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All about small advice, awards and methods of obtaining military merits

Greetings. IN ArcheAge Elections are held monthly, following which a “Small Council” is formed. In this article you will learn how to take part in the elections and how to get on the list of candidates for voting yourself.

In order to join the council, you must first be on the list of candidates. The list is some of the top players who have earned more military merit than anyone else in a given month. It consists of fifty players, but only the top 20 faction players will be voted on.

List of candidates

Voting takes place in the first week of the month. The accumulation of military merit ends on election day, that is, on Wednesday at 23:59 Moscow time. Candidates are given 24 hours to recuse themselves on Thursday. The voting itself takes place on Friday and Saturday. When the accumulation of military merit ends, then everything military merits accumulated over the previous month are transferred to leadership and are reset to zero for the current month’s savings. Leadership determines whether a player will be eligible to be on the candidate list and be eligible to vote. The candidate must have at least level 30 and 500 military merits, and 200 military merits are enough to vote.

Election rules

At midnight on Sunday, a Small Council of ten players is formed. Voting is secret, but you can see from the formed council which players received the most votes.

Small Council

All members of the small council receive a cloak, which increases the character's stamina by one hundred units and gives a buff within a radius of 25 meters to all players of the allied faction:

  • Lord Commander's Cloak - the speed of using the skills of allies, their pets and vehicles increases by 2%, and the skill indicator - by 2 units.
  • Deputy Commander's Cloak - damage to the skills of teammates, their pets and equipment increases by 2%.
  • Military Advisor's Cloak - the movement speed of teammates, their pets and equipment increases by 2%.
  • Cloak of the Cavalier of the Small Council - the resistance of teammates, their pets and vehicles to all types of damage increases by 2%.

Cloak of the Nui Alliance, Harnian Alliance and Fortune Hunters (Pirates)

How to take part in the vote

In order to select one of the candidates, you need to go to the voting table, which is located in the faction headquarters (Marianhold, Ost-Terra and Gallows Bay), indicate a participant from the list and click the “Vote” button.

How to earn military merit

There are three ways to earn military merit.

Method one: participation in world events

For completing world event tasks, you can receive ten military merits:

  • the offensive of the bloody army (bloody legion);
  • advance of the phantom legion (phantom legion);
  • hateful gaze (observer's gaze);
  • on the front line (Battle of Duskshire);
  • thunderstorm over the sea (giant octopuses)
  • conquering the Eye of the Storm (destroying the storm crystal or touching the standard of the faction that repaired Isa's lighthouse, in addition, 20 military merits are given for this task);
  • battle for Efen "Khal;
  • Battle of Whalers' Cove;
  • break the shackles (battle of bloody dew gorge)

In total, you can receive up to 110 military merits daily. You can find out more about how to do them in this article.

Method two: PvP

For killing opponents from the enemy faction during the war, the player receives from one to ten military merits (maximum 50).

Military merit for killing a player

Method three: likes

As part of a squad or raid, players have the opportunity to “like” someone. This can be done only once a day, but to do this you need to have at least 200 leadership points. A player who has been rated receives Military Merits at the stroke of midnight (maximum of fifty Military Merits per day). The player's rating affects the number of stars that are displayed when voting. "Dislikes" can also affect the number of stars displayed when voting, as well as reduce the military merit received for "likes".

Player rating

Each advisor has the ability to give a call so that all faction players are teleported to the capital. This can be done a maximum of five times a day and no more than once an hour. Players who accepted the call will not be able to receive it for an hour.

Mobilization order

Also, advisers can post a notice on the notice board at command headquarters. However, the required resource for delivery is selected randomly.

Quest from the notice board for the Harnian Union

If one of the nation's unions announces its intentions to unite with one of the system factions, then the members of the Small Council receive a notification by mail, which gives them the right to choose whether the union of nations remains an enemy or becomes an ally.

Speaking of the union of nations, if a player is a member of the Small Council and moves to another faction, he will lose his seat.


Also, members of the Small Council have the right to sit on any of the chairs at the command headquarters. In addition, you can take a place in the command headquarters of the enemy faction.

Command headquarters

The rewards for all members of the Small Council are the same, however, to receive the reward, you need to work a little. Please note that to receive these rewards you must be a member of the Small Council and the reward will be sent at the end of the term. There are three types of rewards:

  • Bronze box - you must accumulate at least two thousand military merits and give 75 mobilization orders. Contains a bronze figurine of an advisor and a temporary weapon of your choice from the era of legends.
  • Silver Box - you must accumulate at least three thousand military merits and give 75 mobilization orders. Contains a silver figurine of an advisor and a temporary weapon of your choice from the mythical era.
  • Golden Box - you must accumulate at least four thousand military merits and give 100 mobilization orders. Contains a golden figurine of an advisor, a temporary weapon of your choice from the era of the Twelve, and a personal engraving “Perfect Gornian Heraldic Lion Engraving” with a 100% chance of being applied, which gives +300 resistance to attacks in PvP.

Small Council Rewards

Weapons from the council give a bonus to health from 3000 to 5000. The following types of weapons are available to choose from (the quality and bonus to the amount of health depends on the box received):

  • Tempered Claymore of Power (greatsword);
  • recurve bow of power;
  • battle staff of power (two-handed staff);
  • crushing hammer of power (two-handed crushing).

Examples of weapons for four thousand military merits


In order to touch this part of the content, you need to have a lot of time in the game, especially if you want to get at least some sense from the Small Council, and specifically the engraving, the price of which reaches five thousand gold. Unfortunately, figurines, as before, can no longer be sold to NPCs and get a lot of gold, since their price is now a couple of silver. If you don’t take the engraving, then being in the Small Council may be pointless.

Specialization is a set of skills (active and passive abilities of a character) inherent in a certain type of game. There are a total of 10 specializations in the game, and along the way you can choose 3 of them for yourself, thereby creating a class. However, at the character creation stage, we only have 6 skill trees to choose from:

  • First steps in the game

    Here you are in the game. If you want to learn about the purposes of various interface elements, read this one.

    Leveling up does not cause any difficulties - as the game progresses you will be constantly supplied with quests. Only through quests can you quickly upgrade your character to the maximum level. Gradually moving along them, you will travel from one location to another. You can find out more about quests in.

    Often you will encounter quests, to complete which you need to either kill one or more mobs, or collect a certain number of items, of which there are very few in the location. Usually, in such cases, strong competition begins between players for a limited resource. If you don't need to compete, create a team or raid and complete the quest together. You can learn how to create a raid/team.

    At levels 5 and 10, you can choose a second and third specialization. When choosing a skill line, you should already have an idea of ​​how you intend to play. There are a total of 120 classes in the game (combination options for 3 specializations), but we will look at the main ones.


    As the game progresses, you will discover that many skills can be used in combination with others. In this case, the effect of these skills will increase significantly, new effects will be added or the cooldown time of abilities will be reduced. For each skill, the description indicates possible combinations and effects. The best and most popular combos can be found in the above guides.

    According to the methods of using the first available skills, you can.


      Assassins and murderers ( Attack/Stealth/Resistance And Assault/Stealth/Hypnosis) – whose main task is to jump out of hiding, quickly kill and hide again.

    • Champions ( Offense/Stealth/Defense) are well-protected fighters, whose main role is to be on the front line, deal good damage and control single targets.

    From early levels, fighters have access to control skills from branches Attacks And Stealth: And . Use them to attack with the ability to hit mobs in the back. This will save time, mana and health. There will be more damage to the face using the skill.


    Archers in the game have the longest attack range, good damage and high running speed.

    Mandatory skills for archers are branches The pursuit And Stealth. The third branch is selected depending on the type of game:

      Resistance gives greater mobility and the ability to avoid many controls.

      Defense helps create the most versatile and durable archers.

      Hypnosis gives additional controls and magical protection.

      Healing will help create the most convenient PvE build, so it becomes possible to heal. But in PvP such an archer will be weak, since he has few control and escape skills.

    Up to level 20, the archer essentially has nothing to hit, so level up, alternating skills from the branch Persecution and , and from the branch Persecution and in the back.
    From level 20, a “machine gun” skill will become available, but it spends a lot of mana, under no circumstances use it without the skill.


    There are many different types of mages in ArcheAge, but usually there are three main roles for mages: dealing maximum damage, AOE damage (damage to many enemies at once), and control of enemies.

      To deal maximum damage to single targets in PVE, download branches Magic/Mysticism/Inspiration or Magic/Hypnosis/Inspiration, and builds are suitable for PvP Sorcery/Stealth/Inspiration, Sorcery/Stealth/Hypnosis or Magic/Resistance/Mysticism.

      Mages whose task is to deal damage to many targets (AOE magicians) usually take Sorcery/Mysticism/Resistance or Sorcery/Mysticism/Defense. Such magicians cast around themselves and therefore they need to be in a crowd of enemies.

    At the beginning of the game, mages are essentially limited to one skill from their specialization Magic. Helps strengthen it. Ideally, it should be used after the first fireball. Other skills have quite large mana costs, so we do not recommend using them.

    If you have selected a branch Mysticism then use it actively. The branch also gives the ideal ability to steal mana using a skill (the skill restores mana especially well after a critical hit),


    Tanks or heavily armed fighters, whose goal is to defend and transfer enemy attacks, are divided into 2 types in ArcheAge:

      Controllers ( Mysticism/Defense/Resistance or Mysticism/Defense/Healing) – these tanks are especially needed in PvP, as they run into a crowd of enemies, cast debuffs, depriving the enemy of the opportunity to act.

      Classic tanks ( Offense/Defense/Resistance or Offense/Defense/Healing) – these tanks are already useful primarily in PvE. They can withstand an enemy's blow for a long time and are very durable.

    For tanks that have chosen an attacking specialization Mysticism- use actively. If you have chosen Attack- then the main attacking abilities will be and .

    Healers and support

      Healers ( Healing/Resistance/Defense or Healing/Resistance/Hypnosis) - the main role of a healer is to heal. The Defense build makes it possible to wear cloth gear later on, and the Hypnosis build gives you more options in PvP.

      Bards ( Inspire/Defense/Resistance And Inspire/Defense/Hypnosis) – Bards are support classes. They must be in the center of the battle and constantly sing songs that give positive buffs to their team

    Difficulties in leveling up usually arise specifically for support classes due to the lack of convenient skills for leveling up a character. The main skill for dealing damage for healers is ( Healing) has a cooldown of 5 seconds. But unfortunately, they still have nothing better and a combination + their main weapon. The main attack skill for bards is ( Inspiration), also has a cooldown of 3 seconds. As a rule, it is recommended to level them up together with other players.

    Complete list of all classes

    Resetting skills

    Learned skills can be reset anywhere using a special button under the branch. The reset cost is 50 silver coins per skill.

    Specializations can be reset from special NPCs who stand at the resurrection statues. Reset cost 1.5 gold coins.


    The game does not tie equipment to the player's chosen specializations. There are 3 types of armor – magical (fabric), light And heavy. Fabric armor vulnerable to cutting type of attack, light- to the stabbing one, heavy- to the crusher. When collecting armor, it is important to remember the armor bonuses of one set. By wearing 3, 5, 7 pieces of armor in one set, you will receive additional bonuses to health, mana, attack power, defense, etc.

      It's important to remember that fabric armor Best suited for most mages, as it provides large bonuses to spell resistance, but poor physical defense. In addition, it increases movement speed and spell casting. Mages care primarily about Intelligence.

      Light armor Suitable for archers and fighters. It provides moderate protection from spells and physical damage and increases attack speed. Fighters choose equipment for Strength and Endurance, and archers - for Agility and Endurance.

      Heavy armor provides excellent physical protection and is needed by those who fight in the thick of battle (tanks, some types of magicians and healers). Tanks need armor with an emphasis on endurance. Healers and bards, depending on their specialization, choose armor aimed at Stamina, Spirit or Intelligence.

    You can learn more about equipment.


    Death in the game does not cause significant losses at the initial levels. If you die from a monster, your equipment may break (it can be repaired by NPCs) and you will also lose some experience. You can partially restore experience after death at the Nui statue. When dying in PvP, items break by 5%.


      Gold/Silver/Bronze are the main funds in ArcheAge. Using them you can buy items from most NPCs and trade at auctions. Money drops from monsters, is given out for quests, and is earned by trading packs.

      Delphic stars (ancient golda) are used for shopping on Merchant Island. You can use them to buy recipes for building a house , trading schooner and drawings for creating various gliders. You can earn Delphic stars by selling trade packs (cargo created by players in a certain territory that can be sold profitably in another territory) to special NPCs. It is worth noting that there are two types of packs in the game: construction packs (which are needed to build a building or ship) and trade packs (which can be sold for gold or Delphic stars).

      Crystals- the currency of the game store in ArcheAge. They are purchased for real money and can be used to pay for a game subscription and purchase items in the game store.

      Land bill- with the help of a land bill you can pay taxes on your property in the game. A Land Promissory Note can be obtained by using any already constructed building or scarecrow using the "H" menu. 5 pieces of land bills cost 200 work points. You can also buy/put up for auction or buy in the game store. You can read more.

    Sorting items

    You need to leave in your inventory and in the bank:

      Resources for subsequent item creation, which you managed to collect while leveling up in the open world (herbs, logs, ore, stone, etc.)

      Pouches(various items will drop from them; they must be opened by double-clicking the left mouse button to get money)

    When leveling up your character, you will receive various bags. Opening them costs a few work points and you can get various items from them. Some of them can be sold permanently (low quality items), some can and should be broken down to obtain akhium, and some can be left for later crafting.

    You can split:

      green, blue, purple, orange armor- they produce blue akhium, needed for crafting armor;

      weapons green, blue, purple, orange- they produce red akhium, needed for crafting weapons;

      jewelry in green, blue, purple, orange- it produces green akhium, needed for crafting jewelry and teleport stones;

      crescent runes(they make lunar dust, which is needed to create runes for sharpening armor and weapons).

    You can break a thing using a special stone - “ New Moon Stone" It can be bought from the NPC (blacksmith), who is located in large settlements. Having purchased “ New Moon Stone”, right-click on the item you want to break. In a couple of seconds it will break.


    The game has 20 peaceful professions that allow you to create various items of equipment, weapons, equipment, equipment improvement items, food, elixirs, and also help you trade, steal, extract resources and more. Each profession can be trained by performing actions with it (chopping wood, mining stone, trading, creating items, etc.) By default, only 2 professions can be upgraded to the maximum level (90,000). Using a special item, you can expand to 5. You can upgrade 3 professions to level 50,000, 4 professions to level 40,000, 5 professions to level 30,000, 6 professions to level 20,000. Other professions can only be upgraded to level 10,000.

    Increasing the level of crafting professions (for example, Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Woodworking, Weaponcrafting, Jewelcrafting (Decorator Craft)) will give a greater chance of getting a high-grade item (quality level). Increasing the level of mining professions (for example, Herbalism, Farming) will give a greater chance of getting a procured resource. For some professions (for example, Engineering), increasing the level is necessary to craft certain items.

    You can learn more about all professions.


    Growing plants and livestock is required to produce various ingredients and resources for subsequent crafting (you can read about crafting below), alchemy and cooking. Your first knowledge about agriculture will be given to you by a series of educational quests called “”, which are available from the first levels.

    With the help of agriculture, trade packs are produced, but it is worth considering that trade is a separate profession and when creating and delivering a pack, all experience goes directly to this profession.

    You can plant plants and raise animals anywhere, but only on public farms or near your scarecrow (small scarecrow, large scarecrow, area near your buildings and underwater farm) they cannot be stolen. However, planting plants or animals outside of public farms or your scarecrow will cost a few work points.

    The growth rate of plants depends on the climate of the location. Each plant has its own climate preferences. The climate of a location can be found out by looking at the designation on the location map (in the lower right corner).

    You can read about all the plants and animals that can be raised on a farm.


    Trading packs is one of the important means of earning money, and through trading you can get special resources that are necessary for crafting (for example, crafting equipment). You can read more about trading packs for special resources. Trade packs are created on special machines using various resources that can be obtained through farming or crafting. In addition, you need a merchant certificate, which can be purchased for 50 silver coins.

    In each location you can create 4 types of unique packs, which must be sold in other locations from special NPCs. The further the location is from the place where the pack was created, the more money you can earn.


    You can craft (create) items from any character level, but further crafting (for example, armor) requires a certain level of profession. You can craft on special machines located in cities and villages. In the future you will be able to buy machines for your home.

    One of the most important resources for crafting is akhium. Only if you have it will you be able to craft your own armor. But you can wear crafted items only from level 20.

    Items and weapons can be crafted for certain levels. For example, armor can be crafted at levels 20, 24, 30, 34, 40, 44, 50, 53.

    Armor, weapons and other things are crafted by upgrading. In order for you to craft an item at, for example, level 24, before that you need to have a crafted item at level 20. In addition, to upgrade to a higher level you need resources that can be obtained by having a certain level in another profession, for example, alchemy.

    Crafted items have different grades (quality levels) and sets (several items from one set provide additional certain bonuses). Grades and sets are obtained as a result of crafting, and the chance of a grade appearing on armor depends on the level of the profession.

    There are the following grades (quality levels):

      "Unusual Item" (green)

      "Rare Item" (blue)

      "Unique Item" (purple)

      "Epic Item" (orange)

      "Legendary Item" (red)

    There is a grade buff. Starting with the “Unique Item” quality and depending on the number of equipped items of this grade on your character, a certain buff will be broadcast on you, which gives a certain increase to your stats. The stats depend on the grade level and type of armor.

    You can learn more about the quality levels of items.

    Job points

    The main resource for crafting is “Work Points” (OP). They are spent on all craft activities in the games (planting and watering plants, fishing, creating items). Premium accounts have a limit of 5,000 points. Over time, work points are restored. On restoring work points, read next guide.

    First mounts

    Mounts, or mounts, are the most popular means of fast transportation around the world. By traveling on a mount and killing monsters with a summoned mount, you can level them up. As they develop, they learn special abilities that allow them to either accelerate for a while, or strike, or something else. There is special equipment for mounts - you can buy it or knock it out of mobs in instances. If the mount dies, it can be resurrected with 1 unit. health. At the same time, the mount's speed will decrease by 30%. You can cure your mount in the stables for a fee.

    Each race can get their own mount starting at level 5. Nuians - , elves- , ferre- Harnians-

    You can read about all available mounts.

    First glider

    Gliders/hang gliders are a type of equipment that allows you to glide smoothly through the air. In order to activate the glider, you need to place it in a special equipment slot and quickly press the jump button 2 times.

    You will receive your first glider as you complete quests at approximately level 10.

    You can learn more about all gliders.


    Pets are special animals that help players in battles with monsters and other players. Pets are upgraded as the player progresses (by killing mobs and completing quests), becoming stronger and learning new skills. Like mounts, pets can be equipped with their own equipment. Representatives Western continent can get the first pet by . Representatives Eastern continent get their first pet


    In ArcheAge you can kill characters from both your own faction and someone else's. To kill characters from your faction, you need to enable free attack mode (Ctrl + F). This mode only works in PvP zones. In peaceful zones, you cannot kill “your own.”

    When you deal the first damage from your first attack on a character from your faction, blood remains on the ground. Blood can be collected (any character can do this), after the blood is collected, crime points are recorded in the character's statistics. If the crime points are more than 50, a buff will be placed on your character and after death you will go to prison. The accumulated crime points are transferred to the “criminal fame” column, and when you gain 3000 criminal fame points, your character becomes.

    When you strike the first blow to a player of your faction in free attack mode, your character becomes flagged (the panel with the health level above the character’s head turns purple). Anyone can kill a flagged player until the flag is removed (the panel should turn green again).

    It is worth noting that blood drops when stealing, so crime points will also accumulate if you steal other people's plantings in any secluded corners of the world.

    When you kill a character from the opposing (hostile) faction, you can earn honor points. Honor points are needed to purchase special items for sieges, weapons, runes and mounts.

    You can read about weapons that can be purchased for honor points.


    Ships allow players to travel across the seas and oceans in ArcheAge, reaching distant islands and opposite continents. There are about a dozen types of ships in the game, ranging from a trimaran (harpoon boat) to one of the fastest and most fearsome ships, the Black Pearl.

    Ships are built using recipes, most of which can be purchased on the trading island. Before building a ship, a shipyard must be laid out. When it is built, you can already make the ship itself, using loads (packs) of wood, iron, and fabric.

    The ship has arcade controls, meaning it can move in all 4 directions (forward, backward, left and right). Control requires one crew member to be at the helm. Most ships have cannons as weapons, which require shooter players to fire.

    You can read more about the ships.

    Players' houses

    You can build a house at any time, but the cost of the cheapest one is quite high for beginners.

    Houses, first of all, need to be built to house crafting machines. It is with the help of crafting machines that you can craft armor, weapons and other items of high quality and level.

    To build a house, you will need a recipe that can be bought on the Mirage trading island and a certain amount of resources, which depends on the type of house.

    The recipe is sold for Delphic coins (each type of house has a different price for the recipe), which you can get through trading. The required amount of resources needed to build a house is written on the recipe itself when you hover your mouse over it.

    The following types of packs are needed to build a house: a pack of wood, a pack of iron, a pack of stone.

    Houses can be placed in special zones, which are indicated by a special icon on the map.

    You can see an overview of all houses.


    Guilds in ArcheAge are not only about bringing together players to play together and go against raid bosses (the most dangerous monsters, which require the well-coordinated work of several dozen people to kill). Only guilds have the right to seize territories on the northern continent and create their own faction in the future.

    To create your own guild, you need to gather a group of 5 people, approach a special NPC, which is located in any major city, and pay a tax of 1 gold coin.

    You can read the guide to creating a guild and clan emblem.


    Pirates in ArcheAge are an anti-social faction focused on murder, robbery and robbery. They can be freely killed by representatives of other factions.

    In order to become a pirate, you need to score a certain number of crime points - 3000. Points are gained for PC characters of your faction and for theft.

    The pirates have their own island with all the necessary NPCs.

    You can learn more about piracy in ArcheAge.


    Of course, one of the most profitable ways to earn money is to trade packs with the neighboring continent. But this is a very dangerous event, because on the way, you can be killed and your packs taken away by pirates and players from the warring faction. Therefore, for successful trading, you must be well pumped and have a team of other players.

    For singles and beginners, effective ways to make money for beginners are:

    • searching for underwater treasures;
    • collecting rare ingredients for crafting in the open world (for example, mountain ginseng is necessary to create the best cans for physical protection), as well as
    • cultivation and extraction of basic resources needed in crafting (wood, fabric, iron).

    In the future, rare professions such as fishing or growing rare ingredients for crafting (for example, beekeeping or growing akhium trees) become relevant for solo players. However, nevertheless, implementing the full crafting cycle for a single player is quite problematic and not always profitable.

Ways to earn honor points with update 4.0

IN ArcheAge With update 4.0, the main earning of honor points has been changed. From now on, arenas and lists reward “copper dragons”, which replace items received for “insignia”, which are no longer used in the game, as well as “Noart” lair, which was previously purchased for gold stars, new chevrons and “Vial of Arkties” "Moved from the shop for honor points to the shop for copper dragons. Despite this, the relevance of honor points does not decrease, since they are necessary for engravings, badges of courage, the engraver's cube and much more.

World events

Everyday in the world ArcheAge There are world events that are carried out by raids. Below are world events that give honor points:

During the events "Battle of Blooddew Gulch" and "Battle of Duskshire" the raid is formed automatically, but for other raids it is necessary to gather players. With update 4.0, searching for a raid has become easier, just go to the “Navigation” menu and select “Search for a squad”:

"Search for Squad" window

"Fire Pearl"

Bags drop from monsters in all locations of the northern continent (exception: Bloody Dew Gorge):

    “Dim Fire Pearl” - 50 honor points; “Bright Fire Pearl” - 100 honor points; “Brilliant Fire Pearl” - 200 honor points.

Types of pearls

Killing players during conflict and war

For killing players of the enemy faction in locations where there is a conflict or war, you can get honor points. Killing a player grants 48 honor points; if a player is killed by two or more players, then these 48 honor points are divided among all players who contributed to killing the target by dealing damage or healing allies. The one who delivered the finishing blow will receive more honor points. The honor points received are entered into the character's statistics and, of course, into the total number of honor points.

Honor points in character characteristics

Honor points in character statistics

When killed by another player, a character loses ten honor points, both as a means and from statistics. After a player has been killed by another player, the number of honor points received when killed again decreases within a few minutes.

Number of honor points received upon completion of the war

After killing or dying a player, the number of honor points received or lost is displayed in the game chat. At the end of the war, the location displays the number of honor points that were earned during the war. This stat can be negative if you were killed more than you made kills.


With update 4.0, honor points can only be obtained at military locations in the open world. On the one hand, this creates new skirmishes between alliances, new conflicts or continuation of old ones. The fight for honor points has become more relevant, both in world events and in PvP. Unfortunately, “pearls” with honor points do not drop from monsters as often as we would like. For example, in an hour you can drop one pearl for two hundred honor points, one pearl for one hundred honor points, and several for fifty honor points.

In the world of Archeage there is constant trade and caravans with trade packs. Every self-respecting guild or family has their own routes through which they earn Delphic stars or gold. Not everyone is engaged exclusively in trade; many combine it with other crafts to achieve maximum results.

Most often, everything happens according to the following scenarios:

  1. The player noticed a number of characters with packs on their shoulders.
  2. He informs his guild (family, friends, etc.) about this.
  3. A large group of robbers gathers and attacks in order to become a little richer and have fun (in gaming slang<<фан>>, have fun, enjoy the fun gameplay).
  4. Everyone who needs money divides the spoils among themselves, if the outcome is successful, of course.
  5. The initiator of the movement remembers the time of the robbery and subsequently develops a pattern of regular successful attacks. This is due to the fact that traders always adhere to a schedule for cargo transportation.

Today you will learn about one of these schemes; it allows you to make good money on packs.

Preparation. 1 Stage and selection of skill branches

Let's start by choosing a group. The battle will take place in a very small and narrow area, where there will be a lot of people, which means we need as many AOE abilities as possible.

1) Branch Pursuit. It might interest us with its Petard (the Explosive Shot skill, which deals a huge amount of AoE damage and disarms everyone) and huge damage to one target. The fact is that players with the Magic and Inspiration tree may not have enough damage if there is a healer on the enemy team. A character with Pursuit is needed for backup.

2) Branch Magic. These are the main characters who will cause massive damage. This is the basis of the whole group. This branch needs to be combined with mysticism and inspiration to achieve maximum effect. In the picture, only the required skills are selected, and the yellow squares are those that are desirable, but for which there are often not enough points.

3) Branch Mysticism. Taken for powerful AOE skills, which perfectly complement the skills from the Sorcery branch. The branch has an excellent AOE stun and passive skills that increase the power of magical crit.

4) Branch Inspiration. She is hired for three skills. And only one character should take this branch; the rest should take mysticism. The green square highlights a skill that, after your crit, increases the chance and power of your next crit several times! Thus, the damage you can cause is simply enormous! The pink rectangle highlights 2 abilities, one of them prevents the entire group from getting stunned, and the other increases the damage of the entire group by ~20-25%. Since the damage increases are not compatible, it makes no sense to take two such branches.

Advice:If any of the listed branches is not pumped out to the maximum level, it is better to replace it with another one. The main thing is that you have at least one of the above branches.

Preparation. Stage 2 and installation of the vegetable garden in the right place.

Now we will talk about trade packs and ways to store them. You should know that if your cargo falls on the ground, any character can pick it up, but if you put it on the garden, only you can take it. From this we can draw the wrong conclusion that if you are killed with a load in the air and your pack falls on someone’s garden, you will not be able to pick it up. It's a bullshit. The pack cannot be lifted only if it was placed on the garden with one’s own hands ()!

Sometimes, if you die in the air, your trade pack may remain hanging there, this is a bug of the game. You can't take it from there later. In other cases, the packs simply fall to the ground.

Here is a diagram of the transportation of packs. Typically, people board the airship at point 1, then travel to point 2, where they transfer to a new airship and fly to the Falconry Plateau. Their entire path is shown by a thin blue line. People start transporting packs when there is a temporary truce in Hazira. At this moment, your group should arrange surveillance of the Jade Palace, or rather the landing site. If there are people there with packs, it's time for you to get ready!

In general, the whole point of this scheme is that people see the Temporary Truce and are not afraid of anything. They board the airship and calmly leave the computer for tea and cookies. But the whole point is that the airship also flies over the Ruins of Hariharalla for some time, but there is no peace there and you can calmly kill. Even if there is peace in the Rumbling Passes and Khazira, you will have 30 seconds to carry out a robbery over the Ruins of Hariharalla.

First, we must prepare and place a scarecrow in the Ruins of Hariharalla, in the Green Square area. Approximately, it is above it that we should kill the players, so that we can then go down on gliders and quickly leave the trade packs for the scarecrow. Returning and very angry victims may be able to kill you, but they certainly will not be able to return the loot!

It is advisable to place the second trading scarecrow in the Roaring Passes. It should be on a medium square in height. Right here:

If you rob according to this scheme on an ongoing basis, then a hostile detachment will probably be waiting for you next to your garden. If you notice one, it would make sense to shift the location of the robbery a little. The fact is that traders always head to the Falconry Plateau and make a transfer. You need to catch and kill them when they change seats and continue their journey on another airship. And already over your second scarecrow.

Implementation of a grand plan

Option 1. Loading at Hazira

1. The place where you should hide, you need to fly there unnoticed on a glider and wait for loading.

2. Landing place. There's a crowd of future victims hanging out here with trade packs.

3. Then we do this like this, when everyone is submerged, we fly unnoticed on gliders to the propellers of the airship.

4. Something like this:

There is such a platform between the main rotors of the airship. It may seem very advantageous in terms of shooting and dealing damage. But this is far from true! There are still quite a lot of glitches and bugs in the Archeage game, this is one of them! You won't be able to deal damage properly from there. It will write that you don’t see the goal, although a line can be drawn perfectly between you. So always get on board the airship and then deal damage.

On a note: Share a scarecrow for a guild or family and then join the whole group in one family or one guild. This action will save you time on dropping packs on the scarecrow. In the first case, you need to transfer them through one character, who may be dead and you will have to wait for him to throw the packs. At this time, your victims may have time to resurrect and try to pick up their packs! In this situation, time is everything!

Implementation of a grand plan.

Option 2. Loading at the Roaring Passes.

We begin our preparations here:

1. We climb onto the airship tower and climb onto this roof. This must be done BEFORE the airship arrives from Hazira, so as not to be detected.

2. We climbed in. The red oval marks the place where we need to fly; it is quite far away and the range on the glider may not be enough for us. That is why we additionally climbed onto the roof of the tower.

3. This is what our ambush looks like.

Now when we rob, no one will be able to guess where we come from or how we get on the airship. We will be called cheaters, because according to the animation we will not “jump”, but will seem to materialize out of nowhere on board the airship.

The last very cool feature

If you're cornered and have nowhere to run, right in combat territory can take you to a safe area. How? You ask. Very simple!

Here in this area:

This is what this place looks like on the mini-map:

And this is how it is in reality:

From this point onwards the safe area begins. Your enemies can overtake you, but they will not be able to kill you there. You can make fun of them and dance :). By the way, if you have the Stealth branch and the Rebound skill is taken in it, you can safely cross this mountain with a load on your shoulders. This way, you will be taken to the Falconry Plateau and will be able to turn in the pack. To use it correctly, turn around, come close to the slope and press Rebound. There is a high probability that you will overcome the obstacle.

Well then! Forward! For glorious exploits in the art of robbery and robbery. However, do not forget that good gear is very important for a robber, here we can help you not only with advice, but also with action. With us you can, and then for this gold, dress in the top gear at the auction in the game.

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