Lei lines. Lei lines and their influence Lei lines map

Here we will consider the ley lines and their connections with places of power.

Speaking of ley lines further, we will mean by them all of the above geometric figures. This is so, for ease of perception of the data. Now it's time to take a closer look at the issue of objects that connect these lines. In classical examples, lei connect various ancient places of worship such as temples, shrines, cemeteries, and fortresses (or hillforts). It can also be dolmens, menhirs and different kind seids. Or these will be places that are not marked by artificial objects in any way, but are clearly distinguished by their natural characteristics. For example: mountains, lakes, dead glades and simply anomalous zones.

Lei centers, places of energy, give rise to at least seven (possibly more) ley lines and are located above magnetic fields or underground sources, primary spirals or converging primary geodesics - the shortest paths between two points on an uneven surface. Perhaps the ancient pagans knew about the energy emitted by the earth, and in accordance with this they arranged their sacred glades.

In the early 80s of the XX century, scientists determined that the energy contained in these places is the life force that is classified as male or female force (yin and yang, plus and minus), depending on the level of its vibration. It is present in all living tissues. In ley centers this energy can be natural or artificial. Artificial charges can be conjured up in stones or metals by manipulating them. Whether natural or artificial, this charge gradually disappears over time unless it is fixed by hammering, heating, or placing it in a magnetic field. The stones used in the construction of megalithic monuments, churches, holy wells and temples were charged in a special way, and then this charge was shaped by blows of axes and chisels. J. Havelock Fielder (Fidler, J. Havelock (John Havelock), English scientist, specialist in agriculture, who used the "magic vine", claims that the magnetism of the charge correlates with the number of blows and the spatiality of the stone. At the same time, the charge of megaliths is truly enormous.

Cremation pits and burials (such as those found at Stonehenge), sacrificial pits and altars, and bonfires have these charges. Fielder believes that some of the megaliths may have been charged by pagans and sorcerers who used psychic power manipulation rites. You can also charge the earth itself, and fix the charge with blows. There are legends in British folklore that tell of the ancient customs of "parish-bordering", in which the church chaplain and chorister boys had to go around the perimeter of the parish and beat the ground with sticks in the process. Most likely, there was a belief that this should raise protective energy and create a barrier around the parish.

Fielder also found that while the geomagnetic forces surrounding the ley centers radiate the most energy, the energy radiated by the stones themselves causes damage to living beings. This appears to have been caused by the leys themselves, which redirected the energy to other centers where it could be neutralized. Also, the charges could be deliberately hidden at the same time. It has been shown that certain types of wood such as elm, metals such as iron, minerals such as salt, quartz crystals, amethyst, jasper and silicon can mask charged stones. It is interesting to note that iron, salt, elm are revered in folklore for their protective properties against witchcraft, disease, demons and misfortune.

The huge blue stones of Stonehenge contain fragments of quartz crystals. These stones were dismantled and assembled twice during various phases of the construction of the monument - probably, the builders thus determined the most favorable configuration. Strength is also reduced by fragments of quartz scattered among the charged stones.

Places of Power connected by ley lines can also be less significant ley figures of local scale - ley knots (spiral, pentagram). Or, as often happens, the center of the ley node becomes the foundation stone of a city. And sometimes - and the whole state.

Ley lines in the Middle East

Some of the most ancient lines of leys that form cities and states can be found during excavations of the most ancient cities of the Middle East.

Let's start with the Sumerian civilization. Such ancient Sumerian cities as Sippar, Larak, Nippur and Shuruppak are located exactly on the same straight line, crossing them exactly at an angle of 45 degrees to the meridian. And if you draw a circle on the map, taking the city of Nippur as the center, and choose the distance Nippur-Larak as the radius, you will find that this circle intersects our line exactly at the place where the city of Shuruppak was located. It turns out that these two cities were at the same distance from Nippur. The same picture is obtained if the radius of the circle is the distance Nippur-Sippar. In this case, the circle becomes much larger and intersects our line in another place (to the southeast). There also used to be a town called Bad Tibira, which was also located on our direct line. In addition to the cities mentioned on our straight line, many other cities of ancient Sumer also fall on the perimeter of the circle.

Coincidence? Maybe. Although there is an interesting theory, expressed at one time by Zakharia Sitchin, that such an arrangement of objects is very reminiscent of the complexes of structures at modern cosmodromes and airfields, creating a so-called air corridor for landing airliners.

Such ancient cities of Sumer as Sippar, Larak, Nippur and Shuruppak Now take Jerusalem. Let's draw the same imaginary line through it, only this time in the direction of the southwest - northeast. The line goes through the territories of Syria and Turkey and leads us not just anywhere, but directly to the top of Mount Ararat, not unknown to us from the Bible. And, of course, it is not at all surprising that, moving along this line, we find many ancient cities and settlements.

Now, if we continue our first line linking the cities of Sumer towards the northwest, it will intersect our Jerusalem line at exactly 90 degrees in present-day Syria. In these territories, archaeologists have discovered more than a hundred ancient cities.

It is interesting in this connection to consider a relatively recent discovery made in these territories in Syria. The fact is that at the intersection of the lines we have indicated, there is the so-called Navel Mountain - one of the many "navels of the Earth" known to science. During excavations on this mountain, archaeologists discovered the temple complex of Göbekli Tepe - Navel Mountain with one of the oldest sanctuaries in the world. According to preliminary estimates of experts, the temple complex on this mountain was built about 12 thousand years ago during the pre-ceramic Neolithic period.

It was established that no one lived at this place, since no remains of human life were found. That is, it was exclusively a temple place. But here's what kind of temple it was, and what religion it belonged to - scientists still find it difficult to explain.

The temple on the Navel Mountain is a series of fifty-ton columns arranged in circles, plus stone walls around.

"Of course, today initial stage excavations, when a serious analysis of the discovery is not yet possible, we can only speculate about the religion that united people in the construction of a giant temple. Klaus Schmidt suggests that most likely it was something elementary, he believes that Göbekli Tepe is a temple of a death cult. However, he rejects the idea that the anthropomorphic figures on the reliefs of the columns depict ancestors. There are no mouths or eyes on the faces, so the researchers believe that on the columns there are images of Gods and demons and creatures of other worlds. In the columns themselves, scientists also see the figures of the Gods. They believe that in T-shaped silhouettes, the vertical part symbolizes the body, and the horizontal bar - the head. But the fact that more often than other reliefs on the columns there are images of animals, suggests the totemic aspects of the cult. Klaus Schmidt gives special importance to the ritual dance in the religious tradition of the temple on the Navel Mountain.

And although such interpretations cannot be called final, Klaus Schmidt says that "with a high probability, shamans danced on the Navel Mountain."

Jerusalem itself deserves separate consideration from the point of view of lei. Circles can also be drawn around this city, connecting many important sites of antiquity, such as the pyramids of Giza and the notorious Baalbek. Supporters of the ideas of archaeoastronomy consider these structures to be the creation of the hands of ancient astronauts, whom people later began to call gods (see Zecharia Sitchin "Stairway to Heaven"). Probably, these ancient gods were the first who managed to measure the Earth, put a “foundation” and a “measure” on it, and stretch a “rope” along it (Old Testament, Job 38: 4 -5.). Perhaps that very “rope” is the network of ley lines connecting the natural places of the Earth Force.

Among the not fully studied monuments of ancient Israel, one can also single out a structure consisting of three stone circles, discovered on the territory of the Dutch Heights and called the Wheel of Spirits (Galgal Refaim).

In fact, this building had the same functions as the English Stonehenge. That is, you performed the functions of the calendar. Here, as in the stone Stonehenge, ancient people observed the dates of the equinox and solstice. They also made other astronomical observations.

Ancient Egypt, with its majestic pyramids of Giza, palaces and temple complexes, is also part of the ley line system. As a rule, these are also circular lines. One of them connects, for example, the Great Pyramid with Jerusalem. The other leads due east in the direction of the sight of the immortal Sphinx. And if a meridian (North-South line) is drawn through the Great Pyramid, then it will conditionally divide the entire land part of the Earth into two parts approximately equal in area. However, we will return to Egypt.

Ley lines in Europe

Quite a lot of ley lines can be found in Europe. This is partly due to the fact that they were searched for and explored there more than in other parts of the world.

The first such line was discovered by the discoverer of lei Alfred Watkins. The famous stone circle Stonehenge is located northwest of the city of Salisbury. From Stonehenge, a straight line runs over the Stone Age hill of Old Siram and passes through Salisbury Cathedral, then through Clearbury Ring and Frankenbury Camp. All these points are associated with prehistoric times, and pagan rituals once took place on the site of Salisbury Cathedral.

Moreover, the lines forming Stonehenge - Groveley Castle - Old Siram Fortress create an equilateral triangle, the side of which is 9.656 km. (6 miles).

Most of the available and easily verifiable information today can be found about the lines of Europa, which are mentioned by the researcher Erich von Däniken. These are lines passing through a series of places of worship near modern cities.

Anyone can independently discover this "star" path by simply reading the names of the cities located on the line. Here, the root “star” is invariably present everywhere. The word "star" in Latin sounds like "stella", in French - "etoile", in Spanish - "estrella". Now let's look at the map again. We will see there such settlements as Les Etelle in Catalonia near Luzenac, Estillon south of the Pyrenees, Lizarraga near Pamplona, ​​Lyciella near Bergen in León and Aster in Galicia. The name of each of them contains the root of the word "star". Even the name of the final destination of Santiago de Compostela contains the word "star".

Further. In Denmark, a number of Viking castles are located on the same line. These are such famous castles as Eskeholm, Furkat, Aggersborg and the most famous - Trelleborg. This pattern was accidentally discovered by the Danish pilot Preben Hansson, flying on an airplane over the excavation sites of these structures.

It is curious that, as Hansson noted, if you continue this line in a southerly direction, then it passes through Berlin, the Alps and the territories of the former Yugoslavia, and soon reaches the Greek city of Delphi (Delphi again). And there, as you know, the Navel of the Earth was also located. This is such a simple coincidence.

All of these are thick and fairly well-known lines. In addition to those indicated, there are, of course, a great many thin and less well-known leys located in the territories of Europe. As a rule, they connect various kinds of dolmens, menhirs and seids. As well as various temple complexes, which were built, as you know, on the sites of ancient pagan sanctuaries.

Ley lines in Russia

In the territories Russian Federation as well as in the territories of the former Soviet Union you can also find many places of power, interconnected by a network of ley lines. The pursuit of ley lines began in Russia in the 80-90s of the twentieth century. Some patterns were found in the arrangement of rows of religious buildings in the Moscow region. For example, one of Russian researchers of this phenomenon, Stanislav Ermakov discovered a number of points with similar names in the Moscow region.

“The first results appeared literally on the third day of work on the map of the Moscow region! The names of settlements that begin with hissing consonants, as it turned out, are not distributed randomly in the area. Being marked on the map, they form a strip, which is about 40 km wide, oriented from northwest to southeast (from Tver to Ryazan). Three lines perpendicular to the main one are clearly visible. Both the main line and the “branches” clearly follow the main strip of outcrops of the Famennian and Upper Famennian stages of the Devonian system, which are composed mainly of limestones and sandstones. Some similar patterns can be traced in the study of the distribution of other close names of settlements on the ground. What is this? Accident? Hardly. Of course, it is hardly possible to call a strip of forty (!) kilometers wide a lei. There are many more of them within the band itself. But, I think, in this case, too, we are dealing with effects that are imperceptible at first glance, associated with the power structure of the planet.

There is also evidence that researcher Anton Platov found ley lines in the area of ​​the ancient Kulikovo field. They intersect at one of the central monuments of the Field - Gypsy-Stone- and go almost perpendicular to each other in the directions already familiar to us from northwest to southeast and from northeast to southwest. Pretty clear markers of these lei, in addition to five Orthodox churches and the Gypsy Stone itself, are a burial mound, the early burials of which date back to the Bronze Age, the site of a medieval Russian fortress (Dorozhen-gorod) and another group of sacred stones.

Speaking of sacred stones, one involuntarily recalls the ancient dolmens and seids, which are found in abundance in the territories of the Western Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast. Here they are found in such abundance that it becomes difficult to compose and arrange them in any system of ley lines. Judge for yourself: there are thousands of them on the territory of the North-Western Caucasus. The approximate date of creation of these seids is from 3500 to 1400 BC, i.e. dolmens from 5500 to 3400 years.

Among the megalithic buildings of the Caucasus, one can single out both free-standing dolmens and various kinds of seids. A distinctive feature of the Caucasian dolmens is an unexpected house-like structure with small round holes.

Moreover, an interesting detail, the builders of the megalithic structures of the Caucasus were not alien to such constructions atypical for these places as pyramids, similar in proportion to the famous pyramid of Khufu (Cheops).

Standing apart among the Caucasian megaliths is the unique megalithic complex Psynako-1 (Tuapse district, the valley of the Pshenakho river. About a kilometer up the Pshenakho valley from the village of Anastasievka on the right bank). Psynako-1 is an object that can be equated in importance with such well-known structures as Stonehenge or New Grange.

In general, Russia is rich in megalithic structures. Large territories allow us to find similar ancient monuments in almost all corners of our country.

There is data for the Leningrad region, areas of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk.

There is a whole alley of menhirs in the Chelyabinsk region (near the village of Cherkasy, 2 km to the north-west).

There is also the sacred Horse-Stone in the Tula region (on the Beautiful Sword River).

Large concentrations of seids were found in the area of ​​Mount Kivakka (in northwestern Karelia), on the islands of the Body Archipelago and on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea, Mount Kuchintundra, northwest of the Murmansk region. There are seids here too…

Mount Ninchurt, Lovozero tundra, Kola Peninsula. Single flagstone seid on the top of the mountain.

The city of Arkaim in the southern Urals is the legendary ancestral home of the Aryans. The city of the Magi, the city is a calendar, the city is a circle. One of the first cities of an ancient, once united race.

Next come the mysterious places of the Perm region, Siberia and, of course, the world-famous sacred peaks of the Altai Mountains. By the way, by connecting some peaks of the Altai Mountains, we get a line already familiar to us, crossing the meridian at an angle of 45 degrees. If you extend this line a little to the northwest, it passes exactly through the Salair Ridge (also a well-known place of Power) and then straight to Novosibirsk.

Then in our list of places of power comes the Far East, Yakutia and the volcanic belt of Kamchatka. In general, there are many places of Power in Russia, and, accordingly, many ley lines pass through its territories.

Astrologer Alexander Dan





In the early 20s of the last century, an elderly English businessman and part-time amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins took a walk through the hills of his native Herfordshire. Suddenly, a well-known landscape appeared before him in a completely different form. He saw that the whole area in front of him was divided into squares with straight lines passing through churches, buildings, ancient monuments.

The gentleman realized that he saw before him a map of ancient Britain - a landscape covered with a grid of perfectly straight roads, most of which corresponded either to the movement of the Sun or to the paths of the stars. It was a strange vision.

And, as happens with revelations, it determined the rest of Alfred Watkins' life. He called these lines "Ley system". "Leu" means "cleared land" in Old Saxon.

Before the Romans

Further research confirmed that yes, the straight lines tens of kilometers long, running through ancient burials and stone observatories like Stonehenge, which Watkins saw from the hill, are really expensive. Moreover, they were planned long before the Roman invasion, although they were considered the first road builders in Britain. Now these roads have disappeared, but not without a trace.

And if Watkins discerned them with a wonderful intuition, then, walking along the path indicated by him, one could see either an ancient slab that had sunk into the ground, or a row of boulders, or some other landmark. But what kind of road is this, which does not take into account the local terrain at all? And does not even try to go around the lake, hills, bogs?

Because, explained Watkins, these roads are laid along power (energy) lines. Just as a dowser feels underground water and finds a source, so the ancient Britons felt these lines and knew how to use them. And the energy of these lines was so strong that the road itself "carried" a skilled traveler, and this paid for all the inconvenience of off-road.

At first, Watkins' theory became the object of jokes for scientists, and not always good-natured ones. But the old businessman Watkins stood his ground and continued his research, which he then published in the book The Old Straight Road. The number of supporters of the "Lee system" began to grow.

St. Michael's ley line in the UK is one of the most curious. On its way there are many places of worship.

The line of St. Michael intersects with the line on which Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury and other stone structures of antiquity are located.

Earth Forces

The research of the archaeologist Guy Underwood helped to confirm the hypothesis about the “Ley system”. He discovered that in the center of every stone monument (including Stonehenge) and deep under the stone foundations of all the churches he surveyed, there is an energy "node", which he called "blind source".

"Blind", probably because it does not give, as it should be a source, the beginning of "water lines" (the energy of water), but, on the contrary, it is located where these "water lines" are drawn. And this determines the favorable energy of the area. Underwood also discovered two more types of underground ley lines. He called one of them "aquastat" and the other "road strip".

It turned out that, focusing on the "aquastat", the ancient builders "deployed" the cult buildings most favorably with respect to the cardinal points. And along the "road strip" they determined the direction of roads and paths. Underwood believes that all three geodesic lines - stat, road strip and water line - are associated with the numbers 3 and 7, the magical significance of which has been known since ancient times.

And yet they are the essence of the manifestation of the forces of the Earth. And belief in these forces was the center of many ancient religions. And it still remains. For example, in China.

A hundred years ago, when a fussy, industrialized Europe tried to “turn around” in China, it was disappointed. For example, when the Europeans offered to build a railway, and it had to go through a mountain or a hill, they received a polite refusal from the authorities in response.

Moreover, the motivation for refusal could drive an enlightened European crazy: the mountain, they say, is an earthly dragon and damage to its tail is fraught with serious troubles. The Chinese from time immemorial to this day believe in "dragon streams" - lines of force running along the surface of the earth. And before erecting a building or planting a tree, they consult with an expert geomancer whether their work will damage the "dragon stream".

Ley lines in Russia

In the territories of the Russian Federation, as well as in the territories of the former Soviet Union, one can also find many places of Power, interconnected by a network of ley lines. The pursuit of ley lines began in Russia in the 80-90s of the twentieth century. Some patterns were found in the arrangement of rows of religious buildings in the Moscow region. For example, one of the Russian researchers of this phenomenon, Stanislav Ermakov, discovered a number of points with similar names in the Moscow region.

“The first results appeared literally on the third day of work on the map of the Moscow region! The names of settlements that begin with hissing consonants, as it turned out, are not distributed randomly in the area. Being marked on the map, they form a strip, which is about 40 km wide, oriented from northwest to southeast (from Tver to Ryazan). Three lines perpendicular to the main one are clearly visible. Both the main line and the “branches” clearly follow the main strip of outcrops of the Famennian and Upper Famennian stages of the Devonian system, which are composed mainly of limestones and sandstones. Some similar patterns can be traced in the study of the distribution of other close names of settlements on the ground. What is this? Accident? Hardly. Of course, it is hardly possible to call a strip of forty (!) kilometers wide a lei. There are many more of them within the band itself. But, I think, in this case, too, we are dealing with effects that are imperceptible at first glance, associated with the power structure of the planet. (http://placeforce.narod.ru/anomal1.htm)

There is also evidence that researcher Anton Platov found ley lines in the area of ​​the ancient Kulikovo field. They intersect at one of the central monuments of the Field - Gypsy-Kamne - and run almost perpendicular to each other in the directions already familiar to us from northwest to southeast and from northeast to southwest. Pretty clear markers of these lei, in addition to five Orthodox churches and the Gypsy Stone itself, are a burial mound, the early burials of which date back to the Bronze Age, the site of a medieval Russian fortress (Dorozhen-gorod) and another group of sacred stones.

Speaking of sacred stones, one involuntarily recalls the ancient dolmens and seids, which are found in abundance in the territories of the Western Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast. Here they are found in such abundance that it becomes difficult to compose and arrange them in any system of ley lines. Judge for yourself: there are thousands of them in the territories of the North-Western Caucasus. The approximate date of creation of these seids is from 3500 to 1400 BC, i.e. dolmens from 5500 to 3400 years.

Among the megalithic buildings of the Caucasus, one can single out both free-standing dolmens and various kinds of seids. A distinctive feature of the Caucasian dolmens is an unexpected house-like structure with small round holes.

Moreover, an interesting detail, the builders of the megalithic structures of the Caucasus were not alien to such constructions atypical for these places as pyramids, similar in proportion to the famous pyramid of Khufu (Cheops). (data see: http://megalith.ru)

Standing apart among the Caucasian megaliths is the unique megalithic complex Psynako-1 (Tuapse district, the valley of the Pshenakho river. About a kilometer up the Pshenakho valley from the village of Anastasievka on the right bank). Psynako-1 is an object that can be equated in importance with such well-known structures as Stonehenge or New Grange. (for details, see: M. Kudin "Archeoastronomy and dolmens")

In general, Russia is rich in megalithic structures. Large territories allow us to find similar ancient monuments in almost all corners of our country.

There is data for the Leningrad region, areas of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk. (see: V. Mizin "Seids, megaliths of the Russian Arctic").

There is a whole alley of menhirs in the Chelyabinsk region (near the village of Cherkasy, 2 km to the north-west).

There is also the sacred Horse-Stone in the Tula region (on the Beautiful Sword River).

Large concentrations of seids were found in the area of ​​Mount Kivakka (in northwestern Karelia), on the islands of the Body Archipelago and on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea,

Mount Kuchintundra, northwest of the Murmansk region. There are seids here too…

Mount Ninchurt, Lovozero tundra, Kola Peninsula. Single flagstone seid on the top of the mountain.

The city of Arkaim in the southern Urals is the legendary ancestral home of the Aryans. The city of the Magi, the city is a calendar, the city is a circle. One of the first cities of an ancient, once united race.

Next come the mysterious places of the Perm region, Siberia and, of course, the world-famous sacred peaks of the Altai Mountains. By the way, by connecting some peaks of the Altai Mountains, we get a line already familiar to us, crossing the meridian at an angle of 45 degrees. If you extend this line a little to the northwest, it passes exactly through the Salair Ridge (also a well-known place of Power) and then straight to Novosibirsk.

Then in our list of places of power comes the Far East, Yakutia and the volcanic belt of Kamchatka. In general, there are many places of Power in Russia, and, accordingly, many ley lines pass through its territories.

Astrologer Alexander Dan

Lei lines

Lei lines- presumably the lines along which there are many places of geographical and historical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths, natural ridges, peaks and water crossings. Their existence was proposed in 1921 by amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins.

Watkins later developed the theory that these lines were created for the convenience of land movement and navigation during the Neolithic and existed for thousands of years. Recently, the term lei lineage has become associated with spiritual and mystical theories about the shape of the earth, including Chinese feng shui.

The concept of "ley lines" is usually attributed to Watkins, although the stimuli and background for the concept were proposed by the English astronomer Norman Lockyer.

On June 30, 1921, Watkins visited the village of Blackwardine, Herfordshire. He was surprised to find that several hills with ancient ruins could be connected by a straight line. Imagination allowed him to see a system of straight lines connecting all the surrounding remarkable places.

A few years later, Watkins wrote the following words, most likely reflecting his impressions on that summer day:

“Imagine a magic chain, stretched from one mountain peak to another, as far as the eye can see, and then etched in such a way that it touches “ high places“land in a number of ridges, hills and slopes. Then imagine a mound, a round earthen rampart or a grove of trees on these peaks, and in the low parts of the valley, other mounds surrounded by water, which is visible even at a great distance. From time to time, huge standing stones mark the path, and on the high bank leading to the foot of the mountain range or down to the river ford, a deeply incised path, which seems to form a guide mark on the horizon line when you climb up.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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In the early 20s of the last century, an elderly English businessman and part-time amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins took a walk through the hills of his native Herfordshire. Suddenly, a well-known landscape appeared before him in a completely different form. He saw that the whole area in front of him was divided into squares with straight lines passing through churches, buildings, ancient monuments.

The gentleman realized that he saw before him a map of ancient Britain - a landscape covered with a grid of perfectly straight roads, most of which corresponded either to the movement of the Sun or to the paths of the stars. It was a strange vision.

And, as happens with revelations, it determined the rest of Alfred Watkins' life. He called these lines "Ley system". "Leu" means "cleared land" in Old Saxon.

Before the Romans

Further research confirmed that yes, the straight lines tens of kilometers long, running through ancient burials and stone observatories like Stonehenge, which Watkins saw from the hill, are really expensive. Moreover, they were planned long before the Roman invasion, although they were considered the first road builders in Britain. Now these roads have disappeared, but not without a trace.

And if Watkins discerned them with a wonderful intuition, then, walking along the path indicated by him, one could see either an ancient slab that had sunk into the ground, or a row of boulders, or some other landmark. But what kind of road is this, which does not take into account the local terrain at all? And does not even try to go around the lake, hills, bogs?

Because, explained Watkins, these roads are laid along power (energy) lines. Just as a dowser feels underground water and finds a source, so the ancient Britons felt these lines and knew how to use them. And the energy of these lines was so strong that the road itself "carried" a skilled traveler, and this paid for all the inconvenience of off-road.

At first, Watkins' theory became the object of jokes for scientists, and not always good-natured ones. But the old businessman Watkins stood his ground and continued his research, which he then published in the book The Old Straight Road. The number of supporters of the "Lee system" began to grow.

St. Michael's ley line in the UK is one of the most curious. On its way there are many places of worship.

The line of St. Michael intersects with the line on which Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury and other stone structures of antiquity are located.

Earth Forces

The research of the archaeologist Guy Underwood helped to confirm the hypothesis about the “Ley system”. He discovered that in the center of every stone monument (including Stonehenge) and deep under the stone foundations of all the churches he surveyed, there is an energy "node", which he called "blind source".

"Blind", probably because it does not give, as it should be a source, the beginning of "water lines" (the energy of water), but, on the contrary, it is located where these "water lines" are drawn. And this determines the favorable energy of the area. Underwood also discovered two more types of underground ley lines. He called one of them "aquastat" and the other "road strip".

It turned out that, focusing on the "aquastat", the ancient builders "deployed" the cult buildings most favorably with respect to the cardinal points. And along the "road strip" they determined the direction of roads and paths. Underwood believes that all three geodesic lines - stat, road strip and water line - are associated with the numbers 3 and 7, the magical significance of which has been known since ancient times.

And yet they are the essence of the manifestation of the forces of the Earth. And belief in these forces was the center of many ancient religions. And it still remains. For example, in China.

Don't cut the dragon's tail

A hundred years ago, when a fussy, industrialized Europe tried to “turn around” in China, it was disappointed. For example, when the Europeans offered to build a railway, and it had to go through a mountain or a hill, they received a polite refusal from the authorities in response.

Moreover, the motivation for refusal could drive an enlightened European crazy: the mountain, they say, is an earthly dragon and damage to its tail is fraught with serious troubles. The Chinese from time immemorial to this day believe in "dragon streams" - lines of force running along the surface of the earth. And before erecting a building or planting a tree, they consult with an expert geomancer whether their work will damage the "dragon stream".

Frenchman Patrick Burensteinas claims that one of the ley lines runs from Brussels' Grand Place to Spain's Santiago de Compostela (the so-called Way of Saint James). In the figure below, a map of the medieval roads of St. Jacob.

Lung-gom-pa and multi-leap

They also know about the lines of force in Tibet. During a trip through this mountainous country, the famous female explorer Alexandra David-Neel saw lung-gom-pa - people who could race for weeks without rest, without slowing down. But the main thing: they always ran in a straight line, even if this line ran through the mountains.

They did not turn off in front of any obstacles, they only switched to “multi-jumps” - high jumps, and so easily broke away from the ground, as if bouncing off it. David-Neel believed that the secret of the extraordinary endurance and strength of runners was in long, hard physical exercises and spiritual self-improvement.

Maybe. But only in part. The fact that they never swerve suggests that, in addition to all this, they also know how to use lines of force, which Watkins called the "Lee system." It is even said that the most trained lung-gom-pa could run without touching the ground. In other words, they could fly.

Riding on a rock

There are many legends about the flights that the ancient Britons made. The sorcerer and sorcerer Bloodud flew with the help of stones, but one day he fell from heaven right to where St. Paul's Cathedral now stands in London. Another British magician, Abiris, according to legend, flew all the way to Greece.

Modern researcher John Mitchell believes that these legendary flights were made possible by the use of the magnetic forces of the "Lee system". He also believes that these lines are transmitters of celestial energy. Therefore, many ancient monuments, especially Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge, the purpose of which is still not entirely clear to science, are built precisely in order to "link" together the earthly and heavenly forces. In Kabbalism, these forces are united by the number 1746. So, Mitchell discovered that the same number is inherent in the architectural proportions of these monuments.

So, maybe we can clear the “Lee system” and become lung-gom-pa? Will not work. Too much for this man of modern civilization needs to clear in himself. After all, even in Tibet, not everyone can become lung-gom-pa.

About cymatics, the ancient Egyptians clearly had an incredibly advanced knowledge of nature, science, magnetism, and astronomy (among many other things).

This post might seem like a bit of a history lesson, but I'm laying down some really important groundwork here, so rest assured that the purpose behind all of this information will become clear as I start putting things together in the next couple of posts.

Let's get back to the Pyramids of Giza...

Pyramids and megaliths (continued)

To reiterate some of the key points regarding the pyramids of Giza mentioned earlier:

1. The Egyptians lifted and cut millions of huge blocks of stone (at least a mile) in a way that is not accessible to modern machinery.

2. They coded fi And Pi in their structure as precisely as no modern architecture can.

3. The latitude of the pyramid of Giza corresponds exactly to the speed of light.

4. The pyramid complex is perfectly aligned with Orion's belt. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the afterlife.

5. The resonant frequency of the four chambers of the pyramids coincides with the resonant frequency of DNA.

Another fun fact (as if these 5 facts were missing on their own…) is that the four sides of the Great Pyramid are aligned within two seconds of a degree with the four main directions: North, East, South and West. The chambers in the pyramids are also aligned from north to south to within 0.05 degrees.

Another manifestation of the incredible craftsmanship of the Giza pyramid is that its inner shafts are perfectly aligned with certain constellations: Orion (Osiris); Set (Seth); Isis (Isis); Kochab, and Thuban/Alpha Draconis(the significance of this will become clearer later in this and subsequent articles):

It is noteworthy that the pyramids of Giza are not the only megaliths in the world in which heavy stone blocks(which modern technology cannot lift) and demonstrated the exact geometry based on fi And Pi.

For example, the Pyramid of the Sun ("Temple of the Feathered Serpent") in Teotihuacan, Mexico (pictured below) also encodes advanced mathematics. Teotihuacan was once home to one of the largest populations on earth (c. 150,000) and the temple was used for offerings to the gods.

Geometric calculations show that the Pyramid of the Sun is built with a minimum deviation (deviation) from fi And Pi like the Great Pyramid of Giza. Although it is exactly half the height of the Pyramid of Giza, its basement area differs by only 3% (a difference that can be partly explained by erosion over time).

Below is a comparative geometric analysis of the heights and bases (foundations - bases) of the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. For a more thorough study, read.

Rectangles formed from the top of each pyramid to 1/2 of their base, if 1/2 of the base is taken as a unit:

Great Pyramid: 1.2738853 …: 1 (0.15% deviation from 1.2720196, which is square root fi)

Pyramid of the Sun: 0.6369339…: 1 (3.06% deviation from 0.618034 for reciprocal value fi)

The ratio of the perimeter of the base to the height:

Great Pyramid: 6.2800001…: 1 (0.05% deviation from 6.2831853 - Pi, multiplied by 2)

Pyramid of the Sun: 12.560171…: 1 (0.05% deviation from the value of 12.566371 - Pi, multiplied by 4)

The ratio of bases to each other:

Great Pyramid/Pyramid of the Sun: 1.0308101 …: 1

Pyramid of the Sun / Great Pyramid 0.9701107 …: 1

Moreover, just like the pyramids of Giza, the three pyramids at Teotihuacan are also perfectly aligned with the belt of Orion (i.e. Osiris):

In fact, like the pyramid complex in Xi’an, China…

... And the newly discovered pyramids at Montevecchia (40 km from Milan) are also aligned in a similar way. Moreover, according to this article, the angle of inclination of these Italian pyramids seems to be 42° 43', like those of the "Bent" and "Red" pyramids at Dashur.

Photo caption: I'm starting to see a pattern here...

If the fact that these pyramids (and many others...) are aligned with Orion is not proof enough that ancients everywhere in the world knew astrology, the Teotihuacan complex also perfectly depicts the procession (movement - procession) of the planets in the solar system, as shown below.

It is absolutely incredible that this ancient culture was able to build an accurate scale model. solar system, and as shown below, the ancient Egyptians also knew about the zodiac and precession, and that the ancient Chinese were also incredibly advanced in their astronomy (I won't try to explain their zodiac wheels here to stay brief):

It is evident that very ancient people in many different traditions emphasized precessional numbers, and based their practices and monuments on constellations and precessions.

This is very advanced knowledge, much more advanced than we ever imagined that the ancients could possess it. Precession was discovered relatively recently by modern astronomers, as were Uranus (1787), Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1930), so the discovery that precession and planetary motion were known thousands of years ago is truly amazing (and it makes one wonder - what else did the ancients know about that is still “not discovered” by traditional science today ...)

One more example ancient culture, which based its architecture on astronomy and ancient knowledge, was found at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, in the photo below:

The Angkor Wat complex beautifully includes both the constellation Perseus (left) and the constellation Draco (right):

The constellation Draco, in particular, is associated with the dragon, or serpent (serpent), and includes the star Alpha Draconis, which was the closest to the Polar from the fourth to the second millennium BC (from 4BC to 2BC). The traditional name of Alpha Draconis is Thuban, which means "serpent's head". Note that this is also one of the constellations that one of the shafts of the Great Pyramid is aligned with.

It is also worth noting that the dragon or serpent was (and still is) a key symbol in many other cultures, as exemplified by some of the flags below (from left to right: Bhutan, Wales, Qing Dynasty of China and Ljubljana, Slovenia).

In addition, in England and Northern Europe, a prominent historical figure is Saint George (Saint George), associated with the dragon, hence the cross of St. George, which prevails on all northern European flags. There are, for example, numerous statues of St. George slaying the dragon in Stockholm - they are said to symbolize a man who conquers evil ...

The serpent/dragon was also known in many other temples around the world, ranging from the Mother Temple of Besakih in Bali, Indonesia (left) to the Serpentine Staircase, Chichen, Mexico (right):

Note that the Besakih Temple (Indonesia) and the Mayan Crypt (Ossuary) quite curiously show similar architecture as in the other cases shown below.

The huge step pyramid (Pyramid of Kukulkan, right) has 91 steps on each side, making 364 steps. Including the platform at the top - a total of 365, the number of days in a year. In addition, at the spring and autumn equinoxes sunlight forms the shadow of a giant serpent on the north-facing stairs... Obviously, they were very talented astronomers to build such a carefully crafted structure!

Temples in Cambodia (left) and Guatemala (right) also have some distinctive features:

By now it should be clear that astronomy was of paramount importance to these cultures, and:

1. They built their temples using the same focused on Pi And fi mathematics;

2. Their structures aesthetically they were very similar;

3. Many are perfect aligned with the same constellations: either Orion (which is associated with Osiris) or the Dragon (which is associated with snakes);

4. The serpent was of great importance and was revered throughout the world., from the Temple of the Serpent in Mexico to the mines at the Pyramid of Giza and the complex at Angkor Wat, which have been aligned with the constellation Draco, among many others.

Now, what is the probability that they have the same characteristics if they are not related in any way?

I'd say it's pretty small...

Caption: Yes, indeed...

Still not convinced that there is a connection between many ancient civilizations? Let's get to the main point I wanted to talk about here...

ley lines

What do all the historical objects located in the photo below have in common?

Pyramids of Giza(Egypt), Siwa(Egypt), Tassili n'Ajjer(Algeria), Paratoari(Peru), ollantaytambo(Peru), Machu Picchu(Peru), Nazca(Peru), Easter Island(Pacific Ocean), Aneityum island(Vanuatu) Preah Vihear(Cambodia), Sukhothai(Thailand), drink(Pyay) (Myanmar), Khajuraho(India), mohenjo-daro(Pakistan), Persepolis(Iran), Ur(Iraq), Petra(Jordan), Marajo Island(Brazil) and angkor wat(Cambodia).

Before you look at the answer below, remember what you have learned: the ancients were wise people who did not build anything without a reason or without logic (as examples of advanced mathematics and astronomy show!)…

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