International Mother Language Day: origins, celebration, prospects. International Mother Language Day Title for Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day 2020 is celebrated on February 21st. The holiday is celebrated by people who study and pass on knowledge about language: teachers of literature, language, writing researchers, library staff, students, teachers and graduate students of philological faculties of higher educational institutions, people passionate about linguistics.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and protect endangered languages. Every year it is dedicated to a specific topic.

history of the holiday

On November 17, 1999, the UNESCO General Conference declared February 21 as International Mother Language Day. The first celebrations took place in 2000. The UN General Assembly supported the initiative to proclaim the holiday in 2002 in Resolution No. Α/RES/56/262. She called on member countries to promote the preservation and protection of the languages ​​of the world's peoples.

The date of the holiday is dedicated to the memory of the tragedy that occurred in Bangladesh on February 21, 1952. Pakistani police shot protesters who advocated for the recognition of Bengali as the state language.

Holiday traditions

On this day, educational lectures, conferences, and seminars are held. Actions are being taken to protect the state language. At UNESCO headquarters in Paris and its branches, exhibitions and presentations dedicated to languages ​​are organized, and festive concerts are organized. Thematic classes are held in educational institutions. Competitions are held among native language experts. The media publishes articles about existing and endangered languages.

Each official UN language has its own holiday. Russian Language Day is celebrated on June 6, English on April 23, Spanish on October 12, French on March 20, Arabic on December 18 and Chinese on April 20. The European Day of Languages ​​is celebrated on September 26, and Common Language Day on August 18.

54% of Internet resources are in English, 6% are in Russian.

There are 7 thousand languages ​​on Earth. One of the reasons for their disappearance is the uneven distribution of the number of carriers. A language becomes extinct if fewer than 100 thousand people speak it.

In 2009, UNESCO recognized 136 languages ​​in Russia as endangered.

The UN General Assembly declared 2008 the International Year of Languages.

Pidgin is a simplified, non-native speech, a means of communication between several ethnic groups.

Researchers claim that a primitive protolanguage appeared 2.3 million years ago in Homo habilis, a highly developed australopithecine.

The history of linguistics began in the 5th century BC. e.

Date in 2019: .

For most people, it is natural to communicate and convey emotions in their native language. Only man has received such a unique gift - to have the gift of speech. And within the framework of one article it is difficult to reveal the depth, the magic that is hidden behind this gift. People at the international level tried to emphasize the originality and uniqueness of each language, each dialect, by creating a holiday of the same name - International Mother Language Day.

From birth, a person hears unfamiliar sounds that flow from the lips of a loved one in song. It is these initially incomprehensible sounds that later become the child’s native language.

And there is no way to make you forget those very first, very dear words. After all, a person remembers up to 80% of words before the age of 7 years. Therefore, the language of childhood becomes the closest for life. And even if only a few hundred people speak it, it will still warm your soul and heart, because it is the language you are used to thinking, it is the language the heroes of your dreams speak.

Language is the spiritual heritage of the nation

Real political battles and even warriors often developed around the topic of language. The way to communicate was dictated not only by the social order, but also by many other conventions.

From time immemorial, every people and nationality has tried to preserve its originality, the main expression of which was language. But circumstances and realities often developed in such a way that local dialects were oppressed or completely prohibited by the colonialists or conquerors. Thus, in many English and French colonies, the native language was simply supplanted over the years due to new laws.

In addition, small peoples are simply dying out. Their language also disappears. According to statistics, about 24 dialects disappear on the planet every year. Only in Russia 2 adverbs are forgotten every year.

Immediately after the revolution, there were up to 193 languages ​​on the territory of the current Russian Federation, and by the end of 1991 there were only 140 of them left.

It cannot be said that human evolution has not previously encountered the birth of new dialects and the extinction of old languages. But in the 20th century this process accelerated significantly.

The development of information technology has given impetus to the spread of international languages ​​with the virtual suppression of little-used ones. In fact, it turns out that a language that is not on the Internet actually does not exist. But out of 6,000 adverbs today, 69% are used by only 1/25 of the Earth’s inhabitants. And 80% of African dialects have no written language at all.

Therefore, it is believed that almost half of the languages ​​known today are on the verge of extinction. This is precisely the problem that is being voiced on International Mother Language Day.

history of the holiday

Issues related to the preservation of a certain dialect have recently become more acute. After all, the dominant position of the English language on the Internet reaches unimaginable positions. This is 81%, while the same German and Japanese account for 2%, French and Spanish occupy a niche of 1% each. Somewhere among the remaining 8% is Russian.

What can we say about rare dialects? Therefore, the initiator of celebrating Mother Language Day was the small country of Bangladesh, which only achieved independence and recognition in 1971.

This idea was supported by UNESCO and since 2000, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated all over the world.

The date of the holiday was associated with a tragic event that occurred in 1952 in Pakistan. Students demonstrated on February 21 to defend their language. However, the demonstrators were shot by the police. But despite such a sad outcome of the event, the Bengali language, with which the riots were associated, was declared official in the country.

It is on February 21 in 2017 that a holiday associated with the protection of the native language as a unique heritage of humanity will be celebrated in Russia and the whole world.

Mother Language Day in Russia

The Russian language has always been a national pride for its speakers. After all, it was this language that was spoken by famous classics and emperors, scientists and travelers who glorified Russia.

It is the Russian language that has the status of the state language on the territory of Russia. However, today the Russian Federation is a multinational state. And each nation has its own language, dialect and associated traditions.

On Mother Language Day, the goal of Russians is not only to emphasize their national pride in the state language, but also to talk about the importance of the language of small nations and the uniqueness of the dialects of national minorities. And everything must be done so that these dialects do not disappear, but remain, preserved as national pride, the identity of the entire population of Russia.

But it so happened that Russian speakers live not only in Russia. Many Russian speakers live abroad. And in modern geopolitical conditions, the attitude of some states towards their Russian-speaking citizens is simply puzzling.

It’s hard to judge who is to blame for the current realities, but on International Mother Language Day, February 21, I would like to wish people who find themselves in such a situation patience and not to forget, no matter what, their truly native dialect.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

The word has always inspired the soul, the word called to victory and on the road, with a word you can inspire and calm, give hope and make you happy. Only native words, native speech caress the ear and warm the heart. And even in a foreign land a person tries to hear his native speech. So don't forget about your native language. And if you expect respect for your native dialect on a holiday, and not only treat any languages ​​with respect.

What could be dearer and closer,

The native country, its people.

What could be more expensive?

Native word and friends.

And fill your soul with words:

Communicate, think and read.

Don't give your enemies a chance, remember

And don't forget your language.

Larisa, February 9, 2017.

It is difficult to imagine how people communicated when the means of communication was not language, but, for example, gestures or facial expressions. Surely today, today we would not be able to convey so expressively and vividly everything and experiences, thoughts, embodying them in songs, poems or prose.

There are about 6 thousand languages ​​in our world, all of them are unique and have their own unique history. With their help, we express our essence, show our mentality, culture and traditions to other peoples on Earth. Only with the help of speech are we able to expand our horizons and learn about the cultures of other countries, so we need to respect the languages ​​of all populations and powers in order to establish and maintain friendly and peaceful relations with the peoples existing on our planet. For this purpose, World Mother Language Day was created, the history of which has lasted for thousands of years. In our article, we will tell you for what purpose it was adopted and how this holiday is celebrated all over the world.

February 21 – Mother Language Day

In 1999, on November 17, the general confession of UNESCO decided on the need to create a Mother Language Day holiday, which would remind people of how important it is to value and respect their native language and the languages ​​of other peoples, to strive for multilingualism and cultural diversity. The date of the celebration was set as February 21, after which celebrations began to be held all over the world on this day.

- this is not just a holiday, it is an occasion to express gratitude to everyone who created the history of Russian speech and improved it. Even during the times of revolution, there were more than 193 languages ​​in the country. Over time, until 1991, their number was reduced to 40.

All over the world, languages ​​were born, “lived” and died out, so today it is very difficult to say how many of them have existed in the entire history of mankind. This can only be evidenced by some finds with incomprehensible inscriptions and hieroglyphs.

Event for Mother Language Day

In honor of the holiday, it is customary in many schools and educational institutions to hold competitions in writing poetry and essays, both in their own and in any other accessible language, and those who most successfully complete the task receive a well-deserved prize.

More globally, the Mother Language Day holiday is celebrated in Russia, a country full of eloquent poets and musicians. On February 21, schools and universities of the Russian Federation hold entire literary and creative festivals, literary and poetry evenings, with the reading of poems, in which the winners also receive awards.

Gulia Garifullina
Scenario of the holiday for the International Mother Language Day “O native language, melodious...”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 15 "Teremok"

Scenario, dedicated

International Mother Language Day

on the topic:

"ABOUT native language, melodious…»

Compiled and conducted:


Garifullina G. A.

Almetyevsk 2015


Reinforce knowledge about meaning native language and the need to study others languages;

Foster a sense of patriotism and pride;

Promote the development of moral qualities of character;

Develop a range of cognitive interests in children;

Systematize and consolidate knowledge about the Motherland.

Progress of the event:

The event begins with a fashion show folk costumes. They enter the hall to the accompaniment of touching national music. queues:

First three (teacher (1) in the center, leading the children by the hands (2) makes a lap of honor around the hall, shows off his costumes and stands in a semicircle along the decorated wall opposite the audience.

The second, third and subsequent threes do the same actions and stand next to the previous ones.

The defile is completed by a presenter in national clothes, taking a place in the center hall:

Ved: Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in our foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring.

Ved: It has been celebrated for 15 years now international mother language day. This holiday very important and necessary.

Russia is a multinational state. Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages sound in our country. Listen to what it sounds like in Armenian language.

Poems in Armenian language

(said by students of Armenian nationality and their parents)

Ved: In our city and republic we can hear speech in different languages: Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tajik, Azerbaijani and others languages. There are children of different nationalities in our kindergarten. For us, representatives of Azerbaijani nationality will recite poems in their own language. native language and talk about their favorite national dish.

Poems in Azerbaijani language, presentation of national dish

Ved: Each people praised their own in their own way language. And now for your attention a block of numbers of Uzbek national culture.

Poems in Uzbek language

Andijan polka

A game "Skullcap"

Ved: In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but still language The language in which you and I communicate in order to understand each other is Russian.

Poems in Russian language

1. There is such a good word - "our".

And may you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son to your Motherland!

2. If you want to argue with fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support,

Learn Russian language!

Spoon ensemble performance (performed by children)

Ved: In our country there are two state languages, Russian and Tatar, and in our kindergarten we speak not only Russian language, but we also study Tatar.

A game "Translator"

(presenter in Russian names words in the language, children speak the Tatar translation of these words)

Tatar dance

Ved: Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture, but still the main distinguishing feature of each nation is language, as well as national, folk costume.

Presentation "Costumes of the peoples of the Volga region"

Ved: At all times, people of all nationalities loved to play, we also know and love to play folk games:

Blitz survey for everyone present: "Name the Games"

Ved: That's how many different games we know, although they have different names, but the rules of the game are similar. In our country people of different nationalities live in friendship and harmony, today we were once again able to verify this. We invite everyone to the center of the hall and offer to seal our friendship with a dance.

General round dance "Friendship"

(after the game everyone takes their places)

Ved: Russian in Russia language is language interethnic communication. But there is also international language communication - English. Every country in the world studies and speaks English language.

Song "Sunny Circle"

(with translation into Russian, Tatar, English language performed by children of the preparatory group)

Ved: Indeed, everything languages ​​are beautiful, every beautiful language. Don't forget, love yours native language, take care of him, be proud of him!

A song is being performed "And, tugan tel"

(with translation into Tatar and Russian language)

Ved: Live together in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities. I wish you happiness, health, kindness. Goodbye!

Prepared and carried out:

Tatar teacher for children language

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15 "Teremok"

Garifullina Gulia Aminovna

Publications on the topic:

"March 8". Celebration dedicated to International Women's Day Scenario of the holiday dedicated to March 8 for children of senior preschool age d./s. Combined type No. 15 “Alenka” Children enter.

Abstract of the OOD "Poetry - the spirituality of the nation, the flavor of the native language." Target. Strengthen expressive poetry storytelling skills. Develop imagination, speech, memory. Learn to name the signs of the seasons. Learn.

ECD for speech development in the preparatory group “International Mother Language Day” Goal: To introduce children to the “International Mother Language Day”. Give an idea of ​​what a native language is and why it is called native. Develop.

Entertainment dedicated to Mother Language Day “Travel to the cities of Mordovia” Entertainment dedicated to the day of the native language “Travel to the cities of Mordovia” Prepared by: Music director of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8 for the 2nd junior group Scenario of the holiday for March 8 Children enter to the song “Cook, cook the porridge” Dance of the Cook Host: Festive morning The house is knocking on our door.

(International Mother Language Day), proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1999, has been celebrated annually since 2000 with the aim of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

In turn, the UN General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 the International Year of Languages. The year 2010 was proclaimed the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.

The date for the Day was chosen to commemorate the events that occurred in Dhaka (now the capital of Bangladesh) in 1952, when students who demonstrated in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the official languages ​​of the country, were killed by police bullets.

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's approximately 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers.

Shaheed Minar (Martyrs' Monument) at Dhaka University in Bangladesh, commemorating those killed during the Bengali language movement demonstration on February 21, 1952.

All steps taken to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, to develop greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also to strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

On February 21, 2003, on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura noted: “Why is so much attention paid to the native language? Because languages ​​constitute a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and reflection, language also describes how we see the world and reflects the connection between the past, present and future. Languages ​​bear traces of chance encounters, the various sources from which they were saturated, each according to its own separate history.

Mother tongues are unique in the way they imprint each person from the moment of birth, endowing him with a special vision of things that never really disappears, despite the fact that a person subsequently masters many languages. Learning a foreign language is a way to get acquainted with a different vision of the world, with different approaches.".

And each year, as part of Mother Language Day celebrations, different countries host various events dedicated to a specific theme and aimed at promoting respect, as well as promoting and protecting all languages ​​(especially endangered languages), linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Thus, in different years, the Day was devoted to the following topics: the relationship between the native language and multilingualism, especially in education; Braille system and sign language; raising public awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue; protection of the intangible heritage of humanity and preservation of cultural diversity; the role of the language in which teaching is conducted in schools and others.

Our language is beautiful -
Rich and sonorous
That powerful and passionate
It’s tenderly melodious.

He also has a smile,
And softness and affection.
Written by him
And stories and fairy tales.

Magic pages
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

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