Lyubokhon school. Methodical piggy bank. Questions for the crossword


  • systematize and generalize students’ ideas about the world around them from different points of view - through the eyes of an astronomer, geographer, historian, ecologist;
  • develop children’s cognitive activity, the ability to work with additional literature, reason, and draw conclusions;
  • to foster interest and respect for the environment in children

Equipment: ICT presentation, cards with mathematical numbers, signs with the names of groups, tests, handouts for practical work, a globe, crosswords, chips for assessing knowledge.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hurry up to work, hurry up to work!
Today we are waiting for a role-playing game.
And the roles have already been assigned
Meet them, here they are!

Today in class I will need your attention, support and help.

Physical exercise to regulate mental state.

We are happy, we are having fun! We laugh in the morning.
But now the moment has come, it’s time to be serious.
They closed their eyes, folded their arms, lowered their heads, closed their mouths.
And they fell silent for a minute, so as not to hear even a joke,
So as not to see anyone, but only yourself!

After slowly pronouncing these words, there is a pause, after which the children begin to work.

II. Checking homework.

About our wonderful land,

There will be a conversation.

You will tell about Baikal,

We live next to him.

Children's story “How to protect Baikal.” Appendix 1.

III. Repetition of what has been covered.

Close your eyes and listen: “If we close our eyes, we will see nothing, there was nothing before except darkness. And it would have been like this until now, until a blue, sparkling ball appeared. This is our land (Children open their eyes and see a globe). Life has begun. And it’s so important that this continues forever.”

Do you want life to go on?

What is needed for this?

Now you will learn the topic of our lesson. For this you need your mathematical knowledge. Arrange the numbers in ascending order

The title of the topic was “ The world around us

IV. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Each of you tries to keep your workplace, room, and our classroom in order. But the same order is needed in the world around us!

Who will restore order?

Yes, these are our specialists whom you represent! Introduce yourself!

Experts in knowledge of history, astronomy, geography and ecology.

Today in class each group of specialists will answer the question “What is the world around us?” for you, your vision.

So, kids, the game begins!

V. Progress of the game.

Stage 1 “Solve the crossword - find the keyword.”

After completing the crossword puzzle, groups identify a keyword that represents what the world is from that group's point of view.

Crossword for astronomers.

Questions for the crossword:

1. Constellation. 2. A device that astronomers use in their work. 3. A planet named after the goddess of beauty. 4. Constellation by which vision can be determined. 5. The sun is... 6. A planet that shimmers with a bluish color, reminiscent of the color of water. 7. The planet is tiny. 8. American name for the profession of a person flying into space. 9. The bluest planet.

Answers: 1. Bootes. 2.Telecom. 3. Venus. 4. Pleiades. 5.Star. 6. Neptune. 7.Pluto. 8.Astronaut 9. Earth. Keyword- UNIVERSE.

Crossword for geographers.

Questions for the crossword:

1. The most extreme point of the globe, through which passes earth's axis. 2.The smallest continent. 3.Image earth's surface on a plane. 4. The thermal zone in which we live. 5. An imaginary line connecting the north and south poles. 6. An imaginary line that divides globe to the northern and southern hemispheres. 7.The largest continent by area.

Answers: 1. Pole. 2. Australia. 3. Map. 4. Moderate. 5. Meridian. 6. Equator. 7. Eurasia. The key word is PLANET.

Crossword for historians.

Questions for the crossword:

1. Records that were kept year after year about the events of their time in Rus'. 2. Document storage. 3. History specialist. 4. The events that happened after the birth of Christ are...5. Ten centuries. 6. Counting years is called... 7. The science that studies the past by studying ancient objects extracted from the earth.

Answers: 1. Chronicle. 2.Archive. 3. Historian. 4. Our era. 5. Millennium. 6. Calculation of years. 7. Archeology. The key word is PAST.

Crossword for ecologists.

Questions for the crossword:

1. International environmental organization. 2. Natural heritage of Russia - lakes... 3. The most outstanding sights of nature and culture - World... 4. National Park of Africa. 5. The science of the interaction of living organisms with each other and the environment in which they live. 6. It contains the rarest species of plants and animals that need protection. 7. Our planet depends on each person. 8. Moscow ... - World cultural heritage. 9. Tomb of King Mausolus from the Seven Wonders of the World.

Answers: 1. Greenpeace. 2.Baikal. 3.Legacy. 4.Serengeti. 5. Ecology. 6. The Red Book. 7. Future. 8.Kremlin. 9. Mausoleum. The key word is REAL.

All groups work simultaneously. After solving the crossword puzzle, children name the key words and find a suitable illustration for their word.

The world around us is the Universe, the planet, the past, the present.

Physical exercise.

“I REALLY WANT TO WORK” (In a situation where the children are tired and the work ahead is difficult. It is necessary to correct the mental state to stimulate activity and ability to work. The teacher says the words, and the children repeat the words to themselves after each line, or they can collectively speak out loud, but better to yourself. Eyes closed.)

Oh, how I want to work!
I want to do everything.
To be proud of your work,
Let the work continue!
I am both cheerful and strong,

I'll do all the work.
I will show my will.
I will keep my word!

Stage 2“Practical work” using handouts.

Astronomers assembling the model solar system.

Materials: album sheet, glue, pencils, scissors, image of planets, Sun.

Find out the planets, find their place, write the name.

Geographers collect a map of the hemispheres.

Materials: two circles from a landscape sheet, pencils, glue, scissors, contours of the continents.

Recognize and label the continents and oceans.

Historians use a “timeline” to determine in which century this happened and designate it using Roman numerals.

Material: handout.

Ecologists work with a world map.

Materials: world map, cards with the names of World Heritage sites, tape, scissors.

Find the locations of these World Heritage Sites.

Groups work simultaneously. After finishing the work, the groups share what work they did. They draw a conclusion.

Stage 3 – test “Earth and humanity”

Now each of you will work independently, the more correct answers each person gets, the higher the score will be. total score your group.

Students are given cards with the test “Earth and Humanity.

1. Science that studies cosmic bodies and the systems they form and the Universe as a whole is called...

2. The first person to set foot on the lunar surface was...

a) Yuri Gagarin
b) Neil Armstrong
c) Alexey Leonov

3. A conventional image of the Earth’s surface on a plane is called...

a) globe
b) geographical map

4. Which of the data constellations - Big Dog?

5. The thermal belt passing through the equator is called...

a) polar
b) tropical
c) moderate

6.Valuable finds of antiquity are kept...

a) in the archives
b) in museums

7. In 1837, the first passenger road was built in Russia. What century is this?

a) XVII century b) XVIII century
c) XIX century d) XX century

8. “The lungs of our planet” are called...

a) coniferous forests
b) tropical forests
c) deciduous forests

9. The “Giant Panda” emblem has...

a) Greenpeace
b) World Wildlife Fund

10. The historical center of St. Petersburg is…

a) natural heritage of Russia;
b) cultural heritage of Russia

Summing up

What is home for humanity? (planet Earth)

What is important for every person to understand? (You must be able to appreciate what you have, what surrounds you and take care of it)

VII. Knowledge assessment.

The work of each player is evaluated, the winning team is determined, and grades are assigned.

Summary of the lesson (display of a video clip as a summary of knowledge in the section “Earth and Humanity”) Appendix 2.

IX. Homework.

In front of you are squares of green and yellow colors. Choose any. If you chose a yellow square, then for the next lesson write an essay on the topic: “How I would like to see the world around us”; If you chose a green square, then prepare an essay on the topic: “Problems of Lake Baikal.”

Test work for 4th grade in the section: “Earth and humanity”

1.Which lake is the deepest in our country?

a) Caspian Sea

b) Baikal

c) Seliger

2.What is the name of the science of the past? Write down your answer:


3.Underline the years dating back to the 17th century:

1700 1580 1600 1612

4.What is astronomy? Choose an answer:

a) science of the universe

b) the science of human structure

c) plant science

5. Indicate the name of the celestial body, which is a luminous spot with a stripe in the shape of a tail?

a) comet b) meteorite c) planet

6.Tell which planet has rings consisting of a huge number of stones and blocks?

a) near the Earth b) near Saturn c) near Mars

7.Which star is the brightest in the sky?

A) North Star

b) Aldebaran

c) Sirius

8.Indicate which star indicates the exact direction to the north?

a) Polaris

b) Sirius

c) Aldebaran

9. Determine the country in which the first globe appeared. Underline the correct answer.

Ancient Greece, Germany, China, France

10. A reduced image of the earth’s surface on a plane using conventional symbols is called..... Write down the answer: ____________________

11. What is geography? Please indicate your answer:

a) science of the universe

b) earth science

c) human science

12. Underline the correct answer. Which ruler established the counting of years from the Nativity of Christ?

Ivan the Terrible Dmitry Donskoy

Peter I Yuri Dolgoruky

13.During practical work, students distributed historical sources into subgroups. Check out their work. Who made the mistake?

Masha: material sources - tools, structures, decorations, household items.

Artem: oral historical sources - tales, legends, proverbs, books.

Misha: written historical sources - ancient manuscripts, trade orders, letters, chronicles.

14. Write down the name of the ocean where Thor Heyerdahl traveled _________________________________

15. Match. Which World Heritage sites are located in our country and which ones are abroad? Connect with arrows

A) in our country 1) Taj Mahal

B) abroad 4) Abu Simbel

16. Fill in the missing words:

1) An image of one of the rarest animals in the world, which is called the “bamboo bear” - emblem international organization _________________________________

2._____________________prepared and published the International Red Book.

3. ________________ translated from English language means "Green World"

Words for reference: Greenpeace,WWF, IUCN

21.08.2014 4604 0


1. Systematize and generalize students’ ideas about the world around them from different points of view – through the eyes of an astronomer, geographer, historian, ecologist.

2. Develop children’s cognitive activity, the ability to work with additional literature, reason, and generalize.

Equipment: physical map peace; travel map “Country” The world around us"; cards with words; drawings depicting constellations.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Great things will happen today,

The tasks are already prepared...

Get up together

It's time for us to go

A difficult road awaits us...

Teacher. Guys, today in class we are going on a trip around the country “The World Around us”. Look at the plan map and tell me which cities are on our way.

II. Working on the material covered.

Students. Our road goes through the city of Astronomy, the city of Geography, the city of History and the city of Ecology.

Teacher. Challenges await us in every city. The residents of these cities prepared a task for us. Only the smartest and most savvy will be able to overcome these difficulties of the road. And we take knowledge and skills with us on the journey. So, first test!

Cards on the board:

Teacher.Completed the task correctly. Now let's hit the road. And in front of us is the cityAstronomy. The residents of this city have prepared a crossword puzzle for us. You must solve it and read the highlighted word.

Questions for the crossword:

1. Planet of the solar system on which there is life. 2. A device that astronomers use in their work. 3. A planet named after the goddess of beauty. 4. A planet that is located between Saturn and Neptune. 5. Constellation by which you can test your vision. 6. The largest planet in the solar system. 7. The planet that bears the name of the god of the seas. 8. Baby planet.

Teacher. What does this word mean?

Students. This is the name of our Galaxy.

Teacher. What makes up the Solar System?

Students. Sun and 9 planets.

Teacher. What is their common name?

Students. Celestial bodies.

Teacher. What is a constellation called?

Students. This is a group of stars.

Teacher. What are these constellations and stars called?


1. Canis Major, Sirius.

2. Ursa Minor, Polar Star.

3. Ursa Major.

Teacher. Right. And now another city awaits us - Geography.

High mountains

Big seas

Wide rivers

They meet you.

The people of this city call us to play.

Game "Navigators and Geographers"

The game is played on the map of the hemispheres in pairs. The navigator selects the beginning of the route, determines the route using a map of the hemispheres, applying a ruler to it. The geographer determines which parts of the world, continents and oceans they fly over.

The teacher calls two students to the board and plays the game. The rest of the students are passengers, checking the route.

The game is played 5–6 times.

Teacher. Well done! Residents of the city of Geography are very pleased with your answers. They wish you a good trip. And we move on...

And on the streets of this city we meet ancient coins, bast shoes, and a kerosene lamp. This is the city of History. A new test awaits us.

It is necessary to insert a word instead of dots for the statement to be true.

“The science that studies the past is called... (story). Document storage –… (archive). The science that learns about the past by studying ancient objects and structures found during excavations is ... (archeology). Recording events year after year -... (chronicle). A scientist who digs up amazing finds from the ground is... (archaeologist).

Students do the work independently. Then the teacher reads out one statement at a time, and the students look for answers in the fillword. Words in a fillword are read up, down, right, left, and even at an angle, but do not intersect.

The teacher opens a fillword on the board.

Students look for clue words.

Students do the exercises for the teacher.

A river flows from afar...

The river flows... The river flows...

It's so good when the river

Both wide and deep!

Above her are more magnificent clouds,

Fresh breath of the breeze,

The forest above her is slimmer and taller,

And the coastal meadow is greener!

III. Repetition of covered material.

Teacher. Here we come to the next city - Ecology. There is a clean river, lush clouds, fresh air and green meadow.

Three students make messages. The rest hand in their work to the teacher.

Teacher. Well done! We went through all the main cities of the big country “The World Around us”.

So what is the world around us?

Students. The world around us is the Universe, our planet, past, present, celestial bodies Solar system, surface of the Earth, historical sources, World Heritage, flora and fauna.

Teacher. Now, in order to return home, we must answer the questions on the Earth and Humanity test.

Students are given cards with test"Earth and Humanity".

1. The science that studies cosmic bodies and the systems they form and the Universe as a whole is called:

a) ecology; c) geography;

b) astronomy; d) history.

2. A conventional image of the Earth's surface on a plane is called:

a) globe;

3. The thermal zone passing through the equator is called:

a) polar;

b) moderate;

c) tropical.

4. We live in a thermal zone:

a) polar;

b) moderate;

c) tropical.

5. Valuable finds of antiquity are stored:

a) in the archives;

b) museums;

6. The “lungs” of our planet are called:

a) coniferous forests;

b) deciduous forests;

c) tropical forests.

7. In 1837, the first passenger road in Russia was built. What century is this?

a) XIII century; c) XVIII century;

b) XIX century; d) 20th century.

8. The "Giant Panda" emblem has:

a) Greenpeace;

b) World Wildlife Fund.

9. The historical center of St. Petersburg is:

a) natural heritage of Russia;

10. Lake Baikal is:

a) natural heritage of Russia;

b) cultural heritage of Russia.

Answers to the test: 1(b), 2(b), 3(c), 4(b), 5(a, b), 6(c), 7(b), 8(b) , 9(b), 10(a).

Teacher. Now you need to sign your tests like this:

Students hand in their work.

Teacher. Look how beautiful everything is

Look how spacious it is!

Like a mother bending down a willow tree,

And we returned home!

IV. Lesson summary. Grading.

Teacher. What is home for us?

Students. Planet Earth.

Teacher. How should each person relate to his home, to nature?


Write a mini-essay “How I would like to see the world around us.”

Control test on the surrounding world, Earth and humanity, grade 4 with answers. The test includes 7 tasks.

Check what you have learned by studying this section. Next to each skill, put one of the signs:

“+” - I can do it;
“−” - sometimes I experience difficulties;
"?" - I find it difficult to answer.

1. Talk about the world from the point of view of an astronomer, geographer, historian, ecologist.
2. Conduct simple astronomical observations.
3. Use a globe and map to obtain information about the Earth.
4. Make models of planets and constellations, a model of the Solar system.
5. Match the date historical event with age, find the place of the event on the timeline.
6. Analyze environmental problems and propose ways to solve them.
7. Give examples of UNESCO World Heritage sites and animals from the international Red Book.

Make sure your answers are correct. To do this, complete tasks 1-7. Please note: the task numbers are the same as the skill numbers.

1. The parents of Misha, Andrei and Alexei are scientists. Using the boys' stories, determine what sciences their parents study. Match children's stories with the names of sciences.

Children's stories

A) Misha said that his dad is studying the climate of the Earth’s continents, the dependence of weather on human economic activity.
B) Andrey said that his mother works with archival documents.
C) Alexey said that his dad studies planets and other cosmic bodies of the solar system.

Names of sciences

1) history
2) astronomy
3) geography

2. Which star can be used to determine the direction north? Circle the number of the correct answer.

1) Sirius
2) Aldebaran
3) Polaris

3. Which map is more convenient to use when talking about the shapes of the earth's surface in our country? Place a check mark (✓) next to the number of the correct answer.

1) map of the hemispheres
2) political map of the world
3) physical map of Russia
4) star map
5) historical map of Russia in the 18th century.
6) physical map of the world

4. Look at the image. The planets of the solar system (Jupiter, Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Mars) are marked on it with numbers. Determine which planet is indicated by which number. Write down your answer.

1 — ___________
2 — ___________
3 — ___________
4 — ___________
5 — ___________
6 — ___________
7 — ___________
8 — ___________

5. On which timeline the date of a historical event is correctly correlated ( Patriotic War 1812) and century? Place a checkmark (✓) on the corresponding pattern number.

1 Years 1812
2 Years 1812
3 Years 1812

6. Select one of the environmental problems, check the box (✓) and describe its consequences.

1) the problem of disappearing tropical forests
2) ocean pollution problem
3) garbage problem

7. Which UNESCO World Heritage Sites are located in our country? Select the names of objects from the list and circle their numbers.

1) Victoria Falls
2) Golden Mountains of Altai
3) historical center of St. Petersburg
4) Grand Canyon National Park
5) Great Barrier Reef
6) Kizhi churchyard

Answers to a control test on the world around us, Earth and humanity, grade 4
1. A3 B1 C2
2. 3
3. 3
1 - Mercury
2 - Venus
3 - Mars
4 - Earth
5 - Jupiter
6 - Saturn
7 - Uranus
8 - Neptune
5. 1
2) Pollution of the World Ocean is the most important environmental problem of our century. And we must fight it. Today there are many dangerous ocean pollutants: oil, petroleum products, various chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and radioactive waste, waste water, plastics and the like. To solve this acute problem, it will be necessary to unite the forces of all people on the planet, as well as strict and strict implementation of environmental laws.
7. 236

The origin of human history is covered in darkness for the philosopher, and already in the most ancient times such oddities are noticed that are incompatible with one or another philosophical system; therefore, many, in despair, chose to cut the knot and now see on earth only the ruins of former settlements, and in the human race - the remnants of the former humanity, who fled to the mountains or hid in caves while the entire planet was experiencing, in its previous situation, its own, as they say the day of the Last Judgment. The reason inherent in present-day humanity, the arts and traditions known to it - this is supposedly nothing more than saved booty - all this once belonged to the lost original world 1 *, and that is why in the mind, arts and traditions of people, on the one hand, a certain brilliance, explained by the fact that they are based on the experience of many millennia, and on the other hand, they cannot be fully clarified, because thanks to the people preserved from the past world, the culture of the two worlds is connected as if by the Isthmian Isthmus, and at the same time gets confused. If this opinion is true, then there can be no pure philosophy of human history, for our race and all its arts are simply slag left after the destruction of the world as it was before. Let's see now whether this hypothesis is sound, which turns both the earth and human history into chaos, into a tangle that is inaccessible to any unraveling.

In any case, this hypothesis is not based on the observation of the original structure of our Earth, because the first devastations and cataclysms that occurred on Earth do not imply the existence of humanity, which has outlived its time, but relate to the very circle of creation, thanks to which only the opportunity to live on Earth appeared 2*.

1* See, first of all, the thoughtful “Experience on the Origin of the Knowledge of Truth and Sciences.” Berlin, 1781 1. The hypothesis that our globe was formed from the ruins of another world is shared by many naturalists for a variety of reasons.

2* The facts confirming my judgments are scattered in various books on the natural history of the Earth, partly known from Buffon, so I will not frame each of my positions with quotes.

In ancient granite, which made up inner core our planet, as far as this rock has been studied, they do not find traces of dead organic beings; granite does not contain them, and its components do not imply their presence. Probably, the tops of the granite rocks rose high above sea level, because they did not experience the influence of the water element, but on such bare rocks a person could not breathe, nor could he find food for himself. The air surrounding these shapeless rocks was not yet separated from water and fire; it was burdened with a wide variety of materials, which in various combinations and in different periods over time, they gradually descended onto the skeleton of the Earth and gave it shape, but such air could not yet give breath to the most complex creature of the Earth, nor preserve its living spirit. Therefore, the first living creatures arose in water, and they arose with all the power of the first-creating force, which could not manifest itself in anything else, and therefore gave itself an organic structure only in myriads of mollusks - no one but them could live in this sea laden with births. The earth continued to take its shape, and the mollusks often died; their destroyed bodies served as the basis for the formation of more complex organic creatures. The more the primordial rock was freed from water, the more it was fertilized by sediments of the sea, that is, elements and organic creatures combined with water, the more hastened the plant creation to catch up in its development with water creatures, and on bare earth, on land, it now began to growth of everything that could grow. But even in the greenhouses of this zone of earth, land, not a single earthly animal could yet live. On the peaks where Lapland grasses now grow, fossilized plants from the hot zones of the Earth are found - clear evidence that a hot climate reigned in the fog that surrounded the Earth. But even such air, rich in vapors, should have already been purified to a significant extent, because huge masses of matter had already fallen to the ground and because the delicate plant requires air for itself; but since among all the imprints of plants there are no animals, much less human bones, it is very likely that neither animals nor humans were on Earth then, because neither the material for their creation nor the food necessary to support them was ready life. And so on - the Earth experiences several more upheavals, and finally, in the upper layers of clay and sand we find the skeletons of elephants and rhinoceroses, because what was previously mistaken for human skeletons located in the deeper layers of fossils raises great doubts even among more accurate naturalists recognized as the remains of marine animals. And on Earth nature began with the formation of the hottest countries and, as it seems, with the most monstrous size of living creatures, just as in the sea nature began with mollusks covered with shells and with giant ammonites; at least, along with numerous skeletons of elephants, which were carried to one place by the flow of water and were often preserved along with the skin, snakes and sea animals were found, but not the bodies of people. And even

if they were found, then, quite undoubtedly, they would belong to much more new era compared to the ancient mountains, where there is nothing living of this kind at all. This is what the oldest book of the earth tells us with its layers of clay, slate, marble, limestone and sand; but what speaks here in favor of such a “re-creation” of the earth, which supposedly experienced one kind of people, supposedly giving rise to the people now living on Earth? Rather, everything that the book of Earth says indicates the following: having experienced a number of preliminary cataclysms. The Earth, from a chaotic mixture of matters and forces, under the influence of the life-giving heat of the creative spirit, turned into a special, original whole, and in the end, the crown of all creation could appear on Earth - man, a complex and subtle being. So, systems that, instilling fear and horror in us, tell how just ten times all parts of the Earth and the poles changed places, just one hundred times the entire inhabited and cultivated world was turned over from head to toe, how people fled from country to country and found their grave under the rubble of rocks and at the bottom of the sea - all these systems contradict the structure of the Earth, or at least are not confirmed by its structure, although it cannot be denied that the Earth has undergone many upheavals and catastrophes. Fractures of ancient rocks, ore veins, collapsed piles of rocks do not indicate that the earth was inhabited even earlier - before the present earth arose, even if the ancient mass had suffered such a fate and was completely melted down, then, of course, , nothing living would remain from this former world. So, the Earth, the history of the living world inhabiting the Earth, as it has developed now, all this for the researcher is a complete problem that awaits its solution. Let's come closer to this problem and ask.

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