Is “on the contrary” separated by commas or not? Should it stand out the other way around: isolating with punctuation marks with commas? On the contrary, it stands out

Is "on the contrary" separated by commas or not?

    Whether or not a word is highlighted with commas can only be judged by the context.

    The opposite word could be:

    1). Adverb.

    In this case, the word is not isolated. Synonyms: in reverse order, not at all, etc.

    For example:

    Katenka named the numbers from one to five and back.

    2). Introductory word.

    Like all introductory words, the opposite also needs to be highlighted with commas. Used to mean the opposite of (what was said, done), etc.

    For example:

    She persuades him to go, but I, on the contrary, say that he doesn’t need to go.

    3). A particle.

    More often in a response in the meaning of negation:

    For example:

    Have you already left your aunt? - On the contrary, I stayed for two more days.

    Vice versa- this word denotes a sign of an action or object and answers the question: how?

    Based on these grammatical features, I will classify it as a significant adverb, which is formed from the noun turnover.

    The boy put on his shirt vice versa.

    How did you put it on? on the contrary, it is a circumstance of the manner of action.

    Shirt in the morning vice versa- Today, they think everything will go topsy-turvy.

    What shirt? on the contrary - an inconsistent definition.

    As we can see, in such a context there is absolutely no need to highlight the adverb on the contrary with commas as a full member of the sentence.

    The word on the contrary can be introductory, which denotes the flow of thought. The introductory word, as you know, is not a member of the sentence and must be separated by commas, for example:

    I went to the right around the building looking for a door, and he, vice versa, - to the left.

    Good afternoon. The word on the contrary should be classified as non-simple words to highlight punctuation.

    The word on the contrary can appear in a sentence as: an introductory word, an adverb and a particle.

    When the opposite is an adverb, then it should not be separated with commas, since this part of speech is never highlighted in the text of a sentence.

    On the contrary, the introductory word must be separated by commas. To make sure that, on the contrary, it is an introductory word, remove it from the text, and the meaning of the sentence will not change.

    When, on the contrary, it acts as a particle, it makes sense: not at all or not at all. Then you should separate it with a comma.

    An adverb, on the contrary, can be separated by commas, but it can also remain unseparated. Converse punctuation depends entirely on the context:

    Stands out.

    In cases where, on the contrary, it expresses the presence of opposition in a sentence of some phenomena or indicates the reverse order of thoughts. In these episodes, on the contrary, it inevitably turns into an introductory word and requires its own two-way isolation with commas. Let us remind you that it is impossible or extremely difficult to find a semantic question for the introductory word.

    On example:

    • I urge Melania to be modest, but she, on the contrary, strives for vulgarity.

    Doesn't stand out.

    If, on the contrary, one can pose the questions how?, how?, then this is a member of the sentence. Circumstance, in the vast majority of cases. And then commas are not needed.

    On example:

    • This charlatan Goshka Rokhodtsev does everything on the contrary!

    Need to know:

    Be able to distinguish the word on the contrary from a combination and vice versa. This is a punctuationally difficult combination, which A) is separated by commas if it replaces a sentence; b) is not distinguished if it replaces a homogeneous member of the sentence.

    On example:

    • a) The higher the sun, the hotter its rays, and vice versa.
    • b) Black and white shades turn into color and vice versa. (that is, also in non-colored ones)
  • Stands out because serves in most cases as an introductory word. Please provide some context just in case.

conjunction + adverb; conjunction + introductory word

1. Conjunction + adverb. Same as “in the opposite direction, in the opposite order, back.” The words “and vice versa” are not separated by punctuation marks.

If “and vice versa” replaces a member of a sentence or a homogeneous subordinate clause in a complex clause, these words do not require punctuation.

It’s easy to mistake mental reality for everyday reality and vice versa . V. Propp, Historical roots of a fairy tale. So they spoke, now raising and now lowering their voices, switching from Russian to Greek and vice versa . F. Iskander, My idol. Brothers will fight if the older one reaches the finish line before the younger one and vice versa .

If the words “and vice versa” replace not a member of a sentence, but a whole sentence, then a comma is placed before these words.

Whoever utters the word “imagination” in front of me also utters the word “woman.”, and vice versa . M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Arrival of the auditor.

The words “and vice versa” can serve to connect parts of a complex sentence. In this case, they are distinguished by punctuation marks.

The more excited dad got, the faster his fingers moved., and vice versa, when dad fell silent and his fingers stopped... L. Tolstoy, Childhood. The world is created by faith, and objects are created by confidence in their existence, and vice versa: the world creates self-confidence, and objects convince of their authenticity; without one there is no other. V. Pelevin, Weapons of retaliation.

2. Conjunction + introductory word. The word “on the contrary” is distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas.

Uncle Sandro told the prince all this, discarding unnecessary details along the way. and vice versa, paying attention to useful details. F. Iskander, Sandro from Chegem.

The introductory word “on the contrary” is not separated by a punctuation mark from the connecting conjunction “and” located at the beginning of the sentence.

It often happens that delicious foods turn out to be very, very unhealthy. And vice versa, Healthy foods are often tasteless.

For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2)

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Quite often, when writing the word “on the contrary,” the question of its isolation arises. This is a rather complex topic that baffles even excellent Russian language students. There is no clear answer here. The first thing you need to do is determine which part of speech the word belongs to - only after that can you say with confidence whether it should be separated with commas.

Usage examples

To make it clearer, let's look at several examples where different punctuation rules are applied to an identically written word. But it is precisely on the meaning of using this part of speech that its highlighting with commas depends. Therefore, you should be more careful.

Example #1. The girl put her T-shirt on backwards. Should we highlight it or not? To do this, you need to find the question that the word answers. How did you put it on? Therefore, in the first example, “on the contrary” refers to an adverb.

An adverb is one of the parts of speech that does not change and is a designation of a sign of action or quality. Adverbs are not separated by commas. This means that in this example there is no need for punctuation marks.

Example No. 2. If your clothes are the opposite in the morning, then everything will go wrong. This means head over heels, which means it’s bad, not as we would like. We act on the same principle. We ask the question again. What kind of clothes? Although the question does not sound entirely consistent, it is correct. Based on this question, it follows that here our word is an inconsistent definition and is not distinguished by signs. This is the second case when there is no need to separate it.

Example No. 3. Now let’s try to complicate the task and parse more complex sentences where commas are necessary. I wanted the dishes to shine clean, but he, on the contrary, only dirty them. In this case, there is an introductory word - it does not belong to the members of the sentence, so it becomes necessary to use commas to isolate it.

To make it easier to determine whether our word under study is introductory or not, remember: it is very difficult to find a semantic question for introductory words.

To explain even more simply, in those sentences where a part of speech is used to indicate opposition or as an indication of the flow of thoughts in the opposite direction, its isolation is mandatory.

The main difficulties are caused by writing with the conjunction “and”. In this case, punctuation marks are placed according to the rule: when the conjunction “and” with an adverb together constitute a combination that replaces a member of a sentence, there is no need to place a punctuation mark before the conjunction.

Example. It's easy to mistake my sister for me and vice versa. There are no commas here.

When separation is necessary

  • If the combination “and vice versa” replaces an entire sentence, then a punctuation mark is added. There was no way they could meet. When she comes home, he goes to work, and vice versa.
  • Also, a combination with the conjunction “and” can serve to connect two complex sentences. It is required to be separated by commas on both sides. Example: The lawyer has a lot to find out in order to prove the non-involvement of the defendant, and vice versa, the involvement of the main witness in this case.

Important! In the event that the conjunction “and” with “on the contrary” is used as an introductory word, they are always separated by commas.


Although there are difficulties in the issue of isolation, if you follow the basic rules, you can avoid mistakes.

  • The need for punctuation depends on the quality in which it appears: an adverb, a particle or a water word.
  • If it is an adverb, then no punctuation is used.
  • Separating the introductory word with commas is always mandatory.
  • If this unit of speech acts as a particle, then it is necessary to highlight it with commas if its meaning is “not at all”, “not at all”.

So don’t be afraid, it’s never too late to learn, and if something raises doubts, you can always turn to reliable sources that will help you figure it out and cast aside all doubts. Write correctly, be literate. After all, the Russian language is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. And it’s quite a shame for Russian citizens to make annoying mistakes.

Placing punctuation marks on words that can play different roles in a sentence often raises doubts not only among schoolchildren, but also among adults who consider themselves to be sufficiently literate. These words include vice versa. Is this word separated by commas? If so, is it always? In which cases?

Important! Punctuation marks for words vice versa depend on its function in the sentence.

In the text this word can appear in three different roles:

  • minor member of the sentence (circumstance or definition);
  • introductory word;
  • particle.

Finding out the grammatical affiliation of a given word, it is easy to make sure that it belongs to adverbs, since it answers the question how? (how? ) . The most common syntactic role of this part of speech is adverbial. In this case, its isolation is not required. For example, Listen to the woman and do (how?) the opposite.

The same thing happens when we have an adverb that is a definition: Let's put bread on the sausage and get a sandwich (what kind?) in reverse.

Word vice versa can also serve as an introductory one.

Introductory words, phrases and constructions can be identified by several characteristics:

  • For introductory constructions it is extremely difficult, and often impossible, to pose a question from any other member of the sentence.
  • When excluding them from a sentence, the general meaning of the latter does not change or distort in any way.
  • They add additional information to what is said that is not related to the main content. The area to which the meaning of this information relates can also be their identifying mark.

Introductory words can mean:

  • to what extent is the speaker confident in what he said? for sure, of course, possible and etc.);
  • what feelings, emotions does he (or those about whom he talks) experience in relation to what is happening ( to surprise, to general delight, unfortunately, what good and etc.);
  • source of origin of the transmitted information ( as the newspapers report, in my opinion, I think they say and etc.);
  • the relationship between phenomena, actions, the order of indicating them ( thirdly, for example, therefore, finally and etc.);
  • how, the way the thought is expressed ( let's put it simply, to put it mildly, in other words and etc.);
  • the desire to attract the attention of the listener or reader, to set him up for a certain perception ( imagine, understand and etc.);
  • indication of the extent of what is happening ( at least not exaggerating and etc.);
  • assessment of the commonness, familiarity of what is being narrated ( contrary to usual, it happens and etc.);
  • emotional connotation of the statement ( to be honest, to speak truthfully and etc.).

In the meaning of the relationship between phenomena, this word refers to introductory. In this case, it is separated by commas or a single comma if it is at the beginning or end of the sentence. For example, Kirill has come

It’s too early for the meeting, but Olya, on the contrary , was late (Kirill came to the meeting too early, and Olya was late).

As a particle, this lexical unit can occur most often in dialogue, with a negative answer to the question. Then it requires a comma or commas depending on the location.

– Have you lost weight with this diet?

– On the contrary, I gained one and a half kilograms.

Cases of combination with unions require separate consideration.

Punctuation marks when combined with a conjunction

Constructions with unions And or A cause the most doubt regarding the placement of signs. Does the entire structure require isolation? Should the conjunction be separated by a comma? Simple punctuation rules will answer these questions.

Combination with union A

It can be immediately noted that in this case the rule of separating introductory words applies, that is, punctuation highlighting is required. It remains only to figure out whether the union is included in this structure.

There are two possible options here. As noted above, one of the features of introductory constructions is the ability to exclude them from a phrase without compromising the overall meaning. If the conjunction must remain in place to maintain a logical connection, then a punctuation mark is placed after it. Example: Marina did not enter the room from the corridor, but, on the contrary, turned towards the door to the stairs. – Marina did not enter the room from the corridor, but turned towards the door to the stairs.

If you can delete the entire combination, separation by sign is not required. Example: But there was no need to go for the telegram; on the contrary, it was delivered directly to the house. “But I didn’t have to go get the telegram; it was delivered straight to my house.”

Combination with union And

Here, unlike the previous version, no characters are required inside the combination. We are talking only about separating the entire structure with commas.

If it acts as a separate member of the sentence, there are no punctuation marks before the conjunction: Due to the strong resemblance, Lyuba was often called Katya and vice versa.

An option is possible when it is not a member of the sentence that is replaced, but a separate part of it. In this case, as expected between parts of the sentence, a comma is placed. The exception is when this part is one of the subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination. Example: When they try to offend the younger brother, the older one intervenes, and vice versa. But: Brothers do not quarrel, even if the elder accidentally offends the younger and vice versa.

In a complex sentence, this combination can serve to connect parts together. Then you need to isolate it: The more lively the game was at the courtyard stadium, the faster the eyes of the cat sitting on the window moved from side to side, and vice versa, when the tension on the field subsided, the cat’s gaze indifferently rushed to one point.

Important! In the role of introductory, standing after And, this word does not form a single whole with it and, as befits an introductory word, stands apart. Nikolai enthusiastically proved to his friends the benefits of getting up early in the morning and, conversely, the harmfulness of too much morning sleep.

Thus, all cases of punctuation marks or their absence are considered. To summarize what has been written, we can briefly repeat in what cases the specified word requires isolation:

  1. When performing the functions of an introductory officer (including in combination with the union A ).
  2. As a particle.
  3. As a separate part of a complex sentence or when used to connect parts (in a construction with a conjunction And ).

In all other cases, no punctuation is required.

Useful video: introductory words


In Russian, punctuation is not intonational, focused, for example, on pauses in speech, but semantic. Therefore, it forms a strict system, and each case lends itself to logical explanation, occupying its clear place in the general structure of the language. Understanding this logical system, connections and patterns established in grammar helps to easily understand each specific case. So, in the end, literate speech and literate writing are not so difficult, which, in fact, are a reflection of the level of a person’s responsible attitude towards what he does.

When it comes to introductory words and whether commas are needed (and if so, where to put them), various problems often arise. Let's try to figure out in which cases the word “on the contrary” is separated by commas, and in which signs are not needed.

“On the contrary” is separated by commas

On both sides

The word “on the contrary” can be either an introductory or an ordinary adverb. This means that it is necessary to determine what its syntactic role is in this particular case. If it can be rearranged, thrown out, or replaced with another introductory word (for example, “on the contrary”), then this is an introductory word and it should be separated on both sides by commas.

  • Yesterday there was a terrible downpour and a piercing wind was blowing, today, on the contrary, the weather is excellent: sun, light breeze, fragrance of flowers...
  • Many considered him a talker, unable to keep something secret, but I knew that, on the contrary, he was a very secretive and modest person who would never say too much.

No comma needed

However, this word may not be introductory, then commas are not required before or after “on the contrary”.

  • Semyon was very self-willed and always did everything the other way around.
  • My brother made a bunch of mistakes in the test, as if he deliberately wrote everything backwards or answered incorrectly.

Please note that there can also be a noun “turnover” with the preposition “on”; this combination is written separately and is also not separated by commas.

  • Few people paid attention to the back of the postcard.
  • He pinned the pouch onto the back of his coat collar.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week’s statistics, only 40% answered correctly)

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