Easy test on astronomy. Thematic tests in astronomy

Kims on astronomy ed. textbook Charugin

Test No. 1 on the topic “Astronometry” and “Celestial Mechanics”

    1 light year is

A. The path that light travels in one year. B. Projection earth's equator to the celestial sphere. B. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun.

2. Currently, the Russian space observatory operates in outer space:

A. Fermi Gamma-ray TelescopeB. RadioAstron V. Hubble Telescope

3. What does stellar magnitude depend on?

A. From its location in the sky.B . From the brightness of their shine. B. From the position of the stars relative to each other.

4. The ecliptic is:

A. 12 zodiac constellations through which the annual path of the Moon passes.

B. 12 zodiac constellations through which the Earth’s annual path passes.

IN . 12 zodiac constellations through which the annual path of Sol passes ntsa.

5. What is the celestial equator and celestial meridian.

A. The projection of the earth's equator onto the celestial sphere and the great circle of the celestial sphere, which passes through the zenith and poles of the world.B. The great circle of the celestial sphere, which passes through the zenith and poles of the world and the projection of the earth's equator onto the celestial sphere.

6. What is a sidereal month?

A. The time period is equal to the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth. B. The time interval between two successive new moons.

7. What is a synodic month

A. The period of time is equal to the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth.B. The time interval between two successive new moons.

8. The lunar calendar is based on

A. Synodic month. B. Sidereal month

9. What is the difference between the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar?

Test No. 2 on the topic “Structure of the solar system”

1. The largest planet in the solar system

A. Mars B. Earth C. UranusG. Jupiter

A. Neptune B. Mars C. Mercury D. Saturn.

3. Dwarf planets

A. Mercury, Venus, MarsB. Pluto, Eris, Haumeda

A.Venus B. Jupiter B. Mars G. Saturn

5.Why is the comet’s tail directed away from the Sun?

A. Under the influence of solar wind pressure and sunlight Some of the gases are pushed away in the direction opposite to the Sun, forming the comet's tail.

B. Under the influence of attraction to the planets of the solar system.

6. Meteors are

B. Meteoroids ranging in size from centimeters to tens of meters, moving in interplanetary space and then falling to Earth. B. Small shapeless bodies that move around the Sun at distances of 2.3 - 3.3 AU. D. Celestial objects called tailed or shaggy star

7. Asteroids are

A. Minute solid particles flaring up in the earth’s atmosphere, which invade it from the outside with enormous speed.B. Meteoroids ranging in size from centimeters to tens of meters, moving in interplanetary space and then falling to Earth. B. Small shapeless bodies that move around the Sun at distances of 2.3 - 3.3 AU. D. Celestial objects called tailed or shaggy star

8. Meteorites are

A. Minute solid particles flaring up in the earth’s atmosphere, which invade it from the outside with enormous speed.B. Meteoroids ranging in size from centimeters to tens of meters, moving in interplanetary space and then falling to Earth.B. Small shapeless bodies that move around the Sun at distances of 2.3 - 3.3 AU. D. Celestial objects called tailed or shaggy star

9. Comets are

A. Minute solid particles flaring up in the earth’s atmosphere, which invade it from the outside with enormous speed B. Meteoroids ranging in size from centimeters to tens of meters, moving in interplanetary space and then falling to Earth. B. Small shapeless bodies that move around the Sun at distances of 2.3 - 3.3 AU. D. Celestial objects called tailed or shaggy stars.

10. What physical processes led to a spatial division into terrestrial planets and giant planets.

11. Select the giant planets: Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

12.Indicate the contribution of each scientist to the study of the solar system: . 1. Johannes Kepler. 2. Claudius Ptolemy. 3. Isaac Newton. 4.Nicholas Copernicus. 5.Galileo Galilei.

A. In 150 AD. in the book “Almagest” he described the geocentric system of the world.

B. Based on observational data, he derived three elliptic law planetary movements.

V. The first used a telescope for astronomical research and discovered the phases of Venus.

G. Wrote a book in which he outlined the heliocentric theory of planetary movements.

D. Formulated three basic laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation.

Test No. 3 on the topic “Astrophysics and stellar astronomy”

1 . Telescopes for observing in light rays are called

A. Optical B. Radio telescopes

2. Telescopes for receiving radio waves are called

A. OpticalB. Radio telescopes

3.What is the temperature at the center of the Sun

A.6000K B.4×10 6 TOH.14×10 6 TO

4.What is the source of energy from the Sun

A. Thermonuclear reactions of fusion of light nuclei B. Nuclear reactions of chemical elements B. Chemical reactions

5. They have the lowest surface temperature

A. Blue stars B. Yellow starsV.Red Stars G. White stars.

6. Yellow stars like the Sun have a surface temperature of about

A.3000KB.6000K H.20000K D.10800K

7. Which group of stars does Capella belong to, if its luminosityL= 220 L 0 , and at a temperature of 5000K?

A. To the main sequenceB. To the red giants

V. To supergiants D. To white dwarfs

8.Pulsar is

A. A rapidly rotating star like the Sun B. A rapidly rotating red giant

B. A rapidly rotating neutron star G Rapidly rotating white dwarf

9. What observations confirmed the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions of fusion of helium from hydrogen in the solar core?

A. Observation of the solar wind B. Observation of sunspots C. Observation x-ray radiation Sun.D. Observation of solar neutrino flux.

10. In which stars are formed chemical elements down to the iron?

A. In stars of spectral classes O and B of the main sequence.B. In red giants and supergiants. V. In neutron stars. G. In white dwarfs.

Test No. 4 on the topic “Milky Way. Galaxies"

1. Our Galaxy can be represented as

A. giant star ball. B. A giant oblate system of stars C. A giant shapeless collection of stars. G. A giant oblate disk of stars, gas and dust forming spirals.

2. The diameter of the Galaxy is approximately

A. 10kpcB. 100000 light years B. 1,000,000a.u. G. 2×10 6 St. years

3. Where is the Sun located in the Galaxy?

A. In the center of the Galaxy. B. On the periphery of the GalaxyB. At a distance of approximately 8 kpc from the center. D. At a distance of approximately 150,000 sv. years from the center.

4. What massive object is at the center of the Milky Way?

A. A dense cluster of stars. B. Dense gas and dust cloud C. There is nothing unusualD. Massive black hole.

5. Our Galaxy

B. Spiral G. Active

6. Andromeda Nebula

A. Elliptical B. IrregularB. Spiral G. Active

7.C 1 . The redshift of the galaxy is 0.1. How far away is it?

Test No. 5 on the topic “Structure and evolution of the Universe. Contemporary issues astronomy"

1. What indicates the expansion of the Universe?

A. Red shift in the spectra of distant galaxies. B. Rotation of galaxies around an axis. B. Black holes in the nuclei of galaxies D. The presence of gas and dust in spiral galaxies

2. Where and when was the bulk of helium formed in the Universe?

A. In the stars B. In the cores of galaxies C. It has always existed in the Universe

D. In the first seconds of the life of the Universe

3.What indicates the high temperature of a substance at initial stages evolution of the Universe?

A. CMB radiation B. Distribution of galaxies in space. B. High temperature in stars. D. Nothing indicates

4. The solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. What was the age of the Universe then?

A. 4.5 billion years. B.0 C. 8.5 billion years D. 1 billion years

5. Radius of the Universe

A.1.24 ×10 26 m. B. 3 × 10 13 m C. 13 × 10 9 m

6. Hubble's Law

A. Ʋ= Hr B.Ʋ= B . Ʋ= сz 7

7.Problem The Andromeda Nebula is approaching Milky Way at a speed of 280 km/s, the distance to it is about 2 million light. years. In how many years will a collision between galaxies occur?

Final test

Option 1.

1. Astronomy is the science that studies...

A) movement and origin celestial bodies and their systems.

B) the development of celestial bodies and their nature.

C) the movement, nature, origin and development of celestial bodies and their systems.

2. A telescope is needed in order to...

A) collect light and create an image of the source.

B) collect light from a celestial object and increase the angle of view from which the object is seen.

C) obtain an enlarged image of a celestial body.

A) north point.

B) zenith.

B) nadir.

D) point of the east.

4. The line of intersection of the plane of the celestial horizon and the meridian is called ...

A) noon line.

B) true horizon.

B) right ascension.

5. The angle between the planes of great circles, one of which passes through the poles of the world and a given luminary, and the other through the poles of the world and the point of the vernal equinox, is called ...

A) right ascension.

B) stellar magnitude.

B) declination.

6. What is the declination of the Sun on the days of the equinoxes?

Subject of astronomy

Option #1

1. Astrometry

2. Astrophysics

3. Astronomy +

4. Another answer

2. A heliocentric model of the world was developed by...

1. Hubble Edwin

2. Nicolaus Copernicus +

3. Tycho Brahe

4. Claudius Ptolemy

3. The terrestrial planets include...

1. Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Earth

2. Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury +

3. Venus, Earth, Mercury, Phobos

4. Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter

4.The second planet from the Sun is called...

1. Venus +

2. Mercury

5. Interstellar space...

1. empty

2. filled with dust and gas +

3. filled with spacecraft debris

4. another answer.

6. The angle between the direction towards the star from any point on the earth’s surface and the direction from the center of the Earth is called ...

1. Hour angle

2. Horizontal parallax +

4. Right ascension

7 The distance from which the average radius of the earth’s orbit is visible at an angle of 1 second is called ...

1. Astronomical unit

2. Parsec +

2. Light year

4. Magnitude

8. The lowest point of intersection of a plumb line with the celestial sphere is called ...

1. points of the south

2. points north

9. A great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of the world is called...

1. celestial equator +

2. celestial meridian

3. circle of declinations

4. real horizon

10. The first equatorial celestial coordinate system is determined by ...

1. Year angle and declination +

3. Azimuth and declination

4. Azimuth and altitude

11 The great circle along which the center of the Sun’s disk makes its visible summer movement on the celestial sphere is called...

1. celestial equator

2. celestial meridian

3. circle of declinations

4. ecliptic +

12. The line around which the celestial sphere rotates is called

1. axis mundi +

2. vertical

3. midday line

4. real horizon

13. In which constellation is the star located, has coordinates α = 5h 20m, δ = + 100

2. Charioteer

14. The reverse movement of the vernal equinox point is called...

1. Perihelion

3. Precession +

4. There is no right answer

15. The most important phases of the Moon are...

4. eight +

16. The angle that is measured from the point south S along the horizon towards sunset to the vertical of the luminary is called...

1. Azimuth +

3. Hour angle

4. Declension

17. The squares of the orbital periods of the planets are related as the cubes of the semi-major axes of the orbits. This statement …

1. Kepler's first law

2. Kepler's second law

3. Kepler's third law +

4. Kepler's fourth law

18. A telescope whose objective is a lens or a system of lenses is called ...


2.Refractorn them +

3. meniscus

4. There is no right answer.

Subject of astronomy

Option No. 2

1. Astrometry

2. Stellar astronomy

3. Astronomy +

4. Another answer

2. A geocentric model of the world was developed by...

1. Nicolaus Copernicus

2. Isaac Newton

3. Claudius Ptolemy +

4. Tycho Brahe

3.before composition solar system includes...

1. eight planets. +

2. nine planets

3. ten planets

4. seven planets

4. The fourth planet from the Sun is called...

5. A certain area of ​​the starry sky with clearly defined boundaries, covering all the luminaries belonging to it and having its own is called ...

1. Celestial sphere

2. Galaxy

3. Constellation +

4. Group vision

6. The angle at which the radius of the earth’s orbit would be visible from the star is called ...

1. Annual parallax +

2. Horizontal parallax

3. Hour angle

4. Declension

7. The upper point of intersection of a plumb line with the celestial sphere is called ...

2. points north

3. points of the south

8 The great circle passing through the poles of the world and the zenith is called ...

1. celestial equator

2. celestial meridian

3. circle of declinations

4. real horizon +

9. The time interval between two successive and upper culminations of the vernal equinox is called ...

1. Sunny day

2. Sidereal day +

3. Finest hour

4. Sunny time

10. The amount of energy that a star emits from its entire surface per unit time in all directions is called...

1. magnitude

2. brightness

4. luminosity +

11. The second equatorial celestial coordinate system is determined by ...

1. Year angle and declination +

2. Right ascension and declination

3. Azimuth and declination

4. Azimuth and altitude

12. In which constellation is the star located, has coordinates α = 20h 20m, δ = + 350

1. Capricorn

2. Dolphin

1. 11 constellations

2. 12 constellations

3. 13 constellations +

4. 14 constellations

14. An eclipse of the Sun is coming...

4. there is no correct answer.

15. Each of the planets moves around the Sun in an ellipse, at one of the focuses of which the Sun is located. This statement …

1. Kepler's first law +

2. Kepler's second law

3. Kepler's third law

4. Kepler's fourth law

16. A calendar in which time is calculated based on the changing phases of the Moon is called ...

1. Sunny

2. Lunar-solar

3. Lunar +

4. There is no right answer.

17. A telescope whose lens is a concave mirror is called...


2.Refractorn them +

3. meniscus

4. There is no right answer

18. A system that combines several radio telescopes is called...

1. Radio interferometer +

2. Radio telescope opom


Subject of astronomy

Option No. 3

1. Having established the laws of planetary motion...

1. Nicolaus Copernicus

2. Tycho Brahe

3. Galileo Galilei

4. Johannes Kepler +

2.Giant planets include planets...

1. Phobos, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

2. Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus

3. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter +

4. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

3. The third planet from the Sun is called...

1. Mercury

4 The distance from the Earth to the Sun is called ....

1. Astronomical unit +

3. Light year

4. Magnitude

5. The line connecting the points of south and north is called...

1. axis mundi

2. vertical +

3. midday line

4. real horizon

6. The great circle along which the horizontal plane intersects the celestial sphere...

1. celestial equator

2. celestial meridian

3. circle of declinations

4. real horizon +

7. Time elapsed since the upper culmination of the vernal equinox...

1. Sunny day

2. Sidereal day

3. Finest hour +

4. Sunny time

8. The great circle passing through the poles of the world and the luminary M is called ...

1. circle of declinations +

2. celestial equator

3. celestial meridian

4. vertical

9. The horizontal celestial coordinate system is determined..

1. Year angle and declination

2. Right ascension and declination

3. Azimuth and declination

4. Azimuth and altitude

10. In which constellation is the star located, has coordinates α = 11h 20m, δ = - 150

11 The angle measured from the horizon along the vertical to the luminary is called...

1. Azimuth +

3. Hour angle

4. Declension

12. The period of time during which the Moon, describing a full circle on the celestial sphere, returns to the same point is called ...

1. astronomical era

2. sidereal month +

3. lunar days

4. synodic month

13. State the correct statement

1. The synodic month is less than the sidereal month by 2 ¼ days +

2. The synodic month is longer than the sidereal month by 2 ¼ days

3. The synodic month is 2 ⅔ days shorter than the sidereal month

4. The synodic month is longer than the sidereal month by 2 ⅔ days

14. The most important phases of the Moon are...

4. eight +

15. The radius vector of the planet describes equal areas in equal time intervals. This statement …

1. Kepler's first law

2. Kepler's second law +

3. Kepler's third law

4. Kepler's fourth law

16. A calendar in which the change of seasons is taken as the basis for recording time is called ...

1. Sunny +

2. Lunar-solar

4. There is no right answer.

17. The largest telescope in the world “Very large telescope"installed in the observatory..


2.Mauna Kea

3.La Silla


1. Antenna and detector

2. Antenna and receiver +

3. Receiver and detector

4. Antenna and multiplier

Subject of astronomy

Option No. 4

1. The science that studies the structure of our Galaxy and other stellar systems is called...

1. Astrometry

2. Stellar astronomy

3. Astronomy +

4. Another answer

2. The law of universal gravitation discovered...

1. Galileo Galilei

2. Hubble Edwin

3. Isaac Newton +

4. Johannes Kepler

3 The first planet from the Sun is called...

3. Mercury +

4. The distance that light travels in one year is called...

1. Magnitude

3. Astronomical unit

4. Light year +

5. The upper point of intersection of a plumb line with the celestial sphere is called ...

2. points north +

3. points of the south

6. Of course, a section of the starry sky with clearly defined boundaries, covering all the luminaries belonging to it and having its own is called ...

1. Celestial sphere

2. Galaxy

3. Constellation +

4. Group vision

7. The great circle that passes through the luminary M, the zenith point and the Nadir point is called ...

1. celestial equator

2. celestial meridian

3. circle of declinations

4. vertical +

8. The amount of energy that a star emits from its entire surface per unit time in all directions is called...

1. magnitude

2. brightness +

4. luminosity

9 The line connecting the points south and north is called...

1. axis mundi

2. vertical

3. midday line

4. real horizon +

10 The first equatorial celestial coordinate system is determined by ...

1. Year angle and declination +

2. Right ascension and declination

3. Azimuth and declination

4. Azimuth and altitude

11. In which constellation is the star located, has coordinates α = 8h 20m, δ = + 200

12 The arc of the ecliptic, 300 in length, is designated by the name of the corresponding zodiacal constellation...

1. Constellation

2 Arc of the Zodiac

3. Zodiac sign +

4. There is no right answer

13 The angle that is measured from the celestial equator along the circle of declination to the luminary is called ...

3. Hour angle

4. Declension. +

1. astronomical era

2. sidereal month +

3. lunar days

4. synodic month.

15. An eclipse of the Sun is coming...

1. if the Moon falls into the shadow of the Earth.

2. if the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon

3. if the Moon is between the Sun and Earth +

4. there is no correct answer.

16. The point of the planetary orbit closest to the Sun is called..

1. Perihelion +

3. Precession

4. There is no right answer

17. A science center where celestial objects are studied using telescopes is called ...

1.Interfer with ether

2.Observator ieyu +

3. Planetarium m

4. There is no right answer

18.The first Ukrainian cosmonaut...

1.Yuri Gagarin

2. Leonid Kadenyuk +

3. German Titov

4. Alexey Leonov

Subject of astronomy

Option No. 5

1. The science of celestial bodies, the laws of their movement, structure and development, as well as the structure and development of the Universe as a whole is called...

1. Astrometry

2. Astrophysics

3. Astronomy +

4. Another answer

2. The suite of galaxies is expanding proved...

1. Hubble Edwin +

2. Nicolaus Copernicus

3. Tycho Brahe

4. William Herschel

3. The fifth planet from the Sun is called...

4. Saturn +

4 The distance from which the average radius of the earth's orbit is visible at an angle of 1 second is called ...

1. Astronomical unit

2. Parsec +

3. Light year

4. Magnitude

5. The angle measured from the horizon along the vertical to the luminary is called...

1. Azimuth +

3. Hour angle

4. Declension

6. The upper point of intersection of a plumb line with the celestial sphere is called ...

2. points north

3. points of the south

7. The time interval between two successive and upper culminations of the vernal equinox is called ...

1. Sunny day

2. Sidereal day +

3. Finest hour

4. Sunny time

8. Time elapsed since the upper culmination of the vernal equinox...

1. Sunny day

2. Sidereal day

3. Finest hour +

4. Sunny time

9 The second equatorial celestial coordinate system is determined by ...

1. Year angle and declination +

2. Right ascension and declination

3. Azimuth and declination

4. Azimuth and altitude

10. In which constellation is the star located, has coordinates α = 14h 20m, δ = + 350

3. Bootes

11. The reverse movement of the vernal equinox point is called...

1. Perihelion

3. Precession

4. There is no right answer

12. The angle that is measured from the point south S along the horizon towards sunset to the vertical of the luminary is called...

1. Azimuth +

3. Hour angle

4. Declension

13. The path of the Sun in the sky along the ecliptic lies among...

1. 11 constellations

2. 12 constellations

3. 13 constellations +

4. 14 constellations

14. The time interval between two phases of the same name is called...

1. astronomical era

2. sidereal month +

3. lunar days

4. synodic month

15. A calendar in which the change of seasons is taken as the basis for recording time is called ...

1. Sunny +

2. Lunar-solar

4. There is no right answer.

16. The lunar eclipse is coming...

1. if the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth.

2. if the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon +

3. if the Moon is between the Sun and Earth

4. there is no correct answer

17 A system that combines several radio telescopes is called ...

1. Radio interferometer +

2. Radio telescope opom


4. There is no right answer.

18.The main parts of a radio telescope are...

1. Antenna and detector

2. Antenna and receiver +

3. Receiver and detector

4. Antenna and multiplier

General Astronomy Test

Instructions for students

In front of you Verification work with a choice of answers. It includes 10 questions. For each of them there are 5 answer options, designated by the letters A, B, C, D , E. From the given answers you must choose one that, in your opinion, is correct.


1. All statements, with the exception of one, characterize the geocentric system of the world. Please provide an exception.

A) The Earth is at or near the center of this system.

C) The planets move around the Earth.

C) The daily movement of the Sun occurs around the Earth.

D ) The Moon moves around the Sun.

E) The daily movement of stars occurs around the Earth.

2. The planet’s parallax has decreased by 3 times. This happened due to the fact that the distance to it:

A) increased by 3 times;

C) decreased by 3 times;

C) increased 9 times;

D ) decreased by 9 times;

E) increased 6 times.

3. Who determined the ratio of the radii of the orbits of planets moving around the Sun?

4. Who developed ideas about the structure of the Universe, according to which many worlds are inhabited?

Select answers to questions 3 and 4 from the following list:

A) Ptolemy.

B) Kepler.

C) Copernicus.

D) Galileo.

E) Bruno.

5. All statements except one are acceptable. Please provide an exception.

The movement of the planet around the Sun occurs exactly in an ellipse if:

A) there are no disturbances;

C) consider the movement of the planet without taking into account the attraction of other planets;

C) all three of Kepler’s laws are satisfied;

D ) the mass of the planet is small compared to the mass of the Sun;

E) the masses of all other planets are negligible.

6. The ratio of the cubes of the semimajor axes of the orbits of two planets is 16. Therefore, the period of revolution of one planet is greater than the period of revolution of the other:

A) 8 times;

B) 4 times;

C) 2 times;

D) 16 times;

E) 32 times.

7. According to ancient astronomers, planets differ from stars in that

A) move in circular orbits;

C) are not similar to the Earth in their composition;

C) sometimes move in the direction opposite to the movement of the stars;

D ) move around the Sun;

E) are closer to the Earth than the Sun.

8. All discoveries, with the exception of one, were Galileo’s contribution to the development of the heliocentric system of the Copernican world. Please provide an exception.

A) Mountains on the Moon.

B) Satellites of the planet Jupiter.

C) Annual parallax of stars.

D) Phases of Venus.

E) Sunspots.

9. Heliocentric a i systems a explains the loop-like movement of the pl a no:

A) the difference in the speed of movement of the Earth and the planet in orbit;

B) daily rotation of the Earth;

C) a combination of the movement of the Sun along the ecliptic and the movement of the planets around the Sun;

D ) changes in the speed of the planet’s orbit;

E) mutual attraction of planets.

10. If the planets are listed in increasing order of their distance from the Sun, then this order will correspond to the increase:

A) the period of rotation of the planets around their axes;

B) eccentricity of orbits;

C) the period of revolution around the Sun;

D ) the size of the planets;

E) their apparent brightness.

Option 1. D. 2. A. 3. B. 4. E. 5. D. 6. B. 7. C . 8. P. 9. A. 10. P.


1. Three laws of planetary motion:

A) directly followed from observations of the movement of the planet Mars;

C) used by Newton to derive the law of universal gravitation;

C) were obtained only after Kepler conducted a thorough analysis of observational data;

D ) were widely discussed at the beginning XVII century;

E) were used by Copernicus in constructing the heliocentric system.

2. The angular diameter of the planet observed from Earth has increased 4 times. Therefore, the distance between the Earth and the planet is:

A) increased 4 times;

B) decreased by 4 times;

C) increased by 2 times;

D ) decreased by 2 times;

E) decreased by 8 times.

3. All statements except one are acceptable. Please provide an exception.

A) The Earth moves faster when it is closer to the Sun.

C) The Earth's orbit lies in a plane passing through the center of the Sun.

C) The line connecting the Earth and the Sun describes equal areas for the period from March 21 to 23 and from December 21 to 23.

D ) The Sun is exactly in the center of the Earth's orbit.

E) The Earth moves slower when it is further from the Sun.

4. Galileo's observations provided a whole series of evidence of the incorrectness of the ideas about the Universe that were defended by the church in the Middle Ages. The following statements, with the exception of one, are such evidence. Please provide an exception.

A) The movement of four luminous objects around Jupiter.

C) Phases of Venus, similar to the lunar ones.

C) “Wandering” of planets among the stars.

D ) Discovery of sunspots.

E) Uneven appearance of the lunar surface.

5. Which of the following sequences is correct for the arrangement of the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Moon and Sun in order of increasing masses?

A) Moon, Earth, Mars, Sun, Jupiter.

B) Moon, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Sun.

C) Mars, Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Sun.

D ) Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Sun.

E) Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Sun.

6. Ancient astronomers saw the fundamental difference between planets and stars in the fact that planets:

A) brighter than stars;

C) more similar to Earth;

C) “wander” among the stars;

D) closer to Earth;

E) move around the Sun.

7. Without which of the following statements is the heliocentric theory unthinkable?

A) The planets revolve around the Sun.

B) The sun has a spherical shape.

C) The earth has a spherical shape.

D ) The planets revolve around the Earth.

E) The earth rotates around its axis.

8. Which of the following facts refutes the hypothesis about the immobility of the Earth and the movement of the Sun around it?

A) Every day the Sun rises in the eastern part of the sky and sets in the western part.

C) During the night we see the movement of stars.

C) The Sun makes a complete revolution against the background of stars during the year.

D ) Sometimes solar eclipses occur.

E) None of these statements.

9. The ratio of the squares of the periods of revolution of two planets around the Sun is 64. Therefore, the semi-major axis of the orbit of one planet is less than the semi-major axis of the other planet:

A) 64 times;

B) 32 times;

C) 16 times;

D) 4 times,

E) 2 times.

10. Which of the following observational factors played a decisive role in the fact that heliocentric system Copernicus was not accepted into 16th century?

A) The phases of Venus were observed through a telescope.

C) The parallax of stars has never been observed.

C) Galileo observed 4 satellites moving around Jupiter.

D ) Venus has never been observed beyond 48 0 from the Sun.

E) The calendar was not consistent with the changing seasons.


Option 2.

1. C. 2. B. 3. D . 4. P. 5. B. 6. P. 7. A. 8. E. 9D. 10 V.

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