich) Dzhanelidze (1883–1950), professor of the 1st Leningrad

From the author's book

August 11, 1943? The 20th anniversary was celebrated by the honorary citizen of St. Petersburg, honored coach of the Russian Federation in athletics, master of sports, international referee, academician of the Academy of Tourism, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bobrov, graduate of the Military Institute of Physical Education and Sports. IN

From the author's book

August 14, 1943? The director of the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician Abram Fedorovich Ioffe, signed order No. 86 for part of the LPTI staff that was evacuated in Kazan, on the creation of laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences (LIPAN) headed by Professor Igor

From the author's book

August 22, 1943? The Mginsk operation ended: the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts did not allow the enemy to restore the ring blockade around Leningrad, but they themselves were unable to advance, much less lift the blockade from the city. Air defense fighter

From the author's book

August 25, 1943? The 35th anniversary was celebrated by the Soviet naval commander, Admiral Alexander Evstafievich Orel (1908–1997), deputy head of the intelligence department of the Baltic Fleet headquarters, commander of a submarine formation. After the war, the admiral commanded the Red Banner Baltic

From the author's book

August 26, 1943? War participant Alexander Borisovich Chakovsky (1913–1994) celebrated his 30th birthday; he served as a military correspondent in front-line newspapers, and later became a famous prose writer, playwright, publicist and literary critic. Hero of Socialist Labor. Headed the magazine "Foreign

The Battle of Kursk occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights, from July 5 to August 23, 1943. This battle has no equal in its ferocity and tenacity of struggle.

The general plan of the German command was to encircle and destroy the troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts defending in the Kursk area. If successful, it was planned to expand the offensive front and regain the strategic initiative. To implement his plans, the enemy concentrated powerful strike forces, which numbered over 900 thousand people, about 10 thousand guns and mortars, up to 2,700 tanks and assault guns, and about 2,050 aircraft. Great hopes were placed on the latest Tiger and Panther tanks, Ferdinand assault guns, Focke-Wulf 190-A fighter planes and Heinkel 129 attack aircraft.

The Soviet command decided to first bleed the enemy's strike forces in defensive battles and then launch a counteroffensive. The battle that began immediately took on a grand scale and was extremely tense. Our troops did not flinch. They faced avalanches of enemy tanks and infantry with unprecedented tenacity and courage. The advance of enemy strike forces was suspended. Only at the cost of huge losses did he manage to wedge into our defenses in some areas. On the Central Front - 10-12 km, on Voronezh - up to 35 km. Hitler's Operation Citadel was finally buried by the largest oncoming tank battle of the entire Second World War near Pro-Khorovka. It happened on July 12. 1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns simultaneously participated in it on both sides. This battle was won by Soviet soldiers. The Nazis, having lost up to 400 tanks during the day of battle, were forced to abandon the offensive.

On July 12, the second stage of the Battle of Kursk began - the counteroffensive of Soviet troops. On August 5, Soviet troops liberated the cities of Orel and Belgorod. On the evening of August 5, in honor of this major success, a victorious salute was given in Moscow for the first time in two years of war. From that time on, artillery salutes constantly announced the glorious victories of the Soviet Union. On August 23, Kharkov was liberated. Thus the Battle of the Kursk Arc of Fire ended victoriously. During it, 30 selected enemy divisions were defeated. Nazi troops lost about 500 thousand people, 1,500 tanks, 3 thousand guns and 3,700 aircraft. For courage and heroism, over 100 thousand Soviet soldiers who took part in the Battle of the Arc of Fire were awarded orders and medals. The Battle of Kursk ended a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.

Tanks. Battle of Kursk

The Battle of Kursk, or Operation Citadel, became a turning point and occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights, from July 5 to August 23, 1943. This battle has no equal in its ferocity and tenacity of struggle. The battle, which took place more than sixty years ago, still attracts attention as the largest clash of tank armadas in the entire war. The defeat of Hitler's troops on the Kursk Bulge and the subsequent withdrawal of Soviet troops to the Dnieper completed a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War.


Preparations for war - from the late 20s.

BUT by 1941 the USSR was not ready for war.

The Nazis have the military potential of all of Europe;

Repression of command personnel in the USSR.

The element of surprise is also associated with Stalin’s trust in Hitler’s promises after August 23, 1939

Germany occupied: France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Greece, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland.

Pro-German regimes: Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania.

Germany's allies: Italy, Japan. Türkiye.

Plan Barbarossa

The lightning war and the defeat of the USSR army in the summer campaign of 1941.

Directions: “North” - to Leningrad (commanded by General von Leeba), “Center” - to Moscow (von Brauchitsch) and “South” - to Odessa and Kyiv, in addition - Group “Norway” was supposed to control the situation in the North Sea . The main direction is “Center” - to Moscow

By the summer of 1941, on the border of the USSR from the Barents to the Black Seas -
5.5 million soldiers (Germany + allies + satellites).

USSR: 4 military districts. 2.9 million people

Far East, South – 1.5 million people. (invasion by Turkey and Japan is expected).

WWII periods


The first days of the war

On the eve of the war, Stalin repeatedly received intelligence about an impending attack, but refused to believe it. Only at midnight on June 21, a series of orders were given to put troops on combat readiness - and this was not enough to deploy a multi-echelon defense.

June 22, 1941- powerful attacks by the air and mechanized armies of Germany. “On June 22, at exactly 4 o’clock, Kyiv was bombed, they announced to us that the war had begun...” (from a song of those years)

66 airfields were bombed. 1200 aircraft destroyed - German air supremacy until the summer of 1943.

June 23, 1941– Headquarters of the Main Command (Headquarters of the Supreme High Command). The head is Stalin.

June 30, 1941– State Defense Committee (GKO). Chairman - Stalin. The entirety of state, party, and military power.

Retreats of the Red Army in the first month of the war

In the first month of the war, the following were abandoned: the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, most of Ukraine. Losses - 1,000,000 soldiers, 724 thousand prisoners.

3 main failures of the first months of the war:

1) Smolensk defeat

The Nazis: to take possession of the “gates of Moscow” - Smolensk.

Þ Almost all the armies of the Western Front were defeated.

USSR Command: accused a large group of generals of treason, the head of which was the commander of the Western Front, Colonel General D.G. Pavlov. Trial, execution.

The Barbarossa plan cracked: the capital was not captured in mid-July.

2) South-West Russia and Kyiv

Þ 5 armies surrounded.

500,000 dead, together with the commander of the Southwestern Front, Lieutenant General M.D. Kipronos.

Kyiv was taken Þ strengthening the positions of the Nazis Þ breaking through the defense in the Moscow direction.

August 1941- the beginning of the siege of Leningrad.

August 16, 1941– order No. 270. All who are in captivity are traitors and traitors. The families of captured commanders and political workers are repressed, the families of soldiers are deprived of benefits.

3) in the Moscow direction in October-November 1941, 5 armies were surrounded and thereby opened the way for the Nazis to Moscow


The plan to take Moscow from Hitler is “Typhoon”. On September 30, he spoke on the radio (“Not a single Moscow resident, be it a woman, an old man or a child, should leave the city...”) According to plan:

Army Group Center sweeps away Soviet defenses and captures the capital before winter sets in. In the convoy there was pink granite for the monument to the victorious German soldier on the site of the destroyed Moscow (later it was used on Gorky Street - now Tverskaya - for cladding buildings, including the Post Office).

Early October - the Nazis approaching Moscow. Stalin urgently summoned Zhukov from Leningrad

October 16 - day of general panic in Moscow, valuables are taken away, including the State Tretyakov Gallery (paintings)

November 6 – meeting of the Moscow City Council at the Mayakovskaya metro station. Stalin spoke. "Victory will be ours!" It has been decided that there will be a parade on November 8th!

November 8 – parade, from Red Square soldiers and militias (25 divisions) went straight to the front along the street. Gorky and to Voikovskaya, there is a front line

By the end of November 1941.– Germans at a distance of 25-30 km. from Moscow.

The Dubosekovo patrol - 28 Panfilov heroes (commanded by Panfilov), political instructor Klochkov: “Velmka Russia, but there is nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind us!”

3 fronts:

United Western - direct defense of Moscow (G.M. Zhukov);

Kalininsky (I.S. Konev);

South-Western (S.K. Timoshenko).

5 armies of the Western and Reserve Fronts are in the “cauldron”.

600,000 people – surrounded (every 2nd).

Moscow, Tula, and a significant part of the Kalinin region were liberated.

Losses during the counteroffensive:

USSR – 600,000 people.

Germany: 100,000-150,000 people.

Near Moscow - the first major defeat since 1939.

The blitzkrieg plan failed.

With the victory in the Battle of Moscow, there was a radical turn (but not yet a turning point!) in the course of the war in favor of the USSR.

The enemy - to the strategy of a protracted war.

By the winter of 1941: losses - 5,000,000 people.

2 million were killed, 3 million were captured.

Counteroffensive - until April 1942

Successes are fragile, soon there will be major losses.

Unsuccessful attempt to break the siege of Leningrad (set in August 1941)

The 2nd Shock Army of the Volkhov Front was defeated, the command and head - A.A. Vlasov - were captured.

Fascists: defeat in the Battle of Moscow; it is impossible to launch an offensive along the entire Eastern Front; attacks on the south.

Stalin: waiting for a second attack on Moscow, despite intelligence reports. The main forces are near Moscow.

Order to launch a series of diversionary strikes in the south (Crimea, Kharkov). Against - the head of the General Staff B.M. Shaposhnikov - a complete failure.

Dispersion of forces Þ failure.

May 1942- in the Kharkov direction, the Germans surrounded 3 armies of the Southwestern Front. 240 thousand prisoners.

May 1942- defeat of the Kerch operation. »150 thousand prisoners in Crimea. After 250 days of siege, Sevastopol was surrendered.

June 1942 – Nazi advance towards Stalingrad

July 28, 1942 - “Order No. 227” - Stalin - “Not a step back, Under no circumstances should the city be surrendered” - that’s why countless of our people died...

Retreat without command orders is a betrayal of the Motherland.

Penal battalions (for commanders and political workers)

Fines (for sergeants and privates).

Barrier detachments behind the backs of the combatants. They have the right to shoot retreating people on the spot.

end of August– occupied Abgonerovo (the last settlement near Stalingrad)

Simultaneously: August 1942- a group of fascists in the Caucasus.

beginning of September- occupied the embankment, the square in front of the department store... Fighting for every street, for every house

end of September– battles for height 102 (“Mamaev Kurgan” - now there is a monument to the motherland)

Autumn 1942 - 80 million people. in the occupied territory.

Þ the country has lost

Human Resources;

Largest industrial areas;

Giant agricultural areas.

The brunt of the siege fell on the 62nd Army under the command of General Chuikov. Capture of Stalngrad = cutting of the Volga transport artery, through which bread and oil are delivered.

The Great Patriotic War.
The period of radical change.
(November 19, 1942 – end of 1943)

Fundamental change = transition from defense to strategic offensive.

Battle of Stalingrad

Frontier - Battle of Stalingrad.

November 19, 1942- Southwestern Front (N.F. Vatutin), Don Front (K.K. Rokossovsky), Stalingrad Front (A.I. Eremenko).

They surrounded 22 enemy divisions, 330 thousand people.

December 1942 - attempt to break through the encirclement from the Middle Don (Italian-German troops). Failure.

The final stage of the counteroffensive:

The troops of the Don Front carried out an operation to eliminate the encircled enemy group.

The command of the 6th German Army surrendered. F. Paulus (came to our side and subsequently began to live in the GDR, was Chairman of the German Peace Committee).

During the Battle of Stalingrad:

Nazi losses - 1.5 million people, ¼ of all forces.

Losses of the Red Army - 2 million people.

The final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad ® general offensive of Soviet troops.

January 1943- successful breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad south of Lake Ladoga. The corridor is 8-11 km. “The Road of Life” on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Connection with the whole country.

The Battle of Kursk (Orel-Belgorod) is the final stage of the turning point.

Germany: they planned to carry out a major offensive operation (“Citadel”) in the Kursk region in the summer of 1943. Here, at our Headquarters, the operation was called “Suvorov\Kutuzov”, since its goal was the liberation of 2 cities (Orel and Kursk) “The war brought us to Kursk and Orel, to the very enemy gates, such, brother, are things...”

They wanted to destroy the entire southern wing.

50 divisions, 16 tank and motorized. "Tiger", "Panther".

THE USSR: 40% of combined arms formations. Slight superiority in troops.

Central Front (K.K. Rokossovsky);

Voronezh Front (N.F. Vatutin);

Steppe Front (I.S. Konev) and other fronts.

First stage

The Germans are on the offensive. Up to 35 km deep.

The largest oncoming tank battle of the 2nd World War.

1200 tanks on both sides. Russian victory

Second phase

The main enemy groups have been defeated.

August 5, 1943- Belgorod and Orel were liberated, the first artillery salute in Moscow.

Liberation of Kharkov = completion of the Battle of Kursk.

30 enemy divisions were defeated, losses were 500,000 people.

Þ Hitler was unable to transfer a single division from the Eastern Front to Italy, where a political revolution took place;

Þ activation of the Resistance movement in Europe.

Þ the collapse of the theory of “General Frost” - that is, weather conditions (winter, terrible frosts that were typical for 1941-1942), which allegedly contributed to the hardiness of the Russians. Battle of Kursk - the first summer battle

Counteroffensive near Kursk ® strategic offensive of the spacecraft along the entire front.

Soviet troops - to the West, 300-600 km.

Left Bank Ukraine and Donbass have been liberated, and bridgeheads in Crimea have been captured.

Crossing of the Dnieper.

Þ end of the battle for the Dnieper.

Hitler's Germany - to strategic defense.

The Great Patriotic War
The period of liberation of the USSR
and the defeat of Nazi Germany

The successful actions of the Soviet army in 1944 in “Stalinist” historiography were associated with the “commanderial genius” of this “father of nations.” Hence the term “Stalin’s 10 strikes of 1944.” Indeed, the SA offensive in 1944 was characterized by 10 major operations, and the overall strategy was a constant change in the direction of the main attack (which did not allow the Germans to concentrate forces in any one direction)

Leningrad (L.A. Govorov) and Volkhov (K.A. Meretskov) front. Liberation of the Leningrad and Novgorod regions.

The 1st Ukrainian (N.F. Vatutin) and 2nd Ukrainian (I.S. Konev) fronts surrounded the Korsun-Shevchenko group. The central event of this “blow” was the restoration of the Soviet border: March 26, 1944– troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front – on the border with Romania.

3. Beginning of May 1944– liberation of Crimea = completion of the autumn-winter offensive.

4. June-August 1944- liberation of Karelia. Finland withdrew from the war and broke off relations with Germany

5. Operation "Bagration" = liberation of Belarus., general direction - Minsk-Warsaw-Berlin. June 23 – August 17, 1944 Three Ukrainian Fronts (Rokossovsky, G.F. Zakharov, I.D. Chernyakhovsky), 1st Baltic Front (I.Kh. Bagramyan).

6. July-August 1944– liberation of Western Ukraine. Lviv-Sandomierz operation Late August 1944– offensive Stopped in the foothills of the Carpathians by the strengthened and fierce resistance of the Nazis.

7. August 1944– Iasi-Kishinev operation. 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts. Moldova and Romania were liberated, 22 divisions of Army Group “Southern Ukraine” were destroyed. Romania, Bulgaria - overthrow of pro-fascist governments. These countries declared war on Germany.

8. September 1944- from Moldova and Romania - to help the Yugoslav partisans. Josip Broz Tito

10. October 1944– Northern Fleet + Northern Front: liberation of the Soviet Arctic, expulsion of the enemy from the Murmansk region. The northeastern regions of Norway have been cleared of the enemy.

The birthday number “3” reveals its character faster than all other numbers. You have a keen and intuitive mind, with the ability to absorb knowledge quickly and easily, often at a very early age.

You are a talented person, capable, but alone you will not be able to fully use your talent, since you will choose easier ways and means to achieve your goal.
You like to adapt to everything that promises immediate benefit. You prefer to take life as such not so seriously.

Three is the number of trinity. Number three people are energetic, talented, disciplined, which almost always allows them to achieve great success in their chosen fields of activity. As a rule, they are never satisfied with little. By nature they are very proud and independent, they like to control the situation, command and order. They have the best relationships with those whose number is 3, 6 or 9.

Lucky day for number 3 is Tuesday.

Your planet is Mars.


You need interesting people, an easy, pleasant environment, constant entertainment, the opportunity to live today and not in the future. With the right start, you will go far, because you do not doubt your abilities and are competent in your work. However, natural impatience, the desire for easy activities, as well as temporary quick success in it, can prevent you from moving to another path, with higher opportunities, where long-term planning is assumed.

Talent, art, helping others.
Three calls to be attractive to the other sex, sometimes aggressive, but always bright, brilliant, happy and successful. Patronizes students, military personnel, surgeons and adventurers.

Love and sex:

Such people are most often attracted to charming members of the opposite sex. They have great potential to attract people with an exciting sexual aura.
But a stable family requires much more than just charm. Therefore they must rely on knowledge of human nature. In their youth, many people have illusions about marriage. It seems to them that everything will automatically change for the better, but after the romance of the first months, bitter disappointment may come.

The only guarantee of the strength of a marriage is the community of interests of the partners, as well as joint participation in social activities. At the same time, love and respect increase.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 3 for a woman An interesting, active woman, you won’t get bored with her, and at the same time she is quite reasonable. She charms men with her charm and independent behavior. She attracts mobility and intelligence. She is sincere and sensual, self-confident to the point of narcissism. Filled with optimism, hopes and desires. She needs to feel free and be the center of attention. Only then can she develop a strong and harmonious relationship with her partner, which she so needs. Intuitively knows what he wants and usually gets it. She values ​​friendship and devotion; sex for her is a game and entertainment. First of all, strive to satisfy your own needs. She is focused on the future and does not tolerate mention of old relationships. You need to communicate with her carefully. She needs romantic adventures and intellectual communication. Her feelings are changeable, she gets tired of deep relationships. Even when she is in love, she can flirt with other men. Impulsive, and not afraid to break up with her partner. Stays young for a long time. A partner can be happy with her because she herself strives to be happy. She should listen to the opinion of her partner, take into account his tastes and desires.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 3 for a man A sociable, active man, is popular and can have several relationships at the same time. Always ready for fun, adventure, risky ventures; the soul of any company, but he is often not taken seriously. He is characterized by inspiration and aspiration for the future. He cannot stand boredom and possessiveness. He needs to feel easy and at ease. At the first meeting, he strives to make the best impression. In a woman, he is more attracted to charm than beautiful appearance. Often he chooses a woman based on the first impression, and later realizes that this is far from ideal. He enjoys the process of the relationship more than the result. When he is in love, he is focused on the object of his passion. Immersed in dreams and daydreams. Spiritual closeness, intellectual communication, and coincidence of interests are important to him. Does not tolerate restrictions on freedom. You cannot seduce him with comfort and tranquility. Prone to irresponsibility. An equally sociable woman would suit him. Perhaps his chosen one will have an independent character and attractive appearance.

Birth number 23

They want everything to be according to their wishes, but they lack the strength of character to insist on this; they act with brute force, coping only with the weaker. Tricky. If they are surrounded by stronger people, they are depressed. They are sensitive and proud, they do not like to be obligated to anyone. They want to be “even” in everything. They try to seem above conventions, but any deviation from the norms is associated with ambition, and not with courage.

They strive for dominance. They are possessive towards their friends, but do not like the same attitude towards themselves. Good marriages with people of the same temperament, but willing to submit to them. In marriage they want to be liberal, but in reality they are owners. Sexually strong, they desire a strong partner, but do not worry about his absence. In general, they are not demanding lovers.

They consider themselves to be right in everything. It's difficult with them. With patience, you can teach them and force them to accept other points of view. They will not be sold for money, but at the sight of money their eyes will become clouded.
There may be mental disorders, joint pain.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 1

Energy, charisma - 2

Cognition, creativity - 4

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 0

Hard work, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 0

Call of Duty 2

Memory, mind - 1

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 7

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 2

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 3

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 2

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 4

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 6

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 2

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 4

Chinese zodiac sign Goat

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Goat elements Water of the year Yin

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth corresponds to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth; it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Virgo

Dates: 2013-08-23 -2013-09-23

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.
The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and a bright, lively imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they do not have utopian ideas like the signs of Fire, but they stubbornly pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.
People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to a new type of activity or relationship. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.
People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, and can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutable cross is the cross of reason, connection, adaptation, distribution. The main quality is the transformation of ideas. He is always here and now, that is, in the present. It gives mobility, flexibility, adaptability, flexibility, duality. People in whose horoscopes the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in mutable signs have diplomatic abilities. They have a flexible mind and subtle intuition. They are usually very careful, prudent, vigilant and constantly in a state of anticipation, which helps them adapt to any situation. The main thing for them is to have information. When they feel not very competent or informed in any matter, they are excellent at dodging and dodging everyone and everything, although they are considered the most knowledgeable of the entire Zodiac. They are sociable, courteous, talkative, and interesting conversationalists. They easily and skillfully give up positions, admit their mistakes and blunders, and agree with their opponents and interlocutors. People with a mutable cross strive for internal harmony, agreement, mediation and cooperation, but are subject to strong internal anxiety and outside influence. Their greatest passion is curiosity, which forces them to be in constant motion. Their views and worldview are rather unstable and depend on the environment. They often lack their own point of view. This partly explains the reasons for their imbalance and inconstancy, the changes in their lives. The true goals and plans of these people are difficult to predict, but they almost accurately guess the plans of others. They take advantage of every opportunity that can bring them benefit or profit, and skillfully manage to circumvent the blows of fate. People with a mutable cross are born realists. To achieve their goal, they use numerous friends, acquaintances, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, even strangers. Life crises are easily experienced and quickly forgotten. If there is no direct path to a life goal, then they will take a circuitous path, thinking through every step, avoiding all visible sharp corners, avoiding all pitfalls. What helps them is their natural cunning and slyness, flattery and deception, and ability to deceive. Mutable signs will help out of any abnormal, unusual situation; such a situation will not make them nervous, they will only feel their element, in which they can finally act. At the same time, their psyche and nervous system are very unstable. Serious obstacles can quickly incapacitate them, unsettle them and delay the achievement of their goals. In this case, they do not resist, but go with the flow.

Virgo is the sign of the element of Earth, which here gives stability, strength and fundamentality. Its main formative planets are Proserpina and Mercury. The element Earth in Virgo is very static, so Virgos can be characterized by extreme conservatism, strong rationalism, scrupulousness and pedantry. From Mercury, Virgos have prudence and perception of everything through the mental plane. Virgos are capable of remembering very large amounts of information and can process and analyze this information almost accurately. However, sometimes they lack creative initiative and intuition, that is, those main qualities that are necessary for creative synthesis.

Virgo, as a rule, is an excellent analyst, but their synthesis is usually rather weak, so among Virgos you can find many experimental scientists and picky researchers who delve into details and build their system from small facts (For example, Butlerov, Rutherfod, Galvani, Faraday , Darwin). Among the Virgos we also find compilers of dictionaries - Brockhaus, Vladimir Dal. There are also Virgo writers, very gifted and who created monumental works - Goethe, L. Tolstoy.
Born under the sign of Virgo, you can be a philosopher, as you have a fairly strong mentality. In general, you study well and perceive any information. You can achieve great heights with hard work and consistency. For you, perhaps harmony consists of many small details and individual components, that is, harmony for you consists of little things. Therefore, you can be a good statistician, accountant or librarian.

In the case of low spiritual development, in the worst case, qualities such as coldness and rationality may appear. An example of a strong Virgo logician is Hegel, whose iron logic to some extent compensated for his low abilities for synthesis. At worst, you can be a dry pedant, but still with some creativity.
Among Virgos we also find people with a “small man” complex. They are very efficient and honest, they never get into trouble and do not conflict with their environment. Gogol loved and described such people very much. Your worst traits in the case of a low level are service and servility shown in communication and at the same time strong self-interest, which you may be guided by.

In the case of the average level, Virgos are most often selfless. Some tediousness and pedantry are characteristic of you in any case, even at the highest level of development. At the highest level, you are full of information and are a living walking dictionary, very erudite. It’s better not to argue with you - you can crush them with your erudition. In general, you probably love it when people admire your intelligence and abilities, and work for you is probably the most important thing in life.
Your innermost essence and development system is analysis, and you develop through the analysis of everything. You build your system from small details, and in its highest manifestations, realizing the vibrations and qualities of Proserpina, you build a kind of supersystem, which is sometimes understandable only to you alone, that is, it is ahead of its time. Your main problem is the problem of “taming” your talkativeness, as well as the possibility of directly expressing your feelings. As a rule, you have a Venus complex - love is given to you with great difficulty, because you perceive feelings and emotions mentally, through the mind. This may cause you to experience coldness in love, coldness in general, tightness and complexes. You sometimes suffer in your personal life or your family life does not work out very well, you may well be a bachelor or an old maid.

When raising children with the Sun in Virgo, special attention must be paid to aesthetics, because in the worst case, the lack of Venusian qualities can lead to the fact that they go to the other extreme: from coldness to complete debauchery. Virgos begin to explore love from a mental point of view, becoming cold experimenters in love and sex. For example, you can choose your partner by zodiac sign, by degree, by decade and experiment with what and how it will turn out, that is, you follow a harsh practical path.
Your karmic task is to do the most difficult and difficult work on earth, the most thankless work that all other signs of the Zodiac provide it with. Therefore, you can work in hospitals: as a nurse, a nurse, a surgeon, where there is a lot of sewage and dirt - you tolerate everything easily, you are not squeamish. You belong to a very responsible, serious and high zodiac sign.
Among the countries under the sign of Virgo are Germany, primarily Prussia, where pedantry, accuracy and precision were very high. Japan is also the country of Virgo, where details are developed very precisely and in detail, unique instruments are created, very small and precise.
Among the Virgos was Tomaso Campanella, a man with amazing powers of regeneration.

Famous Virgos: Arafat, Botkin, Gaft, Galvani, Hegel, Goethe, Gere, Gamzatov, Humboldt, Gundareva, Helmholtz, Garbo, O'Henry, Ivan the Terrible, Dolina, Doronina, Jackson, Dovlatov, Dzerzhinsky, Dvorak, Jean-Michel Jarre , Zemfira, Sean Connery, Kobzon, Kuprin, Cooper, Christie, Kutuzov, Karelin, Copperfield, Kostolevsky, Kosmodemyanskaya, Leonov, Mercury, Mother Teresa, Lauren, Lagerfeld, Lem, Levitan, Mitkova, Montoya, Proklova, Pinkerton, Ranevskaya, Rosenbaum , Reeves, Rutherfod, Rodnina, Rutskoy, Rourke, Richelieu, Spivakov, L. Tolstoy, A. Tolstoy, Terekhova, Wells, Farmer, Faraday, Zeiss, Schiffer, Ingres, Yablochkov.

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Virgo | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the relevant websites.

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