Methods of relaxation and relieving psycho-emotional stress. How to relieve emotional stress? How to reduce emotional stress

Psycho-emotional stress: signs, prevention, techniques


Emotional stress– a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by adequate expression of emotional reactions. This state allows you to best achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional stress is resourceful over a certain period of time. Prolonged exposure to emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

Often “psycho-emotional stress” is associated with a variety of unfavorable emotional states associated with dissatisfaction of basic life needs: frustration, discomfort, stress, anxiety, depression, state of dissatisfaction...

Emotional stress develops in several stages.

1. Mobilization of activity. There is an increase in physical and mental performance, inspiration arises when solving non-standard, creative problems or when there is a shortage of time. If such mobilization of the body is insufficient, the second stage of emotional stress occurs.

2. Stenic negative emotion. There is a maximum mobilization of all the body's resources and is accompanied by vivid emotional reactions (anger, rage, obsession). If this is not enough, the third stage occurs.

3. Asthenic negative emotion. It manifests itself in the form of suppression of emotional manifestations (melancholy, legs “give way”, hands “grow down”). This stage is a kind of danger signal; it encourages a person to make a different choice, abandon the goal or take a different path to achieve it. Ignoring the requirements of the 3rd stage inevitably leads to the emergence of the 4th stage

4. Neurosis: lack of choice, in turn, provokes psychosomatic diseases.

Diagnosis of psycho-emotional stress:

Subjective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. In the area of ​​Feelings: tiredness from everything, depression, insecurity, lack of desires, fear of mistakes, fear of uncertain uncontrollable situations, fear of seeming not strong enough, not perfect enough
  2. In the area of ​​Thoughts: about the injustice of actions towards oneself, the undeservedness of one’s position in society, the lack of appreciation by others of one’s own labor efforts, one’s own imperfection.
  3. In the area of ​​Action: criticism of others and oneself, the desire to be noticed or, conversely, unnoticed, the desire to do everything very well or not try at all.

Objective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep.
  2. Fatigue after an exercise that recently did not tire you.
  3. Unreasonable touchiness, tearfulness, or, conversely, increased aggressiveness.
  4. Absent-mindedness, inattention.
  5. Restlessness, restlessness.
  6. Lack of self-confidence.
  7. Showing stubbornness.
  8. Fear of contacts, desire for privacy.
  9. Loss of body weight or, conversely, the manifestation of symptoms of obesity.

10. Increased anxiety.

11. Daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence, which has not previously been observed.

All of the above signs can indicate that a person is in a state of psycho-emotional stress only if they have not been observed before.

There are diagnostic techniques for determining the level of psycho-emotional stress - see Attachment.

Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

  1. 1. Breathing exercises:

Inhalation consists of three phases: inhalation - pause - exhalation. In case of increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to increase the time for all 3 phases. Start with 5 seconds. There is no need to breathe at this rhythm for a long time. Monitor the result and be guided by it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the overall tone, gather strength, the alternation of phases should be as follows: inhale-exhale-pause.

Slow and deep breathing reduces the excitability of nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent breathing, on the contrary, provides high level body activity, maintains neuropsychic tension. That is, by changing the rhythm of breathing, you can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, cheerful one.

  1. 2. Massage and self-massage

The objectives of the massage here will be: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, improvement of metabolic processes, tissue metabolism, improvement of blood and lymph circulation, removal of muscle hypertonicity, removal of the resulting dominant in the nervous system, normalization of sleep.

Massage technique. Apply stroking, rubbing, shallow calm kneading. Impact techniques and intense techniques are excluded. Massage the back of the head, collar area, back, lower limbs, chest, upper limbs.

  1. 3. Psychological exercises, meditation.

The ability to remove muscle tension allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension. They say: they knock out fire with fire, and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to tense as much as possible. A number of exercises are suitable for this, such as “Icicle”, “Muscle Energy”, “Lemon”, etc.

Exercise “Muscle Energy”(developing muscle control skills)

Bend and tense the index finger of your right hand as hard as you can. Check how muscle energy is distributed, where does the tension go? Into neighboring fingers. What else? In the hand. What happens next? Goes to the elbow, to the shoulder, to the neck. And for some reason my left hand gets tense. Check it out!

Try to remove unnecessary tension. Keep your finger tense, but release your neck. Release your shoulder, then your elbow. The hand needs to move freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Release any excess tension from your thumb. From the nameless one. And the index finger is still tense! Relieve tension.

Exercise “Lemon”*

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have squeezed out all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace.

Exercise “Icicle”*("Ice cream")

Stand up, close your eyes, raise your arms up. Imagine that you are an icicle or an ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this pose for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat you begin to slowly melt. Gradually relax your hands, then the muscles of your shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you achieve an optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be performed lying on the floor. Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be a melted icicle, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in tense situations.

Exercise “Balloon”*

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly. “Now we will learn to relax with the help of breathing. Imagine that you have a balloon in your stomach. You inhale slowly, deeply, deeply, and feel how it inflates... Now it has become big and light. When you feel that you cannot inflate it any longer, hold your breath, slowly count to yourself to five, then exhale slowly and calmly. The balloon deflates... And then inflates again... Do this five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and sit quietly for one or two minutes.”

Exercise “Seven Candles”*

“Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven..." (The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music, in a semi-shaded room).

Exercise “Flying high into the sky”

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you are the warm summer sun and high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring in the air. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny feathers. The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. You hear the sound of wings energetically cutting through the air. Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that you are slowly soaring, floating in the air and your wings are outstretched to the sides, your wings are cutting through the air. Enjoy the freedom and wonderful feeling of floating in the air. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Now you are already on earth. Open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and a wonderful feeling of flight that will last throughout the day.”

  1. 4. Autogenic training (AT)

Autogenic training makes it possible to master emotions, develop will, attention, forms the habit of introspection and self-report, and increases the stability and lability of higher nervous activity. AT is used by high school students and adults.

Autogenic training includes two stages - lower and higher.

The first stage consists of 6 exercises affecting autonomic functions:

Exercise “Heaviness” - maximum muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation is practiced through the figurative representation of the developing feeling of heaviness in the right hand, then the left hand, then in the right leg, then in the left leg and torso;

- exercise "Heat"- voluntary expansion of blood vessels in the same sequence, achieving a feeling of warmth;

- Exercise "Heart"- regulation of heart rate;

- Breathing exercise- regulation and normalization of breathing;

- exercise “Warmth in the solar plexus”- inducing a feeling of warmth in the abdominal area;

Exercise "Coolness in the forehead"- use of sensory ideas of coolness, a breeze refreshing the head.

The second stage is meditative exercises that affect mental functions such as attention, imagination, thinking, will, emotions. You can start them only after you have mastered the exercises of the first stage and the sensations evoked in all six exercises are achieved quickly (about 30-40 seconds).

They begin to practice the exercises in a lying position (on their back, arms slightly bent at the elbow joints, legs are positioned freely and do not touch each other); in the future, it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are practiced in conditions of complete peace, solitude, and without haste.

A trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference while performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that exercises are learned faster and more effectively when using tape recording of text with a sequence of actions.

  1. 5. Mudra

Mudra is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules. Knowledge about mudras comes from time immemorial and has always been used in yogic and spiritual practices as an accessible way to heal the body and achieve a special state. It is used in working with students of any age and adults.

It is better to find a secluded place for studying, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and anywhere, best done while sitting. A prerequisite is that your back is straight. The most favorable time is morning or evening. You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start practicing no earlier than an hour later. The best option: perform mudras twice a day. As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you gain stable skills. Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are faced with more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you choose will need to be practiced for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that is tormenting you.

Mudra of knowledge

This mudra is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

Execution technique: the index finger easily connects with the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense). Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra "Saving Life"

Used for discomfort in the heart area, anxiety and melancholy.

Method of execution: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, we fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with pads, the little finger remains straight. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra of life

Performing this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the entire body and helps strengthen its vitality. Increases performance, gives vigor, endurance, and improves overall well-being.

Execution technique: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the remaining ones are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

  1. 6. Emergency stress relief techniques:

With severe mental stress, you can perform 20-30 squats or 15-20 jumping jacks. This method is widely used by both athletes and artists before important performances. Can be used with students of any age.

Exercise "Lampshade"

Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instructions: “Imagine that inside you, at chest level, a bright lamp covered with a lampshade is burning. When the light comes down, you feel warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns upside down... The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine this situation. But we have the power to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down and returns to its normal position. The blinding light disappears, you again feel warm, cozy and comfortable..."

Prevention of emotional stress

1. Breakdown and reduction strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any matter or situation that is important to you, and distance yourself from the significance of the result. “It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, but it is possible in parts and gradually.” Concentrating on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant as to be very emotional. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and overall goal so as not to get confused in the details. The strategy of breaking down and reducing allows you to shift your attention, which helps reduce the level of emotional stress.

2. Comparing a situation or activity with something larger, more important. Decrease in importance. “It’s all nonsense compared to the world revolution.” This is what the revolutionaries said and steadfastly endured the hardships and deprivations of the revolutionary struggle. IN Everyday life you can reason like this: “The project I’m worried about is much smaller compared to the projects of the entire organization.”

3. Establishing certainty. Anxiety often occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision. Get the information you need, find the right resources to resolve uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, prediction of the result, possible options for action.

4. Modeling multiple acceptable outcomes. Calculate all possible results of an activity or resolution of a situation. Find the positive aspects in them. Some options will suit you more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be prepared for different options, and at the same time know how to make the most of each result obtained.

5. Postponing (if possible) decision making, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, redirect attention, and removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

Emotional stress subsides with intense swimming, visiting a bathhouse, or running. Any physical activity balances emotions and makes them more stable.

7. Written recording of the situation and causes of emotional experience. It can be difficult to reflect your condition on paper, however, this effective method reduction of emotional experience. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for it. By describing your condition on paper, you will clearly formulate what you have at the moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

8. Humor and working with negative emotions. Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings you closer together and helps you move through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating for yourself positive emotions. It is useful to know anecdotes and aphorisms that are relevant to life events that are relevant to you. And not just know, but tie them to life situations.

Ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress

Experience shows that an effective means of preventing tension and preventing professional burnout syndrome is the use of methods of self-regulation and self-restoration. This is a kind of safety precaution for specialists who have numerous and intensive contacts with people in the course of their professional activities. These techniques were and are now being used in working with teachers during interactive classes at TMK, MBOU Secondary School No. 56, during individual and group work with clients. The information presented in this article is included in information block program “Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers” and into practice on self-regulation of the body.

Natural ways of regulating the body and self-regulation

Human nature is such that he strives for comfort, to eliminate unpleasant sensations, without thinking about it, without knowing what scientific words it is called. These are natural methods of regulation that turn on by themselves, spontaneously.

You probably use many of them intuitively. This includes long sleep, delicious food, communication with nature and animals, a bath, massage, movement, dancing, music and much more.

The following natural methods of regulating the body are distinguished:

laughter, smile, humor;

thinking about the good, pleasant,

various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;

watching the landscape outside the window;

looking at flowers in the room, photographs, other pleasant or dear things to a person;

mental appeal to higher powers(God, the Universe, the great idea);

bathing (real or mental) in the sun's rays;

breathing fresh air:

poetry reading;

expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that.

Try asking yourself questions:

What helps you cheer up and switch?

Which of the above can I use?

Mentally, or better yet on paper, make a list of these methods. Consider which ones you can use consciously when you feel tense or tired.

Unfortunately, such means, as a rule, cannot be used at work, directly at the moment when a tense situation has arisen or fatigue has accumulated. Are there any techniques that can be used during work? Yes.

To begin with, it is important to understand what natural mechanisms for relieving tension, relaxing, and increasing tone you have; become aware of them; move from spontaneous use of natural methods of regulation to conscious use in order to manage your condition.

Specialists who deal with the problem of regulating emotional states and neuropsychic tension consciously use special techniques to manage them. They are called methods of self-regulation, or methods of self-influence, emphasizing the active participation of a person in them.

Self-regulation is the control of one’s psycho-emotional state, achieved by a person’s influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.

Thus, self-regulation can be carried out using four main means, used separately or in various combinations.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

recovery effect (weakening of symptoms of fatigue);

activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).

Timely self-regulation acts as a kind of psychohygienic means that prevents the accumulation of residual effects of overstrain, promotes complete restoration of strength, normalizes the emotional background of activity, and also enhances the mobilization of the body's resources.

Bank of self-regulation methods

1. Methods related to breathing control

All other vital rhythms of our body are subordinated to breathing and its rhythm.

Breathing plays an important role in our mental life. Mastering your breathing and its mechanisms is one of the ways to cope with psychological problems and neurosis. Conscious control breathing is one of the oldest ways to combat stress and other psychological stress.

Breathing control is an effective means of influencing muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of the abdominal muscles) reduces the excitability of the nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent (chest) breathing, on the contrary, ensures a high level of body activity and maintains neuropsychic tension.

Proper breathing is an adjustment to the rhythm and emotions of thinking. You have probably noticed more than once how this or that emotional condition, the rhythm of emotions, changes our breathing. Remember how it changed when you were excited, when you were expecting the result of some process that was important to you. How did you breathe when you learned some good news?

Every time a special breathing pattern arises that corresponds to your emotional state. If you are excited, your breathing is shallow and rapid. If you are calm, it is slow and deep.

There is also an inverse relationship. In a difficult, emotionally intense moment for you, when your breathing is short and your heart is beating somewhere in your throat, you can calm yourself down with the help of, that’s right, breathing. Smooth and slow breathing will help you cope with your emotions. Breathe as you would if you were in a state of deep rest.

To speed up the process, you need, while maintaining a calm breathing pattern, to slightly increase the depth of breathing and its intensity.

In the same way, by changing the rhythm of breathing, you can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, cheerful one. That is, by changing our breathing pattern, we can transfer ourselves to ANY emotional state.

Of course, in order to consolidate this skill, it is necessary to consciously practice these transitions from one state to another. Practice leveling out irritation and aggression with even, slow and deep breathing. And finally, when you feel a loss of strength, in a state of apathy, change your breathing pattern, bringing it closer to what distinguishes an actively working person.

How to do it? Try, when you are irritated or angry, to breathe the way a person who has barely woken up breathes. Imagine that you are in bed, you have just had a pleasant, peaceful dream. Now you have woken up, and your breathing is slow and calm. Take ten inhalations and exhalations, carefully monitoring the accuracy of the breathing of the newly awakened person (at the same time, increase the depth and intensity of the breathing, maintaining its pattern!). There will be no trace left of the negative emotion.

Breathing can change more than just emotions. It has a powerful effect on thought, and therefore on the entire body. Breathing is associated with thinking and concentration, more precisely with intellectual rhythm. By learning to breathe correctly, you can significantly improve your mental abilities. It is important to learn to breathe normally and control this process. When controlling the breathing process, you should not be zealous. But when you are experiencing emotional discomfort, just check how you breathe. And if you find out that something is wrong and your breathing is not improving, if it is frequent, superficial and ineffective (i.e., not satisfying your needs), then take action.

With natural and full breathing, the body takes a characteristic pose. As you inhale, the head slides back, the shoulders move forward and up, the stomach retracts, the pelvis moves forward, and the legs move apart by themselves. When exhaling, all these parts of the body move in the opposite direction, as if the person is preparing to group, but does not group. All this is possible only if you surrender to the process of breathing, which is what I wish for you with all my heart, since natural breathing contains many resources for our mental and even physical well-being.

Mastering natural breathing. Try to inhale as completely as possible using the intercostal muscles, muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and abs. Exhale equally deeply. “Breathe in” the remaining air two or three times; only 3-4 consecutive exhalations without inhalations. After a 3-5 second pause, try to inhale as fully as possible again. If necessary, perform this complex 3-7 times. Focus on the result; you should feel that your breathing has become free and full. You should also feel that all three muscle groups (intercostal muscles, shoulder girdle muscles and abs) are working harmoniously, helping each other to ensure breathing.

Checking for complete breathing. To make sure that your breathing is truly complete, tense as much as possible and hold the tension for as long as possible. Then take 2-3 deep spontaneous inhalations and exhalations. Additionally, make sure that your breathing is not impeded by any muscle blocks (a feeling of muscle tension in one of three areas: chest, shoulders, abs). If you identify some kind of muscle block, get rid of it by additional tension of this muscle group according to the appropriate scheme.

It would be absurd to completely abandon the tools for maintaining mental well-being that are hidden in the breath. In progress evolutionary development There is a clear relationship between deep and frequent breathing, on the one hand, and the activation of the body, on the other. However, when breathing decreases nervous system rests, and in the meantime the body restores and accumulates energy resources. During inhalation, the mental state is activated, and during exhalation, the whole body calms and relaxes.

If you feel anxious, overwhelmed or tense, immerse yourself in the here and now and focus on your breathing. Feel only your breath. Sit with your back straight and count your breaths: one when you inhale, two when you exhale, three when you inhale again, four when you exhale again, and so on. Continue counting only to ten, since counting breaths is difficult with larger numbers. Go through two or three of these cycles. Focus on each account. Give your attention to exactly one, exactly two, exactly three, etc. Invest yourself in each number, follow your breathing, your inhalation, exhalation, pause. Notice the obstacles that are preventing you from breathing fully and remove them. While breathing, feel the currents that arise in the body under its influence.

In case of increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, increase the time for all three phases of the breathing process: inhale-pause-exhale. Start with 5 seconds. Inhale slowly for 5 seconds, pause for 5 seconds and exhale also for 5 seconds. There is no need to breathe at this rhythm for a long time. Monitor the result and be guided by it. If it’s not difficult for you, you can gradually increase the duration of each phase (pause - no more than 10 seconds).

This exercise should not be performed before work that requires high activity. It has a pronounced calming effect, so it can be effective before bed if you have difficulty falling asleep.

In order to raise the general tone and gather strength, the alternation of breathing phases should be as follows: inhale - exhale - hold your breath for 5 seconds. Keep track of the result and be guided by it. You can increase the duration of the respiratory phases (each separately), but not much. The exercise should be carried out carefully.

For emergency activation of internal resources: inhalation should be done less actively, and exhalation should be forced, quite sharply, with artificially created difficulties. Sit with your back straight, lean your shoulders slightly forward, inhale calmly for 3 seconds and exhale forcefully for six. Create tension in the muscles of your tongue and larynx to resist the passing air. Simultaneously with exhalation, tense the muscles of your arms, chest and abdomen. You should not do more than 5-6 breaths in this way.

2. Methods related to controlling muscle tone and movement.

Under the influence of mental stress, muscle clamps and tension arise. The ability to relax them allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension and quickly restore strength.

How to do it?

They say that we knock out a wedge with a wedge. And we will do just that. To achieve complete relaxation, you need to tense up as much as possible.

What do we have to do? First, we will learn how to consistently tense each muscle group. After this, you will need to master their simultaneous tension, and only then we will talk about relaxation. Ready? Then let's get started.

To fully relax, you need to tense all muscle groups: hands - forearms - shoulders and upper arms - shoulder blades - face - neck - abs - buttocks - perineum - thighs - legs - feet.

So, let's learn to relax.

1.Clench your left hand into a fist as tightly as you can. If you squeeze your hand well, you will be able to see that your knuckles have turned white. If you now slowly unclench your fist, you will clearly feel the muscles relaxing. This needs to be done with other muscle groups.

2.Bend your left arm at the elbow and tighten your left biceps so that it becomes as convex as possible. Then relax your muscles completely. Let your arm hang freely along your body.

3.Relax your right hand in the same way.

4.Tighten the muscles of the left moan. Curl your toes inward. After you feel a sufficiently strong tension in the muscles of your foot, let it relax.

5.Tighten your calf muscles. Touch them with your hand and you will feel how the muscles gradually become more and more solid. Pull your toes out to better tighten your muscles. Then relax them.

6.Straighten your leg and push it away from you in one fell swoop. You will feel the muscles in the front of your thigh tighten; they should be firm all the way up to the hip joint.

7.Do the same with the muscles of the other leg.

8. Straighten your whole body, stretch upward, contracting the muscles of your buttocks. Then relax your muscles.

9. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Try to pull your stomach in as much as possible. Now suddenly relax and allow yourself? blur?.

10.Take a deep breath and try to hold it for as long as possible, tensing your chest muscles. Then exhale.

11. Straighten your shoulders and move them as far back as possible, then quickly bring them forward. Finally, raise them as high as possible. Try to keep your head still and try to touch your ears with your shoulders. You probably won't be able to do this, but at least try. Then relax and lower your shoulders.

13.Now relax the neck muscles. Tilt your head forward, then turn it first to the left, then to the right. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Relax your neck muscles. Feel your neck to make sure the muscles are truly relaxed.

14.Raise your eyebrows up, then lower them. Do this several times, making sure you feel your facial muscles tense each time. Then relax these muscles.

15.Close your eyes as tightly as possible. Imagine that someone is trying to force you to open your eyelids and open your eyes. Keep them tightly squeezed. Then, without opening your eyelids, relax your facial muscles.

16.Make several circular movements with your lower jaw. Grind your teeth. Wrinkle your forehead. Smile as wide as possible. Relax all your facial muscles. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly while doing these exercises. As you relax, try to breathe as little as possible.

In a well-relaxed muscle you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness. If you cannot remove the clamp, especially on the face, try to smooth it out with light self-massage using circular movements of your fingers (you can make grimaces - surprise, joy, etc.).

Having practiced the ability to relax each muscle group in turn, we move on to the next stage. Tighten all muscle groups at the same time and create maximum tension in this position. Mentally count to 10, concentrating not on the count, but on the tension. On the count of 10, sharply relax, lean back and take a deep, calm breath. If necessary (determined independently), you can take an additional 2-3 deep breaths. Rest for a minute. The exercise should be repeated at least 7-10 times a day until you learn to voluntarily, quickly and completely relax without preliminary tension.

This exercise should be used whenever anxiety occurs, as a means of first and emergency aid. And also during attacks of internal stiffness, feelings of anger and stress. The best way is to practice it daily. The ability to relax should certainly enter your life. Moreover, it is better to spend the vast majority of time in this state rather than in tension.


Exercise is contraindicated during infections, pregnancy, and in cases where physical activity is limited by a doctor (for example, with vascular or neurological diseases).

If muscle pain appears that is not associated with one or another chronic disease, give yourself a massage and continue exercising as usual.

It's likely that chronic muscle tension is higher in some areas of your body than others. For example, if you suffer more from anxiety, you may find it more difficult to relax your shoulders, neck, and lower extremity muscles. If in everyday life you have to restrain irritation and aggression to a greater extent, then pay special attention to your cheekbones, tension in your arms and back muscles.

It’s not enough to just learn to relax. You must, firstly, be able to voluntarily, at will, enter this pleasant and, of course, useful state of physical relaxation; secondly, do not forget to tone your muscles before loading; and finally, make relaxation a natural state for yourself.

3. Methods associated with the impact of words

It is known that a word can kill, a word can save. The second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior. Verbal influence involves the conscious mechanism of self-hypnosis, and has a direct impact on the psychophysiological functions of the body.

A wonderful means of self-regulation are formulas-moods. The formula-mood is a positive, i.e., the statement we need. It's like white paint being put on top of a dirty spot. If it covers the entire stain with a thick layer, then the dirt will not be visible - it will disappear, and the sheet will be clean again. As a result, there will be no problems in our lives caused by our erroneous beliefs. The thicker the layer of paint, the more reliably we are protected from the emergence of our erroneous beliefs. If the paint layer is thin, then the stain can show through and ruin our life again. That is why formula-moods need to be repeated for a long time and as emotionally as possible. The time and energy invested in them is proportional to the amount of paint that will cover the dirty spot.

When you first pronounce the formulas-moods, it may seem to you that this method is hopeless. Imagine that you have planted a seed. It first sprouts, then takes root, and only after that the sprout breaks out. It takes time for the sprout to develop into an adult plant. It’s the same with formulas and settings. Be patient.

In order to get rid of erroneous beliefs and idealization, it is necessary, using self-programming techniques, to dislodge them from consciousness and replace them with positive and useful statements.

Options for working with formula settings Rewrite by hand at least 100 times. You can rewrite no more than 5 times a day, so this will take about a month.

Memorize positive affirmations (or write them down on paper and carry them with you) and repeat them mentally. The total repetition time is 3-5 hours in total. It turns out to be very effective to record on a cassette the formulas and sentiments that you have uttered. Listen to them before bed. Reinforce your new positive formulas in any way you can: in your thoughts, in your conversations with yourself or others, through journal entries.

Remember the rule - the wording of self-hypnosis is constructed in the form of simple and brief statements with a positive focus (without the particle “not”).

Self-orders. This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself. Use self-command when you are convinced that you should behave in a certain way, but have difficulty doing it. Talk calmly! Be silent, do not give in to provocation! - this helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements and work rules.

Formulate a self-order.

Repeat it mentally several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Self-programming. In many situations, it is advisable to look back and remember your successes in a similar situation. Past successes tell a person about his capabilities, about hidden reserves in the spiritual, intellectual, and volitional spheres and instill confidence in his abilities. Think back to a time when you dealt with similar challenges.

Formulate the text of the program; to enhance the effect, you can use the words “exactly today”:

“Today I will succeed”; “Today I will be the calmest and most self-possessed”; “Today I will be resourceful and confident”; “It gives me pleasure to conduct a conversation in a calm and confident voice, to show an example of restraint and self-control.”

Repeat it mentally several times.

Self-approval (self-encouragement). People often do not receive positive assessment of their behavior from others. This, especially in situations of increased neuropsychic stress, is one of the reasons for increased nervousness and irritation. Therefore, it is important to encourage yourself.

In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself,

mentally saying: Well done!, Good girl!, It turned out great!.

Find opportunities to praise yourself at least 3-5 times during the working day.

4. Methods associated with the use of images

The use of images is associated with an active influence on the central nervous system of feelings and ideas. We don’t remember many of our positive feelings, observations, and impressions, but if we awaken the memories and images associated with them, we can relive them and even strengthen them. And if with words we influence mainly consciousness, then images and imagination give us access to powerful subconscious reserves of the psyche.

To use imagery for self-regulation:

Specifically remember situations, events in which you felt comfortable, relaxed, calm - these are your resource situations.

Do this in three basic human modalities. To do this, remember:

1)visual images of the event (what you see: clouds, flowers, forest);

2) auditory images (what sounds do you hear: birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the sound of rain, music);

3) sensations in the body (what you feel: the warmth of the sun’s rays on your face, splashes of water, the smell of blossoming apple trees, the taste of strawberries).

If you feel tense or tired:

1) sit comfortably, with your eyes closed if possible;

2) breathe slowly and deeply;

3) remember one of your resource situations;

4) live it again, remembering all the visual, auditory and bodily sensations that accompanied it:

5) stay inside this situation for several minutes;

6) open your eyes and get back to work.

We wish you success in mastering these techniques and stay healthy!

Educational psychologist

Not everyone knows how to relieve tension quickly and effectively. But back in the 11th century, the great scientist Avicenna established that nervous tension should under no circumstances be accumulated within oneself. You need to start getting rid of it as quickly as possible. Otherwise, a person risks developing a nervous system disorder, nervous breakdowns, or causing heart disease. You will learn from this article how to relieve emotional stress and what you need to do to regain good spirits.

How to get rid of tension

According to doctors, our nervous system is able to cope with emotional stress if the negative emotion we experienced is short-lived. But our psyche, unfortunately, cannot cope with prolonged nervous tension on its own.

If you receive a heavy workload, spending a lot of effort and vital energy, your body needs help. Therefore, in order for our psycho-emotional background to be restored, it is necessary to help the recovery process by applying a set of measures aimed at relieving the symptoms of nervous and psycho-emotional tension.

  • Walk in the fresh air

To relieve nervous tension, walks in the fresh air are recommended. You need to change your usual home environment and go outside. When walking down the street, alternate the pace of your movement and the width of your step. Soon you will notice how your emotional state returns to normal.

Here's how it all works: firstly, thanks to the flow of oxygen into the blood, the brain begins to work more intensively and fruitfully, and the endocrine system begins to function more correctly. And secondly, during the alternation of tempo and step width, special biochemical processes are launched that switch your brain activity from the psycho-emotional state of a person to providing physical processes body.

Internal tension will go away even faster if, for example, you divert your attention to the contemplation of living nature or good memories.

If you don’t know how to relieve nervous tension, good old physical education is always happy to help you. Absolutely all doctors say that physical activity copes very well with tension. Here are a few exercises that will help you eliminate internal tension, restore all your inner strength and restore a positive attitude:

  1. Sit on a stool or chair. Grab his seat with both hands and pull it up as hard as you can. Try to hold the chair in this position for at least 10 seconds.
  2. Starting position – hands in a lock, placed behind the head closer to the cervical region. Press as hard as you can on your neck with your palms, and try to resist this pressure with your whole body.
  3. Sit on the very edge of a chair or stool. Let your arms hang freely and your head raised slightly up. Spend 7 seconds in this position. Then inhale deeply, and as you exhale, bend down and hug your knees. Stay in this position for a few seconds, inhale and begin to slowly return to the starting position.

If you have a responsible and stressful job, and at the end of your shift you feel emotionally drained, then it is imperative that you include physical activity in your daily routine. You can do fitness, yoga, Pilates, dancing, athletics, in general, anything. The main thing is that it is systematic, and after classes your emotions are on the rise and your mood is positive.

  • Letting off steam

To relieve nervous tension when emotions run high and you no longer have the strength to maintain the image of a balanced and calm person, the following techniques will help you cope with internal tension:

  1. Go to a secluded place and scream as much as you can. It could be a forest, a remote park or a deserted wasteland. Find such a place and have a blast there. Yell at the top of your lungs. You can yell at your “favorite boss,” an annoying neighbor, or a crazy client who blew your mind during the day. Scream to your heart's content, and you will immediately notice an emotional uplift and a surge of vital energy.
  2. You can take out the accumulated negativity at home. For example, you can beat a pillow, throw all your things around, or break a couple of old plates. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the next morning you may not find the mug with which you drink your morning coffee.
  3. By the way, English scientists have proven that ladies who scream and break dishes during family feuds are much less likely to suffer from heart disease. They also carry out a kind of prevention against stroke and heart attack.
  • Breathe deeply

It is a medically proven fact that with proper breathing you can cure chronic migraines and relieve internal tension. The main thing is to learn to breathe correctly.

Place your hands in the starting position on your waist. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose, while inflating your stomach and counting to 10. Then slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to 15. At the same time, your tongue should be pressed to the roof of your mouth as if hissing the letter “sssss”. This exercise must be repeated 5 times.

Exhalation through effort and relaxation relaxes the muscles and relieves spasms. Such exercises can not only overcome internal tension, but also relieve fatigue and blues.

  • Work your belly

Abdominal exercises will relieve you from psycho-emotional stress. Everything is simple here: they inflated it - pulled it in tightly, relaxed it - tense it, imagined that the stomach was an ocean and made a wave. The exercise must be performed for at least 15 minutes.

  • Painstaking hand work is what you need

You can sort through small things: beans, buttons, coins, etc. Make a bracelet from beads or beads, type on the computer, play with an anti-stress toy. The fact is that our fingertips are equipped with a large number of nerve receptors, and their stimulation can cope with internal and emotional stress.

  • Hot food

A pod of hot pepper will help relieve internal tension. If you do not complain about your health and the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, you can use this extreme method. US scientists have proven that this spicy product can cause a rapid increase in endorphins in the human body. But, as you know, endorphins are the main hormones of joy.

  • Hug

It has long been known that internal tension recedes before a warm and friendly embrace. Remember how we calmed down as children when our mother hugged us. Believe me, hugs have a calming effect not only on children. They can also help an adult cope with fears and nervous overexcitation.

  • Making love

Such activities act as an ambulance and, like no other activities, can eliminate nervous tension in a matter of minutes. Hormones released during love “exercises” have the best effect on our nervous system. In addition, they relieve muscle spasms, which are eternal allies of internal tension.

  • Making faces

Nervous tension can be eased by facial gymnastics. It will remove the emotional burden and, in addition, will lift your mood. Of course, the main masters of facial gymnastics are children. We think that the little ones are just playing pranks and playing around, but in fact, in this way they get rid of internal emotional stress and negativity accumulated during the day.

So let's take an example from the kids and start making faces. Well, of course, we are adults and making faces with a work colleague is not very comme il faut, so we will “play pranks” at home in front of the mirror.

  • Yawn

Have you ever noticed that when you get tired of the work process, you start to yawn? And this is not just like that. It is our nervous system, noticing that something is wrong, trying to help us relieve nervous tension. Our psyche knows exactly how to get rid of negative external influences. And our task is to help her by artificially causing her to yawn.

The fact is that yawning improves blood flow and increases the tone of our body. In addition, yawning speeds up metabolic processes and helps remove carbon dioxide. All these processes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and normalize brain activity.

  • Tea ceremony

Tea is a calming tranquilizer given to us by nature itself. It copes well with emotional exhaustion, relieves tension and fatigue. And all because tea leaves contain unique elements: catechins, flavonoids, carotene and vitamins. By the way, to calm the nervous system, it is recommended to brew green tea.

  • The power of soothing baths

Soothing baths are an excellent way to prevent nervous disorders and stress. Water for soothing water procedures should be comfortable for the body, approximately 40 degrees. Decoctions of the following herbs and leaves are added to the water: sage, mint, birch leaves, yarrow, chamomile. Such baths can be taken daily; the duration of stay in the water should not exceed 15 minutes.

  • Acupressure

This massage stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. To do it, you don't have to go to a massage parlor. You can cope without outside help. Massage the central point of the chin in a circular motion 10 times clockwise and the same number against it. Or kneading and stretching the middle fingers of both hands.

  • More positive

And, the main thing to do is to smile and look at life more optimistically. Of course, it’s not easy to smile when cats are scratching your soul, but it needs to be done. Scientists have found that laughter therapy is a great way to get rid of negative influences from the outside, bad mood, stress and tension. Laughter triggers protective reactions in our body, improves blood flow, and provides the brain with oxygen. Laughter is a natural cure for tension.

Therefore, look at life with optimism, smile a lot and let those around you upset you less!


Physical activity can relieve any stress and tension. Exercise as often as possible, ideally daily. Morning jogging will give you strength and energy, and lift your spirits, since during running the body produces the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin. If a conflict arises at work, then you need to throw out the accumulated stress. A punching bag is perfect for this. Swimming in the pool is also a great way to relieve stress.

To restore balance, you can go the other way around- relax completely. A great way to bring harmony to thoughts and feelings is meditation. Sign up for classes, they will teach you how to quickly relax and put your emotions in order. You can also visit a massage therapist. A relaxing massage will help relieve not only physical but also mental stress.

Try to be outdoors more often. In case of a stressful situation, it would be nice to go out into nature or at least take a walk in the park. This will help you take your mind off unnecessary thoughts and relax.

Arrange an aromatherapy session at home. Turn on quiet, calm music and light an aroma lamp with essential oils. Oils of orange, lavender, jasmine, and patchouli are suitable for this. They help fight insomnia and headaches. Lie down and try not to think about anything, but just enjoy the music. Lie like this for about 20 minutes.

If emotional stress is associated with an upcoming performance, or an important conversation or event, you must pull yourself together and try to relax. To do this, take a few slow, deep breaths and exhale and say to yourself encouraging words like this: “I am calm,” “I will succeed.” It is known that auto-training has helped not a single person, so why not learn to apply it in your life? If tension is too high, you can take a valerian tablet, it will help calm you down.

The most important rule that will help you avoid nervous breakdowns and strong emotional stress: learn not to take problems related to work to heart, because it is just work. First of all, think about your health.

Good afternoon. I'm finally uploading this article. methods for relieving stress at work. I'll tell you how himself relieve nervous tension; I’ll show you how you can work with stress (not fight it, but work), and how through this work get rid of stress altogether. Reach a new level of reality (stop being dull with excitement and choking with fear). Here you will find 6 BEST Methods and Discreet Exercises, helping to instantly relax (but not fall asleep or become limp in relaxation, but remain in a calm working state).

These stress relief techniques work even in the most emergency and anxious moments of work, when everyone around is in panic... but you (instead of tension and pressure) feel cheerfulness and increased energy - you don't perceive circumstances as a threat, you feel what is happening as an interesting game and willingly throw your energy into solving “game” problems (and it doesn’t matter that your bonus or the question of dismissal is at stake).

So let's get started understand where stress comes from (at work and at home) and what to do if it constantly takes you hostage. How to cope with stress, and learn to instantly get rid of nervous tension (throw it off like a snake skin) and remain yourself - real, smart and quick-witted.

There is no insurance against STRESS...

Nowadays it is fashionable to be a professional. Either you are a professional in your field, or you will achieve nothing in life. You live in constant competition - with everyone around you.

You try your best to be the BEST. The best employee, the best wife, the best mother.

At work, you are ready to take on a task and bear the burden of responsibility. At home, you are determined to meet the expectations of your household and win the “Housewife of the Year” competition you invented.

So what's the result?

In the end, you come first you don't allow yourself relax... later can't remember, HOW IT'S DONE.

Stress and tension at work, nervous stress at home - all this becomes a familiar background of life. And it seems to you that this is the norm - in modern world There is no other way.

It's funny, but that's why in the modern world, hospitals and pharmacies are visited more often than theaters and exhibitions.

Let's figure out what nervous stress is. To understand how take off stress - need to find out where it is stuck on to us.


(stress generation mechanism)

The body reacts to WHAT WE THINK.

If you don't believe... Here's some simple evidence...

We think that we have been offended - and the body produces tears, trembling lips, and a feeling of unpleasant tightness in the stomach.

We think we are in danger - and the adrenaline rush causes our hearts to pound and our muscles to clench in preparation for a fight.

We think that we are safe - and the body relaxes, the face smoothes out.

Our body works - at the direction of our EMOTIONS (whether you like it or not, but it is so).

  • If the same annoying thought will be constantly present - the body will repeat the same reaction.
  • Same muscle group will be in tension... will get used to this constant “tone” and FORGET the way she once relaxed.

A constant negative way of thinking gives a CLAMP.

And if you don't work on removing the clamp... then things can take a bad turn...



  • Tight muscles lead to poor health

Our body is a complex system of organs. And in this system everything is interconnected. Tension in one zone can cause dysfunction of the organs of this zone...

The inflow/outflow of blood and lymph through the compressed area of ​​the muscle is disrupted - the organ does not receive enough nutrients... does not release waste products of its vital activity (toxins)... gradually its tissues are deformed... its function is impaired. And one day we hear a diagnosis of “impaired kidney function”... or some other organ.

  • Tension is reflected in the muscle TONE of the FACE.

A woman with a tense face is not very attractive. Even if the muscle tension is in the back or neck area, the feeling of discomfort is still reflected on the face. The facial muscles get tired and stiff from artificial smiles and the effort you spend on a working “mask of calm” on your face. We can buy creams and face masks - but tight muscles do not provide the skin with oxygen and nutrition - and nothing helps relieve the wooden mask of tension and cope with stress.

  • Body tension – clamps down the BRAIN CIRCULATION.

It often happens... that you are already tired, but the task has not yet been solved. The changing minutes on the dial drive you on. And you tell yourself, “I have to get myself together. I have to get ready..."

But actually trying to concentrate only increases stress... interferes with the natural flow of the circulatory and lymphatic systems... the brain does not receive enough oxygen - and cannot fully work on solving the problem.

Need AGAIN teach the body to relax. Repeat the exercises on purpose until they become simple and easy (a sure sign that we have learned muscle relaxation and we ourselves can relieve stress and tightness in the muscles)


(6 stress relief methods)

  • There are exercises that help you relax and relieve stress at work
  • Eat relaxation exercises which can ONLY be done AT HOME (because they require privacy - these are complex yoga poses for muscle relaxation)
  • There are exercises that can be done outdoors, combining muscle relaxation with a regular walk or going to work... or ways that help you relax while waiting for transport at a bus stop, in line at the market.

In this article we have collected exercises and methods for relieving nervous tension– which are convenient to implement IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

Stress Relief Method #1

"Long exhalation"

How it works.

Physiologist A.I. Roitbak, as a result of research on the effect of breathing on the body, received the following observations...

Nerve impulses – originating from the respiratory center affect the cerebral cortex- in such a way that... inhalation increases the tone of the brain, and exhalation lowers it.

Consequently, the TYPE OF BREATHING can, in one way or another, influence the level of tone of the Central Nervous System (CNS) - reducing or increasing nervous tension... decreasing or increasing blood pressure and pulse rate.

  • A long, slow inhalation and a short, sharp exhalation increase the tone of the brain and muscles.
  • A short inhalation and a slow, drawn-out exhalation reduce the excitement of the nervous system and reduce the overall muscle tone.

Agree, it becomes clear– why a person makes maximum physical efforts (for example, in sports) precisely at the stage of holding his breath while INHAING... But a person dives into an ice hole precisely during a long EXHALETION (when the nervous system is at greatest peace and is not afraid of shock).

To achieve relaxation, you need a second type of breathing - which lowers the tone of the brain and central nervous system, reduces blood pressure, and lowers overall muscle tone.

How to do.

We simply take a small, short breath - we hold our breath for a split second - and then we exhale long, very slowly... in a small stream and at a slow speed we release the air from ourselves (and stress goes away along with the air that comes out)

It is advisable not to think about anything extraneous during the process. To do this, you just need to focus on what to note each time - which warm air comes out back (compared to the coolness we just inhaled). This kind of tracking of temperature changes between inhaled and exhaled air distracts us from other thoughts - and helps our body get rid of tension and relax...returns it to the state muscle relaxation and relieves stress.

Stress Relief Method #2

"Variable tension and relaxation"

How it works.

As we already said in this same article, constant stress(the same tense thought) – constantly keeps the same group of muscles in tone. The muscle gets used to it be in a tense state and forget “your normal relaxation mechanism.” That is, she no longer remembers what it means to “relax.”

The goal of this method is to teach the muscle to relax again - to make it remember how to do it.

How to do this relaxation exercise

AC VOLTAGE PHASE. We start with a separate part of the body - for example, a hand... We strain all the muscles of the hand at once - first the fingers, then the whole hand, then the arm to the elbow and the shoulder. We hold this tension for 10 seconds and release it for 10 seconds of rest. And immediately repeat again 10 seconds of tension and then 10 seconds of rest. There should be 3 such phases.

COMPLETE REST PHASE. And then we take 3-5 minutes of complete peace - we lie down and enjoy our heavy hands - we feel how limp and filled with pulsating peace they are. And we breathe calmly and slowly - and the relaxing type of breathing is perfect for this phase - with a slow exhalation, which we talked about above.

Repeat the same procedure with other muscles of the body: facial muscles (lips, forehead), neck muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles, leg muscles.

This is a stress relieving exercise. helps you sleep... in one such phase of complete rest you will simply fall asleep. Even if before this you had no sleep in either eye.

At work, you can do it during your lunch break, a smoke break, or going to the toilet, or right at your workplace (if you don’t have a supervisor over you).

Stress relief method No. 3

"Face Smoothing"

How it works.

In the modern world, we are all accustomed to “taking the blow” with our faces. That is, maintaining a mask of calm and equanimity in the most stressful situations. This is considered a rule of good manners, and we continue to “keep our face” not only at work, but also on the subway, at a party, and even at home.

Gradually, the blockade of facial muscles becomes a familiar mask. Which we only shoot while lying in the bathtub, in hot, relaxing water. It is at this moment that we need to begin our relaxation exercise.

The method of relieving stress through smoothing the face has 2 phases -

  • preparatory (at home in a relaxed atmosphere encoding the movement)
  • effective (in times of stress we use coded movement)


At home - lying on the sofa or in the bathroom. We begin to remove the tense mask from ourselves. Stroking movements of the hands on the face - smoothing the muscles of the cheekbones... kneading the cheeks and chin, rubbing the temples, gently smoothing the bones of the edges of the eye sockets with the pads of the fingers. With these movements, it’s as if we are RETURNING OUR FACE TO ITS PLACE. We remove - we erase from him the mask of anxiety, tension, sad thoughts and fear of possible troubles in the future. I combine all these movements when removing makeup and applying cream.

When your face will fall into place, smile, feel the smoothness of every muscle of your face, take a breath, sniffing happiness and peace through your nose... bliss out in this new reality of your real face and...

THIS IS IMPORTANT HERE- touch your conical fingers to your face in the area of ​​your cheekbones and move gently and lightly along your cheekbones (from the center to the sides) as if you were smoothing your beloved face (this is often done by mothers to children, and by lovers to each other - and you can do this to yourself). And repeat THIS MOVEMENT SEVERAL TIMES... lightly along the cheekbones to the sides... and feel how your face stretches after your fingers... moves apart, smoothes out. This movement will become a MAGIC CODE, which we can connect to our body at any time and return ourselves to a blissful state.

ACTION PHASE (in a stressful environment)

In the future... during an unpleasant conversation at work... in a psychologically uncomfortable environment... just when you are walking down the street with a face that shows signs of a busy day at work... you need to make THESE SIMPLE MOVEMENTS...

Touch your cheekbones with your fingertips - smoothing them to the right and left... to the chin - outlining a clear oval of the face with your palm... to the forehead - straightening frown lines...

And while doing all this - REMEMBER and clearly FEEL everything that you felt while lying in the bathroom - again find yourself inside that ATMOSPHERE when no one sees you, no one critically examines you, no one evaluates your strength and endurance...

This exercise can be done right on the street... masking the movements with what you supposedly straightening your hair, scarf, or brush away invisible dust particles. When touching your face, it is better to close your eyes for a second.

Combined with calm breathing, this method muscle relaxation does a real miracle with your face. It becomes relaxed and beautiful, the expression of the eyes softens, the eyes themselves become moisturized and begin to shine, the complexion ceases to be that gray-yellow-green that happens after a hard day at work - and you catch the satisfied glances of men of all ages.

I remember the morning when I did this exercise for the first time))), I was walking down the street and caught myself that my face was wrinkled from heavy thoughts (but I’m in a beautiful dress, and a face like an old woman’s is not suitable) ... and I decided to smooth out my face with this code movement.

I ran my fingers over my cheekbones in the same motion that I usually apply cream to my face... and again I felt wild and free, like in the bath, my face smoothed out and (I would swear to it) glowed.

And suddenly some homeless man, floating towards a meeting in the rays of the rising sun, begins to say something to me, I listen warily (ready to fight back if necessary) and suddenly in his burry speech I make out a part of the phrase “It’s rare to see such a satisfied face on the street...”. This is where I start laughing...

I still use this technique and, damn, I like it)))

Stress Relief Method #4


How it works.

The brain is a system of zones... each zone is active in a certain type of activity. When one zone is active, the others are passive. That's why we can't do a hundred things at the same time (reading and singing a song, for example).

For example - when we embroider with a cross in the brain, the area that is responsible for painstaking and attentive work and small finger movements is active... when we swim, the zone responsible for body coordination and the correctness of sweeping movements is active... when we eat– the zone responsible for taste recognition is active... etc. Each new activity switches the activity from one zone to another (like a TV remote control switches channels)

Muscle tension is a constant state of combat activity in one area of ​​the brain. Poor thing - the Zone, which itself cannot switch. And that means she needs help you relax.

The funny thing is that we ourselves sometimes don’t even notice that we remain hostage to this one active zone . For example– you work as a manicurist – your activity consists of sitting in one place and fingering the client’s fingers. And now you are going to the long-awaited seaside resort - where, it seems to you, you are finally relaxing on the beach by the sea... but in fact you are sitting on the beach and fingering the sand and pebbles with your hands... just like you fingered the manicured fingers of your clients. You're not resting—your brain's work zone is still active. And you won’t start resting until you switch it.

How to do it.

Everything is simple here - you must do the OPPOSITE of what you usually do. It’s even better to switch the zone’s activity with some STRONG IRRITANT. It could be a jump into the water from a small cliff... a banana ride that scares you so much... a light gallop on a horse... or a holiday romance (apparently this is why they are so popular - everyone just subconsciously wants to switch).

You will say - oh my God, riding a banana will make me even more stressed. That's right, that means you don't need it - you're a coward... other things light you up... switch yourself to something else. The main thing is the opposite of what you did at work. Chatting on the phone with clients? - means be silent during the yoga course. Silently reducing debit and credit to a state of stress? - means chat with your girlfriends, go to talk shows, sign up for public speaking courses, dance school, etc.

The sooner you switch the active work zone, the sooner your body and your brain will begin to rest, and at the same time a group of tense muscles will begin their process of relaxation and stress relief.

Strass removal method No. 5


How it works.

Often stress and muscle tension are not caused by mental stress but by another factor - namely unhealthy rhythm of activity. There are professions that force a person to act quickly (due to excessive requirements and standards set by the employer). This is not necessarily some kind of production where the assembly line moves too quickly. Sometimes even working in the service sector requires you to go as fast as possible (so as not to delay customers in queues).

The constant need to speed up, not give yourself any slack and not slow down leads to constant stress pressure. And we (unbeknownst to ourselves) have the same operating speed carry over into the rest of our lives. It seems to us that if we do not solve our household chores in the same rhythmic manner, and do not rest on the weekends in the same rhythmic manner, we will miss something important. We don’t let ourselves wallow, we do everything just as quickly and clearly (and we’re even proud of this “professional deformation”).

What to do.

To switch tense muscles to the relaxation stage, a CHANGE IN THE RHYTHM OF ACTIVITY is necessary.

That is, you need to highlight at least one hour a day - for SLOW LIFE. This does not involve any special exercise. No - you just continue to do what you planned to do - but all your movements should be slow, your breathing should be deep - even your eye movements should be lazy, like a well-fed cat.

You can - walk slowly, very slowly to the store. Consciously and slowly looking around. Don't rush forward to your goal as usual... fly to the store with a shopping list in your head. No, you need to write the list on a piece of paper, put it in your pocket and completely relieve your head from all the tasks and nervous tension of shopping “oh, just don’t forget to buy eggs”

And by letting go of the highway inside you, you can finally listen to the sensations of the PROCESS... Here your feet are walking on the asphalt, here they are stepping on the grass... here the sun shines through the chestnut leaves with a pleasant green light... now the breeze blew right in your face and you closed your eyes for a second, feeling its fresh touch... now the child next to you laughed... All this is you you see, you feel - because at the moment you are LIVING VERY SLOWLY.

And at this moment - all those brain centers, all those muscle groups that were in good shape - relax. This new DIFFERENT rhythm helps them relax and relieve stress.

Method to relieve stress No. 6

"The Artist's View"

How it works.

How this method of stress relief works in an anxious environment similar to the one on which the slowdown method is based. Only this method is suitable for those situations - when you are forced to stay in your place and remain calm despite the tense atmosphere.

This could be a stressful meeting with an angry boss... or tough negotiations with business partners... attacks from unfriendly neighbors or any other situation that does not allow you to get up and leave right now, change your activity, do a relaxation exercise, or something else.

How can you pull yourself together and instead of emotional tension, instead of thickening muscle blockades... feel inner peace, muscle relaxation and clarity of consciousness.

What to do.

You need to LOOK – BLINK – BREATHE. That is, you begin to look at everything, everything that is around you - slowly look at every detail. Looking at it relaxed - and therefore blink... it is blinking that gives our gaze a relaxed softness and helps the whole face relax. And you need to breathe - breathe calmly and measuredly. You can even link blinking with breathing - 2 blinks for inhalation and 2 blinks for exhalation.

It’s not in vain that I give this advice (linking blinking and breathing) - The fact is that When I was just learning the artist’s eye, I had trouble blinking and breathing at the same time, because when I focused on breathing, I forgot to blink, and when I tried to remember to blink, I caught myself holding my breath.

Therefore, such a look needs to be rehearsed BEFORE STRESS - in advance. For example when you are standing in line at the checkout, you still have nothing to do - arrange a rehearsal of the artist's gaze, look at the cashier and the objects around you.

The most difficult (even stressful) thing is to consider a person. Because it's SCARY. It’s scary to unexpectedly catch his gaze (like, he’ll see that I’m staring at him). But the point is that staring - and looking with an artist's eye - ARE DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES. The first is unpleasant, and the second does not cause discomfort either for you or for the object of your examination.

At the same time, it is useful to look at any object in detail - to study its every line - as if you want to remember this object and then draw it on a blank sheet of paper. Artists look at the world with such a calm, studying gaze.. That's why this method has this name.

This relaxation exercise relieves your emotional stressbut will not extinguish mental activity. While the apponet is letting off steam, you just look at him carefully - he sees that you are listening to him, listen to his speeches. But at this time you are relaxed.

No, you didn’t drift off somewhere in your thoughts. You hear what they say to you and just wait for a pause to respond - and while the person is pouring out his emotions, you examine his clothes, with a friendly look, with understanding nods of the head, breathing and blinking.

With this stress relief exercise, you will continue to understand everything that is said to you, hear your opponents, respond to them- but at the same time, clarity, calmness and inner relaxation will help you - keep you in working balance.



Relaxed does not mean WEAK

Every day we brush our teeth, every time we wash our hands before eating, we keep the house in order - this is a familiar part of our life.

Why not start another USEFUL HABIT - a habit that helps you relax your body and live in a comfortable state of mental peace and muscle relaxation.


  • Get yourself in shape emotional balance.
  • Maintain your mental energy in order.
  • Exercise your body and exercise your ability to relax (relieve stress) IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, anywhere - feel comfortable, calm, confident.

Remember, perhaps you know people like this. Relaxed in any situation. Always balanced and wise. Remember how calm we feel in the presence of such people - what a feeling of peace and strength emanates from them.

TEACH YOURSELF to relax. Train yourself relaxation methods - do exercises, make it a habit of your life (like we made brushing and toothpaste 2 times a day a habit).

And feel how your life becomes different. How you yourself become a new person, with new qualities and new opportunities.

You can object to me.

Like... Modern life– constantly challenges us. And in order not to lose, you must constantly keep yourself in combat readiness. And that means stress is inevitable...

This is all nonsense. Yes, yes, yes (like Winnie the Pooh)

There is no need to be afraid of losing combat readiness... Because... (read the text in the frame)

Learn. Right now. Breathe and blink... and rinse your hands and warm up your facial wooden muscles... and then slowly, slowly go for a walk)))

Now that you know what helps relieve stress. what methods really work, and how to do these methods correctly - you can work on a new version of yourself at home. And at home, create a new calm person within yourself. After all the world is the same for everyone- but some allow themselves to be calm in this world, while others constantly control themselves and do not allow themselves to relax.

Let yourself go give yourself permission shortcomings, weaknesses, and just work... develop new skills in responding to the pressure and acceleration of other people. Don’t take on other people’s behavior patterns under stress - don’t accumulate nervous tension, it has never played into anyone’s hands - and it won’t help you.

If you have your own personal, developed ways to relieve stress and tension, then write about them in the comments to this article.

Good luck relieving your stress.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

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