Literary Association Lito. literary associations. The concept of "literary associations"

Since the early 1990s in Moscow and other major cities literary clubs and salons became the leading form of organization of the new literary community. The Moscow newspaper "Humanitarian Fund", published in 19901993 and uniting almost all the variety of literary groups and trends, had a significant influence on its formation. In 1990, the publication of underground and samizdat literature began (Cm . Also SAMIZDAT) Literary and publishing agency of Ruslan Elinin. In 19931995, the literary and cultural festival in the Crimea "Bosporus Forum of Contemporary Culture" was held annually. Gradually formed in the course of festive and business contacts, the community realized itself as the leader of the all-Russian literary process, and by the mid-1990s it had decided on a number of important positions.

The circle included and actively acted in it such different authors both in practiced aesthetics and in age as the “sixties”

Vasily Aksenov, Andrey Bitov, Andrei Sergeev, representatives of "Moscow conceptualism" Vsevolod Nekrasov, Dmitry A. Prigov, Lev Rubinshtein; “ironists” (conditional definition) Evgeny Bunimovich, Sergey Gandlevsky, Igor Irteniev, Nina Iskrenko, Timur Kibirov; "Metarealists" Alexander Eremenko, Ivan Zhdanov and representatives of the younger generation that appeared in the late 1980s early 90s Dmitry Vodennikov, Yuli Gugolev, Danila Davydov, Grigory Dashevsky, Nikolai Zvyagintsev, Victor Kulle, Mikhail Laptev, Stanislav Lvovsky, Maria Maksimova, Andrey Polyakov, Elena Fanailova and many others. others

The needs of the emerging new literary community largely coincided with the interests of municipal cultural centers and state libraries who found themselves out of work during the “perestroika” and began to provide writers with their own venues for performances.

Petersburg and other cities. In St. Petersburg, then still Leningrad, in the 1980s early 1990s, the prototype of modern forms of literary life was the "Club 81", which included mainly the stars of the then St. Petersburg underground Viktor Krivulin, Elena Schwartz, Mikhail Eremin, Olga Beshenkovskaya Alexander Gornon and etc.

The revival of literary life in St. Petersburg, according to the poet and literary trader Sergei Zavyalov, took place in the summer of 1997. Then two salons arose: "Territory of Eloquence" (in another version "Prosodic Workshop") by Larisa Berezovchuk in the A. Akhmatova Museum and "Poets of Petersburg" by Sergei Zavyalov in the Pushkin Museum. Both projects ended after one year; The final action of the "Poets of Petersburg" at the end of the summer of 1998 was the "Petersburg half" of the poetry festival "Genius loci", representing 12 famous authors of the two Russian capitals, first in St. Petersburg, then a month later in Moscow. Around the same time, Berezovchuk moved to the Lyceum publishing house, where until mid-1999, with the participation of young philologists, she staged dramatizations of her own works on the verge of poetry, dramaturgy and performance. In the second half of the 1990s, the youth "street" literary and artistic association "Dreli anywhere" was active in St. Petersburg, distinguished by experimentation and a wide range of heterogeneous poetics. In addition, throughout this period, up to and including 2003, Valery Shubinsky arranged evenings in various places, under the auspices of the Utkonos society, which consisted of him alone. The poet Daria Sukhovey twice organized the Festival of Young and Beautiful Poets in the Stray Dog cafe.

Holding the 2nd International Biennale of Poets in Moscow in 2001, which brought together authors from all over Russian Federation, allowed us to talk about a curious and productive literary life in Vladivostok, which is confirmed by the activities of interesting authors, both living in the city itself and those who moved to Moscow, St. Miniyarov, Oleg Bertollo and others. In Vladivostok on Tue. floor. In the 1980s, festivals of informal creative youth associations were held under the motto "Amateur activity or independence" with the participation of students and young scientists from the Far East scientific center. The contact of rock musicians and young poets later gave rise to Valery Shelepchuk's "rocked theater" "PRAVA" (Primorsky Vanguard) and Vladimir Kalinichenko's rap poetry. Those who created these festivals mostly came from the dissident theater of Sergei Prants. “In the late 1980s, with their active participation, the only significant alternative literary and political scene in Vladivostok, the Diletant Club, was founded. With the exceptional energy of their founder, V. Kalinichenko, the club and the typewritten journal survived until the early 1990s.” Since 1994 the association of young poets "Grey Horse" (according to the popular name of the building in which literary meetings are held) has been operating in the city - a center that sets the tone for the literary life of Vladivostok. The association publishes a literary almanac of the same name, demonstrating the wide stylistic range of its members.

At the same time, the work of many authors, for example, the Voronezh poets Elena Fanailova, Alexander Anashevich, Konstantin Rubashkin, or poets and prose writers from Ivanovo, Dmitry Bushuev and Igor Zhukov, is difficult to associate with any literary association in their native cities.

Literary clubs of Moscow. One of the first literary projects new era became the "literary and creative club" "Image and Thought", created in 1986 as part of the bibliocenter "Enlightenment of the Soul" (Moscow Library No. 175). From the day it was founded, "Image and Thought" was supervised by its founder, culturologist Mikhail Epshtein; after his departure in the early 1990s for permanent residence in the United States, the head of the library, Sofya Olinova, took over the function of the curator, from June 2000 she was replaced by Anna Kotova.

In the first half of the 1990s, in the premises of the former editorial office of the Humanitarian Fund newspaper, a unique small-circulation publication that united the figures of the recent Soviet underground with a common information space, the Scarab club operated for about two years, representing not only the authors of the circle of this newspaper, but also such popular figures like Andrey Makarevich. Approximately in the same years, in its last period, the activities of the literary association "Moscow Time" ("second convocation" with the active participation of the poets Dmitry Vedenyapin, Grigory Dashevsky, Viktor Sanchuk and others, instead of the founders of the project Alexei Tsvetkov, Sergei Gandlevsky, acquired the form of a club in its last period , Bakhyt Kenzheev, Alexander Kazintsev, Alexander Soprovsky, who began in the 1970s with the publication of the poetic almanac of the same name).

D. Kuzmin published for several years the bulletin "Literary Life of Moscow". Every month, several A4 xerox pages presented and commented on the main news of literary clubs and salons.

New projects continued to emerge, some of which were among the leaders, such as the Premiere Salon by prose writer Nikolai Baitov at the Zverev Cultural Center on Baumanskaya. Such projects as Clean Monday, PushKing, the Literary Performance Club, the Sapgir Sunday discussion cycle, and many others were active. In addition, at different times, the Literary Museum on Petrovka, the Branch of the Literary Museum on Trubnikovsky, the Mayakovsky Museum, the Marina Tsvetaeva Museum, the Perekrestok Song Theater, the Akhmatova Library, the Gogol Library, the cultural center Dom and other government agencies. The poet and publisher Victor Cullé held poetry evenings at the Polytechnic Institute, trying not without success to revive old traditions.

"Evenings at the Sidur Museum". Literary and musical salon "Evenings at the Sidur Museum" operated in Moscow from 1989 to the end of the 1990s at the State Sculptor's MuseumVadim Sidur. main goal The creation of the salon, according to its curators, was "an attempt to recreate the atmosphere of the art workshop of Sidur, which even in the Brezhnev era was a kind of cultural center that attracted poets, writers, scientists, representatives of the creative underground of Moscow." This goal was successfully achieved, the abundance of phantasmagoric, often shocking works of the master in the interior created a non-trivial mood among the speakers and the public. The salon presented the audience with a wide panorama of modern literary movements and schools, although a certain preference was given to authors of an avant-garde orientation, consonant with the poetics of the sculptor himself, such as Genrikh Sapgir, Ry Nikonova, Sergei Biryukov. A series of poetry brochures “Evenings at the Sidur Museum” was published (at least 30 were published), the evenings were recorded on video. The museum hosted literary conferences, annual free verse festivals, concerts of classical and contemporary music. The project was supervised by Galina Artemovna and Mikhail Vadimovich Sidur."Classics of the 21st century". The Salon "Classics of the 21st Century" opened on May 25, 1994 as a joint project of the Chekhov Library on Strastnoy Boulevard and the Foundation for Support of Non-Commercial Publishing Programs of the poet and publisher Ruslan Elinin, under the supervision of Elena Pakhomova. The Foundation became a continuation of Elinin’s activities, which began in the late 1980s with the “Library of Unpublished Manuscripts” created by him, which later grew into the Literary Publishing Agency, one of the first and most active inMoscow private publishing houses specializing in the authors of the former underground and samizdat. Meetings in the salon are held almost weekly, with a break for the summer holidays, round tables are held on the burning problems of modern literature, literary and musical evenings, performances by poets and prose writers. In the salon, work is underway to create a database of new publications, literary debuts, etc., and an extensive audio and video archive is being created. Together with the TV company ART, a series of TV programs on modern Russian poetry was prepared, partially shown on the 31st TV channel, NTV, etc.St. George's Club. It was opened on November 3, 1995 by Tatyana Georgievna Mikhailovskaya, editor of the practice department of the New Literary Review magazine at the Moscow Union of Writers in Georgievsky Lane. Here, for the first time, the works of Viktor Lettsev, Naum Vayman, Mikhail Novikov, Yuri Zmorovich and others were presented to the Moscow audience. in particular, Nina Iskrenko, Arvo Mets, Andrey Sergeev, Genrikh Sapgir.

The project was officially closed by the curator on October 5, 2001 due to its "exhaustion". Many authors and experts noted the invaluable contribution of the St. George's Club, as a highly professional creative workshop, to the formation and development of Moscow literary life. According to the poet and critic Natalia Osipova, Georgievsky

the club, "acting as an intermediary between authors of different trends and generations, worked to eliminate the fragmentation of the literary and cultural space."Essay Club. It was opened on October 2, 1996 as a special project for the development of the oral essay genre of the New Youth magazine. For the leaders of the club, attention to the essay is of a programmatic nature. Rustam Rakhmatullin, Vasily Golovanov, Gela Grineva, Vitaly Pukhanov, Sergey Olyunin, Nikolai Malinin are involved in the implementation of the project.

According to the definition of the founder of the club, Rustam Rakhmatullin, “... it is important to understand that the subject of an essay does not have to be literature. Essay club is a club for discussing any topic, and this is its advantageous difference from the so-called. literary clubs.

Brainstorming sessions and meetings with authors in the essay club dealt with new published books, baroque themes, historical issues, geopoetics, violence in poetry, artistry criteria, mass culture, the Internet and, of course, the definition of an essay.

For the organizers themselves, the best way to spend time in the club seems to be an "evening of improvisational topics", when half of the time is spent on annotating, discussing and choosing topics for future meetings. At the same time, those present feel themselves to be the authors of the evening to the maximum extent possible.

"Author". The club (originally salon) "Avtornik" existed under the auspices of the Union of Young Writers "Babylon". Its creator and leader is Dmitry Kuzmin, publisher and cultural trader. In "Avtornik" evenings of several cycles were held. Cycle "Antiphon" two authors, representing different literary generations, read their works in the mode of "replica exchange". The second "Altruistic" is also dialogic: famous author performs reading works of another, often unknown to listeners. The Rare Guest program provideslisteners the opportunity to meet with poets and prose writers who live abroad or in distant Russian cities and therefore rarely appear on the Moscow literary scene.

Since 1998, collective almanac evenings "Current Texts" have been held, where authors read their latest works. Within the framework of the "Author" two projects of other organizers are also being implemented: Ilya Kukulin's cycle "Women's Writing", which reveals the specifics of the work of modern women writers, as a rule, of the younger generation, and "Basement Cycle" by Danila Davydov, introducing the audience to marginal, risky literary strategies .

Crimean club. The Crimean Club in Moscow (Crimean Geopoetic Club) was opened on October 25, 1995 at the end of the last, third Bosporus Forum of Contemporary Culture in Crimea, and in fact is by the composition of the authors, by the playful style of its actions, by its inclination towards futurological, sociological and partly political problems Moscow continuation. “The chatter festival as a genre of art has deep Mediterranean roots, and I welcome the Bosporan Forum as a continuation of great traditions,” Sergey Averintsev's long-standing parting word has become a kind of internal motto for both projects. As conceived by the curator, the Crimean Club is a "trickster" form, a parody of a serious international futurological association founded by the humanist Aurelio Peccei The Club of Rome.

There were a number of discussion cycles: “First Readings” (conferences in the genre of “fiction literary criticism” dedicated to the work of “living classics”, with their participation V. Aksenov, A. Bitov, V. Nekrasov, D. A. Prigov, L. Rubinshtein ); “Writers to people”, dedicated to law enforcement agencies that traditionally evoke sharp emotions in writers KGB/FSB, police, army, intelligence, with the participation of senior and ordinary officials of these departments; cycle

VIP -meetings with prominent scientists, diplomats, famous spies, etc. in the closed club "Duma". The cycle “Zoosophy”, which stands apart, at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to revealing the image of various groups of animals in domestic and world literature and art. Another cycle "Round Chair" is a kind of essence of the "talk show" genre: the speaker is not located at the end of the hall, but in the center of concentric rows of chairs, on a swivel chair. Of the questions that sound from all sides, he answers only the most interesting ones, turning to the questioner.

The presentation of the "new wave" of Ukrainian literature to the Russian listener became a constant theme of the Crimean Club, on whose initiative the first Russian-Ukrainian festival of arts "Southern Accent" was held in Moscow in 1999.

Literary Performance Club and Premiere Salon. The literary performance club of the poet Sveta Litvak and the prose writer Nikolai Baitov was opened in 1996. The first action “Rhyme Festival” later became its main “branded” event. The club immediately declared the spontaneous nature of its activities, holding events at different literary venues and on different days of the week.

“... The simplest literary performance is reading a text aloud or publishing it in the form of a book. Already these actions are accompanied by gestures that can be artistically comprehended and fulfill an independent (to some extent independent of the text) aesthetic task. As a result, a new artistic object arises, external to the text, which we will call literary performance. An example is at least an illustrated edition of a text or book-art (handwritten and limited editions), which attracts last years more and more

attention. The position of the text itself in a performance can be very difficult, tense, even conflicting, but it is important for us that this position be central. Only in the case when the text is, so to speak, the main character of all the perturbations, this performance will be literary in our understanding, said the curators of the Sveta Litvak project, Nikolay Baytov.

Initially, the attention in the Club was paid mainly to the performance of texts and various types theatricalization of this performance (performance in the narrow sense of the word). One of the actions in the spring of 1997 was devoted to book-art "y (the art of the author's book).

In the autumn of 2000, Nikolay Baytov opens the Premiere salon at the Zverev Center for Contemporary Art. “...Here, mostly new works are performed, representing in the author's mind his next step somewhere, into the unknown, and which he is interested in trying out in front of the public and fellow writers. (…) We invite everyone who feels they need a testing ground for their innovations to join us

». "Crisis of the club", the search for new forms. By the end of 2001, there was a gradual ("Evenings at the Sidur Museum") or one-time (St. George's Club, "Evenings at the Polytechnic") cessation of the work of a good half of the main centers of Moscow literary life.

On February 20, 2002, in the premises of the former St. George's Club, a round table of the Crimean Club was held with the participation of the curators of the main Moscow literary projects "Crisis of the Club: Disappointment or Going in Search".

According to Tatyana Mikhailovskaya, the curator of the closed Georgievsky Club, those clubs that have survived offer something other than actual sounding literature, for example, the publication of texts such as

Classics of the XXI century , And author . Assumptions were made about the need to move away from the predetermined scenario of literary actions, as well as about the assimilation of the game element in work, which is saving for many projects. According to the writer, co-director of the Essay Club Leonid Kostyukov, “the prospects for a literary project tend less in favor of the salon, more in favor of the club, that is, a less rigid program, a freer form of action, is desirable. I would go with a greater desire for events with a more vague concept, I would go on a credit of trust, knowing only the composition of the participants. A rigidly defined event becomes less and less interesting to me». Despite the “crisis of the genre”, noted in the activities of literary salons and clubs in the late 1990s early 2000s, new popular literary platforms appeared, the work of which is built on other organizational and conceptual principles. Thus, a new trend began to take shape clubs and salons began to coexist with business and merged with bookstores before that they were located mostly in libraries, museums, private premises and artists' studios. Speech in this case it's not about the "writer meetings" that major bookstores hold for utilitarian promotional purposes. We are talking about a more or less constant "literary component" of the activities of clubs of a certain cultural or political direction (Project OGI, "Phalanster"), or about a regular, specially organized literary event ("Bookbury").

The most famous system of clubs is OGI Project

– the first point was opened in 1998 in Moscow. It is a combination of a publishing house, a club, an internet site, a bookstore-library and a coffee shop. The club system got its name from the United Humanitarian Publishing House, which publishes books on philology, literary criticism, fiction and literature for children. There are five cafe-clubs in different places in the center of the capital, united by a common concept and artistic design of the interiors by designer A. Brodsky. Branches are opened in Samara and Lvov.

According to Dmitry Itskovich, one of the organizers of the OGI, the OGI Project offers its visitors the format of “hangouts” as a way of life: “Actually, a party way of life is a production… An understandable image is a poet who writes poetry in a cafe. He does not rest at this time, there is no separation between rest and work. It's not like at the factory he came, plowed and went to drink beer. Rather, it is some kind of non-stop life process, poorly divided into formats. For such people, a very important thing is the presence of a bookstore in the OIG. For them, books are not reading, not recreation, but the process of life, this is connected with the profession, connected with the presence in culture ... In reality, there were always literary hangouts, and the CDL restaurant was never empty. …The main attribute of the club is internal comfort. If you need a large number of pleasant faces, a sense of social closeness with people, freedom, openness this is for us.”

The idea of ​​the organizers is to create an atmosphere in the clubs conducive to communication and contacts, a special combination of public and private, which is reminiscent of the dissident cuisine of the 1970s and 1980s, taken out into the public space, but retaining elements of intimate sincerity.

The organizers of the OGI managed to make friends with commerce and make their undertaking profitable: “We are not sponsors, we want to earn money, to make a clear and understandable business. …this business is about culture-centricity. And we do it!”

more than 500 cultural events were held meetings with famous poets and writers, presentations of new books and magazines, exhibitions, concerts of Russian and foreign musical groups. For several years now, within the walls of the OGI, the Andrey Bely Literary Prize has been presented, events of the Poetry Days and the Poetry Festival, performances by young poets, authors aimed at a youth audience, etc. have been held. There is a democratic atmosphere here. OGI clubs are popular among young people, most of the visitors are studentshumanitarian and creative universities, as well as the public working in the field of TV, mass media and in the artistic field.

Another popular literary platform in Moscow was the literary cafe at the Bookbury bookstore at Nikitsky Boulevard, 17, which began its activity in October 2003. The Bookbury bookstore chain was created according to the model and in accordance with

know-how English company Waterstone's team , which has a similar chain of bookstores in England. Meetings with writers in the Bookbury cafe on Tuesdays educational direction of the work of this book network.

The selection of guest authors and the conduct of the Bookbury literary program are in the care of art director critic and writer Gleb Shulpyakov, who believes that his main task is to offer guests 45 minutes of good poetry or an interesting conversation. He notes that in organizing meetings with the most relevant and accomplished domestic authors, reflecting the “nerve” of modern literature, the honorary system that exists in Bookbury is of great help to them.

Meetings with Elena Tregubova, Eduard Limonov, and Dmitry Prigov at the Bookbury Literary Café aroused great interest. Poets Yevgeny Rein, Oleg Chukhontsev, Grigory Kruzhkov, Igor Irteniev, Ilya Kormiltsev, Vera Pavlova performed here. There were also foreign guests Fernando Marias from Spain, journalist Charles McLean, who spoke at the presentation of the book about whiskey and the cultural and cult significance of this drink in English culture, an evening of Turkish prose was held. Within the walls of the cafe you can get acquainted with both unknown names in the literature and new publishing houses for example, "Ultra-culture", which publishes books about skinheads, Limonovites, etc. Here, the translator of Kafka, Rudnitsky, spoke about the work on the texts and letters of the great Austrian, etc.

The Moscow bookstore Falanster (Bol. Kozikhinsky per., 10) also hosts literary meetings and presentations they are united by a common anti-globalization orientation. Writers, public and cultural figures of the left orientation Michel Tournier, Heydar Dzhemal, Boris Kagarlitsky, film director Quentin Tarantino, poets Andrei Rodionov, Vsevolod Emelin and others spoke here.

20 beg. 21 centuries literary life in the northern capital continues in the form of literary programs of various cultural institutions or restaurant establishments. Such are the cafe "Basement of the Stray Dog" on Arts Square and "Borey-Art" on Liteiny, the literary club "XL" at the Library. L.N. Tolstoy, literary club of the House of Scientists, literary association "Piter", Theater of Poets "Listen!" in the premises of the "Cultural Center on Pushkinskaya", the Akhmatova Museum, the "Lyceum", the House of Journalists. In early 2003, Vsevolod Rozhnyatovsky, who moved from Pskov, organized a salon on the territory of the European University.

The activity of literary salons and clubs as a whole reflects the degree of communicative activity and interest in literature and areas close to it. Projects in this area are sensitive to the needs and realities of today in terms of topics and forms of organization of literary programs and meetings.

Igor Sid , Irina Ermakova LITERATURE Manifesto of the Round Table of Literary Clubs and Salons of Moscow , "Literary life of Moscow", January 1997
Dmitry Kuzmin.Literary life: clubs and salons . "Arion", No. 1, 1998
Igor Sid.

Head of LITO LETI - Mikhalevich Alla Iosifovna, Doctor of Biology, member of the leadership of the St. Petersburg Union of Writers, Woman of the Year - 2009.

The literary association of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (LITO LETI) in its modern form has existed since 1973. It was created by the best (according to A.S. Kushner) of contemporary Russian poets, the chairman of the poetry section of the St. Petersburg Writers' Union - Alexander Tankov when he was still a third-year student in the specialty "Applied Mathematics". Tankov still supervises our LITO today, comes to our classes, instructs, shares his experience, ordains the next consul (i.e., “headman”) of our LITO, as students grow up, and according to the charter, only a student of LETI can be a consul.

There are very few universities in St. Petersburg that have literary associations. Almost everywhere they break up almost immediately, while everywhere they develop very successfully, sometimes even several in one university, theatrical associations, piano circles, solo and choral singing, ballroom and historical ballroom dancing. And it's wonderful! This speaks of a real renaissance of Russian culture! At all times, a sign of a decent and cultured person was a love for the theater. Almost all good people not only loved the theater, but also took part in amateur performances. In the same way, musicality and the ability to dance have always been an indispensable element of culture. At the same time, the ability to write poetry and fiction has never and nowhere (with the exception of China) been considered an obligatory attribute of a decent and cultured person:

Having no high passion
For the sounds of life do not spare,
He could not iambic from a chorea,
No matter how we fought, to distinguish.

The word is the shrine of the human soul, the foundation of the universe, the root cause of the material world, and it is impossible to engage in the art of the word unprofessionally. There are no amateur literary associations!

The fact is that in order to engage in other types of art, even at an amateur level, training is still necessary. A person who has never been trained in sculpture will not be able, for the first time in his life, to pick up a chisel and sculpt a statue of Apollo. A person who has never been involved in a theatrical association will not be able, upon entering the stage for the first time in his life, immediately, without any preparation, to play the role of Hamlet. A person who has never learned to play the piano cannot, for the first time in his life, go up to the piano, sit down and play the Appassionata. At the same time, a person who has never been involved in any literary association can write (though not very professionally) both a good poem and a good story. Nobody needs amateur literary associations. There is another side to this issue. All creative associations of a technical university, except for a literary association, are always amateur. In principle, they cannot produce professionals. Only the Academy of Arts graduates professional sculptors, only the Theater School or the Institute of Culture graduates professional artists, only a conservatory can graduate a professional conductor, but not LETI. At the same time, neither the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, nor the Literary Institute named after V.I. M. Gorky in Moscow. They become professionals, members of the Writers' Union as a result of many years of hard literary work in the creative environment of one or another literary association. “A poet is made, talent, labor and poetic culture” (V. E. Kholshevnikov, Fundamentals of Poetry). Most professional writers are engineers (Valery Popov, Alexander Tankov), officers (Mikhail Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Afanasy Fet and many others), doctors (Anton Chekhov, Vikenty Veresaev), lawyers (Aleksey Apukhtin), historians (David Raskin) , geographers and artists (Irina Znamenskaya), biologists (Alla Mikhalevich), etc. There are, of course, philologists among them (Alexander Blok, Galina Gamper), but the percentage of philologists who have become writers is no more than the percentage of specialists in other fields who have become professional writers. We must always remember that the Word occupies a completely different position in our consciousness than the chisel, brush, bow.

All other creative teams in a technical university can only be amateur, while a literary association can only be professional, or not at all. And here, just as in the ancient and eastern medieval philosophical schools, the personality of the Teacher, his poetic culture, his professionalism, his own talent, as well as the place that he occupies in modern poetry, are very important. Otherwise, the literary association is doomed and inevitably breaks up. There can be no amateur attitude to poetry, it will not be art, it will be a profanity, and students, with their clear mind and pure heart, feel this very well and stop going to such “literary associations”. That is why these literary associations are disintegrating everywhere, except for LETI.

During the last period of work of LITO LETI (the third millennium from R.Kh.), LITO members published:

  • Four issues of the almanac "Golden Thread" (I - 2005, II - 2006, III - 2007, IV - 2009);
  • Author's collections: "From Elegies to Insolence" (2001), "The Thirteenth Month" (2003), "Better Days" (2005), "Cautious Wolf" (2008) by Victoria Borshchevskaya, "Poems with Names ..." (2003) Vladimir Medvedev, "Touching Other Worlds" (2003), "At the Foot of a Daisy" (2006), "Through Time" (2007), Maxim Shvets, "Fly, Feather" (2004) Nina Postnikova, "Shadow of a Bird" (2005) Anastasia Andreychuk, "Terra ironica" (2005), "Shadow of the line of captivity of flax of the full moon" (2007), "Sea of ​​​​marble" (2009) by Oleg Ilyin, "Heart in half" (2006) by Maria Popova, "Where my boats are sailing .. .” (2006) Nikolai Artemenko, “A priory” (2007) Nadezhda Baranova, “There” (2007) Elina Lapp, “22 sublimations.doc” by Xenia Burzhskaya (Ranchina, 2007), “My first book J” (2007) Ekaterina Mitina, Peace of the Height (2007), Sun in Stone (2009) Svyatoslav Ternov, Inspiration (2009), Four Cats on the Roof (2010) Vera Chigarina, Morning Inside (2011) Tatiana Zakharchenko , “Resuscitation of the soul ...” (2011) by Olga Dyakova, “Patricians” (2011) by Anton Pogrebnyak, “The Reverse Side” (2012) by Olga Turkina and a collection of art-critical articles “The Stone Age of Russian Poetry” (2008) by Maxim Shvets; "Couple" (2012) by two authors Kaleria Sokolova and Vitaly Nesterenko and "Initials" (2013) by Kaleria Sokolova.
  • A lot of publications in the newspapers "Electric" and " this", in the almanac "Metronome. Aptekarsky Island” and other almanacs, collective collections and periodicals;
  • Two volumes of the almanac "Fleece" (2012).

LITO LETI member Svyatoslav Ternov was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia. LITO LETI member Vera Chigarina was admitted to the St. Petersburg Union of Writers in 2013. In 2014 Kaleriya Sokolova, a member of LITO LETI, will be admitted to the St. Petersburg Union of Writers. Ksenia Ranchina and Anton Pogrebnyak are also fully prepared for entry and will soon enter the St. Petersburg Union of Writers.

In the classes of LITO LETI there always reigns such a bright atmosphere of creative friendliness, which can not be found in every literary association of our city. At the same time, our literary association does not have any qualifications for education or the starting level of a participant, unlike most other LITOs. We believe that the starting level and talent of a participant are two things that are in no way connected with each other and are ready to teach everyone from scratch, carefully preserving the grains of his talent and personality, even if the participant is still completely tongue-tied. Our goal is to help everyone be themselves, to help them say what they want. Unfortunately, in very many literary associations, instead, they do something completely different - each member is “broken” under the head of the association. How long, for example, have Kushner's students been called "kushners"? If such a way of learning gives a person professionalism, then at too high a price, at the price of abandoning one's "I". Nobody needs this at all!

We are grateful to the energy and unbending goodwill of Alexander Tankov - certainly the first among modern Russian poets, in the literal sense of the word, the keeper and bearer of the best traditions of great Russian poetry.

We invite everyone who is interested in art, criticism, or just likes to listen to conversations about literature over tea, to our meetings in the new academic year 2014 - 2015 and wish you all creative success and ever new happiness.

The Bogorodsk region is famous not only for its historical and labor traditions. People of creativity, in particular writers and poets, inspired by its nature and the city of Noginsk, which is becoming more and more beautiful, write about it sincerely and with love. The city also has its own literary traditions.

Their basis was laid by such well-known names in Russian literature as Alexander Peregudov, Boris Pilnyak (Vogau) and others. Each of them reached certain heights in his work, the foundations of which were laid on Bogorodsk land, in the city of Noginsk. (In 1930 the city of Bogorodsk was renamed the city of Noginsk). Boris Pilnyak, who later became the first Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Union of Writers, lived in the city of Bogorodsk from 1904 to 1917, together with A. Peregudov, studied and graduated from the Bogorodsk real school.

On Rogozhskaya Street at house No. 98, a memorial plaque was installed about the years of life in it of the talented master of the word Boris Pilnyak, who draws the way of life and life of his heroes on the streets of the Russian province, near the walls of ancient cathedrals, among stone houses and merchant shops. Having become a recognized master of the word, he did not forget the Bogorodsk region, supporting the established literary initiatives in it. So with his direct participation was held in June 1928 the artistic evening "Bogorodsk district in fiction". In different years, literary life flared up, then faded, but never faded away.

A little later, in the living room of the Glukhovsky Workers' Club, where the literary association "Ogonyok" successfully worked, which was led by a well-known prose writer at that time, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR Melentyev V.G. Even then, some LITO participants were published in the collection of the Union of Writers of the Moscow Region "Land of people, land of fields", which was an undoubted recognition of the fruitful work of the association. Here are a few names of poets and prose writers of that time: A. Aintsev, A. Shpiyakin, M. Sergucheva, A. Aleichik, P. Basov, A. Kharitonov (who, back in Soviet period has already released his first prose book), Yu. Strekalov, V. Popov and others.

In 1999, the baton of the "Ogonkovites" was picked up by the club of poetry lovers "Lira" created at that time. Its creator and leader, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia Gordeev VN, managed to rally like-minded people around him, people who are not indifferent to everything around, truly creative. The club received the status of a literary association, and many of its members were accepted as members of the Writers' Union of Russia. These are Anatoly Aleichik, Valery Stolyarov, Elena Zyableva, Yuri Leonov, Vadim Kozlov, Nikolai Gladyshev, Fedor Turenko, Tatiana Egorova, Alexandra Korobkova. Separately, one can name the Ogonkovite Alexander Shpiyakin, Tatyana Smirnova (who began her creative career in Lira), who willingly cooperate with the literary association to this day, as well as the talented poet Andrei Podushkin, who moved to Noginsk for permanent residence and joined Lira . In different years, the literary association was headed by: V.N. Gordeev, A.A. Aleichik, N.V. Belova, Yu.N. Fedorova, E.V. Zyableva, A.S. Korobkov.

Ahead of everyday life, filled with an inexhaustible desire to write, to be better, to publish. To date, a new leadership of the association has been elected": Head - member of the Union of Writers of Russia, poetess Alexandra Korobkova, deputy head - Albina Zaplatina, secretary - Valentina Maslova. "Lira" united all age categories, from veterans - front-line soldiers, to very young, but promising guys. Pupils. Lyceum students. students. There are also graduates of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. The youth literary studio "Third Way" was determined as an independent and actively working youth literary studio, led by a "lirovets", a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, poet Andrei Podushkin.

The studios have already released two collective collections of poems. The association has developed its own charter. The norms of morality and ethics are defined. Place of scheduled meetings, participation in city events. Order of own performances, presentations and creative seminars. Total number The number of participants is constantly growing and today it is thirty-six people. The vast majority of "Lyrians" have their own books, and some have more than one.

Many members of the literary association are laureates and diploma holders of regional, and all-Russian competitions. They have awards from the literary community of Moscow, the Moscow Region and Russia.

Since the founding of the literary association, ten thematic collections of "Voices of the Bogorodsky Territory" have been published, in which more than seventy authors took part. Lira fruitfully cooperates with local newspapers: Volkhonka, Bogorodskiye Vesti, Vostochny Express Podmoskovye.

In the city of Noginsk, an annual literary competition named after Vladimir Nikolaevich Gordeev is held. According to the results of the competition, its results are summed up, with the awarding of diplomas and certificates to the winners of the competition. Collective collections of diplomats are also issued. First, the formation of the competition since 2007, five collections have already been released with the names: “And yet the world is beautiful” (2007), “Poetic threads of Bogorodsk” (2008), “Family hearth” (2009), “Youth can do anything "(2010)," Bow to you "(2011)," Year of Cosmonautics "(2012) Summing up, which, and awarding the winners took place on November 24, 2012, in the Molzensky House of Culture in the city of Noginsk. The competition is dedicated to the "Day of Cosmonautics" and is traditionally held at a high organizational level. And there is no doubt that readers will soon meet with the next collective collection of diploma winners.

The work of the literary association continues - meetings are held, authors share their literary achievements, discuss new works, and hold presentations of published books. The members of the literary association "Lira" meet the pre-anniversary year full of optimism and hope that the sacrament of writing, sent down to them from above, and a special perception of the surrounding world will never dry up in their souls. And the Bogorodsk region will be filled with more and more new talents, able to extract magical sounds from the Lyra, worthy of the highest creative standard.

Chairman of the Noginsk regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia Winner of literary prizes A.P. Chekhov, A.S. Griboedova, G.R. Derzhavin, Cavalier of the Order "Golden Autumn" them. S.A. Yesenin" and "Golden Yesenin medal".

Anatoly Aleichik.

Towards the 74th anniversary of the Victory!

In the cultural center G.V. Kalinichenko, on the eve of the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a creative evening of the literary association "Lira" was held - "We will not stand up for the price."

A member of the Writers' Union of Russia, chairman of the Bogorodsk district branch of the Moscow regional organization of the Writers' Union Anatoly Aleichik, delivered a welcoming speech. He congratulated the Lirovites on the main holiday of our country - Victory Day.

A. Aleichik's speech continued with touching poems "Obelisk" and "Unknown Soldier" Tatyana Dulova, Elena Kovaleva read her new poems "Fight in Berlin" and "At the nameless height", Natalya Kostyukevich - the poem "Immortal Regiment".

One after another, poets - members of LITO "Lira" Anatoly Aleichik, Vladimir Novikov, Sergey Kuznetsov, Anatoly Sidorov, Sergey Krivenkov and others rose on the stage. They gave the audience their poems dedicated to the small Motherland, the glorious deeds of veterans and the victorious spring of 1945.

The head of the literary association, Elena Glebova-Pavlova, to the accompaniment of a guitar, heartily sang songs of the war years.

In conclusion, yesterday, as a solemn hymn to the Great Victory, the song of Bulat Okudzhava "We will not stand up for the price" was performed by the Lirovites.

Member of the Union of Writers of Russia NATALIA KOSTIUKEVICH

Members of the Noginsk LITO "LIRA" celebrated the World Poetry Day in the Central Library named after. A.S. Pushkin, which, as always, cordially opened its doors.
In the first part of the festive program, the musical and poetic composition "Souls are beautiful impulses" was performed, prepared by the library staff.
Further Chairman of the Bogorodsk District Branch of the Moscow Regional Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia Anatoly Alexandrovich Aleichik, head of the literary association "Lira" Elena Yuryevna Glebova Pavlova, deputy heads of LITO "LIRA" Kuznetsov Sergey Viktorovich and Kostyukevich Natalya Borisovna congratulated the participants of the literary association "LIRA" on international day poetry, wishing them inspiration, vivid images, good rhymes and creative restlessness. IN presenter of the evening - deputy head of LITO "LIRA" - Kostyukevich N.B. presented each participant in a business card format with a summary of literary activities, published books, awards and encouragement for 2018. "Lirovtsy" read their poems and sang author's songs.
The dissimilarity and diversity of poetic themes, the creative level of works and their performance by the authors created an atmosphere
a festive literary relay race - a relay race of joy, kindness and love in the space of the surrounding Library World.

At the next meeting of the members of the literary association "Lira" the results of the last month's work were summed up and long-term tasks were determined. In the speeches of Aleichik A.A., Pavlova E.Yu., Kostyukevich N.B., Sidorov A.V. and others spoke about the importance of preparing for the 75th anniversary of the Victory. A number of measures have been taken aimed at increasing the activity of the creative intelligentsia of the city district in matters of spiritual, moral and patriotic education. It was decided to hold a competition for the best poem and song dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory. The results of the first stage of the competition should be summed up by May 9, 2019. Last year, on the eve of May 9, a poem by Kostyukevich N.B. "The Truth Behind Us" was published on the website of the Moscow Regional Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces. For active participation in public life, personal contribution to the work of patriotic education, members of the literary association Bykov A.M., Zyableva E.V., Sidorov A.V., Kostyukevich N.B., Ryazanova G.V. awarded with medals "For achievements in culture and art".

2 February

The meeting of the literary association "Lira" was devoted to the presentation of a new collection of poems by A.A. Aleichik. The meeting was held in a solemn atmosphere. On this day Aleichik A.A. turned 70 years old. The hero of the day was congratulated by the chairman of the public organization of veterans Armed Forces Gerasimovich G.V. of the Bogorodsk city district, editor-in-chief of the site "Union of Veterans of the Bogorodsky city district", representatives of others public organizations and members of the literary association.

Gerasimovich G.V. handed Aleichik A.A. certificate of a member of the organization of veterans of the Armed Forces and the medal "100 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution". Members of the literary association read poems of the hero of the day, dedicated songs to the hero of the day.


In the city of Balashikha, Moscow Region, in the central city library. F.I. Tyutchev hosted a literary evening "Seeing off the year of Turgenev." The main leitmotif of this event was the presentation of a collection of modern Russian poets "Looking thoughtfully into the wide sky ..." The authors of a new poetry collection from Moscow and the nearby Moscow region came to our hospitable old Balashikha friends. Our Noginsk poets - members of the Writers' Union of Russia: Anatoly Bykov, Nikolai Gladyshev, Elena Zyableva and Natalya Kostyukevich also became welcome and active participants in this bright literary event.
All those present at the meeting, at which congratulations, musical compositions, poems and songs were heard, were warmly and cordially greeted by M.A. Chernova, Deputy Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the City District of Balashikha, and S.A. Burtseva, assistant to the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma N.I. Cherkasov.
Members of the Board of LITO "Metaphor" Natalia Krylova and Olga Kovalenko spent the evening.
Moscow was represented by a talented author - Tatyana Khatina. The performances of the hosts - the amazing poets of Balashikha: Olga Kovalenko, Tamara Rybakova, Svetlana Pavlova and Andrey Tsuprik-Shatokhin - were also bright.
The audience was also pleased with the performances of the participants in the bard song "The Blue Bird" under the direction of Tamara Rybakova, an active and talented participant in such literary events. The repertoire of performing bards included songs to the words of the authors of the new collection: A. Bykov, N. Gladysheva, O. Kovalenko, T. Rybakova and T. Khatina.
Everyone was given a great opportunity to visit the unique museum, which is located within the walls of the F.I. Tyutchev.
I would like to express special warm words of gratitude to the main initiator and ideological inspirer of our joint literary activity - Olga Nikolaevna Kovalenko - editor of the non-profit publishing house "OLGA", which, together with the Moscow organization of the Writers' Union of Russia, publishes literary works poets and prose writers in the series "The Golden Pen of Muscovy".
Olga Kovalenko - a highly professional editor, writer, journalist - a person awarded with many high titles and titles, is undoubtedly a peacemaker, a "perpetual motion machine" in the modern literary life of Russia, uniting creative people and discovering new names of poets and writers.
The literary event of that day coincided with the important Orthodox feast of the Epiphany, and passed sincerely, warmly, charging everyone with spiritual strength and unforgettable emotions.

In the spring of 2011, I was offered the leadership of the literary association "Test of Writing" at the library named after F. I. Tyutchev. The chief librarian Anna Nikolaevna Smirnitskaya approached me with such a proposal, saying that the association has existed for a year and even released its first almanac, Chongarsky Boulevard.

At the first meetings of the members of the literary association, I got to know everyone, got to know people, their interests and creative searches. Gradually, a working, friendly and pleasant atmosphere arose. To date, the literary association "Test of the Pen" is 5 years old.

This year, the fourth issue of the almanac "Chongarsky Boulevard" was published, and at the competition in the Moscow city organization of the Writers' Union of Russia, the third issue was awarded the M. Yu. Lermontov medal. For all the members of our association, this was very good news. And now I can tell about them, not about all of them, of course, because now the literary association includes more than 40 people, but I will say a few words about the most interesting ones, and they will share their opinion about our association.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Solodchenko, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, is still the only one in our association, but certainly by right! She has published several of her poetry collections, both for children and adults. He takes part in various activities of the library, and perfectly reads his poems from the stage. A philologist by education.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Prikhodkin has been writing poetry since his youth, published in various collections and almanacs. A nuclear engineer by training. What is our association for him, where did he come from the day of its foundation? Here is his opinion: “Work is well organized in conducting classes, in helping participants improve their level and ability to write poetry and prose, to learn the basics of versification. On the days of presentations of author's works, their evaluation is given, correction of individual lines, expressions and replacement of dictionary combinations is proposed.

Evgenia Viktorovna Dorogova writes prose, mostly memories of her long and interesting life. By education, Evgenia Viktorovna is a doctor, but what is interesting is that now creative work at the computer helps her to overcome her ailments. Starts to write, and the state of health is normalized. Her opinion about our association: “Creativity is the highest function of the brain. Creativity unites people of different professions and ages. Our association raises the cultural level of the inhabitants of the Nagorny district Southern District Moscow". That's so global!

Vyacheslav Leonidovich Druzhechkov has been writing poetry for almost 20 years, has published his own book, and is published in various collections and almanacs. Vyacheslav Leonidovich is a former military man. He says about our association: “A literary association is a spring of the human soul, radiating love and glorifying the beauty of the surrounding world. LITO unites many creative people united by one goal - to preserve Russian literature with all their might, the memory of the great writers who created our mentality, our special content of the Russian soul.

Zinaida Petrovna Belina writes poetry and prose, and has published several of her books. An engineer by training. What does she say about our association? “Our association is 5 years old - children's age, sadovsky, but it feels like we have grown. Classes allow you to share creativity and feel your level in comparison with others, and pull yourself up or compete. We do not stand still, we develop culturally by attending various events led by our organizers.”

Rafail Iosifovich Gindin after the war served in fighter aviation, holder of medals for work on the labor front. He has a musical education, worked for thirty years at the Mosconcert, traveled all over Soviet Union and other countries, laureate of international competitions. Such a rich and varied life. Of course, Rafail Iosifovich has something to remember and tell his descendants. He writes memoirs.

Lydia Nikolaevna Kibkalo went through the horrors and trials of the Great Patriotic War. By profession a civil engineer. Writes memoirs, in verse and prose. Lidia Nikolaevna published her collections, in the publication of one of them she was provided with creative and organizational assistance by Anna Nikolaevna and I, because Lidia Nikolaevna, due to her age, does not leave the house, and often gets sick.

Ninel Nikolaevna Babikova comes from Siberia, so her poems are often dedicated to this amazing land, where strong, reliable people live, worthy of poetic lines. And the fact that Ninel Nikolaevna from a family of hereditary officers explains the patriotic orientation of her poems. This extraordinary woman is always fit, elegantly dressed and young! About our association, Ninel Nikolaevna says: “Our LITO gave me an incentive, a desire to write poetry, to learn how to express thoughts correctly. Before, I didn’t even know that I would be able to write sometime. My work was far from literature. In LITO I get positive emotions, communication with members of our association is a pleasure.”

Valentina Vasilievna Terekhina, a civil engineer, was born in the Ryazan region in a large family, where her mother and other relatives write poetry. She herself began to write relatively recently, lyrical, spiritual and social poems.

Laura Veselova came to our association recently, because she began to compose poetry recently. But I have already written so much that it turned out to be a good book. It’s just that Laura is such a person by nature: she does everything energetically and efficiently. You can’t say about her that she is a grandmother, so bright, active - a real optimist! ..

I told only about some of the members of our association of the older generation who are already retired, and for many of them the active life of the literary association and the library named after F.I. Tyutchev with her events and holidays - support and support. We are greatly supported by the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia.

We will have to tell about other members of our association next time. Such a literary association lives its active life and the life of the library No. 165 named after F. I. Tyutchev. We are grateful to the library management, in particular Tatyana Viktorovna Filippova, for supporting our undertakings, for such a cozy and hospitable home. And, of course, we ourselves are happy to take part in such events as Library Night, anniversary evenings of the classics of Russian and foreign literature.

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Leading creative team of Moscow

Head Krylova Tamara Vasilievna.

For more than 10 years, there has been a Literary Association at the TKS Novo-Peredelkino, which, after long disputes and discussions, it was decided to give the name New Peredelkino. As you know, youth shares romantic dreams, maturity - experience, old age - memories. So the members of a literary association differ in their interests, views, creative plans, age and education. But there is one feature that unites everyone - a figurative vision of being.

A bright creative report of the work of our association is the birth of literary publications. These are the almanacs "Third Wind" and "Shine of the Lyre". Poets and prose writers have published many personal collections. Preparation of materials for each edition is a collective effort of the entire literary community. A stormy discussion of poems, prose works, the search for rhymes, the general joy for a successful line, a found image, a sincere desire to help a novice author - this is how the working meetings of a literary association go. Moreover, the association includes honored and experienced authors, members of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Members of the literary association often speak, introduce listeners to their new poems, stories, demonstrating the richness and beauty of the Russian language. Schools and the Center have become our constant creative platforms. social security district, the Central House of Writers and the House of Culture of Moscow. With the participation of LITO, lectures of the educational cycle “ Significant dates Russian and world culture”. LITO members perform in front of kids and high school students. They talk about the high meaning of the word, about the great Russian and world literature. They try to instill in schoolchildren a taste for literature, for the melodious, original sound of the Russian word. LITO places special emphasis on the moral and patriotic education of children and youth, understanding the importance of familiarizing young people with the culture of their people, since it is the appeal to the heritage that brings up respect and pride in the land on which you live and helps in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest . After all, patriotic education is primarily history and literature.

We believe that in Rus' there will be people for whom the artistic word is a life-giving breath of air, a source of inspiration. And we hope that the work of the members of the Literary Association "Novo-Peredelkino" will be a small but clean stream flowing into the big river of Russian literature.

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