Quantum theory. Father of Quantum Mechanics Father of Quantum Physics

Father of Quantum Mechanics

First letter "b"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "r"

The last letter of the letter is "n"

Answer for the clue "Father of quantum mechanics", 4 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word born

Max (1882-1970) German theoretical physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Nobel Prize 1954

Former CIA operative played by Matt Damon in a number of films

German theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner (1954), creator of quantum mechanics

German theoretical physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics (1882-1970, Nobel Prize 1954)

Definition of the word born in dictionaries

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Born is a surname. Famous media: Born, Adolf (1930-2016) - Czech illustrator and cartoonist, director of animated films. Born, Bertrand de (1140-1215) - medieval poet. Bourne, B.H. (1932 - 2013) - American amateur basketball player....

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
BORN Max (1882-1970) German theoretical physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics, foreign corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1924) and honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1934). Since 1933 in Great Britain, since 1953 in Germany. Gave a statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics....

Examples of the use of the word born in literature.

When Born was a child, he was smarter, livelier than his friends, and knew how to take advantage of every opportunity to prove it.

The time for hunting has not yet come, and Born came out of his hiding place, sighed heavily and laid out everything that could attract this animal, but then the sound of a crunching branch was heard again.

But Born could prevent the attack of a terrible creature, turn it into nothing - into a heavy meat carcass.

If Born If he doesn’t guess correctly, he will fire an unnecessary shot and waste time.

Saying goodbye to the flowers, Born and Ruuma-Huma walked along the steep road to the House.

Did you know, What is the falsity of the concept of “physical vacuum”?

Physical vacuum - the concept of relativistic quantum physics, by which they mean the lowest (ground) energy state of a quantized field, which has zero momentum, angular momentum and other quantum numbers. Relativistic theorists call a physical vacuum a space completely devoid of matter, filled with an unmeasurable, and therefore only imaginary, field. Such a state, according to relativists, is not an absolute void, but a space filled with some phantom (virtual) particles. Relativistic quantum field theory states that, in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, virtual, that is, apparent (apparent to whom?), particles are constantly born and disappeared in the physical vacuum: so-called zero-point field oscillations occur. Virtual particles of the physical vacuum, and therefore itself, by definition, do not have a reference system, since otherwise Einstein’s principle of relativity, on which the theory of relativity is based, would be violated (that is, an absolute measurement system with reference to the particles of the physical vacuum would become possible, which in turn would clearly refute the principle of relativity on which the SRT is based). Thus, the physical vacuum and its particles are not elements of the physical world, but only elements of the theory of relativity, which do not exist in the real world, but only in relativistic formulas, while violating the principle of causality (they appear and disappear without cause), the principle of objectivity (virtual particles can be considered, depending on the desire of the theorist, either existing or non-existent), the principle of factual measurability (not observable, do not have their own ISO).

When one or another physicist uses the concept of “physical vacuum,” he either does not understand the absurdity of this term, or is disingenuous, being a hidden or overt adherent of relativistic ideology.

The easiest way to understand the absurdity of this concept is to turn to the origins of its occurrence. It was born by Paul Dirac in the 1930s, when it became clear that denying the ether in its pure form, as was done by a great mathematician but a mediocre physicist, was no longer possible. There are too many facts that contradict this.

To defend relativism, Paul Dirac introduced the aphysical and illogical concept of negative energy, and then the existence of a “sea” of two energies compensating each other in a vacuum - positive and negative, as well as a “sea” of particles compensating each other - virtual (that is, apparent) electrons and positrons in a vacuum.

The ability of human consciousness to influence physical reality is recognized in various fields. For example, the effectiveness of placebo treatments has proven to be a challenge to modern conventional medicine.

Dr. Robert Yang served as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Princeton University. For decades he studied the influence of human thought on mechanical devices. In his book The Limits of Reality, he discusses questions raised by Max Planck, Erwin Schrödinger and other influential scientists - questions of human consciousness.

Jahn, Planck and Schrödinger are not the only scientists who have raised the issue of the role of human consciousness in science. Scientists must solve the mystery of consciousness; this will be a huge leap forward. Here are eight scientists' views on the mind.

1. Max Planck, father of quantum mechanics

Planck is considered one of the founders of quantum mechanics. In 1918, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics “in recognition of the services he rendered to the development of physics by his discovery of energy quanta,” according to the Nobel Prize website.

In A Study in Physical Theory, Planck wrote: “All the ideas which we form under the influence of the external world are but reflections of our own perceptions. Are we capable of becoming truly independent of our self-awareness? Aren’t all the so-called laws of nature just convenient rules created by our perception?”

2. Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel Prize laureate in physics

Erwin Schrödinger is a physicist and theoretical biologist. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 “for his discovery of new and productive forms of atomic theory.”

Schrödinger said: “Consciousness is the thing that allowed the world to materialize; the world consists of elements of consciousness.”

3. Robert J. Yang, Dean of Engineering, Princeton University

Professor of Aeronautics and Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University, Dr. Robert J. Yang has been studying the paranormal for 30 years.

In The Edges of Reality, Yang writes that the study of consciousness can begin by measuring consciousness in statistical form. He conducted many experiments studying the ability of the mind to influence instruments. One of his experiments was as follows.

The random number generator creates bits that represent 1 or 0. Participants in the experiment mentally tried to influence the generator. If the experience showed changes in accordance with the intention of man, this meant that the will of man actually influenced the machine. Thus, human intention took on a measurable binary form. After conducting a large number of tests, Ian obtained results on the basis of which reliable statistics could be generated.

However, he notes: “Because any statistical format is itself a product of consciousness, the limitations and precision of the statistical compilation must be articulated and well understood.”

4. David Chalmers, cognitive scientist and philosopher at New York University

Chalmers is Professor of Philosophy and Director of Consciousness Research at the Australian National University and New York University.

In a TED Talk earlier this year, he said that science had reached a dead end in the study of consciousness, and moving forward "may require radical ideas." “I think we need one or two ideas that will look crazy at first glance.”

In the past, physics was forced to include new concepts, such as electromagnetism, that could not be explained using basic principles. Chalmers believes that consciousness could be another such new component.

“Physics is surprisingly abstract,” he says. “It describes the structure of reality using many equations, but they do not explain the reality behind them.” He cites the question asked by Stephen Hawking: “What gives life to equations?”

Perhaps it is consciousness that could fill the equations with life, Chalmers believes. The equations will not change, but we will begin to perceive them as a means of expressing the flow of consciousness.

“Consciousness does not hang outside the physical world, like some kind of addition, it is at its very center,” he said.

5. Imants Barušs, psychologist, member of the Society for the Study of Consciousness

Dr. Imants Barušs is a professor of psychology at the University of Eastern Ontario in Canada who studies consciousness. In addition to psychology, he studied engineering and received a master's degree in mathematics.

At a meeting dedicated to the opening of the Society for Research in Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies on May 31, Baruss gave a presentation in which he presented his views on the study of consciousness and explained why he supports such research.

He emphasized the importance of this kind of research and even changing the system of beliefs, saying that materialist science in its pure form leads to psychological problems among young people. Many depressed teens who self-harm do not have psychiatric symptoms, Baruss writes, citing a TorontoStar article, “Psychiatrists Say Suicide Rise in Teens.” “Instead, they experience an existential crisis, filled with thoughts such as ‘I am empty’, ‘I don’t know who I am’, ‘I have no future’, ‘I don’t know how to deal with my negative thoughts’.”

Baruss writes: “Scientific materialism convinces us that reality is a meaningless, random, mechanistic combination of incredible events.”

He gave some examples that have already cast doubt on the materialist interpretation of reality: quantum events are not determined; time is no longer linear because the effect can precede the cause; particles change their position depending on whether someone is observing or measuring them.

At the end he adds: “Materialism cannot explain the sense of existence that people feel.”

The scientist hopes that the Society for Consciousness Research will support open study. Together, scientists interested in this topic will be able to find funding and support those scientists who face negative reactions from colleagues or management.

6. William Tiller, professor at Stanford University

Tiller is a fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science and a professor of materials science at Stanford University.

Tiller discovered a new kind of matter in the empty space between the fundamental electrically charged particles that form atoms and molecules. This matter is usually invisible to us and is not recorded by our measuring instruments.

He discovered that human intention can influence this matter, causing it to come into contact with substances that we can observe or measure.

Thus, consciousness is capable of interacting with forces that cannot currently be measured using existing instruments.

7. Bernard Bateman, psychiatrist, University of Virginia

D-. Bateman is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chairman of the department of psychiatry at the University of Missouri. He graduated from Yale Medical School and completed his training in psychiatry at Stanford.

In a 2011 report, Bateman wrote: “One of the biggest problems in developing a new discipline is that coincidences depend on the mind of the observer. The most important question is: how to develop methods and technical language that take into account the subjective factor.”

8. Henry P Stapp, physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, University of California at Berkeley

Stapp is a theoretical physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, California, who worked with some of the founders of quantum mechanics.

In a talk entitled “The Compatibility of Modern Physics with Personal Survival,” Stapp examines how the mind can exist independently of the brain.

Scientists physically manipulate quantum systems when choosing which property to study. In exactly the same way, an observer can record selected brain activity that would otherwise be short-lived. “This suggests,” says Stapp, “that the mind and the brain are not the same thing.”

In his view, scientists should view "the physical effect of consciousness as a problem to be solved in dynamic ways."

August 1 2 marks the 126th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding physicist, one of the “fathers” of quantum mechanics Erwin Schrödinger. For several decades now, the “Schrödinger equation” has been one of the basic concepts of atomic physics. It is worth noting that it was not the equation that brought Schrödinger real fame, but the thought experiment he invented with the frankly unphysical name “Schrodinger’s Cat.” The cat, a macroscopic object that cannot be both alive and dead, personified Schrödinger's disagreement with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (and personally with Niels Bohr).

Biography pages

Erwin Schrödinger was born in Vienna; his father, the owner of an oilcloth factory, was both a respected amateur scientist and served as president of the Vienna Botanical-Zoological Society. Schrödinger's maternal grandfather was Alexander Bauer, a famous chemist.

After graduating from the prestigious Academic Gymnasium in 1906 (focused primarily on the study of Latin and Greek), Schrödinger entered the University of Vienna. Schrödinger's biographers note that the study of ancient languages, contributing to the development of logic and analytical abilities, helped Schrödinger easily master university courses in physics and mathematics. Fluent in Latin and Ancient Greek, he read the great works of world literature in the original language, while his English was practically fluent, and, in addition, he spoke French, Spanish and Italian.

His first scientific research was in the field of experimental physics. Thus, in his graduate work, Schrödinger studied the effect of humidity on the electrical conductivity of glass, ebonite and amber. After graduating from the university, Schrödinger served in the army for a year, after which he began working at his alma mater as an assistant in the physics workshop. In 1913, Schrödinger studied atmospheric radioactivity and atmospheric electricity. For these studies, the Austrian Academy of Sciences would award him the Heitinger Prize seven years later.

In 1921, Schrödinger became a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich, where he created the wave mechanics that made him famous. In 1927, Schrödinger accepted the offer to head the department of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin (after the retirement of Max Planck, who headed the department). Berlin in the 1920s was the intellectual center of world physics, a status it irrevocably lost after the Nazis came to power in 1933. The anti-Semitic laws passed by the Nazis did not affect either Schrödinger himself or his family members. However, he leaves Germany, formally linking his departure from the German capital with going on sabbatical. However, the implications of Professor Schrödinger’s “sabbatical” for the authorities were obvious. He himself commented on his departure extremely succinctly: “I can’t stand it when people pester me about politics.”

In October 1933, Schrödinger began working at Oxford University. In the same year, he and Paul Dirac were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1933 “in recognition of their services in the development and development of new and fruitful formulations of atomic theory.” A year before the outbreak of World War II, Schrödinger accepts the offer of the Prime Minister of Ireland to move to Dublin. De Valera, the head of the Irish government and a mathematician by training, organizes the Institute of Higher Studies in Dublin, and Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger becomes one of its first employees.

Schrödinger left Dublin only in 1956. After the withdrawal of the occupation forces from Austria and the conclusion of the State Treaty, he returned to Vienna, where he was given a personal position as a professor at the University of Vienna. In 1957 he retired and lived in his home in Tyrol. Erwin Schrödinger died on January 4, 1961.

Wave mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger

Back in 1913 - Schrödinger was then studying the radioactivity of the Earth's atmosphere - the Philosophical Magazine published a series of articles by Niels Bohr "On the structure of the atom and molecules." It was in these articles that the theory of the hydrogen-like atom, based on the famous “Bohr postulates,” was presented. According to one postulate, the atom radiated energy only when transitioning between stationary states; according to another postulate, an electron in a stationary orbit did not emit energy. Bohr's postulates contradicted the basic principles of Maxwell's electrodynamics. Being a staunch supporter of classical physics, Schrödinger was very wary of Bohr's ideas, noting, in particular: “I cannot imagine that an electron jumps like a flea.”

Schrödinger was helped to find his own path in quantum physics by the French physicist Louis de Broglie, in whose dissertation in 1924 the idea of ​​the wave nature of matter was first formulated. According to this idea, praised by Albert Einstein himself, every material object can be characterized by a specific wavelength. In a series of papers by Schrödinger published in 1926, de Broglie's ideas were used to develop wave mechanics, which was based on the "Schrodinger equation" - a second-order differential equation written for the so-called "wave function". Quantum physicists thus received the opportunity to solve problems of interest to them in the language of differential equations familiar to them. At the same time, serious differences emerged between Schrödinger and Bohr regarding the interpretation of the wave function. A supporter of clarity, Schrödinger believed that the wave function describes the wave-like propagation of the negative electric charge of an electron. The position of Bohr and his supporters was presented by Max Born with his statistical interpretation of the wave function. According to Born, the square of the modulus of the wave function determined the probability that the microparticle described by this function is located at a given point in space. It was this view of the wave function that became part of the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (remember that Niels Bohr lived and worked in Copenhagen). The Copenhagen interpretation considered the concepts of probability and indeterminism to be an integral part of quantum mechanics, and most physicists were quite happy with the Copenhagen interpretation. Schrödinger, however, remained her irreconcilable opponent until the end of his days.

Schrödinger came up with a thought experiment in which the “actors” are microscopic objects (radioactive atoms) and a completely macroscopic object - a living cat - to demonstrate as clearly as possible the vulnerability of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger described the experiment itself in an article published in 1935 by the magazine Naturwissenshaften. The essence of the thought experiment is as follows. Let there be a cat in a closed box. In addition, the box contains a number of radioactive nuclei, as well as a vessel containing poisonous gas. According to the experimental conditions, the atomic nucleus decays within one hour with a probability of ½. If decay has occurred, then under the influence of radiation a certain mechanism is activated that breaks the vessel. In this case, the cat inhales the poisonous gas and dies. If we follow the position of Niels Bohr and his supporters, then, according to quantum mechanics, it is impossible to say about an unobservable radioactive nucleus whether it has decayed or not. In the situation of the thought experiment we are considering, it follows that - if the box is not open and no one is looking at the cat - it is both alive and dead. The appearance of the cat, undoubtedly a macroscopic object, is a key detail in Erwin Schrödinger's thought experiment. The fact is that in relation to the atomic nucleus - which is a microscopic object - Niels Bohr and his supporters admit the possibility of the existence of a mixed state (in the language of quantum mechanics - a superposition of two states of the nucleus). In relation to a cat, such a concept clearly cannot be applied since a state intermediate between life and death does not exist. From all this it follows that the atomic nucleus must be either decayed or undecayed. Which, generally speaking, contradicts the statements of Niels Bohr (in relation to an unobservable nucleus one cannot say whether it decayed or not), which Schrödinger opposed.

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