Public education (magazine). Magazines Journal of Public Education archive

Chumakov, V. The oldest magazine in Russia/ Victor Chumakov, Arseny Zamostyanov; under general ed. A. M. Kushnira. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Public Education, 2013. - 352 p. - (Public Education, 2013, No. 5).

The first book in Russian historiography about the two-hundred-year history of educational and pedagogical periodicals.

From the very first issue and through all its 1428 issues, the fate of the magazine closely intersects with the fate of famous people Russia - its rulers, politicians, military leaders, great scientists, poets, writers, journalists, historians, teachers and other cultural and educational figures.

The book gives brief overview political and cultural history of Russia over the past 210 years, special attention is paid to the problems of public education, including modern schools.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, primarily for educators and anyone interested in the history of the fatherland and issues of education.

From the editor:

The magazine “Public Education” is 210 years old!
Before you is a chronicle of the history of the oldest pedagogical publication in Russian. The chronicle is instructive and fascinating.

Here is a book that speaks volumes to the hearts of any of us involved in education.

What baggage did we bring to the anniversary? You will learn about this from the essays on the history of the magazine that we bring to your attention.

Let's say without boasting: this story is unique. This is not our merit; many generations of scientists, teachers, educational organizers, politicians, educators worked for the reputation of “People’s Education”.

The magazine has become a true university of Russian education.
The list of authors of the publication over 210 years is impressive. Gogol. Mendeleev, Lobachevsky... Ushnsky, Uvarov. Veselovsky.. Shakhmatov, Buslaev, Shatsky... Lunacharsky, Sukhomlinsky, Mikhalkov... The highest level!

We hope that today the magazine serves the Enlightenment with honor.
Happy anniversary of the magazine, our dear readers!
After all, this is a common holiday for everyone who holds Enlightenment dear, who has passed through the heart the concept of “teacher.” "school", "knowledge".
And the history of the magazine, like the history of the country, continues...

We hope, dear reader, for a happy continuation of the 210-year history...

Serving the Enlightenment

During these years, the pages of the oldest periodical in Russia reflected the chronicle of the Russian Enlightenment.

A special sign is that the oldest magazine in Russia turned out to be a school magazine, a magazine of the educational community. After all, it was the ideas of the Enlightenment that determined the continuity of Russian culture at different times and with all political cataclysms.

Studying the history of the journal means studying the history of Russian science.
Not only pedagogy, but also philology, history, cultural studies.

The magazine played a crucial role in promoting the Russian language as a unifying principle for a huge multinational country.

Russian social and pedagogical journal Public education- This is an encyclopedic publication.

It covers important events in the field of education, regulations, practical experience of specialists, methodological basis, ethical and psychological aspects of pedagogical activity, problems of education and much more.

All these years, the magazine talked about the school and gave the teachers a voice.
He boldly discovered innovators, talked about veterans of the pedagogical workshop,
about our best schools.

The editors have attracted and continue to attract freelance authors - teachers, methodologists, scientists, heads of educational authorities at various levels - from the ministry to the municipality - to participate in the magazine's issues.

Their professional experience and civic interest in the development of education and improving its quality help constructively discuss the most important problems on the pages of the magazine, help overcome professional difficulties and increase creative activity.

Each issue is a whole book of information useful for teachers, administrators, methodologists and other education professionals.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the magazine “National Education” has served Russian education.
And this ministry still continues.

Public education

Title page of the magazine. 1834
Specialization scientific and practical journal of encyclopedic type, almanac
Periodicity monthly
Language Russian
Editorial address Saint Petersburg
Editor-in-Chief A. M. Kushnir
Founders Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy Education, Pedagogical Society of Russia, ANO Publishing House "Public Education".
Country Russian Empire Russian Empire
Russia Russia
Publisher Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education of the Russian Empire, People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR,
Publication history 1803 - present
Public education at Wikimedia Commons

In addition to his official appointment, he was also scientific journal by department humaniora, giving preference to history and literary history.

Indexes to the magazine:

  • 1) to the official part - (St. Petersburg, );
  • 2) Galanina, to the unofficial part - (St. Petersburg, );
  • 3) to temporary publications of the ministry, from to June (St. Petersburg, );
  • 4) Alphabetical - years;
  • 5) Alphabetical - ;
  • 6) Lyashchenko, systematic - Messrs. (in appendix to).
  • Index of articles placed in the unofficial part - gg. (SPb.,) and with - (ib.,).

Particular mention should be made of the bibliographical supplement to the journal, which was, in fact, a systematic index of all books published in the Russian Empire during the year.

After 1917

Magazine cover. 1890

After the revolution, the magazine was published under the names “People’s Education” (-) and “People’s Education” (c).

Currently, the magazine “Public Education” is published 10 times a year. The editor-in-chief is A. M. Kushnir, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

The magazine is the founder since 2003 International competition educational institutions named after A. S. Makarenko (in 2003, the 115th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Makarenko was celebrated).

In 2003, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the magazine, the book “The Oldest Magazine of Russia” was published, which traces the history of the publication from the time of the first Minister of Education


In accordance with the agreement between the Department of Education of the Perm Region and the Russian socio-pedagogical journal “National Education”, a regional representative office (korpost) of the journal has been opened in the Perm Region, the tasks of which include:

· informing the teaching community, as well as other segments of the population about the implementation educational policy at the federal and regional level;

· conducting educational work in the region on issues related to changes in legislation in the field of education, the adoption of new educational standards, the introduction of advanced programs, technologies, etc.

· implementation of scientific and methodological programs at the regional level.

Regional representative office (correspondent office) of the Russian socio-pedagogical magazine “National Education” (Moscow)
invites you to cooperate.

The topics of materials presented in the journal “Public Education” and its supplements cover a wide range of issues related to the implementation of educational policy: education management, educational process, learning problems. The magazine contains both official information and methodological developments.

Your articles on current issues in the theory and practice of education may be published in the following publications:

1. “Public education”,

2. “School technologies”,

3. " Social pedagogy»,

4. “Educational technologies”,

5. “School planning”,

6. “Pedagogical technique”,

7. “Pedagogical diagnostics”,

8. " Research work schoolchildren",

9. “Educational work at school”,

10. "Rural school".

The following topics are of particular interest:

2. Charity.

3. Alternative forms of teacher certification.

4. Problems of primary school.

5. Organization of pre-profile training.

7. School and parents.

8. School library.

9. Pedagogical design.

10. Technologies of educational systems.

11. Experimental activities at school.

12. Public management of the school.

13. Problems of maintaining the mental health of children.

14. Education quality management.

15. Boards of trustees.

16. Multi-age training.

17. Public examination of decisions made by the school.

18. Management of school development.

Alexander Leonidovich Zimin, Chairman of the Department of Education of the Perm Region;

Natalya Viktorovna Sannikova, Deputy Chairman of the Department of Education of the Perm Region;

Yuri Robertovich Vagin, scientific supervisor Perm Educational Research Center for Avital Activity;

Alexander Vitalievich Volkov, Director of the Perm Educational Research Center for Avital Activity;;

Daria Viktorovna Efimova, teacher of additional education at school No. 101, Perm;

Viktor Raulevich Imakaev, Head of the Department of Pedagogical Innovations, Perm Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers;

Nikolai Prokopyevich Spitsyn, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Perm State Pedagogical University;

Elena Vladimirovna Bacheva, senior lecturer at the Perm Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers, head of the Perm Regional public organization"Parental Home";

Natalya Alekseevna Merenkova, Deputy Director for Educational Work of Tchaikovsky state technical school professional technologies and economics;

Igor Nikolaevich Pshenichnikov, teacher at Lyceum No. 2 at Perm State University;

Alexander Ivanovich Paramonov, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Secondary School No. 10, Tchaikovsky, Perm Region;

Valentina Yakovlevna Shalagina, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Police Lyceum named after. Hero of Russia F. Kuzmin;

Mikhail Alexandrovich Plaksin, teacher at Perm State University, head of the “Youth Anti-Fascist Festival” project;

Svetlana Sergeevna Shlyakhova, Associate Professor of the Department of General Linguistics, Perm State Pedagogical University.

Thematic plan of the magazine “Public Education” for 2005

BUT No. 1 - current problems of the second half of the year: preparing schools for the Unified State Exam, improving work with personnel (increasing the skills of teachers in the workplace), management.

A particularly important topic is the work of municipal authorities to improve the municipal educational system.

No. 2 of the magazine is devoted to common problems: the educational process, teaching problems, educational management.

No. 3 is traditionally (for the 4th year now) dedicated to organizing a productive summer holiday for children.

No. 4 this year is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism.

No. 6 is dedicated to the beginning academic year. Current topics:

ü planning and content of the school director’s work in the first half of the year;

ü planning and content of the work of the head teacher and class teachers in the 1st half of the year;

ü methodological work at school, in the region, research on current problems of pedagogical activity.

Priority topics:

1. Planning and organizing the work of the school director, head teacher and class teacher for work in the 1st half of the year.

2. Teachers' councils of the 1st half of the year.

3. Intra-school management (personnel, studies, research activities, diagnostics and intermediate certification).

Issues No. 7-8-9 - regular content. Priority topics are problems of municipal and regional school management, the work of managers (director, head teacher, heads of methodological associations).

No. 10 is dedicated to the economics of education and economics in education.

Main topics:

1. Financial and economic situation in the region (the budget of regional education, what it consists of, how it is rationally used, what the dynamics are for the last 2-3 years).

2. How is the transition to regulatory funding going: model, difficulties, how they are overcome, real plus or minus for the school and students.

3. Economic independence of schools, children’s work, economic effect.

4. Teaching economics in schools and practice (various aspects, forms of employment - school companies, shops, etc.)

5. Training of teachers of this subject.

All this does not limit your creative search. We will readily and gratefully accept any qualifying articles on current issues in educational practice.

To make it easier for you to navigate the issues of the magazine “Public Education” (and others), we organize monthly mailings of our magazine issues to you.

The office of the journal “Public Education” is located at:

st. Kislovodskaya, 13/st. Ovchinnikova, 19
(troll-bus stop “Ul. Milchakova”)

More detailed information can be reached by phone:

234 61 90 - , head of the office;

234 61 49 - , editor.

Reviews and materials can be sent toE- mail: *****@***ru, lipar@ mail. ru.

Dear colleagues!

We inform you about new opportunity ordering and receiving scientific publications and teaching aids published by the publishing house "National Education".

If you are interested in information about any of them, please contact us at the specified phone numbers and/or email address to place an order.

Order fulfillment time is 30-45 days.

Payment upon receipt by mail.

Books from the publishing house "National Education"

Title, year of publication



“Traditional pedagogical technology and its humanitarian modernization”, 2005

The book from the series “Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies” - an expanded and revised version of the previously published manuals “Modern Educational Technologies” and “Social Educational Technologies”, represents traditional pedagogical technology. For a wide range of educators.

“Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of educational programs”, 2005

The book from the series “Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies” - an expanded and revised version of the previously published manuals “Modern Educational Technologies” and “Socio-educational Technologies”, presents pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities (active learning methods) and pedagogical technologies based on efficiency management and organization of the educational process. For a wide range of educators.

“Pedagogical technologies based on didactic and methodological improvement of teaching materials”, 2005

The book from the “Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies” series presents pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material, as well as specific subject pedagogical technologies. For a wide range of educators, students and teachers of pedagogical, psychological and socio-pedagogical specialties.

"Alternative pedagogical technologies", 2005

The book from the series “Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies” - an expanded and revised version of the previously published manuals “Modern Educational Technologies” and “Social and Educational Technologies”, presents alternative pedagogical technologies. For a wide range of educators.

“Guide to organizing self-education for schoolchildren.” Methodological manual, 2001

Concept, content and teaching and methodological tools of the school course of self-education for schoolchildren. A book for teachers, psychologists, social educators.

“Pedagogy of environmental conformity and school reform”, 2004

The author of the book provides a methodological analysis of the education system. The main topic is how to make education accessible and most useful to every child. The book is addressed to educational leaders, teachers and parents.

A. Ermolin

“Navigator of the third millennium, or how to become a scout”, 2004

Thorough teaching materials presented in the book allow us to develop a whole direction educational work at school, an institution of additional education, a club at the place of residence, etc. The book can rightfully be called the official textbook of Russian scouts.

“Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology: preparation and holding”, 2004

IN methodological manual Various aspects of the organization of Olympiads are considered, the responsibilities and actions of various specialists in their preparation and conduct are described.

"Living Pedagogy", 2004

To the 205th anniversary of his birth.

“Cognitive independence of students and development educational technology", 2004

The book examines the origins of educational technology as a pedagogical and social phenomenon. Generations of technologies are discussed and it is found out what opportunities for manifestation of students’ cognitive independence are inherent in them.

"Collective way of learning", 2004

“Yo in your name”, 2004

This book is the first published directory of names, patronymics and surnames that contain the letter “Y”. It will be useful to writers and journalists, school teachers and university professors, students.

"Economics of Education". Book

The book is intended for administrators of educational institutions. The issues of organizing independent financial and economic activities, attracting extra-budgetary funds, taxation and accounting in activities are covered educational institution.

"Economics of Education". Book

The book is intended for the effective work of administrators of educational institutions in organizing independent financial and economic activities.

"Productive Pedagogy", 2003

For teachers of all types of secondary schools, teachers of secondary specialized institutions, senior students, graduate students, organizers of public education, university teachers.

“Olympiad problems in mathematics and methods for solving them,” 2003

The manual discusses special methods for solving olympiad problems, which are often encountered at mathematical olympiads of various levels. Addressed to mathematics teachers, schoolchildren, and students.

"Didactics: from common sense to scientific theory", 2003

A possible way to build a theory of the learning process is presented here at specific example solving the problem of determining the optimal order of studying educational material.

“Directory of recipes for meals for students of educational institutions in Moscow”, 2003

"Directory. Organization of meals for students in educational institutions of Moscow", 2003

The directory includes the necessary regulatory and legal acts of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, other sectoral and territorial executive authorities in the field of school nutrition.

The directory is intended for catering workers of all forms of ownership engaged in serving students in educational institutions.

"Heirs of King Herod", 2003

The book reveals the true goals that stand behind the humane slogans “family planning”, “sex education for adolescents” - to reduce population growth in Russia, reduce the birth rate.

“Chinese cuisine in your home”, 2003

The book tells about the history of Chinese cuisine and its features, and provides recipes for dishes available for home cooking.

“Educational model “Logic of Nature””, 2003

The book examines the conceptual foundations of the integrity of natural science school education, methodological foundations of expert assessment of the integrity of knowledge. Are given school programs, implementing the developed concept.

“Say Yes to Life!”, 2002

"Didactic multidimensional tools", 2002

The book highlights theoretical foundations didactic multidimensional tools, methods of their development.

“Methods for solving problems in physics.” Educational and methodological manual with tasks, 2002

Based on a specially selected system of problems, the content and structure of each method for solving physical problems is revealed, and the operational composition of the actions of which it consists is highlighted. For practicing teachers and students. Recommended for classes with in-depth study physics and to prepare for exams.

“Matter and its consciousness”, 2002

The main thing in this book is the clarification of the logical stages of the structural unification of matter, the identification of “two-atomicity” in them as building blocks. Education is seen as one of many stages.

« Gemini", 1997

Description of a unique psychological observation of twins. In the form of direct recordings, essential aspects of the children’s psyche are revealed.

“The story is getting closer. Problem book", 1996

History tasks help you “plunge” into the past, live through the fascinating process of human development, and gain interest in history and histories of thinking.

Addressed to teachers, schoolchildren, parents and everyone who likes to solve fascinating historical mysteries.

« Golfstrem", 1996

Famous study of creativity.

“The Light of the Artist, or Mikhail Bulgakov against the Diaboliad”, 1995

The published essay provides an accessible and vivid account of his creativity, the core of which was his struggle for independence amid the collapse of many traditional landmarks for Russia - both in life and in literature.

“Theater “Life” - one for the whole Universe”, 1995

Historical parallels between the ancient world and modernity are drawn.

Kumeker L.,

“Freedom to learn, freedom to teach,” 1994

Methods of educational work with children 5-8 years old.

“What is he like? What are you like? What are we?”, 1994

“Control as one of the stages methodological work in a children's educational institution"

"Summer", 2004

Collection of various psychological tests, allowing you to consider and explore the relationships in your family.

"Autumn" part 1, 2004

"Autumn" part 2, 2004

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Winter", 2004

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Early Spring", 2003

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Water", 2004

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

“Preparation of educational institutions for the final certification of students”, 2004

Methodology for preparing an educational institution for the state (final) certification of graduating students. Particular attention is paid to practical issues of preparing and conducting the Unified State Exam.

“Russian rituals. Autumn", 2004

“Russian rituals. Winter", 2004

For senior preschool and primary school age.

“Russian rituals. Spring", 2004

For senior preschool and primary school age.

“Russian rituals. Summer", 2004

For senior preschool and primary school age.

Rick Tatyana

“Golden acorns. Pieski", 2004

For senior preschool and primary school age.

"Planet Earth", 2005

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Living Planet", 2005

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Stones of the Earth", 2005

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

"Pets", 2005

Classes with children of senior preschool age.

“The main direction of development of education in modern world", 2005

Pedagogical technology, which has been developed in theory and practice for many years by proponents of the collective method of learning. The book is addressed to school teachers and university professors.

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