Legion: Druid Artifacts. Druid artifacts for all Guardians of the Wild specializations

Only the most experienced heroes of Azeroth can face the invasion of the Burning Legion, armed with legendary artifacts. The power of this magnificent weapon grows along with yours. You yourself determine its properties, appearance, sounds and behavior in battle. Transform your artifact into the perfect weapon of war and lead your faction in these trying times!

As one of Azeroth's greatest druids, you have earned the right to wield a weapon that carries not only power, but a name of its own.

Guardians of the Wild

Druids have four different specializations available to them: Balance, Feral, Guardian, and Restoration. The uniqueness of each of them is reflected in the choice of artifact weapons.

  • Balance Druids prefer Scythe of Elune, which requires its owner to have a deep understanding of the very essence of balance. Those who are not strong enough in spirit easily succumb to the will of this amazing weapon and become not masters, but slaves.
  • Feral druids choose Ashhide Fangs- something much more than just a symbol of their ferocity and resilience. Filled with primordial power, this weapon will be an excellent help in the upcoming battle.
  • Guardian druids are the true embodiment of the concept of "force of nature." Picking it up Ursoc's Claws, they turn into an insurmountable living barrier capable of stopping the onslaught of any enemy.
  • Restoration Druids are friends of nature and masters of healing. Holding a branch in your hands G'hanir, Mother Tree, they confidently confront anyone who dares to encroach on the peace of Azeroth.

Each artifact is the embodiment of the power of the druid who owns it. There is power in names - remember them, because this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle against an enemy more dangerous than you have ever met.

Balance - Scythe of Elune

This legendary artifact was created many millennia ago from the Staff of Elune and the fang of the demigod wolf Goldrinn. The Scythe of Elune has a long and frightening history: too many unwary wielders of this weapon have fallen victim to the spirit of Goldrinn who lives on it. It is said that this scythe, associated with the appearance of the worgen on Azeroth, has the incredible power of the moon itself, and only a druid who has achieved true balance can cope with it.

Feral Power - Ashhide Fangs

The great gray panther Ashfen, one of the first Wild Gods, was among those who answered the call of the demigod Cenarius and stood up for the defense of Azeroth in the War of the Ancients. She fell in battle with the Legion, but managed to save countless lives. A magnificent shrine was built in her honor in Val'sharah, and her fangs were decorated and placed within it. They are said to still hold much of her power.

Guardian - Claws of Ursoc

These claws were forged from titanium steel by the guardian Freya herself to present them as a gift to the great bear Ursoc, one of the Wild Gods. Armed with them, he fought through countless battles until he died in the War of the Ancients. His body decayed, but his claws remained, and, according to legend, a piece of his spirit remained in them. Having forcibly taken Ursoc's claws from his followers, the furbolgs, a detachment of druids transported them to the Emerald Dream, found Ursoc's spirit and gave the claws to him for safekeeping.

Healing - G'hanir, the Mother Tree

This is a branch of G "hanir, the first tree, which in time immemorial was brought as a gift to mortal druids by the demigoddess Aviana. Its connection with the mystical Emerald Dream has a healing and stabilizing effect on Azeroth. In recent times, the druids have used this staff to contain the spread of the corruption and madness of the Nightmare And now the satyrs in the Nightmare only dream of destroying G'khanir.

The Druids are the luckiest - they have four specs, which means they also have more artifacts. However, in addition to this, the developers decided to make an interesting solution for two specs. Cats and bears do not actually have weapons - their artifact appearances are a different coloring of their animal forms. In principle, there are nice and original solutions.

As for balance, the various braid options are somehow not very good. In this regard, restaurants were more fortunate - the staves turned out to be quite nice. Below you will find out what you need to do in order to get this or that type of artifact. For those who are interested in the details, read. There is information about the mechanics and how they are pumped up in.


Classic Look - Scythe of Elune

Original view

Improved View - Envoy of Goldrinn

Explore the entire history of the artifact

Valiant Look - Lunarcall

Kill 8 world bosses

Seasoned Look - Nightmare's Affliction

Hidden View - Sunkeeper's Reach

Not yet known

Other types

View one

Type two

Type three

Type four

Feral Power

Classic Look - Fangs of Ashamane / Ashhide Fangs

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through quests related to the Class Hall

Original view

Complete one of the quests related to the Pillars of Creation

Completing the Recover the Light's Heart series quest chain

Completing the first stage of the Class Stronghold campaign

Enhanced Look - Nature's Fury

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through quests related to Class Hall, archeology, and discovering artifact traits.

Completing the Class Stronghold Campaign

Unlock all artifact weapon traits

Explore the entire history of the artifact

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Valiant Look - Primal Stalker

These Artifact Weapon Styles are unlocked through various PvE activities.

Complete the Balance Power quest chain

Kill 8 world bosses

Complete a Challenge dungeon using a level 15 Mythic Keystone

Complete the "Glory of the Legion Hero" meta-achievement

Seasoned Look - Incarnation of Nightmare

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through PvP ranks (prestige levels)

Receive 1st level of prestige

Receive level 5 prestige

Receive prestige level 9

Receive prestige level 13

Hidden view – Moonspirit

The path to obtaining varies for different specs.

Not yet known

Complete 100 instances with a hidden artifact

Complete 200 world quests with a hidden artifact

1000 honorable kills with a Hidden Artifact

Other types

These skins were found by data miners, but it is still unclear for what successes and achievements in the game they are given

View one

Type two

Type three

Type four


Classic Look - Claws of Ursoc

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through quests related to the Class Hall

Original view

Complete one of the quests related to the Pillars of Creation

Completing the Recover the Light's Heart series quest chain

Completing the first stage of the Class Stronghold campaign

Improved View - Stonepaw

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through quests related to Class Hall, archeology, and discovering artifact traits.

Completing the Class Stronghold Campaign

Unlock all artifact weapon traits

Explore the entire history of the artifact

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Valorous Appearance — Avatar of Ursol

These Artifact Weapon Styles are unlocked through various PvE activities.

Complete the Balance Power quest chain

Kill 8 world bosses

Complete a Challenge dungeon using a level 15 Mythic Keystone

Complete the "Glory of the Legion Hero" meta-achievement

Seasoned Look - Fallen to Nightmare

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through PvP ranks (prestige levels)

Receive 1st level of prestige

Receive level 5 prestige

Receive prestige level 9

Receive prestige level 13

Hidden View - Guardian of the Glade

The path to obtaining varies for different specs.

See spoiler below

Complete 100 instances with a hidden artifact

Complete 200 world quests with a hidden artifact

1000 honorable kills with a Hidden Artifact

Mark of the Glade Guardian, which unlocks this skin, is dropped by Ursoc in the Emerald Nightmare raid. Restoration

Classic look - G'Hanir, the Mother Tree / G'hanir, the Primordial Tree

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked through quests related to the Class Hall

Original view

Complete one of the quests related to the Pillars of Creation

Completing the Recover the Light's Heart series quest chain

This overview covers the basics of the Feral Druid artifact weapon, . This will be your primary weapon in Legion, allowing you to customize its appearance with numerous styles and tints.

Guide to All Artifacts

Artifact in Calculator

Artifact in Database

Feral Druid Guide

Appearances and Tints

Since Feral Druids spend the vast majority of their time in Cat Form, the Artifact skin you have on the weapon will change what your bear form will look like. There are 6 styles, which can come in 4 color variations. All of these tints can be previewed on the Appearance tab of the Artifact Calculator or the Dressing Room.

Fangs of Ashamane: Default, Recover one Pillar of Creation, Recover and bring it to Order Hall, Complete First Major Order Campaign

Primal Stalker: Complete the questline Balance of Power (), Defeat 8 Broken Isles world bosses (), Complete a Mythic+ Dungeon with a Level 15 Keystone (), All Legion Dungeon achievements ()

Incarnation of Nightmare: This entire tier is dedicated to PvP achievements. , , ,

The related quest is and the description of the Fangs of Ashamane is:

Ashamane, the Ancient nightsaber spirit who fought in the War of the Ancients, fell ages ago deep in the forests of Val"Sharah.

A group of druids called the Ashen honor her memory and are the guardians of the shrine the houses her fangs.

We will need to persuade them to allow their precious artifact to be used in combat, but the fangs are a powerful weapon against the Legion.

In Rensar Greathoof asks you to take his signet and meet these group of devoted druids who protect the artifact of Ashamane. When you arrive you nightelf and demon corpses across the grounds and fel fire in the distance.

Verstok Darkbough says: I told you the shrine isn't safe! Look at what your stubbornness has caused!
Delandros Shimmermoon says: Now is not the time for this Verstok! We have wounded to tend to.
Verstok says: If the ward protecting the fangs fails we"ll have a lot more to worry about than a few cuts and bruises. I"ll guard the fangs even if you won't.

You aid Delandros is dowsing of the fel fires that threaten to engulf the forest as well as saving a few Ashen druids from the clutches of the Legion. Afterwards Delandros asks what brings you here and you explain.
In tells you that the fangs are the Ashen"s greatest treasure, but you have done such a deed for them already. He asks you to help him fight off the small amount of Legion left until you see a green beam of light befall on the shrine.

As you arrive to the shrine you see a massive Pitlord threatening to take the fangs.

Algomon says: Your pathetic barriers mean nothing to the Legion! The blades are mine!
Verstok yells: I"ll never let the Ashamane"s Fangs fall to your kind!
Algomon yells: RRAAAUUUGHHHH!
Verstok yells: Take a good look, brute! You"ll never see the Fangs again!
Algomon yells: Insolent mortal! We will hunt you down, you only delay the inevitable!

Delandros and some of the Ashen finally arrive you you all work to defeat Algomon. Afterwards, Delandros notices that the ancient fangs are missing, and asks you what happened.

In Delandros asks you to track down Verstok, he cannot go with you as he must protect the shrine, but he calls upon Ebonfang whose sense of smell will help you find Verstok. You arrive in Falanaar and continue on Versok"s scent which brings you to what appears to be ancient nightborne ruins, surrounded in withered creatures. Delandros is able to speak in your mind from afar.

Verstok yells: I see you! You may look like a druid I can tell you"re a demon in disguise. I won"t fall for your trick; you"ll never get the fangs from me!
Delandros says: Has Verstok gone mad? Wielding the fangs empowers one "s senses far beyond normal, I"m afraid it also heightened his paranoia.
Druid, you have to get the fangs away from Verstok. The longer they are in his possession the more delusional he will become.
Verstok yells: Leave demon! Be gone! Why won't you just GO AWAY!?
You won't leave? Very well, I'll end this chase myself!
The fangs are mine! MINE!!
No! I"ll never submit!

Your battle with Verstok ends as he flees into a series of caves and caverns. Suddenly you can hear his shouts ring throughout.

Verstok yells: Ah! What is this? Release me at once!
Webmisstress Shinaris says: Look what fell into my web! Tonight I shall feast!
Delandros says: What on Azeroth was that!? Be careful, Druid!

You make your way through these web filled caverns and finally see a large dark figure, spinning a web onto something. It notices you and attacks. Once defeated, Verstok seems to come to his sense.

Verstok says: Freedom! I thought I was going to be spider food!
My brush with death cleared my head. Everything I saw was a threat, I"m sorry I struck out at you.
I just wanted to protect the Fangs, but they are too much for me to handle. You"ve shown yourself to be a far more capable guardian then I. Please, take them.

Artifact Book Text

As players progress with their Artifact Knowledge research, more pages unlock in the Artifact Book in your Class Hall:

The Fangs of Ashamane

By reclaiming these weapons, you have struck a heavy blow against the forces of evil. In their hands, these daggers would have been more than a danger; they would have been a sacrilege.

These are all that remain of a revered Wild God who gave her life in defense of Azeroth. Do you know her story? The druids of Val"sharah, who protected these weapons for so long, could tell you about her. Some of them even remember her.

Her name was Ashamane. She left a powerful legacy, and very soon, it will be yours to wield.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part One

Azeroth was once smothered in darkness. But after the titans broke the Old Gods" Black Empire, natural creatures finally had a chance to grow and flourish. A keeper named Freya was tasked with seeding the world with life. She created lush enclaves all across Azeroth that gave rise to countless animals.

On occasion, extraordinary creatures captured Freya's attention.

As Freya traveled, she found a wolf pack that had killed a panther and was trying to finish off her lone surviving cub. Though the wolves had wounded the tiny creature, she still fought fiercely, swiping viciously with her claws at the bigger predators. Freya was astonished to see that, before long, the wolves were driven away, unwilling to suffer further injuries for their meal.

When Freya picked up the cub, the keeper endured a flurry of scratch smalles for her trouble. That did not anger her. Quite the contrary. Delighted by the creature"s unrelenting wildness, the keeper healed the cub"s injuries and named her Ashamane, for the color of her striking black fur.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Two

Over the years, Ashamane grew into a massive panther. No wolf pack dared to hunt her now. Freya was pleased to see that the panther did not succumb to desires for vengeance. Ashamane could have stalked and killed every wolf in her valley. Easily. But she didn't.

Her wild nature granted her understanding. Was she not a predator as well? Did she not hunt prey? The wolves had no vendetta against Ashamane; they had been hungry. She bore no malice towards them.

But she did enjoy toying with them. The wolf pack that had attacked her would sometimes be woken from sleep by an ear-shattering roar. Ashamane would creep up to their den and announce her presence loudly, sending them fleeing.

Over time, Ashamane realized that she had become more powerful than any other panther she had ever seen. The passing years did not age her but instead made her stronger. Generations of wildlife came and went before her eyes.

There were other animals like her. Powerful, iconic creatures who seemed to live a different existence than the rest of nature. Mortals would soon refer to them as Wild Gods.

Ashamane was one of them.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Three

Ashamane's untamed heart had difficulty accepting immortality. The chaos of the wilderness, the struggle for survival--they had been the core of Ashamane's being. Now they were irrelevant. She had ascended above her old life. There was no prey that could evade her. There was no joy in an effortless hunt. There was no predator that could challenge her.

Ashamane strode openly through the jungles of Azeroth. Other wild creatures had nothing to fear from her. Stories of a giant, majestic panther spread among the trolls who ventured into the area. Some sought to venerate her as one of their loa. Ashamane rarely let them see her. Other trolls tracked her for a different reason. Certain hunters craved the glory that would surely come from bringing down such a magnificent being. Defeating a loa... there was no greater challenge.

One by one, these ambitious trolls crept into the jungle, arrogance burning in their hearts. Ashamane was delighted. No matter how clever they were, no matter how silently they moved or how true their aim, they all returned to their tribes empty-handed, the sound of her roar still ringing in their ears, and the sight of her fangs forever haunting their dreams .

She did not need to take their lives. They understood their place in the wilds when she was done with them. That was enough.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Four

Whenever Keeper Freya traveled the land, many Wild Gods walked by her side. Ashamane did not. The panther"s heart was too unwilling to be tethered to any other creature. Freya understood, and she always smiled when she saw Ashamane"s glowing eyes watching her from afar.

No matter what Ashamane thought, there would be a connection between them. There was another realm, a wild, untouched place called the Emerald Dream. Keeper Freya had used it to seed life all across Azeroth, and thus, the Wild Gods were bound to it.

Ashamane came to Mount Hyjal Eventually to experience the Dream for herself, and she was immediately taken with this thriving vision of an untamed world. The panther made her home on the western slopes of the Well of Eternity and spent thousands of years drifting in the Emerald Dream, exploring its mysteries and power.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Five

Ashamane, like many Wild Gods, lived apart from the burgeoning civilizations that rose and fell across Azeroth. The Zandalari trolls held no interest for her. Many elves saw themselves as ascendant, too enlightened to be bothered with the natural world.

But there came a time when she could no longer ignore Azeroth. The Emerald Dream shook with the arrival of the Burning Legion. Eventually a disciple of another powerful being, Cenarius, called upon the Wild Gods for aid.

For Ashamane, her duty was clear. She rushed into battle with the Burning Legion without hesitation.

A new predator had come into her world. She was glad to hunt it.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Six

By the time the Wild Gods joined the War of the Ancients, the fighting spread far beyond the Well of Eternity.

The demons who strayed into the forests outside Zin-Azshari soon learned to tread carefully; Ashamane stalked the trees. Her fangs ended the war for many Burning Legion scouts. So greatly was she feared that the Legion took to burning down entire swaths of forest before attempting to advance past her.

If the demons believed they would have better luck fighting on an open battlefield, they were sorely mistaken. Ashamane was enraged by their tactics, and she joined other Wild Gods, elves, and additional creatures in attacking the Legion's flanks, ripping huge holes in their battle lines.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Seven

There seemed to be no end to the demons" numbers. When Ashamane fought the Burning Legion ten thousand years ago, her instincts told her that the invaders had specific prey in mind. Tearing herself away from the thick of the battle around Zin-Azshari, she tracked raiding parties that had determinedly cut their way northwest.

It was not easy to keep up. The demons set their best warriors to discourage pursuit, and Ashamane had to fight every step of the way.

But she was not deterred. Those who stood in her path fell, one after another.

As she closed in on her prey, she understood their target: they were aiming to claim Suramar. This is why Ashamane is so honored by the druids of Val"sharah--what she did next has never been forgotten.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Eight

An army of demons was preparing to lay siege to Suramar. Ashamane faced it alone. She had never visited the forests near Val"sharah before, but that did not matter. They were the wilds, and thus, they were her home.

She ripped through the demons" ranks and then disappeared into the trees. She crept along the high branches and dove down upon the Legion commanders. She was a terror, a fearsome beast, and she held nothing back, offering no mercy.

It was a slaughter. And yet even a Wild God could not avoid injury at the Burning Legion's hands. Scorched by fel fire and poisoned by their tainted weapons, Ashamane fought on, thinning their ranks until their leader was forced to face her himself.

That had been her plan all along. It was one of the laws of survival: the pack was not defeated until its leader's throat was between her jaws.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Nine

A Burning Legion general had volunteered to oversee the conquest of Suramar. This pit lord, Ronokon, saw endless rewards in the elven city and wanted to claim them in Sargeras's name. He became enraged by Ashamane's interference and stepped forward to personally deal with her.

The Wild God and the annihilan general dueled in the forests of Val"sharah for hours. He was a cunning fighter. He knew how fast she could kill, so he kept her at bay with his jagged, fel-wrought spear, content to inflict small, grazing wounds.

After so much war, Ashamane's strength was finally beginning to fade. Her wounds ached. Her pace slowed. But her will was unbroken. With the last of her strength, she leapt at Ronokon, allowing him to drive his spear through her chest Yet her claws dug into his shoulders, and her fangs sank deep within his neck.

Ronokon thrashed madly, trying to pull the panther away, but she held on. Her teeth remained embedded in his throat until he died. His death brought more destruction. The fel power granted to him by the Legion exploded outward, tearing a deep gash in the land and burning Ashamane to ash.

Her sacrifice was not in vain. Suramar's residents had been given enough time to hide their city from the Legion and the world, protecting themselves from the Sundering that would follow.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Ten

The land around Val"sharah had been altered forever. Where there had once been a hill, now there were a cliff and a deep valley. It took many years for the druids to restore nature in the area to its previous beauty.

Despite the lingering traces of Ronokon's corruption, there was always a sense that something was opposing it, helping to sweep it away. Some druids came to believe that Ashamane's spirit, even after death, was still committed to the fight against the invaders who had threatened her wilds.

The Fangs of Ashamane, Part Eleven

The druids built a shrine at the site of the pit lord's death to commemorate Ashamane's courage. Her fangs--all that survived the violence of her passing--were placed there to honor her unbending heart and untamed nature.

To this day, Ashamane is remembered as one of the fiercest defenders of Azeroth.

The history of the Druids has always been unique, and artifacts reveal it even more. Unlike other classes, the history of the Druids has always been given the most time. Let's see what the artifacts tell us.

The history of the Druids is so well known because they emerged during a well-known and well-documented period of Azerothian history. In addition, Druidry is very strongly associated with the ancients. The Ancients returned in the Cataclysm, but the expansion of the history of the Druids did not end there: they had two new races, trolls and worgen.

And while the trolls haven't received many new stories, the origins of the worgen are closely tied to the druid class, and when discussing some, it's impossible not to think about others.

In the case of artifacts, it is impossible to discuss them without remembering the ancients, because artifacts are associated with the origins of the class. This is very suitable for Legion, because in the new addition we will have to explore the very territories where Druidism originated.

Scythe of Elune

This legendary artifact was created many millennia ago from the Staff of Elune and the fang of the demigod wolf Goldrinn. The Scythe of Elune has a long and frightening history: too many unwary wielders of this weapon have fallen victim to the spirit of Goldrinn who lives on it. It is said that this scythe, associated with the appearance of the worgen on Azeroth, has the incredible power of the moon itself, and only a druid who has achieved true balance can cope with it.

This weapon is a representation of how the worgen were born and the embodiment of everything that druids are. The Scythe of Elune has a long history - it was created from the staff of Elune and the claw of Goldrinn, the ancient wolf. The first druids of Kaldorei society tried many different forms, and some were too complex.

One of them, the wolf form was very powerful, but also embodied the rage of the ancient Goldrinn, so those who took this form often lost their minds due to uncontrollable rage and anger. The wolf form was later banned by Malfurion precisely because of these incidents.

Although Malfurion banned it, this did not stop some druids and used it anyway. Elune's Scythe was supposed to help control the rage that came with the form, but it didn't work as expected. Instead, she turned the druids into worgen - monstrous, humanoid wolves that were filled with much more anger than usual.

The Scythe may seem like an odd choice for Balance Druids, but in reality, it is where the weapon fits best. The scythe combines the fury of Goldrinn, which is contained in the claw, with the calm of Elune, which is poured into the staff.

It perfectly encapsulates the very line that lies between the druid and the beast into which he turns. Druids who wield these weapons are masters of inner balance, and this is what the Balance Specialization is all about.

Ashhide Fangs

The great gray panther Ashfen, one of the first Wild Gods, was among those who answered the call of the demigod Cenarius and stood up for the defense of Azeroth in the War of the Ancients. She fell in battle with the Legion, but managed to save countless lives. A magnificent shrine was built in her honor in Val'sharah, and her fangs were decorated and placed within it. They are said to still hold much of her power.

We don't know exactly how many ancients there were on Azeroth - we know of a handful, but there are an infinite number whose tales have been lost to time. Ashskin is one of the ancients who died during the War of the Ancients, and besides the sanctuary in Val'shara, little is known about her.

Although in fact, the Druids have always had this style. They are conservationists, and although they work closely with the other races of Azeroth, they don't talk about what they do very often.

Druids do this because their practice is dangerous, and without enough training, intervention of this kind can lead to disastrous consequences. Despite this, Ashfen was one of the ancients who fought and died during the war, and other than an unlikely resurrection during the attack on Hyjal, was never seen again in history.

If you think about it, this is a little strange, because the ancients are immortal - Cenarius was killed in Warcraft 3, but he was resurrected. But it seems in some cases, the ancients die and are not resurrected. Although the spirit of Ashskin is alive, and will live in that druid who will put on fangs and fight the Legion.

She shouldn't mind, the Legion brought her there after all. If she can't come back to life like Cenarius did, at least she can help defend Azeroth through a druid who can take her powers.

Ursoc's Claws

These claws were forged from titanium steel by the guardian Freya herself to present them as a gift to the great bear Ursoc, one of the Wild Gods. Armed with them, he fought through countless battles until he died in the War of the Ancients. His body decayed, but his claws remained, and, according to legend, a piece of his spirit remained in them. Having forcibly taken Ursoc's claws from his followers, the furbolgs, a detachment of druids transported them to the Emerald Dream, found Ursoc's spirit and gave the claws to him for safekeeping.

But Ursoc is an example of an ancient who can be resurrected. Although his resurrection has bad consequences. Along with his brother, Ursol, the ancient bear became revered by the furbolgs, but as his claws showed, the ancients have a much deeper history - they were created by Freya, the keeper of the titans.

Interesting fact about the ancients: we don't know where they came from. In the novel Wolfheart it is said that when the titans changed the world, the ancients themselves were born on Azeroth, implying that the ancients were not created by the titans, but simply appeared in this world.

Yes, despite this, the ancients, like Azeroth, did not find the work of the titans unnatural or unusual. In fact, there are several points where the ancients worked in tandem with the creations of the Titans.

Freya's gift to Ursoc is just another example on this list. Considering that Legion will feature a ton of stories about druids as well as titans, I hope we see a connection that connects these two unusual sides of Azeroth.

As for Ursoc: he died during the War of the Ancients and tried to return to life... but unfortunately, the furbolgs were not as experts in the ancients returning to life as we were during the Cataclysm. Their use of magic failed and they damaged the world tree Vodrassil.

Because of this, Ursok himself, along with the furbolgs, deteriorated. Players were able to clear and defeat Ursoc in Grizzly Hills, after which he warned of Yogg-Saron and disappeared. His claws, however, can still be used by fairly powerful druids.

G'hanir, the Mother Tree

This is a branch of G "hanir, the first tree, which in time immemorial was brought as a gift to mortal druids by the demigoddess Aviana. Its connection with the mystical Emerald Dream has a healing and stabilizing effect on Azeroth. In recent times, the druids have used this staff to contain the spread of the corruption and madness of the Nightmare And now the satyrs in the Nightmare only dream of destroying G'khanir.

This weapon is very important. G'Khanir was the first tree and home of ancient Aviana. Its fruit contains the seeds of every tree of Azeroth. It was destroyed during the War of the Ancients when Aviana fell... An acorn from this tree was later used to create the first world tree, Nordrassil.

But G'Khanir was not only the reason for the emergence of the first world tree of Azeroth. He also served as afterlife for every winged creature. When Aviana returned to life in the Cataclysm, G'hanir was also reborn. Aviana contacted the Draenor Arakkoa and offered them a place on G'hanir.

Needless to say, this tree is one of the most important parts of the true history of Azeroth. Nordrassil gained powerful powers, and not just from the Well of Eternity. When Archimonde attempted to capture the well during the Third War, Nordrassil undoubtedly caught his attention as well.

And if you think Nordrassil is powerful, think how powerful carrying a branch of a tree that was so powerful that it could create the World Tree would make you.

The G"Khanir branch was enough to hold back the Nightmare. If only one branch has such power, how much of it is there in G"Khanir? Considering that we will be fighting the Nightmare in Legion, it seems that we will also find out how powerful G'Khanir is.

Druids are one of the cornerstones of Warcraft lore, and in Legion, we'll see what this mysterious class hides. With the introduction of Val'shara, Shaladrassil and the revival of the Nightmare, the Druids are definitely in for their finest hour. I hope that some of the secrets of the Nightmare, the ancients and maybe even the titans, will be revealed to us too.

By paying for this product, you receive an artifact weapon in WoW: Legion for your hero. The price of the product includes completing all tasks to obtain one artifact of your choice, and improving it to item level 850. Especially useful for newcomers who have recently begun their adventure in Legion.

Each artifact is the embodiment of power - this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle against an enemy more dangerous than you have ever met.

Druid artifacts for all specializations

Balance - Scythe of Elune

This famous item was made many centuries ago. It was forged by crossing the Staff of Elune and the Fang of Goldrinn. This artifact has a rather long and very scary history. A lot of careless owners of this weapon fell victims to Goldrinn, who settled in it. This scythe was also associated with the emergence of worgen on the territory of Azeroth. This weapon has a very strong power of the moon, so only druids who have managed to achieve true balance will be able to truly wield this weapon.

Feral Power - Ashhide Fangs

Big Panther gray named Ashskin, is one of the very first Wild Deities. She was among those who decided to help Cenarius, who was a demigod and decided to protect Azeroth in the War of the Ancients. This panther died in a battle with the Legion, but managed to save big number lives. In the name of this panther, a wonderful cult complex was erected, and its fangs were decorated and placed on its territory. It is believed that even today these fangs retain some of the power of this goddess.

Guardian - Claws of Ursoc

This artifact was made from titanium steel by Freya herself. She gave the artifact to the greatest bear, Ursoc, who was an ancient wild deity. With these claws he won many battles and later fell in the War of the Ancients. His body turned into decay, his fighting claws were preserved, and, if you believe the legends, part of his spirit still lives in this object today. Having taken the artifact from his heirs, a detachment of druids decided to move them to the territory of the Emerald Dream, where they found the spirit of Ursoc and gave the artifact for safekeeping.

Healing - G'hanir, the Mother Tree

This item was plucked from G'hanir - the first tree; in ancient times it was given to the druids by the demigoddess Aviana. This tree can heal and stabilize the situation in Azeroth. The Druids used this staff to prevent the popularization of the madness and depravity of the Nightmare. And the main dream of the satyrs is to destroy this staff.

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