Mozhginsky Medical School of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic. Rules for admission to Mozhginsky Medical College of the Udmurt Republic Collection of necessary documents

By decree of the secretariat of the Udmurt Regional Executive Committee dated July 16, 1933 No. 54, the Udmurt Medical College, together with the director S.P. Chirkov, teachers and students, was transferred from Izhevsk to Mozhga in order to open a medical institute. August 8, 1933 is considered the founding day of the school. Since September 17, 146 students began training in three specialties: midwife, medical assistant and pediatric nurse. A year later, 54 paramedical workers were graduated.

In 1936, the paramedic department returned to the city of Izhevsk, and midwives and children's nurses remained in Mozhga. At first, there was no stable teaching staff, no educational building, and the name often changed. Only in 1954, the paramedic-midwife school was transformed into the Mozhginsky Medical School.

The largest role in the organization and development of the educational institution belongs to G.F. Popov, who was director from 1935 to 1943. Intellectuals of pre-revolutionary training formed the backbone of the future teaching staff, which before the war had 17 full-time teachers.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, 11 teachers of the school were drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Since March 1943, semi-martial law was introduced at the school, a rifle battalion, companies, and platoons were created. Despite all the difficulties, 173 specialists were trained at the Mozhginsky paramedic-midwifery school during the war years. For many years, front-line teachers enjoyed special respect in the school staff: Korepanov V.Ya. (director from 1945-1948); Masalsky B.I. (director from 1948-1953); Zorina G.M.; Akhmetzyanov A.A.; Kaletina A.F.; Shakirov R.F.; Fillipov I.U. Today, front-line veterans Antonenko N.A., Antonenko K.S. and Ryabova S.P. the most welcome guests of the school.

A significant contribution to the development of not only our school, but also health care in Mozhga in general belongs to B.I. Masalsky. A talented ophthalmologist becomes the director of a paramedic and midwifery school for 6 years. Thanks to his efforts, the school acquired its first permanent building in the city center.

In the 60-70s. graduates of the Mozhginsky medical school are in great demand in all medical institutions of the republic, because they are distinguished by hard work, diligence, modesty and good knowledge. And this is the merit of the entire team, in which talented teachers worked: Filippov I.U., Bugreeva K.I., Zainutdinova F.G., Belolikova N.A., Isaeva K.Z., Sadovnikova A.P. (worked as deputy director for practical training for many years), Kondakova N.V., Shurmina R.A., Urazbakhtina M.F., Petrova A.A., Reverchuk G.I. Since 1972, the school has been headed by T.G. Gallyamov, through whose efforts a standard building of a medical school for 630 students was built in 1983, and a little earlier - a student dormitory for 200 places. For 21 years he served as director of E.N. Mamaev. Under him, the school successfully passed certification, accreditation, licensing, and the profile of our school for graduating paramedics and nurses was determined.

Together with the school, the health care of the city of Mozhga is also developing, the basis of which is the Central District Hospital. Conditions for classes, practical training and internships for students are being improved, and training rooms are being created at bases. Chief physician of the hospital Kuznetsov V.M. helps and supports the school in every possible way, and since 2008 he has become its director.

Over 75 years, more than 9 thousand specialists have graduated from the walls of the school. The high rating of the educational institution is evidenced by the traditionally large competition among applicants and the good employment of school graduates.

Medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at a university, but also at a college after completing 9 years of study in a secondary school. How to become a student at a secondary specialized educational organization, from which specialties you can choose - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enroll in medical school. college after 9th grade. They have to be sorted out.

Honey. college after 9th grade: specialties, choice of future profession

If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on your specialty. For applicants who have completed 9 grades in a comprehensive school, secondary specialized educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:

  • "Nursing."
  • "Midwifery."


Many applicants upon admission to medical school. College after 9th grade choose the direction of training “Nursing”. During their first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have studied in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, fundamentals of nursing). In the final years, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).

Graduates of "Nursing" receive the qualification or medical brother. After receiving a diploma, young specialists are employed in clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, and private medical centers.


A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is the midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All educational institutions have a training direction “Midwifery”.

In this specialty in all universities, the educational process is structured according to lectures and seminars. Students undergo practical training several times during their studies. It is carried out in antenatal clinics. Students also visit regular hospitals and oncology clinics.

Other areas of training

Specialties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary specialized educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this depends on the university. Some educational organizations do not have a wide range of specialties, so this is worth taking into account. What additional specialties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:

Entrance tests and passing scores

A few years ago it was quite difficult to get into any school. It was necessary to take biology and Russian. Now the conditions for admission to educational institutions have changed. There are no entrance tests for general education subjects (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that must be met before entering medical college after 9th grade is to pass a written psychological test. It allows you to find out whether applicants have the physical and psychological qualities that are simply necessary in medicine.

What traits should be present in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:

  • affectionateness;
  • tenderness;
  • mercy;
  • compassion;
  • politeness;
  • responsibility;
  • limitless patience.

Collection of necessary documents

When a specialty has been chosen and all questions regarding admission have been clarified, you should begin collecting documents. For admission to medical school. College after 9th grade required:

  • photo cards measuring 3 by 4 cm;
  • an application addressed to the director indicating a specific specialty;
  • original or copy of passport;
  • original or copy of the certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a mandatory medical examination.

Admission rules

at Mozhginsky Medical college

Udmurt Republic

These “Rules for admission to the Mozhginsky Medical College of the Udmurt Republic” were developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 01/01/2001 “On Education”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated 01/01/01 N 50. “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs average vocational education for the 2013/14 academic year", Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the educational institution, others regulatory legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and other government governing bodies education.

1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules regulate admission on a public basis to the medical college of the Udmurt Republic for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education and additional professional programs (professional retraining).

1.2. The college of the Udmurt Republic accepts citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons with basic general, secondary general, primary vocational education, secondary specialized vocational education, and higher vocational education.

1.3. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to repeatedly receive free vocational education in the direction of the state employment service in the event of loss of the opportunity to work in a profession, specialty, in the event of an occupational disease and (or) disability, in other cases provided for legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. Citizens wishing to receive a second secondary vocational education are admitted to the college on a compensatory contractual basis.

1.5. The volume and structure of admission of students to study at the expense of the budget of the Udmurt Republic is determined by the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic.

It is possible to change the volume of admission to study at the expense of budget funds and transfer budget places to more in-demand specialties. This transfer is approved at a meeting of the college admissions committee and the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Udmurt Republic.

In excess of the target admission figures financed from the republican budget, the medical college can admit students to additional places within the limits of the number established by the license, under agreements with individuals and (or) legal entities
with them paying the cost of training.

1.6. A medical college can allocate a certain number of places for targeted admission within the admission target numbers on the basis of agreements with the relevant state and municipal bodies and organize a separate competition for these places.

1.7. Upon admission, the college ensures that citizens' rights to education are respected as established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. Admission to a medical college is carried out upon application of applicants on a publicly available basis, taking into account the results of the applicants’ mastery of the educational program of the appropriate level of education, indicated in the educational documents submitted by the applicants.

1.9. A medical college has the right to announce admission only if it has a license to conduct educational activities in the relevant specialties.

1.10. To prepare and conduct admission to the college, an admissions committee is created

The selection committee is created to perform the following activities:

Acceptance of documents from persons entering the college;

Summing up results and ensuring enrollment in college.

1.11. The chairman of the admissions committee is the director of the college.

The term of office of the selection committee is one year. The admissions committee begins work no later than three months before the start of accepting documents.

1.12. The Medical College ensures transparency and openness in the work of the admissions committee.

1.13. Before accepting documents, the college admissions committee determines and announces the following:

College Admission Rules;

The procedure for organizing admission for training under contracts with payment of the cost of training;

List of specialties for which the college announces acceptance of documents in accordance with the license; at the same time, for each specialty (with the identification of forms of training, levels of secondary vocational education, basic, advanced) and the education required for admission (basic general, secondary general education).

The total number of places for admission in each specialty, including various forms of education;

The number of budget places for admission in each specialty, including various forms of education;

The number of places for admission under contracts with individuals and (or) legal entities with payment by them of the cost of training (above the target figures);

The number of places in the dormitory allocated for non-resident students newly admitted to the college;

2.2. The applicant provides the following documents to the admissions committee:


State document on education and its copy;

2 photographs 3x4 cm with corner;

Passport and its copy;

Medical certificate;

A copy of the work record;

A copy of the marriage certificate.

The application for admission, as well as the necessary documents, can be sent to applicants through public postal operators. The date of submission of documents for full-time study must be no later than 5th of August(for applicants of secondary general education), no later July 20– for applicants to basic general education

Acceptance of documents for full-time study in specialties of secondary general education sent through public postal operators is ending August 15, on the basis of basic general education – up to July 31.

When sending documents through public postal operators, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity, at his discretion, the original or a copy of a state-issued education document, as well as other documents provided for by the Procedure for Admission to Secondary Schools.

Documents are sent by incoming registered mail with notification and a list of the contents, certified by the post office that accepted this postal item. The notification and a certified inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents.

2.3. The medical college is obliged to familiarize applicants and (or) their parents (legal representatives) with the Charter of the educational institution, the license to conduct educational activities and the certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution in specific specialties.

The college must provide applicants and (or) their parents (legal representatives) with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the content of basic professional educational programs in specialties, as well as with other documents regulating the organization of the educational process and the work of the admissions committee.

2.4. When accepting documents, the following questions are recorded:

The fact of familiarization (including through Information Systems public use) applicants with a certificate of state accreditation of the college in the specialty chosen by the applicant; with a license to conduct educational activities; with the Charter of the educational institution (including through public information systems);

The fact that the applicant is familiar with the date of submission of the original document on education for enrollment (including through public information systems);

The fact of receiving secondary vocational education for the first time;

Consent to the processing of your personal data in the manner established by the Federal Law of 01.01.01;

The fact that the applicant is familiar with the “Internal Regulations” of the medical college, collective agreement.

These issues are recorded in the applicant’s application and certified by his signature.

If applicants provide information that does not correspond to reality, the college returns the documents to the applicant.

Applicants who have submitted deliberately false documents to the college admissions committee bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation

The applicant is given a receipt for documents acceptance. A copy of the receipt with the applicant’s signature remains in the applicant’s personal file.

2.5. A personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all submitted documents and materials for passing entrance examinations are stored. Personal files of applicants are kept at the college for six months from the date of acceptance of documents.

III. Enrollment in medical college.

3.1. Admission to a medical college for places financed from the republican budget is carried out taking into account the results of the applicants’ mastery of the educational program of basic general or secondary general education, indicated in the educational documents submitted by the applicants, and ends no later than 5 days before the start of classes.

3.2. Orders for enrollment, both for budget places and for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees and the basis for enrollment, are published on the information board of the admissions committee and the official website of the college on the day of their publication and should be available to users until 31th of December current year inclusive.

3.3. Persons who have higher results in mastering the educational program of basic general education for the specialty “Nursing” or secondary general education for the specialty “General Medicine”, indicated in the educational documents submitted by the applicants, are enrolled in the specialty, and if the results are equal, persons who have a preferential right to enrollment.

3.4. If the results of mastering the educational program of the corresponding level of education are equal, as indicated in the educational documents submitted by the applicants, the following have a priority right to enrollment:

Citizens discharged from military service, children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of military injury or illness;

Children of persons who died or died as a result of military trauma or diseases they received while participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism;

Winners of All-Russian and Republican Olympiads (competitions) in biology (diplomas of I and II degrees);

Persons continuing family traditions (children of medical workers);

Applicants who have higher scores in their major subjects (biology) on their education document;

Persons with at least two years of practical experience in a medical (pharmaceutical) profile;

Persons who have completed training in the profile “Junior Nurse for Patient Care” with a certificate;

Graduates of medical and biological schools (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);

Graduates of schools of the Udmurt Republic;

Persons with sports ranks in various sports;

Persons who have excellent and good grades in their educational documents and who were awarded certificates of commendation for success in studying biology upon completion of basic (general) and secondary (complete) secondary schools;

Persons living (working) in the territory of a residential zone with the right of resettlement, as well as living (working) in the territory of a residential zone with a preferential socio-economic status as a result of the Chernobyl disaster (upon presentation of a certificate of the established form);

Rural youth.

3.4. Within the deadlines established by the college, the applicant submits:

When enrolling in budget-funded places - the original state document on education and the required number of photographs;

When enrolling in places under contracts with payment of tuition fees:

To study as a student - the original state document on education and the required number, photographs.

In this case, the applicant who sent documents through public postal operators, when providing the original state document on education, provides the original document proving his identity, a photocopy of which was sent through public postal operators.

3.5. The interval between the closing date for accepting documents and the date of submission of the original state-issued education document for applicants to government-funded places must be at least three calendar days.

3.6. For an applicant who wishes to pick up the documents submitted for admission (including the original document of education) from the medical college, the specified documents are issued upon written application within 24 hours.

3.7. Considering that an applicant can enroll in several educational institutions at the same time, the list of persons who can be enrolled as students must include the number of applicants who make up a reserve for enrollment in the amount of 10% of the admission target numbers.

IV. Reception of foreign citizens

4.1. Admission of foreign citizens to a medical college for training in basic educational programs is carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental agreements of the Russian Federation at the expense of the republican budget (including within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation), as well as under contracts with payment of costs training for individuals and (or) legal entities

4.2. Admission of foreign citizens for training at the expense of the republican budget is carried out:
4.2.1. Within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 638 “On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education” (in the areas of the Federal Agency for Education).

4.2.2. In accordance with the Agreement on granting equal rights to citizens of the states parties to the Treaty on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields of 01/01/01.

4.2.3. Based on the certificate of a participant in the State Program to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation.

4.2.4. In accordance with Federal Law dated January 1, 2001 N 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”

4.3. In other cases, foreign citizens are accepted only for paid places, that is, for training under contracts with payment of the cost of training.

4.4. Acceptance of documents within the following deadlines:

4.4.1. For foreign citizens specified in subclause 6.2.1. paragraph 6 of these Rules, within the time limits established by the Federal Agency for Education.

4.4.2. For foreign citizens specified in subparagraphs 6.2.1. – 6.2.4. clause 6 of these Rules and foreign citizens entering for training under contracts with payment of the cost of training by individuals and (or) legal entities, within the time limits established by clause 2.1. of these Rules.
4.5. When submitting an application, a foreign citizen submits the following documents:

A copy of the identity document of the applicant, or the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 N 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;

The original of a state-issued document on education (or its duly certified copy), or the original of a foreign state document on the level of education, recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of a state-issued education document (or its duly certified copy), if necessary, with a certificate on establishing its equivalence, or the originals of a document of a foreign state on education legalized in the prescribed manner (if necessary) and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

Duly certified translation into Russian language a document of a foreign state on education and annex to it (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

Copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of January 1, 2001 “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”;

A copy of the visa to enter the Russian Federation, if the foreign citizen arrived in the Russian Federation on an entry visa;

2 photos.

All translations into Russian must be made in the name and surname indicated in the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

4.6. Foreign citizens entering within the limits established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25 August 2008 No. 000 “On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education”, quotas, in addition to the above documents, also represent the direction of the Federal Agency for Education.

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