Object method not detected distribution cuts

Good day to all!

Many of us encounter 1C Company software products in our activities. Moreover, some of us sometimes even have to service 1C products. Sometimes in this “wonderful” service process various incidents arise. Today we will talk about one of them.

Namely, the topic of this material: How to fix an error that occurs in 1C - Could not connect to another program: Object method not found (Connect).

If you are lucky enough to see the same error as in this screenshot, read on to find out how to fix it 😉

A little introductory theory:

1C:Enterprise 8.x provides various interesting opportunities for organizing data exchange with other software systems. Along with the mechanism OLE Automation the concept of a COM connection was also introduced, which allows for reliable and faster access to 1C:Enterprise 8.0 data from external applications that support this technology.

To organize access to 1C:Enterprise 8.0 data via COM connection is created COM object with ID V8.COMConnector, with the help of which the connection is established. Then the Connect method of the previously created V8.COMConnector object is called. Connect method returns a link to a COM connection object with the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 infobase. And through the received COM connection object, the valid methods, properties and objects of the infobase with which the connection is established are accessed.

Now, knowing where the legs grow from, let's move on to practice. Let's say (during an update or some other operation) you received an error like:

To fix the error that occurs in 1C - the object method was not found (connect), you need to do the following:

In the latest versions of Windows operating systems, go to “Component Services”. This functionality is called by the following sequence: Control Panel - Administration - Component Services.

Select: Computers – My Computer – COM+ Applications – Create an application – Create a new application – enter the name “V82COMConnector” (the “Server application” switch) – Specified user (Administrator)

In the thread that appears V82COMConnector– select the Components sub-branch – create a new component – ​​Install new components – \bin\comcntr.dll

Right-click on the V82COMConnector branch - Properties - Security - uncheck the "Force access check for applications" - check the box "Apply software restriction policy" - Restriction level "Unrestricted":

Also in user profiles C:\Users\OurUser\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart.cfg change the parameter UseHWLicenses=0 to UseHWLicenses=1

After all these changes, you can (for the purity of the experiment) restart the computer and enjoy further work in 1C, but without this error (!)

P.S. Small bonus at the end: 1C update as administrator

Quite often, some of your remote clients are accountants, etc. - cannot independently update 1C software products, he requires administrator rights, and he does not want or is “afraid” to right-click on the shortcut (and select “Run as administrator”). That's why he constantly annoys our brother IT specialist.

Let's right-click for him, but do it once and forget about this topic forever!

So, let’s do a one-time setup - right-click on the 1C launch shortcut, select “Properties”, click “Change settings for all users” and check the box “Run this program as an administrator”. Then click OK a couple of times and forget about the “fearful” client 😉

I hope you were able to find some useful information here for yourself. Write in the comments about your “tricks” - together we will bring educational benefits.

Goodbye and all the best! 😉

Everyone knows that any software can give various glitches from time to time or, simply put, not work properly. Such failures that lead to disruption of the proper functioning of the system are called mistakes. The 1c program is a software product (software), therefore, in this program, various errors may also occur that lead to incorrect operation of the system. can be very diverse, and if you do not have a number of special knowledge in the field of programming and the specifics of the internal mechanisms of 1C, then you will not be able to correctly understand and diagnose the error, much less correct it. Any of our 1c programmer is always ready to help you in resolving any issues related to 1s errors!

What causes errors in the 1C database?

Now let's talk a little about why various things can happen. errors in 1s database when working with the program. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons and they can all have completely different reasons. And yet, we will try to understand in general terms the reason for the emergence of various errors in 1s.

Types of errors in the 1C database

Errors in 1s There can be a great variety and they can happen for a variety of reasons. In this article we will not consider all possible 1c errors; we will try to highlight the so-called main “types” of errors encountered. We conventionally call them “types” since the content of the error that the program shows you is usually always different, but the essence is often the same. So let's highlight the most common ones errors in 1s database:

  1. Stream format error
  2. Object field not found
  3. Object method not found
  4. Not enough memory
  5. Errors related to SQL tables (relevant for 1C servers that run on relational databases, such as MySQL)
  6. Access error 1s

Stream format error in 1s

1s stream format error

Object field not found

Object field not found

The index is outside the bounds of the array

Error 1c

Stream format error in 1s

This error very often occurs when a sequence of commands is mistakenly read from bytecode in a stream, which is why it is called 1s stream format error. Any transaction will be aborted if this error occurs as a result of its execution. Such errors require immediate correction as they can harm the operation of the 1C Enterprise system. These errors can only be corrected by qualified 1C programmers.

Object field not found

If the 1c system gives you an error message with the text " Object field not found", this means that the error occurs in a situation when the program tries to access an attribute (field) of an object that simply does not exist. This error has the nature of a “runtime error” if it occurs in 1C Enterprise. Errors of this kind can also only be corrected programmers.

The index is outside the bounds of the array

An array in programming is a certain memory area in which many objects of the same type are stored (in 1c such types can be, for example, DirectoryLink, DocumentObject, etc., as well as any primitive types such as number, string, Boolean, etc.). Error 1c associated with going beyond the bounds of an array occurs precisely when a program accesses the boundaries of the memory that is allocated for the array. Accordingly, the program in this case generates an error and notifies the user (programmer) that an access outside the array is occurring, and this in turn is a software error.

Object method not found

A similar error occurs when the system tries to access a method (function) of an object whose description does not exist in the code. Errors of this type can be corrected by programmers.

Not enough memory in 1s

This error occurs if the system runs out of all RAM allocated for the needs of executing programs in the operating system, which is why the program generates the error " Not enough memory in 1s". It can occur during various events such as updating a configuration, processing a large file, when generating a report, loading a large database, etc. The user can try to fix such an error himself.

Possible fix for 1c error “Not enough memory”

The error lies in the limited allocation of address memory by the operating system for software (software).
The default address memory limits are:

  • for a 32-bit system – 2GB
  • for 64 bit – 4 GB

In order to increase the address memory size you need to do the following:

  1. Launch the command line: “Start – Run” - type CMD and press enter
  2. Now in the command line enter the text without quotes “bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072″, where 3072 is the size of the desired address memory
  3. Reboot your operating system(computer)
  4. Try to perform that action in 1C that did not work before and resulted in an error.
  5. If everything worked out and the operation is not repeated so often, it is recommended to return the address memory size to the default value using the command “bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva”

Errors related to SQL tables

Errors of this kind usually occur on the server side, when the system accesses the table and cannot read the data. This error can occur due to incorrect server configuration, as well as due to damage to SQL tables. In particularly difficult situations, it may not even be possible to restore the database, and then only an archived copy of the database can save you. We strongly recommend making timely backup copies of the database.

Access error in 1s

This error occurs when a user tries to perform an action that is prohibited by access rights (roles). This is why the system issues an access error of 1s. Roles are configured in the configurator by the programmer.

Couldn't fix the error in 1s?

If you were unable to fix any error in 1C, don’t despair, pick up the phone and call us! Our specialists are always ready to help you resolve any issues related to 1C, including errors that arise during the operation of the system.

You (or the user) work in 1C. Suddenly - an error. What to do?

Of course, the most correct thing is to analyze what the 1C error is, its causes, spend an hour or two to find out what’s what.

What to do if this is not possible? No time, no desire, not enough knowledge. Here are some very harmful tips for quickly correcting errors in 1C.

Error message 1C

The typical type of 1C error message is a window with the text of the 1C error and the OK and More buttons.

The text of the 1C error displayed here is a user message; it often does not mean anything to the programmer, since the displayed 1C error may be the result of some incorrect actions.

To correct 1C errors, you need to click More in this window to see the programmer’s 1C error message. It states:

  • , in which a 1C error occurred
  • The function of this module in which the 1C error occurred
  • The line number of this module in which the 1C error occurred.

You can also click on the Configurator button, and then the configurator will be opened, this module, this function on this line, after which you can correct the 1C error.

Tricks for Understanding Errors

As just said, the text of a 1C error is very often a consequence of previously performed incorrect actions.

For example, a very common 1C error text reads:

The value is not a value object type(What a Name)

What would this mean???

And this means the following:

  • There is a variable
  • The program assumes that the value of the variable is a directory or document or something else similar - in general it has details (fields)
  • The program attempts to access a field of this object
  • However, the 1C error is that for some reason in the previous lines of the program this variable received a value that does not have any details (fields), for example the value “Undefined”.

Correcting 1C errors that are more common

Of course, we cannot consider all the errors that may exist in 1C right now.
Let's try to briefly list 1C errors that occur frequently, as well as harmful tips for quickly correcting 1C errors.

  • If the variable is of type Boolean (that is, it accepts the values ​​True and False), then it can be accessed like this:

    If VariableName Then

    This writing is similar:
    If VariableName = True Then

    However, if for some reason this variable takes on a non-Boolean value, then the first option will give a 1C error, but the second will not.

  • "Function name XXX not found"

    Some modules are executed on the server. Moreover, some functions of the same module can be executed on the server or on the client.

    In this case, a 1C error may occur that a function running on the server is calling a function that is running on the client. In this case, there will be such a 1C error.

    It is necessary to move such a function to the server, if possible.

  • "Variable named XXX not found"

    Similar to the previous 1C error. If the program contains a call to a function that is located in a common module, then it looks like this:

    If it is set in the properties of the module that it is executed on the client, and we are accessing from those lines of the program that are executed on the server, then there will be a 1C error
    "Variable not found - ModuleName"

    It is necessary to similarly enable the execution of this module on the server.

  • "Property XXX was not detected on the object"

    The word “Property” means the field of this object (attribute). Necessary:
    o Determine what kind of object it is
    o If this is a reference book, a document, you need to see if the property is really called that
    o If it is or – look at the details of the form with that name.

  • "Method Xxxx was not detected on the object"

    The word “method” refers to a function/procedure in a module of this object.

    o Determine what kind of object it is
    o Find its module (object module if it is a 1C object, form module if it is a form)
    o Check for the presence of a function with the same name.

  • “Error 1C when executing a request”

    This means there is a 1C error in the request text. The request text is usually defined in the program earlier (that is, higher) than it is executed. Look for the query text in this module (with your eyes above or by searching for the word “SELECT”).

    Try to analyze the request text or by right-clicking on the request text and try to open the request designer to get a hint.

  • “1C layout error” - when running a report

    This 1C error means either a 1C error in the request text or a 1C error in ACS settings (often in groupings, in selected fields, in conditional formatting).

    Try starting with the settings, greatly simplifying them. Check that in the selected fields and conditional formatting there are no fields marked with a cross in the list.

    If it doesn't help, try going to the request body and using the request builder to get a hint.

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