"national economy of the USSR. Main agricultural crops History of registration and protection of discoveries

The section presents scientific discoveries included in the State Register scientific discoveries THE USSR". The formulas of discoveries, their popular scientific descriptions, areas of application, development prospects, information about the authors, numbers and dates of priorities are given. The discoveries are systematized according to the main fields of science:

  • SPACE – atmospheric physics, astrophysics, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus;
  • EARTH – geophysics, geochemistry, ore formation, mineralogy;
  • HUMAN, BIOLOGY – medicine, genetics, physiology, biophysics, cytology, oncology, viruses;
  • PHYSICS, RADIOACTIVITY – nuclear physics, elementary particles, plasma, thermonuclear fusion, transurans;
  • CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS SCIENCE – physical chemistry, electrochemistry, radiochemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry;
  • MECHANICS, AUTOMATION, ELECTRONICS – optics, acoustics, ultrasound, magnetism, radar, radio electronics, computer technology, semiconductors;
  • UNIVERSE - scientific discoveries, theories, predictions in the study of the structure and functioning of the Universe.

History of registration and protection of discoveries

Considering the enormous importance of scientific discoveries for the development of culture, science and technology, at the end of the 19th century the world community began to think about the advisability of special protection of scientific discoveries. This question was first formulated at the London Congress of the International Literary and Artistic Association in 1879. Since then, approximately once every decade, this issue has been discussed at the congresses of this association. But only in 1978. member countries of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) adopted the Geneva Treaty Concerning the International Registration of Scientific Discoveries. This Treaty intended to secure the authorship and priority of the discovery, but it has not entered into force to date (2012).

International protection of scientific discoveries did not take place, despite the fact that similar national experience already existed in the countries of the socialist community: the USSR - since 1947, Czechoslovakia - since 1957, Bulgaria - since 1961, Mongolia - since 1970, Cuba - since 1983

In the Soviet Union in 1947. By order of I.V. Stalin, the State Register of Scientific Discoveries was established. For a long time, the register was almost not replenished due to disagreements in the definition of the terms “discovery” and “invention”. In 1955, a special commission was created under the Committee of Scientific and Technical Terminology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which developed precise definition term “scientific discovery” – “establishment of previously unknown objects objectively existing patterns, properties and phenomena material world, introducing fundamental changes in the level of cognition." This definition is legally enshrined in the "Regulations on discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals", approved at the level of the Council of Ministers of the USSR by Resolution No. 584 of August 21, 1973, which is still formally in force today due to the fact that no one canceled it.

The first discovery in the USSR was registered on June 26, 1957. with priority from March 15, 1947. Over the next 35 years, more than 400 discoveries were registered in the USSR, while the number of applications for discoveries exceeded 12 thousand. In 1961 the right to discovery was enshrined in the Fundamentals of Civil Legislation and became the same constitutional right of citizens Soviet Union as the right to rest and work. The system of state registration of discoveries actually ceased to operate after the legal division of the USSR in 1991.

For more details, see the Documents section. Laws. Articles.

The fate of scientific discoveries

Some scientific discoveries registered in the Soviet Union before 1991 received unexpected developments. For example, discovery No. 231 (Getmantsev effect) in 1974. served as the basis for the development of climate weapons and the construction of the notorious HAARP system.

Perhaps the most widespread - almost global - application was discovered by discovery No. 24, which laid the foundations for mobile communications, and now not a single mobile phone in the world can do without using the physical effect discovered by Soviet scientists in 1959.

How the “Theft of the Century” unfolded was the fate of discovery No. 12, which became the basis for the creation of lasers, which are now used in every computer and in Internet lines. The authors of the discovery made the most difficult - the first stage towards identifying a new physical phenomenon, their priority was documented, but their names were not even included in the Nobel list.

An instructive story occurred with discovery No. 101, which served as the basis for the creation of artificial diamonds. Priority in theoretical calculations belongs to our scientist O.I. Leypunsky. The Americans were the first to open the commercial production of artificial diamonds without legal approval from our country. After legal proceedings, the issue was resolved in favor of our country.

Discovery No. 122 (the Kaznacheev effect) deserves special attention, marking a new stage in a person’s development of his genetically determined potential and helping to reveal extrasensory, telepathic and healing abilities.

Discovery No. 68 by I.N. Yanitsky, which makes it possible to identify on the surface of the Earth signs of geophysical processes occurring in the deep interior and manifested in earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc., is becoming exceptionally relevant every year. If the development of this scientific discovery were to be carried out in a timely manner If adequate resources had been invested, the tragedies in Chernobyl and Fukushima would have been avoided.

The following materials are used in the development of the site:

  • "Discoveries. Inventions." Official bulletins of the Patent Office 1969–1991.
  • "Discoveries in the USSR". Collection brief descriptions discoveries included in the State Register of Discoveries of the USSR / State. com. on inventions and discoveries at the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR. Moscow. VNIIPI. 1957–1991
  • "Discoveries of Soviet scientists." Konyushaya Yu. P. M.: Moscow. worker. 1979
  • Journal "Bulletin of the RAS". 1967–1990
  • Information from the authors of scientific discoveries.
  • Information from open sources.
Description of the object


Site specialist: N.V. Terekhina.
GIS specialist: N.V. Terekhina

Date of creation:




Map accuracy:

the minimum territorial unit is regional sown areas according to a map of cultivated land, generalized to a scale of 1:20,000,000.


"Equal-sized Albersa on the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Main content:

The vector map of the species' range is represented by layers with polygons (zone of distribution and intensive cultivation).

Classifier accuracy:

Maps represent generalized information about the distribution of a species from published literature sources (accurate to the region).

Methodology for drawing up a map:

The area map was built on the basis of literary data (State Register, 1994, 2004) and a map of the cultivation of vegetable crops for the territory of the USSR (Atlas, 1960). In the USSR, the species' range covers almost all agricultural territories, since the species is grown everywhere (Chesnok, 1988). The main areas for cultivating winter varieties are Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, southern regions of Russia, Central Asia, southern Kazakhstan (Alekseeva, 1960, 1979; Vekhov, 1978; Kazakova, 1978; Likhatsky, 1990; Bekseev, 1998).

Data sources:

Alekseeva M.V. Cultural bows. M., 1960
Alekseeva M.V. Garlic M., 1979
Atlas Agriculture THE USSR. Rep. ed. Tulupnikov A.I. M. 1960
Bekseev Sh. Vegetable crops of the world. Encyclopedia of gardening. St. Petersburg, 1998.
Vekhov V.N., Gubanov I.A., Lebedeva G.F. Cultivated plants THE USSR. M. 1978.
State register of selection achievements approved for use. M. 1994.
State register of selection achievements approved for use. M. 2004.
Zimina T.A. Onions and garlic on Sakhalin. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 1954.
Kazakova A.A. Onion // Cultural flora of the USSR. Under. Hand. D.D. Brezhnev. L., 1978.
Likhatsky V.I. Garlic. Kyiv, 1990.
Tulupova A.A., Tulupov Yu.K., Prokofieva N.A., Sukhorukova N.S. Vegetables in your garden. Barnaul, 1990.
Garlic. Comp. L.L. Eremenko. Novosibirsk, 1988.

Rights and copyrights:

All rights to the map, descriptions and photos belong to their author.
© N.V. Terekhina.

] Responsible for the release of L.A. Umansky.
(Moscow: Publishing House "Finance and Statistics", 1987. - State Committee USSR according to statistics)
Scan, OCR, processing, Htm format: Efremov, 2012; Scan, processing, Djv format: ???, provided by: Mikhail, 2013

    Preface (3).
    The scale of creation (5).
    Renewal of the world (28).
    Creating the foundations of a new society (32).
    Implementation of Lenin's plan for building socialism (33).
    Economy of the USSR during the Great Years Patriotic War (43).
    Recovery and further development National economy (47).
    Development of the national economy in 1961-1985. (49).
    Course - acceleration (52).
    1986 - Perestroika in action (56).
    Science and technological progress (60).
    The material and technical base of the national economy, its technical re-equipment and reconstruction (100).
    Efficiency of use of labor resources (107).
    Resource saving (112).
    Improving management and economic mechanism (115).
    Gross social product and national income (122).
    Industry (125).
    Fuel and energy complex (161).
    Metallurgical complex (164).
    Mechanical engineering complex (166).
    Chemical-forest complex (176).
    Construction industry (184).
    Production of consumer goods (186).
    Agro-industrial complex (200).
    Plant growing (222).
    Livestock (253).
    Food industry (268).
    Capital investments and supplies of material resources (274).
    Forestry (285).
    Agroindustrial complex enterprises (287).
    Personnel in the agro-industrial complex (300).
    Labor productivity in the agro-industrial complex (311).
    Capital construction (316).
    Transport and communications (340).
    Rail transport (343).
    Maritime transport (348).
    River transport (350).
    Main pipeline transport (353).
    Road transport (354).
    Urban passenger electric transport (363).
    Air transport (368).
    Communication (370).
    Population and labor resources (373).
    Use of national income (430).
    Wages and income of the population (431).
    Providing the population with goods and services (449).
    Housing provision (508).
    Public education and culture (523).
    Health protection (585).
    Earth (607).
    Subsoil (608).
    Forest protection (610).
    Rational use and protection of water resources (612).
    Air pool (614).
    Security environment in the area of ​​Lake Baikal (616).
    Costs of environmental protection measures and commissioning of capacities (618).
    Foreign trade of the USSR (640).
    Cooperation of member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (648).
    Economic and technical assistance to the USSR (650).
    Development of the USSR and other socialist countries in comparison with capitalist countries (653).
    Territory and population of countries of the world 699 Brief methodological explanations of individual statistical indicators given in the yearbook (711).

Publisher's abstract: The anniversary statistical yearbook contains the most important data on the economic and social development of the USSR over the years Soviet power, characterizing the population, the development of sectors of the national economy, science and technology, the growth of the well-being of the people. Some data characterizing the development of other socialist countries are published. A number of indicators are compared with those of capitalist countries.
For economists, statisticians, scientists, party and economic workers, propagandists.

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