Leonchikov V.E. Fundamentals of scientific research work. Nir as the initial stage of the innovation process Object and subject of research

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Shitov S. B.

"Basics research activities»

Section 1. Science and scientific research.

Lecture 1, 2. Concept

Science in modern world can be considered in various aspects: as knowledge

and activities for the production of knowledge, as a system of personnel training, as a direct

nal productive force, as part of spiritual culture.

The concept of “science” was formed gradually over the centuries and continues to evolve. Translated from Latin, “scientia” means knowledge. There are many definitions of science, for example, I. Kant wrote that science is a system, that is, a body of knowledge put in order on the basis of certain principles.

“Science... is, first of all, knowledge;

She is searching general laws, connecting a large number of particular facts” (Bertrand Russell), etc.

But not all knowledge is science. Scientific knowledge reflects stable, repeating connections between the phenomena of reality, expressed in laws.

The essence of scientific knowledge lies in the reliable generalization of facts, in the fact that behind the random it finds the necessary, natural, behind the individual - the general and on this basis makes predictions of various phenomena and events.

Features of scientific knowledge:

1. Foresight and conscious formation of the future - the vital meaning of any science can be characterized as follows: to know in order to foresee and foresee in order to act.

2. Objectivity of scientific knowledge - the task of science is to give a true reflection of the processes being studied, an objective picture of what exists. Therefore, science strives to eliminate all subjective layers introduced by man. For a person, the world is not an objective reality that exists independently of him. A person lives in the world and every phenomenon, process, thing has a certain meaning for him, evokes certain emotions, feelings, assessments. The world is always subjectively colored, perceived through the prism of human desires and interests.

3. Systematicity of scientific knowledge - scientific knowledge is knowledge organized into a scientific theory, logically coherent, consistent. An example of such logical harmony is mathematics. For a long time it was considered the model of science, and all other scientific disciplines tried to be like it.

Thus, the concept of “science” has several basic meanings:

1. Science is understood as the sphere of human activity aimed at developing and systematizing new knowledge about nature, society, thinking and knowledge of the surrounding world.

2. Science acts as a result of this activity - a system of acquired scientific knowledge.

3. Science is understood as one of the forms public consciousness, social institution. That is, it represents a system of relationships between scientific organizations and members of the scientific community, and also includes systems of scientific information, norms and values ​​of science, etc.

Consequently, science is the activity of producing objectively true knowledge and the result of this activity: systematized, reliable, practically verified knowledge.

Taken together, science is simultaneously a system of knowledge, its spiritual production, and practical activity based on it.

As a type of activity, science is characterized by:

1. A certain system of values, its own special motivation, which determines the activity of a scientist. This is the value of truth, that is, the attitude towards obtaining objectively true knowledge. The value of reason as the main tool for achieving truth. The value of new knowledge, which, in fact, is the result of the scientist’s activity. In general, science as its basis has a special mentality, a special type of thinking, which is characterized by rationalism, the desire for knowledge, independence of judgment, willingness to admit one’s mistakes, honesty, sociability, willingness to cooperate, Creative skills, selflessness.

2. A certain set of “tools” - technical devices, equipment, etc., used in scientific activity. Currently, this component of science is acquiring great importance. Equipment scientific work largely determines its effectiveness.

3. A set of methods used to obtain new knowledge.

4. The method of organizing scientific activity. Science now is a complex social institution, which includes three main components: research (production of new knowledge);

applications (bringing new knowledge to its practical use);

preparation scientific personnel. All these components of science are organized in the form of corresponding institutions: universities, research institutes, academies, design bureaus, laboratories, etc.

The immediate goals of science are to obtain knowledge about the objective and subjective world, to comprehend objective truth.

Objectives of science:

1. Collection, description, analysis, synthesis and explanation of facts.

2. Discovery of the laws of development of nature, society, thinking and knowledge.

3. Systematization of acquired knowledge.

4. Explanation of the essence of phenomena and processes.

5. Forecasting events, phenomena and processes.

6. Establishing directions and forms of practical use of acquired knowledge.

Science can be considered as a system consisting of: theory, methodology, research techniques and practice of implementing the results obtained.

Science can also be considered from the point of view of the interaction of the subject and object of knowledge, then it will include the following elements:

1. An object (subject) is what a specific science studies, what scientific knowledge is aimed at.

2. The subject is a specific researcher, scientific worker, specialist of a scientific organization, organization;

3. Scientific activity of subjects who use certain techniques, operations, methods to comprehend objective truth and discover the laws of reality.

Classification of sciences. Modern science is an extremely ramified collection of individual scientific branches.

The differentiation of sciences, mainly in the field of natural science, occurred especially quickly in modern times (XVI - XVIII centuries) and continues to this day. Individual sciences differ primarily in what is studied and how it is studied.

The subject of science is what is being studied. Research method is how the research is carried out.

The subject of science as a whole is all of reality, that is, various forms and types of moving matter, including society, man, culture, science, art, etc.

Scientific disciplines, which together form the system of sciences as a whole, can be conditionally divided into 3 large groups (subsystems):

1. According to the subject of research, science is divided into two main groups: natural and social (social).

2. Based on function and purpose, fundamental and applied (technical) sciences are distinguished.

3. By research method - theoretical and empirical, etc.

There is no sharp line between these subsystems - a number scientific disciplines occupies an intermediate position. So, for example, at the intersection of technical and social science there is technical aesthetics, between natural and technical science - bionics, between natural and social science- economical geography.

Each of these subsystems, in turn, forms a system of individual sciences coordinated in a variety of ways by subject and methodological connections, which makes the problem of their detailed classification extremely complex and not completely resolved to this day. Along with traditional research, there are interdisciplinary and complex research conducted through several different scientific disciplines, the specific combination of which is determined by the nature of the relevant problem.

Basic sciences are sometimes called "pure" sciences. As a rule, fundamental sciences are ahead of applied sciences in their development, creating a theoretical foundation for them.

The main goal of applied sciences is the application of the results of fundamental sciences to solve cognitive and socio-practical problems. In modern science, applied science accounts for up to 80-90% of all research and allocations.

Applied sciences can develop with a predominance of both theoretical and practical problems. For example, in modern physics, electrodynamics and quantum mechanics, the application of which to the knowledge of specific subject areas forms various branches of theoretical applied physics - physics of metals, physics of semiconductors, etc.

At the intersection of applied sciences and practice, a special area of ​​research is developing - these are developments that translate the results of applied sciences into the form of technological processes, structures, industrial materials, etc. Further application of their results to practice gives rise to a variety of practical applied sciences - metal science, semiconductor technology, etc., the direct connection of which with production is carried out by corresponding specific developments. All technical sciences are applied.

Natural science is a system of sciences about nature, the theoretical basis of industry, Agriculture and medicine. Physics, chemistry, geology and biology are among the main branches modern natural science. In addition, in modern natural science there are many transitional sciences that indicate the absence of any sharp boundaries between its various branches and the interpenetration of previously separate sciences.

The subject of study of the humanities is society and man.

Social sciences can be grouped into three areas:

1. Sociological sciences that study society as a whole.

2. Economic Sciences, reflecting social production and the relationships of people in the production process.

3. State legal sciences, the subject of study of which is state structure, politics, relations in social systems.

The sciences about man and his thinking constitute a separate scientific direction. Man is considered as an object of study by various sciences in various aspects.

The humanities consider man from the point of view of his interests as the highest value of the universe. Human mental abilities are studied by psychology - the science of human consciousness. Forms of correct thinking are studied by logic and mathematics. Mathematics, as the science of quantitative relations of reality, is also included in the natural sciences, in relation to which it acts as a methodology.

Philosophy occupies a special place in the system of knowledge that humanity possesses. On the one hand, it is a doctrine about man as a thinking and acting being, on the other hand, it is closely connected with the worldview and worldview as a whole.

There are certain similarities between philosophy and mathematics. Just as mathematics can be used in almost all sciences to study any phenomena and processes, so philosophy can and should become the most important component of any research. Research is an activity of thinking.

Thus, in the classifier of areas of higher professional education, the following sciences are distinguished:

1. Natural Sciences and mathematics - mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geography, hydrometeorology, geology, ecology, etc.

2. Humanities and socio-economic sciences - philosophy, cultural studies, philology, linguistics, journalism, bibliology, history, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, regional studies, management, economics, art, physical education, commerce, agroeconomics, statistics, art, law, etc.

3. Technical sciences - construction, printing, telecommunications, metallurgy, mining, electronics and microelectronics, geodesy, radio engineering, architecture, etc.;

agricultural sciences - agronomy, animal science, veterinary medicine, agroengineering, forestry, fishery, etc.

In statistical collections, the following sectors of science are usually distinguished: academic, industrial, university and factory.

Basic patterns, problems and contradictions in the development of science.

Problems, contradictions and patterns of development of science are studied within the framework of a new science that has emerged recently and is called scientific studies. Its subject is the structure of science and the laws of its development;

dynamics of scientific activity;

economics, planning and organization of science;

forms of interaction between science and other spheres of material and spiritual life of society.

1) To date, a number of internal laws of the development of science have been formulated. First of all, this is the law of exponential (accelerating, avalanche-like) development, which has manifested itself in the last 250 years.

Its essence boils down to the fact that modern stage the volume of scientific knowledge doubles every 10...15 years. This is reflected in the growth of scientific information, the number of discoveries, and the number of people engaged in scientific activities (curve 1 in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Patterns of development of scientific research over time 1 – exponential;

2 – probable curve However, there is an opinion that the exponential nature of the development of science should change over time and will obey curve 2 (Fig. 1), which is due to limited resources (people, appropriations).

A consequence of the accelerating development of science is the rapid aging of accumulated knowledge. Valuable recommendations for future specialists follow from this pattern.

The learning process does not end with receiving a diploma of education, but only transforms into a new quality: independent replenishment of knowledge in accordance with the achievements of science and technology based on the skills acquired at the university.

The avalanche-like development of science is accompanied by the formation of new directions, each of which gives rise to new problems. Such trends in the development of science are reflected in the laws of differentiation and integration.

2) In accordance with the law of differentiation, the development of new areas of knowledge leads to the fragmentation of fundamental disciplines into more and more specialized areas, which improve their own research methods and study their micro-objects.

The synthesis of knowledge at the same time leads to the consolidation of science, which is reflected by the law of integration. Initially, science was formed on a subject basis, but through a problem orientation it gradually moved to broad mathematization, to the formation of a systematic approach to solving scientific problems, and to strengthening the connection between fundamental and applied research.

3) The next law, associated with the cumulative nature of the development of science, is called the law of correspondence. It means that a new broader theory must contain a previous one, proven by practice, as a special or limiting case. One of the basic laws is continuity in the accumulation of knowledge, which leads to a single line of irreversible, progressive development. Continuity in the development of science is inextricably linked with its international character, since the knowledge system is formed thanks to the achievements of scientists from different countries, which is ensured through scientific publications (books, articles, patents, etc.).

One of the main features modern science is its rapprochement with production.

If in the early stages technology and production were ahead of the development of science, setting tasks for it, then at present there has been a change in the relationship between science and production. A unified “science-technology-production” system has been formed, where the leading role belongs to science, which is a prerequisite for scientific and technological progress.

The leading role of science is due to the involvement in the sphere of human practical activity of new types of energy, new technologies, new substances with previously unknown properties.

Science, through its methods, improves the components of production: the means of labor, the object of labor and the work itself.

There are three main ways of transforming science into a productive force:

1. Creation, based on scientific achievements, of new technological processes that increase labor productivity and improve the production process (until the 19th century).

2. Improvement of man himself as the main productive force of society (XIX-XX centuries). In production, equipment is increasingly used, the maintenance of which requires not only highly qualified workers, but also fundamental training of specialists in mathematics, physics, computer science, cybernetics, economics, etc. Labor productivity began to be largely determined by the development of rationalization and inventive work. Scientific creativity, previously characteristic only of scientists, is becoming a need and necessity for many people, regardless of their professional affiliation.

3. Improvement of production processes, starting from the scientific organization of labor at an individual workplace and ending with the overall strategy for the development of society. The changing role of science has led to the scientific and technological revolution, which is currently taking place all over the world and consists of a radical and qualitative transformation of production based on the transformation of science into a leading factor in the development of its development (comprehensive mechanization, automation, robotization of production, introduction of nanotechnologies and etc.).

Functions of science in the life of society.

Since ancient times, the main function of science has been associated with the production and systematization of objectively true knowledge. It comes down to several components: description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena being studied.

But one cannot limit oneself only to the description and explanation of existing facts.

Foresight and forecasting of new phenomena and events are of much greater practical interest, which provides the opportunity to act knowledgeably both in the present and especially in the future.

Other social functions of science:

1. Cultural and ideological function.

2. Educational function of science.

3. The function of science as a direct productive force.

4. The function of science as a social force.

The cultural and ideological function of science is a fairly ancient social function of science. Elements of a scientific worldview were first formed in ancient society in connection with the criticism of mythological views and the formation of rational views of the world. Science exerts its influence on a person’s worldview, first of all, through the scientific picture of the world, in which the general principles of the world order are expressed in a concentrated form. As a result of the implementation of the cultural and ideological function, scientific ideas turned into component culture of society.

The educational function of science - this function manifested itself mainly in the 20th century. Nowadays, it is impossible to become an educated person without knowing the basics of fundamental sciences, modern education forms the scientific worldview of the individual.

The educational function of science is close to the ideological function.

The function of science as a direct productive force. Conditions that contributed to the transformation of science into a direct productive force:

creation of permanent channels for the practical use of scientific knowledge;

the emergence of such branches of activity as applied research and development;

creation of centers and networks of scientific and technical information.

In the 20th century, the increasingly widespread use of scientific knowledge became a prerequisite for the development of modern production. The function of science as a direct productive force manifested itself especially clearly during the period of the scientific and technological revolution of the second half of the 20th century. During this period, the latest achievements of science played a huge role in the automation of labor-intensive production, in the creation of fundamentally new technologies, in the use of computers and other information technology in a wide variety of sectors of the economy.

The promotion of the latest scientific achievements into production was greatly facilitated by the creation of special associations for scientific research and design development (R&D), which were tasked with bringing scientific projects to their direct use in production. The establishment of such an intermediate link between theoretical and applied sciences and their implementation in specific design developments contributed to the rapprochement of scientific research with production and the transformation of science into a real productive force.

Currently, the economic well-being of countries directly depends on the state of their field of science. Only those countries that pay serious attention to scientific research, successfully master high-tech technologies, mobilize sufficiently powerful financial, information, production, and intellectual resources for this, lead in the modern political-economic race. Countries that cannot keep up with the pace of such competition (or do not participate in it at all) quickly find themselves in a “dead end”

social development and are doomed to forever play a secondary role in the international arena.

The function of science as a social force is expressed in the fact that in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution of the second half of the 20th century, scientific research began to be increasingly applied to processes occurring in society. Socio-economic and cultural sciences and humanities began to play a regulatory role in various spheres of social activity. In the last decades of the 20th century, the achievements and methods of science began to be widely used to develop large-scale programs in the field of economic development and social sphere. The function of science as a social force is clearly manifested when deciding global problems modern society. At present, when the threat of global crises in the environment, energy, and in the areas of raw materials and food increases, the social role of science becomes especially significant.

Lecture 3, 4. Science as a system of knowledge.

Science and common knowledge.

Science is specific activity of people, main goal which is the acquisition of knowledge about reality.

Knowledge is the main product of scientific activity; the products of science also include scientific style rationality, various devices, installations, techniques used outside science, primarily in production.

Criteria of scientific knowledge and its characteristic features. Systematization is one of the criteria of scientific character. Scientific systematization is characterized by a desire for completeness and consistency.

The desire for validity and evidence of knowledge is an important criterion for scientific character.

Various methods of substantiating scientific knowledge are used. To substantiate empirical knowledge, multiple tests are used, appealing to statistically given nym, etc. When substantiating theoretical concepts, their consistency, compliance with empirical data, and ability to describe and predict phenomena are checked.

Scientific knowledge as a system has a certain structure, the elements of which are: facts, laws, theories, pictures of the world.

The scientific picture of the world (SPW) is a special form of systematization of knowledge, a qualitative generalization and ideological synthesis of various scientific theories. Being a holistic system of ideas about the general properties and patterns of the objective world, the scientific picture of the world exists as a complex structure that includes as components the general scientific picture of the world and the picture of the world of individual sciences. In the process of everyday activities of people, some knowledge about the properties is formed things and phenomena of the surrounding world is everyday practical knowledge. The so-called “common sense” plays a large role in everyday consciousness. This concept is not precisely defined and may change over time. It is based on a fairly realistic idea of ​​the world around us. In ordinary consciousness, knowledge is acquired and used spontaneously. Reasoning within the framework of common sense gives an adequate idea of ​​reality, therefore, they are based on the same laws of traditional logic that are present in the process of achieving scientific knowledge.

There is a certain commonality between scientific and everyday knowledge: they orient a person in the world and are the basis of practical activity. There is also a certain continuity between ordinary knowledge and scientific knowledge, that is, between common sense, on which ordinary knowledge is based, and critical thinking, characteristic of science. The indicated continuity, the connection between them is manifested in the fact that scientific thinking often arises from common sense assumptions. But in the future, science corrects, clarifies these assumptions, or even replaces them with new ones.

For example, the everyday idea of ​​the movement of the Sun around the Earth, on which thinkers of antiquity and the Middle Ages relied, was subsequently subjected to scientific criticism in the Renaissance (XVI century) and replaced (thanks to the teachings of N. Copernicus and his followers) by completely new ideas.

But common sense itself also does not remain unchanged. Over time, gradually it increasingly includes truths firmly established in science. In this regard, a point of view arose according to which scientific knowledge is only improved, clarified ordinary knowledge. This point of view was expressed by the famous scientist Thomas Huxley (1825 -1895) - an English zoologist, popularizer of science and defender evolutionary theory Charles Darwin: “I believe,” he wrote, “that science is nothing more than trained and organized common sense. She differs from him in the same way as a veteran differs from an untrained recruit.”

However, science is still not a simple continuation and improvement of knowledge based on common sense. The latter can serve only as a beginning, a starting point for the emergence of new, critically rational scientific knowledge. In this regard, the famous philosopher of science Karl Popper noted that “science, philosophy, rational thinking - all begin with common sense.”

Therefore, one should not absolutely oppose scientific knowledge to everyday knowledge and reject any connection between them. Any scientist who uses a set of special scientific terms, concepts, and methods in his research work is also included in the sphere of non-specialized everyday experience. For, being a scientist, he does not cease to be just a man.

At the same time, science should be distinguished from everyday knowledge, obtained spontaneously - empirically and characterized by the following features.

1. Everyday knowledge is fragmentary and not systematized.

2. Ordinary judgment and inference are isolated generalizations of the results of some random observations. Therefore, ordinary knowledge, due to its scattered nature, cannot be combined into some kind of holistic theoretical system.

3. Since the acquisition of such knowledge is limited by the framework of everyday practical experience, they, in principle, cannot use either scientific-experimental or theoretical research methods.

4. For everyday knowledge there are no reliable ways to verify and justify them.

Thus, everyday knowledge is one of the forms of extra-scientific knowledge.

Science and philosophy.

Philosophy (Greek phileo - love, sofia - wisdom, literally love in wisdom) is a form of spiritual culture aimed at posing, analyzing and solving fundamental issues of worldview.

Philosophy, like science, has a theoretical form, but, strictly speaking, philosophy is not a science, for example, like physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics, geology, history, etc.

Each science studies a specific object, a certain fragment of the world, a certain side of it, uses special methods that are incomprehensible to anyone except specialist scientists, relies on experiment and accurate observations, uses instruments, etc.

There is nothing like this in the sphere of philosophical knowledge. Philosophy deals not with an object, but with a subject, a person capable of creativity, goal-setting, and self-improvement. The subject of philosophy is the relationship “man - world”.

Thus, philosophy is a person’s understanding of the conditions of his existence, the construction of a general picture of the world, the creation of a general idea of ​​the world and man, of man’s place in the world. This is the difference between philosophy and other sciences.

Any philosophical system expresses a certain attitude of a person to the world, his well-being in the world. There is always an assessment and a value-based approach here. This is the similarity between philosophy and art, where the world is not just described, but experienced, where a certain mood, attitude towards the world, towards a person, towards life is expressed. By creating this or that image of the world, philosophy also sets a certain attitude towards it, a certain mood, a certain experience of being. And this, in turn, can determine the direction of development of culture and society as a whole.

Philosophy gives science projects of theoretical problems, ideas, methods and rules for the operation of thinking. Unlike scientific ones, the correctness of solving philosophical problems cannot be directly tested by practice. Within the framework of philosophy, the human spirit is freed from the scientific framework; intuition makes it possible to find ideas that are still unprovable by science and have potential power.

At a certain stage in the development of science, certain philosophical ideas become in demand, and individual teachings become relevant. Therefore, philosophy plays a decisive role in the formation of a scientific paradigm (Greek paradeigma - example, sample), which includes established scientific theories, rules, and philosophical ideas.

Science in every historical period develops within the framework of the established paradigm.

The history of science shows that the development of scientific ideas occurs within the framework of fundamental principles, belonging to philosophy. In this sense, science and philosophy are inseparable from each other.

For example, philosophical contemplation of nature gave birth to natural philosophy - the first form of existence of natural science, which combined scientific and technical thinking and the features of philosophy that produces generalizations, and some ideas that arose in the depths of natural philosophy received later scientific development.

Science as an activity.

Science is not only scientific knowledge, but also a special kind of activity. In the course of scientific activity, the subject itself is created to a certain extent. At the individual level, it is not a professionally trained specialist who has the appropriate skills and knowledge. A subject “grown” by science must even have special personal qualities, such as criticality, honesty, determination, freedom of thinking, and the ability to solve non-standard problems.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” N 127-FZ dated August 23, 1996 (last amendment dated July 21, 2011 N 254-FZ) considers “science” as a form of intellectual activity and distinguishes between two types (Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law):

“Scientific (research) activities (hereinafter referred to as scientific activities) activities aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge, including:

applied scientific research - research aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solutions specific tasks.

Scientific and technical activities are activities aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge to solve technological, engineering, economic, social, humanitarian and other problems, ensuring the functioning of science, technology and production as a unified system.

Experimental development is an activity that is based on knowledge acquired as a result of scientific research or on the basis of practical experience, and is aimed at preserving human life and health, creating new materials, products, processes, devices, services, systems or methods and their further improvement.”

The most fundamental result of scientific activity is a scientifically cognitive, or, more broadly, rational-theoretical attitude towards the world.

Scientific activity is enough difficult process, which includes many specific types of cognitive activity:

thinking based on the application of strict logical and mathematical methods;

procedures for criticism and justification;

processes of heuristic search and hypothesizing, including imagination and intuition;

laboratory and experimental practice using the most modern technical means;

designing models;

and much more.

Thus, scientific research and scientific and technical activities are interconnected, but what are the significant differences between them?

The result of research activities can be dissertations, monographs, articles, reports, guidelines and other forms of publication that reflect the results of the creation and research of hypotheses, theories or discoveries.

Discovery is the establishment of previously unknown objectively existing patterns, properties and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The products of scientific research activities can create the prerequisites for the development of inventions.

Inventions can be methods, devices, substances.

Scientific and technical activities lead to the creation of new scientific and technical solutions: inventions, industrial designs, utility models.

Characteristics of scientific activity:

1. Sociality. The generalized subject of the scientific-cognitive process is society as a whole, and the specialized agent of scientific activity is the scientific community. The social-communicative nature of scientific activity is manifested in many qualities: in the exchange of scientific information between scientists (publications, messages), in communication processes between scientists and other social groups, in the very method of scientific research, which is often conducted by large teams.

2. Determination. Scientific research is not a chaotic action. Scientific research moves towards a theoretical goal, towards solving existing problems. Of course, scientific knowledge also contains spontaneous components. In particular, experiments can be carried out, not supported by any verified theoretical considerations, to satisfy simple curiosity. But these individual moments of spontaneous search should not be opposed to the general principle of scientific activity - the principle of the activity of the mind. Scientific reason must “force nature to answer its questions, and not drag along as if on its lead” (I. Kant).

3. Methodical. In science, it is important not just to find a solution to a problem, but to methodologically consolidate it. The validity of the methods is of fundamental importance. A scientist should always have the opportunity operational achievement of one or another result, must be able to control the process of obtaining knowledge, be able to lead others to the same result. This means that a scientist not only must be able to do something, but he is required to be able to give an account of his actions, he must be able to describe his basic operations, the rules that guided him. The scientist must be able to convey his operational skills with a reasonable degree of accuracy. In other words, in science, the intellectual technology of obtaining knowledge is no less important than the content of knowledge itself.

4. Self-correcting. Scientific activity is aimed not only at understanding the world around us, but also, in a certain sense, at itself: it increases its own rationality. This is a cognitive activity that simultaneously seeks ways to increase its own effectiveness. The utmost degree of reflexivity scientific knowledge is a specially carried out methodological analysis of scientific activity.

5. Progression. Scientific activity is focused on the constant increase in knowledge, on innovations and discoveries. The constant growth of scientific knowledge is an essential parameter of scientific activity; only in this case does science continue to remain a science (Karl Popper). However, the forward movement of science does not mean that science progresses linearly (or cumulatively, from the Latin cumulare - “accumulate”), adding new knowledge to the previous ones, recorded as an asset of eternal and unshakable truths. No, science is constantly revising its content, but the very desire for constant expansion of the subject area, growth of knowledge, and improvement of theories remains stable.

6. Creativity. Scientific activity is, ultimately, the creativity of knowledge.

Science and creativity. Scientific, technical and technical creativity.

Creativity is a human activity characterized by fundamental novelty. Creativity takes place in any area of ​​human activity - artistic, political, economic and administrative, etc.

There are scientific, scientific-technical and technical creativity.

Scientific creativity is an activity aimed at solving scientific problems (non-standard tasks) in situations where they are underdetermined by existing conditions and methods.

Scientific creativity satisfies the need for knowledge of the surrounding world, the result of which is discoveries.

In general, the phenomenon of creativity contains a certain shade of paradox.

On the one hand, it seems impossible to describe and understand creativity within the framework of a purely rationalistic approach, since creativity generally looks like something illogical, violating all methodological canons - an important role in the processes of creativity is played by a sublime emotional state called inspiration.

On the other hand, creativity in science is precisely scientific creativity, which is initially consistent with the guidelines of scientific activity, and the results of creative thinking turn out to be justified by rationally verifiable intellectual constructs.

A possible strategy for overcoming this difficulty is to clearly separate the rational and non-rational aspects of scientific creativity and scientific discovery.

The first point of view (K. Popper, H. Hans Reichenbach) is based on the fact that the process of scientific creativity itself, culminating in a discovery, cannot be studied in a logical and methodological sense. In logical and methodological terms, we are not interested in how the scientist came to the discovery, but what is important is how these intellectual products of creativity were substantiated, how they were tested and proven. In other words, a scientist can create as he pleases, but the final product must comply with all logical and methodological standards of scientific knowledge. Thus, there is no rationally measurable path from facts to hypothesis, and scientific thinking moves from hypothesis to facts, from conjecture to its experimental verification (hypothetico-deductive model).

The second point of view (Norwood Hanson) is based on the fact that a scientist begins his work not with a hypothesis, but with an analysis of facts. Consequently, there is a complex web of theoretical and empirical factors influencing the process of scientific research. The configuration of the data suggests to the scientist some of the most likely hypotheses.

So, in the course of studying scientific creativity, researchers came to the need to bring together the contexts of discovery and justification and search for new logical and methodological means of analyzing scientific thinking.

Models of scientific creative search. There are two main models:

1. Linear model of scientific creative search.

2. Structural-system model of scientific creative search.

The linear model of scientific creative search is a logical sequence of actions:

1. Statement of the problem.

2. Analysis of the task.

3. Finding a solution to the problem.

4. Finding a solution.

5. Further refinement of the solution.

From a psychological point of view, in the mind in the process of scientific creative search, the following occurs:

1. Initial preparation for the search - the scientist carries out an initial analysis of the problem, clarifies the conditions of the problem, tries to apply already known techniques and somehow narrow the scope of the search. Having failed to achieve a quick solution, the researcher again takes actions to overcome the identified difficulties. As a result, at some point he may postpone his search for a while and do something else. However, the search process does not stop, but only moves to an unconscious level of mental activity.

2. Incubation is the stage of hidden activity of searching for a solution.

3. Insight (from the English insight - “the ability to penetrate, insight”) is an insight when a scientist suddenly finds the right solution, which often turns out to be significantly different from the options he expected at the beginning.

4. Justification - when the researcher clarifies and verifies the solution, its further development and reasoned presentation.

It is in incubation and insight during the hidden unconscious activity of consciousness that creativity appears as a process that cannot be rationally understood, that is, intuition comes to the fore here.

Traditionally, a terminological division has been established into discursive thinking (from the Latin discurrere - “disintegrate, separate”) and its antipode - intuitive. Discursive is an intellectual activity based on clearly separated logical procedures.

Intuition (from the Latin intuitio - “close scrutiny, contemplation”) is a complex and little-studied psychological process;

a decision is called intuitive when a person comes to it in some unconscious way and cannot give an account of how it arose. An intuitive decision is characterized subjectively as unexpected, sudden. In its content, it turns out to be an original vision of the subject being studied, the structure of its interrelations, or the discovery of a new research method. An intuitive decision is accompanied by a special feeling of complete understanding, unraveling, penetration into the essence of things, and a firm conviction in the truth of the idea that has come.

Thus, scientific research is intertwined with discursive efforts based on rationally justified and proven techniques, and intuitive mental moves with fundamentally innovative content. It is necessary to understand that the unconscious intuitive search of a scientist does not represent something fundamentally different from actions in a normal state, but is guided by the same guidelines that are set by the discursive procedures of scientific activity (although in its content it is, of course, presented as quite free , liberated movements of thought).

Therefore, one should not sharply separate the discursive and intuitive components of scientific creativity.

Thus, there is no privileged access to scientific knowledge through some kind of intuitive insight. There is only the ability to think methodically and search. Research intuition is not some lucky gift, but is developed by training the scientist through hard work. The professionalism of a scientist is a complex complex of explicit and implicit knowledge, intellectual skills and abilities.

Structural-system model of scientific creative search. The linear model of scientific research gives only an extremely general idea of ​​this process. In reality, scientific search is more like a set of cyclic structures.

Therefore, a unifying model of scientific creative search, taking into account elements of chronological sequence and structural-semantic relationships when working on a scientific problem, is presented in Fig. 1.

According to this model:

1. Work on solving the problem begins with an analysis of the initial conditions. This is the most important process to which the researcher returns repeatedly in subsequent attempts to solve it. In this case, a preliminary selection of models takes place to present the problem in the most convenient form and a search for an adequate strategy of action. The central role in all processes of working on a problem is played by an inquiry into the past experience of the researcher - identifying analogies of the problem with previous problems, using proven solution techniques.

2. The result of the analysis is a preliminary solution plan, which is also subject to analysis. Here the scientist carries out trial implementations of the plan, on the basis of which he compares, evaluates and selects various solution options. At some point, the researcher may settle on the most interesting idea for a solution, which usually appears to him subjectively in the form of a guess. However, subsequent verification of the guess may return him again to revising the conditions of the problem and developing a new version of the solution plan;

this will be the next round of the research cycle.

3. As a result, some guess may turn out to be the most fruitful, opening the way to a solution (subjectively, it is usually perceived as insight). After checking the guess, the scientist comes up with the final idea for the solution. However, the process does not end there: there is a long period ahead of the development of the idea, its further development, reasoned presentation of the solution, and inclusion of the resulting solution in the general scientific situation that currently exists in this subject area.

Rice. 1. Model of scientific search Factors influencing the processes of scientific creative search. There are factors that both positively and negatively influence the processes of creative search.

Positive factors: developed imagination, associative thinking, previous experience of successful research activities, self-confidence, intellectual independence, strong motivation.

Negative factors: psychological rigidity, i.e. the desire to act according to a template, excessive influence of authorities, fear of possible failure, etc.

Motivation for scientific creativity. There are two sides to scientific creativity:

1. Cognitive (cognitive) component - associated with the substantive aspects of the research situation itself.

2. Motivational component - means the personal significance for the researcher of the problem he is solving, the degree of involvement and interest of the individual in finding a solution.

The role of motivation is so great that some psychologists even come to the conclusion that the difference between a talented working scientist and an unproductive colleague should be sought not so much in special mental abilities, but rather in the strength of motivation. High level The researcher's motivation is determination, sustained interest in the subject, and general intellectual energy.

The motivation for scientific creativity is a complex intersection of various factors that form each scientist’s own individual “pattern” of motives. The set of specific motives that guide the activities of a productive scientist can be very diverse, for example, intellectual pleasure from the creative process itself and the associated inspiration, satisfaction of moral and aesthetic needs, the spirit of competition, a sense of social significance of scientific work, personal self-realization.

There are also the most general prerequisites for motivating the creative behavior of a scientist: the most important prerequisites include freedom of creativity (freedom to choose the subject and means of research), involvement in one’s professional development in elite, productive scientific schools and, of course, social support and recognition.

Other factors influencing scientific creativity.

Age factor. On average, the most productive period is considered to be between 25 and 40 years of age. However, this figure in itself is meaningless, because does not take into account the diversity inherent in various sciences and groups of sciences. It is well known that mathematics is the science of the young, and social sciences, with rare exceptions, require a certain amount of years lived and acquired life experience.

But it should also be taken into account that age itself, being isolated from the specific working conditions of a scientist, is not a decisive prerequisite for creativity. For example, at a later age, a great scientist, as a rule, is realized not so much in personal projects as in his influence on students, so it would be simply wrong to consider him unproductive at this age. Therefore, the topic of age determination of scientific creativity remains open.

Socio-cultural factor. Scientific knowledge always develops in a certain socio-historical situation. This means that there is some correlation between the general situation (when some idea is literally floating in the air) and the emergence of a scientific achievement. This is also evidenced by the phenomenon of alternating ups and downs in scientific activity, when in one period there is an extraordinary concentration of brilliant scientists and major discoveries, in another there is relative calm. “The phenomenon of simultaneous discoveries in science is the rule rather than the exception,” sociologist R. Merton.

Communication factor. Creativity itself, although it is an individual process, is unthinkable outside of the communication of a scientist with the scientific community. A huge role in this is played by his close circle: the scientists with whom he studied, whose views had the greatest influence on him, and those with whom he polemicizes. A productive scientist turns out to be a center of attraction, an proactive participant in communication in the scientific community. This is reflected both in formal (citation index, development of his ideas in the publications of other scientists) and in informal, lively communication. Also, scientific schools are the center of intensive scientific communication, which directly creates creative motivation.

Scientific, technical and technical creativity.

Technology (from the Greek “techne” art, skill, skill) is the general name for various devices, mechanisms and devices that do not exist in nature and are manufactured by man to carry out production processes and serve the non-productive needs of society.

Scientific and technical creativity consists of studying the patterns of known phenomena with the aim of using them in practice. This type of creativity is based on applied sciences and various types of industry research, as a result of which new technical and technological solutions are developed. The result of this type of creative activity is mainly complex inventions.

Technical creativity is realized as a result of engineering activities aimed at developing new technical solutions based on known laws. The result of technical creativity is simple inventions, rationalization proposals and design developments.

System approach in engineering creativity. An effective solution to an engineering problem is possible only on the basis of a comprehensive, holistic consideration of the system being developed and its development (change) in the process of interaction with the environment.

Engineer starting to develop a new technical system, must use a systems approach as a methodological basis for technical creativity, and a system is a set of elements connected technologically, structurally and functionally.

The systems approach involves considering an object as a system that has various connections between its elements. The systematic approach, being a not very strictly connected set of cognitive rules, does not provide specific recommendations in search activities, but helps to find the general direction of the search and see the problem more fully.

Basic principles of the systems approach:

1. The principle of integrity is the recognition that some collections of objects can manifest themselves as something whole, possessing properties that belong specifically to the whole (system). From this principle follows an important feature of the systems approach, which consists in the requirement not to limit oneself when developing new machines and devices to the analysis of their parts and the interaction between them, but to comprehend and take into account the properties of the system as a whole. For example, the combination of an ironing sole, a heating element in the form of a spiral, a temperature regulator, and a handle, assembled in a certain way, forms an electric iron, which is considered not as a set of parts, but as something whole, independent, with properties different from the properties of its parts.

2. The principle of compatibility of elements in a system - a system that has certain system properties can be built not from any elements, but only from those whose properties satisfy the requirements of compatibility. This means that the intrinsic properties of the elements (shape, size, contour, surface, color, physical and mechanical characteristics, etc.) must be such as to ensure their interaction with each other as parts of a single whole.

3. The principle of structure - the elements from which the system is created are not arbitrarily located in the system, but form a specific structure characteristic of a given system, described by some system-forming relationship expressing the relationship and interdependence between the elements in the system.

4. The principle of neutralization of dysfunctions - due to their internal properties or under the influence of the external environment, elements of the system can acquire properties and functions that do not correspond to the properties and functions of the system as a whole. Therefore, when creating new systems from a certain set of elements, in order to ensure the stability of the system, it is necessary to provide for the neutralization of dysfunctions.

5. The principle of adaptation - a technical system operating in a changing environment must have adaptation properties, i.e. the ability to rebuild its structure, parameters and functioning in order to meet the needs of the environment.

6. The principle of multifunctionality is the possibility of the existence of several goals or functions in a system.

7. The principle of complexity - when developing new technical systems, it is advisable to use an integrated approach, which consists in constructing and synthesizing multi-aspect models of the same system, as well as involving representatives of different specialties in the work in order to fully cover all problems and aspects.

8. The principle of iteration - an engineer, developing a complex technical system, cannot cover all possible situations at once, so his knowledge turns out to be incomplete and needs additions, clarifications, etc. The necessary completeness of knowledge and understanding is achieved only as a result of a series of iterations.

9. The principle of taking into account probabilistic factors - when creating new technical systems, there is a need for statistical research and probabilistic assessment of phenomena occurring in the system and in environment by collecting and processing relevant statistical data.

10. The principle of hierarchical decomposition - every element can be considered as a system when moving to a more detailed phase of analysis, and every system can be considered as a subsystem or element of a larger system.

11. The principle of variation - the existence of different alternatives to the technical solution of the system, different ways to achieve the same goal.

12. The principle of mathematization - to facilitate the analysis and choice of solutions when developing technical systems using quantitative assessments of options, it is advisable to use mathematical methods of operations research, optimization and other systems analysis apparatus.

13. The principle of modeling is the construction and programming on a computer of models that simulate the functioning (behavior) of a technical system or its elements, thereby checking the correctness decisions made embedded in the created object.

Technical solutions. Technical solutions are the result of the embodiment of scientific ideas into specific objects, structures, processes, substances. At the same time, they are the basis for the development of new technology and the creation of other inventions. Analysis and identification of the scientific basis of technical solutions and the ideas embedded in them make it possible to solve a wide range of other technical problems by analogy.

The fund of technical solutions is an illustration of the application of physical effects and phenomena, universal examples that express a scientific idea in such a general technical form that it becomes possible to directly use them in new technical problems and directly incorporate them into new technical solutions.

The Technical Solutions Fund can be used by an engineer:

when analyzing and selecting problems, searching for solution ideas;

synthesis of new technical objects;

for the purpose of comparative assessment of technical economic efficiency the found solution in comparison with the known ones;

to forecast the development of science, technology and technology;

when drawing up an application for an invention.

Examples of funds of technical solutions: funds of enterprises, personal funds of technical solutions, patent files, scientific and technical articles and monographs.

Sources of replenishment of industry, personal and other funds of technical solutions:

printed materials containing information about inventions, industrial designs and trademarks in the form of descriptions of inventions for patents and copyright certificates published in relevant information publications.

Systematic replenishment by an engineer of his personal fund of technical solutions is an effective way to increase his creative potential and improve his qualifications.

Approximate scheme for solving engineering problems.

1. Statement of the problem - the statement of a technical problem creates the prerequisites for finding its solution.

2. Collection of information – study of funds of technical solutions.

3. Analysis of the problem - a transition is made from the formulation of a technical problem to a model for its solution.

4. Modeling the problem - a model of the solution is created, while taking into account the available resources that can be used to solve the problem.

5. Determination of the ideal final result - using the existing model, an ideal solution to the problem is formulated.

6. Analysis of the progress of the solution - here it is important not only to find a solution, but also to describe it correctly, which increases the creative potential of the engineer. Basic documents reflecting the essence of a new technical solution: formulas, graphic materials, diagrams, drawings, programs, etc.

Thus, the quality and time of solving engineering problems are determined mainly by the “tool” that is used for this work: the more advanced the “tool”, the higher the quality and the less time spent. Accordingly, a computer with software is beyond any competition, representing a tool that is universal in its capabilities for the creative activity of an engineer.

The versatility of a computer lies, first of all, in the fact that, without changing the physical structure of the computer or its hardware, you can make the computer perform a variety of functions. That is, the same physical device – a computer – is used to perform different functions. Only the program is changeable.

Lecture 5, 6. Scientific research.

Scientific research. Types of scientific research. The form of existence and development of science is scientific research.

Scientific research is a process of study, experiment, conceptualization and testing of theory associated with the acquisition of scientific knowledge, as well as activities aimed at obtaining results useful for human activity, their implementation in production with further effect.

The object of scientific research is material or ideal systems.

The subject of scientific research is the structure of the system, the interaction of its elements, various properties, patterns of development.

The results of scientific research are assessed the higher the higher the scientific nature of the conclusions and generalizations made, the more reliable and effective they are. They must create the basis for new scientific developments. One of the most important requirements for scientific research is scientific generalization, which will allow one to establish the dependence and connection between the phenomena and processes being studied and draw scientific conclusions. The deeper the conclusions, the higher the scientific level of the research.

Scientific research is classified on various grounds:

1. According to the source of funding, scientific research is distinguished:

budgetary research - financed from the state budget;

economic contract research - financed by customer organizations under economic contracts;

unfunded research - can be carried out on the initiative of a scientist, under the individual plan of a teacher.

2. In regulatory legal acts on science, scientific research is divided according to its intended purpose into fundamental, applied, and experimental developments (Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” N 127-FZ of August 23, 1996 (latest amendment dated July 21, 2011 N 254-FZ)):

fundamental scientific research - experimental or theoretical activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic laws of the structure, functioning and development of man, society, and the natural environment;

applied scientific research - research aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems;

experimental development is an activity that is based on knowledge acquired as a result of scientific research or on the basis of practical experience, and is aimed at preserving human life and health, creating new materials, products, processes, devices, services, systems or methods and their further improvement."

3. Based on duration, scientific research can be divided into long-term, short-term and express research.

There are also two levels of research: theoretical and empirical.

The theoretical level of research is characterized by the predominance of logical methods of cognition. Here, the objects under study are mentally analyzed with the help of logical concepts, inferences, laws and other forms of thinking, generalized, their essence, internal connections, and laws of development are comprehended.

Elements of empirical knowledge are facts obtained through observations and experiments and stating the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects and phenomena. Stable repeatability and connections between empirical characteristics are expressed using empirical laws, often of a probabilistic nature.

Scientific problem(topic) of scientific research, its formulation and formulation. Scientific direction.

A problem is a question the answer to which is not contained in existing knowledge, i.e.

the problem is “knowledge about ignorance”, when there is no knowledge about some subject area, some phenomena, but at the same time there is an awareness of its absence. To realize a problem means to reveal one’s ignorance, and this is already a kind of knowledge.

Not every problem is scientific. Scientific problems are formulated on the basis of scientific premises and investigated using scientific methods.

Scientific problems are usually divided into two large classes:

fundamental, the main goal of which is to expand scientific knowledge;

applied, focused mainly on the technical and technological application of research results, this also includes problems associated with the improvement and development of means of cognition.

But there are no clear boundaries between fundamental and applied problems. The same problem, studied from a practical or purely cognitive purpose, may have a solution that has both practical and educational value. This interpenetration and interrelation of two aspects of science is successfully expressed in the well-known aphorism: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory.”

Statement of a scientific problem (topic) includes a number of stages:

1. Awareness of a problem situation - detection of ignorance about some subject area, some phenomena.

2. Formulation of the problem (topic) - the correct formulation of the topic determines the general strategy of scientific research and, in general terms, the expected result, and the topic must correspond to the profile of the scientific team (organization).

3. Formation of a problematic concept and determination of the relevance of the topic with its subsequent specification by answering the question - why this research needs to be carried out now, and not later, to identify the current value of the topic for the progress of science and technology.

4. Developing the structure of the topic and identifying specific ways, means and methods for scientific research - dividing the topic into subtopics and smaller scientific questions. For each of these components, the approximate area and volume of upcoming research are determined, specific tasks are outlined, the sequence of their solution and the methods that will be used in this case.

5. Determining the scientific novelty of the topic - this means that the topic in such a formulation has never been developed and is not currently being developed, i.e. duplication is excluded. When choosing a topic for scientific research, the novelty must be scientific, i.e. fundamentally new, not engineering. If even a new problem is being developed, but on the basis of already discovered laws, then this is the area of ​​engineering, not scientific development.

6. Determination of theoretical and practical significance is the possibility of using the results of scientific research to solve current problems and tasks in related or interdisciplinary research and practice.

7. Determination of the economic efficiency of the topic - the solutions proposed as a result of scientific research must be more effective than existing solutions.

A problematic situation is, as a rule, the result of a contradiction between newly discovered facts in science and existing theory. A problematic situation usually arises in the following cases:

when new empirical material does not fit into the framework of existing theoretical concepts, that is, when it is discovered that it is impossible to apply an existing theory to a new subject area;

when the development of a theory encounters a lack of experimental data, and this stimulates a targeted experimental search;

when there is a need to create a theory that generalizes a certain range of phenomena studied by science.

The choice, formulation and solution of scientific topics (problems) depend on subjective and objective factors.

Objective factors:

the level of the state of knowledge and theories in a particular field of science;

determination by social needs of the choice of problems and their solutions;

the choice of problems and their solution are also largely determined by the availability of special equipment, methods and research techniques.

Subjective factors:

the interest of the scientist himself in the problem under study;

originality of the scientist's plan;

moral and aesthetic satisfaction experienced by the researcher when choosing a problem and solving it.

Not all scientific problems are eventually solved. First of all, problems that do not correspond to the current level of development of knowledge and currently accepted scientific theories are not solved.

Therefore, there are some general requirements that must be met when posing scientific problems:

1. Any scientific problem must be formulated in relation to specific, real objects or subject areas. In science there cannot be a “subjectless” problem (as well as a “subjectless” hypothesis or theory).

2. A clear understanding of the scientific problem is necessary. The lack of such understanding (or only an intuitive understanding of the problem) interferes with the identification of directions and the development of scientific research programs, the justification and critical analysis of the strategy of scientific research. A poorly formulated problem leads to a waste of time, effort and material resources, to a pile-up of scattered information, etc.

3. A scientific problem should highlight a direction of research in which individual issues can be understood and resolved as its particulars. The researcher must identify, formulate and justify the essential question that unites all others, and focus on solving it.

4. A scientific problem must have the property of solvability. Justification of the solvability of a problem presupposes obtaining such research results that should be considered its solution in a given state of science. A solvable problem (as opposed to pseudo-problems) makes it possible to justify and plan the final result, and not to declare any results as a solution to the problem, allows you to evaluate, select and control cognitive actions and arguments in the very process of obtaining planned results, and not move towards them using “trial and error” techniques.

It should be noted that in science we often have to deal with problems that allow several solutions (such problems, for example, include technical and economic problems, organizational ones, etc.). In such cases, it is necessary to take into account which solution has certain advantages and is therefore more desirable under given conditions.

The choice of a scientific problem is at the same time the choice of a scientific direction of scientific research.

A scientific direction is a field of scientific research devoted to solving any major, fundamental theoretical and experimental problems in a certain branch of science.

Thus, the ability of a scientist to formulate and critically analyze the arguments used to justify the solvability or acceptance of a proposed solution to a problem is an important prerequisite for the progress of scientific knowledge.

The ability to perceive new problems and formulate them is an important condition for scientific creativity. In science there are no special methods for searching and formulating scientific problems. For many of them, it is impossible to develop solution algorithms.

Scientific facts and their role in scientific research.

The concept “fact” is used in several meanings:

an objective event, a result related to objective reality (a fact of reality) or to the sphere of consciousness and cognition (a fact of consciousness);

knowledge about any event, phenomenon, the reliability of which has been proven (truth);

a sentence that captures knowledge gained through observations and experiments.

Scientific facts come forward a necessary condition scientific research. The power of science lies in its reliance on facts. The task of scientific knowledge is to find the reason for the occurrence of a given fact, to find out its essential meaning and to establish a natural connection between the facts.

Scientific facts are certain fixed results of empirical research (scientific observations, measurements, experiments). Moreover, to record these results, the use of the language of science is required.

A scientific fact appears in the form of direct observation of an object, instrument readings, photographs, experimental reports, tables, diagrams, records, archival documents, verified eyewitness accounts, etc.

The main features of scientific facts: novelty, reliability, accuracy, reproducibility.

The novelty of a scientific fact reflects fundamentally new, hitherto unknown knowledge about some object or phenomenon (this is not necessarily scientific discovery, but this is new knowledge about what we did not know).

The reliability of a scientific fact is the objective truth of the knowledge recorded in this fact. An important condition follows from this: a scientific fact should not depend on who and when it was obtained.

The accuracy of a scientific fact is a set of the most significant features of objects, phenomena, events, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Evaluating the facts obtained is an important component of scientific research. The deeper and more specifically the researcher evaluates the role and significance of certain facts, the more effective his cognitive activity will be. Assessing the fundamental features of scientific facts also helps to clarify their magnitude, that is, their intended significance for theory and practice. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Scientific facts, intended to serve as the basis for further theoretical research, themselves require for their identification and assessment a certain work of theoretical thinking. As Academician I.P. liked to say. Pavlov: “Without an idea in your head, no scientific fact can be established.”

The obtained scientific facts require a certain theoretical interpretation, and facts that contradict the existing theory (or hypothesis) are of particular interest. In this regard, the discovery of new empirical facts has great importance for the development of a system of scientific knowledge. In this case, the internal logic of facts “works,” leading to the inevitable rejection of old ideas when they come into obvious conflict with new experimental data.

Accordingly, empirical research leads to the discovery of more and more new facts, and they, in turn, require theoretical explanation. In the process of scientific knowledge, facts become a necessary basis and motivating force for the construction of hypotheses and theories.

An attempt by a researcher (conscious or unconscious) to ignore the logic of facts, and sometimes even to manipulate them, leads to incorrect conclusions that are inconsistent with reality. The results of such “research” are very quickly removed from science.

The interaction between the empirical and theoretical levels of research is that:

the totality of facts is practical basis theories or hypotheses;

facts can confirm or refute a theory;

a scientific fact is always permeated with theory, since it cannot be formulated without a system of concepts, interpreted without theoretical ideas;

empirical research in modern science is predetermined and guided by theory.

Scientific hypothesis, its content, promotion and justification. Requirements for scientific hypotheses.

A hypothesis is a preliminary theoretical assumption about the essence of the objects and phenomena being studied.

A scientific hypothesis is a scientifically based assumption that contains certain arguments that explain the phenomena being studied. At the same time, the peculiarity of these arguments is such that it is not yet possible to fully verify their reliability.

In science, the main goal of putting forward and developing hypotheses is to solve a scientific problem, which sets the direction for the search for hypotheses.

It is generally accepted that the stated hypothesis should not contradict the facts known in science. But in the process of scientific research, there may be cases when a completely new problem situation arises and new scientific hypotheses designed to resolve it do not agree with generally accepted theories and contradict the established view.

During the research process, scientific hypotheses are tested and changed depending on the accumulating new facts.

Sometimes it is difficult to explain why a scientist puts forward exactly such a hypothesis to explain certain facts, because the creation of a hypothesis is largely an intuitive act, which represents the secret of scientific creativity.

A scientific hypothesis must satisfy a number of specific requirements:

1. A hypothesis must explain the essence of that set of new facts on the basis of which and for the sake of which it was created, and the larger the range of facts explained by this hypothesis, the more justified it is considered. And if any fact appears that is inexplicable from the point of view of the hypothesis put forward, then such a situation serves as an incentive for: searching for a new hypothesis;

improving the existing hypothesis;

to detect, through additional checks, the inaccuracy of a new fact that has emerged.

2. The hypothesis must be fundamentally testable - in the process of cognitive activity, sooner or later the real existence of what is assumed in the hypothesis must be proven or refuted. The way to test hypotheses is to obtain from them such consequences (special cases) that can be verified empirically. At the same time, not every hypothesis can be tested at one or another stage of the development of science for the following reasons: the specific ways of such testing are unclear;

mathematical difficulties that prevent one from obtaining quantitative consequences from the hypothesis that allow an unambiguous comparison with experience;

insufficient level of development of experimental technology. In this regard, the concept of a virtually unverifiable hypothesis is introduced, which, however, as science progresses, may eventually become testable.

3. The hypothesis must have sufficient breadth, logical consistency and predictive capabilities - the hypothesis must cover and explain a more or less wide range of phenomena, not contain contradictions to established scientific facts and predict new phenomena.

4. The simplicity of a hypothesis is its logical construction that does not require resorting to any arbitrary assumptions, artificial constructions, etc. when explaining a certain range of phenomena.

5. Most often, a hypothesis is put forward in cases where it is difficult or even impossible to identify the cause of the phenomenon being studied due to its inaccessibility to direct observation.

As part of the formulation of hypotheses, the hypothetico-deductive method is used, which involves the implementation of an algorithm consisting of four links:

1. Detection of certain facts related to some area of ​​reality.

2. Proposition of an initial hypothesis, usually called a working one, which, based on a certain regularity and repeatability of the facts found, constructs their simplest explanation.

3. Establishing facts that “do not fit” into the working hypothesis.

4. Creation of a new, more developed scientific hypothesis, taking into account facts that fall out of the initial explanation, which harmonizes all available empirical data, and sometimes makes it possible to predict the receipt of new ones.

Consequently, from the new hypothesis it is possible to deduce (deduce) all known facts, as well as an indication of still unknown facts (that is, not yet discovered).

So, if a scientific hypothesis harmonizes facts with each other, connects them into a single picture, and even predicts the discovery of still unknown facts, then it will turn into a theory that for a certain historical period can take a dominant position in one or another section of scientific knowledge.

Thus, a scientific hypothesis, which has received complete proof and verified by practice, becomes a theory.

The essence of scientific theory and its role in scientific research.

Theory is logically organized knowledge, a conceptual system of knowledge that adequately and holistically reflects a certain area of ​​reality.

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Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-11.jpg" alt=">Industrialization. Urbanization. Intensification.">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-12.jpg" alt=">The goal of environmental economists">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-13.jpg" alt="> Core competencies of "PEi.K" "Ecology and environmental management" - students' mastery of analytical,"> Основные компетенции «ПЭи. К» «Экология и природопользование» - овладение студентами аналитической, научно-исследовательской и профессиональной деятельностью; - умение собирать и анализировать исходные данные для расчета экономических показателей в сфере геологических и биологических проблем; -проводить анализ и прогнозирование основных показателей финансово- хозяйственной деятельности в области экологии и природопользования; - участвовать в работе над инновационными проектами, используя прие мы, методы и инновационные технологии.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-14.jpg" alt=">What is science?">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-15.jpg" alt="> In a broad sense, SCIENCE: Research activities; Institutions"> В широком смысле НАУКА: Научно-исследовательская деятельность; Учреждения (НИИ) и университеты; Материальная база (лаборатории и экспериментальное оборудование); Система научной информации; Научные знания (и обыденное); Методы научной деятельности и пр.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at collecting, developing, analyzing"> Наука – сфера человеческой деятельности, направленная на сбор, выработку, анализ и систематизацию (синтез) объективных знаний об окружающем мире!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-17.jpg" alt="> Environmental management - the use of the natural environment to meet environmental,"> Природопользование - использование природной среды для удовлетворения экологических, экономических и культурно-оздоровительных потребностей общества. Природопользование - наука о рациональном использовании природных ресурсов обществом (комплекс естественных, общественных и технических наук).!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-18.jpg" alt="> Rational use of natural resources - full satisfaction of the needs of society while preserving the environmental"> Рациональное природопользование - полное удовлетворение потребностей общества при сохранении экологического баланса и возможностей восстановления природно-ресурсного потенциала. Задачи науки природопользования – поиск и внедрение инновационной хозяйственной деятельности и технологий («!} sustainable development"). Irrational environmental management - environmental degradation and disasters.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-19.jpg" alt="> Natural resource management object - land, water, Natural resources. "> The object of environmental management is land, water, natural resources. The subject of environmental management is the study, analysis of the role and place of the natural factor in the economy.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-20.jpg" alt=">From the history of science">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-21.jpg" alt="> Periodization of science Stage 1. Ancient world. Antiquity (VI-V)."> Periodization of science Stage 1. Ancient world. Antiquity (VI-V). Stage 2. Science of the Renaissance. The birth of classical science (XIV-XVI). Stage 3. Modern era. Classical period ( ХVI-ХVII) Stage 4. Non-classical science (ХVIII – ХIХ) Stage 5. Post-non-classical science (ХХ-ХХI).

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-22.jpg" alt="> System and classification of sciences Natural sciences Social and humanitarian"> Система и классификация наук Естественные науки Социально-гуманитарные науки Технические и точные науки!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-23.jpg" alt="> Dialectics of science development Differentiation of science (identification of new scientific disciplines) –"> Диалектика развития науки Дифференциация науки (выделение новых научных дисциплин) – разделение научного труда. Интеграция науки (синтез знания) – стирание граней между научными дисциплинами.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-24.jpg" alt="> Organization of science in Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Republican branches of research institutes,"> Организация науки в России Российская Академия Наук Республиканские отделения НИИ, краевые, областные, города федерального значения) Региональные научные центры Министерства и ведомства Лаборатории Конструкторские Бюро Учреждения ВПО Университеты. Факультеты. Кафедры.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-25.jpg" alt=">Russian Academy of Education Leninsky Prospekt, 32 "A"">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-26.jpg" alt="> Russian science today (2014 -2015) Russian Arctic monitoring system."> Российская наука сегодня (2014 -2015) Российская система мониторинга Арктики. Оснащение воздушных и морских судов в России модулями ГЛОНАСС. Запуск «Ангары» и поисковый сервис «Спутник» . Развитие робототехники. Вывод РОСТЕХ на международный рынок конкурентоспособных продуктов. !} Russian program AI ( artificial intelligence) was the first in the world to pass the Turing test.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-27.jpg" alt="> Science and achievements of MGIMO MGIMO is the founder of the Academy of Political Science."> Наука и достижения МГИМО МГИМО – основатель Академии политической науки. 1999 год - создание РАМИ (ректор Торкунов А. В. , академик РАН) МГИМО - лидер по количеству выпускников (ООН, ЮНЕСКО и др.). 500 Чрезвычайных и Полномочных Послов России, 20 действительных членов и членов-корреспондентов РАН Лидер по подготовке политических деятелей наравне с Йельским и Гарвардским университетами!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-28.jpg" alt="> Training of scientific personnel in Russia Postgraduate studies (school."> Подготовка научных кадров в России Аспирантура (уч. степень – кандидат наук) Докторантура (уч. степень – доктор наук) Преподаватели-исследователи (доцент, профессор) ВАК РФ и его функции (экспертиза…) РАН и его звания (м. н. с. , с. н. с. , ведущий специалист, главный специалист, член-корр. , академик)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-29.jpg" alt="> Functions of science Cultural and ideological (creation of a research environment); Function of production"> Функции науки Культурно-мировоззренческая (создание исследовательской среды); Функция производственной и социальной силы; Познавательная; Регулятивная (синтез воспитания, образования, исследовательской деятельности); Воспитательная (целеустремленность); Прогностическая (предвидение); Аксеологическая (ценостная); Управленческая (НОТ) и др.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-30.jpg" alt=">Nomenclature of scientific specialties 01. 00 Physical and mathematical sciences 02. 00 Chemical Sciences 03. 00 Biological"> Номенклатура научных специальностей 01. 00 Физико-математические науки 02. 00 Химические науки 03. 00 Биологические науки 04. 00 Геолого-минералогические науки 05. 00 Технические науки 06. 00 Сельскохозяйственные науки 07. 00 Исторические науки 08. 00 Экономические науки 09. 00 Философские науки 10. 00 Филологические науки!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-31.jpg" alt="> Nomenclature of scientific economic specialties 08. 00. 01"> Номенклатура научных экономических специальностей 08. 00. 01 !} Economic theory 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy 08.00.10 Finance, money turnover and credit 08.00.12 Accounting, statistics 08.00.13 Mathematical methods of economics 08.00.14 World economy

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-32.jpg" alt="> Scientific research activities in the Law of the Russian Federation NID are activities"> Научно-исследовательская деятельность в Законе РФ НИД – это деятельность, направленная на получение и применение новых знаний, включая фундаментальные и прикладные научные исследования. Федеральный закон «О науке и государственной !} scientific and technical Politics" dated July 12, 1996

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-33.jpg" alt="> Scientific research activities of students (NIRS) NIRS at MGIMO are provided with the Regulations : Regulations on the organization"> Научно-исследовательская деятельность студентов (НИРС) НИРС в МГИМО обеспечена Положениями: Положение об организации НИРС Положение о Совете молодых ученых Типовое положение о студенческом исследовательском бюро!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-34.jpg" alt="> Types of student research activities selection and analysis of scientific literature;"> Виды научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов отбор и анализ научной литературы; подготовка научных рефератов, аналитических справок, экспертиз; подготовка научных докладов и статей; подготовка !} coursework; preparation of qualification and diploma works;

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/48546724_424770964.pdf-img/48546724_424770964.pdf-35.jpg" alt=">THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!">!}












The didactic principle of the unity of educational and scientific work in higher education

educational institutions means that in the process of training

teachers need to teach students not only well

carry out practical processes of their future activities, but

realize its shortcomings, conduct scientific research and root them

Students are taught research work in two ways:

directions: in the process of scientific and educational work (when students write

student scientific community in free time from classes

(preparing reports for scientific conferences, writing articles, etc.).

In modern scientific research methodology there are two

type of knowledge: subject related to professional practical

work and regulatory and normative (methodological) aimed at

scientific knowledge of subject-related practical activities.

basic theoretical, methodological and organizational knowledge about

carrying out scientific and educational work, scientific research and designing them

results in accordance with generally accepted standards. Training program

provides for introducing students to the specifics of scientific knowledge,

principles and methods of scientific research, as well as methodology

―the specifics of science, its goals, functions, results, types of scientific


―laws, principles of knowledge, general logical, general scientific and

special research methods;

―basic techniques for choosing a relevant topic for research and

ways to draw up a program for its implementation;

―algorithmic searches for information in document sources

information and in electronic information resources;

—methods of working with text;

―methods of preparation and execution of educational and scientific works.

―draw up a scientific research program;

―analyze scientific literature on the research topic;

―prepare quotes and other extracts from the text of scientific literature;

―refer to facts and provide bibliographic references to

information sources.


4. What forms of knowledge and types of scientific research have developed?

The goal is to form an idea of ​​what science is, its

specificity; or, functions, result, levels of scientific knowledge, forms

sensory and rational knowledge, types of scientific research

1. What definitions of the concept “science” exist?

There are various definitions of the concept in the scientific literature

the science. Most modern scientists consider it in three

hypostases: as a specific sphere (type) of human activity;

social institution; body (system) of scientific knowledge. However, when

The definition of the concept of science proceeds from its first and third essences.

For example, the Belarusian philosopher and methodologist V.K. Lukashevich writes that

production and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about

natural, social and spiritual reality" (1, p. 15). Second

the definition of science as a body of scientific knowledge sounds like this: “Science as

information about natural, social and spiritual reality" (1, p. 15).

The entire set of cognitive actions of people is accepted

divided into two groups: 1) activities that are carried out in

within the framework of specific types of human activity (subject-practical,

communicative, value-oriented) and 2) activities that

carried out within the framework of science as special type human activity,

aimed at producing new knowledge about the surrounding reality.

Consequently, knowledge accumulated outside science stands out, which

produced during the creation of certain products, means of labor,

artistic images, etc. and scientific knowledge as a system in which

scientific information (knowledge) is subject to general structure. Like a system

science appears in the following forms: 1) in the form of social consciousness

or awareness; 2) in the form of social practice, including theories,

methodologies, human resources, information support for scientific


"Methodology of scientific research" (Mn., 2002) emphasizes

represents not just the sum of any knowledge about the real world, but

a system of reliably formed and verified statements about phenomena

formulated by means of special concepts, judgments, inferences,

curious people, and the result of the activity of all mankind, it is subordinated

goals for the development of social practice. Scientific knowledge, let us also emphasize

theoretical systematization of knowledge about nature, society, man,

sciences: natural, social (or public), humanities and

Technical science.

Science arose, therefore, in response to social

needs for knowledge, but its further development did not continue

only under the influence of socio-economic factors, but also under

influence of internal determinants (patterns, ideas, etc.).

Therefore, among scientists there were and still are two points of view:

called the internalist approach), others argue that

science develops under the influence of external socio-economic

factors (the so-called externalist approach). Apparently more correct

The famous Russian scientific methodologist G.I. also came to this conclusion. Ruzavin

2. What are the specifics of scientific activity?

Now let's consider the second question of our topic - the specifics of scientific

activity (cognition).

Scientific knowledge as a specifically organized set

cognitive actions has a number of characteristics that distinguish

it from other types of human activity. Methodological scientists usually

There are six such features:

1. science is ideally aimed at producing new knowledge;

2. the basis of scientific knowledge is the clear identification of its subject as

a holistic set of interrelated characteristics of an object;

3. scientific knowledge involves the use of specialized

instruments (methods, test objects (devices), experimental

installations, etc.);

4. scientific knowledge is regulated by certain types of normative

knowledge (laws, principles, ideals, norms, scientific style

thinking, etc.);

5. the results of scientific knowledge are recorded in special forms of knowledge and

must meet a number of requirements (reproducibility,

validity, consistency, objectivity, controllability);

6. a significant difference between scientific knowledge is the presence

specialized (scientific) language.

Within the framework of the organization’s reflection, scientific knowledge has not been lost

its significance is the Aristotelian model of the research process,

which includes the following stages: the first of them involves

presentation of the state of the topic (problem) under study and critical analysis

previous points of view, approaches, solutions; the second stage includes

exact formulation of the topic (problem) under study; the third stage is related to

highlighting (formulating) your own solution to the problem; fourth

stage involves justification (argumentation) using various

kind of facts and judgments (practical, scientific) and logical

evidence, as well as the advantage of the proposed solution in comparison

with the previous ones.

aimed at creating and theoretical systematization of knowledge about

nature, society, man and the means of production created by him.

Therefore, the following large complexes of sciences have developed in society:

natural sciences, social or social sciences, humanities,


3. What are the goals, functions and results of science?

The goals of science are to understand, explain and predict future developments

phenomena of nature, society, man, technology.

In accordance with the main goals of science, there are three main

its functions as a field of activity: epistemological (gnoses - knowledge,

ology - doctrine), heuristic (search for truth) and prognostic

(predictive) – forecast for future development. Science as social

The institute, in addition, performs the following functions: ideological

(promoting the education of a scientific worldview), social strength (or

promoting the socialization of the individual), productive force (promoting

scientific and technological progress).

The result of science is scientific knowledge (which means there are others

work, confirmed by socio-historical practice and not

contradicts (certified) logic and its adequate reflection in

human consciousness in the form of ideas, judgments, theories. Knowledge

have varying degrees of reliability, reflecting the dialectic

relative and absolute truth. Knowledge can be pre-scientific,

everyday, artistic (as a specific way of aesthetic

mastering reality) and scientific (empirical and theoretical).

Everyday knowledge is based on common sense and everyday consciousness,

are an important reference point for everyday behavior

person. These forms of knowledge develop and become enriched with progress

scientific knowledge. At the same time, scientific knowledge itself absorbs experience

everyday knowledge.

Scientific knowledge is characterized by understanding facts in a system

concepts of a given science are included in the theory that forms a high

level of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge, being a generalization of reliable

facts, behind the random finds the necessary and natural, behind the individual and

Human thinking constantly moves from ignorance to knowledge, from

superficial to increasingly deeper, essential and comprehensive

knowledge that serves as a necessary condition for transforming activities

man and humanity.

There is also the concept of “anti-scientific knowledge” - knowledge, the main

politics and other areas).

4. What forms of knowledge and types of scientific


In science, it is customary to divide the cognitive actions of people into two

forms of knowledge: sensory knowledge, rational knowledge. Let's consider

the specifics of each of these forms.

carried out through the human senses: sight, hearing,

touch, smell and taste. In philosophical literature sometimes sensual

cognition is called the concept of “living contemplation.” Sensory cognition in

in turn, includes four forms that you already know from

psychology (they are called that - cognitive processes), and

namely: sensation, perception, representation and imagination.

objects that affect the senses (visual sensation,

auditory sensation, olfactory sensation, gustatory sensation,

tactile sensation, i.e. according to the type of human analyzers).

objective world under their direct influence at the moment

to the senses. Perception is a more complex form of sensory cognition,

which is characterized by such properties as integrity, objectivity,

generality, contact, meaningfulness, ingenuity.

a person’s idea of ​​past events, remembered objects,

people who came into contact with the person, etc.

Imagination is a form of sensory cognition or process

creating new samples based on previously perceived ones. Imagination

is a reflection of reality in new

unusual combinations and connections. Imagination by degree of activity

divided into active and passive. Form of activity

imaginations are dreams. Dreams are desires pushed back in time.

carried out through human mental activity.

Its main difference from sensory knowledge is that it:

1) is based on an explanation of the facts obtained on

empirical level;

2)aimed at reflecting the general properties of the knowable

objects, i.e. abstraction from their individual properties;

3) direct connection of rational cognition with language,

for language is the material shell of thought (V.K. Lukashevich).

The main forms of rational knowledge are: concept,

essential features of the subject. For example, the concept of “library

catalog" - a list of bibliographic descriptions of documents available

in the collection of a library or group of libraries, compiled according to a specific

plan and disclosing the composition or content of library collections.

the connection between an object or its attribute or the relationship between

objects that have the property of expressing either the truth or lie.

For example, bibliographic products By attribute content

documents subdivided on kinds: at universal, industry,

thematic, etc.

one or several judgments is displayed new judgment. For example er, V

everyone region There is need V information, Not related With region

(By general questions development Sciences And practices). IN everyone region There is,

Naturally, there is a need for information about your region. Two judgments.

Conclusion. Information needs region have in his

structure two level: general And regional. Means, IP region And

regional individual entrepreneurs relate to each other as a whole and a part.

Process rational knowledge regulated laws And

requirements logic, A also e rules conceptual and logical

reasoning, i.e. drawing conclusions from premises to conclusions.

Rational cognition Not is exhausted considered

processes. It includes V myself And such phenomenon How intuition or

sudden comprehension tion what you're looking for result at unawareness And

intuition is understood "complex structured process, including

How rational, So And sensual elements." Productive function

intuition confirmed big quantity facts from stories Sciences And

technology. However intuitively received knowledge Not Always I'll turn it on are looking forward to V


1 FUNDAMENTALS OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Educational and methodological manual for independent work Krasnodar KubSAU 2014

2 UDC:004.9(075.8) BBK 72.3 B91 Reviewer: V.I. Loiko Honored Scientist Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Technologies and Systems of the KubSAU Burda A.G. B91 Fundamentals of scientific research activities: educational manual for independent work / A. G. Burda; Kuban. state agrarian univ. Krasnodar, p. The manual is aimed at providing methodological assistance for independent work in the discipline “Fundamentals of Research Activity”, contains tasks, a program of independent studies, a list of Internet resources and a list of recommended literature, tasks for independent work, including test tasks. The publication is intended for students in the areas of training “Informatics and Computer Science” and “Economics” (level of training of highly qualified personnel). UDC:004.9(075.8) BBK 72.3 ISBN Burda A. G., 2014 FSBEI HPE “Kuban State Agrarian University”,

3 CONTENTS Goal and objectives of the discipline 4 Developed competencies 6 Program of independent work 8 List of questions for independent work 9 List of literature recommended for independent work on specific issues 13 Normative literature 14 Basic literature 14 Additional literature 14 Information and telecommunication resources of the Internet 15 Abstracts (reports) 15 Test (independent) work 17 Case assignments 18 Test assignments 19 Final control. Test questions 24 3

4 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to master knowledge about laws, principles, concepts, terminology, content, specific features organization and management of scientific research, acquisition of skills and abilities practical application methods and techniques for conducting scientific research, choosing a research topic, scientific research, analysis, experimentation, data processing, obtaining informed, effective decisions using information technology. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: a) know: the meaning and significance theoretical foundations scientific research; main types of scientific research, their goals, distinctive features, approaches aimed at explaining and understanding the ongoing processes of informatization of society; the essence and structure of research programs, understand their significance for the implementation of the tasks of informatization of enterprises and organizations; methods of organizing scientific research and scientific research; methods of searching for sources containing scientific and technical information on the topic of research and in one’s specialty; the evolution of scientific methods, technologies, operations, instruments used by modern researchers; methods of organizing and conducting experiments, surveys of respondents; methods for assessing the level of development of science in different countries; features of dissertation preparation procedures, options for the composition of a scientific work; main types of documentary sources of information, organization of reference and information activities to search for scientific sources; basic methods of working with classifiers, catalogs and card indexes; methodology for working on a research manuscript, features of the preparation and design of scientific and literary material; b) be able to: apply the principles of the theoretical foundations of scientific research; systematize the basic methods of collecting and processing information when conducting scientific research; formulate goals and objectives, correctly select the evidence base that confirms the reliability of the conclusions and recommendations made; c) have an idea: about the features and methods of forming research programs; about the general logical scheme of the progress of scientific research and its structural elements; about the existing levels of knowledge in the methodology of scientific research; about general scientific and specific scientific (private) methods of scientific knowledge; about methods and technologies for conducting empirical research; about 4

5 axiomatic method of scientific knowledge and its features; about system analysis as a method of scientific knowledge and the possibilities of its use; on Russian legislation focused on the development of science and its branches; about the universal decimal classification (UDC) and methods of its use, about the library and bibliographic classification (LBC) and its main capabilities, about bibliographic indexes and the sequence of searching for documentary sources of information; about the main versions of the rubrication of the text of a scientific work, about the possibilities of presenting narrative and descriptive texts of a scientific work, about the basic procedures for breaking down the materials of a scientific work into chapters and paragraphs, about the basic techniques for presenting scientific materials in a manuscript, strictly sequential, selective and parallel, about the methods of working on manuscript; about language and style, phraseology of scientific prose, grammatical features, syntax of scientific speech, stylistic features scientific language and its specifics, the need for accuracy, clarity, brevity of the scientific presentation of the work materials. Types and tasks of professional activity in the discipline: research activities in the field of economics; teaching activities: conducting research work in educational organization. When studying this discipline, the following tasks are solved: developing among students general ideas about the need for research activities, its features and impact on social progress; disclosure of the progressive essence of science, scientific directions and scientific results, its necessity for the progressive development of any civilized society as a single whole of all its processes; familiarity with the basic theoretical principles, laws, principles, terms, concepts, processes, methods, technologies, tools, operations of scientific activity; acquaintance with the main directions of scientific research in the Russian Federation and abroad, research of promising scientific directions in the field of professional activity; introduction to research opportunities in Krasnodar region, Russia, international community; familiarity with the general methodology of scientific design, creativity, the general scheme of organizing scientific research, the practice of using methods of scientific knowledge; studying the traditional mechanism of scientific research, analysis, conducting experiments, organizing surveys, compiling questionnaires, etc.; mastering the skills of conducting the initial stages of scientific research and work in the field of professional activity; 5

6 mastery of choice skills scientific topic research and selection of necessary bibliographic publications and information materials on the research topic; study of basic methods of scientific research; studying methods of planning and organizing scientific research; study of scientific problems arising in the study of applied and information processes, study of procedures for setting and solving scientific problems of automation of information processes and informatization of enterprises and organizations; familiarity with the procedures for applying a systems approach, methods of formalization and algorithmization of information processes, methods of managing information resources; consideration of methods for assessing the economic efficiency of research activities; consideration of procedures for searching in global networks for information necessary for beginning researchers on scientific developments, opportunities for scientific contacts, and filing applications for scientific grants at various levels; studying standards and regulations for recording the results of scientific research, preparing scientific reports, publications for seminars and conferences; studying techniques for presenting scientific materials and forming a manuscript of a scientific work, preparing a dissertation; familiarization with the procedures for preparing scientific papers and documents for successful participation in competitions for various scientific grants; familiarization with the procedures for testing the results of scientific research, preparing publications based on the results of scientific research work. Formed competencies in the field of Economics The process of studying the discipline is aimed at developing the following competencies: a) Universal (UC): the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); 6

7 willingness to participate in the work of Russian and international research teams to solve scientific and scientific educational problems (UK-3); the ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities (UK-5); the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). b) General professional (GPC): the ability to independently carry out research activities in the relevant professional field using modern methods research and information and communication technologies (OPK-1); willingness to organize the work of a research team in the scientific field corresponding to the field of training (GPC-2). in the direction of Informatics and Computer Science a) Universal (UK): the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); willingness to participate in the work of Russian and international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems (UK-3); the ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities (UK-5); the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). b) General professional (GPC): - mastery of the methodology of theoretical and experimental research in the field of professional activity (GPC-1); - mastery of the culture of scientific research, including the use of modern information and communication technologies (OPK-2). 7

8 Program of independent work lecture topics Form of independent work Study of lecture notes and questions submitted for independent study, study of basic and additional literature, preparation for testing Study of basic and additional literature, study of lecture notes and questions submitted for independent study, preparation for testing Study lecture notes and questions submitted for independent study, work with reference literature, preparation for testing Study of questions submitted for independent study, study of basic and additional literature, preparation for testing Preparation of abstracts on current problems of scientific creativity Study of questions submitted for independent study, studying basic and additional literature, taking notes of materials, working with reference books, participating in scientific and scientific-practical conferences Form of control passing tests, completing tests, completing a case assignment passing tests, completing a case assignment, completing tests passing tests, completing case studies assignments, passing tests, completing tests, completing case assignments, checking abstracts, submitting assignments, reporting at a scientific conference, preparing scientific work for an internal or external competition, preparing abstracts and scientific articles for publication. 8

9 List of questions for independent work Name of sections, topics List of theoretical questions and other tasks for independent work Development of scientific research in Russia and the development of science in various countries of the world. Methodological basis for determining the level of release. Methodological apparatus dissertation research. Methodology and methodology of scientific research The main components of research methodology. Procedures for formulating a scientific hypothesis. Basic requirements for a scientific hypothesis. Basic methods of searching for information for scientific research Formation of scientific search skills and mastering methods and procedures for searching for information for scientific research. Formation of skills for working on the manuscript of scientific materials Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Library and bibliographic classification (LBC). State rubricator of scientific and technical information (GRNTI). Basic procedures for the formation of a bibliographic list Organization of reference and information activities in libraries Basic methodological approaches to reading scientific and literary works. Categorization of the text of a scientific work. Basic procedures for breaking down the body of a scientific paper into chapters and paragraphs. 9

10 List of literature recommended for independent work on specific issues Topic (question) for independent study Features of scientific work and ethics of scientific work Types of scientific research Methodological apparatus of dissertation research Methodological principles for determining the level of development of science in different countries of the world. Procedure for defending a dissertation Literature Federal Law No. 253-FZ "On Russian Academy sciences, reorganization of state academies of sciences and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." Fundamentals of scientific research / B.I. Gerasimov, V.V. Drobysheva, N.V. Zlobina, etc. - M.: Forum: SRC Infra- M, village Burda A. G. Fundamentals of scientific research activities: textbook (course of lectures) / A. G. Burda; Kuban State Agrarian University Krasnodar, village [electronic resource]. Kozhukhar V M. Fundamentals of scientific research: tutorial/ V.M. Kozhukhar. - M. Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K" p. Lipchiu N.V. Methodology of scientific research: textbook / N.V. Lipchiu, K.I. Lipchiu. Krasnodar: KubSAU, p. Regulations on the council for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 7). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 “On the procedure for awarding academic degrees.” GOST R SIBID. Dissertation and dissertation abstract. Structure and design rules. - Approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 13, 2011 N 811-st. Date of introduction

11 Regulatory literature 1. Federal Law No. 127-FZ (as amended) “On science and state scientific and technical policy.” 2. Federal Law No. 253-FZ "On the Russian Academy of Sciences, reorganization of state academies of sciences and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." 3. Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended) “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Article 72. Forms of integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education. 4. Regulations on the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2013 1139). 5. Regulations on the council for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 7). 6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 “On the procedure for awarding academic degrees.” 7. GOST R SIBID. Dissertation and dissertation abstract. Structure and design rules. - Approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 13, 2011 N 811-st. Date of introduction Main literature 1. Fundamentals of scientific research / B.I. Gerasimov, V.V. Drobysheva, N.V. Zlobina and others - M.: Forum: Scientific Research Center Infra-M, p. 2. Fundamentals of research activity: textbook. allowance / S.A. Petrova, I.A. Yasinskaya. - M.: FORUM, p. 3. Kozhukhar V.M. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook / V.M. Kozhukhar. - M. Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K" p. 4. Lipchiu N.V. Methodology of scientific research: textbook / N.V. Lipchiu, K.I. Lipchiu. Krasnodar: KubSAU, p. Additional literature 1. Volkov Yu.G. Dissertation: preparation, defense, design: Practical guide / Ed. N.I. Zaguzova. M.: Gardariki, p. 2. Kozhukhar, V. M. Workshop on the basics of scientific research: textbook. allowance / V. M. Kozhukhar. - M.: ASV, p. 3. Kuzin F.A. Dissertation: Writing methodology. Design rules. Order of protection. Practical guide for doctoral students, graduate students and undergraduates. M.: “Axis-89”, p. 4. Kuzin F.A. Master's thesis: Writing methods, formatting rules and defense procedure: A practical guide for master's students. M.: “Axis-89”, from 11

12 5. Kuznetsov, I. N. Scientific research: methodology and design / I. N. Kuznetsov. - Ed. 3rd, revised and additional - M.: Dashkov and Kº, p. 6. Mazurkin, P. M. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook. manual / P. M. Mazurkin; Mar. state univ. - Yoshkar-Ola, p. 7. Maidanov, A. S. Methodology of scientific creativity / A. S. Maidanov. - M.: Publishing house LKI, p. 8. Morozov, V. E. Culture of written scientific speech / V. E. Morozov; State int rus. language named after A. S. Pushkin. - 2nd ed., - M.: ICAR, p. 9. Fundamentals of scientific research: Educational pos./ Comp. Yashina L.A. Syktyvkar: Publishing house of Syktyvkar, Syktyvkar, p. 10. Papkovskaya, P. Ya. Methodology of scientific research: a course of lectures / P. Ya. Papkovskaya. - 3rd ed., erased. - Minsk: Informpress, p. 11. Ruzavin, G. I. Methodology of scientific knowledge: textbook. manual for students and graduate students of universities / G. I. Ruzavin. - M.: UNITY, p. 12. Ryzhikov, Yu. I. Work on a dissertation in technical sciences / Yu. I. Ryzhikov. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, p. 13. Safonov, A.A. Fundamentals of scientific research. Training manual. Vladivostok: Publishing house. VGUES, p. 14. Teplitskaya, T. Yu. Scientific and technical text: rules of compilation and design / T. Yu. Teplitskaya. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, s. Information and telecommunication resources of the Internet 1. Educational portal KubSAU [Electronic resource]: Access mode: 2. Scientific electronic library elibrary.ru: 3. Information system “Map” Russian science": 4. Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: 80abucjiibhv9a.xn--p1ai/ 5. Electronic library systems RSL, Rukont (KolosS), Rukont + Rostekhagro, Lan Publishing House, IPRbook, Garant, VINITI RAS, TsNSKhB Abstracts Abstract this summary in writing the content and results of individual educational and research activities, has a regulated structure, content and design. Its objectives are: 1. Formation of skills for independent work with literature sources, their systematization; 2. Skill development logical thinking; 3. Deepening theoretical knowledge on the research problem. The text of the abstract must contain a reasoned presentation of a specific topic. The abstract must be structured (by chapters, sections, paragraphs) and include sections: introduction, main part, conclusion - 12

13 tion, list of sources used. Depending on the topic of the abstract, appendices containing documents, illustrations, tables, diagrams, etc. can be prepared. The criteria for evaluating the abstract are: the novelty of the text, the validity of the choice of literature sources, the degree of disclosure of the essence of the issue, and compliance with formatting requirements. Rating “excellent”, all requirements for writing an abstract are met: the problem is identified and its relevance is justified; analysis done various points views on the problem under consideration and logically presents one’s own position; conclusions are formulated, the topic is fully disclosed, the volume is maintained; requirements for external design are met. Rating “good”, the basic requirements for the abstract are met, but there are some shortcomings. In particular, there are inaccuracies in the presentation of the material; there is no logical consistency in judgments; the volume of the abstract is not maintained; There are omissions in the design. Rating “satisfactory” there are significant deviations from the requirements for abstracting. In particular: the topic is only partially covered; there were factual errors in the content of the abstract; no conclusions. Rating “unsatisfactory”: the topic of the abstract is not covered, there is a significant misunderstanding of the problem, or the abstract is not presented at all. Recommended topics for course essays 1. The role of science in the development of society 1. Science as a productive force in modern society 2. Intellectual property and problems of its implementation 3. The problem of “brain drain” and ways to solve it 4. Features and stages of conducting a scientific experiment 5. Main types of regulatory and technical information 6. State system scientific and technical information 7. Fundamental and applied research 8. Typology of scientific research 9. Concept of scientific research 10. Procedural and methodological scheme of scientific research 11. History of the formation of a dissertation as a qualifying scientific work 12. Types of dissertation works and requirements for them 13. Scientific technical progress and scientific and technological revolution 14. Information and technological revolution 15. Legal protection of scientific creativity 16. Scientific foresight as a type of cognitive activity 17. Preparation and design of a scientific text 18. Requirements for the language and style of a scientific text 13

14 19. Basics of organizing mental work 20. Scientometrics: problems and prospects Test (independent) work Task 1. Give an example of a specific scientific research that can be carried out in modern information systems. Justify its relevance. State the resources that are needed to conduct such research and the result that can be obtained. Task 2. Select and formulate a problem. Outline why it is a problem and not a task. Justify its relevance. Conduct its analysis in accordance with the requirements for its designation and formulation. Task 3. Select and formulate a topic for scientific research. Justify the relevance of the chosen topic, formulate the purpose and objectives of scientific research, determine the object and subject of research. Task 4. Write a bibliographic description of the source. Books: 1. Author I.N. Kuznetsov, title “Abstracts, coursework and diploma works: Methodology of preparation and design: Educational and methodological manual”, city of publication Moscow, published by the Publishing and Trade Corporation “Dashkov and K” in 2002, the book contains 352 pages. 2. Author G.V. Baranov, title “Problems of the Scientific Method”, city of publication Saratov, publishing house Berator-Press, year 1990, book contains 318 pages. 3. Authors I.N. Bogataya and N.N. Khakhonova, title “Audit”, Phoenix publishing house, city of publication Rostov-on-Don, 2003. 4. Author A.A. Ivin, title “Fundamentals of the theory of argumentation. Textbook", city of publication Moscow, publishing house Izd. Center VLADOS, in 1997, includes 116 pages. 5. Author O.Ya. Goikhman and T.M Nadeina, title “Fundamentals of Speech Communication”, city of St. Petersburg, INFRA-M publishing house, published in 1997, contains 186 pages. 6. Title “Tax control: Educational and practical. manual", publishing house Yurist, published in 2001 in Moscow, edited by Professor Yu.F. Kvasha. 14

15 Task 5. Write a bibliographic description of the source. Magazines: 1. Author of the article F.E. Vasilyuk, the title of the journal is “Moscow Psychotherapeutic Journal”, the title of the article is “From psychological practice to psychological theory”, journal 1 was published in 1991, the article is located on pages 15 to 21. 2. Author of the article V.B. Ivashkevich, the name of the journal “Audit Gazette”, the title of the article “Ethics of Auditor Behavior”, magazine 3 was published in 2003, the article is located from pages 22 to 27. 3. Authors of the article A.V. Ghazaryan and G.I. Kostyuk, the name of the journal “Accounting”, the title of the article “Audit of financial results and their use”, magazine 5 was published in 2001, the article is on page. 4. Author of the article G.A. Knyazev, the name of the magazine is “Issues of Archival Science”, the title of the article is “How to organize a personal auxiliary archive”, magazine 3 was published in 1962, the article is on page. 5. The authors of the article are I.I. Ilyasov and A.O. Orekhov, the title of the journal is “Questions of Psychology”, the title of the article is “On the Theory and Practice of Psychology”, journal 4 was published in 1989, the article is on page. 6. Authors of the article L.V. Klimnkova and O.Yu Khokhlova, the title of the journal is “Accounting, Taxes, Law”, the title of the article is “Closing Reserves”, journal 4 was published in 2004. Evaluation criteria: The mark “excellent” is given to the student if he completed the task correctly and completed the design in accordance with the necessary requirements, the conclusions on the task are expanded and formulated literary language, no mistakes. Mark “good” - the task was completed correctly, taking into account 1-2 minor errors or 2-3 shortcomings, corrected independently at the request of the teacher. The mark “satisfactory” indicates that the task was completed at least half correctly, 1-2 errors or one gross mistake were made. The mark “unsatisfactory” means two (or more) gross errors were made during the work, which the student cannot correct even at the request of the teacher or the task is not completely solved. 15

16 Case assignments Task 1. Using materials, determine the H-index of the scientific organization indicated by the teacher. Task 2. Using materials, determine the Hirsch index of universities in Krasnodar. Task 3. Using the materials, conduct a comparative analysis of the publication activity of two universities. Task 4. Construct a ranking of universities in the Krasnodar region based on the number of foreign publications. Task 5. Construct a ranking of universities in the Krasnodar region based on the number of publications in foreign journals and Russian ones from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. Task 6. Construct a ranking of universities in the Krasnodar region based on the number of authors who have published in journals included in Web of Science or Scopus. Task 7. Using the materials, determine the H-index of the author indicated by the teacher. Task 8. Using the materials, find a list of articles that refer to the works of the author indicated by the teacher. Task 9. Using the materials, determine the percentage of self-citations of the author indicated by the teacher. Task 10. Using materials from the scientific electronic library, search for literature on the topic of your master's thesis. Task 11. B dissertation work proposed by the teacher from those posted on the KubSAU website, evaluate the compliance of the design of the literature with modern requirements. Task 12. Evaluate the originality of the text proposed by the teacher using the Anti-Plagiarism program. Task 13. Evaluate the originality of the dissertation abstract text proposed by the teacher using the Anti-Plagiarism program. Task 14. Evaluate the originality of the dissertation text proposed by the teacher using the Anti-Plagiarism program. Task 15. Determine the list of cited sources in the text of the dissertation proposed by the teacher, using the Anti-Plagiarism program. Criteria for assessing the completion of case tasks Mark “excellent” the task is completed in full in compliance with the required sequence of actions; in the answer, correctly and accurately completes all records, tables, pictures, drawings, graphs, calculations; performs error analysis correctly. Mark “good” - the task was completed correctly, taking into account 1-2 minor errors or 2-3 shortcomings, corrected independently at the request of the teacher. The mark “satisfactory” indicates that the task was completed at least half correctly, 1-2 errors or one gross mistake were made. 16

17 Mark “unsatisfactory”: two (or more) gross errors were made during the work, which the student cannot correct even at the request of the teacher or the task is not completely solved. Test tasks You must select one or two correct statements from the proposed answer options. 1. Scientific research begins 1. with the selection of a topic 2. with a literature review 3. with the determination of research methods 2. How the object and the subject of research are related 1. are not related to each other 2. the object contains the subject of the study 3. the object is part of subject of research 3. The choice of research topic is determined by 1. relevance 2. reflection of the topic in the literature 3. interests of the researcher 4. The formulation of the purpose of the study answers the question 1. what is being studied? 2. Why is it being studied? 3. by whom is it being studied? 5. Objectives represent stages of work 1. to achieve the goal 2. complementing the goal 3. for further research 6. Research methods are 1. theoretical 2. empirical 3. constructive 7. Which of the proposed methods are theoretical 1. analysis and synthesis 2. abstraction and specification 3. observation 8. The most common methods in economic research are 1. factor analysis 2. questioning 3. method of graphic images 9. The state system of scientific and technical information contains 1. All-Russian scientific and technical information bodies 2. libraries 3 archives 10. The main functions of NTI bodies are 1. collection and storage of information 2. educational activities 3. processing of information and publication of publications 11. The main bodies of NTI in the humanities are 1. INION 17

18 2. VINITI 3. Book Chamber 12. Check the correct statements about INION 1. monothematic body of NTI 2. All-Russian body of NTI 3. depositary body 13. INION publishes 1. secondary editions 2. books 3. magazines 14. INION has in its collection 1. domestic and foreign journals, books, 2. abstracts of dissertations and deposited manuscripts 3. algorithms and programs 15. INION Foundation contains 1. only published sources 2. only unpublished sources 3. published and unpublished sources 16. VNTICenter 1. polythematic body of NTI 2. grassroots body of NTI 3. repository of unpublished NTI sources 17. VNTICentr has a fund of 1. dissertations and scientific reports 2. translations of foreign articles 3. published articles 18. VINITI 1. regional body of NTI 2. body of NTI with a fund of information on natural, exact sciences and technology 3. depository body 19. VINITI publishes 1. Abstract journals and reviews “Results of Science and Technology” 2. Bibliographic index “Deposited scientific works” 3. Encyclopedias and reference books 20. VINITI has a fund of 1. domestic and foreign books and journals 2. dissertations and translations of foreign articles 3. deposited manuscripts 21. Published sources of information include 1. books and brochures 2. periodicals (magazines and newspapers) 3. dissertations 22. Unpublished sources of information include 1. dissertations and scientific reports 2. translations of foreign articles and deposited manuscripts 3. brochures 23. Secondary publications include 1. abstract journals 2. bibliographic indexes 3. reference books 24. Deposited manuscripts 1. are equal to publications, but are not published anywhere 18

19 2. designed for a narrow circle of professionals 3. prohibited for publication 25. The operational search for scientific and technical information is helped by 1. catalogs and card indexes 2. thematic lists of references 3. police officers 26. On the title page you must indicate 1. the name of the type of work (abstract, course work, diploma work) 2. title of the work 3. number of pages in the work 27. In the middle of the title page are not printed 1. stamp “Admit for protection” 2. performer 3. place of writing (city) and year 28. The page number is stamped on the sheet 1. in Arabic numerals in the top middle 2. in Arabic numerals in the top right 3. in Roman numerals in the bottom middle 29. The contents of the work indicate 1. the names of all headings in the work, indicating the page from which they begin 2. the names of all headings in the work, indicating interval of pages from and to 3. names of headings of sections only, indicating the interval of pages from and to 30. The introduction must reflect 1. relevance of the topic 2. results obtained 3. sources on which the work was written 31. A scientific text is characterized by 1. emotional overtones 2. consistency, reliability, objectivity 3. clarity of wording 32. The style of a scientific text assumes only 1. direct word order 2. strengthening the informational role of the word towards the end of the sentence 3. expression of personal feelings and the use of figurative writing 33. Features of a scientific text are 1. in the use of scientific and technical terminology 2. in the presentation of the text in the 1st person singular 3. in the use simple sentences 34. A scientific text must be 1. presented in the form of sections, subsections, paragraphs 2. presented without division as one continuous text 3. compiled in such a way that each new thought begins with a paragraph 35. The components of a scientific text are indicated 1. in Arabic numerals with a dot 2 . without the words “chapter”, “part” 3. in Roman numerals 36. Formulas in the text 1. are allocated on a separate line 2. are given in continuous text 3. are numbered 19

20 37. Conclusions contain 1. only final results without evidence 2. results with justification and argumentation 3. briefly repeat the entire course of work 38. List of references 1. drawn up from a new page 2. has independent page numbering 3. compiled in such a way that domestic sources are at the beginning of the list, and foreign ones at the end 39. In appendices 1. page numbering is continuous 2. “Appendix” is printed on the top right side of the sheet 3. “APPENDIX” is printed on the right side of the sheet 40. Table 1. may have a title and number 2 . is placed in the text immediately after the first mention of it 3. is given only in Appendix 41. Numerals in scientific texts are given 1. only by numbers 2. only by words 3. in some cases by words, in some by numbers 42. Single-digit cardinal numerals in scientific texts are given 1. words 2. numbers 3. both numbers and words 43. Multivalued cardinal numbers in scientific texts are given 1. only in numbers 2. only in words 3. At the beginning of a sentence - in words 44. Ordinal numbers in scientific texts are given 1. with case endings 2 . only in Roman numerals 3. only in Arabic numerals 45. Abbreviations in scientific texts 1. allowed in the form of compound words and abbreviations 2. allowed up to one letter with a dot 3. not allowed 46. Abbreviations “etc.,” “etc.” ." acceptable 1. only at the end of sentences 2. only in the middle of a sentence 3. anywhere in a sentence 47. Illustrations in scientific texts 1. may have a title and number 2. are designed in color 3. placed in the text after the first mention of them 48. Citation in scientific texts only 1. indicating the author and the name of the source 2. from published sources 3. with the permission of the author 49. Quoting without permission of the author or his successors is possible 1. in educational purposes 2. as illustration 20

21 3. impossible under any circumstances 50. When bibliographically describing published sources, 1. punctuation marks “period”, /, // are used 2. “quotation marks” are not used 3. “colon” ​​is not used Criteria for assessing knowledge during testing Assessment “ “excellent” is given if the correct answer is at least 85% test tasks; A “good” grade is given if at least 70% of test items are answered correctly; A “satisfactory” grade is given if the answer is at least 51% correct; An “unsatisfactory” grade is given if less than 50% of the test items are answered correctly. The results of current monitoring are used during interim certification. Final control Final control ( intermediate certification) sums up the results of studying the discipline “Fundamentals of Research Activity”. Questions for testing 1. Organization of scientific research in the Russian Federation 2. Subject, goals and objectives of the course academic discipline"Fundamentals of Scientific Research". 3. Development of science in different countries of the world. 4. Methodological basis for determining the level of development of science in different countries of the world. 5. Resource indicators and indicators of the effectiveness of science. 6. Level of development and main directions of scientific research in different countries of the world. 7. Methodology and methods of scientific research. 8. Scientific research, its essence and features. 9. Methodological design of the study and its main stages. 10. Procedures for formulating a scientific hypothesis. 11. Basic requirements for a scientific hypothesis. 12. Scientific research program. 13. Main components of the research methodology. 14. General rules for the design of scientific materials. 15. Logical diagram of scientific research. 16. Scientific problem. 17. Formulation of the purpose of the study and specific tasks. 18. Procedures for describing an object, subject and choosing a research methodology. 19. Procedures for describing the research process. 20. Scientific methods of knowledge in research. 21

22 21. The essence of the processes of creating a scientific theory. 22. Essence, content and types of experiment. 23. Specific scientific (private) methods of scientific knowledge. 24. Methods of cognition in research economic activity. 25. Abstraction as a method of economic research. 26. Basic methods of searching for information for scientific research. 27. Documentary sources of information. 28. State system of scientific and technical information. 29. All-Russian Scientific and Technical information Center 30. All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information 31. Main published and unpublished sources of scientific and technical information. 32. Secondary publications: purposes, types, methods of use 33. Organization of reference and information activities in libraries. 34. Basic conditions and forms of reference and bibliographic services in libraries. 35. Interlibrary loan (ILA) and correspondence loan. 36. Bodies of scientific and technical information. 37. Methods of working with catalogs and card files. 38. Alphabetical and systematic catalogs of scientific and technical information. 39. Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). 40. Library and bibliographic classification (LBC). 41. State rubricator of scientific and technical information (GRNTI). 42. An example of the presentation of the form of scientific information in the SRSTI list. 43. Subject catalog, auxiliary catalogs and card indexes. 44. Bibliographic indexes of scientific and technical information. 45. Bibliographic indexes of new Russian scientific literature. 46. ​​Bibliographic description of electronic sources of information. 47. All-Russian consolidated catalog of foreign periodicals. 48. Sequence of searching for documentary sources of information. 49. Working with scientific and literary sources, reading techniques, note-taking techniques, drawing up a book plan. 50. Basic methodological approaches to reading a scientific literary work. 51. Methodology for working on a scientific research manuscript, features of preparation and design. 52. Composition of a scientific work. 53. Basic requirements for the introduction, main part, conclusion of the manuscript of a scientific work. 54. Categorization of the text of a scientific work. 55. Basic procedures for dividing the main part of a scientific work into chapters and paragraphs. 56. Techniques for presenting scientific materials. 57. Basic procedures for working on a scientific research manuscript. 58. Language and style of scientific work. 22

23 59. The most important means of expressing logical connections in the manuscript of a scientific work. 60. Phraseology of scientific prose. 61. Grammatical features of scientific speech. 62. Nouns and adjectives in scientific speech. 63. Verb and verb forms in the text of scientific works. 64. Syntax of scientific speech. 65. Stylistic features of scientific language. 66. Established standards for presenting material in scientific work. 67. The main qualities that determine the culture of scientific speech in a manuscript. 68. Basic procedures for creating a bibliographic list. 69. Features of the procedures for preparing, filing, and defending a dissertation. 70. Organization of mental work 71. Financing of scientific research 72. Carrying out scientific research under grants 73. System of grant support for scientific research 74. Organization of scientific research under contracts 75. Organization of scientific research under grants. 23

24 Educational publication BURDA Alexey Grigorievich FUNDAMENTALS OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY Educational and methodological manual for independent work In the author's edition Design and design by V. V. Osenniy Signed for printing Format / 8. Conditions. oven l. 3.02. Academic ed. l. 1.77. Circulation Order. Printing house of Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13 24

Distribution of teaching time for the discipline The total labor intensity of the discipline is 3 credit units, 108 academic. hours. Kinds study load, hours Number of semester of study III IV V Total hours Lectures

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education "KUBAN STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY"

Milestone testing activities for ongoing monitoring of progress in the discipline Control points Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Type Control tests (certification 1) Cases (certification 2) Tests

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KUBAN STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY"

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Federal Medical-Biological Agency Federal State Budgetary Institution "State science Center Russian Federation Federal

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Stavropol State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Department


1. The purpose of research work The main goal is to acquire skills in conducting independent research work, which requires broad fundamental training in modern

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vyatsky" State University» College

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE, The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of the worldview of a scientist, researcher, mastery of the methodology of scientific knowledge, mastery of the principles of formulation and organization

Name Types, forms and methods of practice Competencies Brief certification Name Types, forms and methods of practice Competencies PRACTICE PROGRAMS (annotations) Production (pedagogical)

1. Contents and purpose of the state final certification State final certification consists of a state exam and a scientific report on the main results of the prepared scientific qualification

NOU HPE "INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION UNIVERSITY" WORK PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH" Direction of training: 030900.62 "Jurisprudence" Training profile: general Qualification

1. The purpose and objectives of the program 2 The purpose of the program “Preparation of scientific-qualifying work (dissertation)” is the preparation and defense of a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences based on the results of research,



1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Goals of the state final certification, types of certification tests for graduates of the field of study 06/09/01 Informatics and computer technology (level of training

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for postgraduate programs in the direction of training 06.06.01 “Biological Sciences”, the composition of the state final

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of the worldview of a scientist, researcher, mastery of the methodology of scientific knowledge, mastery of the principles of formulation and organization


Appendix Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO Russia) Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Shag and Tobacco Products"

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution higher education"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)"


2 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Goals of the state final certification, types of certification tests for graduates of the field of training 06/09/01 Informatics and computer technology (level of training

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION National Research Tomsk State University Work program of the discipline “RESEARCH SEMINAR” in the field of preparation

1. General provisions The purpose of the graduate student’s research work is to master all types of research activities in the field of psychological sciences that meet the criteria established for

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilova"

1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations determine the requirements for the content, volume and structure of the scientific qualification work (dissertation) of a graduate student (hereinafter referred to as NKR), and its defense at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "STATE UNIVERSITY"

1. GOALS OF MASTERING THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE The goals of mastering the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” are: - developing students’ competence in the field of research work acquired

1. Goals and objectives of research work, its place in the postgraduate student training system, requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content 1.1. Goals and objectives of postgraduate research work The goal is to carry out scientific research based on in-depth

LIST OF ANNOTATIONS: 2 Code B1.B.01 B1.B.02 B1.B.02-1 B1.B.03 B1.B.04 B1.V.01 B1.V.02 B1.V.03 B1.V .DV.01.01 B1.V.DV.01.02 Name of discipline (module) History and philosophy of science Foreign language Foreign

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Practice to obtain professional skills and experience in professional activities (research) is a component of professional preparation for scientific research

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BIPSORAN)... APPROVED BY: Director of the BIP SB RAS, Prof. RAS) Mayev

MINISTEPCTBO EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "NORTH CAUCASUS FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" Institute of Service,

“APPROVED” Dean of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University Academician V.P. Skulachev “03” September 2015 State final certification program for students in scientific and pedagogical training programs

1. GOALS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE The goal of the discipline is to form in masters a system of knowledge about the place and role of science in the development of the national and world economy, about the main stages of the formation of science in Russia,

Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Problems of Integrated Development of Subsoil of the Russian Academy of Sciences RESEARCH PROGRAM


Developed in the postgraduate department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution MHI in accordance with the following regulatory documents: Procedure for organization and implementation educational activities By educational programs higher

M a g i r s t u r e Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FSBEI HPE “Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service” METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING SCIENTIFIC-

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service RESEARCH WORK IN THE SEMESTER Curriculum of the discipline in the direction

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service E.G. FLIC FUNDAMENTALS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Educational


1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The purpose of the research activities of the postgraduate program is the formation of competencies that ensure the development of research skills

Ministry of Education of the Ryazan Region OGBPOU "Novomichurinsky Diversified Technical School" METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS for WRITING AN ABSTRACT For the specialty 02.23.03 Maintenance and repair of automobile

1 Contents Introduction. 3 1 General provisions 4 2 The purpose and objectives of the master’s student’s research work... 5 3 Contents of the master’s student’s research work.. 8 4 Dates and main

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" Novokuznetsk

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATIONAL ECONOMY AND CIVIL SERVICE under the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Reviewed at



Structure of the annotation work program discipline (module) Abstract to the work program of the discipline Innovative technologies of road construction Goals and objectives of the discipline The purpose of studying the discipline


Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Agrarian University"

1. Goals and objectives of scientific research, their place in the postgraduate student training system, requirements for the level of mastery of the program content In accordance with the Federal State educational standard


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vyatka State University" (FSBEI HPE "VyatSU") COLLEGE APPROVED Acting college principal

Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya" I approve

ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE Direction of training - 06.40.01 “Jurisprudence” Direction - “Civil law; business law; family law; international private law"

WORK PROGRAM P.3.B.1 Research work in the semester (Block 3. Research work) in the direction of 06/38/01 economics (level of training of highly qualified personnel) Total 4536

Foundation passport valuation means in the discipline “Use of systems analysis methods in scientific” Models of controlled competencies: Competencies formed in the process of studying the discipline (2nd semester).

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