Musical did game rhythm cards. Card file of musical and didactic games according to the Preschool Education Curriculum (secondary group). Story-based didactic game

Larisa Gushchina

Musical and didactic games in kindergarten are a means of enhancing the musical development of each child, which allows them to become involved in the active perception of music.

I present to you some of the didactic games and attributes I made with my own hands for music classes.


Didactic game to determine the nature of music

Demonstration: three flowers made of cardboard (in the middle of the flower there is a “face” drawn - sleeping, crying or cheerful, depicting three types of music character:

Kind, affectionate, soothing (lullaby);

Sad, plaintive;

Cheerful, joyful, dancing, perky.

You can make not flowers, but three suns, three clouds, three stars, etc.

Handout: each child has one flower, reflecting the nature of the music.

I option. The musical director performs the piece. The called child takes a flower corresponding to the character of the music and shows it. All children actively participate in determining the nature of the music. If the work is known to children, then the called child says its title and the name of the composer.

Option II. Each child has one of three flowers in front of them. The music director performs the piece, and the children whose flowers match the character of the music raise them.

Musical patterns

A musical game that develops musical imagination and sense of rhythm.

Purpose of the game:

give children an idea of ​​long and short, smooth and sharp, high and low sounds, etc. etc.

Didactic material:

cards with graphic images of “musical” patterns.

Methodology for organizing the game:

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and reproduce with their voice the musical drawing depicted on the card; they can also play some drawings on musical instruments or show this musical drawing in motion.

“Stand up children, stand in a circle”

Goal: To develop spatial orientation in children. Teach free formation in the hall (circle, semicircle, ranks, etc.)

Preliminary work: introduce children in advance to the icons on the cards: circles for boys, triangles for girls. The cards also show how children should stand. For example: for a round dance, children stand in a circle (card with a circle), for a game - in a circle with a leader (card with a circle and a center, for a dance - in pairs in a circle (card with triangles and circles arranged in a circle), etc.

Description: Children are accommodated in the hall. The music director shows the card. Then music sounds, to which the children move freely around the hall. When the music begins to fade, the children change lines according to the indicated card.

Cards are convenient to use when learning musical material, in preparation for the holidays.

Rhythmic fence

Goal: to develop a sense of rhythm in children, to introduce the strong beat.

Demonstrative material: cards with pictures of fences reflecting the strong beat in a march, waltz, polka.

Pre-work: children are familiar with genres of music in advance.

Description: the music director tells the children about the downbeat, clap the downbeat in a march, waltz, mark it with the appropriate card, clap it again. Noting the downbeat.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Determine the tempo of the music

Goal: Development of music perception. Getting to know the pace.

Handouts: cards corresponding to the theme of the musical work and cards reflecting the tempo of the music.

Preliminary work: introduce children to certain pieces of music that more clearly reflect changes in tempo in music. Select pictures indicating the tempo of the music (fast, fast, very fast, slow, very slow, etc.) and introduce the children to them.

Description: Children, after listening to music, determine its name, talk about the tempo of the music, about the animal, about its character movement and select the appropriate card.

Musical and didactic game “Guess what I’m playing.”

Target. Exercise children in distinguishing the sounds of children's musical instruments.

Develop timbre hearing.

Description. Screen, children's musical instruments: pipe, tambourine, rattle, spoons, triangle, bell, metallophone, bells, rattle.

Progress of the game.

Option 1. The leader behind the screen takes turns playing children's musical instruments. (Pipe, tambourine, rattle, spoons, triangle, bell, metallophone, bells, rattle.)

Children guess the instrument by its sound. By clicking on it, the corresponding picture of a musical instrument appears in the presentation.

Option 2. When you click on it, a picture of a musical instrument appears in the presentation.

Children choose a similar instrument from those offered, name it and play it.

"Musical House" or "Little Composer"

Game option 1: “Teremok” Purpose: to develop children’s melodic hearing.

Game material Animal figures. Progress of the game: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. How handsome and tall and tall he is. We walk up the steps, we all walk. We sing our song, yes we sing. Three children are chosen, each taking any figurine. The character walks up the steps and sings the first phrase: “Up the steps I walk...”, then, standing at the entrance to the house, he sings the second phrase: “I’m entering a wonderful house!”, coming up with his own motive, and “enters” the house. Each child, when coming up with a motive for the second phrase, should not repeat someone else’s motive. When all the characters “enter” the house, the movement begins downward, in reverse order. The character goes down the steps and sings: “I’m going down the steps...”, then, standing at the first step, finishes singing the second phrase: “I’ll go along the little path.”

Option 2 of the game: “Little Composer” A house opens in which notes live, each on its own floor, children are invited to become a famous composer for a minute and compose their own music. Then the composed music is played by the music director, and the children listen to what piece of music or song they came up with (you can sing it first with the music director, and then together.)

Seven-flowered flower."

Didactic game for the development of memory and musical ear.

Goal: development of musical ear and musical memory of children. Game material: A large flower consisting of seven petals of different colors that are inserted into a slot in the middle of the flower. On the reverse side of the petal are drawings of the plots of the works that the children were introduced to in class. For example: 1. “Cavalry” by D. B. Kabalevsky. 2. “Clowns” by D. B. Kabalevsky. 3. “The Doll’s Disease” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. 4. “Procession of the Dwarves” by E. Grieg. 5. “Father Frost” by R. Schumann, etc. Progress of the game: Children sit in a semicircle. The gardener (teacher) comes and brings the children an unusual flower. The called child takes out any petal from the middle, turns it and guesses which work this illustration is for. If the work is known to him, then the child must name it and the name of the composer. The music director performs a piece or plays a recording. All children actively participate in determining the character, tempo, and genre of the work.


1 version of the game (a game for the development of visual memory and musical impressions)

Goal: To develop visual memory, expand musical horizons, replenish lexicon child in musical terms, teach children to clearly express their thoughts.

Game description: Players are given hint cards depicting a fragment of a children's cartoon. A song from a cartoon is playing. Players are asked to remember and name which cartoon this song is from. If the player finds it difficult to answer, you can offer to tell him what the cartoon is about.

Game option 2

Goal: To teach children to determine the nature of music, to develop diction when singing, pure intonation, to develop emotional responsiveness to a song they hear, to introduce children to the works of composer V. Ya. Shainsky and children's songwriters.

Game description: Children stand in a circle. Players are given hint cards with an image of a cartoon fragment. Music hands invites players to look at the card. Using a counting rhyme, a “driver” is selected:

“One, two, three, four, five - we are going to play,

A magpie flew to us and told you to sing.”

The player is invited to perform a children's song, which is depicted on the card. If the player finds it difficult to sing, then the muses help him sing. hands If the child does not know this song, the turn goes to any player who wants to sing the song, he also becomes the driver.

“Name the music composer”, “Fun record”

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children portraits of composers P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, D. Kabalevsky, and asks them to name familiar works by these composers. For the correct answer, the child receives a point. Then the music director plays this or that piece (or a recording is played). The called child must name the work and talk about it. For a complete answer, the child receives two points. The one who receives the most points wins.

The game is played in class and can also be used as entertainment.

Fun record

Game material. A toy player with a set of records - in the center is a picture depicting the content of the Song; player with a set of records of program works.

Progress of the game. The presenter plays the introduction to some work familiar to the children on the recording. The called child finds the one he needs among the small records and “plays” it on a toy player.

What music?

Game material. Player, records with recordings of waltz, dance, polka; cards with images of waltz, folk dance and polka dancers.

Progress of the game. The children are given cards. The music director performs musical pieces on the piano (recorded) that correspond to the content of the pictures on the cards. Children recognize the work and pick up the correct card.

Attributes for matinees and activities.

Musical and didactic games are an important means of developing children's musical activity. Their main purpose is to instill in children a love of music in an accessible form. The value of these games is that they are accessible to children and arouse interest and desire to participate in them. During musical games, children learn to distinguish musical sounds by pitch, duration, volume and timbre, the sound of different musical instruments (drums, tambourines, rattles, etc.), as well as the voices of other children. All this contributes to the development of their musical ear, attention and memory. As a result, children not only receive necessary knowledge about the basics of musical literacy, but also learn to love, appreciate and understand music.

The pipe began to play -

I'll go dance.

Dance with me, guys, -

The drum is rumbling

Like strong thunder:

Follow me into the forest, guys, -


The teacher plays a pipe behind a screen, and then a drum. Children listen and guess what instrument sounds. The teacher sings a song about a pipe and a drum, and the children imitate playing these instruments.

(music by R. Rustamov, lyrics by Yu. Ostrovsky)

Parsley appears on the screen with a rattle.

I am cheerful Parsley,

I have a rattle.

He rings the rattle to the music and hides behind the screen.

A bear cub appears with a tambourine.

And I am Teddy Bear,

This is how I hit a tambourine with my paw.

He beats the tambourine to the music and hides behind the screen.

Teacher: There is no Parsley, no Mishka-

The naughty girls ran away.

Guess who's playing?

Answer quickly.

Children guess who is playing behind the screen.

At the end, Mishka and Petrushka invite the children to dance.

The Russian folk melody "Oh, you canopy" sounds.

“Who lives in the house?”

N.G. Kononova “Musical and didactic games for preschoolers”, p.25.

Age: from 4 to 5 years

Target: exercise in the perception and discrimination of sounds by height.

Game material: The card shows a colorful tower on two floors: the lower windows are large, the upper ones are smaller. Below each window there are drawings: a cat, a bear, a bird. Each window opens and closes. Inside there are insert pockets into which pictures of the listed animals are inserted, as well as pictures depicting the cubs of these animals.

Progress of the game: The music director seats the children in a semicircle and shows them a house-teremok in which a cat and a kitten, a bird and a chick, and a bear and a cub live. “On the first floor,” says the music director, “mothers live, on the second (with small windows) their children. One day everyone went for a walk in the forest, and when they returned home, they got confused about who lived where. Let’s help them find their rooms.” Hands out one card to everyone. A familiar melody is played in different registers. For example, the melody of the song “Grey Cat” by V. Vitlin sounds. The child who has the corresponding card inserts it into the window on the first floor opposite the picture shown on the house. The same melody sounds, but an octave higher. A child gets up with a kitten card and places it in the window on the second floor.

There is also a game with music about a bird and a bear (“Bird” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov). This continues until all the cards have been inserted into the pockets.

At the end of the game, the teacher encourages correct answers. If one of the children made a mistake, he explains that the bear will not fit in the cat’s bed and will not be able to sit at her table when he suddenly ends up in the wrong room, etc.

Musical and didactic game

"Hen and Chicks"

N.G. Kononova “Musical and didactic games for preschoolers”, p.24.

Age: from 4 to 5 years

Target: train children in the perception and discrimination of two sounds (re 2 - re 1).

Game material: house, Masha doll, metallophone. Everything is laid out on the table. Children hold toy birds (chicken and chicks) in their hands.

Progress of the game: Children sit around the table. The teacher takes the doll and says: “The doll Masha lives in this house, she has a lot of hens and chicks. It's time to feed them, but they ran away. Masha, call your chickens. Listen, guys, who is Masha calling?”, plays the second octave D on the metallophone. Children with chickens in their hands stand up and place them in front of Masha. The doll feeds the birds. The teacher asks the children to sing in a thin voice, like chickens, “pi-pi-pi.” Then the doll Masha calls the chickens - the teacher plays the first octave D on the metallophone. Children place chicken figures on the table in front of Masha and sing “ko-ko-ko” using the same sound.

Musical and didactic games for children senior group

“Which tool is extra?”
Purpose of the game: To consolidate knowledge about musical instruments and their belonging to one or another type of orchestra: folk, symphonic.
Progress of the game: The teacher lays out several cards (about 4-5) in front of the child player. For example, four cards depict folk instruments, and the fifth one depicts an instrument from a children's, brass, or symphony orchestra. The player is invited to look carefully at the cards and find the “extra” one among them, explaining his actions.

“Who knows more?”
Purpose of the game: Expand and consolidate knowledge about musical instruments (appearance, sound, name).
Progress of the game: The presenter (can be either a teacher or a child) mixes the cards and, showing the players one at a time, asks: “What is this?” The one who is the first to correctly name what is depicted on it receives a card for himself.
The game continues until the cards run out. The one who collects the most cards wins.

"Make an Orchestra"
Purpose of the game: Perceive and recognize the sound of different types of orchestra: folk, symphonic, wind.
To consolidate knowledge about instruments (name, appearance, sound, belonging to a particular type of orchestra).
Progress of the game:
Option 1:
The children are given cards. Fragments sound:
-kyu “Adai” by Kurmangazy, “Ata Tolgau” by N. Tlendiev performed by an orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments;
- “Polka” by Shostakovich from the First Ballet Suite;
- “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg or “Military March” by G. Sviridov.
The teacher invites children to listen to musical excerpts and gather together with cards of Kazakh folk instruments, or with cards depicting instruments of a symphony orchestra, or with images of wind instruments, that is, “gather” in an orchestra of folk instruments, in a symphony orchestra or in a brass band.
Option 2:
Children are given cards with pictures of various musical instruments and asked to form subgroups. For example:
folk instruments,
wind instruments,
stringed instruments,
percussion instruments,
keyboard instruments and more.


Progress of the game: The first participant comes up with the simplest rhythm and claps it. The next one must repeat it exactly, without error, and come up with the next rhythm, which is transmitted in the same way further. And so on in a circle.

Purpose of the game: development of a sense of rhythm, rhythmic hearing; developing the ability to perceive the relationship between sounds of different durations and reproduce them; consolidate the idea of ​​timbre diversity and its significance in music.
Equipment: two caterpillars, on parts of the body there are large and small dots: large ones - a long sound, small ones - a short one.
Progress of the game: Place parts of the caterpillar’s ​​body on the head and, together with the children, talk, clap, stomp, and play the resulting rhythmic pattern on the instrument.

Fun cube
Purpose of the game: To increase interest in music, develop children’s natural musicality and initial music-making skills, individuality, the ability for spontaneous creative behavior, create the prerequisites for the formation of creative thinking, enhance imaginative thinking, develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music and general motor skills of the child
Progress of the game: There are musical instruments on the table: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas (these same instruments are depicted on the faces of the cube.) Children stand in a circle and pass the cube to each other to the music with the words:
Everything plays and sings.
The cube will tell who will start!
The child who threw the dice names the instrument shown on the top edge, takes it from the table and plays a simple rhythmic pattern; if he finds it difficult to name the instrument, the teacher invites the children to help him. Children repeat the rhythmic pattern by clapping. The game is repeated until all the children have taken their instruments. Then everyone plays “orchestra” together.

Walk in the park.
Purpose of the game: To develop a sense of rhythm in children.
Progress of the game: Children sit at tables. There is a metallophone in front of each child. The teacher tells a story about children who were walking in the park. Children voice the story according to its content using a rhythmic pattern on a metallophone.
“Today you and I will go to the park to the playground. This walk is unusual as we will only imagine what we are doing. So, let's begin. It was a beautiful day, and you and I decided to go to the park. We got dressed and began to go down the stairs (children use metallophones to imitate going down the stairs - from the upper register to the lower register). We went outside and ran up the path, straight to the playground (children imitate this on metallophones by sounding from lower register to upper register in a fast rhythm). They saw a swing and started swinging on it, singing a song:
Here is a swing in the meadow,
I'll run to swing
Up down,
Up down.
(Children sing a song and play along with themselves on metallophones).
We rode on a swing and started playing ball, saying:
-My cheerful ringing ball,
Where did you run off to!
(Children imitate a bouncing ball on metallophones).

But suddenly it started to rain. At first he walked slowly, and then faster and faster: Drop... drop... (children imitate the sound of drops on metallophones). We were afraid of the rain and ran into kindergarten: top, top, top. (Each child depicts on the metallophone how he runs).

Game "Fourth wheel"
Purpose of the game: To consolidate children's knowledge about groups of musical instruments - strings, winds, percussion, noise, keyboards. The “extra” picture is covered with a counter.

Musical apples
Purpose of the game: To learn to correlate musical impressions with specific images, the nature of music, to develop children’s vocabulary (selection of synonyms for words).
Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children a card with a picture of an apple tree without apples and says that this apple tree is not simple, but fabulous. Not ordinary apples grow on it, but magical ones. You can't just see them. The apples only appear when they hear music. What kind of music - such apples are shown. After this, the teacher performs musical fragments of a different nature. Children determine the character of the music and lay out apples with the corresponding mood.

Merry hammers
Purpose of the game: Develop a sense of rhythm; development of auditory perception, attention, memory.
Equipment: musical hammers, according to the number of players, of three types with different fillings: inside some hammers there is semolina, others - 1 bean, others - several peas. (The hammers are made from waste material: measuring spoons for baby food, glued together in pairs)
Game options:
1. “Repeat after me” (repeat the rhythmic pattern after the teacher).
2. “Hen and chickens” (long and short sounds)
3. “Stepping with hammers” (the ability to coordinate movements with music)
4. “Find friends” (find identical sounding hammers, breaking into 3 groups).

Build a traffic light
Purpose of the game: To develop coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, hearing, speed of reaction;
Equipment: Sets of cubes: red, yellow, green.
Musical accompaniment: “Passing the Handkerchief” by T. Lomova.
How to play: Children sit in a circle on the floor. Everyone has a cube from the set in their hand.
For part 1 of the music, children pass the cube to the person sitting on the right (put it in front of the neighbor on the floor) for each musical phrase. During the 2nd part of the music, the children stand up, holding the cube with both hands, and run scattered around the hall. When the music ends, children should gather in groups of 3, each with a cube of a different color. You need to place cubes on the floor: green, yellow, red to make a traffic light.

Musical flower
Purpose of the game: Development of musical memory in children, motivation to memorize a large number of songs. Accumulation of song repertoire.
Progress of the game:
Our musical flower,
Every petal is bright.
We'll tear off the petal
Let's sing a song together.

In the center there is a flower made of colored paper. On the back of each petal there is an image that is somewhat similar to the name of a children's song. Children guess the name of the song, and then everyone performs it together. The game continues until the flower runs out of petals.

Merry tambourine
Purpose of the game: development of auditory attention, development of a sense of rhythm
We will, we will play
And let's learn to knock -
On a cheerful, ringing tambourine
Let's beat out the rhythms!
They pass the tambourine around, humming a melody. The one who still has the tambourine in his hands goes to the center of the circle and taps his invented rhythm on the tambourine, then says a little count:
Who remembers, repeat
Maybe you can?
Gives the tambourine to one of those standing in the circle. The one who correctly repeated the given rhythm begins to pass the tambourine around the circle first. The game repeats itself.

Ball game
Purpose of the game: development of creative activity, development of timbre hearing
Progress of the game:
A ringing ball, a ringing ball,
How easily, easily he jumps,
Ball, the ball rolled
And he stopped completely.
Who managed to take the ball?
He sang his name to us!
The leader, chosen according to the counting, is the first to begin playing with the ball in a circle to the music and singing of the children, and then rolls it to one of the children. The first child to pick up the ball sings his name and then becomes the new leader.

Funny nesting dolls
Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish sounds by pitch.
Equipment: Matryoshka dolls of three sizes: tall - in green sundresses and scarves, average size- in blue, short - in red.
Progress of the game: The teacher performs sounds on the metallophone. The children are holding nesting dolls in their hands: those sitting on the left have high ones, those sitting on the right have low ones, and those in the center are of medium size.
-Children, now your nesting dolls will dance. But to do this you need to listen carefully to what sound is being heard. If it is low, the low nesting dolls will dance; if it is of medium height, the matryoshka dolls of medium height will dance. If you are tall, only tall nesting dolls will dance.
The teacher explains that you need to depict dancing by lightly rocking the matryoshka doll in a raised hand or by tapping. Then he performs sounds of different pitches, constantly changing the sequence of sounds.

Find out what instrument it sounds like.
Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish the timbre of musical instruments.
Progress of the game:
Option 1: Children line up in three columns. As the triangle sounds, the children of the first column run around the room. To the sound of a tambourine - the second, to the sound of a metallophone - the third. Performance on the teacher's instruments varies. At the end there is a physical competition to see who can build the column the fastest.
Option 2: Children sit in three circles. Children of the first circle move at a light jog to the sound of a triangle and freeze in place to the sound of other instruments, children of the second circle walk to the sound of a tambourine, and of the third circle perform jumps to the sound of a glockenspiel. The sound varies. At the end of the game, a circle is celebrated - the winner and, at the request of the children of this circle, a round dance or dance is performed.

Guess what.
Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish the duration of sounds.
Equipment: Cut out paper circles, large and small, white and black.
Progress of the game:
Option 1: the first team has white circles in their hands, the second team has black circles. It is proposed to raise large white circles when performing long sounds, and small black circles when performing short sounds. The teacher repeatedly changes the sound without stopping and monitors the children’s correct reaction.
Option 2: Children stand in two circles, holding hands. When long sounds are played, children standing in the first circle walk. When short sounds are heard, children in the second circle run easily. The sounds are played in different sequences.

We'll sing like this
Purpose of the game: Development of vocal voice
Equipment: cards showing the nature of the music, its dynamics, pitch.
Progress of the game: the music director gradually introduces the symbols on each card, terms (low and high sound, quiet-loud, amplification - weakening of sound, jerky and smooth). Then the children sing the sound according to the picture on the card

Snowmen and snowflakes
Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish between calm and cheerful dance melodies.
Progress of the game:
Option 1: Children, divided into two groups, sit in a semicircle near the piano. To the music of the Polka, the “snowmen” clap their hands; to the music of the Waltz, the “snowflakes” should smoothly rotate their hands. The pieces are performed 6 times in different sequences.
Option 2: To the music of the Polka, the “snowmen” move at a polka pace; to the music of the Waltz, the snowflakes spin. Pieces are performed 6 - 8 times in different sequences. With the end of the sound, the “snowmen” catch the “snowflakes”.

Sunshine and rain
Purpose of the game: to hear and reproduce raindrops and sun rays
a) in motion,
b) in playing musical instruments.
Progress of the game:
Option 1: When music depicting rain plays, children perform a “palm dance” (slap their palms together). Instead of music, smooth movements are performed, like gentle, warm “rays of the sun.” Repeat - “dance of palms”.
Option 2: Impromptu dance “Droplets and rays of sunshine” with blue and orange ribbons.
Option 3: Children themselves choose a musical instrument to represent rain and sun. Instrumental improvisation in 3-part form.

Animals in houses
Purpose of the game: to teach children to identify an animal by the nature of its music and to move in accordance with the image.
Progress of the game: children are divided into 4 groups, each occupies its own “house” in one of the 4 corners of the hall: bear, fox, bunny, horse. Whose music begins to sound, that group moves around the hall in accordance with the image (motor improvisation). After all the “animals” have walked once, the children lightly run to the next house counterclockwise to cheerful music. Thus, each child will experience different images.

Repeat the sounds

Equipment: cards with the image of three bells: red – “dan”, green – “don”, yellow – “ding”, small cards with the image of the same bells, metallophone
Progress of the game: The teacher shows a large card with bells: “Look, children, there are three bells drawn on this card. The red bell rings low, we will call it “dan”, it sounds like this (sings up to the first octave): dan-dan-dan. The green bell rings a little higher, we will call it “don”, it sounds like this (sings E of the first octave): don-don-don. The yellow bell rings in the highest voice, we will call it “ding” and it sounds like this (sings the G of the first octave): ding-ding-ding.” All children are given one large card.
The teacher shows a small card, for example with a yellow bell. Anyone who knows what this bell sounds like sings “ding-ding-ding.” The teacher gives him a card, and the child closes her yellow bell on a large card

Purpose of the game: develop a sense of rhythm
Equipment: metallophone and cards depicting long and short sounds.
Progress of the game: wide cards correspond to long sounds, narrow cards to short ones.
- Tanya took the ball and began to slowly hit it on the ground.
The child slowly taps the metallophone with a stick and lays out wide cards.
- It began to rain frequently and heavily.
The child quickly knocks with a stick and lays out narrow cards

Determine by rhythm
Purpose of the game: develop a sense of rhythm, enrich musical impressions
Equipment: cards, on one half of which a rhythmic pattern of a song familiar to children is depicted, the other half is empty; pictures illustrating the content of the song; group of percussion musical instruments
Progress of the game: the child leader performs a rhythmic pattern of a familiar song on one of the instruments. Children identify the song by rhythm and cover the empty half of the card with a picture.

Define a tool
Purpose of the game: development of skills in playing musical instruments, development of timbre hearing
Equipment: musical instruments
How to play: Two children sit with their backs to each other. The same instruments lie on the tables in front of them. One of the players performs a rhythmic pattern on any instrument, the other repeats it on the same instrument.

Loudly - quietly binge drinking
Purpose of the game: development of diatonic hearing
Progress of the game: Children choose a driver who leaves the hall. Everyone agrees on where to hide the toy. The driver must find it, guided by the volume of the song that all the children sing: the sound intensifies as it approaches the place where the toy is located, or weakens as it moves away from it

How many of us are singing?
Purpose of the game: development of memory and hearing
Equipment: pictures of one, two or three singing girls
Progress of the game: The teacher plays one, two or three different sounds on the instrument. Children hold up cards showing one, two or three singing girls according to the number of sounds.

Listening to music
Purpose of the game: Enrichment of musical impressions, consolidation of familiar song repertoire
Equipment: 4-5 pictures illustrating the content of musical works familiar to children
How to play: Children sit in a semicircle, with pictures laid out in front of them. A piece is being played. The called child must find a suitable picture, name the work and the composer who wrote this music

Amazing traffic light
Purpose of the game: Determine the nature of the music.
Equipment: a large traffic light, cards for each child with a picture of a traffic light and three chips. Inside the circle-lanterns at traffic lights, children perform three actions: sleep, march, dance.
Progress of the game: Teacher (shows a big traffic light)

The traffic light is on.
Don't argue with him, my friend!
Find out what he will show
If you want, do it!
Children are sitting at tables. In front of them are cards and chips. The teacher plays the piece, the children cover the corresponding circle at the traffic light with a chip. Then the called child shows the desired image on a large traffic light and imitates the action. Children name the piece and determine the nature of the music.

In the meadow
Purpose of the game: to teach children to respond to the nature of a piece of music; convey the musical image of insects with movements: bumblebee, dragonfly, butterfly; react to the end of the music.
Progress of the game: To the music, children depict how butterflies, dragonflies, and bumblebees fly. With the end of the music, each child must finish the movement and “sit down on the flower.”
In order to arouse interest in the game, it is advisable to create an imaginative game situation: invite children to remember summer and imagine a clearing in which different flowers grow, where insects always fly to happily flutter from flower to flower. For example: “On a hot summer morning, various beautiful wildflowers bloomed in the clearing. There was a beautiful daisy, a fragrant bright red rose and a ringing blue bell. All the flowers woke up early in the morning and washed themselves with dew. A gentle breeze rocked their heads from side to side. The flowers were waiting for the bumblebees, dragonflies, beautiful butterflies to wake up and fly in, and for the grasshopper musician to come galloping. The most impatient were the carnations. They indignantly said to their daisy neighbors: “When will the bumblebees, dragonflies, and butterflies arrive? It’s a lot of fun when beautiful insects are circling around you.” The grasshopper was the very first to appear in the clearing and began to play a cheerful melody on his violin. And immediately butterflies, dragonflies and bumblebees arrived. Insects circled, fluttered, buzzed. But suddenly the grasshopper stopped playing and the music stopped. Immediately the insects descended on the flowers. But as soon as the grasshopper began to play again, everything around began to move.” Let's, guys, imagine ourselves as insects and depict how they are having fun, flying in a flower meadow.

Make up a song
Goal: To develop in children the ability to distinguish the form of a musical work (song, chorus in a song), to convey the structure of a song, consisting of repeating elements in the form of a conventional image.
Equipment: Circles and rectangles of different colors.
Progress of the game: The teacher performs a song and asks to determine whether it has a lead, a chorus, how many verses, how many times the chorus is repeated. After this, he invites one of the children to compose a song using multi-colored figures: each new verse is indicated by a circle of some color, and the chorus is indicated by a rectangle. During the repeated performance of the song, the child lays out geometric shapes in the sequence that corresponds to the structure of the song.

Multi-colored cubes
Purpose of the game: To consolidate the ability to distinguish parts in a piece of music
Equipment: multi-colored cubes, made in such a way that the 4 sides of the cube are colored red, yellow, green, blue
Progress of the game: The teacher performs a play where parts 1 and 3 are repeated, and part 2 is contrasting in nature. When performing again, children lay out the cubes so that the upper surfaces of the 1st and 3rd cubes are the same color, and the second one is of a different color. The teacher can perform a piece of 3 different parts. Then each part is indicated by one color of the cube

Cat and mice
Purpose of the game: to improve children’s ability to distinguish dynamic shades, develop creative imagination, and the ability to expressively convey a musical and playful image.
Progress of the game: An adult reads a poem, accompanying it with musical excerpts performed in the dynamics that are voiced by the poem, children perform actions in accordance with the text and dynamics.
There lived a cat Vasily.
The cat was lazy!
Sharp teeth and a fat belly.
He always walked very quietly.
Loudly and insistently asked to eat.
Yes, I snored a little more quietly on the stove.
That's all he knew how to do.
A cat once had a dream like this:
as if he had started a fight with mice.
Screaming loudly, he scratched them all
with his teeth, his clawed paw.
In fear, the mice quietly prayed:
Oh, have pity, have mercy, do me a favor!
Then the cat exclaimed a little louder, “Scram!”
and they scattered.
While the cat was sleeping, this is what happened:
The mice quietly came out of the hole,
Crunching loudly, they ate the bread crusts,
Then they laughed a little more quietly at the cat,
they tied his tail with a bow.
Vasily woke up and sneezed loudly;
He turned to the wall and fell asleep again.
And the mice climbed onto the back of the lazy man,
They made fun of him loudly until the evening.

Musical palette
Purpose of the game: Development of creativity in the perception of music.
Equipment: sheets of paper cut into the shape of a palette, paint, brushes.
Progress of the game: Children approach the tables on which paints, brushes, and pieces of paper cut out in the shape of a palette are prepared in advance. Children listen to fragments of musical works and draw a circle on the palette with a color that, in their opinion, corresponds to the nature of the musical work.

Magic fan
Purpose of the game: Develop imagination and creativity, consolidate knowledge of music genres, form a sustainable interest in various types and genres of musical art.
Equipment: Doll, basket, fans according to the number of children playing, folded from colored double-sided paper.
Progress of the game: The teacher shows a doll with a fan and a basket with fans for children.
The doll says: “My friend, join me in a circle!”
So, kids, a fun game awaits us.
Children stand in a circle.
- Katya’s doll has a magic fan. Yes, not just one, that’s how many. (Hands out fans to the children and places the doll in the center of the circle).
- He can transform into various objects. Think about what else can be made from a fan, how can it be folded? Music will help us in this game. Children know that music comes in different forms. What genres of music do you know? Children's answer.
So, if you hear a waltz, the fan will remain a fan, if a march, we will make a straight path out of the fan, if a polka, the fan will turn into a skirt, and if a song plays, the fan will become an accordion.

Scientist grasshopper
Purpose of the game: Development of vocal skills, development of auditory attention
Progress of the game: The teacher places drawn dandelion flowers on the flannelgraph and, taking a stick with a grasshopper attached to the end, plays the sound fa, points to the first flower and says:
- This is the grasshopper’s house, remember it. The grasshopper wanted to jump from flower to flower, but he must return to his home on the first flower. Jump, grasshopper, from the first flower to the third, and from here to the first. Jump from first to fifth and back down, etc.
One child should show a grasshopper jumping with a stick, and all children should sing sounds accompanied by a melody for the word “jump”; the last sound (“grasshopper house”) - the children must find the tonic on their own.

Money box
Purpose of the game: Learn to speak out about music
Progress of the game: When the children have listened to a piece of music, the teacher should ask the children to cup their hands, and then address them:
- What a capacious piggy bank each of you has! What are we going to put in it?
Children respond by offering various options.
- Let's add beautiful words to your piggy banks that will correctly describe the music we listened to.
Tells children the rules and points out the attentiveness that must be present during the game. Then the teacher explains to the children:
“If the named word suits us to describe the music, we will “close” it in our “piggy banks” (the teacher shows the children, cupping his hands, how to close it), if the word does not suit the mood of the music, spread your palms to the sides, so that this word does not end up in our piggy banks.” The teacher should draw the children's attention to the fact that every correct word he names must be repeated out loud. The game ends with the repetition of the correct words that ended up in the “piggy banks”.

Rhythm cube
Purpose of the game: To develop auditory attention, rhythm; consolidate auditory ideas about the uniform pulsation of sounds.
Equipment: a cube, on the sides of which a different number of objects are depicted: on the first side - 1 butterfly, on the second - 2 flowers, on the third - 3 strawberries, on the fourth - 4 leaves, on the fifth - 5 cones, on the sixth - 6 Christmas trees.
How to play: Children in a circle, accompanied by cheerful music, pass the cube around, saying:
Take a funny cube
Pass it on to your friends.
What will this cube show?
Repeat after him yourself!
The child throws a cube into a circle. The teacher invites him or all the players to count how many, for example, flowers are depicted on the top edge of the cube. Then the children clap their hands the same number of times, slap their knees, etc. “Sounding” gestures must be accompanied by counting out loud.

Purpose of the game: Development of pitch hearing
Equipment: Small cards: some show a swing in the upper corner, other cards show a metallophone, a table screen in the lower corner.
Progress of the game: The music director or teacher invites the children to sing the song “Swing”, recalls the sounds characteristic of it, playing them on a metallophone, then hands out cards, plays high or low sounds and asks where the swing is now, above or below. Children pick up the corresponding cards.
“There is a swing in the meadow, up and down, up and down!
I’ll swing up and down, up and down!”

Guess who's singing
Purpose of the game: Development of pitch hearing
Progress of the game:
“Play with us, Vanya, come forward quickly.
And with eyes closed guess who's singing.
I sing this song to you, my friend,
Don’t open your eyes, who am I? Come on, guess!”
Children go in a circle and sing the 1st verse. On the 2nd verse, the children stop, and one of them sings this verse to the “blind man’s buff”, who stands in the center of the circle. “Zhmurka” must guess who sang the 2nd verse.

Purpose of the game: Development of pitch hearing
Equipment: Music staff, sun notes
Progress of the game:
- Once upon a time there was sunshine. I got up in the morning, stretched and sang a song:
I, the radiant sun,
Very, very clean.
I love to wash my face
And swim in puddles.
My kids laughed
They scattered along the lines.
Help me collect them
And call them by name
Look, I found the sun (the teacher puts the sun note on the first line), and his name is “mi”
Children sing the sound together with the teacher. So introduce children to all the sounds of the scale

Funny balls
Purpose of the game: Mastering the notes of the scale
Equipment: colorful balls
How to play: Children sit on the carpet in a circle. The presenter sings a song. The ball rolls on the carpet from child to child.
Sit down on the carpet, children,
One, two, three, let's start the game
Fast red note ball
Let's roll on the carpet.
One or two, don't yawn,
Roll the ball on the floor.
One or two, don't yawn.
Name the note
The song stops. The child who has the ball in his hands calls the name of the note by its color. This ball is out of play. Finally, you can include all the balls in the game by chanting:
Now let's continue together
Roll our balls.
The notes are all from the scale
Let's call it together.
One, two, don’t yawn, say the name of the note!
Children take turns calling out the names of the notes while holding a ball of a certain color in their hands.

Decorate the Christmas tree
Purpose of the game: Development of music perception, acquaintance with classical music.
Equipment: cards in the shape of Christmas tree decorations with loops. Small Christmas tree.
Progress of the game: The child, after listening to a piece of music, selects a Christmas tree toy with the corresponding picture and hangs it on the Christmas tree.

Calendar cubes
Purpose of the game: To form and develop a singing voice and singing skills.
Equipment: A cube with pictures on the sides depicting the seasons
How to play: Children in a circle pass the cube to each other and say:
We flip through the calendar
We send the cube to a friend
Who will get the cube?
That one will read a poem to us all (or) That one will sing a song to us.
A child with a cube reads a rhyme or sings a song that corresponds to the time of year.

Pass the beat
Purpose of the game: To develop rhythmic perception of music and musical memory
How to play: Children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The leader, the last in the chain (teacher), taps the rhythm on the shoulder of the one behind whom he stands. And he passes the rhythm on to the next child. The last participant (standing in front of everyone) conveys the rhythm by clapping his hands.

Funny nesting dolls
Purpose of the game: Development of auditory perception.
Equipment: Matryoshka dolls of four colors: green, red, blue, yellow (according to the number of children).
Progress of the game: The teacher invites children to listen to different genres of music; if marching music starts playing, the child must raise a red nesting doll, if dancing music - a yellow nesting doll, a lullaby - a blue nesting doll, a song - a green nesting doll.

What kind of winter is it like?
Goal: To develop the creative activity of children, to teach them to convey a simple rhythmic pattern on a musical instrument, while simultaneously singing words.
How to play: In the center of the circle on a children's chair there is a toy elephant and a bell. Holding hands, children move in a circle saying:
The elephant doesn't know what winter is like.
Whoever the bell comes to, gives the answer to the elephant.
The child, stopping in front of the elephant, takes a bell and sings the signs of winter, for example, “snowy, cold, white,” while playing the bell.

Traffic light
Purpose of the game: continue to teach how to navigate space and quickly change lanes.
Progress of the game: The teacher becomes a traffic light and shows cards.
*Green – side gallop in a pair in a circle.
*Red – stop.
*Card with a picture of a small circle - children standing in a small circle are dancing, and in a large circle they are clapping. -*Card with an image of a large circle - children standing in a large circle are dancing - others are clapping.
*The image shows both circles - a boat twirling while jumping.

Prepared by music director A.A. Malova.

"Musical ladder"

L.N. Komissarova, E.P. Kostina “Visual aids in the musical education of preschool children”, p.56.

Age: from 5 to 6 years

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the gradual ascending and descending movement of a melody.

Equipment 8-step ladder and a figure that moves along it).

Progress of the game: The teacher talks with the children about the steps and ladders they know in life around them. Based on the children's experience, the teacher tells them about a special musical ladder that cannot be seen or touched with your hands, because... its steps - musical sounds - can only be heard. Children are invited to listen to the movement of the melody up and down the musical steps. The teacher sings a song, accompanying his singing by moving his palm along imaginary steps.

“Step-stump-ki-sounds go up and blow, then they bring us down.”

The exercise is repeated several times with the children.

Musical and didactic game

"Draw a Melody"

L.N. Komissarova, E.P. Kostina “Visual aids in the musical education of preschool children.”

Age: from 5 to 6 years

Purpose of the game

Equipment: Individual cards with notes in circles.

Progress of the game: The teacher gives the children individual cards, on the back of which there is an envelope with notes-circles glued. The teacher sings a song and gives the children the task of determining how many steps the musical ladder consists of. Children are invited to sing this song together with the teacher, moving their palm along the steps. The teacher sings the song phrase by phrase, asking the children to “draw a melody” on a card using circle notes. Children and the teacher sing the song, looking at the graphic representation of the melody on the card.

For example:

Auntie is rich

Sew me a shirt.

I want to dress up:

Musical and didactic game

"Three piglets"

N.G. Kononova “Musical and didactic games for preschoolers”, p.35.

Age: from 5 to 6 years

Target: development of pitch hearing.

Equipment: The tablet depicts a forest and a fairy-tale house. There is one window cut out in it, in which there is a rotating disk with the image of three little pigs: Nuf-Nuf in a blue hat, Naf-Naf in a red one, Nif-Nif in a yellow one. Three metallophone records are attached to the top of the playing field. Under the plate of F of the first octave there is a face of a pig in a blue cap Nuf-Nuf, under the plate of A of the first octave there is a pig in a red cap - Naf-Naf, under the plate to the second octave - a pig in a yellow cap - Nif-Nif. A hammer from a metallophone is also attached here, 8-12 large cards (according to the number of players), each divided into three parts (three windows) with the image of three little pigs’ hats.

Progress of the game: Children take turns spinning the disk. A piglet appears in the window of the house, for example, in a yellow cap. The child must sing “I am Nif-Nif” - at a volume up to the second octave and, if he sang correctly, receives a card with the image of a yellow cap and covers the corresponding image on his card with it. If a child finds it difficult to sing, he plays on a record. The winner is the one who covers all three parts of his card first.

Musical and didactic game


N.G. Kononova “Musical and didactic games for preschoolers,” p. 38.

Age: from 5 to 6 years

Target: development of a sense of rhythm.

Equipment: Musical hammers according to the number of players.

Progress of the game: Music manager: “Now you and I will go for a walk, but it’s unusual, musical hammers will help us. Here we are going down the stairs” - the music director slowly hits his palm with a hammer, the children repeat the same rhythmic pattern. “And now we went outside, the sun was shining, everyone was happy and ran. Like this!" - conveys running with frequent blows. Everyone repeats. “Tanya took the ball and began to slowly hit it on the ground,” she slowly hits with a hammer. Children repeat. “But suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain. At first it was rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began,” - music director. Gradually speeds up the rhythm of hammer strikes. Children repeat. “The children got scared and ran to the kindergarten” = strikes quickly and rhythmically with a hammer.

Story-based didactic game

"The Parrot Singer"

L.S. Khodonovich “Journey into the world of music”, p.25.

Age: from 5 to 6 years

Target: Teach children to quickly remember familiar songs on their own: sing acapella individually and in a chain.

Equipment: Multi-colored ball.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle with a multi-colored ball in the center. The driver is chosen according to the counting rhyme:

One two Three!

One two Three!

Come out into the circle quickly.

Take the ball, sing,

Play with the parrot!

The selected driver runs out to the center of the circle, takes the ball in his hands and says:

You, the “parrot singer”,

Repeat after me exactly,

Repeat, don't yawn

And finish singing beautifully!

Then the driver sings a verse or chorus of any song. Having finished singing, he throws the ball to one of the children, while he himself remains in place. The child who caught the ball now becomes a “singer-musician.” He repeats the fragment of the song sung by the driver and finishes singing the next verse. The “parrot singer” takes the place of the driver, and he stands in a circle with the players. When the game is repeated, the next song is played.

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