“Latin American Carnival”: what the war between the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine could lead to. The colorful colors of Latin American carnivals Unusual holidays in Latin America

When we have snow, carnival time begins in hot, sunny summer Latin America on the eve of Lent. To see the famous procession of half-naked beauties dancing samba to the beat of drums, you can go not only to Rio de Janeiro. A whirlwind of cheerful madness is sweeping over all countries of the continent these days.


The biggest show on the planet takes place annually in the last week before Lent in Rio de Janeiro. The customs of ritual dances of African slaves and the European traditions of Catholic immigrants organizing riotous celebrations on the eve of long abstinence mixed and today turned into a colorful procession-competition between the 14 most famous samba schools. The general fun begins on Friday when the mayor hands over the keys to the city to the carnival king, who becomes a full-fledged ruler who can even make any laws. Each samba school prepares its own performance, lasting 82 minutes. The column, which must parade in front of the audience and the jury, consists of 3-5 thousand people: these are “walking” dancing beauties, and moving platforms, a place on which can be purchased by anyone who is not sorry to part with several hundred euros in order to to walk 700 meters along the sambadrome - a special alley surrounded by stands. In each of the samba schools, they rehearse dances for a whole year, sew costumes, think through the design of the carts, develop a script for the theatrical procession, and therefore in Brazil they say that the carnival begins the next day after its end.


Incendiary dances and songs, bright outfits decorated with feathers and sequins do not leave the streets of Argentine cities for two whole months. This country hosts the longest carnival in the world. From about the first Saturday in January until the first Saturday in March, every weekend the streets are filled with dancers performing passionate samba to the rhythmic beat of hundreds of drums. Moreover, the most colorful celebrations do not take place in the capital. If you want to be at the epicenter of the action, head to the towns of Gualeguaychu, Corrientes, Libresi and Pasodelos. It is there that the carnival fields-"corsodromo" and the longest stands for spectators await you.


Even this small country has its own carnival. Don't miss the opening of the holiday - the grand parade in San Pedro! Among the most popular events are dancing competitions, and the most popular are usually those dressed as women. Just when you wear your best outfit to the carnival, know that at this time it is customary to sprinkle each other with multi-colored powder.


No matter what region of Bolivia you vacation in, the ten-day carnival will overtake you everywhere. The cheerful holiday appeared back in the 18th century, when local Indians were forced to disguise their pagan rituals as Catholic holidays. The most famous carnival, recognized by the UN as the “Spiritual Heritage of Humanity,” takes place in the town of Oruro. Tens of thousands of costumed dancers and musicians participate in the main parade, which lasts 20 hours. The most ancient dance of this festival tells the story of the struggle between good and evil and is called diavlada. And the five-kilometer procession ends with a general genuflection in front of the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


For Venezuelans, carnival is their favorite holiday. For several days, the business life of the country comes to a standstill, and colorful events are held in all cities, each with its own. Having traveled through several villages at this time, you will be surprised to discover that the traditions are completely different everywhere: in some there are music festivals, in others there are processions, in others there are folk performances. However, traveling around the country during the carnival is not recommended: too many people drunk and intoxicated by various substances get behind the wheel, which leads to a huge number of accidents every year.

Dominican Republic

If Lent has begun and you think you've already missed all the carnivals this year, head to the Dominican Republic. The holiday in this country begins only on February 28 and lasts a whole week (although in the provinces they can be so wild to the rhythms of national merengue melodies that they will not stop until Easter). The main character of the performances is the devil. Moreover, in each region of the country it is customary to dress it up in its own way. The final procession of carts, arriving from all over the country, takes place in Santo Domingo, on the embankment. Here, in the capital, awards are given out for the most outstanding performance.


This country hosts one of the largest carnivals in the world, declared by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The location is the city of Barranquilla. Many years ago, the religious holiday mixed with local traditions: African slaves celebrated their only day off of the year. Theatre, songs, dances - everything merged together and turned into a grandiose, exciting spectacle. The first parade takes place in January. It begins with the reading of the decree. Night processions, children's processions, and orchestra performances last a couple of weeks.

Trinidad and Tobago

The carnival in this tiny island state is not inferior to the Brazilian one in terms of entertainment. The celebration lasts only 2 days, but it is the noisiest, wildest and craziest holiday in the entire Caribbean. The opening of the carnival takes place in the capital at Queen Savannah Park. Days and nights in the open air there are musical and dance performances, fairs, exhibitions, all kinds of colorful shows and calypso competitions - the unique music of African slaves who were forbidden to communicate, and therefore they were forced to replace conversation with special songs.


The spring carnival in Atacama is perhaps the most “non-tourist” of all such Latin American holidays. Only a few lucky foreigners manage to see everything that happens with their own eyes. Local residents do not want outsiders to participate in it, and therefore will never tell visiting guests where it will take place. If you accidentally hear music and singing, prepare for the unexpected: these days it is customary to sprinkle flour on everyone indiscriminately and then pour grape juice on them. Carnival in Chile is completely different from the usual colorful dance processions. In Atacama, participants in the action... carol: they go from house to house, sing peculiar ditties and accept simple treats from their owners.


Carnival in Dominica is the best time to visit the island. These days, costumed groups fill the streets of the capital - Roseau, where colorful and noisy competitions are held to choose the queen of the carnival, and calypso singers compete in singing songs on the most relevant topics this year. The local holiday did not become an exact copy of other Caribbean carnivals, but preserved the cultural traditions of the island and the settlers. During the processions, carnival participants dress in traditional West African costumes made from ropes and banana leaves and accessorized with a mask. And the celebration ends with the burning of the carnival spirit, which marks the beginning of Lent.



Grade 10

Lesson - presentation

Lesson objectives: To form general ideas about the cultural and economic characteristics of Latin American countries.

Develop the ability to independently master various sources of information.

Foster a tolerant attitude towards the culture and customs of other peoples and countries.

Equipment: political map of the world, atlases, tables, illustrations, computer presentations.

Lesson motto: Any real education is achieved only through self-education.


I. Organizational part

Teacher presentation (topic, goals, lesson motto, wishes to students)

II. Motivation for students' learning activities

Latin America is one of the most interesting historical and geographical regions of the world. The pioneer sailors, seeing the shore, immediately realized that these were new lands for them. The flora especially attracted attention.

This region has many natural records, both in geography and among the inhabitants of the countries.

This is a daring, freedom-loving character, multiplied by the expansiveness or, if you like, a special spirit that the people of this region embody for the whole world.

When Columbus set foot in Cuba, he was amazed by the beauty of the area. Which surrounded him. And he said the famous words: “I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life!”

And, indeed, for those who want to study the disappeared civilizations of the Mayans and Incas, travelers with an active lifestyle, gourmets, connoisseurs of unique reserves and the most picturesque corners of the planet - Latin America is the place to be.

You are everything, America Latina,

In motion, in music, in fire.

You live like a new painting

On a very ancient canvas!

III. Learning new material

1. Reception of the “Association”

Latin America is a real carnival, fiery tango rhythms...

What else is this region associated with?

The words “Latin America” are written on the board; write down everything that this region is associated with in your thoughts.

Coffee carnivals tango sombrero salsa

\ \ \ / /

Piranha -- Latin America -- football

/ / / \ \

Selva cacti Aztecs tequila Incas

2. Student presentation “Attractions of Latin America”

3. Student presentation “Business card. EGP of Latin America"

Each region of the world has its own characteristics, which bring it wide fame and popularity. All this is displayed on the business card. / presentation /

4. Competition “Map Experts”

There is a saying that “Geography begins at one’s own doorstep and ends in the Universe.”

Therefore, it is necessary to navigate freely using maps of different countries.

For each letter of the name “Latin America”, select the name of a geographical feature of this region.

L – ima A - ruba

A – Argentina M – Mexico City

T – itikaka E-ermosillo

I - guasu R - esefi

N - Icaragua I - kike

C - urinam K - Columbia

K - Caracas A - Suncion

A – mason

I am a T-shirt

5. Creative task “Associations”

Latin America has truly enormous natural resources and diverse environments.

Sometimes there are statements that each region of the world, each country has its own colors. What colors of the nature of Latin American countries appear in your imagination? Why?

Blue – sky, sea.

Turquoise – sea, ocean.

White – glaciers, snow in the mountains.

Snow-white sand on the beaches.

Green – forests.

Brown – mountains.

Red – volcanic lava.

Yellow, gold – sun, sand.

6. Student presentation “Natural conditions and resources of Latin America”

Do your associations match reality?

7. Student presentation “World records of nature in Latin America”

8. Student presentation “Population of Latin America”

Latin America is a region with a rapidly growing population.

Latin America is a gigantic geographical formation inhabited by numerous peoples and nationalities that are in close contact with each other, giving rise to new ethnic formations. / presentation /

9. Geographical minute “What is it? Who it?"

Selva - Aztecs

Machu – Picchu - maracas

Surfing - gaucho

Maracaibo - Pampa

Mestizo - Quechua

Lama - samba

Sombrero - Atacama

10. Student presentation “Industry of Latin America”

Latin America, being literally on the other side of the world, in our understanding looks like an exotic continent where bananas grow and aborigines probably still exist.

But, in fact, business is booming in large cities. Latin America occupies an intermediate position between developed and developing countries, because... It ranks 1st in terms of the volume of manufacturing industry among developing countries, and the manufacturing industry is ahead of the mining industry.

/ presentation /

11. Black box.

Based on the description, determine what is in the box.

Among the peoples of America, this plant enjoyed special respect; poems, songs, and legends were dedicated to it. The rain god was depicted with this plant. Flour, butter, starch, and canned food are made from it. The Indians prepare hominy and call this plant maize. What is this? / corn /

Everyone knows this plant and it is called “second bread”. It was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. In Spain it was called “papa”, in Italy – “truffle”, and in France – “earth apple”.

The Queen of England decorated her crown with the flowers of this plant.

In Russia, people were first forced to breed it.

Today this plant grows in every garden. What is it? / potato /

Latin America is the birthplace of chili peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, and pumpkins.

12. Student presentation “Agriculture in Latin America”

In most Latin American countries, agriculture is an important area of ​​material production.

In recent years, the industry has been developing relatively rapidly in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia.

Using the achievements of the “green revolution”, large specialized farms in these countries ensure stable increases in agricultural production volumes.

Many Latin American countries play an important role in global agricultural exports. / presentation /

13. Student presentation “Transport of Latin America”

Roads are the mirror of any country.

The economic development of the region and connections between Latin American countries are hampered by the insufficient development of transport, especially land transport. / presentation /

14. Student message “The Caribbean is a tax haven”

Specialization – offshore zones:

Preferential nature of taxation;

Simplified registration procedure;

High level of trade secrets;

Free export of income.

These are “tax havens” that cater to international financial transactions.

Factors in the formation of offshore companies - profitable EGP:

At the intersection of sea and air routes;

Near major trade and economic centers;

Good provision of telecommunications.

Offshore companies are located in small island states with great political stability.

There are currently 60 stable offshore zones in the world.

In Latin America - Panama, Costa Rica, Bermuda, Cayman, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Barbadas, Antigua and Barbuda, Turks and Caicos Islands.

Thanks to guarantees of financial secrecy, the Cayman Islands have become one of the largest tax havens in the world. There are 18,000 corporations registered here, which exceeds the number of local residents.

15. Student presentation “Latin American Cuisine”

The peoples of Latin America are hard workers, but they love and know how to relax. Residents of the region have their own traditions, holidays and, of course, cuisine. /presentation /

16. Student presentation “Carnivals of Latin America”

February is traditionally considered the time of carnivals in Latin America. In many countries, carnival processions are held throughout the month. And each has its own flavor.

Carnivals in Latin America are a real riot of colors, tanned bodies, an extravaganza of color, sound and cheerful mood. This is a real fantasy, resulting in colorful processions through the cities of various Latin American countries. / presentation /

17. Student presentation “Latin American Holidays”

What other Latin American holidays are known?

18. Student presentation “Music of Latin America”

The holidays are, of course, accompanied by music. What do people usually associate Latin American music with? Naturally, this is a real Latin American carnival, wild fun, joyful faces and tanned beauties. A whole musical movement has even appeared in the world, which is called “Latin”. And this trend has more and more fans.

19. Student presentation “Great people of Latin America”

The people of the region are daring, freedom-loving, expansive. Which of them are known throughout the world?

20. Student presentation “Tips for tourists”

In recent years, many different excursion routes to different countries of the world have been developed. Suggest your excursion route through Latin American countries.

21. Message and presentation of the student “Records of Latin America - “The most - the most ...”

22. Competition “Connoisseurs of Latin America”

An anecdote from the French newspaper "Ekip": having suffered a ship accident and finding themselves on a desert island, two Englishmen divide the territory in half and plan how to profitably sell their parts. Two Frenchmen in a similar situation sit on the shore and wait for the mermaids. But two Brazilians dream that another ship accident will happen and that they will be saved... How many people? (twenty to play football)

About a hundred years ago, news of a war between three neighboring states: Bolivia, Peru and Chile spread around the world. “War for the riches of the Atacama Desert! - the newspapermen shouted. “The Atacama Desert is on fire!” The small republic of Chile won the war. She began to export the “wealth” of the desert to other countries of the world. What is this? (saltpeter is a nitrate fertilizer)

In the city of Recife in February 2005, 1.5 million residents took to the streets at the same time. This fact is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most widespread street festival. Name the country and the event that happened in it. (Brazil - carnival)

In 1499, the Spaniards saw a small Indian settlement on stilts on the shore of the lagoon, which reminded them of Venice. What did they call it? (Venezuela, means "little Venice" in Spanish)

In the 1970s A Peruvian pilot built a hang glider, which he flew for 1.5 hours without landing. It would seem - nothing strange, if not for the origin of the project. What drawings were used to create the aircraft? (based on drawings copied from drawings in the Nazca desert)

Colombians say that their country is famous for three “cs”: stones (emeralds), coffee and... Name the third component of their “fame”. (coca)

In Brazil, during the Christmas days of 2000, a kind of carnival rehearsal was held: participants, wearing masks of famous people, competed in a race with wheelbarrows. Which mask do you think won? (no one dared to overtake Pele)

What round object was first brought to Brazil in 1898 by Charles Miller? (soccer ball)

After the legendary Pele published his book “I am Pele”, he received a gold medal from the Ministry of Education. For what? (many learned to read and write specifically in order to read this book)

It is customary to pour bags of this product directly on the street, because there is no better place to dry it than asphalt. Therefore, in Ecuador, transport is forced to give in and give up half of the road to this “impudent” person. Name the drink that is prepared from it. (coffee)

Near the city of Santiago de Cuba, right next to the entrance to the bay, from the 17th century. the majestic and powerful fortress of Castillo del Moro rises. Now it has been transformed into the only museum in the world... Which one? (piracy)

During the World Cup broadcast, the streets of Brazil are completely deserted. In neighboring Venezuela, such a picture can be observed every year. What “sport” is as successful in this country? (beauty pageants)

Why in Argentina does the same product - beef, but fried or boiled - symbolize wealth or poverty? (frying it requires expensive oil)

What three architectural styles are represented in Mexico City's central square, called the Plaza of the Three Cultures? (Aztec, Spanish colonial and modern)

A fifth of Venezuelans live in the Songbird Valley. Translate this name into your local language. (Caracas)

IV. Lesson summary

And in conclusion, let’s say in the words of Christopher Columbus: “I have never seen anything more beautiful than Latin America in my life!”

Indeed, the countries of Latin America are a wealth of colors and diversity of cultures!

(Materials for a paired lesson)


All South American carnivals

When we have snow, carnival time begins in hot, sunny summer Latin America on the eve of Lent. To see the famous procession of half-naked beauties dancing samba to the beat of drums, you can go not only to Rio de Janeiro. A whirlwind of cheerful madness is sweeping over all countries of the continent these days.


The biggest show on the planet takes place annually in the last week before Lent in Rio de Janeiro. The customs of ritual dances of African slaves and the European traditions of Catholic immigrants organizing riotous celebrations on the eve of long abstinence mixed and today turned into a colorful procession-competition between the 14 most famous samba schools. The general fun begins on Friday when the mayor hands over the keys to the city to the carnival king, who becomes a full-fledged ruler who can even make any laws. Each samba school prepares its own performance, lasting 82 minutes. The column, which must parade in front of the audience and the jury, consists of 3-5 thousand people: these are “walking” dancing beauties, and moving platforms, a place on which can be purchased by anyone who is not sorry to part with several hundred euros in order to to walk 700 meters along the sambadrome - a special alley surrounded by stands. In each of the samba schools, they rehearse dances for a whole year, sew costumes, think through the design of the carts, develop a script for the theatrical procession, and therefore in Brazil they say that the carnival begins the next day after its end.


Incendiary dances and songs, bright outfits decorated with feathers and sequins do not leave the streets of Argentine cities for two whole months. This country hosts the longest carnival in the world. From about the first Saturday in January until the first Saturday in March, every weekend the streets are filled with dancers performing passionate samba to the rhythmic beat of hundreds of drums. Moreover, the most colorful celebrations do not take place in the capital. If you want to be at the epicenter of the action, head to the towns of Gualeguaychu, Corrientes, Libresi and Pasodelos. It is there that the carnival fields-"corsodromo" and the longest stands for spectators await you.


Even this small country has its own carnival. Don't miss the opening of the holiday - the grand parade in San Pedro! Among the most popular events are dancing competitions, and the most popular are usually those dressed as women. Just when you wear your best outfit to the carnival, know that at this time it is customary to sprinkle each other with multi-colored powder.


No matter what region of Bolivia you vacation in, the ten-day carnival will overtake you everywhere. The cheerful holiday appeared back in the 18th century, when local Indians were forced to disguise their pagan rituals as Catholic holidays. The most famous carnival, recognized by the UN as the “Spiritual Heritage of Humanity,” takes place in the town of Oruro. Tens of thousands of costumed dancers and musicians participate in the main parade, which lasts 20 hours. The most ancient dance of this festival tells the story of the struggle between good and evil and is called diavlada. And the five-kilometer procession ends with a general genuflection in front of the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


For Venezuelans, carnival is their favorite holiday. For several days, the business life of the country comes to a standstill, and colorful events are held in all cities, each with its own. Having traveled through several villages at this time, you will be surprised to discover that the traditions are completely different everywhere: in some there are music festivals, in others there are processions, in others there are folk performances. However, traveling around the country during the carnival is not recommended: too many people drunk and intoxicated by various substances get behind the wheel, which leads to a huge number of accidents every year.

Dominican Republic

If Lent has begun and you think you've already missed all the carnivals this year, head to the Dominican Republic. The holiday in this country begins only on February 28 and lasts a whole week (although in the provinces they can be so wild to the rhythms of national merengue melodies that they will not stop until Easter). The main character of the performances is the devil. Moreover, in each region of the country it is customary to dress it up in its own way. The final procession of carts, arriving from all over the country, takes place in Santo Domingo, on the embankment. Here, in the capital, awards are given out for the most outstanding performance.


This country hosts one of the largest carnivals in the world, declared by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The location is the city of Barranquilla. Many years ago, the religious holiday mixed with local traditions: African slaves celebrated their only day off of the year. Theatre, songs, dances - everything merged together and turned into a grandiose, exciting spectacle. The first parade takes place in January. It begins with the reading of the decree. Night processions, children's processions, and orchestra performances last a couple of weeks.

Trinidad and Tobago

The carnival in this tiny island state is not inferior to the Brazilian one in terms of entertainment. The celebration lasts only 2 days, but it is the noisiest, wildest and craziest holiday in the entire Caribbean. The opening of the carnival takes place in the capital at Queen Savannah Park. Days and nights in the open air there are musical and dance performances, fairs, exhibitions, all kinds of colorful shows and calypso competitions - the unique music of African slaves who were forbidden to communicate, and therefore they were forced to replace conversation with special songs.


The spring carnival in Atacama is perhaps the most “non-tourist” of all such Latin American holidays. Only a few lucky foreigners manage to see everything that happens with their own eyes. Local residents do not want outsiders to participate in it, and therefore will never tell visiting guests where it will take place. If you accidentally hear music and singing, prepare for the unexpected: these days it is customary to sprinkle flour on everyone indiscriminately and then pour grape juice on them. Carnival in Chile is completely different from the usual colorful dance processions. In Atacama, participants in the action... carol: they go from house to house, sing peculiar ditties and accept simple treats from their owners.


Carnival in Dominica is the best time to visit the island. These days, costumed groups fill the streets of the capital - Roseau, where colorful and noisy competitions are held to choose the queen of the carnival, and calypso singers compete in singing songs on the most relevant topics this year. The local holiday did not become an exact copy of other Caribbean carnivals, but preserved the cultural traditions of the island and the settlers. During the processions, carnival participants dress in traditional West African costumes made from ropes and banana leaves and accessorized with a mask. And the celebration ends with the burning of the carnival spirit, which marks the beginning of Lent.

Anastasia Gvendyaeva

The carnival season in Latin America can be considered open:
On February 3, the country's largest and longest running
in Latin America, the carnival parade “Llamadas”. We present to your attention the photographs,
taken on the first day of the carnival, during the parade of drummers Desfile de llamadas,
which traditionally lasts all night and is considered one of the key moments of the Uruguayan Carnival.
Be careful, there are explicit photos.

1. The first city in Latin America to host a carnival this year was Montevideo. Here, according to tradition, on the first Friday of February, the Challenge Parade (Las llamadas) was held. As usual, the scene is Isla de Flores, Montevideo street connecting the neighborhoods of Palermo and Sur.

2. The absolute leader in popularity belongs to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, but the carnival in Uruguay is certainly recognized as the longest carnival in the world - it usually lasts about 40 days.

3. Every year during the Uruguayan Carnival, performances and entertainment, including performances by the famous Uruguayan drummers "Llamadas", continue day and night.

4. On February 3, thousands of participants in the country's largest carnival parade, Llamadas, took to the streets of the Uruguayan capital.

5. Carnival in Uruguay is one of the oldest and most colorful in Latin America. It lasts longer than all other Latin American carnival parades.

6. The central event of the Uruguayan carnival is the traditional parade of drummers "Desfile de llamadas" (Challenge Parade).

7. In the photo: one of the participants of the "comparsas" - dance groups that take part in the Llamadas carnival procession. Dance groups "comparasas" unite co-workers or neighbors in the neighborhood. Each comparsa has its own style, its own costumes and dances.

8. Instead of samba, which is popular in Brazil, Uruguay has its own national dance - candombe, to which it is not the melody that is important, but the rhythm. It was created by African slaves who were brought to work on plantations. Starting from the 30s of the 19th century, it was danced by slaves at festivities, which took place with the permission of the owners in February.

9. Standard bearers, musicians and dancers take part in the street processions of the Uruguayan carnival.

10. The frantic pace of African rhythms makes an indelible impression on everyone who has ever heard these performances. (See video at the bottom of the post)

11. This year's "Desfile de llamadas" drum parade featured 40 groups of 80 drummers each.

12. Competing with each other, drum bands create an unimaginable roar, trying to attract as many temperamental dancers as possible. Photo: Drummers perform traditional candombe music during the carnival.

13. There are no age restrictions for drummers - both children and old people can take part in the procession.

14. To the roar of drums in the rhythm of “candombe”, dancers, acrobats, jugglers, and heroes of African legends walk along the shore of the Rio de la Plata in the southern region of Montevideo.

15. Unlike all other Latin American carnivals, the only musical accompaniment of the festive procession in the Uruguayan carnival is drums.

16. The festival is almost 130 years old; it originated on the outskirts of Montevideo as a celebration of slaves brought to the South American continent by Spanish colonialists.

17. Carnival in Montevideo is traditionally considered “African,” although out of the 3.5 million inhabitants of this country, only 150 thousand are black.

18. The show involves dozens of dance groups following each other. The parade begins before dark and ends in the morning. Each group has a name, usually with an African theme.

19. The Motevideo authorities are concerned about attracting tourists and popularizing the Uruguayan carnival in the world, which would become a source of additional jobs and strengthen the position of artists.

20. The area around Isla de Flores, where the carnival procession takes place. fenced off - only participants or spectators who have purchased a ticket in advance can enter it. Residents of the Palermo and Sur neighborhoods, of course, do not miss the opportunity to earn extra money and sell tourists places on their balconies, near windows, or simply on the street at their doors.

The SBU detained NABU employee Sergei Boyarsky, the son of former Party of Regions deputy Yuri Boyarsky. The detainee is suspected of provocation and bribery of the first deputy head of the State Migration Service (SMS) Dina Pimakhova. After the arrest of their employee, NABU issued an official statement, accusing the prosecutor’s office and the SBU of obstructing the investigation. Representatives of the department added that 7 bureau employees who were also working on this case stopped communicating. Later it turned out that they were also detained by officers of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the SBU.

“Detentions and arrests of three more undercover detectives of the bureau, the head of the second detective unit, as well as the leadership of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office are planned,” according to the NABU website.

Since April 2017, detectives from the anti-corruption department have been investigating corruption in the State Migration Service. According to NABU, department officials, in exchange for bribes, granted foreigners citizenship, issued residence permits, and even helped them quickly obtain a biometric passport.

NABU detective Sergei Boyarsky, working undercover, turned to Dina Pimakhova with a request to assist in obtaining a residence permit “for a foreign friend” and agreed to pay $30 thousand for the service. During the transfer of half of the agreed amount, he was detained by SBU officers in agreement with the GPU .

“In my deep conviction, employees of state law enforcement agencies do not have the right to propose to a government official to make a deliberately illegal decision and expect at the same time what amount he will name. This is a pure provocation,” said Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko.

In response, NABU published a video of Dina Pimakhova negotiating with undercover detectives. First, they ask Pimakhova for advice on what to do in this situation, after which the official herself names the amount that the “businessman from Iran” will have to pay to obtain a residence permit.

  • Dina Pimakhova negotiates with undercover detectives

NABU regarded the detention of its detective as “deliberate sabotage, planned and implemented with the participation of the SBU and the GPU.”

“Since April of this year, a special undercover operation has been ongoing, but both the SBU and the Prosecutor General’s Office disrupted this operation with their arrest yesterday. The goal of the operation was to uncover a large criminal group and identify all participants in the scheme,” said NABU press secretary Daria Manzhura.

A few hours later, press secretary of the Ukrainian Security Service Elena Gitlyanskaya reported that the SBU was conducting searches at NABU: “Yes, searches took place at NABU. But I can’t say the details yet, since investigative actions are still ongoing,” she said in a commentary to Espresso.TV.

But her words were immediately refuted by both NABU and the Prosecutor General’s Office. Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan said that investigative actions were carried out, but not in the Bureau itself, but at the office of NABU agent Ekaterina Sikorskaya. She is also involved in the case of offering a bribe to a migration service official. At the same time, Sargan did not talk about the details of the investigative actions, saying that over time this information will appear on the GPU website.

After these events, the head of NABU Artem Sytnik went to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko. As a result, the security forces agreed that the prosecutor’s office would not detain Boyarsky and seven other detectives, but a case would still be filed against them. On Monday, December 4, according to Lutsenko, high-ranking officials of the Bureau will be summoned for questioning to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko criticized the participants in the conflict.

“There is so much noise, screams and feathers that sometimes it resembles some kind of Latin American carnival. It would seem even funny if it weren’t so sad,” the president said.

At the same time, he believes that intrigues only aggravate the problem of corruption in the country.

“Law enforcement agencies cannot be involved in political activities.<…>I, as president, stand with society. Healthy rivalry, civilized competition, fair competition are welcomed by both the president and society, but conflicts, quarrels, intrigues and enmity are absolutely unacceptable and benefit exclusively the common enemy - crime and corruption,” he concluded.

Conflict escalation

According to the head of the Kyiv branch of the Institute of CIS Countries, Denis Denisov, the searches and detentions of NABU employees are related to intraspecific showdowns in the security bloc.

“As we know, there has never been a separation of the security forces from the Ukrainian government or an attempt to be independent and unaccountable to the leaders of Ukraine,” Denis Denisov explained in an interview with RT. — The current situation is proof of this: when the GPU is controlled by Yuriy Lutsenko, the president’s protege, the SBU is controlled through Gritsak (SBU head Vasily Gritsak. — RT), the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a semi-autonomous structure due to the fact that its head is Arsen Avakov, one of the leaders of the Popular Front party.

According to the expert, NABU, whose activities are lobbied by Ukraine’s Western partners - the EU and the USA, does not fit into this chain.

“Why do Europe and the USA need this body? To use it against absolutely all representatives of the political elite of Ukraine, because, probably, there will not be a single deputy, minister or deputy minister who would be absolutely honest in his activities, without one or another corruption component,” Denisov explained.

In turn, an RT source in the presidential administration of Ukraine said that the unspoken conflict between departments intensified after the detention on October 31 by NABU officers of the son of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, Alexander Avakov, and two more people - former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Chebotar and a representative of the company that produces Dneprovend backpacks. Vladimir Litvin.

“According to the investigation, in 2015, these persons were involved in the purchase of backpacks at the expense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at a price significantly higher than the market average. According to the preliminary investigation, the goods were not delivered on time and, moreover, did not meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as a result of which the state suffered damage in the amount of over 14 million hryvnia ($520 thousand),” the NABU statement said.

According to the source, in this way the Bureau’s investigators violated the unspoken rule of Ukrainian politics: not to prosecute close relatives of high-ranking officials.

Moreover, in mid-November 2017, NABU opened criminal proceedings regarding illegal enrichment.

The investigation into one of the associates of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko became the next round in the development of the conflict between NABU and the Ukrainian security forces, which began with

  • Alexander Avakov is the son of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov
  • Reuters

“So far, the work of NABU can be controlled with the help of Ukrainian courts,” Ukrainian political scientist Andrei Demidenko told RT. “But the president has another headache: the IMF is ready to provide the fifth tranche in the amount of $1.9 billion only after the creation of an independent anti-corruption court, and the document on its creation has not yet been signed by Poroshenko.” In addition, according to the political scientist, NABU demands that parliament grant it the right to wiretap high-ranking officials without court approval, but Rada deputies certainly oppose expanding the powers of the Bureau.

According to Denis Denisov, the creation of NABU was linked to a number of financial conditions, which Ukraine could not refuse.

“Now this structure is not under the control of the president or security forces, which is uncomfortable for the political elite,” Denisov explained. “And now they have a desire to get even.” The West needs control over the Ukrainian elite and dirt on it.”

The fact that the leadership of Ukraine in every possible way sabotages the desire of its partners to control its actions is noted even by deputies from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc.

“The society that protested four years ago and removed a totally corrupt president and his entourage finally received independent institutions to eradicate top-level corruption. But it did not receive support from the new president and the SBU and Prosecutor General’s Office controlled by him. Instead, there is an attempt to destroy at any cost. Even by disrupting operational development. The goal is still the same - to neutralize NABU before the start of the election campaign, so that it does not get in the way and does not interfere with the current elite maintaining their streams and positions,” wrote MP from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Sergei Leshchenko on his Facebook page.

However, high-ranking officials came up with a way to strengthen control over the work of NABU. According to an RT source in the Popular Front party, according to the provisions of the law “On NABU”, the president, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada can send independent observers to the anti-corruption body. They will control the progress of the most high-profile investigations. “To introduce observers, a separate permission from the Verkhovna Rada is required. And it will be given,” emphasized the representative of the Popular Front.

But a war against NABU could lead to problems for Ukraine with its Western partners.

According to RT, the progress of the investigation into corruption in the State Migration Service is being closely monitored by the US Embassy in Ukraine, but its representatives have not yet made any statements on this matter.

“No one will give a cent to a country that rolls back reforms. Especially if these are reforms as part of the fight against corruption. And if the reluctance to raise gas prices and delaying this moment only freezes lending but preserves the program, then a successful attack on NABU will destroy this very program. And along with it, it will destroy the stability of the hryvnia. And the willingness of investors to buy any Ukrainian debts,” Sergei Fursa, a specialist at the investment company Dragon Capital, wrote on his Facebook page. “And just as 4 years ago the dispersal of students put an end to economic stability (which was already on its last legs), becoming the stupidest decision of Yanukovych and his hangers-on, so today the attack on NABU leads to the abyss of those who attack. And at the same time the economy of Ukraine. Just like 4 years ago. And it’s a pity that very often both those who make decisions and the majority of citizens do not understand this.”

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