Logic game tangram for preschoolers. Tangram game: history of Chinese puzzle, rules, patterns, benefits for child development

Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Tolstopyatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher of the MADOU “Sorceress”, Labytnangi, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Purpose: This game introduces children to geometric shapes, teaches how to add certain shapes, recommended for middle and older children preschool age, as well as for teachers and parents.
Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Target: Teach children to play puzzle games on their own, to be able to lay out a variety of silhouettes from a set of geometric shapes.
Tasks: Develop children's spatial concepts, constructive thinking, logic, imagination, and intelligence.
Develop fine motor skills to prepare children for school.
Cultivate patience and perseverance.
Rules of the game: The following rules must be observed in the game:
1.When composing images, the entire set of parts is used as a whole.
2.The parts of the geometric constructor are attached to each other.

Does everyone know what a tangram is? This is one of the famous puzzles. She was born in China more than 3,000 years ago. From the 7 elements into which the square is divided, you can create many different objects and animal figures.
Draw a square like this on cardboard and divide it into parts. To begin, ask your child to put these pieces back together into a square. It is better if the child completes the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if it doesn’t work out, then, of course, you can use the sample.

These figures are used to create a variety of silhouettes. It is easier for a child to do this using samples with drawn components. Outline patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

Real drawings of those objects, the silhouette image of which is created using a puzzle game, are very useful. In this case, it will be easier for the child to imagine the depicted object and, perhaps, create his own version. Such activities are useful in preparing children for school.
A ball of fluff -
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots (hare).

Cunning cheat -
Red head.
Lives in the forest
In the village, a fox steals chickens.

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep (bear).

Not a horseman, but with spurs.
It's winged, but doesn't fly well.
On lashes and fences
The rooster sings songs.

The girl can be laid out in another way.

The Christmas tree is laid out in different ways.

You can create pictures by first laying them out on the table and then gluing them onto paper.

To prevent the shapes from getting confused, I glued envelopes for them, and the geometric shapes were of different colors, so that it would be easier to arrange them in the envelopes.

Tangram is a famous puzzle that came to us from Ancient China. The essence of this oriental game is to construct a new figure, indicated by a contour, on a plane from 7 simple geometric shapes. These can be a variety of silhouettes: people, animals, vehicles, household items, plants, toys, and even numbers and letters. Basic rule: It is imperative to use all tangram elements and never overlap them.

Educational puzzle

Tangram for preschoolers promotes the development of:

Tangram for preschoolers: do it yourself

A tangram puzzle for preschoolers can be purchased at the store, or you can make it at home yourself. To make tangrams, take thick cardboard and draw a square on it. Then line it so that you get the following shapes: 5 triangles (2 large, 1 medium and 2 small), a square and a parallelogram - 7 shapes in total. You can use the template provided below.

Cut the resulting square along the drawn lines. For activities with very young children (3-5 years old), it is better to color each of the 7 figures in a specific color. This will make it easier for the child to perceive shapes and make new shapes easier.

Tangram patterns for children: from simple to complex

On initial stage It is better not to give tangram games to preschoolers with complex tasks - the child needs time to understand the essence of the puzzle. And if his first experience turns out to be unsuccessful (due to the complexity of the task and misunderstanding), he will probably lose interest in the game. So take your time.

First, look at the figures together, make something basic. Start composing yourself, and then ask your child to help you: name the colors, etc. Children can come up with their own figures, including fantastic ones. The main thing is that the child clearly understands what exactly he is constructing, and uses all 7 figures.

At the second stage of training already You can start making shapes using color schemes. To some, this may seem like a very easy task, but for a three-year-old child, choosing a shape based on color and shape is not so easy. You can use the following tangram patterns for kids.

Children 5-7 years old can already be offered silhouette tangram patterns and single-color puzzle elements.

Offering tangrams to preschoolers, always start with the most simple figures, gradually increasing the difficulty. It is important to consider age and individual characteristics child.

An interesting idea to implement - magnetic tangram. It can be made from a large square refrigerator magnet by cutting it into pieces and covering them with colored paper on top.

Hang one or two sets of puzzles and a set on the refrigerator, and daily exercises for development of imagination your kids will be provided for.

M. Gardner: “The charm of tangram lies in the simplicity of the material and in its seeming unsuitability for creating figures with aesthetic appeal”

I'll tell you one of the legends about the tangram.
“Almost two and a half thousand years ago, the middle-aged Emperor of China gave birth to a long-awaited son and heir. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and smart beyond his years. One thing bothered the old emperor: his son, the future ruler of a huge country, did not want to study. It is a greater pleasure to play with toys all day long. The Emperor summoned three wise men, one of whom was famous as a mathematician, another famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, by playing with which his son would comprehend the principles of mathematics, learn look at the world through the gaze of an artist, I would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that complex things are often made up of simple things. Three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Tyu" - a square cut into seven parts."

With a tangram, a child will learn to think logically, analyze images, highlighting geometric shapes, visually break an entire object into parts and vice versa. This game develops imagination, combinatorial abilities, attention, visual and imaginative thinking, the ability to work according to instructions, quick wits, ingenuity, as well as perseverance and fine motor skills. This oldest of puzzles integrates areas of development such as mathematics, art, and speech!

"Tangram" literally means "seven tablets of mastery." The name "tangram" originated in Europe, most likely from the word "tan" (meaning "Chinese") and the root "gram" (translated from Greek as "letter").
There are legends about the seven books of the sage Tan, which contain thousands of figures. He arranged the figures in his seven books according to the seven stages in the evolution of the Earth. His tangrams begin with symbolic images of chaos and the principle of “yin and yang.” Then follow the simplest forms of life, as we move along the evolutionary tree, figures of fish, birds, animals and humans appear. Along the way, in various places you come across images of what was created by man: tools, furniture, clothing and architectural structures. Indeed, the most complex things consist of simple things!
Ronald Reed, in his book Tangrams: 330 Puzzles, encouraged readers to submit any other pieces. In response, approximately 6.13 million possible configurations were proposed, each with at least one vertex and at least one side of any part matching the vertex and side of another part. In this puzzle game, amateurs challenge professionals and everyone can win!
how our foreign colleagues introduce the guys to the game. Using this video, turning off English, I tell the children the legend about the origin of the game. Later, together with the guys, we repeat the figures from the legend and create our own illustrated book about tangram.

Tangram rules
The player's task in the educational game "Tangram" is to put together figures from puzzle pieces so that, firstly, all parts of the puzzle are used, and, secondly, the parts do not overlap each other. The figures can be turned over as you wish, placed on any side. (Secret: you need to start by finding the place for the big triangle.)

The real puzzle is the Tangram paradoxes.
The paradox is this: using the entire set each time, you can add two figures, one of which will be a subset of the other.
Dudeney's paradox: two monks, one has a leg and the other does not.
Lloyd's paradox: a square and a square with a cut corner, consisting of the same seven parts of a tangram.

Tangram game options
Option 1: Simplest. If the child is small, invite him to create a figure by superimposing elements on a sample divided into component parts.
Option 2: If you have figured out the first one, then you can compose figures according to the example, that is, the picture is in front of you, and you compose the elements according to the model, divided into parts.
Option 3: You can leave only outlines in the figure on the sample.
Option 4: Actually creative tasks- come up with and put together the figure yourself.

Educational game tasks for children 3-6 years old
Sufficient for children 3-4 years old difficult task will apply tangram figures to the finished sample (answer) of the puzzle. At the same time, children need to compare the size and shape of the figures, find the correct position, and accurately place the figure on the hint base, which is not as easy as it seems. Naturally, the figures on the card must exactly match the sizes of the toy figures.

The same tasks should be used with older children, at the beginning of their acquaintance with this educational game. It is enough to give two or three such tasks and, if the child copes with them easily, you can move on to more complex tasks.

Educational game tasks for children 5-8 years old
Children of this age will be able to put together models from tangram figures next to the answer card. In this case, the card may not correspond to the actual dimensions of the tangram parts. As soon as the child can easily cope with such tasks, you can move on to the next stage.

Educational game tasks for children aged seven years and older.
Actually, this is where “Tangram” becomes a puzzle game. The child is asked to assemble the model, presenting only a card with the silhouette of the figure. At seven years old, children will be able to cope with such a task only if they have already played easier versions before.

Let's make a tangram ourselves:
The material for such a puzzle can be not only cardboard, but also porous rubber, a hard office folder or a plastic DVD box.

See the biggest tangram I've ever found for printing
Here you can find several printable puzzle options

How to play?
  • buy sets with coloring books, pictures, poems and riddles. The drawing next to each diagram helps the child see what he has assembled from the tangram and thereby contributes to the development of imagination.
  • video from classes and tasks for children;
  • schemes from neposed.net;
  • interactive game;
  • MK stamps "Tangram":

  • Making a paper tangram on the road, for example, is as easy as shelling pears:

  • Tangram from thermo mosaic:

  • Sponge tangram for bath games:

This idea using kitchen cellulose napkins is from my friendly blog by Veronica Scirius, “Mom Plays, Kids Learn.”
  • Wall decor stickers are a very affordable idea for decorating rooms:

For games with a giant tangram, a floor version of the game made from a sheet of cardboard is suitable for us:

printed domino
card game
card game "Happy Family"
  • Online game for training visual memory. You need to hover over the buttons to open the pictures and select a picture that is not repeated. Meanwhile, the mouse makes its way to the cheese.
  • Tasks with geometric shapes
Mark (color) on a personal printed diagram or fold:
- one large square,
- Is it possible or impossible to make a square from two parts? Of the three? Out of four?
-square, without using triangles,
-trapezoid without using a square,
-rectangle, using all 7 parts, but not the square,
-Is it possible to form a triangle using only two parts?
tangram? Three parts? Five parts? Six parts? All seven parts

Fold a triangle using the four tangram pieces:

a) one large triangle, two small triangles and a square;
b) one large triangle, two small triangles and a paral lelogram;
c) one large triangle, one middle triangle
and two small triangles.
See an example of a printed foreign assignment package
  • Tasks for two, with two sets of puzzles, are a great way to teach teamwork:
-make a square from two tangrams (8 options),

Fold a flower from two tangrams,

Both players take 4 pieces and form a triangle:

  • Puzzles on one page and answers on another, like on this site, will give you the opportunity to calmly rack your brains,
  • Graphic dictations.
For graphic dictations First, make a tangram on a sheet of paper in a square of a certain size, fold the figure and make a diagram of actions for it for drawing in the cells.
Schemes for my tangram with a side of 12 squares:

  • Tasks to trace figures, analyze the composition of a complex figure, etc. important stage in preparing the hand for writing - see tasks from the experience of our foreign colleagues - Preparing the hand for writing with a tangram.
  • Let's have a tangram tournament!
See how ours do it foreign colleagues on the French site.Prepare 36 diagram cards with tasks based on a non-divided pattern. Each player receives a tournament card for scoring, where the numbers of completed schemes and the number of points earned are noted.For each problem solved without a hint, 10 points are written down, with a hint in the form of an answer diagram, 5 points are written down.
  • Tangram inspires thematic applications of geometric shapes. See thematic sets of diagrams: people, pets, wild animals, birds. cats, sea animals, english letters, numbers, Chinese horoscope. If you work on thematic weeks, you will repeat the skills of playing tangram again and again.
Excellent thematic scheme cards on the site

Do-it-yourself tangram (game patterns, figures)

Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of adding these parts to each other, we get flat figures, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, ranging from humans, animals and ending with tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often called "geometric puzzles", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, identify geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

How to make a tangram

A tangram can be made from cardboard or paper by printing a template and cutting along the lines. You can download and print the tangram square diagram by clicking on the picture and selecting “print” or “save image as...”.

It is possible without a template. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 triangles. We cut one of them in half into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks.

A more practical and durable tangram can be cut from a rigid office folder or a plastic DVD box. You can complicate your task a little by cutting out a tangram from pieces of different felt, stitching them along the edges, or even from plywood or wood.

How to play tangram

Each piece of the game must be made up of seven tangram parts, and they must not overlap.

The easiest option for children is to assemble the figures according to the diagrams (answers) laid out into elements, like a mosaic. A little practice, and the child will learn to make figures according to the pattern-contour and even come up with his own figures according to the same principle.

Schemes and figures of the tangram game

Recently, tangrams have been often used by designers. The most successful use of tangram is perhaps as furniture. There are tangram tables, transformable upholstered furniture, and cabinet furniture. All furniture built on the tangram principle is quite comfortable and functional. It can change depending on the mood and desire of the owner. How many different options and combinations can be made from triangular, square and quadrangular shelves. When purchasing such furniture, along with instructions, the buyer is given several sheets with pictures on different topics that can be folded from these shelves. In the living room you can hang shelves in the shape of people, in the nursery you can put cats, hares and birds from the same shelves, and in the dining room or library - the drawing can be on a construction theme - houses, castles, temples.

Here is such a multifunctional tangram.

Olesya Tabakaeva

(an exciting game with minimal costs)

The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers is the main task, as it forms correct and coherent speech. But along with fine motor skills, the child needs to develop logic, spatial and constructive thinking and intelligence.

I would like to bring to your attention an exciting puzzle game Tangram- an ancient oriental puzzle made of geometric shapes. According to one of the legends tangram appeared almost two and a half thousand years ago in Ancient China.

The player's task in an educational game « Tangram» put together figures from puzzle pieces so that, firstly, all parts of the puzzle are used, and, secondly, the parts do not overlap each other. The figures can be turned over as desired, placed with either side up. That, in fact, are all the rules.

With the game tangram You can introduce it to children as young as 3-4 years old. First, you can introduce your child to different geometric shapes. Next, the child can apply the shapes tangram on a finished sample, this will be a very difficult task for him. This is a game that develops children's combinatorial abilities, imagination, attention and the ability to act according to instructions.

For older children, the tasks can be made more complicated, for example, no longer put figures on the sample, but lay it out next to it; the sample may not coincide with the real size, or you can invite the child to independently make a figure he has invented

How to do DIY tangram

So for work we need materials:

Sheet of cardboard

Simple pencil (or any writing instrument)

I cut out a 20*20 square from a sheet of cardboard. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 large triangles. We cut one of them into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. Cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks. (square and parallelogram).

so I started

draw a square in my case 20.5*20.5

draw a diagonal in a square

divide one of the triangles into two equal ones

find the midpoint of the sides of a large triangle and draw a line

find the middle of the side of the large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the small [


find the midpoint of the side of the small triangle and connect it to the diagonal of the large triangles

we find the middle of the next large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the square, the remaining part will be a parallelogram. tangram is ready

tangram is ready to cut

so that with tangram it was more interesting for the child to do it, you can color it, in my case the children painted it with ordinary wax crayons

we collected such a cute kitty from our tangram

as a result of folding figures tangram we get silhouettes resembling figures of animals, birds, trees, people, household items, etc. etc.

here are some diagrams

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