International competition of student research works. School projects Design competitions

Middle and high school 1 place
Shchekotikhin Ilya

2nd place
Yatsenko Diana

3rd place
Davletova Alena

Mathematics and computer science:
We invite children of preschool and school age to take part in competition for children's research projects "First Steps into Science" . What is it project and how not to confuse it with other types of work? Let's figure it out.

Project, report or research paper?

Very often, a project is any independent work of a student, for example, an essay or report. They are often confused by both children and adults, so it is very important to distinguish one from the other, and decide on the type of work you are going to do:

Report- a public, detailed, official message on a specific issue, based on the use of documentary data. The purpose of a report is to inform someone about something.

Essay- a written report or speech on a specific topic that collects information from one or more sources. This includes presenting different points of view on the same issue.

Research work- work of a scientific nature related to scientific research, conducting research, experiments in order to expand existing and obtain new knowledge, test scientific hypotheses, establish patterns manifested in nature and society, scientific generalizations, scientific substantiation of projects.

Project- work aimed at solving a specific problem, achieving in an optimal way a pre-planned result in the form of a real object or intellectual product. Project work may include elements of all of the above types of work, but only as ways to achieve project results.

So, the main distinguishing feature project is the presence of a previously known result. The project work must describe specific plans for the goal and actions to achieve it, i.e. the project product must be an embodiment of the method found by the author to solve the project problem.

Tips for choosing a research project topic:
- The topic should be interesting to the child and should captivate him.
- The topic must be feasible, its solution must bring real benefits to the research participants.
- The topic should be original, it needs an element of unusualness and surprise.
- The topic should be such that the work can be completed relatively quickly.
When choosing a topic, you need to take into account: the possible level of solution, desires and possibilities.

Savenkov A.I. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. "Children's Studies in Homeschooling."

Organizers of the competition:

Media "Children's development portal "WhyChka"
Media registration certificate: El No. FS77-54566 dated June 21, 2013. issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.

Competition goals:
  • development of creative and intellectual abilities of children of preschool and school age;
  • formation of research and communication skills;
  • formation of analytical and critical thinking in the process of creative search;
  • formation of the ability of self-affirmation and self-analysis through the achievement of set goals and results obtained;
  • nurturing purposefulness and consistency in educational activities.

Awards for winners and participants

  • The winners receive electronic winner certificates.
  • The remaining participants will receive electronic certificates of participation in the competition.

If desired, you can order other types of documents, including those for curators on a paid basis (information below).

Categories of participants:
  • Preschoolers (4 - 7 years old)
  • Primary school (students of grades 1 - 4)
  • Middle and high school (students in grades 5 - 11)

Competition dates:

Acceptance of works: from 10/16/2015 to 04/15/2016
Review and publication of works: until 04/19/2016
Work evaluation: from 04/20/2016 to 04/30/2016
Summing up the results of the competition, publication of the protocol: 01.05.2016
Distribution of certificates and diplomas: from 05/10/2015 to 05/23/2015

Registration requirements
Font Times New Roman, size 14 pt with 1.5 spacing, figures and tables are arranged in the text in any way.

Structure Content requirements
Title page Contains:
- name of the educational institution;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the author;
- topic of work;
- name of the nomination;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the scientific supervisor
- city and year.
Table of contents Includes the names of all chapters and sections indicating the page numbers on which the material is located.
Introduction Contains:
Goals and objectives research;
Relevance(assessment of the current state of the problem being solved;
Stages project;
problem(a question or task that requires resolution, research);
hypothesis(scientific assumption put forward to explain some phenomena);
a brief review of the literature studied.
Main part Consists of chapters (sections) that contain specific material on the topic under study. The work must include references to the authors and sources from which the materials are borrowed. References to literature are indicated by numbers in square brackets. Usually a presentation is attached to the project. Having a presentation is a significant advantage when evaluating work.
Conclusion Includes: brief conclusions based on the results of the work performed; a message about the fulfillment of the goals and objectives set in the introduction.
Bibliography Contains a list of sources used in writing the work, compiled in alphabetical order. It is necessary to indicate the place of publication, the name of the publisher, and the year of publication.

Presentation requirements:
  1. The first slide of the presentation is the title slide. It indicates: the name of the competition, the name of the presentation, the full name of the author, the position and place of work of the author of the presentation.
  2. Use only clear pictures and high-resolution photographs.
  3. Observe copyright, i.e. if you use text, photographs and pictures that are NOT yours, you must indicate the sources of information and a link to the original (address to the Internet site or title of the book, full name of the artist, author). This should be indicated on the last slide of the presentation.
  4. Images in the presentation must be compressed to reduce the “weight” of the presentation.
  5. Don't use too bright backgrounds for your slides. Pictures and photographs are “lost” against such backgrounds, it is difficult to work with such a presentation, and the information content is reduced to zero.
  6. If the presentation is intended for frontal work with the class, there should be a minimum of text on the slides, the text should be large.
  7. Illustrations, slide backgrounds, and animations must be in the same style.
  8. The presentation must be meaningful and have at least 10 slides with accompanying text. , NOT including title page and back page.
  9. The text must comply with the norms of the Russian language, i.e. do not contain grammatical, punctuation and lexical errors.
  10. The voice acting (if any) of the presentation must be clear, competent, and emotional.
  11. If the presentation is not voiced, the text should be available on the slides in the presentation or as a separate file in .doc format.
  12. If the presentation contains photographs of other people, you must have written permission to publish their photographs in the media. You are solely responsible for this.

Work evaluation criteria:

  1. Compliance of the project topic with age characteristics, depth of research;
  2. Originality and value of educational material;
  3. Practical orientation of the work;
  4. Structure of the work, logic of presentation, quality of work design, aesthetics, etc.
  5. Evaluation of the presentation for the project (its presence, aesthetics of design, adherence to a single style, quality of images, content)

Competition rules:
  1. The competition is held free of charge, without registration fees;
  2. The competition is all-Russian, residents of the Russian Federation can take part in it;
  3. Group works are not accepted;
  4. Each participant can submit one application for the competition in each thematic section;
  5. Only unique works are accepted for the competition, uniqueness of at least 65%
  6. The site administration reserves the right to use photographs to design the site http://site
  7. Works accepted for the competition are in the public domain and are not subsequently removed from the site. Copyright remains with the authors.
  8. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to reject applications for the competition without explanation at any stage of the competition until the announcement of the winners.
  9. The organizer reserves the right to move the dates of the competition.
  10. Only those works that meet the requirements are accepted for the competition.
  • Author's full name;
  • Class, school, its location (region, city, village);
  • Full name of the curator (if available);
  • Job title;
  • Subject of work ( humanitarian sciences, mathematics and computer science, natural science, cultural studies, art history)
  • Type of document desired for the child ( certificate of competition participant, certificate of publication of material);
  • Type of document desired ( electronic, paper);
  • Is it necessary or not to send a letter of thanks to the curator ( electronic, printed).
Electronic certificate of participation (child) for free! Printed (paper) certificate of participation (for a child) 250 rubles Electronic certificate of publication (for a child) 150 rubles Printed certificate of publication (for a child) 250 rubles Email thank you letter (to supervisor) 150 rubles Printed thank you letter (to curator) 250 rubles

Printed documents are printed in a printing house using professional equipment on thick paper 300 g/m², they are affixed with the live seals of the children's portal "WhyChka" and the live signatures of the portal's managers - Lvova E.S. and Vlasova N.V. Letters are sent by registered mail with notification to the personal postal address of the customer (parent or teacher). We insert a sheet of cardboard into the envelope so that the document does not wrinkle during shipping.

Tell your colleagues about our competition

We will be grateful if you post information about the competition on your pages to attract children to participate. By clicking below on the social media buttons “Like”, “Tell friends”, “Cool”, you will also support our competition. Join our group

It's fun to make discoveries at any age. We are proud of the great laws discovered by scientists many years ago. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to reinvent the wheel a second time. But curiosity takes over, you want to explore something, and then boys and girls begin to think about what to open. Some people undertake to study the properties of ordinary objects, others try to explain phenomena and situations. And as a result, brilliant research works are born. These are the first projects, creating which schoolchildren, preschoolers and students become closer to science. The works are of great interest, so the portal invites everyone who has experience of discoveries and achievements in various fields to take part in the all-Russian competition "". We are waiting for your projects. Let the whole world know about them today.

Regulations on the All-Russian competition of children's projects "My Research Work 2018"

The All-Russian Internet competition for children’s projects “My Research Work 2018” is held by the portal Abstracts, reports, projects, and research papers that examine a problem or test a scientific hypothesis are accepted from participants.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the development of intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Objectives of the competition "My research paper 2018»:

  • developing research skills in children;
  • development of critical and analytical thinking when studying a theoretical issue, when searching for ways to solve a specific problem;
  • supporting children's creative activity;
  • providing all participants in the competition with the opportunity to show creativity and stimulate creative activity.

The procedure for conducting the All-Russian Internet competition of children's projects "My Research Work 2018" on the portal

The procedure for conducting the competition “My Research Work 2018” is determined by these Regulations.

Categories of participants in the All-Russian Internet competition “My Research Work 2018”

Preschoolers, schoolchildren and students studying in any educational institutions of the Russian Federation are invited to participate in the all-Russian Internet competition “My Research Work 2018”.

Participation in the competition can be individual or group.

The age of the participants does not matter.

The participants' work will be assessed separately by age.

Nominations of works for the competition “My Research Work 2018”

You can submit works that are original to the “My Research Work 2018” competition. The work must describe the process of achieving the goal. Participants can submit works in the following categories:

  • Project

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance competition “My Research Work 2018”

The project competition “My Research Work 2018” offers works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • 1st - 2nd grade students;
  • 3rd - 4th grade students;
  • secondary school students (grades 5 - 9);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11);
  • students.

Competitive works in nominations

Project Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens)

What can preschoolers do research now that the My Research Paper 2018 competition has been announced? Anything, from a small grain to the Universe. Of course, parents or educators should help open the world to them and document this discovery. On the same page, you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Received works in the category Project Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total: 2

Project Pupils of 1st - 2nd grades

School life is not only lessons and class hours, but also small studies that expand children's horizons. Children in grades 1 and 2 will definitely submit their best projects to the new creative competition “My Research Work 2018” and receive their first diplomas, which can be downloaded on this page using the green arrows.

Received works in the nomination Project Students of 1st - 2nd grades total: 13

Project Pupils of 3rd - 4th grades

School life is not only lessons and class hours, but also small studies that expand children's horizons. Children in grades 3 and 4 will definitely submit their best projects to the new creative competition “My Research Work 2018” and receive their first diplomas, which can be downloaded on this page using the green arrows.

Works received in the nomination Project Pupils of grades 3 - 4 total: 30

Project Pupils of 5th - 9th grades

Do you like to make discoveries and have you already tried to observe something, study something and prove something yourself? If you also came up with something interesting, do not hesitate to submit your work to the “My Research Paper 2018” competition. By following the green arrows on the page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants.

Works received in the nomination Project Pupils of grades 5 - 9 total: 20

Project Students of 10th - 11th grades

Do high school students have time to do research? And why not, because they have so much knowledge that they can make such a discovery, which is just right to announce to the whole world. Don’t forget to send your work to the “My Research Work 2018” competition. And on this page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Works received in the nomination Project Students of grades 10 - 11 total: 6

Project Students

If students make discoveries, then it deserves everyone's attention. Don’t forget to send your work to the “My Research Work 2018” competition. And on this page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Received works in the nomination Project Students total: 1

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the "Project" category works that are completed by participants are accepted, possibly under the guidance of adults (parents, teachers, curators, etc.). The material can be presented in the form of a text document or presentation. Along with the basic information, audio and video materials that are needed to cover the topic, explanatory notes, clarifications and explanations for the slides can be attached to the archive.

The all-Russian competition “My Research Work 2018” accepts works that are original material. The texts must not contain errors; all texts are printed only in Russian. The first slide or title page indicates the title of the work, surname, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work, place of study. Next, the goals, objectives, and ways to find solutions to the problem are indicated.

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of the topic;
  • content (amount of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • quality of design;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of widespread use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My Research Work 2018”

The competition is held from 02/15/2018 to 04/15/2018.

Summing up the results of the competition with 16.04. 2018 to 04/26/2018.

Awarding of the competition participants with 04/26/2018 to 04/30/2018.

Summing up the results of the competition “My Research Work 2018”

In each nomination and age category, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the all-Russian competition “My Research Work 2018” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not included in the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “My Research Work 2018”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “My Research Work 2018” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any branch Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the terms of the offer agreement.

If you decide to participate in the My Research Paper 2018 competition, you need to:

  1. Conduct research and design a research project.
  2. Fill out the competition participant application form correctly.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected] :

  1. finished work (with all applications, if necessary);
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

During the competition, works will not be replaced; proofread them before sending and carefully check the operation of the built-in videos, music, and flash videos.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the research work does not participate in the competition and is not published on the website.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming participation in the “My Research Work 2018” competition and publication of the work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

E-mail address: [email protected]

People make their first discoveries in childhood. Little discoverers get to know the world, explore it, solve mysteries. It’s great when all this is discussed in the family, formalized and then presented at children’s scientific and practical conferences. The topics of the first research papers are sometimes dictated by life itself. How useful it is to study your family tree, find out the secret of your name, and figure out how to manage the family budget. Having taken such timid steps towards science, you will then want to study your city, village, and its history. And someone observes chemical processes, studies linguistic secrets, and discovers unknown routes. And I really want as many people as possible to know about this brilliant discovery. Then we are at your service, because the portal is announcing a new all-Russian Internet competition for children's projects, “My Research Work.” We are interested in your discoveries made in the 2016-2017 academic year or a little earlier. Send your works and take part in a competition where anyone can become a winner.

Regulations on the All-Russian Internet competition for children’s projects “My Research Work”

The All-Russian Internet competition for children’s projects “My Research Work” is held by the portal Abstracts, reports, projects, and research papers that explore a problem or test a scientific hypothesis are accepted from participants.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the development of intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Objectives of the competition "My research work»:

  • developing research skills in children;
  • development of critical and analytical thinking when studying a theoretical issue, when searching for ways to solve a specific problem;
  • supporting children's creative activity;
  • providing all participants in the competition with the opportunity to show creativity and stimulate creative activity.

The procedure for conducting the All-Russian Internet competition of children's projects “My Research Work” on the portal

Categories of participants in the All-Russian Internet competition “My Research Work”

Preschoolers, schoolchildren and students studying in any educational institutions of the Russian Federation are invited to participate in the all-Russian Internet competition “My Research Work”.

Participation in the competition can be individual or group.

The age of the participants does not matter.

The participants' work will be assessed separately by age.

Nominations of works for the competition “My Research Work”

You can submit works that are original to the “My Research Work” competition. The work must describe the process of achieving the goal. Participants can submit works in the following categories:

  • Project

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance competition “My Research Work”

The “My Research Work” project competition offers works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • primary school students (grades 1 - 4);
  • secondary school students (grades 5 - 9);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11);
  • students

Competitive works in nominations

Project Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens)

What can preschoolers research when the My Research Challenge is announced? Anything, from a small grain to the Universe. Of course, parents or educators should help open the world to them and document this discovery. On the same page, you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Received works in the category Project Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total: 5

Project Pupils of 1st - 2nd grades

School life is not only lessons and class hours, but also small studies that expand children's horizons. Children in grades 1 and 2 will definitely submit their best projects to the new creative competition “My Research Work” and receive their first diplomas, which can be downloaded on this page using the green arrows.

Received works in the nomination Project Students of 1st - 2nd grades total: 22

Project Pupils of 3rd - 4th grades

School life is not only lessons and class hours, but also small studies that expand children's horizons. Children from grades 1 to 4 will definitely submit their best projects to the new creative competition “My Research Work” and receive their first diplomas, which can be downloaded on this page using the green arrows.

Works received in the nomination Project Pupils of grades 3 - 4 total: 51

Project Pupils of 5th - 9th grades

Do you like to make discoveries and have you already tried to observe something, study something and prove something yourself? If you also come up with something interesting, do not hesitate to submit your work to the “My Research Work” competition. By following the green arrows on the page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants.

Works received in the nomination Project Pupils of grades 5 - 9 total: 31

Project Students of 10th - 11th grades

Do high school students have time to do research? And why not, because they have so much knowledge that they can make such a discovery, which is just right to announce to the whole world. Don’t forget to send your work to the “My Research Work” competition. And on this page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Works received in the nomination Project Students of grades 10 - 11 total: 8

Project Students

If students make discoveries, then it deserves everyone's attention. Don’t forget to send your work to the “My Research Work” competition. And on this page you can download the diplomas of the competition participants using the green arrows.

Received works in the nomination Project Students total: 1

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the "Project" category works that are completed by participants are accepted, possibly under the guidance of adults (parents, teachers, curators, etc.). The material can be presented in the form of a text document or presentation. Along with the basic information, audio and video materials that are needed to cover the topic, explanatory notes, clarifications and explanations for the slides can be attached to the archive.

The All-Russian competition “My Research Work” accepts works that are original material. The texts must not contain errors; all texts are printed only in Russian. The first slide or title page indicates the title of the work, surname, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work, place of study. Next, the goals, objectives, and ways to find solutions to the problem are indicated.

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of the topic;
  • content (amount of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • quality of design;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of widespread use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My Research Work”

The competition is held from 01/15/2017 to 03/15/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition with 16.03. 2017 to 03/26/2017.

Awarding of the competition participants with 03/26/2017 to 03/31/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition “My Research Work”

In each nomination and age category, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the all-Russian competition “My Research Work” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not included in the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “My Research Work”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “My Research Work” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any branch Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the terms of the offer agreement.

If you decide to participate in the “My Research Paper” competition, you need to:

  1. Conduct research and design a research project.
  2. Fill out the competition participant application form correctly.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected] :

  1. finished work (with all applications, if necessary);
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

During the competition, works will not be replaced; proofread them before sending and carefully check the operation of the built-in videos, music, and flash videos.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming participation in the “My Research Work” competition and publication of the work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

E-mail address: [email protected]



2 December 5, 2019, Paris, France | PARIS, FRANCE

Regulations on the international competition

1.1 Pupils of all types of schools engaged in research activities in the field of science can take part in this competition.

1.2 Age of participants from 7 to 16 years

1.3 Each work must have a supervisor.

2. Goals of the competition.

2.1 The goals of the international competition: identifying gifted schoolchildren and promoting the development of research qualities in the personality of a modern schoolchild.

3. Rules.

3.1 Works covering facts, events, phenomena and individual, previously unknown facts and aspects in these fields of science can be submitted to the competition of scientific research works.

3.2 Computer models and work with economic and legal justification aimed at solving socio-economic problems.

3.3 Works that violate international law, or violate the rights and freedoms of people, or allow students to use equipment that does not meet safety standards, as well as cruelty to animals are not allowed into the competition.

3.4 Works that use substances harmful to life and health are not allowed for the competition.

4. Directions of scientific research work.

4.1 The directions in which entries will be sent to the international competition are varied:

Natural science direction (mathematics, physics, technology, computer science, geometry, astronomy, etc.)

Humanities (World history, law, jurisprudence, languages, literature, psychology, folklore and ethnography, etc.)

Section No. 1. Architecture. Construction.

· Architecture of buildings and structures.

· Urban planning and landscape architecture.

· Story.

· Innovative technologies. Bio-technology.

· Design.

· Restoration.

· Construction.

· Modern construction technologies and materials.

· Theory of architecture.

· Heat and gas supply, ventilation, water supply and sewerage.

Section No. 2. Astronomy.

Section No. 3. Biological sciences.

· Botany.

· Biotechnology.

· Biophysics.

· Biochemistry.

· Virology.

· Hydrobiology.

· Genetics.

· Immunology.

· Story.

· Microbiology.

· Molecular biology.

· Physiology.

· Ecology.

· Entomology.

Section No. 4. Veterinary Sciences.

· Animal diseases.

· Veterinary medicine.

· Animal engineering.

· Story.

Section No. 5. Geographical sciences.

· Geographic cartography.

· Geomorphology and biogeography.

· Story.

· Oceanology and meteorology.

· Social geography.

· Physical.

· Economic.

Section No. 6. Geological and mineralogical sciences.

Section No. 7. Journalism.

Section No. 8. Art history.

· Decorative arts.

· Art.

· Film art.

· Musical art.

· Museum studies.

· Theory and history of culture.

· Theater arts.

· Applied arts.

Section No. 9. Historical sciences.

· Anthropology.

· Archaeology.

· The World History.

· History of Ukraine.

· History of foreign countries.

· Russian history.

· History of science and technology.

· History of Cinema.

· History of military operations.

· Books and document management.

· Ethnology.

Section No. 10. Culturology.

Section No. 11. Management. Marketing.

· Crisis management.

· Story.

· Information technologies in management.

· Industry marketing.

· Marketing policy and practice at the enterprise.

· Conducting marketing research.

· Time management.

· Production management and enterprise development.

· Personnel Management.

· Quality control.

· Project management.

Section No. 12. Medical sciences.

· Obstetrics and gynecology

· Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

· Diseases.

· Viruses.

· Story.

· Innovation.

· Clinical medicine.

· Morphology.

· Traditional and alternative medicine.

· Pediatrics.

· Preventive medicine.

· Standardization and organization of production of medicines.

· Theoretical medicine.

· Therapy.

· Medicine technology and organization of pharmaceutical business.

· Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy

Section No. 13. Pedagogical sciences.

· Upbringing and education.

· Story.

· Innovations in the field of education.

· General and preschool pedagogy.

· Social pedagogy.

· Theory, practice and teaching methods.

Section No. 14. Political sciences.

Section No. 15. Psychological sciences.

· Story

· Medical psychology.

· General psychology.

· Organizational psychology.

· Psychology of work.

· Pedagogical psychology.

· Social Psychology.

· Economic psychology.

· Legal psychology.

Section No. 16. Agricultural Sciences.

· Agronomy.

· Story.

· Forestry.

· Organic farming.

· Technique.

Section No. 17. Sociological sciences.

· Story

· Methodology and methods of sociological research.

· Sociology of politics.

· Social structures and social relations.

· Special and industrial sociology.

· Theory of sociology

Section No. 18. Technical sciences.

· Engineering graphics.

· Story.

· Informatics, computer technology and automation.

· Innovative technologies.

· Metallurgy and energy.

· Mechanical science and mechanical engineering.

· Repair and reconstruction.

· Radio engineering.

· Mining and geodesy.

· Telecommunications.

· Technologies of food products.

· Technologies of materials and products of textile and light industry.

· Equipment in agricultural production.

· Project and program management.

· Chemical technologies.

· Electrical engineering.

· Electronics.

· Ergonomics.

Section No. 19. Transport.

· Air.

· Automotive.

· Railway.

· Fleet.

· Logistics.

· Hybrid.

· Operation and repair of vehicles.

Section No. 20. Pharmaceutical sciences.

Section No. 21. Physical and mathematical sciences.

· Astronomy.

· Geometry.

· Computer science.

· Story.

· Cybernetics.

· Mathematics.

· Mechanics.

· Physics.

Section No. 22. Philological sciences.

· Literary criticism.

· Story.

· Ontology and dialectics.

· Folkloristics.

· Linguistics and foreign languages.

· Philology and journalism.

· Translation.

Section No. 23. Philosophical sciences.

· Logic.

· Story.

· Religious studies.

· Social philosophy.

· Philosophy of education.

· Philosophical anthropology.

· Ethics and aesthetics.

Section No. 24. Chemical sciences.

· Analytical and physical chemistry.

· Bioorganic and colloidal chemistry.

· Inorganic chemistry.

· Organic chemistry.

· Story.

· Chemistry of compounds.

· Chemical kinetics.

· Solid State Chemistry.

· Electrochemistry.

Section No. 25. Economic sciences.

· Accounting and auditing.

· Demography, labor economics, social policy.

· Theory and history.

· Innovative economy.

· Quantitative methods in economics.

· Mechanisms for regulating the economy.

· Micro and macro economics.

· International economic relations.

· Location of production forces, regional economy.

· Management accounting and budget.

· Finance, cash flow and credit.

· Enterprise economics and production management.

· Economics of economic sectors.

· Economics of environmental protection.

· Economics and management of the national economy.

Section No. 26. Legal sciences.

· Administrative law. Administrative process.

· Advocacy.

· Arbitration process.

· Banking law.

· Public administration.

· Civil process.

· Civil law.

· European law.

· Land law.

· Information law.

· Information technology and law.

· History and prospects for the development of local self-government.

· History of political and legal doctrines.

· Constitutional law of foreign countries.

· Constitutional law.

· Criminology.

· International public law.

· International private law.

· Maritime law. Air law.

· Municipal law.

· Tax law.

· Notary.

· Legal psychology.

· Business law.

· Prosecutor supervision.

· Sports and law: national and international legislation.

· Forensic examination.

· Customs law.

· Theoretical and applied political science.

· Theory and history of state and law.

· Labor law. Social security law.

· Criminal and penal law.

· Criminal process.

· Financial right.

· Environmental law. Agrarian law. Land law.

· Story.

· Creative.

· Innovation.

· Theory, practice and methods

Section No. 28. Tourism.

· Story.

· Theoretical and methodological foundations.

· Tourism market.

· Personnel training and scientific and methodological support.

Section No. 29. Real estate.

· Legislative regulation of real estate issues.

· Privatization issues.

· Legislative regulation of privatization issues.

· Rental Property.

· Land relations.

· Legal aspects of real estate registration.

5. Requirements for registration of scientific research work

5.1 The text is typed on a computer, margin sizes: right 2 cm, left 2 cm, bottom and top 1.5 cm. Font TimesNewRoman 14 point. Presence of paragraphs. Line spacing is single. Sheet size A4.

5.2 Research work consists of two parts: 1 part – theoretical, 2 part – practical.

5.3 The work must have an introduction that states: hypothesis, object of research, subject of research, relevance of the research, objectives of the research (no more than two pages)

5.4 The work must end with a conclusion describing the specific result of the research (no more than 2 pages)

5.5 The volume of work should not exceed 30-35 pages.

5.6 References. Indication of literary sources in the text is mandatory.

5.7 The work must be provided with the necessary tables, diagrams, etc.

5.8 The work must contain an abstract or annotation in two languages ​​(the language in which the work is written and in English).If for any reason you find it difficult to make a correct translation or are not sure about it, we ask you to send it in your native language. The necessary translation will be done by the invited translators of the Organizing Committee.

5.9 Research work must contain:

Title page,


The main part



Applications (if necessary)

Feedback, review from the manager. (a review or review must be signed and sealed by the head of the organization from which the work is being sent and sent in scanned form in JPG format.)

5.10 Research work must be carried out accurately and competently.

6. Criteria for evaluating scientific research work



Significance of the research project;

Compliance with all requirements of this provision;

Originality of the research;

7. International competition fee

35,-€ (euros) for each participant of the competition. If you have 2 co-authors, the fee is 50,-€ (euro), and if there are 3 co-authors, the fee is 70,-€ (euro). Postage costs for sending the original(s) of DIPLOMAS are included in the fee. The original diplomas are an exclusive option - made with several protections in the form of holograms and covered with laminated printing film.

8. Summing up and rewarding

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury - an international expert commission, which, among the participants in each category, determines the winners in each category - laureates (I, II, III degrees), diploma winners (I, II, III degrees).

Prize-winners, laureates of the competition

✔ The results of the competition are summed up by the jury for each competitive round, independently of each other, for each category.

Absolute winner

✔ On the day of the end of the intellectual and creative season, from among the winners, the jury selects the best in each competition category and honors them with the title “Absolute winner of the international competition “THE BIG PROGRESS”.

✔ The absolute winner in each category is awarded a medal and an award diploma.

✔ Heads or teachers of institutions of absolute winners are awarded a letter of gratitude (Diploma of Gratitude for each teacher, teacher who prepared a participant in the international competition “THE BIG PROGRESS”).

The final assessment of each participant is formed by summing the assessments of all members of the expert commission for all criteria. The results of the competition are not subject to revision.

There is no quota for the number of prize places.

9. Application deadlines

Applications are accepted in any form no later than 10 days before the start of the competition, indicating the details of the competitor, surname, name, name of the educational institution, first name, surname, patronymic of the teacher (teacher), full postal address indicating the postal code, and details of the responsible person, who pays the competition fee (to whom should the invoice be issued). Email address for sending applications [email protected]

When sending us an application, do not forget to tell us the form of your payment: 1) by bank transfer to our account in France. 2) Payment by card, or electronic payment Yaedex. Money. If you want to transfer a contribution to the bank, then we ask you for information about who we should issue an invoice to - last name, first name or name of organization and full address (postal code, country, city, street or avenue name, house number, etc.. ). Upon receipt of your application, we will respond to you and confirm its receipt within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation from us, we ask you to send us a duplicate application electronically to [email protected] Thank you!

# International_competition_of_scientific_research_works_of_students

| Archive | Jury | Representative in the CIS


can be obtained from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IIDSV RAO" room 309.
Moscow, Makarenko st. 5/16. room number 309.
Documents are issued: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 16.00.
Tel. 8 903 544-1234. Ryabtsev V.K.
Diplomas and Certificates were sent to non-resident participants by mail!!!



2) SEND BY EMAIL [email protected] or [email protected] Files of your project work in this area (Presentation, text, video or other material), which will be posted in the network projects section.
3) Submission of materials means your consent to the publication of materials on the portal "SCHOOL-PROJECTS.RF" as a participant in the network project. All participants whose works will be posted on the portal will be issued “Network Project Participant” certificates. Non-resident participants are sent an electronic version of the certificate.

The competition is aimed at developing a culture of design and research activities and the innovative infrastructure for its implementation.

At this stage, participants register their works on the portal "School-projects.rf" in the section "Discovery Horizons 2017". To the application, the participant adds a presentation and the text of the work (MANDATORY), a video of his speech for 5-7 minutes, and other materials (DESIRABLE).
The competition experts determine the quality of the submitted works!
Based on the examination, participants receive Diplomas:
I degree (very high quality),
II degree (high quality),
III degree (good quality),
or certificate of participation.

Anyone who has registered their work for the competition can take part in it. The following events are taking place at the face-to-face stage.
1) Poster exhibition of works - at the exhibition, participants present a poster and make a message.
2) Work in groups to formulate directions for network projects.
3) Presentation and comprehensive examination of network areas of design and research work. There is a live broadcast (ON-LINE video broadcast).
4) Presentation of Diplomas and certificates for network project developers.

Participants can continue working on the development of their projects:
1) Within network directions.
2) In the "Workshop" section on the portal "School-projects.rf"
3) Educational organizations can become regional Centers and coordinators of network projects.
4) Materials of competition works can be published on the Portal "School-projects.rf" or in other publications (by decision of the editorial board) that are partners of the competition.

When preparing for the competition, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the REGULATIONS and CRITERIA for evaluating works. These documents are located in the "Documents" section

Grades 1 - 4 “If you want to be healthy...”. Works on ecology, healthy lifestyle, sports hobbies and the best traditions of domestic sports. Grades 1 - 4 “Inventing and modeling.” Technical creativity, design, layouts and models, inventive ideas, new games. 1 - 4 classes “Cultural heritage of Russia.” Works on history, literature, art, traditions of the peoples of Russia, arts and crafts. Grades 1 - 4 “About courage, about valor, about glory...”. Works of a military and patriotic nature. 1-4 grades. “Television - radio - multimedia” (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) grades 1 - 4 “I want to know everything.” Works from different fields of knowledge, grades 5 - 6 Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 5th - 6th grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. 5th - 6th grades “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 5th - 6th grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. 5th - 6th grades “Crossroads of a multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. Grades 5-6 “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sports, healthy lifestyle, medicine, ecology. Grades 5-6 “Social projects: “We are the children of Russia.” Project work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 5-6 grades. "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 5 - 6 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 5 - 6 grades “Readings to them. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences. 7th - 8th grades Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 7th - 8th grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. 7th - 8th grades “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 7 - 8 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. 7th - 8th grades “Crossroads of a multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. 7th - 8th grades “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sports, healthy lifestyle, medicine, ecology. 7th - 8th grades “Social projects: “We are the children of Russia.” Project work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 7-8 grades "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 7 - 8 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 7 - 8 grades “Readings to them. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences. 9 - 11 grades Humanitarian projects: “How our word will respond...”. Project and research work in the field of literary criticism, linguistics and journalism. 9 - 11 grades Humanitarian projects: “Beauty will save the world.” Applied art, music, theater, design and other art projects. 9 - 11 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Memory of the Heart.” Research in the field of history, military and patriotic projects. 9 - 11 grades “Humanitarian projects: “Man and the world.” Philosophy, art, cultural studies, psychology. 9 - 11 grades “Crossroads of the multicultural world.” Works of various types in foreign languages; Works are accepted in English, German, French, Italian. 9 - 11 grades “Designing a healthy environment: “School is a territory of health.” Sports, healthy lifestyle, medicine, ecology. 9 - 11 grades “Social projects: “We are children of Russia.” Project work aimed at improving the lives of children and adults. 9-11 grades "Television - radio - multimedia" (school television projects, radio broadcast projects, multimedia works) 9 - 11 grades "Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “Brilliant designers.” Technical projects and inventions, simulators, games and programs. 9 - 11 grades “Readings named after. A.A. Lemansky: “On the path to great discoveries.” Design and research work in physics, mathematics and natural sciences.

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