Guidelines for environmental protection. Environmental protection in construction. Construction of subgrade and road pavement

Industry road methodological document ODM 218.3.031-2013
(recommended by order of the Federal Road Agency dated April 24, 2013 N 600-r)

Introduced for the first time

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This industry road methodological document contains recommendations on environmental protection during the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways and is aimed at increasing the environmental safety of highways and bridge structures and reducing their negative environmental impact.

1.2 The provisions of this methodological document are intended for use by construction and operating organizations performing work on the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways in the field of road infrastructure.

2. Normative references

This methodological document contains references to the following documents:

GOST State standard. Protection of Nature. Hydrosphere. Indicators of the condition and rules of taxation of fishery water bodies.

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements for recreational areas of water bodies.

GOST Nature conservation. Land reclamation. Terms and Definitions.

GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological land reclamation.

GOST 2761-84 Sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules.

GOST 20444-85 State standard of the USSR. Noise. Transport flows. Methods for measuring noise characteristics.

GOST 30772-2001 Interstate standard. Resource saving. Waste management. Terms and Definitions.

GOST 31330.1-2006 (ISO 11819-1:1997) Interstate standard. Noise. Assessment of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Part 1. Statistical method.

3. Terms and definitions

In this ODM, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used.

3.1 drainage: Any discharge of water, including waste water and (or) drainage water, into water bodies.

3.2 turf: The surface layer of soil intertwined with living and dead roots, shoots and rhizomes of perennial grasses.

3.3 pollutant: A substance or mixture of substances, the quantity and (or) concentration of which exceeds the standards established for chemical substances, including radioactive substances, other substances and microorganisms and has a negative impact on the environment.

3.4 earthing: A lawn care activity that involves spreading a layer of humus soil over the surface of the area.

3.5 tinning: A system of measures to maintain and increase productivity (by strengthening the turf, thickening it), used on slopes, beams, river terraces, hills, etc.

3.6 limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms: Limitations on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms into the environment, established for the period of environmental protection measures, including the introduction of the best existing technologies, in order to achieve standards in the field of environmental protection.

3.7 waste disposal limit: The maximum permissible amount of waste of a specific type that is allowed to be disposed of in a certain way for a specified period of time in waste disposal facilities, taking into account the environmental situation in the given territory.

3.8 maximum sound level: The sound level of non-constant noise corresponding to the maximum reading of a measuring, direct-indicating device (sound level meter) during a visual reading, or the sound level exceeded during 1% of the duration of the measuring interval when recording noise by an automatic evaluation device (statistical analyzer).

3.9 standards for permissible emissions and discharges of chemical substances: Standards that are established for subjects of economic and other activities in accordance with the mass indicators of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, permissible for entry into the environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in the established mode and taking into account technological standards, and, subject to which, environmental quality standards are ensured.

3.10 waste generation standard: A specified amount of waste of a specific type during the production of a unit of product.

3.11 environment: A set of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

3.12 environmental protection: Activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals, aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and the elimination of its consequences.

3.13 waste: Residues or additional product generated during or at the completion of a particular activity and not used in direct connection with that activity.

3.14 Production and consumption waste in the road sector: Residues of products or an additional product formed during the process or upon completion of a certain technological process in a road organization and not used during construction, reconstruction, or major repairs. repair and maintenance of roads and road infrastructure.

Examples. 1 Milled asphalt concrete or asphalt concrete residues obtained as a result of cutting off the edges of the pavement are not waste if they are used by road organizations; but are waste when transported for disposal to another organization.

2 Snow collected when clearing roads is not road waste, because it is not formed as a result of a technological process carried out by road organizations, but when removing it, the requirements established by the methodological recommendations and section 13 of these methodological recommendations must be observed.

3.15 waste passport: A document certifying that the waste belongs to the waste of the corresponding type and hazard class, containing information about its composition.

3.16 maximum permissible emission: The standard for the maximum permissible emission of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, which is established for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account technical standards for emissions and background air pollution, provided that this source does not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible (critical) loads on ecological systems, other environmental standards.

3.17 maximum permissible concentration (MPC): The concentration of a pollutant in the atmospheric air does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on present or future generations throughout life, does not reduce a person’s performance, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions.

3.18 maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of a chemical in soil: A comprehensive indicator of the content of chemicals in soil that is harmless to humans.

3.19 wastewater: Waters discharged into water bodies after their use or drained from a contaminated area.

3.20 equivalent (energy) sound level: The sound level of a continuous noise that has the same root mean square sound pressure value as the non-continuous noise under study during a specified time interval, in dBA.

4. General requirements for environmental protection when performing construction and repair work on roads and bridge structures

4.1. Land use

The use of land is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 N 136-FZ and is aimed at ensuring the safety of environmental systems.

Construction and operating organizations that are in charge of land plots occupied by a highway under construction or in operation carry out activities to:

Soil conservation;

Protecting lands from water and wind erosion, mudflows, flooding, swamping, secondary salinization, desiccation, compaction, chemical pollution, littering with industrial and consumer waste, which results in land degradation;

Protecting the right of way of highways from overgrowing with trees and shrubs, weeds, eliminating the consequences of pollution and land littering;

Reclamation of disturbed lands.

4.2. Air protection

Atmospheric air protection is carried out in accordance with Federal Law of May 4, 1999 N 96-FZ.

Actions aimed at changing the state of atmospheric air and atmospheric phenomena can be carried out only in the absence of harmful consequences for human life and health and for the environment on the basis of permits issued by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection.

When placing, constructing, reconstructing and operating road infrastructure facilities (asphalt asphalt plants, quarries, other production sites), atmospheric air quality standards must not be exceeded in accordance with environmental, sanitary and hygienic, as well as construction standards and regulations.

When locating road infrastructure facilities that have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air within urban and other settlements, the background level of atmospheric air pollution and the forecast of changes in its quality during the implementation of this activity are taken into account.

In order to protect atmospheric air, sanitary protection zones are established for enterprises in places where the population lives, and sanitary gaps are established for highways. The dimensions of such sanitary protection zones and sanitary gaps are determined on the basis of calculations of the dispersion of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air and in accordance with the sanitary classification of enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/

Projects for the construction of sections of highways that may have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air provide for measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air.

The placement of road infrastructure facilities that have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air is agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure with the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection or with its territorial bodies.

When operating road infrastructure facilities, in case of exceeding established standards, the gases emitted into the atmosphere are cleaned. The choice of gas cleaning equipment and the degree of gas purification is carried out in accordance with the calculations made in the volume of maximum permissible emissions.

Transport and construction equipment working in a road organization are subject to testing for compliance of pollutant emissions in exhaust gases with established standards during an annual technical inspection.

If possible, to improve the environmental situation at transport infrastructure facilities, it is necessary to switch to the use of gas fuel and other more environmentally friendly types of energy.

4.3. Water conservation

The protection of water resources is carried out in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 N 74-FZ. The protection of water resources is an important component of the protection of the environment, the habitat of flora and fauna, including aquatic biological resources.

The use of water bodies should not have a negative impact on the environment.

Discharge of wastewater and (or) drainage water into water bodies is not permitted:

Classified as specially protected water bodies.

It is not permitted to discharge wastewater and (or) drainage water into water bodies located within the boundaries of:

Sanitary protection zones for drinking domestic water supply sources;

The first and second zones of sanitary (mountain sanitary) protection districts of medical and recreational areas and resorts;

Fishing protection zones, fishery protected areas, areas of mass spawning, fish feeding and the location of wintering pits.

In order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as to preserve the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna, in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 N 74-FZ for all rivers and reservoirs, water protection zones have been established (see Appendix B), territories that are adjacent to the coastline of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime has been established for the implementation of economic and other activities.

Discharge within water protection zones is permitted only after the contaminated wastewater has been treated to established standards; it is recommended to use purified water in recycling and reuse water supply systems.

Discharge of wastewater with a concentration of substances below the MPC or within the established VAT is carried out into water bodies without treatment, with the exception of the above water bodies, where the discharge of wastewater and (or) drainage water is not permitted.

To reduce the removal of pollutants from surface runoff, the following measures should be taken:

Preventing the discharge of production waste into rainwater drains;

Organizing regular cleaning of the right-of-way areas;

Carrying out timely repairs of road surfaces;

Fencing of green areas with curbs to prevent soil from being washed away onto the road surface;

Increasing the degree of dust and gas purification at treatment facilities of road infrastructure;

Increasing the technical level of vehicle operation;

Fencing construction sites with streamlined drainage of surface runoff using a temporary system of open trays, clarification of it by 50-70% in settling tanks and subsequent discharge onto the terrain or further treatment;

Localization of areas where spills and spills of pollutants are inevitable, followed by removal and purification of surface runoff; streamlining the storage and transportation of bulk and liquid materials.

The choice of scheme for the removal and treatment of surface runoff is determined by the level of its pollution and the required degree of purification.

Reservoirs and watercourses (water bodies) are considered polluted if the composition and properties of water in them have changed under the direct and indirect influence of work or operation of roads and road structures and have become partially or completely unsuitable for one of the types of water use. The suitability of the composition and properties of surface water is determined by their compliance with the requirements and standards established by GOST 2761-84, GOST and the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

If petroleum products enter water bodies in a volume that may lead to exceeding the maximum permissible concentration, measures are immediately taken to prevent their spread and subsequent removal.

When performing hydromechanized work, flooding and submergence of populated areas, industrial enterprises, roads, as well as agricultural or forestry lands are not allowed.

In order to prevent changes in aquatic ecosystems, including changes in the biological activity of algae, microorganisms and other hydrobionts, changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies are not permitted: the construction of dams, dams, dams, diversions, approaches to bridges, etc. without checking by calculation the erosion of river bottoms and banks.

4.4. Protection of forests, plants, animals

In accordance with Federal Law No. 52-FZ of April 24, 1995, any activity that entails a change in the habitat of wildlife and deterioration of the conditions for their reproduction, feeding, recreation and migration routes is carried out in compliance with the requirements ensuring the protection of wildlife.

During the construction of highways, measures are developed and implemented to ensure the preservation of migration routes of fauna and places of their constant concentration, including during the breeding and wintering periods. If necessary, fences are built to prevent wild animals from entering the road or crossings are built for animals across the road.

Regardless of the types of specially protected natural areas, in order to protect the habitats of rare, endangered and economically and scientifically valuable fauna, protective areas of territories and water areas are allocated that are of local importance, but necessary for the implementation of their life cycles (reproduction , raising young animals, feeding, rest and migration and others).

In specially protected natural areas, the construction of roads is permitted only after environmental impact calculations have been carried out and if they do not disrupt the life cycles of wildlife objects.

4.5. Noise protection

In accordance with Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ, construction organizations are required to take the necessary measures to prevent and eliminate the negative impact of noise, vibration, infrasound, electric, electromagnetic fields and other negative physical impacts on the environment in urban and rural areas settlements, recreation areas, habitats and breeding places for wild animals and birds, natural ecological systems and natural landscapes.

Protection from road noise should be provided by:

The use of acoustic screens;

Compliance with sanitary gaps (according to the noise factor) of highways;

The use of noise protection strips of green spaces;

Using coating materials that reduce traffic noise;

Prohibition of transit transport or restriction of freight transport in places of permanent residence of people where noise pollution exceeds established standards.

4.6. Waste management

When working with waste, construction and operating organizations must comply with environmental, sanitary and other requirements established by Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ. In accordance with these requirements, construction and operating organizations must:

Have technical and technological documentation permitting the use and neutralization of generated waste, if it is used and neutralized in its own production.

Develop draft standards for waste generation and limits on waste disposal in order to reduce the amount of waste generated and maximize their use in the construction process;

Introduce low-waste technologies based on the latest scientific and technical achievements;

Conduct an inventory of waste and its disposal facilities;

Monitor the state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites;

Provide, in the prescribed manner, the necessary information in the field of waste management;

Comply with the requirements for preventing accidents related to waste management and take urgent measures to eliminate them;

In accordance with the established procedure, obtain licenses when working with waste of hazard classes 1-4;

In accordance with the established procedure, approve passports for waste of hazard classes 1-4, which are used in the construction, repair and maintenance of highways.

4.7. Environmental preparation

Officials responsible for the preparation and implementation of environmental measures must undergo environmental training and carry out environmental briefings with persons directly performing work on the construction of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways.

5. Environmental protection during the construction and reconstruction of highways

5.1 Environmental protection measures during the construction of highways are carried out in accordance with the developed and approved working design.

5.2 When performing construction work, the requirements and measures of the section “Environmental Protection” developed as part of the project for the construction (reconstruction) of a highway or other facility are taken into account.

5.3 Measures for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources are provided for in the construction organization project (COP), in the work execution project (PPR), as well as in technological regulations (technological maps, etc.).

5.4 The construction organization project includes the development of a system of industrial environmental control for compliance with environmental standards and design technical solutions for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

5.5 The Contractor is responsible for the safety of all environmental facilities located in the area of ​​direct or indirect influence of the work being carried out, and is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect them from damage or other harm, including in cases where this is not provided for by the project for some reason .

5.6 In the event of damage, damage or loss of property or natural resources due to omissions, neglect or violation of relevant rules and regulations, the Contractor restores them at its own expense to a condition similar or equivalent to that which existed before the damage, or pays the owner (with the consent of the owner ) appropriate compensation.

5.7 Officials and citizens guilty of actions that violate environmental legislation and cause harm to the environment and human health bear disciplinary, administrative or civil and criminal liability, and legal entities - administrative and civil liability.

5.8 Construction organizations that have valid permits for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal, other environmental documentation established by law and have on their staff persons responsible for issues are allowed to carry out work at a construction or reconstruction site ecology.

5.9 Construction organizations performing work on sites must have the following environmental permitting documentation drawn up in the prescribed manner:

Volume of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) and Permission to release pollutants into the air;

Volume of permissible discharge standards (VAT) and Permit for the discharge of pollutants into the natural environment;

Draft waste disposal limits and a document on approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal;

In necessary cases, established by SanPiN 2.2.1/, an agreed Project for organizing a sanitary protection zone (SPZ).

5.10 The composition and timing of preparatory work are determined taking into account the least damage to the natural environment (winter felling and removal of forests, reducing the possibility of erosion during flood periods, ensuring unhindered migration of animals and fish, etc.) during favorable periods of the year.

5.11 When choosing the organization and technology for constructing a highway, in addition to technical and economic indicators, one should take into account environmental risks and risks to public health caused to the environment and humans, both during construction and during operation, as well as the combination of the road with the landscape , giving preference to solutions that have minimal impact on the environment.

5.12 When carrying out work on the construction of roads and artificial structures, it is necessary to:

Ensure the preservation or improvement of the existing landscape, protection of soils, vegetation and wildlife;

Ensure the reclamation of lands temporarily used for the placement of equipment, materials used in construction, access roads, quarry areas and other areas of activity;

To ensure increased stability of the roadbed in landslide areas, the creation of favorable conditions for the further use of land temporarily taken for construction;

Protect surface and ground waters from pollution by road dust, fuels and lubricants, dust removal, de-icing and other chemicals used during construction;

Develop measures to prevent and reduce air pollution from dust emissions and exhaust gases, as well as protection from noise, vibration, electromagnetic pollution of the population living in close proximity to the section of the highway under construction;

Ensure control over the radiation level of the building materials used;

During construction, ensure the removal of household waste and other contaminants, including construction waste, at temporary sites located in the right-of-way;

Restore the natural flow of flowing water bodies and equip standing water bodies.

5.13 If there are specially protected natural areas, historical or cultural monuments in the construction zone, measures must be taken to preserve and, if possible, improve their condition.

5.14 Clearing of the road strip and areas for road structures is carried out strictly within the designated boundaries. Storage of timber, logging residues, and materials remaining after dismantling structures along the edges of the right-of-way is permitted only for the period of clearing, before removal to places specially designated by the project.

5.15 Clearing the road strip of forest and bushes should be carried out in separate sections, in the order of priority for constructing the roadbed on them or performing other work. In wooded areas, clearing is usually carried out in the winter season. The advance in clearing the road from forest and bushes should not exceed the capabilities of continuous construction and the volume of work in the coming season.

5.16 When cutting down forests, skidding trails and logging warehouses must be located within the strip allocated for the road, and if this is not possible, in places determined by the project, with appropriate registration of temporary allotment.

5.17 Wood and waste are removed along temporary roads laid within the right of way or along routes established by the project using a network of local roads or winter roads, as well as along specially laid temporary roads provided for by the project.

5.18 Commercial timber and clearing waste, including uprooted stumps, must be completely removed to designated locations before excavation work begins. It is not allowed to leave cleaning waste on the border of the right-of-way.

5.19 If it is impossible to use logging residues and non-commercial wood, in agreement with environmental authorities, their elimination by burial or burning in specially designated areas is allowed.

5.20 In swamps, logging residues can be used in the form of brushwood at the base of the embankment.

5.21 Complete felling of forests and removal of bushes with bulldozers or brush cutters and moving them along with roots and soil to the border of the road strip is not allowed.

5.22 From the lands occupied by the road and its structures, as well as temporarily occupied during the construction of the road, the fertile soil layer is removed and used for subsequent reclamation in the places provided for by the project.

5.23 Fertile soil must be removed over the entire area limited by the external contours of the roadbed and other road structures. The thickness of the removed layer is specified by the project.

5.24 When removing a layer of soil, measures are taken to protect it from contamination: mixing with mineral soil, clogging, water and wind erosion.

5.25 If there is a shortage of soil, potentially fertile soil from the upper layers of overburden is collected and stored for reclamation purposes.

Stacks of fertile soil are placed in dry places outside the embankment slope leveling zone (excavation) separately in a form convenient for subsequent loading and transportation. The height of the stacks is no more than 10.0 m, and the angle of the unsupported slope is no more than 30°. The surfaces of piles of fertile soil and potentially fertile rocks are strengthened by sowing perennial grasses.

To protect soil piles from erosion, drainage ditches are installed.

5.26 Soil removal is not carried out in swamps (not developed for agricultural production), in sandy deserts, on saline lands, as well as when its secondary use is ineffective, as established by land management authorities.

5.27 On lands occupied for temporary structures or bypass sections of roads, after all work has been completed, reclamation and complete restoration of the fertile layer are carried out.

5.28 The fertile layer of soil that has physical and chemical properties that meet the requirements of GOST is subject to removal.

5.29 When constructing excavations, the drainage effect and corresponding changes in the groundwater regime are taken into account in an adjacent strip with a width equal to three excavation depths for sandy soils and two depths for clayey soils.

5.30 If the construction of a roadbed (regardless of the height of the embankment) creates a risk of flooding with surface water and waterlogging of lands adjacent to the road, it is recommended to provide drainage and culvert structures that guarantee the existing (or improved) conditions for agricultural crops or forest plantations before construction.

5.31 When constructing embankments through swamps with transverse (relative to the road route) movement of water in the water-saturated horizon, measures are taken to prevent an increase in the water level and swamp area in the upper part of the swamp, by filling the embankment or its lower part with drainage materials; installation of longitudinal ditches along the roadbed, and in low places, if necessary, artificial structures.

If the soil cannot be used for filling embankments, then it can be used for filling the tops of ravines (while simultaneously securing them), erosion gullies, quarries and landfills, followed by compaction and leveling of the surface.

5.32 On reclaimed lands, the laying of the road route, elevation of the roadbed, placement of drainage and culvert structures are linked with reclamation work.

5.33 When the route passes through populated areas, measures should be taken to prevent dust formation.

5.34 When the road passes near populated areas, recreation areas, and hospital complexes, it is necessary to install noise and dust barriers, barriers and other structures.

5.35 Noise protection structures on highways are used when the permissible sound level in the territory exceeds the standard values ​​​​established by SNiP 03/23/2003.

5.36 In order to preserve wildlife in places with established migration routes for animals, it is necessary to take measures to prevent their appearance on roads and arrange special crossings for their passage.

5.37 For highways under construction, the maximum use is made of suitable waste from mining and processing industries, thermal power plants (granulated slag, ash and ash and slag mixtures from thermal power plants, etc.) located in the construction zone. When using production waste, their possible aggressiveness and toxicity to the environment is taken into account.

When working with waste, take into account the requirements of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ and other documents regulating work with waste.

5.38 For environmentally complex areas (permanently frozen water-saturated soils, swamps, floodplain zones, landslide slopes, etc.), measures are provided to ensure minimal disruption of the ecological balance.

5.39 On roads passing through forests, as well as near the boundaries of water protection and sanitary zones, protected and resort areas, measures are taken to prevent vehicles from spontaneously leaving the roadway (including parking areas).

5.40 If there are manifestations of active geodynamic processes in the road construction area (erosion, erosion, landslides, avalanches, karst sinkholes, etc.), the possibility of eliminating them as part of the complex of work performed is considered.

5.41 On road sections where it is planned to remove snow contaminated with de-icing materials in winter, it is advisable to provide for the construction of sites for storing this snow during the winter maintenance of roads (section 13).

5.42 In places where spring water comes out, after analyzing its drinking qualities, architectural design of structures and finishing of the spring water outlet as a drinking source are provided.

5.43 During the construction of production bases, buildings and structures, road and motor transport services develop measures to ensure compliance with:

Maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the air;

Permissible discharges of pollutants into the environment;

Waste generation standards and limits on their disposal.

6. Construction of subgrade and road pavement

6.1 When leveling the surface of the subgrade before removing and distributing material for an additional base layer, in dry weather dust removal is carried out by pouring (distributing) dust-removing substances or water using watering machines, tanks equipped with distribution devices or special distributors of bulk materials.

6.2 When installing waterproofing layers from film materials, waterproofing layers from rolled materials, drainage and capillary-breaking layers from non-woven synthetic materials, it is necessary to prevent clogging of the road right-of-way with residues of these materials.

6.3 When installing frost protection and drainage layers made of coarse material (gravel, crushed stone, sand), the wind carries away dust and small particles outside the roadbed during loading, unloading and distribution. For this purpose, if necessary, moisten the material either at the loading site or during unloading.

6.4 Delivery of mixtures prepared in mixing plants to the work site is carried out by specialized vehicles or adapted dump trucks with tightly closing sides and covered awnings that prevent weathering and spillage of the transported material.

6.5 When constructing bases and coatings from materials reinforced with organic binders, preference is given to bitumen emulsions and viscous bitumens, which cause the least pollution of the natural environment.

It is not recommended to use waste from coke production as a binding material or additive in the construction of structural layers of road pavements, as well as their other use in road construction.

6.6 At all stages of the production of organic binding materials, insulation of production lines, collection tanks and transportation of finished products is ensured. Supply and exhaust ventilation is installed in workshops associated with the production and storage of finished products. The finished product should be stored in specially designated areas in closed containers.

6.7 When constructing surface treatment of asphalt concrete and other black pavements, preference is given to less toxic bitumen emulsions as a binding material - cationic BC, SK and anionic BA-1 and SA.

6.8 When preparing asphalt concrete mixtures intended for the construction of top layers of pavement, it is recommended to use less toxic anionic substances as surfactant additives.

6.9 The use of cationic substances as surfactant additives is possible in the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures intended for the construction of bases and lower layers of road surfaces.

6.10 Unloading of asphalt concrete mixtures is carried out into the receiving bins of asphalt pavers or special supply containers or onto a prepared base. Unloading asphalt concrete mixtures onto the ground is not permitted.

6.11 Cleaning and washing of the bodies of concrete trucks and dump trucks used for delivery of cement concrete mixtures is carried out in specially designated areas. After washing, the water is discharged into special settling tanks, from where it can be reused.

Discharge of this water into surface water bodies without treatment is not permitted.

6.12 When using film-forming materials to care for a base or coating made of materials reinforced with cement, preference is given to less toxic water-based film-forming materials, for example, clarified bitumen emulsion or using a layer of sand 4-6 cm thick with watering.

6.13 The working parts of distributors of film-forming substances are regulated in such a way that the consumption of film-forming materials is carried out in accordance with established standards.

6.14 Distribution of film-forming substances is not recommended when the movement of air masses is directed from the road towards water bodies, fields occupied by agricultural crops, garden plots, populated areas, etc.

6.15 When preparing and transporting materials used for filling expansion joints, it is necessary to take measures to exclude the possibility of environmental contamination.

Vehicles and construction equipment with contaminated wheels are not allowed to leave the construction site.

7. Quarry work

7.1 For the placement of quarries and reserves, lands are selected that are unsuitable for agricultural use or agricultural lands of poorer quality, and from the forest fund lands - areas that are not covered with forest or occupied by shrubs and low-value plantings.

7.2 When developing quarries and reserves, measures are taken to prevent the harmful effects of stripping and mining operations on the subsoil, coastal zones of fishery reservoirs, and the safety of mineral reserves.

7.3 Any activity that violates the safety of geological formations, paleontological objects and other subsoil areas of special scientific or cultural value and declared reserves or natural or cultural monuments, as well as in areas of particular value as animal habitats, is not permitted.

7.4 Reducing the area of ​​land occupied by quarries and reserves is achieved by increasing the number and height of benches during the development of overburden rocks.

7.5 The depth of quarries and reserves is established taking into account the forecast of changes in the hydrogeological conditions of adjacent territories and the direction of reclamation of disturbed lands.

7.6 The parameters of dumps (height, angle of repose) with the direct location of dumping equipment on them are taken depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the dumped rocks, terrain conditions and the bearing capacity of the foundation soils, the type of equipment adopted for the mechanization of dumping operations and the type of strengthening of the surface of the dumps.

7.7 If there are unsuitable toxic rocks (humic acids of swamp sediments, pyrite, ferric oxides, sulfates, etc.), they are placed at the base of overburden dumps or in the mined-out space of the quarry and screened with a sufficient layer of inert rocks.

7.8 The method of dumping is selected based on the condition of the least dust emission.

7.9 Extraction of road construction materials is carried out according to schemes that correspond to the least pollution of the natural environment. In dry and warm weather, hydro-irrigation of mining sites is carried out to reduce dust emissions.

7.10 When crushing, sorting, and cleaning stone materials, places of greatest dust emission (places of loading, unloading, dispensing material onto a conveyor, screens, crushers, conveyors) are isolated with shelters.

7.11 Storage of finished products is carried out outside the water protection zones of reservoirs on a natural or artificial hard surface that prevents mixing of materials. Open warehouses for mineral materials are equipped with dust barriers.

7.12 When cleaning crushed stone, gravel, sand in the warm season using a dry method, dust suppression measures are taken.

7.13 The conditions for bringing land plots into a condition suitable for further use, as well as the storage conditions and procedure for using the removed fertile soil layer are determined by the authorities providing the land plots.

7.14 It is advisable to reclaim deep quarries, bottom excavations (river, lake, shelf), quarry excavations developed using a hydromechanized method for fishery, water management, recreational and construction use.

8. Environmental protection during construction and reconstruction of artificial structures

8.1 The construction site for the construction of the bridge is selected, as a rule, outside the water protection zone. Its location is agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure and documented in a special act.

8.2 When operating construction sites, it is prohibited to discharge untreated and neutralized wastewater into water bodies in accordance with established standards.

8.3 During winter work, it is not permitted to leave construction debris, logs, stones, etc. on ice and flooded banks.

8.4 The degree of necessary purification, neutralization and disinfection of wastewater, both during the construction period and for the subsequent operation of an artificial structure, is determined by the calculation and requirements of regulatory documents for the corresponding type of reservoir.

If it is impossible to achieve the required degree of purification with the simplest treatment facilities, modular-type treatment facilities are designed or, in exceptional cases, with appropriate economic justification, individually designed treatment facilities are designed.

8.6 Sediments and floating materials formed as a result of cleaning at the bottom of the settling tanks of treatment facilities are transported for disposal to organizations licensed to work with this type of waste.

8.7 Discharge of treated wastewater into a reservoir can only be carried out with a discharge permit, which is agreed upon in the prescribed manner with environmental authorities.

8.8 Containers for waste collection are provided at the construction site.

Littering the site area with construction waste is not permitted.

8.9 The number of temporary access roads to the construction site is minimized. In case of weak soils of floodplains, access roads are built on brushwood floors or slants. Access roads of this type are also constructed in order to preserve the thin soil cover in the forest-tundra zone.

8.10 After the cessation of operation of temporary access roads in floodplain zones, brushwood pavements and slates are completely dismantled and transported outside the floodplains.

8.11 The location and design solution of a temporary river crossing (ford, ferry crossing, low-water wooden bridge or pontoon bridge) is agreed upon with environmental authorities in the prescribed manner.

8.12 Filling of temporary islands in places where channel supports are erected is carried out with clean sand, subject to the established permissible content of suspended particles in the water.

8.13 When using polymer compositions based on epoxy resins for injecting channels of prestressed reinforcement and gluing blocks, measures are taken to prevent the ingress of polymer materials and solvents into river waters.

8.14 The construction of bridges near water bodies of the first category according to GOST (used for the preservation and reproduction of valuable fish species that are highly sensitive to the oxygen content in water) is carried out in compliance with the following measures:

During the period of mass spawning, hatching of larvae and migration of juvenile fish, work within the water area, as well as movement through water, is stopped and measures are taken to reduce the noise of construction machines and mechanisms working on the banks of the river;

To fence pits during the construction of channel supports of large bridges, it is preferable to use inventory metal lintels from KS-type pontoons;

In order to reduce the constriction of the river and reduce the turbulence of the flow when constructing sand islands and pits for supports, it is preferable to use sheet piling barriers;

When constructing pile foundations for supports, it is advisable to use drilling and drilled casing piles or pillars; vibration driving of piles, and if there is a sheet piling fencing of the pit - driving of piles with undermining;

If possible, the installation of temporary supports and scaffolding in the riverbed should be avoided;

The soil extracted from the pit, sinkhole or pile shells is removed for use in embankments of approaches to the bridge and regulatory structures or stored outside the floodplain and water protection zones.

8.15 Diversion, embankment or blocking of channels during the construction of a culvert on watercourses (reservoirs) used for fishing purposes is permitted only with the permission of environmental authorities.

8.16 Restriction of the watercourse during work, which may result in flooding of agricultural land, is agreed upon with the owners of the flooded land.

8.17 When constructing fortifications of earthworks on watercourses, as well as drainage and ravine protection structures, flood control measures are provided to prevent soil washout and landslides during rains and floods.

8.18 The construction of bridges and pipes in ice-hazardous areas is carried out while maintaining the established water-thermal regime of soils, peat-moss cover and vegetation on the watercourse.

8.19 During the construction process and at its final stage, control over the implementation of the following work is ensured:

Removing sandy islands from the river bed that were dumped during the construction of supports, and transporting the soil to the shore;

Clearing the river bed and floodplain of objects cluttering them (piles of scaffolding and temporary supports must be pulled out and removed, brushwood linings or slates of temporary access roads must be pulled out and removed);

Dismantling temporary structures on a construction site; planning and land reclamation, with planting of shrubs and trees throughout the construction area, including access roads;

Planning and reclamation of disturbed lands with restoration of shrubs and trees on the construction site, within the water protection zone and water protection forest strips on the banks of the watercourse; fishery reclamation of areas of a reservoir in case of damage.

The completeness and quality of performance of the listed works is recorded in the certificate of delivery of the object.

9. Environmental protection during repair and maintenance of roads and artificial structures

9.1 Environmental protection during the repair and maintenance of highways and artificial structures is carried out with the maximum possible reduction in damage caused to the natural environment, through the use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies during the work, as well as the implementation of special environmental measures, in accordance with the requirements of federal laws dated 10 January 2002 N 7-FZ and dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ.

9.2 When repairing and maintaining highways and artificial structures, the following must be ensured:

Preservation or improvement of the existing landscape, protection of soils, vegetation and wildlife;

Reclamation of lands temporarily used for accommodation used in the repair or maintenance of equipment, materials, access roads, quarry areas and other areas of activity involved in repair and maintenance work;

Increasing the stability of the roadbed in landslide areas, creating favorable conditions for the further use of land temporarily withdrawn for road repair work;

Protection of surface and ground waters from pollution by road dust, fuels and lubricants, dust removal, de-icing and other chemicals;

Implementation of measures to prevent and reduce air pollution from emissions of dust and exhaust gases, as well as protection from noise and vibration of the population living in close proximity to highways;

Maintaining cleanliness of household waste and other contaminants in the roadside area;

Maintaining existing storm water collection systems and wastewater treatment plants in working order.

9.3 It is possible to begin work on a land plot only after establishing and agreeing with local land management authorities on the boundaries of the site and receiving a document certifying the right to use the land.

9.4 When carrying out repair work, if it is planned to increase the radii of curves in the plan, soften the longitudinal slopes of the road, the implementation of these measures, if possible, is carried out without disturbing the landscape, without causing soil erosion, the development of ravines, changes in drainage in the roadside strip and in strict compliance with the requirements of the land legislation.

9.5 When repairing roads and bridges, measures are taken to preserve and prevent contamination of soils, reservoirs, rivers and groundwater. All activities related to water resources (rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.) are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 N 74-FZ. Such events include:

Preventing the spilling of fuels, lubricants and other process liquids;

Carrying out dust removal of the construction site and work sites;

Organization of a surface drainage system that ensures the collection of runoff from the construction site;

If necessary, installation of local treatment facilities to purify surface runoff before discharging it into a reservoir from the construction site;

Construction of special sites (snow dumps) for temporary storage of snow and ice removed from roadways and bridges.

9.6 To reduce the amount of various anti-icing materials used when combating winter slipperiness on bridge crossings, it is advisable to arrange the top layer of the coating with anti-icing properties, for example, with the anti-adhesive additive "Gricol".

9.7 When carrying out repair work in populated areas near residential buildings at night from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., the requirements established by SNiP 23-03-2003 must be observed and provided in areas directly adjacent to residential buildings, clinic buildings, rest homes, etc. d. maximum permissible levels of equivalent sound.

9.8 To reduce gas pollution in the territories of populated areas adjacent to existing roads, measures are taken to ensure the ventilation of roads, the uniformity of vehicle movement, and the installation of protective screens.

9.9 To protect the surrounding area, surface and ground waters from contamination by dust, household waste, fuels, lubricants and other materials, it is necessary:

Installation of coatings that exclude dust formation, primarily on sections of roads passing through populated areas, in the immediate vicinity of hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, kindergartens, recreation areas, water protection zones, through land where dust reduces the yield or quality of agricultural crops ;

Strengthening roadsides with asphalt concrete or crushed stone;

Carrying out work to remove dirt, debris and dust removal after cold milling of asphalt concrete pavement layers;

Construction of a sufficient number of parking areas and recreation areas, placing increased demands on their sanitary and hygienic arrangement and equipment.

It is not permitted to establish parking areas within the water protection zone.

9.10 It is necessary to use motor vehicles and road equipment only in technically sound condition and without leaks or leakage of fuel and lubricants.

9.11 It is necessary to prevent spillage, dust and spillage of transported liquid and bulk road construction materials.

9.12 When carrying out work on the maintenance of highways and artificial structures, the road service should prevent deterioration of the natural environment in the area adjacent to the road, paying special attention to the use of chemical de-icing and dust-removing materials.

9.13 When combating winter slipperiness on roads and streets, preference should be given to the preventative method (to prevent the formation of slipperiness), especially when carrying out work in early spring, since in this case the consumption rate of de-icing materials is much lower.

9.14 To reduce the negative impact of de-icing and dust-removing chemicals on the soil and roadside vegetation, the working parts of special distribution machines are carefully regulated, ensuring protection against the penetration of chemical reagents beyond the roadway, and their distribution rates are strictly controlled. It is forbidden to dedust roads in populated areas with salts in a finely dispersed state (powder).

9.15 To combat winter slipperiness on reinforced concrete and metal bridges, it is not recommended to use deicing materials containing chlorides. The resulting snow and ice deposits are transported beyond the bridge crossing to specially designated areas - snow dumps.

9.16 If there is a surface runoff drainage and treatment system at the bridge crossing, work is carried out to maintain it. The work involves regularly cleaning storm water inlets, gutters and collectors from sediment and foreign objects. The maintenance of local treatment facilities is carried out in accordance with the design regulations for the implementation of work on the operation of the treatment facility. The scope of work includes: periodic cleaning of settling chambers from sediment, replacement of filter fillers and removal of sludge and filler material, for subsequent disposal to specialized organizations or disposal at specially designated landfills having the appropriate licenses.

All treatment facilities must have environmental permitting documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure with environmental authorities.

9.17 When the first signs of soil salinization appear near highways, gypsuming, liming, leaching or other measures are carried out.

9.18 When combating winter slipperiness and dust removal, materials and industrial waste cannot be used without a conclusion from the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

9.19 All sources of drinking water - springs, wells, etc., located near highways, are kept clean. At least once a year, water quality is monitored using duly accredited laboratories for this purpose.

9.20 To protect the soil and vegetation of the roadside from contamination by household waste, garbage containers are installed along the roads, which are regularly emptied of garbage and collected household solid waste (MSW). Garbage and solid waste are subject to disposal or burial at specially designated landfills that have the appropriate licenses.

9.21 To eliminate the consequences of emergency spills of fuels, lubricants and other petroleum products on the roads, as well as to prevent the formation of a fire hazard, road enterprises immediately take measures to clean up and neutralize pollution.

9.22 Clearing the road strip, when maintaining highways, of forest and bushes is carried out in separate sections, in order of priority. In forested areas, clearing is usually carried out in the winter season.

9.23 Commercial timber and clearing waste, including uprooted stumps, are completely removed to designated locations. Leaving cleaning waste within the right-of-way is not permitted.

9.24 If it is impossible to use logging residues and non-commercial wood, in agreement with environmental authorities, their elimination by burial or burning in specially designated areas is allowed.

9.25 Replanting of trees of valuable species should be carried out in accordance with established dendrological rules.

10. Carrying out reclamation work

10.1 Reclamation work on lands disturbed or subject to disturbed by open-pit mining should be carried out according to a special project drawn up on the basis of the study and analysis of data characterizing the natural physical and geological conditions of the area, economic, socio-economic and sanitary conditions of the area, technology restoration work, economic feasibility and social effect of reclamation, agreed with state supervisory authorities.

10.2 The performance of reclamation work is technologically linked to the structure of the integrated mechanization of the main mining operations, the service life and stages of development of the quarry.

10.3 The direction of reclamation of disturbed lands is determined in accordance with GOST When justifying the direction of reclamation in each specific case, it is necessary to take into account the relief, geological and hydrogeological conditions, the composition and properties of rocks and soils of adjacent territories, weather and climatic conditions, vegetation composition, economic-geographical, economic, socio-economic and sanitary-hygienic conditions.

10.4 In the agricultural direction of reclamation of disturbed lands, the following requirements are imposed on reclaimed territories:

The slope of reclaimed land should not exceed 10%;

The thickness of the fertile soil layer on reclaimed lands must be no less than the thickness of the fertile soil layer on adjacent agricultural lands;

Unevenness of the planned lands should not exceed 5 cm at a distance of 4 m.

10.5 In the case of agricultural reclamation, the calculated groundwater level should be no higher than 0.5 m, and in the forestry direction of reclamation - no higher than 2.0 m from the surface.

10.6 In the agricultural direction of reclamation, the main attention should be paid to preparing the surface of disturbed lands and carrying out agrotechnical measures aimed at improving the chemical and physical properties of rocks and increasing soil fertility.

10.7 To create reservoirs, it is necessary to carry out measures, including work on planning, increasing stability, landscaping of coastal slopes and the surrounding area, and implementing measures to prevent stagnation of water.

10.8 In the fishery direction of reclamation, the work should include the installation of a layer of appropriate soil (substrate) in the water area or in floodplain zones to create spawning grounds and feeding grounds for fish.

10.9 The type of subsequent development of disturbed lands determines the nature of the planning work (solid, terraced, partial planning). Continuous surface planning is carried out for the agricultural direction of reclamation: terraced and partial - for forestry, water management, fisheries and other areas of reclamation.

10.10 Work on the reclamation of disturbed lands is carried out in two stages: technical and biological stages.

10.11 At the technical stage of land reclamation, work should be carried out on the planning of mined-out space, the formation of slopes, quarries (reserves), transportation and application of potentially fertile rocks and soils to reclaimed lands, the construction of access roads, hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, etc., including:

Drainage of surface water and drainage of areas, clearing the surface of foreign objects;

Removing the plant (soil) layer, transporting and stacking it for storage;

Development of underlying rocks and rocks suitable for reclamation purposes (during the development of deposits), transportation and stacking of them;

Layout of mined areas and formation of slopes;

Distribution of previously removed plant soil onto a graded surface.

10.12 At the biological stage of land reclamation, a set of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures is carried out aimed at the restoration of flora and fauna.

10.13 The forestry direction of biological reclamation is carried out with the aim of creating forest plantations that have anti-erosion or air protection purposes.

10.14 The forestry direction of reclamation is carried out in the forest zone, in industrial centers that need to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions, as well as in cases where agricultural reclamation is ineffective or impractical.

10.15 The rocks should be laid in such a way that soils with worse physico-chemical characteristics are covered by soils with more favorable properties from the point of view of their agricultural use. It is recommended to lay the fertile layer of soil no earlier than two years after using the planned area for hayfields or pastures. In this case, loosening or plowing of the leveled surface must be carried out.

10.16 When using reclaimed land for arable land, the thickness of the fertile soil layer should be at least 0.2-0.5 m. To create forage lands (hayfields, pastures), it is sufficient to create a layer of potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 0.3-0.7 m. When using reclaimed land for growing trees and shrubs, it is necessary to create a layer of potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 2.0 m.

10.17 Technical reclamation of roadside lateral reserves in cross section is carried out by smoothly connecting the slope of the roadbed with the adjacent territory. Reclamation can be carried out according to two schemes: backfilling reserves with imported material or transverse movement of soil from the adjacent territory to the reserve until the permissible slope is reached, followed by laying a fertile layer of soil.

10.18 It is advisable to carry out reclamation of side reserves along the route in the general flow of the roadbed construction.

10.19 Technical reclamation of concentrated quarries and reserves is carried out by backfilling the mined-out space with materials from overburden dumps or by leveling treatment slopes. Filling the mined-out space can also be done by hydromechanization.

10.20 The slopes of the laid slopes must correspond to the conditions of the chosen direction of reclamation and anti-erosion conditions. When leveling is difficult or impossible, the slope is terraced. The number of terraces is determined by the overall stability of the slope and the conditions of work. The transverse slope of the terraces should be 1.5-2° towards the slope.

10.21 Reducing pollution of the natural environment by dust during loading and unloading operations carried out during the development and reclamation of quarries and reserves is carried out by reducing the number of transshipments, dust-generating materials, reducing the height of loading and unloading, the use of hydro-irrigation and other measures.

10.22 When performing stripping and reclamation work on access and quarry roads, the roads are removed from dust.

10.23 When various overburden rocks occur together, their selective development and selective dumping are carried out. First of all, this applies to the fertile soil layer.

10.24 The fertile soil layer is removed in a thawed state during the warm and dry period.

10.25 To store overburden unsuitable for road construction, it is advisable to use the mined-out space of the quarry or place it outside the quarry.

10.26 To place overburden outside the quarry, natural and artificial depressions in the terrain are used. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of the formation of drainless areas leading to flooding of the area adjacent to the quarry field. To do this, it is necessary to provide special drainage and culvert devices.


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ODM 218.3.031-2013

ODM 218.3.031-2013




(ROSAVTODOR) MOSCOW 2013 ODM 218.3.031-2013 Preface


2 INTRODUCED by the Department of Construction and Design of Highways, Department of Operation and Safety of Highways of the Federal Road Agency.

3 ISSUED based on the order of the Federal Road Agency dated April 24, 2013 No. 600-r

II ODM 218.3.031- Contents Scope of application…………………………………………..………..

1 Normative references…………………………………………......… 2 Terms and definitions…………………………………..….…… ..… 3 General requirements for environmental protection when performing construction and repair work on highways and bridges………………………………………………………..…….. 5 Environmental protection during construction and reconstruction of highways…………………………………………….…. 6 Construction of subgrade and road pavement……………….. 7 Operation of quarries……………………………………………………… 8 Environmental protection during the construction and reconstruction of artificial structures …………………….……………………... 9 Environmental protection during the repair and maintenance of highways……………………………………………………………………. 10 Carrying out reclamation work……………………………………. 11 Dust removal of roads………………………………. 12 Working with de-icing and dust-removing materials. 13 Requirements for snow dumps……………………...………………… 14 Noise-proof landscaping…………………………………………………………… 15 Anti-erosion measures………… ……………………...…. 16 Soil protection……………………………………………………..…..… 17 Protection from water pollution…………………………………………………….. 18 Prevention of other types of pollution………………………… 19 Environmental protection during the construction and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants…………………………………………………………… Appendix A Maximum permissible concentrations harmful substances in the water of water bodies.

……………………... Appendix B Water protection zones and coastal protective strips.. Appendix B Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas and work areas……………………….… Appendix D Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances in soil…………………..……...... Appendix E Permissible sound pressure levels, permissible equivalent and maximum sound levels……..… Appendix E Methods of combating winter slipperiness and distribution standards of de-icing materials. ……. Appendix G Assessment of the impact of de-icing and dust-removing substances on the environment...... Appendix I Characteristics of the main tree species and shrubs by gas resistance classes......... Bibliography……………………………………………………………III ODM 218.3.031-


Methodological recommendations for environmental protection during the construction, repair and maintenance of highways 1.1 This industry road methodological document contains the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways and is aimed at increasing the environmental safety of highways and bridge structures, reducing their negative environmental impact.

1.2 The provisions of this methodological document are intended for use by construction and operating organizations performing work on the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways in the field of road infrastructure.

the following documents:

Hydrosphere. Indicators of the condition and rules of taxation of fishery water bodies.

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements for recreational areas of water bodies.

GOST Nature conservation. Land reclamation. Terms and Definitions.

ODM 218.3.031-GOST Nature conservation. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological land reclamation.

GOST 2761-84 Sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules.

Transport flows. Methods for measuring noise characteristics.

GOST 30772-2001 Interstate standard. Resource saving.

Waste management. Terms and Definitions.

GOST 31330.1-2006 (ISO 11819-1:1997) Interstate standard.

Noise. Assessment of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Part 1.

Statistical method.

In this ODM, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used.

water disposal: Any discharge of water, including waste water and (or) drainage water, into water bodies.

sod: A surface layer of soil intertwined with living and dead roots, shoots and rhizomes of perennial grasses.

pollutant: A substance or mixture of substances, the quantity and (or) concentration of which exceeds the standards established for chemical substances, including radioactive substances, other substances and microorganisms and has a negative impact on the environment.

earthing: A lawn care activity that involves spreading a layer of humus soil over the surface of the area.

grassing: A system of measures to maintain and increase productivity (by strengthening the turf, thickening), used on slopes, beams, river terraces, hills, etc.

limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms: Limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms into the environment, established for the period of environmental protection measures, including the introduction of the best existing technologies, in order to achieve standards in the field of environmental protection.

waste disposal limit: The maximum permissible amount of waste of a specific type that is allowed to be disposed of in a certain way for a specified period of time in waste disposal facilities, taking into account the environmental situation in the given territory.

maximum sound level: The sound level of non-constant noise corresponding to the maximum reading of a measuring, direct-indicating device (sound level meter) during visual reading, or the sound level exceeded during 1% of the duration of the measuring interval when recording noise by an automatic evaluation device (statistical analyzer).

standards for permissible emissions and discharges of chemical substances: Standards that are established for economic and other entities in accordance with the mass indicators of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, permissible for release into the environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in established mode and taking into account technological standards, and in compliance with which environmental quality standards are ensured.

3.10 waste generation standard: The established amount of waste of a specific type during the production of a unit of product.

3.11 environment: The totality of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

ODM 218.3.031 - state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals, aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing negative impacts economic and other activities on the environment and the elimination of its consequences.

3.13 waste: Residues or additional product generated during or at the end of a particular activity and not used in direct connection with that activity.

3.14 Production and consumption waste in the road sector:

Residues of products or an additional product formed during the process or upon completion of a certain technological process in a road organization and not used during construction, reconstruction, or major repairs. repair and maintenance of roads and road infrastructure.

Examples. 1 Milled asphalt concrete or asphalt concrete residues obtained as a result of cutting off the edges of the pavement are not waste if they are used by road organizations; but are waste when transported for disposal to another organization.

2 Snow collected when clearing roads is not road waste, because it is not formed as a result of a technological process carried out by road organizations, but when removing it, the requirements established by the methodological recommendations and the section of these methodological recommendations must be observed.

3.15 waste passport: A document certifying that waste belongs to the waste of the corresponding type and hazard class, containing information about its composition.

3.16 maximum permissible emission: Standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (pollutant) substance into the atmospheric air, which is established for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account technical standards for emissions and background air pollution, provided that this source does not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible (critical) loads on environmental systems, other environmental standards.

maximum permissible concentration (MAC): The concentration of a pollutant in the atmospheric air - which does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on present or future generations throughout life, does not reduce a person’s performance, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions.

3.18 maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of a chemical substance in soil: A comprehensive indicator of the content of chemical substances in soil that is harmless to humans.

carried out after their use or drainage from the contaminated area.

3.20 equivalent (energy) sound level: The sound level of a continuous noise that has the same root mean square sound pressure value as the non-continuous noise under study during a specified time interval in dBA.

carrying out construction and repair work on highways and bridge structures ODM 218.3.031- Land use is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ and is aimed at ensuring the safety of environmental systems.

Construction and operating organizations that are in charge of land plots occupied by a highway under construction or in operation carry out activities to:

-soil conservation;

Protecting lands from water and wind erosion, mudflows, flooding, swamping, secondary salinization, desiccation, compaction, chemical pollution, littering with industrial and consumer waste, which results in land degradation;

Protecting the right of way of highways from overgrowing with trees and shrubs, weeds, eliminating the consequences of pollution and land littering;

- reclamation of disturbed lands.

Protection of atmospheric air Protection of atmospheric air is carried out in accordance with Federal Law of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ.

Actions aimed at changing the state of atmospheric air and atmospheric phenomena can be carried out only in the absence of harmful consequences for human life and health and for the environment on the basis of permits issued by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection.

When placing, constructing, reconstructing and operating road infrastructure facilities (asphalt asphalt plants, quarries, other production sites), atmospheric air quality standards must not be exceeded in accordance with environmental, sanitary and hygienic, as well as construction standards and regulations.

When locating road infrastructure facilities that have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air within urban and other settlements, the background level of atmospheric air pollution and the forecast of changes in its quality during the implementation of this activity are taken into account.

In order to protect atmospheric air, sanitary protection zones are established for enterprises in places where the population lives, and sanitary gaps are established for highways. The dimensions of such sanitary protection zones and sanitary gaps are determined on the basis of calculations of the dispersion of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air and in accordance with the sanitary classification of enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/

Projects for the construction of sections of highways that may have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air provide for measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air.

The placement of road infrastructure facilities that have a harmful impact on the quality of atmospheric air is agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure with the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection or with its territorial bodies.

When operating road infrastructure facilities, in case of exceeding established standards, the gases emitted into the atmosphere are cleaned. The choice of gas cleaning equipment and the degree of gas purification is carried out in accordance with the calculations made in the volume of maximum permissible emissions.

Transport and construction equipment working in a road organization are subject to testing for compliance of pollutant emissions in exhaust gases with established standards during an annual technical inspection.

ODM 218.3.031- If possible, to improve the environmental situation at transport infrastructure facilities, it is necessary to switch to the use of gas fuel and other more environmentally friendly types of energy.

The protection of water resources is carried out in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ. The protection of water resources is an important component of the protection of the environment, the habitat of flora and fauna, including aquatic biological resources.

The use of water bodies should not have a negative impact on the environment.

Discharge of wastewater and (or) drainage water into water bodies is not permitted:

- classified as specially protected water bodies.

It is not permitted to discharge wastewater and (or) drainage water into water bodies located within the boundaries of:

- zones of sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources;

The first and second zones of sanitary (mountain sanitary) protection districts of medical and recreational areas and resorts;

Fishing protection zones, fishery protected areas, areas of mass spawning, fish feeding and the location of wintering pits.

In order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as to preserve the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna, in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ for all rivers and water protection zones have been established for reservoirs (see

Appendix B), territories that are adjacent to the coastline of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and where a special regime has been established for economic and other activities.

Discharge within water protection zones is permitted only after the contaminated wastewater has been treated to established standards; it is recommended to use purified water in recycling and reuse water supply systems.

Discharge of wastewater with a concentration of substances below the MPC or within the established VAT is carried out into water bodies without treatment, with the exception of the above water bodies, where the discharge of wastewater and (or) drainage water is not permitted.

To reduce the removal of pollutants from surface runoff, the following measures should be taken:

- excluding the discharge of production waste into the rain sewer;

-organization of regular cleaning of the right-of-way areas;

- carrying out timely repairs of road surfaces;

-fencing of green areas with curbs that prevent soil from being washed away onto the road surface;

- increasing the degree of dust and gas purification at treatment facilities of road infrastructure;

- increasing the technical level of vehicle operation;

surface runoff through a temporary system of open trays, clarification by 50-70% in settling tanks and subsequent discharge onto the terrain or further purification;

pollutants with subsequent removal and purification of surface runoff; streamlining the storage and transportation of bulk and liquid materials.

The choice of scheme for the removal and treatment of surface runoff is determined by the level of its pollution and the required degree of purification.

Reservoirs and watercourses (water bodies) are considered polluted if ODM 218.3.031 - indicators of the composition and properties of water in them have changed under the direct and indirect influence of work or operation of roads and road structures and have become partially or completely unsuitable for one of the types of water use. The suitability of the composition and properties of surface water is determined by their compliance with the requirements and standards established by GOST 2761-84, GOST and the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

If petroleum products enter water bodies in a volume that may lead to exceeding the maximum permissible concentration, measures are immediately taken to prevent their spread and subsequent removal.

flooding and flooding of populated areas, industrial enterprises, roads, as well as agricultural or forestry lands.

In order to prevent changes in aquatic ecosystems, including changes in the biological activity of algae, microorganisms and other hydrobionts, changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies are not permitted:

construction of dams, dams, dams, diversions, approaches to bridges, etc. without checking by calculation the erosion of river bottoms and banks.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 52-FZ of April 24, 1995, any activity that entails a change in the habitat of wildlife and deterioration of the conditions for their reproduction, feeding, recreation and migration routes is carried out in compliance with the requirements ensuring the protection of wildlife.

measures are being taken to ensure the preservation of migration routes of wildlife and places of their constant concentration, including during the breeding and wintering periods. If necessary, fences are built to prevent wild animals from entering the road or crossings are built for animals across the road.

Regardless of the types of specially protected natural areas, in order to protect the habitats of rare, endangered and economically and scientifically valuable fauna, protective areas of territories and water areas are allocated that are of local importance, but necessary for the implementation of their life cycles (reproduction , raising young animals, feeding, rest and migration and others).

In specially protected natural areas, the construction of roads is permitted only after environmental impact calculations have been carried out and if they do not disrupt the life cycles of wildlife objects.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002, construction organizations are required to take the necessary measures to prevent and eliminate the negative effects of noise, vibration, infrasound, electric, electromagnetic fields and other negative physical impacts on the environment in urban and rural areas settlements, recreation areas, habitats and breeding places for wild animals and birds, natural ecological systems and natural landscapes.

Protection from road noise should be provided by:

- use of acoustic screens;

- compliance with sanitary gaps (according to the noise factor) of highways;

- the use of noise protection strips of green spaces;

- use of coating materials that reduce traffic noise;

Prohibition of transit transport or restriction of freight transport in places of permanent residence of people where noise pollution exceeds established standards.

ODM 218.3.031- When working with waste, construction and operating organizations must comply with environmental, sanitary and other requirements established by Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ. In accordance with these requirements, construction and operating organizations must:

Have technical and technological documentation permitting the use and neutralization of generated waste, if it is used and neutralized in its own production.

Develop draft standards for waste generation and limits on waste disposal in order to reduce the amount of waste generated and maximize their use in the construction process;

- introduce low-waste technologies based on the latest scientific and technical achievements;

- carry out an inventory of waste and its disposal facilities;

- monitor the state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites;

- provide, in the prescribed manner, the necessary information in the field of waste management;

waste management and take urgent measures for their elimination;

- in accordance with the established procedure, obtain licenses when working with waste of hazard class 1;

In accordance with the established procedure, approve passports for waste of hazard classes 1-4, which are used in the construction, repair and maintenance of highways.

Environmental preparation for environmental activities must undergo environmental training and carry out environmental briefings with persons directly performing work on the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways.

reconstruction of highways Environmental protection measures during the construction of highways are carried out in accordance with the developed and approved working design.

When performing construction work, the requirements and measures of the section “Environmental Protection” developed as part of the project for the construction (reconstruction) of a highway or other facility are taken into account.

Measures for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources are provided for in the construction organization project (COP), in the work execution project (WPP), as well as in technological regulations (technological maps, etc.).

The construction organization project includes the development of a system of industrial environmental control for compliance with environmental standards and design technical solutions for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

environmental objects located in the zone of direct or indirect influence of the work being carried out, and is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect them from damage or other damage, including in cases where this is not provided for by the project for some reason.

In case of damage, damage or loss of property or natural resources due to omissions, neglect or violation of relevant rules and regulations, the Contractor shall restore them at its own expense to a condition similar or equivalent to the condition that existed before the damage, or pay the owner (with the owner's consent) appropriate compensation.

those who violate environmental legislation and cause harm to the environment and human health bear disciplinary, administrative or civil and criminal liability, and legal entities - administrative and civil liability.

Construction organizations that have valid permits for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal, other environmental documentation established by law and have on their staff persons responsible for environmental issues are allowed to carry out work at a construction or reconstruction site. .

Construction organizations performing work on sites must have the following environmental permitting documentation drawn up in the prescribed manner:

-volume of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) and Permit for emission of pollutants into the atmospheric air;

- volume of permissible discharge standards (VAT) and Permit for the discharge of pollutants into the natural environment;

Draft waste disposal limits and a document on approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal;

In necessary cases, established by SanPiN 2.2.1/, an agreed Project for organizing a sanitary protection zone (SPZ).

5.10 The composition and timing of preparatory work are determined taking into account the least damage to the natural environment (winter felling and removal of forests, reducing the possibility of erosion during flood periods, ensuring unhindered migration of animals and fish, etc.) during favorable periods of the year.

highway, in addition to technical and economic indicators, one should take into account environmental risks and risks to public health caused to the environment and humans, both during construction and during operation, as well as the combination of the road with the landscape, giving preference to solutions that have minimal impact environmental impact.

5.12 When carrying out work on the construction of roads and artificial structures, it is necessary to:

Ensure the preservation or improvement of the existing landscape, protection of soils, vegetation and wildlife;

Ensure the reclamation of lands temporarily used for the placement of equipment, materials used in construction, access roads, quarry areas and other areas of activity;

To ensure increased stability of the roadbed in landslide areas, the creation of favorable conditions for the further use of land temporarily taken for construction;

Protect surface and ground waters from pollution by road dust, fuels and lubricants, dust removal, de-icing and other chemicals used during construction;

Develop measures to prevent and reduce air pollution from dust emissions and exhaust gases, as well as protection from noise, vibration, electromagnetic pollution of the population living in close proximity to the section of the highway under construction;

- ensure control over the radiation level of the building materials used;

During construction, ensure the removal of household waste and other contaminants, including construction waste, at temporary sites located in the right-of-way;

ODM 218.3.031- - restore the natural flow of flowing water bodies and equip standing water bodies.

5.13 If there are specially protected natural areas, historical or cultural monuments in the construction zone, measures must be taken to preserve and, if possible, improve their condition.

5.14 Clearing of the road strip and areas for road structures is carried out strictly within the designated boundaries. Storage of timber, logging residues, and materials remaining after dismantling structures along the edges of the right-of-way is permitted only for the period of clearing, before removal to places specially designated by the project.

5.15 Clearing the road strip of forest and bushes should be carried out in separate sections, in the order of priority for constructing the roadbed on them or performing other work. In wooded areas, clearing is usually carried out in the winter season. The advance in clearing the road from forest and bushes should not exceed the capabilities of continuous construction and the volume of work in the coming season.

5.16 When cutting down forests, skidding trails and logging warehouses must be located within the strip allocated for the road, and if this is not possible, in places determined by the project, with appropriate registration of temporary allotment.

5.17 Wood and waste are removed along temporary roads laid within the right of way or along routes established by the project using a network of local roads or winter roads, as well as along specially laid temporary roads provided for by the project.

5.18 Commercial timber and clearing waste, including uprooted stumps, must be completely removed to designated locations before excavation work begins. It is not allowed to leave cleaning waste on the border of the right-of-way.

5.19 If it is impossible to use logging residues and non-commercial wood, in agreement with environmental authorities, their elimination by burial or burning in specially designated areas is allowed.

5.20 In swamps, logging residues can be used in the form of brushwood at the base of the embankment.

5.21 Complete felling of forests and removal of bushes with bulldozers or brush cutters and moving them along with roots and soil to the border of the road strip is not allowed.

5.22 From the lands occupied by the road and its structures, as well as temporarily occupied during the construction of the road, the fertile layer is provided in the places provided for by the project.

limited by the external contours of the roadbed and other road structures. The thickness of the removed layer is specified by the project.

5.24 When removing a layer of soil, measures are taken to protect it from contamination: mixing with mineral soil, clogging, water and wind erosion.

5.25 If there is a shortage of soil, potentially fertile soil from the upper layers of overburden is collected and stored for reclamation purposes.

Stacks of fertile soil are placed in dry places outside the embankment slope leveling zone (excavation) separately in a form convenient for subsequent loading and transportation. The height of the stacks is no more than 10.0 m, and the angle of the unsupported slope is no more than 30°. The surfaces of piles of fertile soil and potentially fertile rocks are strengthened by sowing perennial grasses.

drainage ditches.

ODM 218.3.031-5.26 Soil removal is not carried out in swamps (not developed for agricultural production), in sandy deserts, on saline lands, as well as when its secondary use is ineffective, as established by land management authorities.

5.27 On lands occupied for temporary structures or bypass sections of roads, after all work has been completed, reclamation and complete restoration of the fertile layer are carried out.

5.28 The fertile layer of soil that has physical and chemical properties that meet the requirements of GOST is subject to removal.

5.29 When constructing excavations, the drainage effect and corresponding changes in the groundwater regime are taken into account in an adjacent strip with a width equal to three excavation depths for sandy soils and two depths for clayey soils.

5.30 If the construction of a roadbed (regardless of the height of the embankment) creates a risk of flooding with surface water and waterlogging of lands adjacent to the road, it is recommended to provide drainage and culvert structures that guarantee the existing (or improved) conditions for agricultural crops or forest plantations before construction.

5.31 When constructing embankments through swamps with transverse (relative to the road route) movement of water in the water-saturated horizon, measures are taken to prevent an increase in the water level and swamp area in the upper part of the swamp, by filling the embankment or its lower part with drainage materials; installation of longitudinal ditches along the roadbed, and in low places, if necessary, artificial structures.

If the soil cannot be used for filling embankments, then it can be used for filling the tops of ravines (while simultaneously securing them), erosion gullies, quarries and landfills, followed by compaction and leveling of the surface.

5.32 On reclaimed lands, the laying of the road route, elevation of the roadbed, placement of drainage and culvert structures are linked with reclamation work.

5.33 When the route passes through populated areas, measures should be taken to prevent dust formation.

5.34 When the road passes near populated areas, recreation areas, and hospital complexes, it is necessary to install noise and dust barriers, barriers and other structures.

5.35 Noise protection structures on highways are used when the permissible sound level in the territory exceeds the standard values ​​​​established by SNiP 03/23/2003.

5.36 In order to preserve wildlife in places with established migration routes for animals, it is necessary to take measures to prevent their appearance on roads and arrange special crossings for their passage.

5.37 For highways under construction, the maximum use is made of suitable waste from mining and processing industries, thermal power plants (granulated slag, ash and ash and slag mixtures from thermal power plants, etc.) located in the construction zone. When using production waste, their possible aggressiveness and toxicity to the environment is taken into account.

When working with waste, take into account the requirements of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ and other documents regulating work with waste.

5.38 For environmentally complex areas (permanently frozen water-saturated soils, swamps, floodplain zones, landslide slopes, etc.), measures are provided to ensure minimal disruption of the ecological balance.

ODM 218.3.031-5.39 On roads passing through forests, as well as near the boundaries of water protection and sanitary zones, protected and resort areas, measures are taken to prevent vehicles from spontaneously leaving the roadway (including parking areas).

5.40 If there are manifestations of active geodynamic processes in the road construction area (erosion, erosion, landslides, avalanches, karst sinkholes, etc.), the possibility of eliminating them as part of the complex of work performed is considered.

5.41 On road sections where it is planned to remove snow contaminated with de-icing materials in winter, it is advisable to provide for the construction of sites for storing this snow during the winter maintenance of roads (section 13).

5.42 In places where spring water comes out, after analyzing its drinking qualities, architectural design of structures and finishing of the spring water outlet as a drinking source are provided.

5.43 During the construction of production bases, buildings and structures, road and motor transport services develop measures to ensure compliance with:

- maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air;

- permissible discharges of pollutants into the environment;

- standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal.

6 Construction of the subgrade and road pavement When leveling the surface of the subgrade before removing and distributing material for an additional base layer, in dry weather, dust removal is carried out by pouring (distributing) dust-removing substances or water using watering machines, tanks equipped with distribution devices or special bulk distributors materials.

materials, waterproofing layers made of rolled materials, drainage and capillary-breaking layers made of non-woven synthetic materials, it is necessary to prevent clogging of the road right-of-way with residues of these materials.

When installing frost protection and drainage layers made of coarse material (gravel, crushed stone, sand), the wind carries away dust and small particles outside the roadbed during loading, unloading and distribution. For this purpose, if necessary, moisten the material either at the loading site or during unloading.

Delivery of mixtures prepared in mixing plants to the work site is carried out by specialized vehicles or adapted dump trucks with tightly closing sides and covered awnings that prevent weathering and spillage of the transported material.

When constructing bases and coatings from materials reinforced with organic binders, preference is given to bitumen emulsions and viscous bitumens, which cause the least pollution of the natural environment.

It is not recommended to use waste from coke production as a binding material or additive in the construction of structural layers of road pavements, as well as their other use in road construction.

At all stages of the production of organic binding materials, insulation of production lines, collection tanks and transportation of finished products is ensured. Supply and exhaust ventilation is installed in workshops associated with the production and storage of finished products.

The finished product should be stored in specially designated areas in closed containers.

When constructing surface treatment of asphalt concrete and other black coatings, preference is given as a binder material to ODM 218.3.031 - less toxic bitumen emulsions - cationic BC, SK and anionic BA- and SA.

When preparing asphalt concrete mixtures intended for the construction of top layers of pavement, it is recommended to use less toxic anionic substances as surfactant additives.

The use of cationic substances as surfactant additives is possible in the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures intended for the construction of bases and lower layers of road surfaces.

6.10 Unloading of asphalt concrete mixtures is carried out into the receiving bins of asphalt pavers or special supply containers or onto a prepared base. Unloading asphalt concrete mixtures onto the ground is not permitted.

6.11 Cleaning and washing of the bodies of concrete trucks and dump trucks used for delivery of cement concrete mixtures is carried out in specially designated areas. After washing, the water is discharged into special settling tanks, from where it can be reused.

Discharge of this water into surface water bodies without treatment is not permitted.

6.12 When using film-forming materials to care for a base or coating made of materials reinforced with cement, preference is given to less toxic water-based film-forming materials, for example, clarified bitumen emulsion or using a layer of sand 4-6 cm thick with watering.

6.13 The working parts of distributors of film-forming substances are regulated in such a way that the consumption of film-forming materials is carried out in accordance with established standards.

6.14 Distribution of film-forming substances is not recommended when the movement of air masses is directed from the road towards water bodies, fields occupied by agricultural crops, garden plots, populated areas, etc.

6.15 When preparing and transporting materials used for filling expansion joints, it is necessary to take measures to exclude the possibility of environmental contamination.

Vehicles and construction equipment with contaminated wheels are not allowed to leave the construction site.

agricultural lands are of poorer quality, and forest lands include areas not covered with forests or occupied by shrubs and low-value plantings.

When developing quarries and reserves, measures are taken to prevent the harmful effects of stripping and mining operations on the subsoil, coastal zones of fishery reservoirs, and the preservation of mineral reserves.

Any activity that violates the safety of geological formations, paleontological objects and other subsoil areas of special scientific or cultural value and declared reserves or natural or cultural monuments, as well as in areas of particular value as animal habitats, is not permitted.

Reducing the area of ​​land occupied by quarries and reserves is achieved by increasing the number and height of benches during the development of overburden rocks.

The depth of quarries and reserves is established taking into account the forecast of changes in the hydrogeological conditions of adjacent territories and the direction of reclamation of disturbed lands.

The parameters of dumps (height, angle of slope) with the direct location of dumping equipment on them are taken depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the dumped rocks, the terrain conditions ODM 218.3.031- and the bearing capacity of the foundation soils, the type of equipment adopted for the mechanization of dumping operations and the type strengthening the surface of the dumps.

If there are unsuitable toxic rocks (humic acids of swamp sediments, pyrite, ferrous oxides, sulfates, etc.), they are placed at the base of overburden dumps or in the mined-out space of the quarry and shielded with a sufficient layer of inert rocks.

The dumping method is selected based on the condition of the least dust emission.

schemes corresponding to the least pollution of the natural environment. In dry and warm weather, hydro-irrigation of mining sites is carried out to reduce dust emissions.

7.10 When crushing, sorting, and cleaning stone materials, places of greatest dust emission (places of loading, unloading, dispensing material onto a conveyor, screens, crushers, conveyors) are isolated with shelters.

7.11 Storage of finished products is carried out outside the water protection zones of reservoirs on a natural or artificial hard surface that prevents mixing of materials. Open warehouses for mineral materials are equipped with dust barriers.

7.12 When cleaning crushed stone, gravel, sand in the warm season using a dry method, dust suppression measures are taken.

7.13 The conditions for bringing land plots into a condition suitable for further use, as well as the storage conditions and procedure for using the removed fertile soil layer are determined by the authorities providing the land plots.

7.14 It is advisable to reclaim deep quarries, bottom excavations (river, lake, shelf), quarry excavations developed using a hydromechanized method for fishery, water management, recreational and construction use.

reconstruction of artificial structures The construction site for the construction of the bridge is selected as agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure and formalized by a special act.

When operating construction sites, it is prohibited to discharge untreated and neutralized wastewater into water bodies in accordance with established standards.

During winter work, it is not allowed to leave construction waste, logs, stones, etc. on ice and flooded banks.

The degree of necessary purification, neutralization and disinfection of wastewater, both during the construction period and for the subsequent operation of an artificial structure, is determined by the calculation and requirements of regulatory documents for the corresponding type of reservoir.

settling ponds or cascade type using gabions and biofilters (Figures 14.1-14.3).

If it is impossible to achieve the required degree of purification with the simplest treatment facilities, modular-type treatment facilities are designed or, in exceptional cases, with appropriate economic justification, individually designed treatment facilities are designed.

Sediments and floating materials formed as a result of cleaning at the bottom of the settling tanks of treatment facilities are transported for disposal to organizations licensed to work with this type of waste.

Discharge of treated wastewater into a reservoir can be carried out in accordance with the established procedure with environmental authorities.

ODM 218.3.031 - Containers for waste collection are provided at the construction site.

Littering the site area with construction waste is not permitted.

The number of temporary access roads to the construction site is minimized. In case of weak soils of floodplains, access roads are built on brushwood floors or slants. Access roads of this type are also constructed in order to preserve the thin soil cover in the forest-tundra zone.

8.10 After the cessation of operation of temporary access roads in floodplain zones, brushwood pavements and slates are completely dismantled and transported outside the floodplains.

8.11 The location and design solution of a temporary river crossing (ford, ferry crossing, low-water wooden bridge or pontoon bridge) is agreed upon with environmental authorities in the prescribed manner.

8.12 Filling of temporary islands in places where channel supports are erected is carried out with clean sand, subject to the established permissible content of suspended particles in the water.

8.13 When using polymer compositions based on epoxy resins for injecting channels of prestressed reinforcement and gluing blocks, measures are taken to prevent the ingress of polymer materials and solvents into river waters.

8.14 The construction of bridges near water bodies of the first category according to GOST (used for the preservation and reproduction of valuable fish species that are highly sensitive to the oxygen content in water) is carried out in compliance with the following measures:

During the period of mass spawning, hatching of larvae and migration of juvenile fish, work within the water area, as well as movement through water, is stopped and measures are taken to reduce the noise of construction machines and mechanisms working on the banks of the river;

To fence pits during the construction of channel supports of large bridges, it is preferable to use inventory metal lintels from KS-type pontoons;

In order to reduce the constriction of the river and reduce the turbulence of the flow when constructing sand islands and pits for supports, it is preferable to use sheet piling barriers;

When constructing pile foundations for supports, it is advisable to use drilling and drilled casing piles or pillars; vibration driving of piles, and if there is a sheet piling fencing of the pit - driving of piles with undermining;

- if possible, the installation of temporary supports and scaffolding in the river bed should be avoided;

The soil extracted from the pit, sinkhole or pile shells is removed for use in embankments of approaches to the bridge and regulatory structures or stored outside the floodplain and water protection zones.

The construction of a culvert on watercourses (reservoirs) used for fishing purposes is permitted only with the permission of environmental authorities.

8.16 Restriction of the watercourse during work, which may result in flooding of agricultural land, is agreed upon with the owners of the flooded land.

8.17 When constructing fortifications of earthworks on watercourses, as well as drainage and ravine protection structures, flood control measures are provided to prevent soil washout and landslides during rains and floods.

8.18 The construction of bridges and pipes in ice-hazardous areas is carried out while maintaining the established water-thermal regime of soils, peat-moss cover and vegetation on the watercourse.

ODM 218.3.031-8.19 During the construction process and at its final stage, control over the implementation of the following work is ensured:

Removing sandy islands from the river bed that were dumped during the construction of supports, and transporting the soil to the shore;

Clearing the river bed and floodplain of objects cluttering them (piles of scaffolding and temporary supports must be pulled out and removed, brushwood linings or slates of temporary access roads must be pulled out and removed);

Dismantling temporary structures on a construction site; planning and land reclamation, with planting of shrubs and trees throughout the construction area, including access roads;

Planning and reclamation of disturbed lands with restoration of shrubs and trees on the construction site, within the water protection zone and water protection forest strips on the banks of the watercourse; fishery reclamation of areas of a reservoir in case of damage.

The completeness and quality of performance of the listed works is recorded in the certificate of delivery of the object.

Environmental protection during the repair and maintenance of highways and artificial structures is carried out with the maximum possible reduction in damage caused to the natural environment, through the use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies in the work, as well as the implementation of special environmental measures, in accordance with the requirements Federal laws of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ and of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ.

When repairing and maintaining highways and artificial structures, the following must be ensured:

- preservation or improvement of the existing landscape, protection of soils, vegetation and wildlife;

Reclamation of lands temporarily used for accommodation used in the repair or maintenance of equipment, materials, access roads, quarry areas and other areas of activity involved in repair and maintenance work;

Increasing the stability of the roadbed in landslide areas, creating favorable conditions for the further use of land temporarily withdrawn for road repair work;

- protection of surface and ground waters from pollution by road dust, fuels and lubricants, dust removal, de-icing and other chemicals;

Implementation of measures to prevent and reduce air pollution from emissions of dust and exhaust gases, as well as protection from noise and vibration of the population living in close proximity to highways;

- maintaining cleanliness of household waste and other pollution in the roadside area;

- maintaining existing stormwater drainage systems and treatment facilities in working order.

It is possible to begin work on a land plot only after establishing and agreeing with local land management authorities on the boundaries of the site and receiving a document certifying the right to use the land.

increasing the radii of curves in the plan, softening the longitudinal slopes of the road, the implementation of these measures, if possible, is carried out without disturbing the landscape, without causing soil erosion, the development of ravines, changes in drainage in the roadside strip and in strict compliance with the requirements of land legislation.

ODM 218.3.031 - measures to preserve and prevent pollution of soils, reservoirs, rivers and groundwater. All activities related to water resources (rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.) are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ. Such events include:

- preventing the spilling of fuels and lubricants and other process liquids;

production of work;

Organization of a surface drainage system that ensures the collection of runoff from the construction site;

If necessary, installation of local treatment facilities to purify surface runoff before discharging it into a reservoir from the construction site;

Construction of special sites (snow dumps) for temporary storage of snow and ice removed from roadways and bridges.

anti-icing materials when combating winter slipperiness on bridge crossings, it is advisable to arrange the top layer of the coating with anti-icing properties, for example, with the anti-adhesive additive "Gricol".

When carrying out repair work in populated areas near residential buildings at night from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., the requirements established by SNiP 23-03-2003 must be observed and provided in areas directly adjacent to residential buildings, clinic buildings, rest homes, etc. . maximum permissible levels of equivalent sound.

To reduce gas pollution in the territories of populated areas adjacent to existing roads, measures are being taken to ensure the ventilation of roads, the uniformity of vehicle traffic, and the installation of protective screens.

To protect the surrounding area, surface and ground water from pollution by dust, household waste, fuels, lubricants and other materials, it is necessary:

Installation of coatings that exclude dust formation, primarily on sections of roads passing through populated areas, in the immediate vicinity of hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, kindergartens, recreation areas, water protection zones, through land where dust reduces the yield or quality of agricultural crops ;

- strengthening roadsides with asphalt concrete or crushed stone;

Carrying out work to remove dirt, debris and dust removal after cold milling of asphalt concrete pavement layers;

construction of a sufficient number of parking areas and recreation areas, placing increased demands on their sanitary and hygienic arrangement and equipment.

It is not permitted to establish parking areas within the water protection zone.

9.10 It is necessary to use motor vehicles and road equipment only in technically sound condition and without leaks or leakage of fuel and lubricants.

transported liquid and bulk road construction materials.

9.12 When carrying out work on the maintenance of highways and artificial structures, the road service should prevent deterioration of the natural environment in the area adjacent to the road, paying special attention to the use of chemical de-icing and dust-removing materials.

9.13 When combating winter slipperiness on roads and streets, preference should be given to the preventive method (to prevent the formation of slipperiness), especially when carrying out work in early spring, since ODM 218.3.031 - as in this case the consumption rate of de-icing materials is much lower.

roadside vegetation of de-icing and dust-removing chemicals, the working bodies of special distribution machines are carefully regulated, providing protection against the penetration of chemical reagents beyond the roadway, and their distribution standards are strictly controlled. It is forbidden to dedust roads in populated areas with salts in a finely dispersed state (powder).

9.15 To combat winter slipperiness on reinforced concrete and metal bridges, it is not recommended to use deicing materials containing chlorides. The resulting snow and ice deposits are transported beyond the bridge crossing to specially designated snow dump sites.

9.16 If there is a surface runoff drainage and treatment system at the bridge crossing, work is carried out to maintain it. The work involves regularly cleaning storm water inlets, gutters and collectors from sediment and foreign objects. The maintenance of local treatment facilities is carried out in accordance with the design regulations for the implementation of work on the operation of the treatment facility. The scope of work includes: periodic cleaning of settling chambers from sediment, replacement of filter fillers and removal of sludge and filler material, for subsequent disposal to specialized organizations or disposal at specially designated landfills having the appropriate licenses.

All treatment facilities must have environmental permitting documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure with environmental authorities.

9.17 When the first signs of soil salinization appear near highways, gypsuming, liming, leaching or other measures are carried out.

9.18 When combating winter slipperiness and dust removal, materials and industrial waste cannot be used without a conclusion from the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

9.19 All sources of drinking water - springs, wells, etc., located near highways, are kept clean. At least once a year, water quality is monitored using duly accredited laboratories for this purpose.

9.20 To protect the soil and vegetation of the roadside from contamination by household waste, garbage containers are installed along the roads, which are regularly emptied of garbage and collected household solid waste (MSW). Garbage and solid waste are subject to disposal or burial at specially designated landfills that have the appropriate licenses.

9.21 To eliminate the consequences of emergency spills of fuels, lubricants and other petroleum products on the roads, as well as to prevent the formation of a fire hazard, road enterprises immediately take measures to clean up and neutralize pollution.

9.22 Clearing the road strip, when maintaining highways, of forest and bushes is carried out in separate sections, in order of priority. In forested areas, clearing is usually carried out in the winter season.

9.23 Commercial timber and clearing waste, including uprooted stumps, are completely removed to designated locations. Leaving cleaning waste within the right-of-way is not permitted.

9.24 If it is impossible to use logging residues and non-commercial wood, in agreement with environmental authorities, their elimination by burial or burning in specially designated areas is allowed.

ODM 218.3.031 - in accordance with established dendrological rules.

Carrying out reclamation work subject to disturbance by open-pit mines should be carried out according to a special project drawn up on the basis of the study and analysis of data characterizing the natural physical and geological conditions of the area, economic, socio-economic and sanitary conditions of the area, the technology of restoration work, economic feasibility and social the effect of reclamation, agreed with state supervisory authorities.

is linked to the structure of complex mechanization of main mining operations, the service life and stages of development of the quarry.

10.3 The direction of reclamation of disturbed lands is determined in accordance with GOST When justifying directions for reclamation in each specific case must take into account the relief, geological and hydrogeological conditions, the composition and properties of rocks and soils in adjacent areas, weather and climatic conditions, vegetation composition, economic-geographical, economic, socio-economic and sanitary-hygienic conditions.

disturbed lands, the following requirements are imposed on reclaimed territories:

- the slope of reclaimed lands should not exceed 10%;

The thickness of the fertile soil layer on reclaimed lands must be no less than the thickness of the fertile soil layer on adjacent agricultural lands;

- unevenness of the planned lands should not exceed 5 cm at a distance of 4 m.

10.5 In the case of agricultural reclamation, the calculated groundwater level should be no higher than 0.5 m, and in the forestry direction of reclamation - no higher than 2.0 m from the surface.

10.6 In the agricultural direction of reclamation, the main attention should be paid to preparing the surface of disturbed lands and carrying out agrotechnical measures aimed at improving the chemical and physical properties of rocks and increasing soil fertility.

10.7 To create reservoirs, measures are required, including work on planning, raising stability, improvement of coastal slopes and surrounding areas, implementation of measures to prevent water stagnation.

10.8 In the fishery direction of reclamation, the work should include the installation of a layer of appropriate soil (substrate) in the water area or in floodplain zones to create spawning grounds and feeding grounds for fish.

10.9 The type of subsequent development of disturbed lands determines the nature of the planning work (solid, terraced, partial planning).

Continuous surface planning is carried out for the agricultural direction of reclamation: terraced and partial - for forestry, water management, fisheries and other areas of reclamation.

10.10 Work on the reclamation of disturbed lands is carried out in two stages: technical and biological stages.

10.11 At the technical stage of land reclamation, work should be carried out on the planning of mined-out space, the formation of slopes, quarries (reserves), transportation and application of potentially fertile rocks and soils to reclaimed lands, the construction of access roads, hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, etc., including:

- drainage of surface water and drainage of areas, clearing the surface of foreign objects;

ODM 218.3.031- - removal of the plant (soil) layer, transportation and stacking it for storage;

Development of underlying rocks and rocks suitable for reclamation purposes (during the development of deposits), transportation and stacking of them;

- planning of mined areas and formation of slopes;

- distribution of previously removed plant soil onto the planned surface.

10.12 At the biological stage of land reclamation, a set of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures is carried out aimed at the restoration of flora and fauna.

10.13 The forestry direction of biological reclamation is carried out with the aim of creating forest plantations that have anti-erosion or air protection purposes.

10.14 The forestry direction of reclamation is carried out in the forest zone, in industrial centers that need to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions, as well as in cases where agricultural reclamation is ineffective or impractical.

10.15 The rocks should be laid in such a way that soils with worse physico-chemical characteristics are covered by soils with more favorable properties from the point of view of their agricultural use. It is recommended to lay the fertile layer of soil no earlier than two years after using the planned area for hayfields or pastures. In this case, loosening or plowing of the leveled surface must be carried out.

10.16 When using reclaimed land for arable land, the thickness of the fertile soil layer should be at least 0.2-0.5 m. To create forage lands (hayfields, pastures), it is sufficient to create a layer of potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 0.3-0.7 m. When using reclaimed land for growing trees and shrubs, it is necessary to create a layer of potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 2.0 m.

10.17 Technical reclamation of roadside lateral reserves in cross section is carried out by smoothly connecting the slope of the roadbed with the adjacent territory. Reclamation can be carried out according to two schemes: backfilling reserves with imported material or transverse movement of soil from the adjacent territory to the reserve until the permissible slope is reached, followed by laying a fertile layer of soil.

10.18 It is advisable to carry out reclamation of side reserves along the route in the general flow of the roadbed construction.

10.19 Technical reclamation of concentrated quarries and reserves is carried out by backfilling the mined-out space with materials from overburden dumps or by leveling treatment slopes. Filling the mined-out space can also be done by hydromechanization.

10.20 The slopes of the laid slopes must correspond to the conditions of the chosen direction of reclamation and anti-erosion conditions.

When leveling is difficult or impossible, the slope is terraced.

The number of terraces is determined by the overall stability of the slope and the conditions of work. The transverse slope of the terraces should be 1.5-2° towards the slope.

10.21 Reducing pollution of the natural environment by dust during loading and unloading operations carried out during the development and reclamation of quarries and reserves is carried out by reducing the number of transshipments, dust-generating materials, reducing loading and unloading heights, using hydro-irrigation and other measures.

10.22 When performing stripping and reclamation work on access and quarry roads, the roads are removed from dust.

10.23 When various overburden rocks occur together, their selective development and selective dumping are carried out. First of all, this applies to the fertile soil layer.

ODM 218.3.031-10.24 The fertile soil layer is removed in a thawed state during the warm and dry period.

10.25 To store overburden unsuitable for road construction, it is advisable to use the mined-out space of the quarry or place it outside the quarry.

10.26 To place overburden outside the quarry, natural and artificial depressions in the terrain are used. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of the formation of drainless areas leading to flooding of the area adjacent to the quarry field. To do this, it is necessary to provide special drainage and culvert devices.

Dust removal of roads 11.1 Dust removal work is primarily carried out on sections of roads passing through populated areas, along fields occupied by agricultural crops.

11.2 The most effective way to combat dust on gravel and dirt roads is to treat them with dust-reducing materials. For short-term prevention of dust formation (for 1-2 hours), humidification with water at a flow rate of 1-2 l/m2 is used, as well as limiting the speed on roads passing through or near populated areas, protected areas, agricultural land, etc.

11.3 Consumption standards for dust-removing materials, work technology and other issues related to dust control on roads are adopted in accordance with the requirements set out in Order No. 160 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 2007 and VSN 7-89.

11.4 When crossing rivers, streams or other water barriers, sections of roads within the established water protection zones, and in their absence, sections of roads 100 m long on each side of the bridge (pipe), as well as sections passing in the drinking water protection zone and along other bodies of water located at a distance of up to 100 m, dust is removed only with organic binding materials in the form of bitumen or bitumen emulsion.

11.5 The use of dust-removing agents in areas passing through water-protected territories, other protective zones, areas of nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries is permitted only in agreement with environmental authorities.

materials 12.1 To reduce the negative impact of dust-removing and de-icing materials (DAM) on roadside soil, water and vegetation, it is necessary to use them in the minimum quantity dictated by traffic safety conditions, observing the regime and standards provided for by the technology for combating winter slipperiness and set out in the ODM. 218.5.001-2008, ODM dated June 16, 2003 No. OS-548-r, methodological recommendations dated March 17, 2004 No. OS-28/1270-is).

12.2 It is necessary to transport de-icing and dust-removing materials and their components to the points of preparation, storage and storage in closed cars at positive air temperatures. When transporting materials by road, especially in rainy weather, plastic bags are used or covered with a tarpaulin or plastic film.

12.3 Preparation (mixing), storage and storage of chemical and chemical-friction materials in solid and liquid states is recommended to be carried out in closed mechanized warehouses or on areas with a hard surface (for example, cast asphalt concrete).

The sites are equipped with a drainage system with receiving wells and an evaporation pool, drainage systems and brine collection wells that prevent solutions from seeping into the soil. Material supplied to ODM 218.3.031 - road facilities in bulk should be stored in bunker or silo type warehouses.

12.4 Distribution of PGM and dust-removing salts is carried out only by mechanical means. Treatment of coatings with flake or granular reagents is carried out with salt distributors and universal distributors.

Filling of liquid PGMs is carried out by liquid PGM distributors.

The working bodies of the distribution means are regulated in such a way that the distribution of materials is carried out exclusively along the roadway.

12.5 When distributing de-icing materials, it is recommended to take into account that the approximate amount of materials distributed during the winter period on roads passing through road climate zone I should not exceed 2.5 kg per 1 m2 of pavement (no more than 2 kg is recommended), for road climate zone II climatic zone - 2 kg per 1 m2 of coverage, for road climatic zones III and IV 1.5 kg - per 1 m2 of coverage, for road climate zone V 1 kg - per 1 m2 of coverage.

12.6 To reduce consumption, preventive treatment of the coating with moistened salt is used at the rate of 5-20 g/m2 in a dry state before snowfall or ice formation (in accordance with the weather forecast).

12.7 In early spring, to prevent the formation of slipperiness, it is allowed to use a minimum amount of chlorides - up to 10 g/m2 per treatment, taking into account the fact that during this period the soil and vegetation are most sensitive to their effects.

12.8 To store solutions of salts and natural brines at road maintenance bases, tanks with a capacity of 20-50 m3 or pits closed at the top with insulated walls are used to prevent solutions from leaking into the soil and polluting surface and groundwater, in accordance with the requirements of Section 5, ODM dated June 16. 2003 No. OS-548-r).

monitored weekly. If a leak is detected, it is repaired immediately.

For de-icing materials, preference is given to calcium chloride, namely, modified calcium chloride (MCC) or natural brine based on it. Water, soil and vegetation are little sensitive to an increase in their calcium content, and natural brines contain more than 50 microelements that help reduce the negative effects of sodium and improve the properties of soil and vegetation cover. It is necessary to take into account the stimulating features of natural brines for plant growth, which can lead to clogging of storm drains, pipes and environmental safety, for example, raising the groundwater level and additional soil salinization.

Chloride salts in pure form or mixed with friction materials do not have a harmful effect on asphalt concrete with winter slipperiness on cement concrete pavements up to three years old, built without air-entraining additives, and on cement concrete pavements built with air-entraining additives up to one year old . These coatings use friction materials without the addition of chloride salts.

12.11 To improve the state of the natural environment when combating winter slipperiness on roads, embanked snow and ice deposits in populated areas, on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and other similar objects are disposed of and stored in snow dump sites specially designated for this purpose.

12.12 The location of warehouses for de-icing materials and dust-removing salts is selected taking into account the characteristics of the natural environment, terrain, the presence of watercourses, ponds and other water sources.

ODM 218.3.031- It is not permitted to build stacks or warehouses in water protection zones of water bodies and sanitary protection zones of water supply sources.

12.13 In order to reduce the negative impact of deicing substances and dust removal materials on plants and soil, the following measures are taken:

Meteorological support systems are used, including stationary meteorological stations, mobile road laboratories, communication systems, modern software for solving problems of winter maintenance and dust removal of highways;

In places with a large amount of introduced chlorides, drainage is ensured by laying intercepting and diverting drains or creating a transverse slope towards the roadside ditch of at least 5-7°. The shape of the transverse profile of the dividing strip must be convex;

In order to limit the space polluted by the road with dust and salts, forest strips are constructed that block the transfer of these substances;

- when planting or sowing, an assortment of plants that are resistant to soil salinity is used (see Appendix 4);

If chlorides enter the soil of newly created forest belts, soil loosening is carried out in them at least five times in the first year and three in subsequent years, watering up to 2-3 times at 30-50 l/m2 per month and annual fertilizing with fertilizers;

12.14 When planting trees and shrubs on clay and loamy soils, there is water permeability, and, consequently, better leaching of chlorine.

When using fertilizers, special importance should be given to organic, and from mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and boron fertilizers. Chlorine- and sodium-containing fertilizers are not applied.

anti-icing materials and dust removal materials are carried out during the spring-summer period of monitoring the condition of plants, attention is paid to their growth, signs of poisoning, the appearance or disappearance of indicator plants (see Appendix G).

12.16 To prevent secondary soil salinization, mown grass and fallen tree leaves in the autumn are removed from the right of way after mowing.

passing through artificial structures (overpasses, bridges, overpasses) within cities and populated areas are transported to snow collection points equipped in accordance with the requirements of the ODM. 218.5.001-2008 13.2 The number of snow collection points and their locations are determined based on the conditions:

- ensuring the efficiency of work on removing snow from the road;

- minimizing transportation costs when removing snow;

- volumes of snow to be removed from the road;

- ensuring unhindered access to them by transport.

Snow collection points are divided into:

- “dry” snow dumps;

contaminated melt water.

“Dry” snow dumps should not be located in water protection zones of water bodies.

ODM 218.3.031 - The area allocated for a “dry” snow dump must have a hard surface; embankment along the entire perimeter, preventing melt water from entering the terrain; drainage trays and a system for transporting melt water to local treatment facilities; fencing around the entire perimeter; checkpoint equipped with telephone communication. An approximate diagram of a “dry” snow dump is shown in Figures 1-3.

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The environment includes the natural environment - nature, as well as all technical objects created by man (artificial environment).

Natural objects - earth (soil, subsoil), water bodies (seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater, springs), air basin, vegetation (trees, shrubs, grasses, algae), fauna, humans.

Artificial objects - buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, cities, villages, dams, as well as underground communications: pipelines, tunnels, cables, etc.

Events for environmental protection in construction:

  • open fire is prohibited at construction sites;
  • when carrying out excavation work, the top plant layer (soil) is carefully cut off, stored in dumps and then used for land reclamation, as well as for parks and squares in cities;
  • To cut any trees (if necessary), you must obtain a numbered permit from the Zelenstroy service
  • It is prohibited to arrange unauthorized dumps of construction waste;
  • It is prohibited to unauthorizedly lay (roll) roads outside the facility;
  • It is prohibited to pour waste fuels and lubricants, paints and varnishes, as well as water after washing concrete and mortar containers into the sewer system. It is also prohibited to discharge them into ravines, streams, rivers and lakes;
  • When organizing a construction site, it is necessary to ensure normal drainage from the territory and water flow from neighboring areas (to prevent the formation of mini-lakes or roaring streams of water).

Measures to protect the built environment in construction:

  • It is prohibited to drive piles by impact (driving) near existing buildings and structures, because deformations and even destruction of individual structures are possible;
  • the construction of pits and trenches near buildings is permitted according to a separate project, with measures taken to ensure the stability of existing buildings;
  • When performing any excavation work, a permit from the local administration (permit “for stripping”) is required, issued to a personal contractor (master, foreman). This increases their liability for possible damage (due to negligence or negligence) of underground communications (pipes, cables, etc.);
  • In residential areas at night it is prohibited:

Drive piles by impact;
- perform noisy work: compacting the pound by tamping, working with a jackhammer, working with an electrical gun;

Electric welding work on the outside of a building under construction;

  • It is necessary to organize dust suppression at the construction site (regular watering of roads, driveways, sites);
  • when transporting dusty loads (sand, crushed stone, ASG, soil) in dump trucks, cover them with a canopy;
  • When constructed within the city, temporary roads on the site must have a hard surface (concrete, asphalt, crushed stone). This will prevent the wheels of a car from carrying dirt onto city highways;
  • Tracked vehicles (tractors, excavators, cranes) are allowed to move along city highways only on special heavy-duty platforms (trailers).
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