Lenin years of life biography. Vladimir Lenin biography briefly. Political activity and party work

Years of reign: 1917-1924

From the biography

  • Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) is a political and statesman, founder of the Bolshevik Party, one of the organizers of the October Revolution, chairman of the Soviet government - the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom), founder of the Soviet state. Lenin was the ideologist of the Bolshevik Party, a Marxist who pioneered the teachings of K. Marx and F. Engels.
  • V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) was born into a noble family. He received a good education and showed great success. However, participation in student unrest did not allow him to graduate from Kazan University, from which he was expelled. He received a law degree from St. Petersburg University, passing all exams as an external student.
  • His elder brother Alexander became an example of a revolutionary for him. However, the then young Volodya did not support his method of struggle - terrorism, so after the execution of his brother for participating in the attempt on the life of Tsar Alexander III in 1887, he promised himself that he would take a different path. This path is the path of revolution, the seizure of power. He became a professional revolutionary in 1893.
  • Lenin's character was quite complex. He had no friends - only comrades in the struggle. Contemporaries noted his enormous conceit and arrogance; his speech was characterized by causticity; he practically did not take into account the opinions of others, only considering his own point of view to be right.
  • It is impossible not to mention one more feature of Lenin - his cruelty. It was on his orders that terrible terror began in the country, millions died during the Civil War, and the royal family was shot. It was in the first years of Soviet power that such expressions as “a step to the right, a step to the left - execution”, “he who is not with us is against us” appeared.
  • He was a strong personality. It was Lenin who became the leader of the proletariat, uniting all forces and standing at the head of the struggle for a new, Soviet power.
  • Lenin's activities were assessed differently in our country. From exaltation (according to M. Gorky, he was “the most humane person”), almost a cult of his personality in the USSR, to the most severe criticism. Most likely, it is still impossible to give an unambiguous assessment. Yes, under him the formation of a totalitarian system began, the centralization of power was formed, but it was Lenin who for many years was the ideal for Soviet people, great construction projects were carried out in his name, and in the name of Lenin-Stalin Soviet people died, defending the country from fascism. Undoubtedly, Lenin's role in the creation of a new state - the USSR - was great.

The main ideas of V.I. Lenin

  • The main goal of the communist party is the implementation of the communist revolution, the creation of communism - a classless society.
  • There is only class morality. Each class has its own principles and ideas. The morality of the proletariat is based on everything that suits its interests. From this point of view, cruel actions can be justified if they are aimed at eliminating exploitation and contributing to the victory of the socialist revolution.
  • A revolution can happen first in one country, and not all over the world at once, as K. Marx assumed. This country will then help others lead revolutions. “Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action.”
  • At the turn of the century, capitalism moved into its highest stage - imperialism, which is characterized by the creation of international monopoly unions (empires) dividing the world among themselves. Each such alliance primarily seeks to obtain benefits, which means wars are inevitable. Lenin wrote about the signs of imperialism in the article “Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism” in 1916.
  • The success of the revolution largely depends on the seizure of communications - mail, telegraph, train stations.
  • Socialism is a transitional stage to communism. Under socialism there is no longer exploitation, but there is also no material abundance that would satisfy all the needs of people.
  • Lenin’s economic views: state socialism, in which everyone works for the state, becomes workers of a nationwide state “syndicate”, a system of forced labor is created (“Who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat”), the presence of strict discipline in production, command-administrative methods of leadership economics.
  • Lenin was confident that communism would be built in 1930-50.
  • The famous phrase “study, study and study” was set out in the article “The Clear Direction of Russian Social Democracy,” written in 1899 and published in 1924.

Historical portrait of V.I. Lenin


1.Domestic policy

Activities results
Creation of the party and the foundations of the Bolshevik ideology. 1895 - became one of the founders of the Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.

Revolutionary activity in emigration: publication of the newspaper Pravda in 1900, with the help of which a huge network of party organizations promoting Marxism was created.

On April 7, 1917, in the newspaper Pravda, in 1902, he adopted his pseudonym - Lenin, wrote the article “What to do?”, in which he outlined his vision of the future party - a small, strictly centralized organization that should become the vanguard of the working class.

During the revolution of 1905-1907 he returned to Russia, after the defeat - again abroad, preparing for the revolution.

After February he comes to Russia, and in October he leads the uprising.

In April 1917, Lenin's April Theses were published, calling for a revolution, the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, the establishment of Soviet power, in which he called for the end of the war, the confiscation of landowners' lands, the nationalization of lands and banks.

The result of this work was the creation of the Bolshevik (Communist) Party, which was the leading force in the country for more than 70 years.

Seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and retention of it, overcoming counter-revolutionary resistance. Creation of the Red Army - the main force of the Bolsheviks. October 25-26, 1917 - October Revolution, as a result of which the Bolsheviks came to power.

February 23, 1918 - creation of the Red Army (RKKA - Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, renamed Soviet in 1946)

1918-1920- Civil War. Overcoming the resistance of the White Guards.

Victory of the Red Army.

Results of activities: under the leadership of V.I. Lenin, the power of the Soviets was established, victory in the Civil War was won with the help of the new army - the Red Army.

The struggle for party unity. The establishment of a one-party system in Russia (dispersal of the Constituent Assembly on January 6, 1918), the adoption in 1921 of the resolution “On Unity in the Party,” which banned all factions, established the power of the Bolsheviks-RCP (b).

Lenin's letter to the congress (written in 1922, read out by N. Krupskaya in 1924 before the 8th Party Congress), warning the party against Stalin's policies and his desire to concentrate power in one hand.

Late 1920 - early 1921 - crisis in the party in connection with the “trade union discussion”. Lenin believed that the party should not miss the main lever of control - the trade unions, and control their activities.

Result of activity: in the RSFSR, and then in the USSR, a one-party system was established, and the party apparatus merged with the state apparatus. The general secretary of the party had great powers.

The creation of a new - Soviet statehood, the strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Creation of the legislative framework of the new state. At the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP, the highest authorities were created - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (headed by Lenin),

10/28/1917 - police,

7.12. 1917-VChK.

The highest legislative body is the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

December 30, 1922 - the beginning of the formation of the USSR, the emergence of new authorities: the Soviets of People's Deputies of the USSR, the highest authority - the All-Union Congress of Soviets, the Central Executive Committee.

Adoption of Constitutions: 1918- RSFSR, 1924-USSR

Results of activities: during the period of activity
Lenin, Soviet statehood was created, with new bodies of supreme power, the Communist Party became the leading force.

The rise of the Russian economy, the formation of a command-administrative system in economic management. The withdrawal of Russia from post-war devastation. Lenin sought to strengthen the economy and establish complete control over it by the authorities.

On December 2, 1917, a single body of economic management on a national scale was created - the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh).

Wartime tasks required the mobilization of all means and resources. Therefore, the policy of “war communism” was carried out in 1918-1920. with universal labor conscription, surplus appropriation, abolition of private trade, etc., which made it possible to win the Civil War, but at the same time increased tension in the country.

Introduction of the NEP in 1921: permission for private trade, introduction of a fixed tax in kind, abolition of labor conscription.

1918-1919 - nationalization of landowners' lands, enterprises, banks. On April 12, 1919, the first communist subbotnik was held at the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya station.

1921 (January-February) - famine, mass dissatisfaction with the country's economic policy, mass peasant and worker uprisings, in February-March - a sailors' uprising in Kronstadt. All uprisings were suppressed with the help of troops.

Adoption of the GOELRO plan - State Commission for Electrification of Russia, February 1920.

Results of activities: under Lenin, a strong system of new state management of the economy began to take shape - command-administrative, the entire economy was under the strict control of the authorities. The economy was based on state ownership. All private ownership of the means of production was nationalized.

Creation of the USSR. On December 22, on December 30, an agreement on the creation of the USSR was signed.

It included the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR ZSFRP

Over the next few years, the USSR included: 1922 - RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR, Armyansk, Azerbaijan, Georgian - as part of the ZSFSR, 1924 - Turkmen, 1929 - Uzbek - Tajik, 1936 - Kazakh, Kirgiz - 1940 - Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Moldavian.

Result of activity: Lenin initiated the creation of the USSR on the principle of federalism, with the right of nations to self-determination up to and including secession. The foundations of a new strong state were laid.

Implementation of social policy The dictatorship of the proletariat was introduced (Decree on Power of 1917), classes of workers, peasants and intelligentsia were formed.

1919-Decree “On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR”, the construction of schools began, points for the elimination of illiteracy (educational education centers) were created, and the formation of a new one - the working intelligentsia.

An 8-hour working day was introduced.

Results of activities: liquidation of estates, formation of three classes that make up the working people of the country.

Positive measures were taken in social policy to create a decent life for Soviet citizens. A particularly large role was given to education, the elimination of illiteracy, and the formation of a new intelligentsia.

Creation of philosophical and political works, presentation of one’s views, visions of the future of the country. The most famous works of V.I. Lenin: “What to do?” 1902

“Materialism and epmiriocriticism” 1909

"April Theses" 1917

“What are “friends of the people” and how do they fight against the Social Democrats” 1894

“The Development of Capitalism in Russia” 1899

"One step forward, two steps back" 1904

"On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" 1914

"State and Revolution" 1917

“Tasks of youth unions” 1920

Result of activity: Lenin continued the ideas of K. Marx and F. Engels, created the foundations of the ideology of communism - Leninism with the idea of ​​​​building a new communist society.

In his works, Lenin criticized the oppositionists, enemies of the Soviet regime, and outlined his vision of solving the problems of the time.

Development of the culture of the Soviet country. The introduction of a single official communist ideology, a single method of culture - socialist realism.

Carrying out an anti-religious policy, the Decree of 1918 on the separation of church and state, and schools from the church.

1918 - Lenin put forward a plan for monumental propaganda, monuments to famous people began to be erected (the first was the monument to Radishchev in 1918 by sculptor L. Sherwood).

1919 - formation of Gosizdat. Much attention was paid to the publication of books and magazines and the promotion of the Soviet way of life.

Results of activities: the beginning of the creation of the official ideology of Marxism-Leninism was laid, total control was introduced over the activities of cultural workers who were supposed to carry out orders from the state, all methods were prohibited except for socialist realism, which significantly restrained the manifestation of creativity and individuality of cultural workers.

Youth policy. Ideological children's and youth organizations have been created: October(included children 7-9 years old, founded in 1923, dissolved in 1991), pioneer ( created on May 19, 1922, liquidated in 1991, included children from 9 to 14 years old), Komsomol Komsomol (October 29, 1918, dissolved in 1991, age from 14-28 years)

Results of activities: It was under Lenin that an ideologized policy began among children and youth, bringing the process of educating future builders of communism to a standard.

2. Foreign policy

Activities results
Establishment of peace, exit from the First World War. On March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed with Germany, according to which Russia left the war.

Peace conditions were very difficult (Russia lost most of its territory: Poland, the Baltic states, Finland, Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Moldova and part of Armenia)

.Results of activities: exit from the war made it possible to create the Red Army, prepare to repel the White Guard during the Civil War, and create the foundations of a new Soviet state.

Participation in the creation of an international organization of the revolutionary movement - the Communist International. 1919 - creation of the Comintern - an international organization to unite the communist parties of the world. The Comintern existed until 1943.

Results of activities: The Communist International, created with the active participation of Lenin, allowed the Country of Soviets to significantly influence the international revolutionary movement in the world, to impose its policies on many countries, primarily the countries of Eastern Europe.

Carrying out a policy of recognition of the USSR in the world. 1920-21 - peace treaties with Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania.

1921- with Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan

1921-1922 - with England, Austria, Denmark, Norway, etc.

Since 1924, there has been a period of diplomatic recognition of the USSR with almost all Western countries, with major states of the world.

Only diplomatic relations with the United States developed later - in 1933, already under Stalin.

Results of activities: difficult, slowly, but gradually the new country - the USSR - was recognized in the world as a sovereign independent state, diplomatic relations were established with many countries of the world

Participation in the war with Poland (January 28, 1919 - March 18, 1921) Following the war part of the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus went to Poland (in 1939, as a result of the division of Poland, part of the territory would return to the USSR).


  • Lenin's activities as the leader of the revolutionary movement in Russia in 1917 led to the victory of the Bolshevik Party and the establishment of Soviet power throughout the country.
  • Successful leadership of the country during the Civil War and intervention made it possible to win the Civil War and protect Soviet power.
  • The greatest event during Lenin's reign was the formation of the USSR in 1922, which subsequently became one of the strongest states in the world.
  • The economic policy pursued under the leadership of Lenin contributed to the restoration of the economy destroyed by the First World War and the Civil War.
  • Social policy was also successful: the fight against illiteracy was carried out, schools and hospitals were built, jobs were created, and a policy of universal employment was pursued.
  • Lenin was the author of many philosophical and political works, in which he outlined his vision of the future. All the years of Soviet power, these books were the basis of the political education of the Soviet people (“What is to be done?” others.)
  • However, the policy of centralization of power and the dictatorship of the proletariat led to the establishment of a one-party system in the country, which in the future would become the basis of Stalin’s totalitarianism.
  • The struggle for power cost the people of the country dearly: millions died from hostilities, hunger, the worsening situation of the people in the first years of the formation of the new state - all this caused anger and discontent of the people, which resulted in mass protests.
  • Lenin's foreign policy was aimed at maintaining Soviet power at any cost. This price was the huge industrial and agricultural territories lost as a result of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. However, the country’s successful diplomatic policy and the growing power of the USSR led to a streak of recognition of the state on the world stage. This is a considerable merit of the leader - Lenin.

Thus. V.I. Lenin is the greatest personality in the history of Russia. Despite many excesses in his policy, one cannot fail to recognize his enormous role in the life of the people and the country for a fairly large period of time - more than 70 years of the existence of Soviet power in the country.

Chronology of the life and work of V.I. Lenin

1870-1924 Years of life of V.I. Lenin
April 22, 1870 Lenin was born into the family of a public school inspector in Simbirsk.
1887 Lenin's elder brother, Ulyanov, was executed for his participation in the assassination attempt on Alexander III.
1887 Lenin was admitted to Kazan University, but in December of the same year he was expelled for participating in student unrest.
1894 Meeting N.K. Krupskaya - future wife.
1885 The beginning of professional revolutionary activity. Travels abroad to get acquainted with the revolutionary movement in the West and establish contact with the Marxist group “Emancipation of Labor”, which fights for the rights of the common people.
1895 Lenin was arrested in St. Petersburg.
1897, February - 1900 The verdict was announced, Lenin was exiled to Siberia for 3 years in the village of Shushenskoye (Yenisei province)
1900, July The first emigration, which lasted 5 years. Lived in London, Brussels.
1901-1902 Worked on the book “What to do?”
1903, July 30 – August 23 Participated in the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP.
1903, April 25 – May 10 3rd Congress of the RSDLP in London.
1905, November 21 Lenin returns to St. Petersburg.
1906, September - 1907, December The first Finnish underground.
1908-1917 Lenin lives and works abroad: in Switzerland, London, Prague, on the island. Capri.
April 1917 "April Theses", published in the newspaper Pravda, a call for revolution..
From July 1917 Lenin is back underground, hiding in Finland.
1917, October 23 Conspiracy meeting of the Bolsheviks, the inevitability of an uprising.
October 25-26, 1917 October Revolution, arrest of the Provisional Government. Power is in the hands of the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin. Decrees on peace, land, power.
  1. January
Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks.
1918, March 3 Signing a separate peace with Germany, Russia's withdrawal from the war.
1918, March Move of the Soviet government to Moscow.
1918, August Attempt on Lenin F. Kaplan.
1919, March 1st Congress of the International
1920, July-August 2nd Congress of the Communist International.
1921, February-March Suppression of the Kronstadt rebellion.
1921, March Lenin signs the "Order of the Council of People's Commissars on the implementation of the principles of the NEP"
1922, May First attack of Lenin's disease (cerebral vascular sclerosis)
1922 December A sharp deterioration in Lenin's health
1922, December Lenin dictates his Testament
1924, January 21 Death of Lenin. Lenin's body rests in the Mausoleum in Moscow.


This material can be used when writing a historical essay (task No. 25).

Personality portraits, which can be used when writing an essay.

Vladimir Lenin's biography of the outstanding political figure is briefly outlined in this article.

Vladimir Lenin short biography

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (pseudonym Lenin)- creator of the Social Democratic Party and Bolshevism, one of the organizers of the October Revolution and chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. Lenin is considered the creator of the first socialist state in history. It was Lenin who laid the foundation of Marxism-Leninism.

Born on April 22 in the city of Simbirsk in the family of a public school inspector. He lived in Simbirsk until graduating from the Simbirsk gymnasium in 1887.

After graduating from high school with a gold medal, Lenin entered Kazan University at the Faculty of Law, where he studied for a short time and was expelled due to his regular assistance to the illegal student movement “Narodnaya Volya”. In May 1887, his elder brother Alexander was executed due to participation in the People's Will conspiracy to assassinate the emperor. This became a great tragedy in the Ulyanov family. Lenin was included in the list of “unreliable” persons.

In 1888, Lenin returned to Kazan and joined the Marxist circle. He studies the works of Marx, Engels and Plekhanov, which in the future will have a huge influence on his political identity. Around this time, Lenin's revolutionary activity began.

In 1889, Lenin moved to Samara and there continued to look for supporters of the future coup d'etat. In 1891, he took exams as an external student for a course at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. At the same time, his views, under the influence of Plekhanov, evolved from populist to social democratic, and Lenin developed his first doctrine, which laid the foundation for Leninism.

In 1893, Lenin came to St. Petersburg and got a job as an assistant lawyer, while continuing to be active in journalism - he published many works in which he studied the process of capitalization of Russia.

In 1895, after a trip abroad, where Lenin met with Plekhanov and many other public figures, he organized the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” in St. Petersburg and began an active struggle against the autocracy. As a result, in 1897 he was sent into exile in the Yenisei region for 3 years. It was during this exile that he wrote most of his works. In 1898, he registered his marriage with his common-law wife N.K. Krupskaya so that she could follow him into exile.

In 1898, the first secret congress of the Social Democratic Party (RSDLP), led by Lenin, took place. Soon after the Congress, all its members (9 people) were arrested, but the beginning of the revolution was laid.

In 1905-1907, during the first revolution, Lenin was in Switzerland, but continued to actively collaborate with Russian revolutionaries. For a short time in 1905, he returned to St. Petersburg and led the revolutionary movement, but soon left for Finland, where he met Stalin.

The next time Lenin returned to Russia only in February 1917 and immediately became the head of the next uprising. Despite the fact that quite soon he is ordered to be arrested, Lenin continues his activities illegally. In October 1917, after the coup d'etat and the overthrow of the autocracy, power in the country completely passed to Lenin and his party.

Lenin's reforms

From 1917 until his death, Lenin was engaged in reforming the country in accordance with social democratic ideals:

  • Makes peace with Germany, creates the Red Army, which takes an active part in the civil war of 1917-1921;
  • Creates NEP - new economic policy;
  • Gives civil rights to peasants and workers (the working class becomes the main one in the new political system of Russia);
  • Reforms the church, seeking to replace Christianity with a new “religion” - communism.

Lenin died on January 21, 1924 in the Gorki estate as a result of a sharp deterioration in health. By order of Stalin, the leader's body was placed in a mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.

The role of Lenin in the history of Russia

Lenin was the main ideologist of the revolution and the overthrow of the autocracy in Russia, organized the Bolshevik Party, which was able to come to power in a fairly short time and completely change Russia politically and economically. Thanks to Lenin, Russia transformed from an Empire into a socialist state, which was based on the ideas of communism and the supremacy of the working class.

The state created by Lenin lasted almost throughout the entire 20th century and became one of the strongest in the world. Lenin is one of the greatest world leaders who has ever existed in world history.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) was born on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk. Until the age of 16, he belonged to the Society of St. Sergius of Radonezh. In 1887 he graduated from the Simbirsk gymnasium, the director of which was F.M. Kerensky, father of A. Kerensky. In the same year, V.I.’s older brother was executed for participation in the assassination attempt on Alexander the 3rd. Ulyanova - Alexander.

After graduating from high school, Lenin entered Kazan University at the Faculty of Law. However, his university studies were short-lived. Soon Vladimir Ulyanov was expelled for actively promoting the student movement and participating in the “People's Will” circle. After this, becoming interested in the ideas of K. Marx, he joined one of the Marxist circles. During the same period, Ulyanov began to study political economy and become interested in journalism. As a result of student unrest, Vladimir was first arrested and subsequently exiled to the Kazan province (village of Kokushkino), where he spent time until the winter of 1889. Thus began Lenin’s revolutionary activity.

A short biography of Lenin is impossible without mentioning his exile to the Yenisei province (the village of Shushenskoye). Vladimir Lenin became the founder of a party called the Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class. As a result of its activities, he was arrested in 1895 along with many other party members. Lenin was imprisoned for a year, and during the next three years, spent in exile in Shushenskoye, he wrote most of his works. Lenin's works dating back to this period are quite numerous.

During his exile, Vladimir Ulyanov married Nadezhda Krupskaya. The marriage was registered in 1897; before that, Krupskaya was his common-law wife. However, Lenin was not destined to have children, although some historians consider this fact controversial and mention in this regard the relationship of Vladimir Ilyich with Inessa Armand.

In 1898, the 1st Congress, which was attended by nine delegates, established the RSDLP party. Almost immediately after this, all participants were arrested. Lenin was sent into exile, after which he founded the newspaper Iskra and actively participated in its work. Later, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin became one of the organizers of the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP.

During the first Russian revolution (1905-1907) Ulyanov was in Switzerland. However, during the 3rd Congress of the RSDLP in London, he noted that the main goal of the revolution should be the destruction of the remnants of serfdom and the overthrow of the autocracy. In 1905, under a false name, he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he headed the St. Petersburg Central Committee, prepared the uprising, wrote new works, and collaborated with the newspaper Pravda. But soon after that he left for Finland, where in December Lenin and Stalin met personally.

Then there was a long period of frequent moving and emigration. Only at the beginning of the February Revolution of 1917 did Lenin return to Russia and become the head of the uprising. A few months later he delivered a report known today as the April Theses. After the authorities issued an order for his arrest, Ulyanov continued his active underground work.

As a result of the October Revolution of 1917 and the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, power completely passed to Lenin's party. He headed the new government of the country, founded the Red Army, and made peace with Germany. In an effort to improve the welfare of the population, he replaced War Communism with the NEP (New Economic Policy).

Lenin's death occurred as a result of a sharp deterioration in his health on January 21, 1924 (according to some sources, due to an assassination attempt). The leader's body was preserved and placed in a mausoleum. The first, wooden version of Lenin's mausoleum was ready by the day of his funeral.

Who is Lenin?

In the history of our state there were several political figures whose contribution cannot be overestimated. One of them, without a doubt, is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In this article we will look at who Lenin was and who this man actually was.

Lenin: early years

First of all, it is worth noting that “Lenin” is not the real name of Vladimir Ilyich. His real name is Ulyanov. But we will not dwell in detail on this biographical fact. If you are interested, an article on our website outlines various versions of why the Soviet leader changed his last name.

Let's return to the biography. Vladimir was born on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk into the family of an official. He studied at the gymnasium and graduated with a gold medal. Attended the Simbirsk religious society.

The execution of his brother in 1887 left a significant imprint on Vladimir’s worldview. At the same time, the future leader entered Kazan University, from where he was subsequently expelled for appearing in student riots. In 1889, the whole family moved to Samara, where Vladimir began to actively study Marxist philosophy.

In 1891, Lenin graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, and in 1893 he moved to St. Petersburg and got a job there. Already by 1894, Lenin formulated for himself the idea that the proletariat should become an instrument of the communist revolution. And in 1895, the St. Petersburg “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” was created with the participation of Vladimir Lenin. For this, the future leader is sent into exile in Siberia. In Siberia, Lenin marries N.K. Krupskaya.

Lenin: mature years

In 1900, Lenin went abroad. There, together with G.V. Plekhanov, he begins to publish the first illegal Marxist newspaper Iskra. In 1903, Vladimir Ilyich heads the Bolshevik Party. And in the period from 1905 to 1907. lives in St. Petersburg under an assumed name and leads the Central and St. Petersburg Committees of the Bolsheviks.

During the First World War, Lenin lives in Switzerland. Returns to Petrograd in April 1917. He immediately proposes the slogan “All power to the Soviets!”, which causes a storm of indignation and misunderstanding even on the part of close associates. But in just a few weeks, Vladimir Ilyich manages to convince his party of the correctness of the “April Theses”. In July, Lenin had to go into another underground. But already in October of the same year, Lenin became the main organizer of the October armed uprising. During the October Uprising, the Provisional Government was arrested and a new government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars, headed by Lenin. In November, Lenin contributed to the establishment of Soviet power in Moscow, where the country's capital was later moved.

The meaning of Lenin's personality

The attitude of descendants towards the personality of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin varies from sharply critical to boundlessly admiring. One way or another, no one will argue with the fact that Lenin became one of the key persons in the history of Russia. First of all, this Soviet politician is the creator of the Russian Social Democratic Party. He is also one of the organizers of the October Revolution of 1917. Well, and no less important: he is the creator of the first socialist state in world history.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (real surname Ulyanov, maternal surname - Blank)
Years of life: April 10 (22), 1870, Simbirsk - January 22, 1924, Gorki estate, Moscow province
Head of the Soviet government (1917–1924).

Revolutionary, founder of the Bolshevik Party, one of the organizers and leaders of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (government) of the RSFSR and the USSR. Marxist philosopher, publicist, founder of Leninism, ideologist and creator of the 3rd (Communist) International, founder of the Soviet state. One of the most famous political figures of the 20th century.
Founder of the USSR.

Biography of Vladimir Lenin

V. Ulyanov's father, Ilya Nikolaevich, was an inspector of public schools. After being awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, III degree, in 1882, he received the right to hereditary nobility. Mother, Maria Aleksandrovna Ulyanova (née Blank), was a teacher, but did not work. There were 5 children in the family, among whom Volodya was the third. There was a friendly atmosphere in the family; parents encouraged their children's curiosity and treated them with respect.

In 1879 - 1887 Volodya studied at the gymnasium, which he graduated with gold medal.

In 1887, his elder brother Alexander Ulyanov (a people's revolutionary revolutionary) was executed for preparing an attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III. This event affected the lives of all members of the Ulyanov family (the formerly respected noble family was subsequently expelled from society). The death of his brother shocked Volodya, and from then on he became an enemy of the tsarist regime.

In the same year, V. Ulyanov entered the Faculty of Law at Kazan University, but in December he was expelled for participating in a student meeting.

In 1891, Ulyanov graduated as an external student from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Afterwards he came to Samara, where he began working as an assistant sworn attorney.

In 1893, in St. Petersburg, Vladimir joined one of the many revolutionary circles and soon became known as an ardent supporter of Marxism and a propagandist of this teaching in working-class circles. In St. Petersburg, his affair began with Apollinaria Yakubova, a revolutionary and friend of his older sister Olga.

In 1894 – 1895 Vladimir’s first major works were published, “What are “friends of the people” and how they fight against the Social Democrats” and “The Economic Content of Populism,” which criticized the populist movement in favor of Marxism. Soon Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov meets Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya.

In the spring of 1895, Vladimir Ilyich went to Geneva to meet with members of the Liberation of Labor group. And in September 1895 he was arrested for creating the St. Petersburg “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”

In 1897, Ulyanov was exiled to the village of Shushenskoye, Yenisei province, for 3 years. During his exile, Ulyanov married Nadezhda Krupskaya...

Many articles and books on revolutionary topics were written in Shushenskoye. The works were published under various pseudonyms, one of which was Lenin.

Lenin - years of life in exile

In 1903, the famous Second Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Russia took place, during which a split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks occurred. He became the head of the Bolsheviks, and soon created the Bolshevik Party.

In 1905, Vladimir Ilyich led the preparations for the revolution in Russia.
He directed the Bolsheviks to an armed uprising against tsarism and the establishment of a truly democratic republic.

During the revolution of 1905 - 1907. Ulyanov lived illegally in St. Petersburg and led the Bolshevik Party.

The years 1907 - 1917 were spent in exile.

In 1910, in Paris, he met Inessa Armand, the relationship with whom continued until Armand’s death from cholera in 1920.

In 1912, at the Social Democratic Party Conference in Prague, the left wing of the RSDLP was separated into a separate party, the RSDLP(b) - the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party of the Bolsheviks. He was immediately elected head of the central committee (CC) of the party.

During the same period, thanks to his initiative, the newspaper Pravda was created. Ulyanov organizes the life of his new party by encouraging the expropriation of funds (actually robbery) into the party fund.

In 1914, at the beginning of World War I, he was arrested in Austria-Hungary on suspicion of espionage for his country.

After his liberation, he went to Switzerland, where he put forward a slogan calling to turn the imperialist war into a civil war, to overthrow the government that dragged the state into the war.

In February 1917, I learned about the revolution that had taken place in Russia from the press. On April 3, 1917 he returned to Russia.

On April 4, 1917, in St. Petersburg, the communist theorist outlined a program for the transition from the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the socialist one (“All power to the soviets!” or “April Theses”). He began preparing for an armed uprising and put forward plans to overthrow the Provisional Government.

In June 1917, the First Congress of Soviets was held, at which only about 10% of those present supported him, but he declared that the Bolshevik Party was ready to take power in the country into its own hands.

On October 24, 1917, he led the uprising in the Smolny Palace. And on October 25 (November 7), 1917, the Provisional Government was overthrown. The Great October Socialist Revolution took place, after which Lenin became chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - the Council of People's Commissars. He built his policy, hoping for the support of the world proletariat, but did not receive it.

At the beginning of 1918, the leader of the revolution insisted on signing the Brest Peace Treaty. As a result, Germany lost a huge part of Russian territory. The disagreement of the majority of the Russian population with the policies of the Bolsheviks led to the Civil War of 1918–1922.

The left-SR rebellion that took place in St. Petersburg in July 1918 was brutally suppressed. After this, a one-party system is established in Russia. Now V. Lenin is the head of the Bolshevik Party and all of Russia.

On August 30, 1918, an attempt was made on the life of the Head of the Party, he was seriously wounded. After which “Red Terror” was declared in the country.

Lenin developed the policy of "war communism".
Main ideas - quotes from his works:

  • The main goal of the Communist Party is to carry out the communist revolution and subsequently build a classless society free from exploitation.
  • There is no universal morality, but only class morality. The morality of the proletariat is what is moral that meets the interests of the proletariat (“our morality is completely subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat”).
  • The revolution will not necessarily happen all over the world simultaneously, as Marx believed. It may first occur in one single country. This country will then help the revolution in other countries.
  • Tactically, the success of the revolution depends on the rapid capture of communications (mail, telegraph, train stations).
  • Before building communism, an intermediate stage is necessary - the dictatorship of the proletariat. Communism is divided into two periods: socialism and communism proper.

According to the policy of “war communism”, free trade was prohibited in Russia, natural exchange (instead of commodity-money relations) and surplus appropriation were introduced. At the same time, Lenin insisted on the development of state-type enterprises, electrification, and the development of cooperation.

A wave of peasant uprisings took place across the country, but they were brutally suppressed. Soon, on the personal order of V. Lenin, persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church began. About 10 million people became victims of “war communism”. Russia's economic and industrial indicators have declined sharply.

In March 1921, at the Tenth Party Congress, V. Lenin put forward a program of “new economic policy” (NEP), which slightly changed the economic crisis.

In 1922, the leader of the world proletariat suffered 2 strokes, but did not stop leading the state. In the same year, Russia renamed itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

At the beginning of 1923, realizing that there was a split in the Bolshevik party and his health was deteriorating, Lenin wrote a “Letter to the Congress.” In the letter, he characterized all the leading figures of the Central Committee and proposed to remove Joseph Stalin from the post of General Secretary.

In March 1923, he suffered a third stroke, after which he was paralyzed.

January 21, 1924 V.I. Lenin died in the village. Gorki (Moscow region). His body was embalmed and placed in the Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the question was raised about the need to remove the body and brain of the first leader of the USSR from the Mausoleum and bury it. In modern times, there are still discussions about this by various government officials, political parties and forces, as well as representatives of religious organizations.

V. Ulyanov had other pseudonyms: V. Ilyin, V. Frey, Iv. Petrov, K. Tulin, Karpov, etc.

In addition to all his deeds, Lenin stood at the origins of the creation of the Red Army, which won the civil war.

The only official state award that the fiery Bolshevik was awarded was the Order of Labor of the Khorezm People's Socialist Republic (1922).

Lenin's name

The name and image of V. I. Lenin was canonized by the Soviet government along with The October Revolution and Joseph Stalin. Many cities, towns and collective farms were named after him. There was a monument to him in every city. Numerous stories about “Grandfather Lenin” were written for Soviet children; the words “Leninists”, “Leniniada”, etc. came into use among the inhabitants of the country.

Images of the leader were on the front side of all tickets of the State Bank of the USSR in denominations from 10 to 100 rubles from 1937 to 1992, as well as on 200, 500 and 1 thousand “Pavlovian rubles” of the USSR issued in 1991 and 1992.

Lenin's works

According to a FOM survey in 1999, 65% of the Russian population considered the role of V. Lenin in the history of the country to be positive, and 23% - negative.
He wrote a huge number of works, the most famous:

  • “The Development of Capitalism in Russia” (1899);
  • "What to do?" (1902);
  • “Karl Marx (a short biographical sketch outlining Marxism)” (1914);
  • “Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism (popular essay)” (1916);
  • "State and Revolution" (1917);
  • “Tasks of youth unions” (1920);
  • “On the pogrom persecution of Jews” (1924);
  • “What is Soviet power?”;
  • "About our revolution."

The speeches of the fiery revolutionary were recorded on many gramophone records.
Named after him:

  • Tank "Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin"
  • Electric locomotive VL
  • icebreaker "Lenin"
  • "Electronics VL-100"
  • Vladilena (852 Wladilena) - minor planet
  • numerous cities, villages, collective farms, streets, monuments.
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