Better to be a decent person who swears. The best quotes and aphorisms of Faina Ranevskaya. Once Ranevskaya stood in her makeup room completely naked. And she smoked. Suddenly, the director and manager of the Mossovet Theater Valentin Shkolnikov entered her without knocking.

I look with sadness at this photo and what is written next to it. With sadness because I understand how Russian society is degrading. Ranevskaya’s expressions simply become popular and every self-respecting Russian is simply in awe of her words. It makes me sad that it turns out that the person who swears in society is considered the best of the rest. I don’t know about you, but from childhood, my parents, school, and Komsomol instilled in me the idea that a person who is capable of swearing in society cannot possibly be good, simply because by doing so he simply expresses his disrespect for society.

I remember the end of the 60s, when I was called to serve in the Northern Fleet. On the ship there is a purely male team and it is clear that there could not have been any swearing there, but... I don’t remember officers in front of the sailors swearing for no reason. It happened sometimes, but it was rare. In general, the emergency sailors did not allow themselves to use strong expressions when talking with their elders. True, after continuing to serve on Baltic ships, the picture changed somewhat, but this was still in a male team. In civilian life, I also don’t remember that in a group, even at some kind of drinking party, if there was at least one woman there, there was a complete absence of strong expressions. If someone started, he was immediately reined in. I worked at a factory as an ordinary worker and I had to communicate in this environment with different people and in different ways, but, again, in any company, as a rule, if there were women there, there was no swearing. Ladies who allowed themselves such “indecency” were very rare and enjoyed residual respect from the stronger sex. Well, it was not customary for us to behave this way in companies.

But, one day, I was invited to a company where people from professions that were considered intelligent at that time predominated - doctors, artists, cultural workers. What was there! Solid expressions and swear words. They especially liked to repeat the word “ass”. Came there, left there, well, and so on. I, a person who could bend a poker with obscenities, suddenly became confused and felt completely uneasy. I was especially in a stupor after my neighbor, a young and beautiful blonde with a friendly smile, asked me to move my ass a little further away so that she (the beautiful and charming blonde) could sit more comfortably.

I’m already over 60, but I’m still simply killed by things like Mrs. Lolita’s message to “X...” to a correspondent in front of a crowd of people and broadcast on television. And what is especially wonderful about this is the roar of the enthusiastic crowd and the ovation on this occasion. What about a journalist? Nothing. He smiled modestly, shrugged his shoulder and scratched himself behind his ear. They say everything is fine, guys. I understand that one of them, Lolita, is a good person, and the correspondent is a quiet and well-mannered creature.

8 September 2014, 08:01

About women

A woman must have two qualities to succeed in life. She must be smart enough to please stupid men, and stupid enough to please smart men.

Ranevskaya was asked: “Which women, in your opinion, are inclined to be more faithful, brunettes or blondes?” Without hesitation, she answered: “Grey hair!”

If a woman tells a man that he is the smartest, it means she understands that she will not find another such fool.

Why are all women such fools?

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not to the development of their intellect?

Because there are much fewer blind men than smart ones.

Women die later than men because they are always late everywhere.

To stay thin, a woman needs to eat in front of a mirror and naked.

Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Women are not the weaker sex. The weaker sex are rotten boards.

About people

People, like candles, are divided into two types: some - for light and warmth, and others - in the ass.

If a person has done you harm, give him candy. He is evil to you - you give him candy, and so on until this creature develops diabetes.

It’s better to be a good person who “swears” than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

There are people in whom God lives. There are people in whom the devil lives. And there are people that live only worms.

There are people whose tongue itches to ask the question: “Is it difficult for you to live without a brain?”

About talent

It's very hard to be a genius among boogers.

Talent is like a wart - either it is there or it is not.

Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with oneself and one's shortcomings, which I have never encountered in mediocrity.

About the profession

Do you know what it's like to act in a movie? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.

I don't recognize the word "play". You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on stage.

I lived with many theaters, but never enjoyed it.

About life

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.

You have to live in such a way that even the bastards remember you.

I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.

Life is a long leap from the ass to the grave.

Life goes by without bowing like an angry neighbor.

Horseradish, based on the opinions of others, ensures a calm and happy life.

What we get pleasure from in our lives is either harmful to us, or we do immoral acts, or leads us to obesity.

About old age

I’m like an old palm tree at a train station - no one needs it, but it’s a shame to throw it away.

Old age is just disgusting. I believe it is ignorance of God when he allows people to live to old age.

My God, how life has slipped by, I have never even heard nightingales sing.

It’s scary when you’re eighteen inside, when you admire beautiful music, poetry, painting, but it’s time for you, you haven’t managed to do anything, you’re just starting to live!

Old age is a time when the candles on a birthday cake cost more than the cake itself, and half the urine goes for testing.

My head hurts, my teeth are in trouble, my heart is shaking, I’m coughing terribly, my liver, kidneys, stomach - everything is aching! My joints ache, I can barely walk... Thank God I’m not a man, otherwise I’d still have a prostate gland!

Old age is when it is not bad dreams that bother you, but bad reality.

When I retire, I will do absolutely nothing. The first months I will just sit in a rocking chair.

And then?

And then I'll start swinging.

When I die, bury me and write on the monument: “Died of disgust.”


If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

The brain, the ass and the pill have a soul mate. And I was initially whole.

It's been a long time since anyone told me that I'm a whore. I'm losing popularity.

To help us see how much we are overeating, our stomach is located on the same side as our eyes.

This type of ass is called a “playing ass.” (Probably twerging was invented during Ranevskaya’s lifetime)

You know, when I saw this bald guy on the armored car, I realized: big troubles awaited us. (About Lenin)

Beautiful people shit too.

Eating alone is just as unnatural as shitting together!

Direct speech

“You won’t believe it, Faina Georgievna, but no one has ever kissed me except the groom.” - “Are you bragging, my dear, or are you complaining?”

Once Ranevskaya stood in her makeup room completely naked. And she smoked. Suddenly, the director and manager of the Mossovet Theater Valentin Shkolnikov entered her without knocking. And he froze in shock. Faina Georgievna calmly asked: “Aren’t you shocked that I smoke?”

An employee of the Radio Committee N. constantly experienced drama because of her love relationship with a colleague, whose name was Sima: either she cried because of another quarrel, then he abandoned her, then she had an abortion from him. Ranevskaya called her “HeraSima’s victim.”

One day Yuri Zavadsky, artistic director of the Theater. The Moscow City Council, where Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya worked (and with whom she had a far from rosy relationship), shouted in the heat of the moment to the actress: “Faina Georgievna, you devoured my entire directorial plan with your acting!” “That’s why I feel like I’ve eaten shit!” - Ranevskaya retorted.

“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke anymore, and I never cheated on my husband because I never had one,” Ranevskaya said, anticipating the journalist’s possible questions.

So, if the journalist is keeping up, it means you have no shortcomings at all?

In general, no,” Ranevskaya answered modestly, but with dignity.

True, I have a big ass and sometimes I lie a little!

At a troupe meeting, actors discuss a comrade who is accused of homosexuality: “This is the corruption of youth, this is a crime.”

My God, an unfortunate country where a person cannot control his ass, Ranevskaya sighed.

Today I killed 5 flies: two males and three females.

How did you determine this?

Two were sitting on a beer bottle, and three were on a mirror,” explained Faina Georgievna.

Once at the theater, a young capricious actress said: “The pearls that I will wear in the first act must be real.” “Everything will be real,” Ranevskaya reassures her, “Everything: pearls in the first act, and poison in the last.”

PySy. Re-reading, I realized that most of Ranevskaya’s quotes were familiar to me from anecdotes, so to speak, they went “to the people.” Or maybe people began to attribute witty statements to the actress, who was not afraid to tell people the truth to their face.

Faina Ranevskaya is known throughout the world for her witty, ironic, funny and truthfully accusatory statements. Many of them have become aphorisms and catchphrases. This actress had no equal - she was quoted for generations, and to this day Ranevskaya’s words are the standard of wit and humor. The contribution of this great woman to Russian theatrical and cinematic art is invaluable. Let's remember today one of the most famous phrases of Faina Ranevskaya, which is relevant to this day: “It is better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature.”

Let's think deeply

Ranevskaya very accurately described our society. If we think globally, then, looking into history, we will be able to find a huge number of examples of sincere people with noble impulses and intentions to improve our world and eradicate injustice. As a result, many of them were burned at the stake, shot, killed in various ways for their honest, brave words and deeds. While the cunning ones, who remained silent and sat in the corner, deceiving everyone, successfully got away with it.

This is how our world is tripled - the person who managed to say in time what others wanted to hear from him wins, and real personalities turn out to be abandoned, expelled and unnecessary. Ranevskaya is against this: indeed, it is better to be a decent person and swear than to silently, quietly hate others and pretend to be good. The truth is more expensive for a great actress. Let's be in full agreement with this.

What prevents us from being ourselves?

Impulsive people, such as Faina Ranevskaya, very often have an explosive character. They are interesting and unpredictable, their mood cannot be predicted. These individuals do not hide their thoughts, share their ardent opinions with others, often without observing censorship, and why? Who should they be afraid of? Why should there be some kind of “filters” over a strong and free person that prevent him from being sincere? If he wants to say exactly that, why can’t he do it? If someone doesn't like this style of speech, please don't use it or interact with someone who uses it, it's your choice. In this way (by using obscene language) we protect ourselves from the society of well-behaved silent people who unquestioningly observe the rules and foundations established by society in everything.

You can swear and be. It’s just that each of us expresses our emotions differently: some are sincere and honest, while others prefer to put on a mask and hide their true insides. If you are brave and desperate enough and you have the willpower and courage to say exactly what you think, try it - it’s much more correct than keeping your thoughts in your head, showing in reality a completely different attitude.

What will you choose: polite hypocrisy or brutal truth?

Hypocrisy is a disgusting quality that, unfortunately, is very common in people. It would seem that everything is so simple - tell the truth and that’s it, but no. Difficult, difficult and scary. It's much easier to pretend to be who the other person wants you to be. After all, by acting in this way, it is easier to gain someone’s favor and trust. You can say something neutral that will not contradict the opinion of the interlocutor - let him think that they agree with him, but in reality everything is completely different. Keep silent, and then let him figure out for himself what is there and how. Hence quarrels, misunderstandings and a whole series of human problems of enormous proportions. Here is another proof that a decent person swears than a “quiet, well-mannered creature.”

Obscene language in our lives

From early childhood, we are instilled with the awareness that obscene language is evil, that we need to be polite, friendly and affectionate. “Little girl,” they tell the child, “don’t say the words “damn,” “damn,” “kick-ass” and “fucked up” - it’s ugly. After all, you’re a girl!” And so it is in almost every family. Is it correct? The child will grow up, and sooner or later he will still learn all those “terrible” words that you so carefully tried to protect him from. Then the worst thing will begin - what in most cases the younger generation suffers from: obscene language takes the main place in people’s speech, displacing ordinary vocabulary.

Let's look at things from a realistic perspective: obscene language is a separate part of our language. It has its own special properties. For example, when reading the poems of Yesenin and Mayakovsky, you can come across a “swear word” more than once, but in most cases it is used so appropriately and accurately that no indignation or doubt arises. These poets were brave and free people, despite the time in which they had to exist. They were able to maintain their solid, unbending inner core and even “infect” other people with it. The work of Yesenin and Mayakovsky is another confirmation of the accuracy of the expression “it is better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature.”

Checkmate - is it really that bad?

Mat is not always indecency and aggression. It is this kind of vocabulary that can decorate, sometimes even create a joke, ideally complement a witty and sarcastic phrase, and clearly express your state of mind. You just need to know how to use it, you don’t need to be afraid of such words. You should also not insert them every other letter as an attempt to assert yourself and impress others, but you can use them precisely and to the point, but not everyone can do this. If you are a weak-willed and timid person, then most likely this vocabulary is not for you. This requires impulsiveness, desperation and independence from other people's opinions, mental freedom and space, a good sense of humor and language.

"It's better to be a good person who swears..."

Even if your speech is full of swear words, and your thoughts are crumpled and confused, you will still remain a good person if you have inner strength - your core. Believe me, “it’s better to be a well-mannered person who swears” than a quiet bastard. If you combine aggressiveness and unpredictability with honesty and truthfulness, you definitely won’t keep a stone in your bosom. But what can you expect from people who never say what they think, from those who use sophisticated polite words in their speech, just so as not to seem somehow unworthy and incorrect to others? Nothing good or decent, just inconstancy and hypocrisy.

Faina Ranevskaya once again tells us that openness and sincerity should be valued and that “it is better to be a good person who swears” than a vile quiet person and a coward.

Faina Ranevskaya was a magnificent comedic actress, and she didn’t just play a comedy. She lived it, although her life was more reminiscent of a tragicomedy rather than a light vaudeville. She was one of those women who would not mince words and would easily bash her opponent with a sharp word.

From a hundred or two aphorisms scattered by Ranevskaya along the way - sometimes inadvertently, sometimes in the heat of the moment - we have chosen 30 that would be the envy of any satirist writer:

Optimism is a lack of information.
There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.
There are a million fans, but there is no one to go to the pharmacy.
Loneliness is a condition that you have no one to tell about.
Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.
If a person has done you harm, give him some candy. He is evil to you - you give him candy. And so on until this creature develops diabetes.
The woman is, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?
Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.
If a woman tells a man that he is the smartest, it means she understands that she will not find another such fool.

Frame: Lenfilm

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.
Starring in a bad movie is like spitting into eternity!
I receive letters: “Help me become an actor.” I answer: “God will help!”
Do you know what it's like to act in a movie? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.
- How is life, Faina Georgievna? “I told you last year that it’s shit.” But then it was marzipan.
There are people whom you just want to approach and ask if it’s difficult to live without a brain.
Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.
Animals, which are few in number, are included in the Red Book, and those that are numerous are included in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food.
In my old head there are two, at most three, thoughts, but at times they create such a fuss that it seems like there are thousands of them.
If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

frame: Mosfilm

It’s better to be a good person who “swears” than a quiet, well-mannered creature.
Even under the most pretentious peacock tail there is always an ordinary chicken ass.
I do the hardest part before breakfast. I get out of bed.
Ranevskaya was asked: “Which women, in your opinion, are prone to greater fidelity: brunettes or blondes?” Without hesitation, she answered: “Grey hair!”
There are no fat women, only small clothes.
Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s shortcomings, which I have never encountered in mediocrity.
I noticed that if you don’t eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, or drink beer with fish, your face becomes smaller, but sadder.
December 4, 2015

30 of the most thermonuclear quotes from Faina Ranevskaya! 1. Horseradish, based on the opinions of others, ensures a calm and happy life. 2. My God, how old I am - I still remember decent people! 3. We have been accustomed to single-cell words, scanty thoughts - play Ostrovsky after this! 4. Health is when you have pain in a different place every day. 5. The fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. But reality is when it’s the other way around. 6. Under the most beautiful peacock tail hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen. 7. I’m like eggs: I participate, but I don’t enter. 8. I hate it when a whore pretends to be innocent! 9. All my life I have been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially women. You never know how to talk to them without sinking to their level. 10. Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it. 11. Life is a long leap from the ass to the grave. 12. - You are still young and look great. - I can’t give you the same compliment! - And you, like me, would lie! 13. The brain, the ass and the pill have a soul mate. And I was initially whole. 14. The main thing is to live a living life, and not rummage through the nooks and crannies of memory. 15. If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless. 16. You can’t fart happily with a sad ass. 17. I would send you, but I see you are from there! 18. Beautiful people shit too. 19. Loneliness as a condition cannot be treated. 20. Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, immoral, or leads to obesity. 21. There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms. 22. Everyone is free to dispose of their ass as they please. So I pick mine up and fuck off. 23. So that we can see how much we overeat, our stomach is located on the same side as our eyes. 24. Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards. 25. Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? 26. “Pee-pee” on the tram is all he did in art. 27. Talent is self-doubt and painful dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s shortcomings, which I have never encountered in mediocrity. 28. When Faina Georgievna was asked which women, in her opinion, are prone to greater fidelity - brunettes or blondes, she answered without hesitation: “Grey-haired!” 29. It’s better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature. 30. When I die, bury me and write on the monument: “Died of disgust.”

20 Best pearls of Larisa Guzeeva. 1. Good men are taken apart when they are still puppies! 2. Married does not mean dead! 3. A man, like a toothbrush, should have one owner! And, if not, then it’s already a toilet brush! 4. Your legs are already over, but your dress hasn’t started yet! 5. Frequently changing holes will cause any nail to bend! 6. I thought it was an orgasm, but it turned out to be asthma! 7. ...and the prince is somewhere combing the tail of a white horse and is in no hurry to come to you... 8. Oh, and you’ve been thrown around in other people’s beds! 9. Don't listen to your grandmothers anymore. They, you know, struggle through life themselves, and then pretend to us that they are just dandelions. 10. Happiness is a long-term state. Everything else is an orgasm. 11. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s mouth! 12. Passion is when you love everything that is below your head. 13. Mom tells me: “When you lose your temper, don’t forget to close your mouth!” 14. Marriage has two functions: you can enter, or you can leave! 15. You need to get out of the habit of changing gradually... first change once a week, then once a month... 16. Why marrying you is better than a toad in the mouth! 17. If they truly love you, then they love both the size of your ass and your anti-breasts! 18. As long as his pants are firm, he will have a soft heart. 19. Thumbelina! These are the ones whose butts are an inch off the ground. 20. There is such love that it is better to replace it with execution...

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