Homemade Moldovan bread. Wheat bread. In public places

Original taken from mariana_aga in Wheat bread

The main types of wheat bread in Russia are divided into several groups

1) bread made from mixtures of wheat flour of different grades: Chisinau, steppe, Transbaikal and Ural bread.

2) bread made from whole grain flour. and grains: Saratov kalach, wheat, sieve, sieve with raisins, white, milk, mustard, ramensky, Polessky, chamomile, Russian loaf and souvenir loaf, Ukrainian palyanitsa and Kirovogradskaya, matnakash,

3) bread made from 1.s. flour: Saratov kalach, wheat, wheat sweet, white, mustard, civil, home, road, Belarusian (= Belarusian milk), city, peasant bun, Krasnoselsky, milk, sieve milk, Ukrainian palyanitsa, Kirovograd palyanitsa, Nikolaevsky palyanitsa, chamomile bread

3) bread made from 2.s. flour: wheat, virgin, civil, Krasnoselsky, Arnaut Kiev, Ural kalach, milky, white.

4) bread made from wheat flour: wheat wallpaper, matnakash

In Russia, for a product to be called bread, it must weigh more than 500g. It is baked both by pan and hearth, the dough is created using any of the modern or traditional technologies for yeast bread dough. The duration of proofing and baking is determined experimentally for the specific conditions of specific bakeries and ovens.

Smaller bread, up to 500g, belongs to bakery products: loaves and loaves, rolls and buns, saiki and bread rolls, horns, bagels, braids, rolls and cottontails.


Water is usually not indicated in bread recipes, because... The amount of water in the dough depends greatly on the dryness of the flour, the grade of flour and the strength of the flour. How drier your flour and the stronger it is, the more water it will take to create a dough of the correct consistency. Strong flour swells for a very long time, several hours, and absorbs a surprisingly large amount of water, so dough made from strong flour at the beginning of kneading is made more liquid than usual - it will become denser and drier as the dough ferments. Dough from wallpaper flour will absorb the most water.

On average, for bread dough without baking (sugar and fat), use approximately 55-75g of water for every 100g of flour in the dough. Start with a small amount of water and add more as you knead until you have a soft, non-sticky, silky dough.


1. Recipe for Chisinau bread, OST 18-230-75

photo of Chisinau bread
from the bakery website

Wheat flour for baking I grade 30.0

Wheat flour for baking II grade70.0

Table salt1.5


An example of dough for Chisinau bread on a large thick dough
for two loaves

Large thick dough

700g flour 2c
10g yeast
400g tap water

Knead for 15 minutes. The steam temperature at the end of kneading should be approximately 25C. Ferment for 5 hours.

the whole dough
300g flour 1 s
15g salt
Warm water until you get a non-sticky soft dough

Knead for 25 minutes at medium speed. Ferment the dough for 40 minutes. Then cut into loaves or hearth bread. Let it proof and bake.

2. Recipe for steppe bread, OST 18-313-77

Wheat flour for baking II grade70.0

Wheat baking flour 30.0

Table salt2.0


Example of dough for steppe bread on liquid dough, for one loaf

Liquid dough

150g wheat wallpaper flour
2.5g yeast
300g warm water (40C)
Mix thoroughly and leave to ferment for 4.5 hours in a warm place (28-30C)

Ripe liquid dough

The whole dough
350g flour 2c

A small amount of water, if necessary, to obtain a soft, non-sticky dough.

Knead the dough vigorously at medium speed for 25 minutes and leave to ferment for 30-40 minutes. Shape the bread, let it rise, brush with water and bake at 425F for 15 minutes, then another 25 minutes at 370F, with steam at the beginning of baking.

3. Recipe for Transbaikal bread, GOST 9905-61:
500g wheat flour 2c
500g wheat wallpaper flour
5g yeast
15g salt

An example of creating dough for Transbaikal bread using the traditional dough method. For one loaf.

Traditional dough

250g wheat wallpaper flour
2.5g yeast
250g water
stir and leave to ferment for 4.5 hours

250g flour 2c
7.5g salt
water until you get a soft, non-sticky dough

1.5 hours of fermentation with 2-3 kneadings. 1-2 hours of proofing. Steam oven. 15 minutes at 425F, followed by 30 minutes at 375F.

From an article about the Tazov bakery in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: In the morning at 3 o’clock we come and set sponge, they stand two hours each. Then we do batches, the batch will rise, and we begin molding,” says Galina Svityuk, baker at the Tazovsky Production Association.

Galina Svityuk forms the dough masterfully - after all, she has been doing what she loves for 36 years. You don’t even have to weigh the dough, your hand feels the right weight - 900 grams.

After the dough has fallen into the molds, it is set aside for an hour and a half- it should distance , then the forms are sent to bake. More an hour or so- and fresh golden brown bread will be ready.

For every loaf there is a buyer. Basically, of course, they take the highest grade. And “Zabaikalsky” - gray - is not for everyone, but it also goes well

At the Krasnodar bakery, Transbaikal bread is produced using sponge and non-spread methods using whey. The fermentation time of the dough when adding whey is reduced from 45-50 to 40 minutes, proofing - from 55 to 40 minutes.

4. Recipe for Ural bread, GOST 27842-88:

700g flour 2c
300g wallpaper flour
5g yeast
20g salt
30g molasses

Just a month ago, a loaf of gray “Ural” bread cost 9 rubles in Chelyabinsk. 50 kopecks Today it costs almost twice as much. 10/29/2007

Recipe for tin bread weighing 1 kg

405g flour 2 s
345g water
2.9g pressed yeast

175g wheat flour
11.5g salt
17.3g molasses
90g water

Dissolve molasses and salt in water, mix with dough until smooth. Add flour and knead the dough. Allow to ferment for 1.5 hours with kneading after 30-60 minutes after kneading. Proofing for 1.5 hours at 35C and 80% air humidity. Oven for 45 minutes at 425F with convection fan or at 450F without fan..


1. Recipe for Saratov kalach made from premium flour,
GOST 9259-59

Pressed baker's yeast 1.5

Table salt1.5

Sugar - sand2.0

Refined sunflower oil2.0


Sponge method. Before baking, coat with a solution of salt (5%) and soda (3%)

2. Recipe for sieve bread made from semolina wheat flour GOST 9714-61

Premium grade wheat flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast 3.0

Table salt1.5

Sugar - sand6.0

Refined sunflower oil2.5


Simple wheat bread is called sieve bread (sieve bread is an ancient name for
making bread from wheat flour sifted through a sieve).

Sieve bread can be simple and improved (sieve with raisins, sieve with
poppy seeds, etc.)

Sieve bread has the ability to retain its fluffiness, no matter how hard it is compressed.

Example of a sieve bread recipe

200g flour (w.s.)
12g yeast
200g warm water

120g white flour
80g semolina (durum flour)
6g salt
24g sugar
10g sunflower oil

2.5 hours with one kneading after the first hour of fermentation.
Rest for 1 hour in a greased pan. Oven at 465F for 40 minutes.

3. Recipe for wheat bread made from premium flour, GOST 8055-56

Premium grade wheat flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast1.0

Table salt1,3


4. Recipe for Ukrainian palyanitsa bread made from premium flour, GOST 12793--77

Premium grade wheat flour 100.0

Table salt1,3



1. Recipe for city bread, GOST 11316-65

Pressed baker's yeast2.0

Table salt1.5

Granulated sugar3.0

Table margarine4.0


Skimmed milk powder4.0


City bread is baked in molds or on a hearth. The mass of tin bread is 0.8 and 0.5 kg, hearth bread is 0.5 kg. Hearth bread is produced in a round shape with marks on the surface.

The recipe establishes the following ratio of parts of raw materials by weight: Wheat flour 1 grade 100.0 Pressed yeast 2.0 Salt 1.75 Sugar 3.0 Margarine 4.0 Maltose molasses 5.0 Skimmed milk powder 4.0 Vegetable oil 0.15

The dough or starter must be well fermented with a final acidity of 3-3.5°N.

Margarine and milk powder in the form of a fat-milk emulsion are added when kneading the dough. For hearth bread, dough pieces are passed sequentially through two rounders.

The baking time for molded products is 35-37 minutes, for hearth products - 30-35 minutes. at a temperature of 210-215°C.

2. Recipe for peasant bun, OST 18-382-81

First grade wheat baking flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast2.0

Table salt1.5

Refined sunflower oil 2.0

Condensed whey, 40%4.0


3. Recipe for civilian bread made from first grade flour, GOST 11835-66

First grade wheat baking flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast1.0

Table salt1.5



3. Recipe for wheat bread made from first grade flour, GOST 8055-56

First grade wheat baking flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast

Table salt1,3



(Raw material consumption in kg.)

1. Recipe for wheat bread made from second-grade flour, GOST 8055-56

Pressed baker's yeast0.5

Table salt1,3


2. Recipe for civilian bread made from second-grade flour, GOST 11835-66

Second grade wheat baking flour 100.0

Pressed baker's yeast1.0

Table salt1.5


Have you had the opportunity to visit the extraordinary Moldova, get acquainted with all its traditions and mentality? An unforgettable journey, beautiful places, and vibrant locals await you. However, one problem that may arise while traveling is not knowing the language. To prevent this unpleasant factor from ruining your vacation, we provide you with a wonderful Russian-Moldovan phrasebook, which is freely available on our website. Everything here is thought out to the smallest detail. There is nothing superfluous in our phrasebook, so that you don’t flip through dozens of pages with unnecessary phrases. We have collected in this phrasebook only the most necessary and important sections with frequently used phrases, so that you can comfortably communicate in the Moldovan language without making much effort.

When traveling across the expanses of Moldova, you will undoubtedly want to visit famous places, go to a restaurant, rent a hotel room, but in order to do all this, you need to at least know the basic phrases of the Moldovan language that will help you with this. There are a lot of such phrases and words, so we have created compact sections that will include the basis of communication, thanks to which you can explain what you need without any difficulties, everything you need for this, just go to the appropriate section and select a phrase or word what needs to be said in a given situation. Below is a list of these sections.

Common expressions

Good evening!Bune seara!
Good morning!Bune diminea'tsa!
Good afternoonBune ziua!
Hello!Bune ziua, bune seara, minok!
I wish you good luck and happiness!Mink!
We greet you!Ve salutem!
Greetings!We salute!
Let me greet you on behalf of...Permi'tetsim se ve salut yn numele...
Welcome! (welcome!)Bine ats venit!
Welcome!Bukurosh de oa’special!
Glad (glad) to see you!Bine you (team) gesit!
What a pleasant meeting!Che plachere!
Long time no see!Well neam vezut de un kar de an!
Goodbye!La revedere!
All the best (all the best!)Kubinet!
Good night!Noa'pte bu'ne!
Till tomorrow!Pe myine!
Be healthy!Se fits senetos
Be healthy!Se fiy senetos!
I wish you good luck and happiness!Ve doresk sukche's, ferichire!
Happy Stay!Ramy'nets ku bine
See you soon!Pe chickens'nd
Hope to see you soon!First, we don’t lead yn chickens!
Please say hi to your friend.Transmi’tets, ve rog, saluter, priye’tenului
Goodbye! goodbye!Adi'yo!
Have a nice (bon) journey!Drum boon!
Young woman!Dudu'e/domnişoare!
Young man!Ti'nere!
Dear friends!Drudge Prietene!
Can I ask you…?Pot se ve rog...?
Can I ask you...?Pot se ve yntreb...?
Let me ask you...?Ym dats voe se ve intreb..?
Tell me please..Spunetsim, ve rog...
Be kind….Fitz amabil...
Allow me please...Permitetsim (datsim voe), ve rog...
do you know each other?Ve kuno’ashtets?
Do we know each other.Not kunoashtem.
Meet me!Fa'chet kunoshtintse!
What's your last name?Kare este numele dumnevoa’stre de familie?
What is your name?Kare este numele dumnevoaster?
What is your name?Kum ve numits?
My last name…Noumele meu de familie este...
Let me introduce you...Datsim voe se ve prezint…
My friendPe prietentul meu
My friendPe pritena mea
my wifePe soci'ya mea
My wifePe nevasta mea
My husbandPe sotsul meu
My husbandPe babatul meu
My sonPe fiul meu
my daughterPe fiika mea
My fatherPe tatel mea
My sisterPe sora mea
My brotherPe fratele meu


We arrived in Moldova..Am sucking yn Moldova...
With the delegationQu o delegation de spécialism
To the international conferenceLa o konferinze internationale
With a group of touristsKu un group de tourism
On vacation/holidaysEun konchediu / eun vakatse
Please tell me where...street, hotel, museum, park, theater, exhibition?Spunetsim, ve rog, unde este...strada, hotelul, muzeul, parkul, theaterul, exposition?
How far is it...bus stop, taxi rank, pharmacy, square?Este de parte... station de autobus, station de taximeter, pharmacy, piaca?
How to get to…?Kum se poate azhunje la...?
How does is called?Kum se numeshte achasta?
What is this?Why do you eat achasta?
Excuse me, what did you say?What's wrong, what's wrong?
What are we talking about?/What's the matter?Despres what is a vorba?
What's happened?Che sa intimplat?
Who you are?Chine sontets dumneavoastre?
Who is he/she/?Why do you eat dynsul/dynsa?
What do you want?What's wrong?
What is your/his/her last name?Kare este numele dumneavoastre/al dynsuluy/al dynsey
What is your name?Kare este prenumele dumneavoaster?
How is your health?Kum stats ku senetatea?
Where are we going tonight?Unde merjem diseare?
What time is it now?Whoa este chasul?
How are you?/How are you doing?Che mai fačets/godfather o ducets?
My sincere congratulations!Feliciter cordiale!
Happy New Year!La mult anh!
Happy Birthday!La mult anh!
Congratulations...on your arrival in our country/in our city!Ve felicit...ku okaziya sosiriy dumneavoastre yn tsara noastre/in orashul nostra!
I wish you happiness and health!Va doresque minor shi senetate!
Good morning!Se fie yntrun chas bun!
For your health!Eun senetatea dumneavoastre!
Cheers!Eun senetatacha ta!
For the health of everyone present!Eun senetatea tutulor chelor de face!
For our friendship!Pentru Prieteniya Noastre!
Thank youMultsumesk!
Thank you!Multsumesk!
Thank you/you!Ve / yts / multsumesk!
Thank you for attention!Multsumesk pentru atentsiye!
Thank you very much!Multsumesk frumos (ve foarte multsumesk)
Please! (response to gratitude)Ku plechere/ forever pentru che!
I agreeSynt de acord
With pleasure!Ku plachere!
I can'tWell sweat
I don't wantWell vreau
You are not right!Well, here you go!
Incredible!De nekrezut!
This is wrongWell, yes, kiar asha
Excuse me, please!Skuzats, ve rog!
What a pity!Che packat!
I am very sorryRegret foarte mult
Please accept my apologies!Ve rog se primit skuzele mele!

In public places

Bus repair stationReparations auto-moto/reparat,ii auto-moto
Veterinary pharmacyFarmacie veterinara`
Gas stationPeco
Ticket officeCasa de bilete
BistroBuffet express
Used book storeAnticariat
Tourist OfficeAgent,ie de turism
County Tourism OfficeOficiul judecean de tourism
Newspapers magazinesZiare, reviste
DeliShop alimentar
Grocery storeAlimentara
Grocery storeProduse alimentare
Women's hair salonCoafor
Child's worldLumea copiilor/lumea copiilor
Mirrors.glassOglinz.jamur/oglinzi. Geamuri
Pre-sale ticket officeAgent,ie de voiaj
Book ShopLibra`rie
Leather goodsMarochina`rie
Commission shopConsignat,ie
ConfectioneryCoffee shop/cofeta`rie
Canned foodCanned food
Sweets, confectioneryBomboane, dulciuri
Medicinal plantsPlante medicinale
First aid stationPunct sanitar
DairyProduse lactate/produse lactate(brinzeturi)
Currency exchangeSkimb de valuta`
Shoe workshopAtelier de inca`lt,a`minte
Vegetables. FruitsLegume. Fruit/legume. fruit
Optics. GlassesOptics. Okelar/ optica. Ochelari
Bus stopStatie de autobuz/ stat,ie de autobuz
Present. SouvenirsKadoor. Amintiri/cadouri. Amintiri
Semi-finished productsSemipreparate
Mail. Post officePost office Ofichiu poshtal/ pos,ta
Bee productsProduse apicole/ produse apicole
Shoe repairCizma`rie
Sporting goodsArticole sportive
Inquiry OfficeBirou de information/ birou de informat,ii
Tobacco. Tobacco productsTutun. Tutundzherie/ tutun
Pay phoneTelephone public
FabricsTextiles. Stophe/textile. Stofe
Department storeShop universal
Household goodsArticole de menaj
Art GalleryGaleriile de arte/ galeriile de arta
Artistic craft productsArtizanat
Flowers (flower shop)Flori(florarie)/ flori(flora`rie)
Jewelry repair shopDjuvaergerie

In transport

Walking around the cityPe jos prin oras,
Please tell me how to get to...?Spunetsim, ve rog, kum se azhunje la....?
In approximately how many minutes can you get to...?Eun kyte minute approximative, se poate azhunje pe zhos pyne la...?
What's the best way to go?Kum se azhunnje mai bine?
Take trolleybus No.... And go to....Luats sau troleybuzul numerul…. Shi merjem pyne la….
Go straight, back, left, rightMerdzhet drept ynainte, ynypoy, la stinga, la drepta
It is far from here? (no. It's not far)Este de parte de aich? (well. Well, este de parte)
I really want to get acquainted with such an interesting cityDoresque foarte mult se kunosk un oras de interesant
I wish you success!Ve doresk sucches!
Thank you, goodbye, all the bestVe multsumesk, la revedere, cu binet


Gogoshar (sweet pepper variety)Gogoshar/ gogos,ari
PeasMazere / maza're
CabbageVarze/ varza’
PotatoPotato/ cartofi
KohlrabiGulie, gulii/ gulie, gulii
LeekPraz/ praz
CarrotCarrot/ morcovi
cucumbersKastravet/ castravet,i
PepperArdey/ ardei
ParsleyPatrunjel / pa'trunjel
TomatoesRoshiy/ ros,ii
Green saladSalata verde
BeetSfekle / sfecla’
PumpkinDovleak/ dovleac
BeansUskate beans / fasoleuscata’
Green beansBeans verde
HorseradishHrean/ hrean


Common Expressions

Give me please…Datsim, ve rog... / dat, i-mi, va’ rog...
…2 kg of potatoesDoue kilogram de potato
...half a kilo of onionsAbout jumetat kilogram de chape
...a bunch of green onionsAbout legature de chape verde
... 3 kg applesTrey kilogram de mere
Please let me know...Kinteritsim, ve rog
...big watermelonUn pepene verde, mare
...this melonAcest pepene galben
...two lemonsDoue lamy
...a kilogram of pearsUn kilogram de pere
...three kilograms of plumsTrey kilogram de prune
How much should I pay for everything?Why do you need to pay the pentra?
What is the price?Kyt coste?
I like/dislike thisAchasta yum cry / num cry
Where is the cash desk?Unde este casa?
I would like to buyAsh vrea se kumper
Show me please...Aretatsim, ve rog...
Please show me...Fits Bune, Aretatsim


1 Un, unu / unu, un
2 Doi, doue / doi, doua`
3 Trey/ trei
4 Patru/ patru
5 Chinch/cinci
6 Shase/ s,ase
7 Shapt/ s,apte
8 Wholesale
9 Noua/ noua’
10 Zeche/ zece
11 Unsprezeche / unsprezece
12 Doisprezeche/ doisprezece
13 Treisprezece
14….19 Paisprezeche…….nouesprezeche/ paisprezece……. Noua'sprezece
20 Douezech / doua’zeci
21 Douezeci shi unu/ doua’zeci s,i unu
22 Douezechi shi doi/ doua’zeci s,i doi
30 Treizeci
31 Treizeci s,i unu/ treizeci s,i unu
40…..90 Patruzeci….. Nouezeci/patruzeci….noua’zeci
100,101, 200, 300….900 O sute, o sute unu, doue sute, trey sute…..noue sute / ….o suta’…..
1000, 1001, 2000, 5000, 10000 O mie, oh mie unu, doue mii, chinch mii, zeche mii/ ….. O mie……
100000 O sute de mii / o suta’ de mii
1000000 Un million


General expressions - this section will help you greet one of the local residents, say goodbye, call young man, woman or child if you need it.

Tourism is a very important section for tourists. Having opened and read it, you can find out the name of the person you need, ask how to get to the stop, ask about someone’s well-being, ask what time it is. You can also express your indignation or, conversely, admiration. In addition to the above, this section contains many more important and useful words and phrases that will help you find mutual language with the population.

Places – this section gives you the opportunity to quickly and easily navigate the area. You can find out where you are, how to get to the bus stop, hotel, and even to the women's hairdresser. This section has translations for almost any establishment you may need while traveling.

Transport – general phrases that will help you get on the appropriate tram, trolleybus or minibus. Also thanks to this section you will learn where to find a taxi or rent a car.

Vegetables – If you are a lover of tasty and healthy food, this section will come in handy for you. Here you will find a translation of any vegetable that can be purchased on the Moldovan market.

Fruits – a section that includes all kinds of fruits that are sold in supermarkets and markets in Moldova.

Everyday expressions are phrases that are most often used in shops and markets, which are also very important to know or have their translation at hand. Thanks to our phrasebook, you can find out the cost of certain products, ask how to get to the checkout, ask the seller to weigh the goods.

Numbers – A section that indicates the translation of numbers, starting from one and ending with a million. Translating numbers can be very useful when traveling.

Ordinal numbers – translation of ordinal numbers.

A short Russian-Moldavian phrasebook is an indispensable assistant for tourists, vacationers and travelers in Moldova.

The phrasebook lists not only elementary words and expressions (translated “yes”, “no”, “thank you”, “good afternoon” - with pronunciation in Moldavian), but also thematic vocabulary specially selected for tourists.

In particular, using the Russian-Moldavian phrasebook, you can briefly tell about yourself, clarify the location of the desired object in the city (station, museum, beach, store) and ask how to get there. The Moldovan phrasebook also includes numerals; everyday expressions for communication in shops and food markets; names of fruits, vegetables, local dishes.

All words and phrases are arranged into thematic and situational blocks to make the phrasebook easy to use.

Common expressions

Good evening! Bune seara!
Good morning! Bune diminea"tsa!
Good afternoon Bune ziua!
Hello! Bune ziua, bune seara, minok!
I wish you good luck and happiness! Mink!
Hello! Salut!
We greet you! Ve salutem!
Greetings! We salute!
Let me greet you on behalf of... Perm "tetsim se ve salut yn numele...
Welcome! (welcome!) Bine ats venit!
Welcome! Bukurosh de oa "special!
Glad (glad) to see you! Bine you (team) gesit!
What a pleasant meeting! Che plachere!
Long time no see! Well neam vezut de un kar de an!
Goodbye! La revedere!
All the best (all the best!) Kubinet!
Good night! Noah "pte bu"ne!
Till tomorrow! Pe myine!
Be healthy! Se fits senetos
Be healthy! Se fiy senetos!
I wish you good luck and happiness! Ve doresk sukche"s, ferichire!
Happy Stay! Rams "nets kubin"
See you soon! Pe chickens"nd
Hope to see you soon! First se we don’t lead yn chickens”nd!
Please say hi to your friend. Transmi"tets, ve rog, saluter, priye"tenului
Goodbye! goodbye! Adi"yo!
Have a nice (bon) journey! Drum boon!
Young woman! Dudu"e / domnisoare!
Girl! Feti"tso!
Boy! Beetsa" shule!
Young man! Ti'nere!
Dear friends! Drudge Prietene!
Can I ask you...? Pot se ve rog...?
Can I ask you...? Pot se ve intreb...?
Let me ask you...? Ym dats voe se ve intreb..?
Tell me please.. Spunetsim, ve rog...
Be kind... Fitz amabil...
Allow me please... Permitetsim (datsim voe), ve rog...
do you know each other? Ve kuno "ashtets?
Do we know each other. Not kunoashtem.
Meet me! Fa"chet kunoshtintse!
What's your last name? Kare este numele dumnevoa "stre de familie?
What is your name? Kare este numele dumnevoaster?
What is your name? Kum ve numits?
My last name... Noumele meu de familie naturale...
Let me introduce you... Datsim voe se ve prezint...
My friend Pe prietentul meu
My friend Pe pritena mea
my wife Pe soci "ya mea
My wife Pe nevasta mea
My husband Pe sotsul meu
My husband Pe babatul meu
My son Pe fiul meu
my daughter Pe fiika mea
My father Pe tatel mea
My sister Pe sora mea
My brother Pe fratele meu


We arrived in Moldova.. Am sucking yn Moldova...
With the delegation Qu o delegation de spécialism
To the international conference La o konferinze internationale
With a group of tourists Ku un group de tourism
On vacation/holidays Eun konchediu / eun vakatse
Please tell me where...street, hotel, museum, park, theater, exhibition? Spunetsim, ve rog, unde este...strada, hotelul, muzeul, parkul, theaterul, exposition?
Is it far...bus stop, taxi rank, pharmacy, square? Este de parte...station de autobus, station de taximeter, pharmacy, pyaca?
How to get to...? Kum se poate azhunje la...?
How does is called? Kum se numeshte achasta?
What is this? Why do you eat achasta?
Excuse me, what did you say? What's wrong, what's wrong?
What are we talking about?/What's the matter? Despres what is a vorba?
What's happened? Che sa intimplat?
Who you are? Chine sontets dumneavoastre?
Who is he/she/? Why do you eat dynsul/dynsa?
What do you want? What's wrong?
What is your/his/her last name? Kare este numele dumneavoastre/al dynsuluy/al dynsey
What is your name? Kare este prenumele dumneavoaster?
How is your health? Kum stats ku senetatea?
Where are we going tonight? Unde merjem diseare?
What time is it now? Whoa este chasul?
How are you?/How are you doing? Che mai fačets/godfather o ducets?
My sincere congratulations! Feliciter cordiale!
Happy New Year! La mult anh! or An nou felicit!
Happy Birthday! La mult anh!
Congratulations...on your arrival in our country/in our city! Ve felicit...ku okaziya sosiriy dumneavoastre yn tsara noastre/in orashul nostra!
I wish you happiness and health! Va doresque minor shi senetate!
Good morning! Se fie yntrun chas bun!
For your health! Eun senetatea dumneavoastre!
Cheers! Eun senetatacha ta!
For the health of everyone present! Eun senetatea tutulor chelor de face!
For our friendship! Pentru Prieteniya Noastre!
Thank you Multsumesk!
Thank you! Multsumesk!
Thank you/you! Ve / yts / multsumesk!
Thank you for attention! Multsumesk pentru atentsiye!
Thank you very much! Multsumesk frumos (ve foarte multsumesk)
Please! (response to gratitude) Ku plechere/ forever pentru che!
Yes Yes
Fine! Binet!
I agree Synt de acord
With pleasure! Ku plachere!
No Well
I can't Well sweat
I don't want Well vreau
Never! Nichodate!
You are not right! Well, here you go!
Incredible! De nekrezut!
This is wrong Well, yes, kiar asha
Excuse me, please! Skuzats, ve rog!
What a pity! Che packat!
I am very sorry Regret foarte mult
Please accept my apologies! Ve rog se primit skuzele mele!


Bus repair station Reparations auto-moto/reparat,ii auto-moto
Pharmacy Farmacie
Veterinary pharmacy Farmacie veterinara`
Grocery Bakenie/ba`ca`nie
Bar Bar
Gas station Peco
Ticket office Casa de bilete
Bistro Buffet express
Hospital Spital
Used book store Anticariat
Bakery Franzeleriye/franzela`rie
Buffet Buffet
Tourist Office Agent,ie de turism
County Tourism Office Oficiul judecean de tourism
Guilt Vinuri
Exhibition Expozit,ie
Newspapers magazines Ziare, reviste
Haberdashery Haberdashery/galanterie(mercerie)
Deli Shop alimentar
Grocery store Alimentara
Grocery store Produse alimentare
Hats Pelary/pa`la`rii
Hotel Wanted/hotel
Women's hair salon Coafor
Delicacy Delicatese
Child's world Lumea copiilor/lumea copiilor
Mirrors.glass Oglinz.jamur/oglinzi. Geamuri
Toys Zhukarii/juca`rii
Pre-sale ticket office Agent,ie de voiaj
Cafe-bar Cafe-bar
Book Shop Libra`rie
Carpets Covoare
Leather goods Marochina`rie
Sausages Mezeluri
Commission shop Consignat,ie
Confectionery Coffee shop/cofeta`rie
Canned food Canned food
Sweets, confectionery Bomboane, dulciuri
Coffee Cafea
Medicinal plants Plante medicinale
First aid station Punct sanitar
Milk lapte
Dairy Produse lactate/produse lactate(brinzeturi)
Meat Carne
Currency exchange Skimb de valuta`
Shoe workshop Atelier de inca`lt,a`minte
Vegetables. Fruits Legume. Fruit/legume. fruit
Cloth Imbra`ca`minte
Optics. Glasses Optics. Okelar/ optica. Ochelari
Bus stop Statie de autobuz/ stat,ie de autobuz
Salon Freezerie
Beer Berariye/bera`rie
Present. Souvenirs Kadoor. Amintiri/cadouri. Amintiri
Semi-finished products Semipreparate
Mail. Post office Post office Ofichiu poshtal/ pos,ta
Bee products Produse apicole/ produse apicole
Bird Peser/pa`sa`ri
Shoe repair Cizma`rie
Repair.... Reparations/reparat,ii.....
Shirts Camesh/ca`ma`s,i
Stock Deposit
Sporting goods Articole sportive
Inquiry Office Birou de information/ birou de informat,ii
Bags Send/pos,ete
Tobacco. Tobacco products Tutun. Tutundzherie/ tutun
Pay phone Telephone public
Fabrics Textiles. Stophe/textile. Stofe
Knitwear Knitwear/tricotaje
Decorations Podoabe
Department store Shop universal
Fruits fruit
Bread Piine
Household goods Articole de menaj
Art Gallery Galeriile de arte/ galeriile de arta
Artistic craft products Artizanat
Flowers (flower shop) Flori(florarie)/ flori(flora`rie)
Watch Chasur/ceasuri
Jewelry repair shop Djuvaergerie


Walking around the city Pe jos prin oras,
Please tell me how to get to....? Spunetsim, ve rog, kum se azhundzhe la....?
Approximately how many minutes does it take to get to...? Eun kyte minute approximative, se poate azhunje pe zhos pyne la...?
What's the best way to go? Kum se azhunnje mai bine?
Take trolleybus No.... And go to.... Luats sau troleybuzul numerul.... Shi merjem pyne la....
Go straight, back, left, right Merdzhet drept ynainte, ynypoy, la stinga, la drepta
It is far from here? (no. It's not far) Este de parte de aich? (well. Well, este de parte)
I really want to get acquainted with such an interesting city Doresque foarte mult se kunosk un oras de interesant
I wish you success! Ve doresk sucches!
Thank you, goodbye, all the best Ve multsumesk, la revedere, cu binet


Eggplant Vinete
Gogoshar (sweet pepper variety) Gogoshar/ gogos,ari
Peas Mazere/ maza"re
Zucchini Dovlecei
Cabbage Varze/ varza"
Potato Potato/ cartofi
Kohlrabi Gulie, gulii/ gulie, gulii
Onion Chape/ceapa"
Leek Praz/ praz
Carrot Carrot/ morcovi
cucumbers Kastravet/ castravet,i
Pepper Ardey/ ardei
Parsley Patrunjel / pa "trunjel
Tomatoes Roshiy/ ros,ii
Radish Ridichi-de-luna"
Green salad Salata verde
Beet Sfekle/ sfecla"
Pumpkin Dovleak/ dovleac
Dill Marar / ma "rar
Beans Uscate beans/fasoleuscata"
Green beans Beans verde
Horseradish Hrean/ hrean
Garlic Usturoi


Apricots Caise/caise
Quince Gutui/ gutui
Oranges Portocale
Watermelons Pepeni verzi
Bananas Banana
Grape Poame
Cherry Vishine/ vis,ine
Pears Pere
Melons Pepeni dalbeni
Strawberries Fragi
Raisin Stafide / stafide
Strawberry Kepshun/ ca"ps,uni
Lemon Lamy / la "mii
Raspberries Zmeure/zmeura"
Nuts Nouch / nuci
Peaches Piersich/ piersici
Plums Prune
Currant Koakeze / coaca "ze
Dates Kurmale/ curmale
Apples Mere/mere

Everyday expressions

Give me please... Datsim, ve rog.../ dat, i-mi, va" rog...
...2 kg of potatoes Doue kilogram de potato
...half a kilo of onions About jumetat kilogram de chape
...a bunch of green onions About legature de chape verde
... 3 kg apples Trey kilogram de mere
Please let me know... Kinteritsim, ve rog
...big watermelon Un pepene verde, mare
...this melon Acest pepene galben
...two lemons Doue lamy
...a kilogram of pears Un kilogram de pere
...three kilograms of plums Trey kilogram de prune
How much should I pay for everything? Why do you need to pay the pentra?
What is the price? Kyt coste?
I like/dislike this Achasta yum cry / num cry
Where is the cash desk? Unde este casa?
I would like to buy Ash vrea se kumper
Show me please... Aretatsim, ve rog...
Please show me... Fits Bune, Aretatsim


1 Un, unu / unu, un
2 Doi, doue / doi, doua`
3 Trey/ trei
4 Patru/ patru
5 Chinch/cinci
6 Shase/ s,ase
7 Shapt/ s,apte
8 Wholesale
9 Noua/noua"
10 Zeche/ zece
11 Unsprezeche / unsprezece
12 Doisprezeche/ doisprezece
13 Treisprezece
14....19 Paisprezeche......Noua"sprezece/ paisprezece....... Noua"sprezece
20 Douezech / doua "zeci
21 Douezech shi unu / doua "zeci s,i unu
22 Douezech shi doi / doua"zeci s,i doi
30 Treizeci
31 Treizeci s,i unu/ treizeci s,i unu
40.....90 Patruzeci....noua"zeci
100,101, 200, 300....900 O sute, o sute unu, doue sute, trey sute.....noue sute / ....o suta".....
1000, 1001, 2000, 5000, 10000 O mie, oh mie unu, doue mii, chinch mii, zeche mii/ ..... O mie......
100000 O sute de mii / o suta" de mii
1000000 Un million


In the comments, you can supplement the phrasebook with useful phrases for fellow travelers in the Moldovan language - with translation into Russian.

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